a 12 volume edition is available in english...

Post on 11-Feb-2020






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A 12 volume edition is available in English translation.

In 1932, on the 100th anniversary of the death of Goethe, shown here at age 79, the literature on his scientific interests contained 4,554 entries.

The intervening decades have yielded at least as many.

Were it not for Goethe the poet, would we concern ourselves with Goethe the scientist? The answer, I believe,

proceeds in the opposite direction. Is it possible to understand Goethe the man of letters without

understanding Goethe the scientist?

And here, poor fool, I stand once more, No wiser than I was before.

Goethe’s Scientific Interests

1) Physical Sciences Physics & Chemistry Minerology, Geology, Meteorology & Astronomy 2) Biological Sciences Osteology & Comparative Anatomy Botany & Plant Morphology Physiological Optics

Physics and Chemistry

When Goethe accompanied the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach on a campaign in France, he carried Gehler’s physics dictionary to assist him in observing how light was refracted in clear water.


The Grand Duke

At the great cannonade at Valmy in 1792 during the French Revolution, Goethe rambled through the bombardment studying the effects of light on dust, and the effects of shock waves on eyesight.


Swedish Chemist Torbern Bergman 1775

“If we put a piece of limestone (calcium carbonate) in a weak solution of sulfuric acid, the later will take possession of the lime. We are correct in using here the term elective affinity.” Goethe’s interest in chemical reactions animated his late novel, Die Wahlverwandshaften---Elective Affinitives.


Die Wahlverwandtschaften

When the conditions of a chemical experiment are controlled, the reaction is predictable, but when the reagents are human beings-- Eduard and Ottilie---the experiment cannot be controlled. Free will vs compulsion, the Kantian dichotomy, was explicit in Goethe’s novel.

Goethe’s Scientific Interests

1) Physical Sciences Chemistry & Physics Minerology, Geology & Meteorology, Astronomy

2) Biological Sciences Osteology & Comparative Anatomy Botany & Plant Morphology Physiological Optics

Visits to Bohemia were occasions for gathering minerological materials. Countless specimens were brought home and arranged systematically according to Voight’s nomenclature. Thus came into being the collection of over 18,000 items that still delights the visitor to the Goethe House in Jena.


Bohemia Jena

Granite for Goethe was the archetypal primal rock, the basis of all geological formations, the Urgestein. He was one of the first to judge the age of strata and seams by the fossils contained therein, such as the three-toed sloth.


Goethe proposed that huge rock formations had been transported over great distances by glaciers. He developed

the concept of an Ice Age, a prolonged geologic epic of glaciation, and concluded that periods of the earth’s history

were extraordinarily lengthy. “Never did nature with her living might Depend on hours or mere day and night. Each form in gentle temperance wrought, Nor even the greatest change with violence fraught.” Faust Part 2


Controversy raged over the configuration of the surface of the earth--- Neptunians vs Volcanists. The diluvian myths and stories of the great biblical floods made Goethe a Neptunian. The grandest picture of the controversy was reserved for the Walpurgis Nacht.

Geologic Origin of the Earth’s Surface

Walpurgis Nacht

Harz Mountains

In 1777, in appalling weather, Goethe visited Gozlar, an historic town in lower Saxony near the Harz Montains (Die Harzreise im Winter) and climbed Broken the highest peak, which according to folklore, was the site of the Devil’s Altar and the haunted scene of the annual satanic Walpurgis Nacht.

Thales Anaxagoras

In the Walpurgis Nacht, Goethe has Thales the Neptunian and Anazagoras the Vulcanist roam the mountains and seas, hotly debating the formation the earth’s surface. In 1982, Voyager and NASA’s aptly named spacecraft Galileo returned planetary data showing over a 100 erupting volcanoes and vast lava flows. The Vulcanists were right.

Two pre-Socratic Greeks

Venus Neptune

Meteorology was one of Goethe’s early scientific interests. He Founded weather stations, wrote The Theory of Weather, paid careful attention to barometric changes, and praised Luke Howard’s cloud formations: My song takes wing and from the heart Thanks him who told the clouds apart.


Goethe’s interest in astronomy was underscored by a month of intense observation of the phases of the moon viewed through a telescope in his



Goethe studied the moon’s surface as it was then known, and made observations on the planet Saturn shown in this dramatic

photograph from Voyager 2.


Goethe’s Scientific Interests

1) Physical Sciences Chemistry & Physics Minerology, Geology, Meteorology & Astronomy

2) Biological Sciences Osteology & Comparative Anatomy

Botany & Plant Morphology Physiological Optics

Each bone in higher mammals had a human counterpart except the intermaxillary bone. Orthodoxy held that the very absence of an intermaxillary bone was a crucial anatomic distinction between man and the ape. Goethe was convinced of the continuity between man and mammal at a time when theological bias put man and animal further apart. He believed in the unbroken chain of creation in which humanity was the highest form.

Intermaxillary Bone


In March 1784, Goethe made a crucial discovery. “I have found, not gold or silver, but something that makes me much happier--the intermaxillary bone in man. I was comparing human and animal skulls when I got on the trail, and LO! There it was. It’s the keystone--everything fell into place, nothing was lacking.” Not content with tracing the intermaxillary bone through mammals to man, Goethe proved it’s existence in fish, amphibians, turtles and birds, anticipating by a century Darwinian evolution.

Goethe’s Plate IX

Osteology & Comparative Anatomy

“An Intermaxillary Bone is Present in the Upper Jaw of Man as Well as in Animals”

This document is the first that can properly be called comparative anatomy--- a milestone in

the history of that discipline. In Goethe’s museum of comparative anatomy in Jena,

specimens were arranged so that modifications of bones and organs throughout the animal kingdom could be seen at a

glance. Darwin would have been pleased.

At the University in Jena, Goethe participated in dissecting classes of Professor Justus Christian Loder and delivered anatomical lectures to students at the Weimar Drawing Academy. In the Italianische Reise Goethe returned to the study of human anatomy, especially muscles to deepen his appreciation of Michaelangelo’s sculptures.

Comparative Anatomy


Goethe was interested in regeneration---the capacity of animals to replace lost parts, as lizards who readily sacrifice their tails to a predator so the rest of the reptile can escape and live to regenerate the lost part. Goethe correctly argued that animals capable of regeneration occupied a relatively low place in the scale.


Most of the biological world repairs itself quite well. Prune a branch from a tree, and it sprouts new branches. The red-spotted newt re-grows large parts of its heart. Signals that coordinate regeneration of the heart were reported as recently as the November 2006 issue of the journal Cell, and the genes of animals that regenerate are currently being studied.

Biologists Remain Fascinated by Regeneration.

“A long transparent vessel in the bumblebee, running down the entire neck-- the insect heart --pulsed vigorously. It continued to pulse for three or four hours after death, until all the moisture had evaporated. When breathed on, it pulsed much faster.”

Drosophila Heart Bumblebee

“…the most diverse, most fluid, most changeable, most versatile part of


The Human Heart

Goethe’s interest in hibernation focused on the caterpillar that took no nourishment during pupation, posing the question, “On what did the caterpillar subsist?” Careful weighings disclosed progressive weight loss, indicating that the creature was living on its own substance.


Ovid metamorphosis emphasized a universal principle to explain the nature of the world:

Troy falls, Rome rises. Nothing is permanent.

Caterpillar Pupa Butterfly

Goethe’s Interest in Metamorphosis

Goethe was interested in metamorphesis was focused, not universal ---caterpillar into pupa and butterfly---and was concerned with

factors that promoted or inhibited that remarkable process.

Preformation Nothing can grow except what already exists.

The 18th Century view of embryology meant nothing more than elaboration of a tiny prefiguration---

the Homunculus or little man.

Leipsig Codex circa 1400

Stirrest by everlasting norms In thousand upon thousand forms And hast much time till thou art man.

The bizarre figure was included in the Walpurgis Nacht in which the ocean was named

the origin of Homunculus.

Faust and Homunculus

Coloured Scanning Electron Micrograph of a human sperm about to penetrate an egg.

Four Day Old Embryo Where is Homunculus?

Homunculus in the 21st Century

Goethe’s Scientific Interests

1) Physical Sciences Chemistry & Physics Minerology, Geology & Meteorology

2) Biological Sciences Osteology & Comparative Anatomy Botany & Plant Morphology Physiological Optics

The 18th century Swedish taxonomist, Linnaeus, taught that the various species of plants existed from the beginning of creation. Goethe proceeded in the opposite direction, focusing on features that plants had in common, then reducing the infinite variety into a unified system, progressing from simple to complex. Goethe sought intermediate links---transition forms---contrary to Linnaeus immutable species.

Botany and Plant Morphology

Carolus Linnaeus

While in Italy, Goethe conceived the idea of a generalized plant so elementary that all other forms

could be traced to it---the archetypal plant or Urpflanze, a theoretical construct not found in


Plant Morphology

Goethe studied the germination of seeds, the growth of seedlings until they assumed definitive form---the Archetypal Leaf & the continuum from leaf to petal---the cultivation of plants from cuttings, and the generative capacities of plant parts. His hypothesis of “inward causes” uniquely embodied the idea of “metabolism” that influences organic structure. Development in the same plant from cotyledon to fully developed corolla is illustrated in Goethe’s proliferative rose.

Archetypal Leaf Tulip showing continuum

between leaf and petal

Proliferative rose

Goethe’s Scientific Interests

1) Physical Sciences Chemistry & Physics Minerology, Geology & Meteorology

2) Biological Sciences Osteology & Comparative Anatomy Botany & Plant Morphology Physiological Optics


In a Single Year 1) The binomial theorem 2) Differential and integral calculus 3) Theory of gravitation 4) The spectrum of colors

No other 17th century investigation better illustrates the power of experimental enquiry animated by powerful imagination and controlled by rigorous logic than Newton’s observation that colors correspond to wavelengths, that white light can be separated by refraction into its wavelengths--the spectrum of colors.

“All wavelengths undergo a similar directional change, but by their unequal refractions must be severed and dispersed from the least refracted scarlet to the most refracted violet.”

Newton’s Spectrum of Colors

The Physics vs the Physiology of Color

Although he had not properly performed Newton’s experiments, Goethe nevertheless concluded that the Newtonian account of color was wrong, that the prism was extraneous. In view of his insistence on the primacy of observations in nature, it is ironic that Goethe failed to recognize the color phenomenon that not only spectacularly demonstrated Newton’s theory of refraction, but did so in a perfectly natural setting: The Rainbow

My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky. Wordsworth, not Goethe.

Goethe considered the Theory of Color, the Farbenlehre, his most noteworthy scientific achievement that accomplished far more than any of his literary works. Still preserved are prisms, mirrors, polarizing devices, flint

glass, and colored papers used in his experiments.

Physiological Optics. Considered in isolation, light and the eye’s perception both appear

magical and mysterious; considered together they create a coherent

system of vision.

Nobel Prize in Physics 1932

In his 1941 Budapest lecture, The Teachings of Goethe and Newton on Color in Light of Modern Physics, Heisenberg said that “Newton’s theory makes possible a certain control over the phenomena of light and their practical use,” but went on to say that the physical theory was of little or no practical assistance to a better understanding of the world of color surrounding us. It was that world of color that fascinated and misled Goethe.

Werner Karl Heisenberg

Seeing the Light: Goethe’s Marchen as Science--- Newton’s Science as Fairy Tale

Goethe Yearbook Volume XIV



There is No Color Apart From Perception

Goethe argued correctly that color as a perception was not primarily a question of physics that characterized light entering the eye. Instead, the perception of color resulted from responses that extended from the retina to and throughout the visual cortex.

Color blindness was described by John Dalton in England in 1794. In the same year, Goethe independently investigated

two cases of color blindness.

The Chemistry of John Dalton’s Color Blindness

Dalton described his own color blindness. In common with his brother, he confused scarlet with green and pink with blue. Dalton believed that his vitreous humor was tinted blue, selectively absorbing longer wavelengths. He instructed that his eyes should be examined after his death, but the examination revealed that the humors were perfectly clear. DNA extracted from his preserved eye tissue showed that Dalton lacked the middlewave retinal photopigment.

Black and White Images Goethe instructed: “Let us view two round forms of the same diameter placed side-by-side, one white placed on a black background (left), and the other black placed on a white background (right). We will see the latter as about a fifth smaller than the former. If we enlarge the black form by a fifth, the two will seem equal in size.”

Goethe pointed out that black clothing makes a person appear thinner, an observation used to advantage by

the fashion industry.

Positive After Images

“If the eye fixes on a black image on a white ground (left), and then looks at a white surface (right), what is seen is a

fleeting black image on the white ground.”

Goethe explained that when we look fixedly at a black-and-white surface, those portions of the retina upon which the black image falls remain at rest, while those portions struck by the white image become fatigued, their sensitivity reduced---dark-adapted rods light-adapted cones.

“A gray object on a black background (left) appears much brighter than the same object on a white background (right). If both objects are seen together, the spectator can hardly persuade himself that the two grays are identical.” Goethe interpreted this observation as an expression of simultaneous contrast---the process of induction that takes place from one portion of the retina to another, modifying sensitivity.

“On one occasion I stopped at an inn toward evening. Presently there entered an attractive young woman with a radiantly white face and black hair who wore a scarlet bodice. From a distance I looked at her intently in the dim twilight. When she left, I saw on the white wall opposite me a black face surrounded by a bright glow. The clothing of the clearly outlined figure appeared in a beautiful sea green.”

“On one occasion I stopped at an inn toward evening. Presently there entered an attractive young woman with a radiantly white face and black hair who wore a scarlet bodice. From a distance I looked at her intently in the dim twilight. When she left, I saw on the white wall opposite me a black face surrounded by a bright glow. The clothing of the clearly outlined figure appeared in a beautiful sea green.”

Complementary Colors Observations such as those at the Inn, prompted Goethe to construct

his color circle from which complementary colors could be derived. Colors that demand one another occupy opposite positions.

On the right is the color wheel from the Farbenlehre.

Jasper Johns Color After-images

Goethe emphasized that when complementary colors are juxtaposed, each enhances the brilliance of the other, a point familiar to painters.

This illustration from the French scientist M.E. Chevreul (1860) shows the simultaneous contrast effects of surrounding color on a

central dot, and of a central dot on surrounding color.

Louis Bleriot

Across the English Channel July 1909

Robert Delaunay applied Chevreul’s principle of simultaneous color contrast.

Homage to Bleriot 1914

Goethe’s optical experiments were followed by further studies of color blindness, by studies of sound including the human voice and the physiology of the ear, the numerical proportions of vibrating strings, the qualities of musical instruments, and a theory of musical harmony.

No one can doubt the seriousness of Goethe’s commitment to his scientific interests, the range and depth of his scientific

knowledge, his immense intellectual versatility, and his prodigious powers of observation, all of which are inseparable from and

indispensible to his literary achievemants.

In 1853, Helmholtz published “On Goethe’s Scientific Researches” in which he argued that scientists at their best must have some of the artist’s imagination. It might also be argued that artists at their best must have some of the scientist’s power of observation. In Goethe, these two qualities merged.

Herman von Helmholtz---one of the 19th century’s greatest scientific figures---the conservation of energy, thermodynamics, entropy, electromagnitism, experimental psychology, sensory physiology, the ophthalmoscope, muscle metabolism, a physiologic basis for the theory of music.

Das Ende

Thank You


Ludwig Wittgenstein

Edited by G.E.M. ANSCOMBE


Ludwig Wittgenstein

Edited by G.E.M. ANSCOMBE

The Poet and the Scientist

Johann Wolfgang Goethe Jan Evangelista Purkyně

V. Kruta 1968

Translation L. Pantŭčková 1968

Printed in Czechoslovakia


(Formerly Titled: Philosophic Problems of Nuclear Science)


Response to the Farbenlehre was mixed. The physiologist Johannes Muller and the Czech physician Jan Purkyne were sympathetic if not


Muller Purkyne

Nobel Prize in Physics 1932

In his 1941 Budapest lecture, The Teachings of Goethe and Newton on Color in Light of Modern Physics, Heisenberg said that “Newton’s theory makes possible a certain control over the phenomena of light and their practical use,” but went on to say that the physical theory was of little or no practical assistance to a better understanding of the world of color surrounding us. It was that world of color that fascinated and misled Goethe.

Werner Karl Heisenberg

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