a brief history of india

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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A Brief History of IndiaBalaji Viswanathan, NalandaU.com

Full Course: https://www.udemy.com/a-brief-history-of-india

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Lecture 0: A Brief introduction.

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Of the 26 river basins in the world, 4 are in India

and China. Majority of the remaining 22 is in frigid regions or stuck in rain


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River valleys just above the Tropic of Cancer produced the 4 ancient civilizations.




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Key Rivers that shaped Indian civilization




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Plentiful distribution of water

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Cultivated Land

The reason for high population could be partly explained by the vast availability of agricultural land.

Although it is only the 7th largest country, it ties with the US when it comes to having the world’s

largest agriculture land.

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India had a strong economy for most part of human history.

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Only two major routes to enter into India from West. This fort-like geography shaped India’s history.

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India is named a Subcontinent. 6 different climatic zones exist making it hard to rule the entire subcontinent.

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Lecture 1: Stone Age.

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Human Evolution in Africa: ~200K years ago

Source: http://www.personal.psu.edu/erh5000/human_evolution.html

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Last Ice Age: 120K years - 12K years

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65K years ago: Migration out of Africa

Source: http://www.upf.edu/cexs/actualitat/genographic.html

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30K years ago: Paintings of Cave Men

Bimbeketa, Madhya Pradesh

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Lost City in the Gulf of Cambay

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1768109.stm

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Founder CropsDomestication of Wheat, Barley, Peas, Chickpeas, lentils and flax about 11500 years ago.

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9000 years ago: Mehrgarh

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5300 years ago: Discovery of Bronze

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Lecture 2: Indus Valley Civilization (3300 BC - 1500 BC)

“...the structure of their cities were so far advanced that it was not surpassed until the late nineteenth century in Europe...”

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In 1827 a wandering traveler at the East India Company finds mysterious brick mounds near


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Circa 3300 BC

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1056 cities and human settlements found so far.

More than 5 million inhabitants..

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Jump into the mature civilization of Harappa.

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Grid like patterns for cities

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Citadel at the center of the city

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Advanced town planning & Municipal corporations

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Modern drainage systems

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No central authority. No warfare.

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Life in Indus Valley

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Extensive Art Work.

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Mysterious Scripts

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Global Trade of Indus ValleyGold &Jade from Southern India. Copper from Afghanistan. Turquoise from Iran. All paid with cotton and pottery.Development of transportation systems: boats (with docks) & bullock carts.

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Early Hinduism. Pashupathi Seals.

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1700 BC: End of Civilization around Indus.

Global climactic changes

Weather got cooler and drier

Monsoon Patterns Changed

River Courses Changed

Trade Floundered

People migrated to Gangetic plains and southern India.

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Timeline of Indus Valley Civilization

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Invention of potteryDiscovery of cotton Modern Metallurgy

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Lecture 3: Vedic Era Iron Age (1500 BC - 300 BC)

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The Rise of Vedas

Rig VedaSama VedaYajur Veda

Atharva Veda

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Administration during Vedic Era



Head of Jana


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Mahajanapadas: Rise of Republics







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Kingdoms start merging

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6th Century: Turning Point

Siddhartha Gautama: 563 BC to 480 BC


Vardhamana Mahavira: 599 BC to 527 BC


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Recording of Indian History Begins.

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Haryanka Dynasty of Magadha: Second known dynasty of India

Bimbisara Ajathasatru

Starts expanding Magadha. Early supporter of Buddha

Builds a highly powerful and fearsome Magadha force.

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Ajathasatru empire. Rivals the size of Persian

empire under Cyrus.

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Nanda EmpireAjathasatru was succeeded by Shishunga dynasty

and then the Nanda dynasty.

Nandas were extremely unpopular and were reportedly cruel. They denied help to other

Indian kings besieged by alien invasions.

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Kingdoms of Ancient Magadha

Brihadratha Haryanka Shishunga Nanda

5th century 4th century6th centuryUnknown

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Lecture 4: Invasions & Cultural Interchange

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Extent of Cyrus the Great of Persia.

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400 BC. Takshashila: India’s first University at the crossroads of Persia and India.

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Taxila: Students entered at 16 and learned a variety of arts - from archery to physics and religion from masters.

Charaka“Father” of Medicine


ChanakyaMilitary Strategist

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326 BC: Alexander Attacks IndiaAmbi - the ruler of Taxila submits to Alexander.

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Excellent Video documentary in:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WvgzOa2rko

Battle of Hydaspes. King Porus (Purushotam) of Purushapura (Peshawar) resists

Alexander although losing the battle.

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Alexander’s army refuses to go further east, fearing the mighty Nanda Empire.

“For they were told that the kings of the Ganderites and Praesii were awaiting them with eighty thousand horsemen, two hundred thousand footmen, eight thousand chariots, and six thousand fighting elephants.”

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Chandragupta Maurya: First Major Emperor begins Consolidation

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With Chanakya’s strategyChandragupta pushes Greeks out of South Asia

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Rise of Ashoka. Political Integration of India. (269-232 BC)

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Battle of Kalinga (261 BC) turns Ashoka to a pacifist.

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Heartbroken by a brutal war with Kalinga, Ashoka turns Pacifist. Spreads Buddhism all over old world.

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A golden age for India.40% of world population and close to 50% of world GDP was from Ashoka. Continues the great work of his father

Bindusara & grandfather Chandragupta.

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Stupas & other buildings

Moral Symbols First major written language

Ashoka’s Legacy

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Mauryan Emperors Try Different Religious Sects

Ashoka’s Mauryan successors go directionless.

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185 BC: Within 50 years of Ashoka’s death, Pushyamitra Sunga does the first military coup in India assassinating

Mauryan emperor Brihadratha.

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Lecture 5: Classical Age. (200 BC - 1100 AD)

Greatest works of Indian art would be created.

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India faces GlobalizationEnd of Mauryas causes confusion all over India. Without a strong emperor, India is attacked by Central Asian nomads.

From 230 BC to 320 AD, India is ruled by many kings and there is an huge interchange of art and culture all over Asia and Greece.

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Migration of the Yuezhi to India.

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Invasion of northern India by Kanishka(from central Asia) causes an explosion of art interactions among

Greece, Persia, Bactria and India.

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Satvahanas: Consolidation of Middle India. 230 BC to 220 AD. Created the present world heritage sites of

Ajantha, Ellora and Amaravati.

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Trade flourishes among Egypt, Rome, Arabia and India

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India at the time of Christ

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Chandrgupta - I

Yet another Chandragupta emerges to fight alien powers in India. Marries a Lichchhavi

princess & gets Magadha kingdom as dowry. Starts

massive expansion.

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Gupta DynastyAge of Innovations (320 - 520 AD)

Chess UniversityPlace value system

Sex Education

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Numeric system originates in Gupta Era.

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Top scientists of Gupta era

VarahamihiraTrignometry, Optics,

Arithmetic and calculation of equinox.

AryabhattaApproxmated Pi, decimal system

(0), algebra, heliocentrism, explanation of eclipses.

ShushrutaFather of modern surgery. Author

of Shushtrua Samhita.

Other great scientists: Brahmagupta (first to use 0), Bhaskara - I.

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4th century Nalanda University: Heights of Indian Education System.

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Xuanzhang6th century

Faxian4th century

The two Chinese Scholars who helped document India’s classical era.

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After two centuries of attacks, Hunas finally end Gupta Empire in 530 AD

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Emperor Harsha Vardhana drives away the Hunas and tries to

reunite India after 100 years of disintegration. After 40 years of rule, his empire disintegrates at

his death.

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Battle of Rajasthan: 738 AD.An alliance of Hindu rulers led by Vikramaditya - II

defeat Arabs and ends Islamic expansion towards east.

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First Democratic election in India: 750 AD

Gopala gets elected and builds the Pala empire starting from

Bengal. For 400 years his dynasty will rule parts of northern & eastern India.

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Meanwhile in South India...South India, especially Tamil region had a parallel

history. It had 4 main dynasties - Chola, Chera, Pandya and Pallavas (probably from north).

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Pallava Dynasty (2nd - 9th century AD): Period of

extraordinary architecture.

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Raja Raja Chola and his son Rajendra build a massive empire. Unlike most other Indian empires, they were

strong seafarers. Circa 1000 AD.

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1192 AD: Second Battle of Tarain. An inspired Prithiviraj could not contain a relentless Ghori.

Islam enters India after the second battle.

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Hindu empires simultaneously collapse all over India due to independent reasons.

In 1193 Nalanda University was destroyed by an invading Afghan ruler.

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Lecture 6: Hindu-Islamic Era. (1200 - 1800 AD)

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India after the Second battle of Tarain.

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Delhi Sultanates (1200 - 1526 AD)5 dynasties: Mamluk, Khilji, Tuqlaq, Sayyid, Lodhi

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1221: Genghiz Khan retreats back from the

Indus river.

Alaudin Khilji of Delhi was strong and Khan didn’t want to take a


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1000s of historic Hindu & Buddhist sites are ravaged during the period.

Sun temple of Anantnag, Kashmir

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1398: Timur of Samarkhand plunders Delhi and leaves 100,000 dead in 1 day.

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1336: Rise of Vijayanagara Empire

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Samrat Hemu Chandra Vikramaditya (Hemu) fights back the Afghans and takes back Delhi

Wins 22 battles against Afghans. Loses against Akbar due to a stray arrow hitting him in the eye in the Second

Battle of Panipat (1556).

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1526-1757: Mughal Dynasty.

Akbar’s lucky victory against Hemu starts a

200 year Mughal dynasty that ruled

a big chunk of north India.

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Aurangzeb: Last of the Mughal Emperors goes harsh on native Hindu population.

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By 1707 most of India is consolidated by the Mughal rulers.

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Marathas of Central India: Bhosle Era (1674 - 1759)Shivaji introduces guerilla warfare against the Mughals. Hindu rulers

fight back again.

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By 1761, Marathas take control of most of north India.

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1761: 3rd battle of Panipat. Marathas lose against the combined strength of Afghans and Persians.

In 1818 a weakened Maratha Empire is completed defeated by the East India Company.

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Lecture 7: Entry of Colonial Powers in India (17th - 19th centuries)

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After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, European sailors start looking for alternative routes to Asia.

Vasco da Gama reaches India in 1498.

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Europe starts building strong trade routes to India. Goa is colonized.

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Portugal, Netherlands, France, Denmark and England all setup trading posts.

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East India Company is one the first modern Corporation. It entered India as a trading

company in 1612 after Jahangir allowed them.

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The Company gets a lot of natural harbors that are unutilized by the native rulers who ignore navy.

In 1668 England got Bombay as a dowry from Portugal (after the royal wedding of Charles II). The company

gets permission to setup factory in Madras after Vijayanagara kings give permission.

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Carnatic Wars: European rivalries enter India. France nationalizes French India


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Robert Clive - an officer at the East India Company has

grand plans.

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In 1756, the new Nawab of Bengal captures Calcutta from the Company.

The Black Hole of Calcutta - where the Nawab held English

prisoners creates huge flutter in England.

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1757: Battle of PlasseyClive buys out Bengali aristocrats: Jagat Seth & Mir Jafar

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By 1800, the only impediment to the Company was a loose confederation of Marathas.

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Tippu Sultan of Mysore uses Rocket Warfare for the first time in human history. The defeat of his ally Napoleon in Waterloo messes up with his plan.

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Most Indian kingdoms slowly fall, unable to tackle the industrial prowess of the Company

Ahom kingdom 1226-1820

Sikh Empire1799-1849

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1772: Capital shifted to Calcutta by Warren Hastings

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Consequences of Company Rule

Millions perish in dozens of famines.

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Some positives: Social Reforms takes off too.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy (father of modern India) and others lead

social reforms in India to abolish Sati (Widow burning) and allow

widow remarriage.

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Strongest company ever

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By 1857 most of India is under the company

or company’s dependents.

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In 1857, Indians would strike back...ending the company forever...

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Lecture 8: First War of Indian Independence (1857).

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10 May 1857. Sepoys Mutiny in MeerutSuspect there might be beef or pork coating in the cartridge. Compounded resentment from serving on overseas battles.

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11th May. Mutiny spreads to Delhi. Indian troops capture Delhi.

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Rani Laxmibai: Denied throne on basis of the “Doctrine of Lapse”. Widespread hatred in royalty.

Awadh, Jhansi, Kanpur and Lucknow were soon up in rebelling.

Tatya Tope of Maratha territory was trying to coordinate the attack.

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A large number of Indian states join the sepoy mutiny.

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India’s native rivalries and suspicious soon dominate

• Sikhs were angry at the eastern Indians for not helping them out during their war with the English. Also, they feared the resurrection of Mughals. Thus they sided the British.

• With the help of Sikh, Gurkha and Pathan regiments, East Indian company ends the first war of Indian Independence.

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Mutineers executed

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Bahadur Shah: Last of Indian Mughals is exiled to Burma

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British Queen takes over India from the Company after 100 years of rule

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Lecture 9: India’s fight for Independence (1857 - 1947).

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Transportation systems that helped the British rule better.

1869: Suez Canal 1853: Indian Railways

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1857-1914Indians are pragmatic in this period.

Dadhabhai Naoroji becomes first Indian to be an MP in Britain. Indians enter civil

service and legal service.

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In 1885 Indians come together to form the Indian National Congress.

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Turn of 20th century: Congress splits between moderates and radicals

Lala Lajpath Rai Bal Ganghadhar Tilak

Gopal Krishna Gokale

Motilal Nehru

Radicals (wanted full freedom)

Moderates (wanted to secure more rights)

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1914: Return of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi perfected

“Satyagraha” or truth movement in South Africa. He is

now ready for India.

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Gandhi converts Congress party into a mass movement

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1919: Jallianwallabagh Massacre. 1000s of unarmed civilians shot at.

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Non-cooperation movement: Mahatma Gandhi turns the movement to focus more on economic and social factors.

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1930: Gandhi takes Indians on Civil Disobedience. Breaks laws on making salt in Dandi, Gujarat.

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Gandhi secure widespread support allover the world - even in Britain.

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Netaji: Indian National Army

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Indian Extremists Strike.

Bhagat Singh Chandrashekar Azad


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16th Aug 1946: Muslim League under Jinnah leaves a trail of violence to press

for a separate nation for Muslims.

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Lord Mountbatten: Last Viceroy of India sets

India’s freedom date for 15th August 1947 and

decides to partition the country into two - India &


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Lecture 10: India after Independence.


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Jan 30, 1948. Assassination of the Mahatma

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Political Integration of India.

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India’s iron man- Sardar Patel and first prime minister Nehru fight to keep

India as a single union.

Taking over Hyderabad, 1948

Take over Goa from Portugal, 1960.

Fight to keep Kashmir, 1948.

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Kashmir PuzzleThe territory of Kashmir was bought by Hindu Maharajahs in 1860. The

Maharajah joined India, while the populace was majority Muslim.

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1956. Indians states reorganized on linguistic lines.

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1962: India and China battle on high mountains for a month.

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1947, 1965, 1971 and 1999: Indo Pakistan wars.

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1971: India splits Pakistan to create a separate nation of Bangladesh.

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1977: India Gandhi declares Emergency. Takes absolute powers & suspends democracy.

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1991: India comes out of socialism with pro-market reforms to avoid total bankruptcy.

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Summary: Key Learning Takeaways

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Only two major routes to enter into India from West. This fort-like geography shaped India’s history.

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Humans moved into India about 60K years ago.

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Heights of Indus Valley Civilization: 3300 -1700 BC

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Formation of Republics in Gangetic Valley

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Taxila: Students entered at 16 and learned a variety of arts - from archery to physics and religion from masters.

Charaka“Father” of Medicine


ChanakyaMilitary Strategist

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Rise of Ashoka. Political Integration of India. (269-232 BC)

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Gupta DynastyAge of Innovations (320 - 520 AD)

Chess UniversityPlace value system

Sex Education

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1526-1757: Mughal Dynasty.

Akbar’s lucky victory against Hemu starts a

200 year Mughal dynasty that ruled

a big chunk of north India.

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1757: Battle of PlasseyClive buys out Bengali aristocrats: Jagat Seth & Mir Jafar

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First War of Indian Independence (1857).

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1930: Gandhi takes Indians on Civil Disobedience. Breaks laws on making salt in Dandi, Gujarat.

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Political Integration of India.

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327 BC: Battle of Hydaspes. Porus vs. Alexander. Ends Greek Expansion in Asia.

261 BC: Battle of Kalinga. Kalinga vs. Ashoka. Turns Mauryas to pacifism and Buddhism.

738 AD: Battle of Rajasthan. Umayyad vs. Chalukyas.Checks Islamic expansion east.

1192 AD: Battle of Tarain. Prithiviraj Chauhan vs. Ghori.Ghori wins in second battle and brings Islam to India.

1556 AD: 2nd Battle of Panipat. Hemu vs. Akbar.Akbar wins through a scattered arrow. Mughal empire begins.

1757 AD: Battle of Plassey. East India Co. vs. Bengal.Brings India under East India Company & European rule.

1761 AD: 3rd Battle of Panipat. Marthas vs. Afghans.Marathas are pushed back and last of Indian empires bites dust.

Key battles that changed the face of India.

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India needs to rediscover Nalanda.It is the period where India’s science grew to great heights. It is time to bring back that era.

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