9 ways to measure your brand's social health

Post on 31-May-2015






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9 ways to Measure your Brand’s Social Health

Source: Mashable

•The number of mentions of your brand versus competing brands on the social web.

Share of Voice

•The total number of brand mentions over a given period of time.

Brand Volume

•The overall number of times a user talks to your brand on social sites.


•The number of replies or comments you receive on a given post, tweet, or update.

Interaction Per Post

•The process of determining how the people who talk about your brand on social media actually feel about your brand, products, or company.

Sentiment Analysis

•The number of times a user clicks on a link to one of your owned web properties shared via social media.

Social Click-Through Rate

•The number of mentions by users you’ve designated as “key influencers” due to their substantial and loyal social media following.

Key Influencer Mentions

•The number of social platforms that your brand appears on, or the social “reach” across various online networks.

Platform Reach

•The number of mentions of a brand on mobile social sites.

Mobile Mentions

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