a business architecture framework for industrialisation...

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A Business Architecture Framework for Industrialisation

and Standardisation in a modern National Statistical Institute

Brussels, March 5th 2013

Nadia Mignolli Piero Demetrio Falorsi, Giulio Barcaroli, Alessandra Fasano Department for Integration, Quality, Research and Production Network Development (DIQR) of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat)

New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics – NTTS 2013 Brussels, March 5th – 7th 2013

N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013


Istat mandate: Stat2015 modernisation programme


Business Architecture and Enterprise Architecture

Business Domain Contents and Activities

The Business Architecture Model

Future Steps

Istat Mandate: Stat2015 Modernisation Programme

It leads Istat towards a relevant change process with the following main purposes:

Standardisation and Industrialisation of statistical production chain based on re-use (of data, methods, processes, tools)

Adoption of a model based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

The employ of a common language becomes essential to undertake congruent innovation paths

This is consistent with what is taking place at national, European and international level

Central Bank of Italy (direct comparisons and evaluation of the work)

Sponsorship on standardisation

Statistical Network

Plug and Play Architecture (Unece)

N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013

Support data sharing and

Open data

Explore digital/big data

Stat2015: Framework

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

based on plug-and-play technology to

ensure interoperability between different


Shared standard IT tools and methods

N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013


Lack of a European and international reference

Istat BA model inspired by that of CBS (Statistics Netherlands)

Significant changes in CBS model were made, concerning:

Alignment of the activities defined within business domains with phases and sub-processes of GSBPM

Customisation of the principles and the model taking into account

Istat specificities

Introduction of new infrastructures: Repository of standard Methods

and Guidelines (RMG) and Repository of Tools and Applications


N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013

Business Architecture (BA) and Enterprise Architecture (EA)

Integrated Architecture Framework

From Unece model

N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013

The BA Principles

In the diagrams each level is governed by the previous through principles and modelling processes

Transition from a level of conceptual representation to higher operational and technological ones

It is a one-way diagram, with the possibility of introducing feedback mechanisms important for the development of solutions

N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013

1. Four Business Domains/Areas

3. Reuse and Adoption of Standards: Repositories

4. Industrialisation of the Statistical Process

7. Quality Assessment

10. Developments from Scratch should be limited

Business Domain Contents

Istat current situation (as is)

N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013

Istat target situation (to be) A very complex information model

Actual stove pipe model of statistical processes

Heterogeneity of procedural, methodological and technological approaches

Lack of standards

Redundancy of data and applications

Business Domain Activities

N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013





The Business Architecture Model

N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013

From 1.1 to 1.4; 1.6 2.1 and 2.2 1.5 2.6; From 2.3 to 2.5

Planning: 3.3

Monitoring: 9.1 and 9.2

Adjustment: 9.3

The whole Phase 3 From 4.1 to 4.4 From 5.1 to 5.8

The whole Phase 6

The whole Phase 7

The whole

Phase 8

Alignment with


N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013

Future Steps

Thank you for your attention






N. Mignolli, P.D. Falorsi, G. Barcaroli, A. Fasano. Brussels, March 5th 2013

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