82nd st. andrew’s night banquet details, details,...

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82nd St. Andrew’s Night Banquet Details, Details, Details…

November 30, 2018

This is a step-by-step guide how to run the St. Andrew’s Night

Banquet…(Hint - check off the bullet points, so nothing gets missed!)


o Book the Embro Zorra Community Centre for the last Thursday and Friday in

November (large hall for function, small hall for coat check) and sign a contract.

o Despite the temptation, rent the hall on Thursday so any equipment set up early

is protected and insured.

o Hire the TWP staff to put away the tables and chairs after the event. ($100 well


o Book Janice Mitchell for catering (6:45pm start of program with meal done by

8:15 pm) and confirm prices.

o Plan on selling 30 tables = 240 guests and keep one table for the Ingersoll Pipe

Band so the floor plan shows 31 tables.

o Ask Sim School of Dance to send dancers to perform right after dinner (8:15 pm)

o Ask Ingersoll Pipe Band to play 3-4 pieces right after the dancers (8:30 pm)

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o Book a Guest Speaker or more Entertainment (sign a contract and if needed

send a deposit) would be on stage 8:40-9:15 pm.

o Contact Armour Pro (Bob Breen bob@armourpro.com) and book him for

screens, projectors and the video camera so that we can do a live feed of what is


o Design posters & tickets and distribute at the September general meeting.

o Assign table numbers and chair numbers to each ticket to simplify seating on the

night of the banquet. (odd numbers on the left side of tables, even on the right

side of all tables).

o Have the Board decide who is getting complimentary tickets – Dave Knox (2),

Guest Speaker or Paid Entertainment (2), Bob at Armour Pro (1), Ingersoll Pipe

Band (varies 8-10), Sim School of Highland Dance (2).

o For members who sell a lot of tickets, create a ticket tracking form to help them

better track their ticket sales and cash (Grant Innes sells 40 or so each year).

o To make things easier, collect one cheque from each member for their total


o Note where guests in wheelchairs will be sitting so we don’t set a chair for them.

Try and seat guests with mobility needs out of heavy traffic areas. Tables should

be set up 4.5 feet apart to accommodate all guests comfortably.

o Send electronic image of the poster to all members and to free local flyers.

o Put poster on social media and website.

o Apply 60 days ahead online at the AGCO website for a Special Occasion Permit

(online) have the license for the large hall (6 pm to 1 am) $150 (up from $ 75)

o Book ZHPPS Grade 8’s (or alternately other students (WCI in 2018)) to run the

coat check and to clear tables in the mad rush after the meal. They work for coat

check tips plus we gave them $ 100 for helping clear off the tables. It is

important to tell whomever is doing coatcheck knows to purchase their own coat

check ticketing system.

o Order 32 white table cloths (for 8 ft rectangle tables) and 10 black table cloths

tables + LINEN BAGS from Big Guy Linen Supply 411 Industrial Road # 21,

London at 519-452-0660. (Black are for 6 buffet tables, 2 small tables for the

plates and 2 coffee and tea tables). These can be picked up on the Wednesday

by a volunteer (Ron & Wendy Marshall) and then dropped off post-event.

o Ask 2-3 single men or women to bartend (for 2019 look at someone from outside

the organization so that ZCS members can enjoy themselves).

o Keep the bar open 6 pm to 8:15pm and then close it until the program concludes.

o Ask the Fairboard if we can “borrow” their wine glasses for a donation (70

glassed used in 2018)

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o Call/email/stop in at the Embro LCBO and place a liquor order based on last

year. Recommended for 2019 - 2 bottles of rye (40 ozs), 1 bottle of vodka, 2

bottles of Scotch, Peele Island MERLO (20 bottles), Jackson Trigg’s Chardonnay

(12 bottles), Peele Island Pinot Grigio (20 bottles) Beer – 3 cases of Alexander

Keith’s, 2 cases of Bud Light, 4 (2 L) bottles of Coke, 2 (2 L) bottles of ginger ale,

1 carton of Orange Juice, 1 bottle of Cranberry Juice and 1 bottle of soda. Ice.

o Charge $ 5.00 per drink and $ 20.00 a bottle. Pop is $ 1.00 a glass.

o Find someone to carry the haggis (Vice president)

o Ask someone to address the haggis (Kevin Dolan – 2018, Jennifer Moodie -


o Ask Ruth Ross to lead us in O Canada and God Save the Queen at the opening

and Auld Lang Syne for the closing (she will need the words). It is done acapella.

o Ask two people to be ushers (should be dressed in lots of tartan for impact, be

able to move quickly around the room and stay on task).

o Ask our member Rev. Bill White to give the blessing (or a designate if he cannot)

o Hang up the St. Andrews Flag (or Sherry Sim Mural) at the rear of the stage.

o Ensure the decorating crew (Doug & Janice Ferguson are the decor leads) are

contacted so they can help out. Women who help are Laura Green, Diane

Normand, Anne Innes, Katherine Grieve, Wendy Marshall, Jo MacKay, Helen


o Organize volunteers for set-up day and to assist with the removal of the

decorations only after the banquet.

o Get large thick paper napkins that will match the ZCS tartan table runners

(Katherine Grieve).

o Get votives (either those that light or are battery operated if safety is a concern)

o 60 days out - finalize the Menu (2016, 2017, 2018) have been the same

Broccoli Salad (bacon, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, mayo (eggs) Coleslaw mayo (eggs)– mashed potatoes (dairy ) – turnip ( butter ) – carrots and peas ( butter ) – turkey – stuffing ( gluten -no meat just turkey stock) cranberries - gravy with one crock pot gluten free for each table – rolls and butter – scones – haggis – steamed pudding which has beef suet and gluten - caramel sauce – carrot cake and pie ( pork lard ) - all baked goods obviously with gluten .

o Get all tickets paid for at the November meeting so there is no cash changing

hands on the night of!

o Ensure the treasurer gets the bar float, invoices from contractors so bills can be

paid promptly and prepares the financial statement for the event.

o Collect up all the EHG photos or ZCS annual photos and put in a slideshow as a

year-in-review! Guests love looking at people. (Helen Dowd puts this together

with photos from Doug Ferguson).

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o Ensure the delay between each screen change is long enough that people can

read the content etc. (5 seconds) and Bob @ Amourpro ensures it loops so it is


o Ensure the words to Auld Lang Syne are in their own Powerpoint and will be

shown stand alone at the end of the night.

The Stage

Showing Screen and Projector Placement

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SET-UP DAY - THURSDAY o Invite volunteers to arrive at 9:00 am prompt so people are done at noon.

o Make sure the HEAT is turned on well in advance of arrival so the room is warm.

o Deal with the stage (take it apart and centre one width of it against the south

wall), put the other width centred on the east wall and set the flag stand on it and

tuck the third piece of the stage in the chair & table storage room).

o Ensure mic is set-up and tested before stage is locked down.

o Put the stairs on either end of the stage.

o Set up tables in the planned pattern and cover with white cloths.

o Ensure there is 4.5 feet left between all tables.

o Get decorating supplies from the cultural storage locker. (Gord MacKay has the


o Set table runners, centre pieces & table numbers (Helen has) at each table.

o Set knife, fork and spoons, and napkins at each place setting.

o Set up 6 buffet tables and drop black cloths on them (two rows of three)

o Set up 2 coffee & tea tables (near plugs) and drop black cloths on them.

o Find the EZCC small tables (4 ft) and set them up for the plates at opposite ends

of the buffet.

o In the small hall, set-up tables for the coat check and cover with navy cloths.

o Get the coat hanger racks and hangers in place behind the tables.

o In the small hall set up three round tables with 6 chairs each (as a waiting area)

o Count the number of everything at the EZCC and make sure staff go to

Thamesford to get more plates, knives, forks, spoons, water pitchers etc.

o Get the tartan banners out and angle them in the south corners at each end.

o Get the Embro Highland Games display set-up (Doug Ferguson).

o Get the flag rack out and insert the five flags we want out (Keith Matheson).

o Put out the display of (tug) artifacts that we are privy to (Doug Ferguson).

o Set up a table inside the door in the large hall for membership & tartan sales.

o Keep door closed in the old cloakroom and use it for storage (decorating

containers etc.)

o Assign a detail person to check over each place setting so they have fork, knife

spoon, chair, napkin etc. (Janice Ferguson)

o Place salt & pepper shakers (either on buffet or on each table of 8)

o Put all plates the EZCC owns in the oven on Thursday so they are warm for the

buffet. The caterer will retrieve them and put them out at the buffet just before

we eat (Gord & Helen)

o Set out 8 plastic glasses on each table.

o Count out the water pitchers and have them ready in the bar (Jo MacKay bought

extras in 2018).

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o Ensure the dish, oven mitts, liquor, lighter etc. is organized for the haggis lighting.

o Assign someone to look after the lighting for the evening – knowing when to turn

them on and turn them off (agree on the “look” for the majority of the evening -

this year we had the centre florescent lights on, both ends turned off with

secondary lights (pot lights and the wall sconces were both on))

o Pick up and stock the bar (beer, liquor, wine, glasses, ice, tongs, bowls, cocktail

napkins) on Thursday afternoon from the Embro LCBO.

o Make a sign for the bar that shows what we are selling (Helen does).

o Have Doug Ferguson bring in the ZCS podium he made and mount it to the stage

for safety.

o Ensure the TWP staff do a sound check in advance so mic & speakers work.

o Put welcome/directional signs on outside/front doors to guide new guests in.

o Post the ZCS photo release at the main doors so guests know they could be

photographed or a video taken of them at the event.

o Place the EZCC podium at the front door so the Host/Hostess can use to

organize their notes) – put the large scale seating plan on a stand for easy


o Write thank yous on ZCS cardstock to everyone who is getting a


The tables and buffet area are all set up.

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o Post welcome signs and photo release consent signs.

o Lock doors leading into the large hall and open them at 6 pm to maintain order.

o Post SOP at the door in the bar and make sure bar is ready to roll for 6 pm.

o Get AV running so slides are ready for 6 pm.

o Light the candles (bring extra lighters from home).

o Get the lighting set for how the president wants it.

o Get Scottish music playing over the sound system (Holly).

o Get Host/Hostess & Ushers at the door ready (Holly, Geoff Innes & Helen).

o Have the president and his/her spouse there ready to greet guests with a


o At 6:30 pm bar staff to fill up pitchers of water with ice and place on each table.

o 6:40 pm announce we are starting in 5 mins…

PRESIDENT’S SCRIPT 6:45 p.m. Lights off, piping in of the haggis. Ruth Ross – O Canada and God Save the Queen (is ready to go on stage as soon as the haggis leaves so she can keep everyone standing). Good evening – my name is Gord MacKay president of the Zorra Caledonian Society I welcome you to the 82st annual St. Andrew’s Night Banquet as we honour St. Andrew, the Patron Saint of Scotland and celebrate the success of the 81 th Embro Highland Games held July 1. For many of us our ancestors came to Zorra and settled the Embro area at the time of the clearances in Scotland in the 1830’s looking for a better life in Canada. I think we need to thank our ancestors for making that choice. Thank you to the Ingersoll Pipe Band, Kevin Fraser and Kevin Dolan and Ruth Ross for sharing their talents to open our banquet. Since we have a full house, I have a few housekeeping details -PROGRAM - will be on the screen – including information on “who is St. Andrew”, pictures from our 2018 Embro Highland Games at Canada’s Outdoor Park and the words to Auld Lang Syne. -BAR- is open all night, except during the program so keep that in mind. WASHROOMS- are along the back wall & Fire Exits are at both ends of the Hall -TONIGHT-Students from WCI are running the coat check and will help clear tables while you are getting tea/coffee and dessert. The Caledonian Society has donated $1000 plus your donations from the coat check to go towards their March Break Trip to Taiwan. Zorra has a long history with mission work in Taiwan and the students will make a presentation on their trip when they come back, at a future meeting. -TEA AND COFFEE - There are two tea and coffee stations one located by the kitchen and the other one by the exit door. INTERMISSION-I will give a NOTICE 10 mins before the start of the program so that will be our intermission this evening.

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REV. BILL WHITE-I would now like to call forward Rev. Bill White to give the blessing. BUFFET- 2 lines- we will start at the outside working our way to the middle 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. Eat 8:05 WARNING 8:15 pm JANICE MITCHELL – a warm round of applause for Janice Mitchell and her staff for a great meal! INTRODUCE DIGNITARIES- I would like to recognize some dignitaries with us – we have the Mayor of Zorra Margaret Lupton and Ward 4 Councillor Doug Matheson here. There are two things each president of this Society prays for – an absence of an all-day rain July 1 st and no snow on the day we hold the St. Andrew’s night banquet but I think we need to add a 3rd this year (less heat on July 1st). 2018 was an interesting year for our Society. For the first time in our 81 year history the Games were moved out of Embro to Canada’s Outdoor Park Northwest of Woodstock. This was a 1 year trial and at our October meeting after a good discussion it appears for the majority our hearts are still in Embro and the 2019 Embro Highland games will be returning to Embro. Of course for any volunteer organization, a lot of credit goes to the board of directors and I would like to introduce you to them now. As I call out their names, they will stand and please hold your applause to the end: Kevin Fraser, Laura Green, Jim Grieve, Steve MacDonald, Ron Marshall, Alan Normand, Geoff Innes, Angus Thomson, Jack Matheson, Helen Dowd . Treasurer – Peter Fleming, Secretary – Jennifer Moodie. Coordinator - Holly MacDonald BRIGADOON - presently showing at Town Hall - many of our members are involved - Que cards at the registration table with the details - appreciate your support. MEMBERSHIPS - $5 - Holly at back table. We ALSO have a diverse membership and I would like all our members to stand and be recognized. CLAP Now - on with the program… 8:20 p.m. Dancing… Like to introduce Sherry Sim from the Sim School of Highland Dance to lead off the entertainment. Her school of dance has been located in Embro for over 25 years and has had many successes over the years. She will share some of them with us tonight. 8:35 p.m. Pipe Band

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Now we will hear from the Ingersoll Pipe Band which is marking its 108th year since the formation of the band. They will play……ask the band and then fill this in so people know the songs. 8:45 p.m. Helen to Introduce Dan Needles 8:45 – 9:15 Guest Speaker – Dan Needles 9:15 p.m. Closing Remarks Thank Dan - sense of humor - Books for sale - Tartan for Sale - Memberships for sale - RECOGNIZE - Dave Knox for looking after our Website Tonight we have had the opportunity to reflect on the fine Scottish traditions that we have been gifted and to feel encouraged about the future. Many people have shared their time and talents to make this a memorable evening. The ZCS sincerely thanks everyone who has assisted in making this a special night.(Special mention of Doug & Janice Ferguson for their part in decorating and setting up the HISTORY Display) I think those who began the Society in 1937 would be very pleased & Proud to see what they started 81 years ago, not only survive but flourish! Now I will ask Ruth Ross to return to the stage as we close with the singing of Auld Lang Syne. Refer to the screen for the words… I bid you all a good night, safe trip home and we look forward to seeing you in


FRIDAY – after it is over….

o Wash up wine glasses and return to the Fairboard

o Collect up all garbage & recycling and put in containers

o Put décor items back in the totes and place back in the cultural storage locker.

o Put white linens in linen back and black in another bag.

o Leave the room empty with just the tables and chairs left set-up.


o Return what we can to the LCBO for a credit and get copies of all paperwork.

o Drop off the paperwork to the Treasurer.

o Book the EZCC for the last Friday night of November for next year.

o Send an email to everyone who helped thanking them and asking for any

suggestions for improvement.

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Photos from 2018 SANB

The Historical Displays

Kevin and Kevin with the Haggis

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President Gord MacKay with Rev. Bill White

Ingersoll Pipe Band

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Sim School of Highland Dance

Guest Speaker – Dan Needles

This concludes the 2018 SANB Handbook.

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