9-07 factorial planning process

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Webinar Se tember 19, 2007

    ac or a es gnPlannin Process

    ar ra er a com

    Stat-Ease, Inc. Stat-Ease, Inc.

    shari@statease.com pat@statease.com

    DOE Process 1

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process

    ur a as ree par s:

    . roa rus escr p on o eplanning process

    2. Illustrate key points via an example

    3. Summary

    DOE Process 2

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Desi n of Ex eriments

    Controllable Factors x

    DOE (Design of Experiments) is:


    in which purposeful changes

    are made to input factors,

    Process Responses y

    causes for significant changes

    in the output responses.

    Noise Factors z

    DOE Process 3

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Iterative Ex erimentation



    DOE Process 4.

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process (1 of 2)

    1. Identif o ortunit and define ob ective.

    2. State objective in terms of measurable responses.

    a. e ne e c ange y a s mpor an o e ec

    for each response.





    . .

    the factor levels chosen determine the size ofy.)

    DOE Process 5

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process (2 of 2)

    4. Select a desi n and:

    Evaluate aliases (fractional factorials and/or


    interaction (2FI) model.

    of interest); generally use main effects (ME)

    model for robust desi n use onl 1 ME .

    Examine the design layout to ensure all the factor

    result in meaningful information (no disasters).

    DOE Process 6

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process IdentifyO ortunit

    Tools: Brainstorming (fishbone)


    Outputs Voting Form State Objective utputs, y, , ontr ut on

    Factors Voting Form

    Measurable Responses

    DOE inputs, levels, operating range Other inputs

    e ec npu


    e ec an appropr a e ac or a es gn

    Evaluate aliases (fractional factorials

    and/or blocked designs)



    va ua e power

    Examine the design layoutEvaluate

    Aliases & Power

    DOE Process 7ExamineLayout

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process

    ur a as ree par s:

    . roa rus escr p on o e

    planning process

    2. Illustrate key points via an example

    3. Summary

    DOE Process 8

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    A stent is a wire mesh tube used to ro o en an arter

    that's recently been cleared using angioplasty. The stent

    is collapsed to a small diameter over a balloon catheter.s en move n o e area o e oc age.

    , ,

    place and forms a scaffold. This holds the artery open.

    The stent sta s in the arter ermanentl holdin it o en

    to improve blood flow to the heart muscle.

    DOE Process 9

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    1. Identify opportunity and define objective.

    Relate stent deliverability and safety to process factors.

    Guidelines for Brainstormin a Desi ned Ex eriment

    Team Make Up: Experts

    Semi-Experts or Peripheral Experts

    Technicians or OperatorsCustomers

    Scheduling: Two meetings no more than 2 days apart.

    First day spend approximately 1 to 2 hours, , .

    Second day spend approximately 2 to 4 hours

    developing DOE.

    DOE Process 10

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    2. State ob ective in terms of measurable res onses.

    Deliverability is quantified by Trackability and Pushability;

    safety is quantified by Burst pressure. Want to estimate, .

    a. Define the change (y) that is important to detect for.

    b. Estimate experimental error () for each response.

    c. Use the si nal to noise ratio / to estimatepower.

    DOE Process 11

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Outputs Voting Form

    Evaluation of Out uts Votin Form

    Response Type of Response Team Member's Ranking of Importance

    Output (y) (V) Variable of the Responses

    (D) Destructive 1: low rank; 5: high rank

    Average Standard Deviation

    (A) Attribute

    M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8

    DOE Process 12

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System


    Response Unit of Specification Practical Std %MC*

    Y1: Burst psig Maximize 6 8 27%

    Y2: Push g/cm Maximize 15 30 75%

    * % measurement contribution

    Y3: Track g*cm Minimize 10 6 19%

    DOE Process 13

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    3. Select the in ut factors to stud . Remember that the

    factor levels chosen determine the size ofy.)

    Typical factors include:

    Lengths and diameters of various components, e.g.

    tip, balloon, catheter, etc.

    Materials used for the components.

    , . . ,

    balloon is folded, etc.

    , ,

    the balloon, etc.

    DOE Process 14

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factors Voting Form

    Evaluation of Factors Voting Form

    Factor Name Type of Factor Team Member's Ranking of Importance

    Input (x) (C) Control of the Factors

    (N) Noise 1: low rank; 5: high rank

    Average Standard DeviationM1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8

    DOE Process 15

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process



    Unit of F M V B Target Range Comments

    Factor Measure

    F: Fixedfactors that do not change for the duration of the experiment, e.g. One batch of raw

    material, one operator, etc.

    : on or ac ors a owe o vary ur ng e course o e exper men an w emonitored, e.g. temperature, humidity, etc.

    V: Vary factors allowed to vary, but will not be monitored, e.g. temperature, humidity, etc.

    B: Block factors used to block ex erimental runs, e. . time of da , machine, etc.

    DOE Process 16

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    Stent Delivery System

    3. Select the input factors to study.

    Factor Type Low Level () High Level (+) Operating Range

    A numeric

    1 +1B numeric 1 +1

    C numeric 1 +1

    D numeric 1 +1

    E numeric

    1 +1

    F numeric 1 +1There were 11 factors: 10 numeric and 1 categoric;

    the actual factor details are proprietary.

    G numeric 1 +1

    H numeric 1 +1

    J numeric 1 +1

    K numeric 1 +1

    L categoric L1 L2

    DOE Process 17

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    4. Select a desi n want resolution V:

    Evaluate aliases (fractional factorials and/or

    Evaluate power (desire power > 80% for effects

    Evaluation; Order: Main effects

    xam ne e es gn ayou o ensure a e ac or

    combinations are safe to run and are likely to

    DOE Process 18

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    Candidate resolution V desi ns:

    A regular fraction requires a 211-4 or 128 runs.

    n rregu ar a ge ra c rac on requ res runs.

    A MR5* fraction requires 68 runs.

    Add center points to check for curvature.

    level of the categoric factor for a total of 76 runs.

    * Small, Efficient, Equireplicated Resolution V Fractions of 2k designs and their Application to

    Central Composite Designs, Gary Oehlert and Pat Whitcomb, 46th Annual Fall Technical

    Conference, Friday, October 18, 2002.

    DOE Process 19

    . . .

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    1. Build an 11 factorMR5 desi n the first ten factors are

    numeric and the last factor is categoric). Use the default

    factor names (letters A L) and levels (1 for numeric


    2. Add 4 center points. (Because factor L is categoric the.

    3. There are three responses:

    DOE Process 20

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    MR5 Design


    (2FIs) are partially aliased with scores three-factor (and

    hi her interactions. But MEs and 2FIs are not aliasedwith one another.

    e ree ac or an g er n erac ons are gnore

    during design evaluation:

    No aliases found for 2FI Model

    DOE Process 21

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    MR5 Design

    Power is reported at a 5.0% alpha level to detect the specified signal/noise ratio.

    ecommen e power s a eas .

    Burst psig

    Si nal (delta) = 6.00 Noise (si ma) = 8.00 Si nal/Noise (delta/si ma) = 0.75A B C D E F G H J K L

    85.6% 85.6% 85.7% 85.6% 85.5% 85.3% 85.9% 86.0% 85.9% 85.8% 88.9%

    Signal (delta) = 15.00Noise (sigma) = 30.00 Signal/Noise (delta/sigma) = 0.50A B C D E F G H J K L

    . . . . . . . . . . .

    Track g*cm

    Signal (delta) = 10.00Noise (sigma) = 6.00 Signal/Noise (delta/sigma) = 1.67

    99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9%

    DOE Process 22

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    MR5 Design


    1. Increase design size: replicating the design

    = ~ .No there are too many runs to be practical.

    = . us .

    a difference of 15 g/cm.


    variance, we determine that the push measurement

    contributes most (75%) of the variation.es repea ng e pus es no rep ca ng e

    DOE runs) to reduce is the answer.

    DOE Process 23ee nex s e.

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    MR5 Design

    2 2 230 & = = +

    900 225 675 %Contribution 675 900 75%= + = =

    a e ree n epen en pus measuremen s or eac run.

    Enter the average of the measurements as the response:

    2 MeasurementAverageThen by the CLT = :n



    675225 450 %Contribution 50%


    = + = =


    15450 21 0.71


    = = =

    DOE Process 24

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    MR5 Design

    Power at 5 % al ha level for effect of

    Term StdErr** VIF Ri-Squared 0.71 Std Dev 0.75 Std Dev 1.67 Std Dev

    A 0.12 1.02 0.0148 81.6 % 85.6 % 99.9 %

    B 0.12 1.01 0.0140 81.7 % 85.6 % 99.9 %

    C 0.12 1.01 0.0109 81.8 % 85.7 % 99.9 %

    D 0.12 1.01 0.0139 81.7 % 85.6 % 99.9 %

    . . . . .

    F 0.12 1.02 0.0237 81.3 % 85.3 % 99.9 %G 0.12 1.01 0.0070 81.9 % 85.9 % 99.9 %

    . . . . . .

    J 0.12 1.01 0.0070 81.9 % 85.9 % 99.9 %

    K 0.12 1.01 0.0101 81.8 % 85.8 % 99.9 %. . . . . .

    **Basis Std. Dev. = 1.0

    DOE Process 25

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    Evaluate Power

    Replicating runs will reduce the system error;


    Repeating the measurement reduces only the


    The magnitude of each of these errors and the

    measurements dictates which will give the most

    DOE Process 26

    MR5 D i

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    MR5 Design

    combinations are safe to run and are likely to result

    combining different components and using a variety ofassembly techniques. A knowledgeable engineer must

    look at each DOE run to ascertain that the unit can be

    made and will result in an operable stent deliverysys em.

    DOE Process 27

    St t D li S t

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    Design-Expert SoftwareBurst Half-Normal Plot

    Error from replicates

    Shapiro-Wilk testW-value = 0.987p-value = 0.771

    A: A i




    C: CD: DE: EF: FG: GH: HJ: J l




    95.0 BBC

    K: KL: L

    Positive EffectsNegative Effects










    |Standardized Effect|

    0.00 4.45 8.90 13.34 17.79

    DOE Process 28

    St t D li S t

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    ANOVA for selected factorial modelAnalysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III]

    Sum of Mean F p-value

    Source Squares df Square Value Prob > F. . . .A-A 5324.51 1 5324.51 104.60 < 0.0001B-B 1820.10 1 1820.10 35.75 < 0.0001

    - . . . .

    BC 2482.47 1 2482.47 48.77 < 0.0001Curvature 43.69 1 43.69 0.86 0.3574

    . .

    Lack of Fit 3071.38 64 47.99 0.59 0.8667 Pure Error 492.00 6 82.00 Cor Total 16871.63 75

    DOE Process 29

    St t D li S t

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    Design-Expert SoftwarePush Half-Normal Plot

    Error from replicates

    Shapiro-Wilk testW-value = 0.993p-value = 0.978

    A: AB: B i




    C: CD: DE: EF: FG: GH: HJ: J l




    95.0 DK


    K: KL: L

    Positive EffectsNegative Effects










    |Standardized Effect|

    0.00 9.88 19.76 29.63 39.51

    DOE Process 30

    Stent Delivery System

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    ANOVA for selected factorial modelAnalysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III]

    Sum of Mean F p-value

    Source S uares df S uare Value Prob > FModel 85628.80 5 17125.76 48.14 < 0.0001

    D-D 14300.39 1 14300.39 40.20 < 0.0001

    F-F 26366.49 1 26366.49 74.12 < 0.0001

    G-G 21637.78 1 21637.78 60.83 < 0.0001K-K 5796.68 1 5796.68 16.30 0.0001

    . . . .

    Curvature 116.64 1 116.64 0.33 0.5688

    Residual 24545.29 69 355.73. . . .

    Pure Error 2391.75 6 398.63

    Cor Total 1.103E+005 75

    DOE Process 31

    Stent Delivery System

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    Design-Expert SoftwareTrack Half-Normal Plot

    Error from replicates

    Shapiro-Wilk testW-value = 0.972p-value = 0.181

    A: AB: B i




    C: CD: DE: EF: FG: GH: HJ: J l







    K: KL: L

    Positive EffectsNegative Effects










    |Standardized Effect|

    0.00 3.95 7.91 11.86 15.81

    DOE Process 32

    Stent Delivery System

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    ANOVA for selected factorial modelna ys s o var ance a e ar a sum o squares - ype

    Sum of Mean F p-valueSource Squares df Square Value Prob > F

    o e . . . < .

    B-B 1388.59 1 1388.59 38.91 < 0.0001

    D-D 982.81 1 982.81 27.54 < 0.0001

    E-E 477.87 1 477.87 13.39 0.0005

    L-L 1223.48 1 1223.48 34.28 < 0.0001

    BD 2355.11 1 2355.11 65.99 < 0.0001

    DE 4457.51 1 4457.51 124.90 < 0.0001

    Curvature 178.00 2 89.00 2.49 0.0902

    Residual 2391.15 67 35.69

    Lack of Fit 1962.40 61 32.17 0.45 0.9471

    Pure Error 428.75 6 71.46

    DOE Process 33


    Stent Delivery System

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    Burst, Maximize (LL=40, UL=65) importance ++++

    = = +++, ,

    Track, Minimize (LL=170, UL=200) importance +++

    * Derringer, G. C., A Balancing Act: Optimizing a Product's Properties, Quality Progress. 2002 American Society for Quality

    A PDF copy of this paper (with permission) is available at:


    DOE Process 34

    Stent Delivery System

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Stent Delivery System

    DOE Process 35

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process

    ur a as ree par s:

    . roa rus escr p on o e

    planning process

    2. Illustrate key points via an example

    3. Summary

    DOE Process 36

    F t i l D i Pl i P

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process (1 of 2)

    1. Identif o ortunit and define ob ective.

    2. State objective in terms of measurable responses.

    a. e ne e c ange y a s mpor an o e ec

    for each response.





    . .

    the factor levels chosen determine the size ofy.)

    DOE Process 37

    F t i l D i Pl i P

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process (2 of 2)

    4. Select a desi n and:

    Evaluate aliases (fractional factorials and/or


    Evaluate power (desire power > 80% for effects

    design use only 1 ME).

    xam ne e es gn ayou o ensure a e ac or

    combinations are safe to run and are likely to


    DOE Process 38

    Factorial Design Planning Process Identify

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process IdentifyO ortunit


    Brainstorming (fishbone)


    Outputs Voting Form State Objective

    utputs, y, , ontr ut on

    Factors Voting Form

    Measurable Responses

    DOE inputs, levels, operating range

    Other inputs

    e ec npu


    e ec an appropr a e ac or a es gn

    Evaluate aliases (fractional factorials

    and/or blocked designs)



    va ua e power

    Examine the design layoutEvaluate

    Aliases & Power

    DOE Process 39



    Ca eat

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process



    power should not be applied to response surface or

    Precision should be used to size response


    Sizing for precision will covered in future


    DOE Process 40

    Factorial Design Planning Process

  • 8/2/2019 9-07 Factorial Planning Process


    Factorial Design Planning Process

    Thank You f o r At t en d ingThank You f o r At t en d ing

    If you have questions please email them to:


    and reference the September 19 webinar.

    DOE Process 41

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