9 happy habits

Post on 29-Aug-2014






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My slide deck for Part 2 of my session for Service Network.


Happy Habits

Get your Happiness on!

@designhappiness bobbypaterson.me

“Happiness is not an accident; Nor is it

something you wish for – Happiness is

something you design!”

Jim Rohn

Tony Hsieh CEO, Zappos

“I define happiness as ‘the overall experience of pleasure and meaning.’ A happy person enjoys positive emotions while perceiving their life as purposeful. Tal Ben- Shahar

“If an unhappy person wants to experience interest, enthusiasm, contentment, peace, and joy, he or she can make it happen by learning the habits of a happy person.” Sonja Lyubomirsky

Gentic Set point


Life cir-cum-stances

“The Practice of Happiness”

90% of Behaviour is Habitual

“In 1977, Dr. Michael Fordyce, a psychologist and author of

‘The Psychology of Happiness,’ published the groundbreaking

results of his experiment showing that students asked to study the habits of happy

people actually increased their happiness and life satisfaction

by just learning about the subject.”

Marci Shimoff

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation... we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”


1 - Journaling

Mind Maps

2 - Build OptimismGet your Optimilist on!

3 - Be on Purpose!“To experience a sense of purpose, the goals we set for ourselves need to be intrinsically meaningful.” Tal Ben-Shahar“... working toward a meaningful life goal is one of the most important strategies for becoming lastingly happier.” Sonja Lyubomirsky

4 - Gratitude“In an experiment by Dr. Robert Emmons at the University of California-Davis, people who kept a ‘gratitude journal,’ a weekly record of things they felt grateful for, enjoyed better physical health, were more optimistic, exercised more regularly, and described themselves as happier than a control group who didn’t keep journals.”

5 - Get Physical

6 – Eat often; Eat Balanced;

Eat Right

“In Sanskrit, ‘man’ means ‘mind’ and ‘tra’ means

‘freeing.’ So a mantra is a phrase which is designed to free the mind… they

[mantras] are my faithful companions wherever I

go. Robin Sharma

7 - Mantra’s

7 – Mantra’s

“The word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words man, (‘to think’) and tra (‘tool’). So the literal translation is ‘a tool of thought.’ And that’s how mantras are used in Buddhist and Hindu practices, as tools that clear your mind of distractions. Because when you focus on repeating that mantra over and over again, soon the noise will die down and all you will hear is your inner voice.”

Russell Simmons

Mantra. “A tool of thought.”

Used as a tool for re-wiring our consciousness for thousands of years, mantras (whether spoken silently in our heads or out loud, or written as affirmations on our mirrors or in our journals) are super powerful.

What are your favorite mantras?

Are you using them often?

9 - Connect with Wisdom

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” Aristotle

Our Journey Ends.

Time to reflect:

Thoughts & Questions


Final Thought…. "If you do today what you did yesterday you will be beaten; if you do today what others are doing today you'll be competitive... to win, you must seek out to do today what others will be doing tomorrow."

Robert De Castella

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