8it roberts aise., kensington, li9th n dear nat, because yoiu … · 2017-06-07 · 8it roberts...

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8iT Roberts Aise.,Kensington,

li9th N o t .Dear Nat,

Because yoiu know the reserratioEns? E felt after reading the fiirst issue of "The Classic” I must let yo» know that No. 2 -wipes them comple-tely a-waj. Cangratula-tiomsr I think the new dcrection is the oniLy right one for what can be ooir best lierary magazine e-rer. I liked most of the contents, the way, but "The Last Leg" runs away with the honours^ H was pDeased also by the strictness of Lewis''s. rewiew. I hope you'lL give us more like that from him:: it is necessary medicine.

Best wishes.


November 20, 1963

Dr. Oskar Splett,Secretary General,Afrika - Gesellschaft e.V.,53 Bonn,Mark! I0~I2,Germany.

Dear Dr. Splett,

Your letter to Mr. Bareng, addressed to Drum Magazine has been referred to me. I am the editor of a new literary magazine, copies of whose two frist issues I have enclosed herewith.

From your letter to Mr. Bareng, I gathered that you wish to have information about African creative writers. As editor of fhe Classic, 1 am always keen to n ensure that as many interested people as ^ossAble come to know about our contributors. It is for that reason that I have supplied you with copies of our magazine, i suggest that you write to any of the writers you wish to have information about , asking them to furnish it. y ^

y / S - i -T y'A t . A 5 «r ,Finally,'^ I would like to learn from you as to what the

scope of your soceity's work is. This, with a view to exploring the possibility of future collaboration with you.

Yours sincerely,


P.0, Box 52,Mbabane,Swaziland.22nd November, 1963.

The Classic Magazine Trust Fund,P.O. Box 6434,Johannesburg.

Bear Sir,Congratulations on the first publication of The ClassiclI notice there is arshort story by Lewis Nkosi, who is an

intimate friend of mine. But we lost contact over the past few years. Can you very kindly send me his address in London .

Every good wish.

Yours faithfully.

L.A. Mpama.

25th Ncvember, 1963.

Mr. L.A. Mpoma, P.O. Box 52, Mbabane, SWAZILAND.

Dear }{r. Mpama,Thanks for your letter dated 22nd November.

Levis Nkosi's address 1st

9, Upper Addison Gardens, LONDON W. 14.England.

Yours faithfully.


A F R I C A J O U R N A L I S T S ’ T R A I N I N G S C H E M E

The Royal College P.O. Box 30197 NAIROBI Kenya

Telephone: 23358Cable Address: INTERPRESS NAIROBI 26th November, 1963*

If -

Dear Nat,

When is the second mjjnber of "The Classic" due out? our students are anxious to see it.


Incidentally, you owe me a copy of the first number since I sent you enough to cover an extra issue. Do have this sent off to me in any case — one of the students on the first course pinched the original copy.

We have now got 19 students from all over East and Central Africa, and at least some of them are hoping to write something for the magazine.

All good wishes,



Tom Hopkinson,

Mr. Nat Nakasa, Editor,"The Classic", P.O.Box 6434?J ohannesburfe, S.A.


Decenibe ■ 2', 1963

T)nor> Tom,Very eurprioin t .• hear that you have rot yet recelve-d

y'ur secern issue of The Classic, It wus mailed t - ;you early ls‘'t m'-r+-" ,

V'e have had a similar complairt frc-- Kyrsale. cl, I do hone it 1 ' r o t h i ^ ; . r e than the usual post offic'^ de"!ays,s{3tii Meanwhile, I am qcjoii ^ yoi another copy of nuirher ore an well as one - of the new ' nsuc. . .

Von. will notice • that toe seesMt first l a no*v tiffe ently pT'inted, t’anhe to a change f printers v/hich /e decidc*d upon noon after hringi";';: oat our first lot,'

Than' you very much for er.cour.-ging your studentrs to . :tahe notice of an, e will need their- contrihuti ns. Looks I 'l e the third inruc v/ilt carry stories from Mozambiqxie, j^orrocco, rnr’ tin' j‘or'-.e:i‘ Prer-rh colonies.

Best wln]3nn-r-^

Mr, Toiiopkinso" , I r t e T'-f ; 1 1 o r a l '^•ne r r T - ' e ■ R - r v l C o n . o P.O. Bax 3019^,' N a i r o b i ,Fenyr'

liathaniel Kakaca.


December 3, 1963Hr Anther - 'Jchuctcyf Simon Ani >chi’m?ter, Inc.,T?ochefeller Centr'^,630 71f tli AV'-niie,He- Y 20.Dear T ny,

Ab ut a m-n h ago, when h-: .eeconrl isr.ue of The Classic came out, I sort von one'eopy. Seeing ae I have not hetrd from you irr;, -• n oeginnin,: to wonder if far pt per o v e r reached

Your cony to ;nth r rith another to our Poundati n v.rre T7ip-ir>ti 'br ai'’’. strangely en- ujh, the ? undatiLn h o not ritten + rckn-W'ied'r- 7*eceipt of their copy either. If y ;u still haven't 'ot y ur; - ' r m : r- ceive +htr. letter, pier— e let me lar.ov ro thatI ’-.'iuld :,r u nn ther.

For oome rear, n or ;thcr, a grov/ing numbf • of friends aro sud' ’en y urging me to get out of this hole. One of them, n chiTdh- d friend, Lev/is Kkosi, hr- just gone to the S-utheiTi

report o Jim Grow for the ’•Ohserver". I don't loiow what I'p, that the U.S. nnd Eiorone do to ray fellow tribesmen, bui; they rrvir' 'bout those yonder parts. If the ods permxt, 1 suppose

I'll fi d 'Ty way thc:^e on.':' of these days,Dr^vid ]c'r e-'drr t'lie mo you are do ng a lot of work to

h e e me on the • ''iemrn Fellowohio jaunt. D©t me o y th<. nk y-u very ranch f 'T’ that ar ' I'm lo king forward to a note f-’O y ai ab..ut it In a way, m- int-'-'est in getting out is intensi:L'ied by the f-ct that r' charmir^'* ^ir")friend of long standing recently left meVor r- -the?- I w - r in Sweden. She has since been writing lett-rs in ••'hic"i she soys "we got engaged at midnight yentcilay''; eresettli ng ''’o'-'n"; "1^ are savrlng". Heavens I How much of this"rubbing it in" can any loverboy take?

regards t ■' arah. Sincerely y 'Ur<=!,

Fa 1:167 W rasa

December 4, 1963

The American Embasaj, Van der Stel Building, Pretoria.Dear Sir,

i \faring read a circular letter anouncing non->academic scholarships available to South Africans in the United States, I nov take this opportunity to ask you for further particulars concerning the scholarshipSo

Thank you.

Yo«r^ n c ei e ly ,fl-- :

Nathaniel Nakasa.


f;'■ 'ir:'

. . .




- .!■

A F R I C A J O U R N A L I S T S ’ T R A I N I N G S C H E M E

The Royal College P.O. Box 30197 NAIROBI Kenya

Telephone: 23358Cable Address: INTERPRESS NAIROBI 5th December, 1963*

Dear Nat,

Many thanks for your letter of December 2. The second issue of "The Classic" arrived a couple of days after I wrote to you asking for it. It is very well got up and printed andlooks extremely good. I have not had a chance to look at thecontents yet, though it clearly has a great deal more 'white' content than the first number. I like the drawings.

I note that a second copy of the first issue is on the way to us and I shall keep on at the students to send you con­tributions.

I am enclosing a second subscription on behalf of the International Press Institute, and should like it to begin from the first niimber: that is to say I would like you to send me,please, a further copy of both No.l and No.2.

Good wishes.

Tom Hopkinson. Director.

Mr. Nathaniel Nakasa, Editor,"The ClassicJ^,P.O.Box 6434?J ohannesb^lrg.

SIMON AND S C H U S T E R , INC.publishers

RO CKEFELLER cEiNTER, 630 F ifth Aveuue, Ncw Yovk 20 • CA BLE ADDRESS Essoudess • TELEPHO N E Circle 5-6400

December 10, 1963

Mr, Nathaniel Nakasa The ClassicThe Classic Magazine Trust Fund P.O. Box 6k3k Johannesburg, South Africa

Dear Nat;

You are right — I have not received the second issue of The Classic.If your Foundation did not receive its copy either, I suspect that they both went astray in the mails.

1*11 let you know more about the Nieman Fellowship as soon as I can. In the meantime, I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy 196U.


Anthony M» Schulte

AMS;j sw


IlSh December, 1963



Dear Tom,Good to hear you have now received our second number. The

thing is riddled with mistakes, I ’m afraid. Yes, we do ^ y e a lot more material from v®ite contributors this time. The first issue had very little from them. And I think that is how things will alv/ ys be as long as we are neither a black nor white ma^zine,We 'Te, after all,both.

According to the duplicate of w last letter to you, we did send you a copy of the first issue. It is possible, h o e v r, th-^t th letter wa« prepared before the paper was despatched to 7/ou, only to find that there was no No. I available in the officeat the time. I am unable to verify this as o u t typist htis just g neon leave, I am^therefore^sending you one copy of Vol. One No, 2 as wells as tw o copies of Yol, One No,I,

Did I tell you? Looks like I ’ll be getting out f this place in the new year. Some time in September, possibly to stay n the U.S, for a while. We shall have turned out five issues of The Classic by then and perhaps Richard Rive i s x k or someo le else could take over while I ’m avmy. That’s assuming, of course, that I do get a passport. If I don’t get the passport I ’ll take an exit and part finally with both South Africa nnd T-e Classic, I just wantto go and breathe some fresh air before I ’m too twisted to careabout anything.

Best Y/ishes,

Nathaniel Nakaoa

December 30th,1963.

Mr. J }in Lettering,84-, Baxt.m Street,DOOHTTFOITT' I - .

D e e r Mr, Lettering,Thin la to ackn iwledge receipt of y 'ur letter of

October 30th. I was, until toda, , under the impression that we had replied to your letter. Pleroe pardon the d-lay.

Although I am unab e to publish your letter, I am m nt grateful for the kind rds in it. You mentioned your interest in Short stoi^r -v^riting: The Classic, ar you may imov/ -y now, had anronnced a short story contest in the second is'.ue. Should you wish to enter this contrst, please do not hesitate to do so.

Yours truly, •’‘athaniel ""’aka a

December 30,1963

Mr, B. Leshoal,P.O. BOX 1526,Ndola,Northern Hhodesia,Dear B h,

Thnnlc y o n v e r y m c h for undertaking to sell the paper at yeur end of the world, flea e find two copies f the second issue he-’-ewith. Pour others will he despatched today unders separate cover.

You v;ill also find several copies f our prospectucs and subscription form, ^f you can sell oubscripti ns, all the better.Bob Doder t i m e d up here the other day and we pent a good time quaffing beer at Aunt Suzy’: . He tells me you and your family are doing well, which is vei-y good ne-"B.

ff the gods permit shall pass througii the Hhodesiao on m.v ivay to Hirope some time next year. I've finally got it into

head that I sh'old get out of here.

Y our^truly,


P.O. Box 2630, Johannesburg.31st December, 1963.



My apologies for having called a meeting for Boxing Day without realising what I had done'

The chairman agrees that we should meetlf instead at /.30 p.m, on Thursday, January 9. The venue is "Post" offices, 1st Floor, Haddon’s Building, 62a ^ loff St. Extension (just past the O.K. Warehouses.) Please make every effort to attend. If you cannot come, let Leslie Sehume (tel.3^~^301) or myself (33“3111 ext. 212) know please. Leslie leaves for Port Elizabeth two days later, so we cannot postpone this meeting again.

Yours sincerely,



P-S' ^ ^


P .O . B o x 1 4 1 7 ,

P O R T E L IZ A B E T H .

Dear Hat,Would you enrol me as a sulDScri'ber to THE CIiAS3IG,mail me the

first number as soon as possible,and "bill me fhenjl can’t send you a cheque now hecause I don’t know what you’ll he charging.

I saw a favourable review in that trashy HHI ;7SCHSGEC:I don’t suppose that means much,hut it’s favourable publicity,of which no new publication can have enough.Incidentally,I’ve just'phoned the literary gent who runs the Evening Post book page,to see if they had a revie?; copy,to gdt your sub,rate,and he said they hadn’t but he would like one.They've already "’.ven you a small write-up,but I think that a review would he Ip, too, I wuink the Evening Post one of the few decent dailies in the country.

As you probably know the Government is folding up our division of Rhodes here:-we must be out by the end of next year,but may go at the end of this .So I am looking for another job,may even land up in the old Golden City itselfJ . . . .

Pest of luck with THE CIA3SIG.’ Hope it becomes just that.Give my best wishes to li.Hkosi if you write,

Peter Rodda,


Collection Number: A2696

Collection Name: Nat Nakasa Papers, 1962-2014

PUBLISHER: Publisher: Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand Location: Johannesburg ©2017


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