99 probelms but a niche ain't one: choosing and leveraging a niche law practice

Post on 08-May-2015






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Hear Jared Correia, Senior Law Practice Advisor with the Massachusetts Law Office Management Assistance Program, explain if you can settle on specific practice areas, and refine your message surrounding your expertise, you can more efficiently assist your clients, and more positively affect your bottom line.


If you’re havin’ niche problems,

I feel bad for you, son.

99 Problems, But a Niche Ain’t One.

a FREE webinar from AvvoJared D. Correia, Esq.

Assistant DirectorSenior Law Practice Advisor

LOMAP - Massachusettswww.masslomap.org

a FREE service for MA attys

Thursday, October 24, 2013@ 1 pm EST

WHY Select a Niche?† In General

† the Old World† the New World† the Small World

† Pricing† Ease of Use† Bracketing† Scheduling

† Referrals† Pitch Around† Need to Know† Referral Pipelines

WHY Select a Niche?† from Marketing . . .† . . . to Malpractice Avoidance† Administrative Complexity . . .† . . . Versus Specialization

HOW TO Select a Niche

† Why Not?† It’s Scary

† The Fear† A Solution† The Time (A)bides

† It’s Risky† Choose Wisely . . .† . . . But, You Won’t Know Until You Try† Hedging Your Bets

HOW TO Select a Niche† The Brand New Lawyer

† Sources of Inspiration† Sources of Perspiration

† The Early Career Lawyer† A Clue† A Weather Eye

† The Mid-Career Lawyer† The Good Book† The Survey

† The Late Career Lawyer† Start It Up† Hang It Up

HOW TO Select a Niche

† Yourself or Someone Like You† Definition† C.R.E.A.M

† Financial Wherewithal† Getting Paid† Understanding the Market

HOW TO Select a Niche

† Additional Considerations

† Complementary Practice Areas

† Addition by Subtraction

WHICH Niche?

† The Mis-Defined/Misapplied Generalist† Stufft† The Whole Truth

† A Pocketful of Practice Areas† How Many Is Too Many?† Journalism School Questions

† The Sweet Spot† Cross-Selling† Things Found in Ecclesiastes

WHICH Niche?† The Niche

† Singular Sensation† Trendspotting

† The Super Niche† Examples† Mo’ Risk, Mo’ Reward

† Extras† Specialization† Certification

Malpractice Avoidance

† Generally† Fewer Practice Areas =† More Skill/Specialization =† Reduced Risk of Malpractice

† Specifically† Oh, Read the Rules . . .† Speaking of the Rules . . .

Malpractice Avoidance† Thus Spake the American Bar Association

† Rule 7.4† Rule 7.1† Effect of the ‘Rules’

† Echo† Jurisdictional Requirements

Malpractice Avoidance† Are You LinkedIn or Are You Linked Out?

† Welcome Everybody to the Wild, Wild West† Endorsements

† of Skills† for Competence

† Potential Problems† Falsity + Misleadingness† Specialization† Testimonials† A Duty to Scrub?

† Practical Solutions† Cultural Lag† Risk Tolerance† Proving a Negative† Take Matters Into Your Own, Virtual Hands

Thanks, Avvo.

Further Questions, Concerns?

Jared D. Correia, Esq.www.masslomap.org


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