9664130 smart plant review tips

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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Smart Plant reviewer tutorial


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Smart Plant Review Tips

This report was downloaded from http://www.Azpiping.Com/Guide

Brought to you by Hung Hong

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I. Layout

Here is typical layout.

You can display or hidden any window by right click at toolbar then select menu you want or using short cut key

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II. Change background color

View->Setting->Edit then select color you like.Click OK to finish

III. Zooming in, zoom out on an item.

1. You can use zoom in and zoom out menu at toolbar

2. In Lateral Mode

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If you slide the “perspective angle” down, the view cone angle will increase

3. In Encircle Mode

If you slide the “encircle radius” down, radius will increase

4. Other ways

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-Moving the eye-point closer to the object. Drag the View Cone on the Plan View - Other ways, on the Main View Window, move forward by dragging mouse –up while holding down the left mouse button. You need to active forward/back/left/right icon

IV. Adjusting the View Cone

1. Adjust Far Clipping Plane - Left click outside the view cone - Drag the mouse to desired position of far clipping plane and accept by clicking on left button again. 2. Adjust Near Clipping Plane - Left click outside the view cone, - Check if the far clipping plane can be moved -Right mouse click and then drag the mouse to desired position of near clipping plane and accept by clicking on left button again.

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V. Rotation around an item

Follow 4 steps below:

1. Click on View Menu -> Place -> Centerpoint Only

2. Double-Left Click on the item -> Left Click. The item will be placed at center of main view window

3. Click on Rotate button and the Encircle button

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4. Now, you can start rotating around the item in the main window by dragging mouse –up-down-left-right while holding down the left mouse button.

VI. Viewing Model Attributes

-Click on the Auto-Highlight icon, -Click on the item and the attributes will be displayed on the lower pane.

VII. Display Sets

-You can define the collection by file, by level, by color, by line-id, by equipment number or any attribute and any combination of attributes. - You can change color, hide, unhide and etc.

1. Create New Display Set.

Clicking on Tools -> Display Set -> New -> Display Set

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Key in name -> Edit

Click on Insert

Select critical in the drop down menu, eg

Then click Ok->OK to finish

2. Save and Recall

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If you want to recall display window later, you need to use Save and Recall Views

-Click View Menu - Select Save and recall View

- Click on “Add Current View” - Or “Create Group” if you need to group all similar saved views

To Recall View -Click on Save and Recall Views again - Highlight Saved View to Recall -Click on Recall View

VIII. Measuring Distances

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Or go to Tools -> Measure -> Snaplock Or Click on Snaplock Measurement icon

First Point Click on Snaplock Measurement Icon ( Or press F8 ) -Double click near first reference point -If Red box is the desired reference point, Left Click again to accept position. -if not, right-mouse click to reset and move the red box to other positions -Once the reference point is accepted, a blue box will be placed. Second point: -Click on Snaplock Measurement Icon ( Or press F8 ) - Double click near second point -If Red box is the desired reference -If not, right-mouse click to reset and move the red box to other positions

Delete Measurements -Go to “Tools” - Select “Measure” -Select “Delete All Measurements” ( or Ctr+Alt+M)

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