a background for thanksgiving thoughts · november 2017 volume 24 issue 11 a background for...

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Presbyterian ‘Connection’ November 2017 Volume 24 Issue 11

A BACKGROUND FOR THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS I received the following from a family member that I haven’t seen for years but have contact with though e-mail and Facebook. She sent me the following by way of e-mail. This is a good time to share it with you. Enjoy and devour it like a Thanksgiving dinner.


{1} Once all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered,

But only one boy came with an umbrella. That's FAITH.

{2} When you throw babies in the air, They laugh because they know you will catch them.

That's TRUST. {3} Every night we go to bed

Without any assurance of being alive the next morning, But still we set the alarms to wake up.

That's HOPE. {4} We plan big things for tomorrow

In spite of zero knowledge of the future That's CONFIDENCE.

{5} We see the world suffering, But still we get married and have children.

That's LOVE. {6} On an old man's shirt was written a sentence

'I am not 80 years old; I am sweet 16 with 64 years of experience.'


Have a happy day and live your life like the six stories. When I was a child, I thought nap time was punishment. Now it's like a mini-vacation.


God bless! Have a Happy Thanksgiving.



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Connection Online

If you would like to read the “Connection” newsletter

online, go to our website;


Click on the ‘Info Center’ tab at the top, then on the

drop-down menu, click on “Presbyterian Connection”,

then choose the month of the newsletter you would

like to read. The most recent newsletter will be at the

Coffee & Fellowship

Be sure to drop in for coffee, maybe a

Danish or cookies and wonderful fellowship

on Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in

Memorial Hall!

September Income - $3,522.00

September Expenses - $5,781.64






“What Can We Give”

Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19



“As For Me and My Household”

Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25



“Thanksliving” 2 Corinthians 8:1-15




“Why Did He Come?”

Mark 10:35-45




November 5 - Amy Johnson & Dr. Simons Ed & Peni Lloyd

November 12 - Celia & Roger Millard

November 19 - Gloria & Bob Wiles

November 26 - Sandy Erickson


November 5 - Campus Ministries Hospital Chaplains & Counselors

November 12 - Church Nursery Workers First, Rogers

November 19 - First, Marianna Westminster, Hot Springs

November 26 - First, Paragould Church Custodians



November December November 11 - Sandy Erickson December 5 - Lee Powell

November 16 - Roger Millard December 8 - Linda Allensworth

November 19 - Lori Sliker December 11 - Jewel Riley

December 20 - Bruce Powell


November - No Anniversaries December 30 - Bob & Gloria Wiles



The following fiction book has been donated to the library: A DISTANT MEMORY by Traci DePree.

"While hiking in Copper Mill Park, taking nature photographs for a stained-glass project, Kate thinks she hears yelling in the distance. She can't clearly make out he noise, so she dismisses it. Soon enough, however, news broadcasts report that Sonja Weaver, a new member of Faith Briar Church, has gone missing from the park."

The following is a synopsis from the Debbie MacComber book SUSANNAH'S GARDEN:

It was the year that changed everything…

When Susannah Nelson turned eighteen, she said goodbye to her boyfriend, Jake—and never saw him again. She never saw her brother, Doug, again, either. He died unexpectedly that same year.

Now, at fifty, Susannah finds herself regretting the paths not taken. Long married, a mother and a teacher, she should be happy. But she feels there's something missing in her life. Not only that, she's balancing the demands of an aging mother and a temperamental twenty-year-old daughter.

Her mother, Vivian, a recent widow, is having difficulty coping and living alone, so Susannah goes home to Colville, Washington. In returning to her parents' house, her girlhood friends and the garden she's always loved, she also returns to the past—and the choices she made back then. What she discovers is that things are not always as they once seemed. Some paths are dead ends. But some gardens remain beautiful….

Faye Brackett, Librarian




While authorities try to determine what led 64-year-old Stephen Paddock to open fire on a crowd of people in Las Vegas, Presbyterian Church leaders and pastors are reaching out to congregations and those impacted by the tragedy.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is sending a National Response Team to Las Vegas to meet with presbytery leaders and pastors to help determine the best ways to minister to families in the weeks and months to come. As many as 59 people are dead and more than 500 injured in the shootings that occurred during an outdoor concert.

Church leaders, including the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, director of the Office of Public Witness in Washington, have spoken out on the violence in Las Vegas.

“Our outrage cannot be contained. Our sadness cannot be lifted. This has gone on for far too long. We mourn with those who have lost family members, friends and colleagues. We pray for healing for the injured both physically and mentally,” said Hawkins. “We pray for our nation where there are more guns than people. Each week we learn of a new victim to gun violence and not even our children are immune to gun-inflicted wounds.

Hawkins said churches can respond by praying and actively working for the passage of gun safety legislation.

“The American people are overwhelming in favor of background checks. After the 2014 massacre of Sandy Hook the White House assembled a task force that came up with several proposals. It called for a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban and restoring a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines,” Hawkins said. “It also proposed universal background checks and for gun trafficking to become a federal crime. These are proposals which would not only limit the number of dangerous weapons available, but would also make our nation a safer place for our children.”

Hawkins says this is not a matter of politics but of faith and morality. He encourages Presbyterians to contact Congressional representatives and urge them to support gun safety legislation.

The Rev. Bob Kelley is the new moderator for the Presbytery of Nevada. His first official act was to write a pastoral letter following the shootings.

“With the tragedies in Houston, Florida, and in the Caribbean and Puerto Rico, with the terrorist acts in Canada and Marseille, we have become somewhat numb,” he writes. “But with such an act of violence right in our back yard, in Las Vegas, it is no longer possible to be numb anymore.”

Kelley writes that as Christians “we know that Jesus our Lord will overcome tragedy.” He said it will still be difficult for victims and their families to believe it right now.

“With the large number of victims and family members, there is a certainty that some will be known to members of our churches and may even be members of our churches,” he said. “I know that on my Facebook account three of my Friends in Las Vegas posted a safe status which leads me to suspect they were there. We will all be affected somehow.”

Las Vegas pastors have mobilized efforts to provide assistance at local hospitals and trauma centers, providing food and counseling to families of those recovering from injuries. Several churches held vigils last night to remember the dead and wounded.

In the meantime, the Presbyterian Mission Agency has developed a number of resources for churches to help congregations deal with tragedies like the Las Vegas shootings. Among them is the documentary “Trigger,” produced by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

“It’s been several years since we originally began work on the film and we are constantly getting requests to screen it. I feel the narratives in Trigger are timeless because the film humanizes the issue and lifts up the human story of how gun violence in the U.S. is impacting our families, communities and society,” said David Barnhart, the film’s producer/director. “Gun violence is a public health crisis and the voices in Trigger seek to swing the conversation away from rigid ideology and extremes on all sides, to a new place of common ground, compromise and change.” Submitted by the Mission Committee



General Meeting of PW&M Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Eleven members were in attendance for our October breakfast meeting, with the meal provided by our hosts today, Mary Kerr and Norma Taylor, and Roger Millard making coffee. Thank you hosts, for our delicious meal and fellowship time. During this time Peni Lloyd gave a devotion reading.

Eight members remained after breakfast to continue with our Moderator Peni Lloyd opening the business meeting at approximately 10:15 AM. Pastor Fred Taylor opened in prayer.

Reports: Secretary, Amy Johnson asked for any changes, corrections or additions to the September minutes, which have been on the PWM bulletin board all month. There were none. The minutes will be placed on file. No correspondence to share this month.

Treasurer, Mary Kerr presented her September report. There were no corrections needed and it will be placed on file.

No church announcements at this time.

No publicity announcements at this time.

No activity with bar codes collections at this time.


Baked Potato Bash Fundraiser, October 21. Peni reports that sign-up sheets went out for the congregation last Sunday. We still have many needs yet to be filled and tickets to be purchased. There is one more Sunday to encourage participation for donating toppings and cakes and for service jobs for prep and for the day of the dinner. Peni passed around those sheets during the meeting and got several volunteers. Peni will organize the hall, the serving tables and the cookers basically as it was in 2016, which worked smoothly. Vicky Bair had made 20+ fliers to spread around town. Amy distributed 12 to Bull Shoals businesses, 4 to our sister churches at their offices, and had approximately six for which Irene Bere distributed to Lakeview businesses.

Christmas Project for Flippin Schools: Vicky was not present for discussion. Amy visited Bull Shoals Family Dentistry re: the possibility of us ordering youth size individually wrapped toothbrushes for the school children. When Denise, their order personnel contacted me to discuss this she said that Dr. Thomas wants to donate the toothbrushes. She will order them in November, a box of 144 brushes, that will take a few weeks to arrive. We should have them before December. Peni mentioned that we will have some (60?) small toys to dispense with the gift bags, also.


It was noted that we need to change the next Coordinating Team meeting from October 26 to Thursday, November 2, two weeks before the November general meeting.

Next General Meeting: Tuesday November 14, 2017 at 9:30 AM. The host will be Amy Johnson. The Devotion will be given by Irene Bere.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 by Moderator Peni Lloyd. Pastor Fred gave the closing prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary, Amy Johnson



(By the Community, for the Community)

PO Box 691, 1013 Lake Shore Rd, Bull Shoals, AR 72619

July - August 2017

It is hard to believe that summer is coming to an end already, children are back in school, leaves are turning

and the nights are cooler, what a great time in the Ozarks.

It has been a busy summer at the Food Pantry, and now everyone will start getting ready for Christmas

Baskets; distribution for the baskets is just over two months away, and many volunteers spend a lot of hours

in order for us to be able to have this special event for our clients. Last year over 190 families benefitted

from the baskets, and our local Police Department joined in by being there and handing out Christmas


Cooking Classes - In August Linda Masters and Anna Mattson held a “Canning Class” at Christ by the

Lake Lutheran Church, and it was great. Attendees were able to join in and learn the abc’s of canning fruits

and vegetables which is a wonderful skill to have when produce is readily available in large quantities.

Nothing tastes quite as good as home canned goods that we make, and it really helps fill the shelves with

wholesome food. A BIG THANKS to these two ladies and their great skills in the kitchen. Also, there will be

two more cooking classes in October sponsored by the Food Pantry with Linda Masters cooking up great

ideas for using the commodity items our clients receive, and Peni Lloyd will be baking up holiday treats to

enjoy or give as gifts; so check in at the pantry to find out when these classes will be held. There will be no

classes from November through February so that everyone can take time to enjoy friends and family over

the holidays and stay warm during the first of the year.


September and October are always busy in our area, and this year is no different. The City Wide Yard sales

are over, but coming up are:

BRIDGE BASH 2017 – This event is held annually and is sponsored by the Food Bank of North Central

Arkansas. Bridge Bash is held each September and the proceeds go a long way to help the Food Bank

purchase food for all the area food pantry’s they serve. This year’s event will be held Saturday, September


, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Participation forms are available at local churches in Bull Shoals or stop in at

the Bull Shoals Food Pantry to get a form. There are many things going on at the “bash” which are listed on

the application, and the money sent in goes directly to the pantry listed on the form as a credit for

purchasing food from the Food Bank. You can also go to www.foodbanknca.org to sign up or print the form.

Please enter Bull Shoals Food Pantry on the agency name line in order for the proceeds to be credited to

our pantry. Also, this year, there is a $5.00 fee per person to attend, but well worth it for all there is to do

and see, including great music.

pg. 1. of 2. con’t…..


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OCTOBERFEST DINNER – this annual fund raiser will be Saturday, October 14th, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. with

Diamond River Band performing; they were at the July Jubilee in the park and are very enjoyable. The

dinner which costs $10.00, and $5.00 for children under 10 will include bratwurst or pork loin, side

dishes, drinks and homemade desserts. The drawings for the raffle tickets we have been selling will be

at 6:30, and the raffles include a $250.00 gift card to Harp’s, a $250.00 gift card to Walmart, a 2 night

stay in a deluxe cabin (all fees for cabin included) at Gaston’s White River Resort, and a locally

handmade, king size quilt.

(you need not be present to win). You can buy your tickets at Harp’s on October 3rd

and 4th, or you

can buy tickets at the door the night of the dinner; there will also be a silent auction with a variety of great

items, and you can bid on these items until 6:30. This a a wonderful event, and very important to the

Food Pantry as all proceeds go to stocking the shelves with food for our clients.

COLORAMA – This annual event will be held at the Danuser City Park in Bull Shoals on October 27th

and 28th; Friday the 27

th will just be the haunted hay ride, but on Saturday there will be many things

going on including food and craft vendors, races and another haunted hay ride at night. The Food

Pantry will be participating in this event; just look for the big white tent and join in on the fun. We hope to

see you there.

There are also other events within our community, including the annual Chili Cookoff and dinners being

held at our local churches, so look for the flyers posted around town and join us in our wonderful


Remember, you can drop off your donations (food or monetary) at the Food Pantry; look for cars in the

parking lot, or you can mail your monetary donations to PO Box 691, Bull Shoals, AR 72619.

Who Can You Call? Our Manager, Bonnie Galvan 870-431-4338 or Peni Lloyd (newsletter) 870-656


June/July by the numbers:

Number of Households served: 311 Total Number of People: 795

Pounds of food donated: 4018.1 Total Volunteer Hours: 856

Commodity Pounds: 3597 Total Pounds distributed: 15,550 (est)

As you can see by the numbers, a lot of the food going out has to be purchased, donations and

commodities are just over half the pounds distributed.


Volunteers are the backbone of our organization,

And we give Thanks for all they do!




“No Bake”

By Pat Erlewine

From: Pam “Nancy”


1/2 cup margarine

1/2 cup peanut butter

6 cups miniature marshmallows

2 cups Quick oatmeal

2 1/2 cups Rice Krispies

1 cup salted peanuts

1 1/2 cup raisins


Melt margarine, peanut butter and marshmallows together.

Add oatmeal, rice krispies, raisins and peanuts.

Spray lightly a 9 x 13 pan.

Add ingredients and cool.


Store in refrigerator.


Till We Speak Again NOVEMBER 2017

Millie is busy with some ‘Turkey’s” this month. She will return soon!

To my Church friends:

Thank you so much for the cards, prayers, and good thoughts during

My recent illness. You all are a wonderful group of people.

Boyd Brackett





“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

“Romans 8:1”

“We will be scripture-based to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ

and spiritually led to guide all people to be active doers of the Word”

Approved by Session on November 16, 2007


Pastor: Fred Taylor, Clerk of Session: Vicky Bair, Church Treasurer: Ken Hobart,

Secretary: Christi Partee, Financial Secretary: Elaine Miller


Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019

Ed Lloyd Pam Hobart Sandy Erickson

Amy Johnson Vacancy Pat Erlewine


Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019

Meg Simons Ken Hobart Vicky Bair

Peni Lloyd Steve Broskovak Vacancy

Presbyterian Church of Bull Shoals

P.O. Box 305

Bull Shoals, AR. 72619

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