a chair as a distructor of continuous health condition and as a

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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A chair as a distructor of Continuous Health Condition and as a tool for its renovation simultaneously. Will you agree with me that your organism is adapted to the Earth and is not adapted to either Jupiter or Venus ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Will you agree with me that your organism is adapted to the Earth and is not adapted to either Jupiter or Venus?

Then answer the following question: what can a Homo Sapiens be freely sitting on in nature? You’ll probably answer: ‘On a stone, on grass, on soil or

on a fallen tree...

Then we should admit the fact that all motional and coordinating processes supporting such act of our life as Sitting, as well as such acts as seating and

rising, maintaining the balance of our body, are adapted to such natural “chairs”.

The most interesting in Sitting is the fact that keeping in mind the necessity for a woman to sit as much as possible during pregnancy and child-care...

The Creator of Homo Sapiens’s organism invented a “pillow” for her, i.e. soft and big buttocks

On the contrary, keeping in mind a function of a true Man (literally – to hunt a mammoth), i.e. to walk, run, obtain and bring, simultaneously caring for security of

children and family…

The Creator of Homo Sapiens’s organism deprived man’s body of such convenience as soft sitting and made gluteus hard and pointed his pelvis …

(otherwise a Man will always be sitting – that’s what the Creator thought while creating a man)


There is a Strategic program of ensuring balance in the state of vertical mobility – as a state of continuous sanity and continuous health.

There is also a “Tactical” program which ensures balance during sitting as well as during rising and seating...

But as your replied this Program of sitting balance exists only to be applied when you use natural “chairs”, which I listed (grass, stone, fallen tree and earth).

Taking this Tactical program into consideration human’s organism implements it by analysis of information about buttocks’ contact either with rounded objects (a stone or a tree) or through full contact of buttocks with the Planet’s surface (grass

or earth).

For the organism as an organizer of your safety(to prevent you from falling down),

Your intention to sit on a chair is actually always a signal about mortal danger!

Reason? Because the contact surface of your buttocks, touching the plane of the chair’s seat, send a signal to the organism that you

aren’t located on a usual roundness for sitting, i.e. tree trunk or roughness of a stone …

But are sitting… on the earth!

But this is where the tragedy of the situation is!!! For the Organism’s control systems, which ensure balance and your vertical position, when you’re sitting

on a chair… you’re almost hanging… flying on the chair!

A wonderful illustration of sensphysiology of sitting as a flight are statues of ancient Egypt!

As an illustration to the phenomenon that you’re investigating (Flight-sitting) pay special attention to a point, which I marked on the scheme of Energy meridian of the

bladder – this point is called in Chinese medicine: “The point of support bearing”.

When you feel this point while sitting (a scheme is unilateral) and this is possible when

you are sitting on natural “chairs”, your organism will preserve calmness, vertical

position of your body and you, for you not to fall down.

By the way (for those who are hunched or bent), it is very easy to straighten your body.

Just feel that you are sitting with all your weight on this point.

The point of support


Once I had a cognition of significance and pronunciation of hieroglyphs of names of different points on energy meridians and cognition of the meaning hidden in their names:

«A nose of a calf», «Harvesting of bamboo», «A Sieve for rice», «A strike against the Moon», «Clean hands», «Big gushing source», etc

I used to treat one patient – Mr. Rishard – and despite several sessions of Su Jock therapy, which was always effective, I couldn’t treat his dislocation of vertebras quickly.

Then I decided to use the knowledge that I obtained about hieroglyphs. I made Mr. Rishard sit on his points of “Support bearing” on a wooden billet, which I noticed through the


And he was cured! My question to you is: Who prevents you from sitting from time to time on a bottle of

water or on a small wooden beam, or on a spray can? Let these points work for the renovation of your spine work and your vertical sanity. (You can even treat the left and the right in turn. This will be an indication of comprehension of not only technology of spine renovation, but also a comprehension of a reason why this point was created by

the Creator when creating the organism of Homo Sapiens.

Let’s continue investigating sitting as a process that can liquidate a Condition of continuous Health, but at the same time be a tool for its renovation.

…At the same time when you’re sitting on a chair (or an arm-chair, or a sofa) your organism (the mother and father of your safety) doesn’t perceive it as if you were sitting

on a stone or a tree (i.e. on the “Point of support bearing”; neither it perceives you sitting on the surface of the earth (that you can feel with a skin of buttocks, bearing your

weight), but it perceives you hanging above the earth … Imagine the stress that your organism experiences at this moment: it is constantly waiting that you’ll fall down -


You should accept that the process of sitting is not just about sitting,


(this is what the organism feels)

A statue of a pharaoh shows “A flight on a chair”

It is you who thinks that the legs of a chair or a stool (arm-chair or sofa) are strong. But the organism that is constantly works based on the principle: “what

if”(and in each case “if” means a break of the chair’s leg)



But people “seeking convenience” and fighting with everything natural have gone even further! They invented a back for a stool …

I wish it was at least more or less straight as in the situation with thrones of kings.




A tilt of the chair’s or arm-chair’s back is already a signal of a danger for Homo

Sapiens’s organism: «You’re falling flat on your back and hitting the back of your head!».

Poor organism! You perfectly know that occipital lobes and the cerebellum are the most protected

(by a thick layer of the skull’s bones) part of Homo Sapiens’s organism.

Reason? The statue of a pharaoh shows the allegory of this protection and importance of this zone of the organism for the flight of a

person in the space!!!The picture also shows the influence of this

zone on the acuity of vision.You agreed before that you’re not a bird.

And this is true! A bird can only fly... and you can perform

EVERYTHING in flight!

Consider that even bald people have hair on the back of their heads! Для Why?! The answer of sensphysiology is simple – in order to protect something that is very valuable

and very important for Homo Sapiens.

This collage is not a joke.This is my picture to illustrate one of many systems of analogies that

comprise the form and physiology of Homo

Sapiens’s organism!The picture is presented to comprehend

not only the importance of the back of the head, but also “simultaneously” to

comprehend what was before – the influence of a mammary gland mammilla on both the

SAKHASRARA Chakra and vertical mobility of a person.

What are these (occipital) structures of the brain important for? You know it from school that the visual signal from an the goes to the OPPOSITE

occipital zone of the brain, where the signal is converted into a visual object.

Any malfunction of the cerebellum is always associated with a loss of verticality feeling by a person (i.e. interaction of the OPPOSITE parts of body and liquidation of their coherence during such processes as walking, standing up from a bed or chair, etc

But you’ll agree with me that even in order to solve the “Chair problem” (prevent our organism from the fear of hitting the back of the head and

die) people cannot eliminate chairs and sit on stones, trees and grass?! ...

Though, one could use throne-type chairs, i.e. with a straight back.

This type of chairs reduce “dependence of the body from a chair” due to the effect of mirror imposition of information, i.e. imposition of aura of straight back of the chair on information structures of the spine and the brain of Homo Sapiens, according to

the Law of Reflection of Information signal in the science of sensphysiology. As you see, this type of chair “makes” you sit with your back straight and your body, when you sit on a throne-type chair, reacts and makes you pose as a King or Queen!

But you have what you have, i.e. chairs and arm-chairs with a tilted back. How can you – the Person of Consciousness – use these “colleagues” to restore your

health, spoiled by unnatural standing, sitting and rising?! Sensphysiology offers you a perfect solution!

THESE ARE THE RECIPES OF SENSPHYSIOLOGICAL SITTING, I created them for you taking into consideration that the modern person needs to sit

for a long time. The recipes are easy and do not require that you run to the pharmacy. They just

require your wish and willingness to eliminate the fear of your organism. And though they are a bit “anecdotal”, e.g. a recipe of a model of sensphysiological

sitting for women, they are the following:

Rp: пані ВАСИЛИНІПрофесор Олександр Харченко

Always sit like a Queen( like a hen on eggs!)

Rp: to Mrs. Vasilina From Alexandr Kharchenko, professor

M. Kramskoy. “The unknown woman”


And this is the recipe of motivation for the organism to restore health by sensphysiological sitting for men :

Always ready to start!(always under strain!)

Rp: to Mr. VasiliyFrom A. Kharchenko, professor

I created the recipes of models of sensphysiological sitting in order to reduce stress for your organism.

But first of all, while elaborating this skill of physiological culture like sensphysiological sitting, you need to understand the main thing:

This is a very difficult and delicate work of nerves, bones, muscles of legs and of the whole organism (i.e. all the systems that secure balance),




What kind of sensphysiology is used when creating and effective implementation of

sensphysiological sitting by my patients.. Since the Creator prohibited sitting for men... We will start learning the technology of recipes from men. Their organism with a specific body structure (like a balloon) “is

allowed" only to crouch! And this is allowed just for a short moment. A real man should be standing while

sitting and at the same time control himself in order to relocate the weight of the body onto the toes and not on the buttocks!

The idea of the Creator here is very simple. A man should be able to stand up quickly and help those under his wardship (women and children).

Then your organism – if you’re a man and like “comfort” that kills manliness will be deceived by you!

And this is exactly so! Because, when you’re sitting you’re like about to stand up from a woman-like position

(on the pelvis)!Or you’re about to reach the aim … I warn you that in the beginning of learning how to sit this way (standing sitting) you can feel pain in your knees and legs (for want of

habit!) – because they have just started working in a man-like manner.

Then just increase this pain! Your organism will eliminate it, since this type of sitting (standing sitting) in inherent for the organism of a man, i.e. it is in the program of the

man’s function.

I assure you that based on patients’ experience after continuous implementation of the recipe of sensphysiological sitting all your man qualities, including sexual, will always be accentuated and in tonus (including continuous health of a prostate!). But be cautious! This condition will last only until you forget about man’s function

(to protect and support) will again sit, like a “hen on the eggs”, i.e. relocating your full weight onto the buttocks.

Stop accusing somebody in impotence and prostatitis. Their roots are on the back of your chair or arm-chair.



Sensphysiology, which emerged during the transfer of mankind to the new epoch – the epoch of Homo Sensus – to implement and realize the knowledge of vertical mobility

renovation technology and transfer to SENSPHYSIOLOGICAL THINKING (a state of continuous health)

offers also gymnastics for men and women (except recipes of healthy sitting) … in the process of sitting.

But I’d like to stress again!!!You need to comprehend it with your logics. This is very precise, difficult and

responsible job for the organism and its systems of balance support: TO TAKE A SIT, TO SIT (AND NOT TO FALL DOWN) AND TO STAND UP.

This picture is called:

The sitting gymnastics for men to renovate man’s organism lies in the fact that when

you take a sit (on a chair or an arm-chair) you should feel it with the skin of your legs

(not buttocks!!!). Stay in this position! You’ll be like simultaneously sitting, standing and


Trust the Creator of man’s organism. This type of “as if sitting” is very

PHYSIOLOGICAL for your organism since it corresponds to the program of its

construction. Pay attention that you’ll be able to sit like this for several hours in the

office, in front of a computer or TV …

Got tired of sitting this way? Do you want to lean against the back? Don’t do this! This

is not tiredness, this is a signal from your organism to you that you’re sitting like a

woman (on the pelvis), i.e. your weight is relocated on the buttocks! Stand up! Apologize

to your man’s essence for tortures and sit down like a man, that is until you touch the

edge of a chair by that place on the legs, where a point known as “The point of

Blooming” from Chinese medicine is located.

“The point of blooming” will immediately inform your organism and your intuitional intellect that you’re increasing the “Area of information catch”, i.e. the zone of man’s

activeness – like a flower, which becomes a rose or a lilly from a small bud.


Attention! During AS-IF-SITTING on the Point of Blooming you’re not only

increasing your physical areal, like a coming out flower, you’re also obtaining a feeling of a scent of the air.

(for men this is a feeling of continuous sanity).

The technology and methodology of renovation of Continuous health by sitting on a chair is different for women.

(Sensphysiological gymnastics for women)According to the idea of the Creator, when he was creating a person, according to the

laws of nature and data of sensphysiology the organism of an ideal woman is always in the state of CONTINUOUS PREGNANCY!

Sensphysiology also proved the fact that, when a woman moves (goes, sits down, rises from a chair, lies down on a bed, stands up

from it, etc)in order not to disturb a child that is

developing in the uterus (even if a child is vistual);

when a woman holds her hands so much relaxed in order not to disturb a child that

she’s breast-feeding; when a woman always acts and speaks

quietly and calmly in order not to wake up a child that is sleeping – SHE IS ALWAYS


It was during Soviet times, when one of the correspondents installed his camera in front of a chair in a crowded street and invited women to take a sit.

His idea was to show a picture of Soviet women. Since I started investigating sensphysiology as a technology to achieve a state of continuous health and POSSIBILITIES OF PHYSIOLOGICAL CULTURE

by means of learning the “secrets of the organism”, secrets of religions, cultures, ancient civilizations, other (sometimes accidental) information signs,

I noticed that almost every woman was looking at the chair before taking a sit… Moreover! They didn’t look into the camera until they made sure of the durability of

the chair, by moving their buttocks!!!REASON?

The answer that I found is very easy: This is how the organism of a woman ensured


Because sub-consciously each woman that was invited to sit down – especially in front of the TV-audience (invisible, but imaginable supervisor) switched on and took from the layers of social and

personal habitsThe program of Woman’s mission.

A mission of each woman is to CONTINUE LIFE OF MANKIND,Since men are deprived of such physiological possibility (I do not review self-cloning as an intellectual and technological possibility, since the mankind is not developed

enough. And to repeat the Lord’s “mistake”, when Adam who had no consciousness at that time “broke into” Internal with an “apple” is impossible!)




These specific body motions, when a woman was taking a sit, and intuitional control of presence of the chair and its durability

(«What if somebody will take this chair in the last moment and I will fall down?», «What if one of the chair’s legs is broken and I’ll fall down?», «What if the chair/arm-

chair/sofa will break apart under my weight and I’ll fall down?»)… was carried out according to the same program:

Protection of an ideal child development by a woman! That’s why each true woman is always in a state of continuous preventive pregnancy,

and she always feels any “threats to a child»…

…It is important not to fall down on the chair, but slowly and tenderly sit down with the

full weight on the buttocksin order not to injure a New Life …

When men are taking a sit, they do not look at a chair! They do not need it, since they are anyway standing, if they are true men and

not “hens on eggs”.

I’d like to stress again and based on this I created perfect and effective sensphysiological gymnastics for women to renovate the work of the spine, spinal cord

and hormonal systems …it is only after such intuitive control, when each of those women made sure that the

chair was durable and safe, locating her buttocks like a “hen, sitting on eggs”, they were able to convert their INTERNAL GLANCE from the chair and looked into the camera!

When I continued investigating the Factor of continuous virtual pregnency of EACH

woman I made another significant discovery: When a woman was SURE THAT THE CHAIR WAS DURABLE

(that is when she was sitting like a “hen on eggs”)A smile immediately (!!!) appeared on her face. People have been trying to decipher

this smile for several centuries. THIS IS A SMILE OF GIOKONDA!

Later as I continued investigating phenomenon of Giokonda’s smile, I found that her smile is a result of specific contraction of muscles of … Buttocks (I’ll explain later) when a woman is sure that she’s really sitting!

The discovery of Giokonda’s smile is not just my discovery, but also that of my female patients and now you know it: Giokonda’s smile lies in internal confidence of always

(though virtually) pregnant woman! And this happens not only when she’s confidently sitting on a chair, but also when she

lives in a complete confidence in herself.

For your information, appearance of specific condition of lips (Giokonda’s smile) lies in


It is created by the motion of the coccygeal bone and muscles of the pelvis (see figure)

as an opposite of lips according to the Law of axis... Consider that the majority of women

excluding those that are always wearing trousers a “drawing” an 8 with buttocks, when they

sit down.

When you take a closer look the drawings given below and examine one of the pelvic

muscles of a women, then the answer to the question, why she sits down like this becomes

obvious! This is how she “trains” the feeling of a seat by the skin of buttocks as well as

adjusts the balance of the body in order not to fall down...

The sign of infinity in



…With this smile that appears automatically during confident sitting, a specific posture also appears: «A Queen on the throne» and such a wonderful position of palms, when one

covers the other…

By the way, don’t you have an important and reasonable question: “Should I apply lip make-up for this test of infinity

quality? - What for?”

But even with this intuitive movement a woman exercises this muscle, which is very

important for the birth of a child and, as you can see from pictures, she exercises lips

and quality of chromosomes – i.e. the quality of eternal life that is created!

Attention! This SIMULTANEOUS motion of both hands is not an accident! This is pre-programmed movement of woman’s hands that comes out when she’s

COMPLETELY HEALTHY ON THE LEVEL OF HORMONES. Why this way? You who are learning basic laws of sensphysiology already know about such a fundamental law of Universe as the Law of Correspondence as well as about

existence of a simple, effective and completely safe Su Jock therapy by professor Pack Je Vu.

When you take a closer look at the scheme of correspondence of a hand to an organism you’ll notice that with this folding of hands of a woman that is confident in the safety of

virtual child, a zone of the uterus overlaps a zone of a waist!

A reply to the question of those attentive: why Leonardo da Vinci

relocated Giokonda’s palm “from the norm”, I’ll explain, but in another


This is what the organism of a woman required! – to create comfort and warmth for the uterus (and, correspondingly to a child) by means of information exchange between the uterus and its zone of correspondence on the palm, as well as between

waist and its zone of correspondence on the rear part of the hand. With this situation, when one hand covers the other and with a contact of theze

zones of correspondence it gets warm in the uterus! Correspondingly, it is also warm for a child that is inside (for a virtual child as

well!). You should accept that children are like water-melons: they perfectly grow and develop where it is warm.

But pay attention! It also gets warm for the waist as well! -

Women, please, pay special attention! This is the most important message of sensphysiology! If you experience a wish to move your body or relocate your legs or

correct the position of your shoulders when you’re sitting on a chair, in an arm-chair or on a sofa, don’t do this! This is a signal of your organism to you about the fact that a child that is inside you experiences cold. By the way, it is also cold to the

ovum in your ovary! This is a signal about the fact that you’re not sitting on the buttocks now – though

it seems as if you do – but a hanging in the air and there is a cold layer under you!

“Doesn’t your mother feel how life stops exactly like mine in the cold?!”

I repeat (since it is important) This is a signal about the fact that

you’re sitting incorrectly, you’re not putting your weight on something

soft, created for you by the Creator so that you could “sit” a child.

Your wish to adjust your body or relocate your legs emerges because your organism is tired of flying on a chair!

Please recall a message of Supreme intellect (Folk fairy tails) – what do they say about those who are flying on a broom.

Pay attention to how your neck is strained! Your woman-type breathing (with chest) is blocked!

It is not your wish to relocate legs. This is a wish of tired systems of balance that constantly have to prevent you from falling!

It is not you who relocates legs, adjusts shoulders (though it seems like this). These are your balanced systems constrained by the spasm that are “relocating” legs, cross your legs... This wish of a woman is a cry of muscles and nerves of the organism: «Check the

durability of the thing you’re sitting on!»«Adjust your buttocks on a seat!»

«Check if it is warm to the “Egg of life” under you!»

Do it, because your organism asks you to do! Adjust them as if painting an “8”, but do not do anything with legs, shoulders and body. With this specific movement you’ll

restore a feeling of safety when you’re sitting. Attention! If you cannot do this or there is still a wish to adjust legs, shoulders, body or to cross your legs (it will be more precise to

say to put a leg (and this is 15-20 kgа это 15-20 килограмм) on the uterus) –

this is another signal that you’re not feeling your feminity and this so important part of your

organism. Then in order to learn how to feel buttocks …

Put a ping-pong ball under yourself and adjust its position, sitting on it like a hen

putting the weight of each cell of your organism onto it

And then you’ll quickly become smiling Giokonda, a Queen and

a constantly healthy woman!

Check if you’re really sitting? Or maybe you’re hanging in the air? How can you check it? Very easy!

If you’re breathing with your chest, then you’re sitting. If you’re breathing with your abdomen, then you’re hanging!

…And to be a constantly healthy woman is a state, when there is no wish to relocate or adjust any part of the body...except for the tool that the Creator gave you for sitting

(this is a sensphysiological test on feminity and hormonal health). Today women become patients mainly because of the following major reason –

They do not seat like a woman should and they are not sitting like a woman should... They do not even watch what they are sitting down on that’s why they just “throw” their full

weight on a chair, in an arm-chair or a sofa, thus injuring not only pelvic organs, but also the brain!

Since the muscles of women’s necks are weak, the brain hafts on the spine like a hammer on a handle! In order to protect itself the organism creates protective hardening in the neck’s zone. When women FALL DOWN ON A CHAIR, they injure their brain and

sometimes they can even destroy a new life.


That is why, based on sensphysiological analysis mentioned above, I offer both to my


To train your spinal cord, spine and all “woman-related” systems of the organism, including hormonal systems.

Approaching a chair (an arm-chair, a stool or a sofa) a woman that practices sensphysiological gymnastics to renovate her health (and this gymnastics should become one of the skills of physiological culture of each woman and girl) turns her head to a side

and investigates “IS THERE A CHAIR?!” (though she’s seen before that there is a chair!)

Afterwards, KEEPING HER HEAD IN THE SAME POSITION (HALF-TURNED), she sits down. And as you’ve already guessed, she tests durability of a chair with her

buttocks … Then she stands up and repeats above mentioned steps, but with the head turned to the

other side to renovate axial interactions in the organism! Admit, that it is difficult to find something easier than this to restore ideal verticality and left/right, fore/aft etc. harmony

simultaneously rotating all vertebras naturally! Attention! If you continue to experience health problems while using sensphysiological

gymnastics this means that you do not practice (at least once a day) this miraculous gymnastics!

The rise from a chair (arm-chair, etc.) is also a very important moment for your organism and its aim (maintain balance in

the state of vertical mobility). Don’t forget that there are always four of you! You # 1 it’s you in particular as an

initiator of changes, including initiator of diseases and even your death even though You # 2 as a system of interactions of internal with external to realize the aim and the mission of you – Homo Sapiens. Then goes You # 3, i.e. you as a system of information gathering from outside to further transfer it to the systems of physiological reactions. And You # 4

(your last body) – it is you as an executor-worker and at the same time room for the previous three of you.

That is based on the hierarchy of interactions between all of you, your body as an executor-worker

cannot disobey those on the top (you as Homo Sapiens, programs of the organism and information

for reactions from subconsciousness!) If it doesn’t obey the “orders of managers” it can be

fired …And the place for living

(your body) cannot be in a mess!

If the body doesn’t want to obey or doesn’t obey then the axis of interactions in

the systems as a technology of consistency of life breaks downTHAT’S WHY!

The reason for such subnormal situation is an element of human culture called “worship of body”.

It is nothing else but substitution of concepts. This is like you put more emphasis on the sound of the bicycle’s bell than on the bell itself, which protects from

disasters, or the bicycle itself, which is a means of reaching the aim!

As for significance, I’d like to announce: “Without whiskers I’m not a cat”! Think what it means?


But everything is not that desperately bad!

Your body is a very obedient executor: you want to go to a grocery shop – it delivers you there; you want to go to a theatre – it takes you to the theatre, but not to a grocery shop! Because the body as a moving facility for the organism, for subconsciousness, for Homo

Sapiens is a wonderful pyramid of interactions, where the top is a specific aim of you as a person “for this last moment”.

And your specific aim “for this last moment” is in its turn a step of your mission on the planet!

For you to understand “persistence” of your body and, correspondingly of you in it, the Creator invented the following: If any of the bricks of the pyramid is misshaped, the total

weight of the pyramid’s elements compensates stability.

I’d like to illustrate the idea of the Creator about your “persistence” and to illustrate the efficacy of sensphysiological trainings to restore ideal health by means of such

processes as seating, sitting and rising...Bring your eye-brows together, like you’re angry, and pay attention how easily you can raise your body from a chair. What kind of power can easily raise a “barrel of water”

weighing … kg? This is a power of such elements of the Universe joined by mutual information as a

pyramid of brought together eye-brows and the organism and a mutual activity of such analogues as eye-brow, collar-bone and foot…

They (due to their resemblance and “mutual” efforts) raised you like in a proverb: “when together it’s easier to move mountains”.

But the majority of people because of known reasons learn to rise after they were sitting …looking at the floor!

When rising they do not look at the aim or mission, but at and under the earth … that’s why their body goes to this specific “aim” (to the floor and under the earth)…

THIS IS EXACTLY how your organism perceives this movement of your eyes! And now, after the previous stress of death danger to hit the back of the head, which was initiated by the tilt of the back of a chair, it needs to rescue you AGAIN (to be specific – it

needs to rescue your nose from hitting the ground)!That’s why the head of such people goes instinctively down, as if «reducing the distance for

the nose that is EXPECTING a hit against the earth to minimize pain».

I’d like sensphysiologists to pay attention (see picture) to the action and the form of arms as wings trying to expand opportunities of metaphysiological pulsing (discussed later)

This is not my imagination, this is a result! Pay attention to the first step of the person that

rises this way. This is a STEP WITH A NOSE AIMING AT AND UNDER THE EARTH, because there is

logics of the Law of sensphysiology: «Where the eyes look, there the legs bring, where the nose is aimed, there the person goes». Pay attention to how old people and mentally old people are sitting. They are hunched and

their nose is pulled up. There is only one reason for this: this is how the intuitive fear to hit the earth by the nose becomes apparent.

This is it that raises their head!

Some people (pay attention) that have no aim or mission, are bailing out when they stand up!

Before standing up from a chair (arm-chair or sofa) if they need or have to go somewhere…

They lean back (from their aim or mission?!) and “throw” their feet up! (ersatz-rising) instead of standing on them (feet).

Pear: “I have no nose! That’s why I fall down.”

You as Homo Sensus realizing the process of rising can use this act of everyday life to renovate the state of continuous health.

This is true that the majority of modern people, including young people, feel discomfort, constraint and sometimes even pain, when they rise …

The reason is very simple even though there is an idea that this happens because of lack of lubrication in joints.

In order to ensure the state of personal continuous health you have to rise towards PERSONAL ONLY! That is to the object of your personal attention and to your personal

aim, e.g. towards a fridge or to go to a theatre … or even towards the mission! Attention! – if you rose to fulfill your mission, your body will not be subject to gravitation! You’ll be

flying in the state of antigravitation!

Let’s return to rising as the most important action to maintain personal health(It is only Homo sapiens who can rise!)

You should admit that the organism while you were sitting on a chair, especially while expecting that you hit the back of your head has ALREADY engaged all the systems to protect you from both “expectation of hitting the back of the head” and “landing

after falling”… To do this it has changed all the muscle, nervous etc. systems to ensure AT LEAST a softer “landing” if a leg of a chair breaks or whatsoever.

It has EVEN (pay attention!) transferred the weight of your head (and this is about 4,5 kg) forward so that you do not injure end lobes of the brain and cerebellum.

That is, while you were sitting (as everybody now) leaned back on the back of a chair, it (being responsible for your life) was writing and editing the “scenario of your falling and

hitting the ground”!

And it was not just writing and editing, it was expecting realization of this scenario every moment!

That is, it was preparing internal and external bodies of realization for softer “landing after the flight”...

Imagine its condition now! At some point of time, while your organism was expecting

falling, you just rose … But the organism was PREPARING ITSELF AND HAD PREPARED ALL THE ORGANS for something different!

This state resembles the situation when you’re waiting for guests, prepared a lot of food and they didn’t show up!

Besides, you didn’t rise to a specific aim immediately! Part of your thoughts remained somewhere else: near computer, TV or a book

Or in the Upper Worlds.

The secret of sensphysiology in using rising to renovate the condition of continuous health lies in the fact that you need to rise towards a specific thought (your aim) and

towards a specific look (at your aim), i.e., towards your personal intention to reach the object of thinking or vision.

And then your organism (and it can do it) will immediately organize your body of realization and its components: organs, systems up to cells and even electrons to

“conquer” the aim.

Consider the fact that the majority of ill people rise manipulating their body, but they don’t try to follow the aim after the vision and thought.

And you feet wil raise you easily, without problems and pain!!!

Example: I asked one of my female patients – Mrs. Yanina – who couldn’t walk without help of other people to bring her child (imaginable) to the opposite corner of the office. At the same time she was not allowed to disturb a sleeping child … Mrs.

Yanina holding her hands like a woman is holding a child rose from a chair and walked to the opposite side of the office, where her son and grand-children were waiting for

her… Afterwards she was standing amazed and staring at me and at the chair (in other words she was examining how much she could walk on her own without any help). This is a classic example. And how many cases of immediate healing do I have in my

practice? This is not a miracle. This is effect of the Laws of sensphysiology as a technology of the organism’s state renovation!

I always open this secret of health to my patients that have pains when they

walk.I give them knowledge of personal aim

and comprehension of personal mission that cure everything!

What do you need to do to renovate a condition of continuous health? How can you

use sensphysiology of a chair and such actions as sitting, rising and seating? You’ll never believe! You need to bend your body, when you rise, but not in the area of

the spine (like everybody does), but ONLY in the area of hip joints, thus relocating your weight on the feet. You should also look not at (or into) the ground, but on something,

somewhere... So that your organism could recall the program of structure and functions as an ideal fit for gravitation of the Earth and having such a wonderful feature as


And you’ll notice that your legs will easily raise you!

Since your legs as an all-sufficient system-organ in its function KNOW

THEMSELVES how to raise you.Like you stomach knows what to do with

food etc…

Sensphysiology, which is not only preventive, but also healing science offers several specific methods that you can use to renovate the state of continuous health.

For example, by rising from chairs, arm-chairs and sofas you can “repair your stomach”

And his complete system: You have an interesting point on your arm called “Clean arms”

It is located on the energy meridian of the small intestine

If you embrace yourself crossing your arms, and bring your elbows as close as possible, you’ll immediately touch this point with your thumb …

Then you’ll get also a pyramid of ideal sum of degrees, which matches Egyptian

pyramid! At the same time if you move your elbows up and down several times and then

change the position of your hands, create a pyramid again and repeat the movement several times …

And then if you sit down or rise, you’ll here how your stomach goes up and down, “getting free of problems”; even floating ribs are crunching “occupying their places”


And it gets easy to walk up and down stairs in a high-rise building and to rise after sitting …

There is nothing new in a “procedure” that I offer! Many people that have problems sit this way and even walk intuitively (“embracing themselves”). This is how your

organism is healing itself. Actually, you know this movement of pyramid made elbows very well. You always

do it, when you take off a sweater... But until now you performed this movement not knowing its sensphysiology, i.e. without Egyption pyramid, without engagement of

the point “Clean hands” … (Why this point is called “Clean hands”, I’ll explain in a book “Secrets of Chinese

Medicine for Home Application”). But!

And this is the main thing! it is this “undressing procedure” of physiological culture that influences the

CROSS OF VIBRATION MERIDIANS! Meridians of stomach and spleen-pancreas (unites them)

as well as unites vibration meridians of stomach and bladder of left and right parts of your body into one complex …

Vibration meridian of a stomach

Vibration meridian of spleen-pancreas

Vibration meridian of a bladder

You can ask: What does “Clean hands” point have to do here?

It is the point that activates these meridians! And since we were talking about a chair as a liquidator of health and simultaneously a

tool of renovation of continuous health, we understand that these listed meridians suffer in the first turn from reclined “sitting”, which damages a spine, kidneys and mind of a

person. The reason of epidemic growth of pancreatic diabetes, prostatitis, high blood pressure

and urolithiasis lies in this! (visit www.sensfiziologika.com)That’s why to renovate the state of continuous health it will be useful to touch (at least

sometimes) the point “Clean hands” with your thumbs, when you rise; or maybe touch it with all your fingers in turn and don’t forget to move the “wings” that you automatically

get made of fingers!

It is not obligatory to make a cherub out of yourself with both hands! Those who experiences difficulties with “taking a sweater off” can touch a point on a shoulder with a thumb of the other hand … In order to prevent and treat diabetes you

can move a thumb on a foot or move all the toes, when your “wings made of fingers” are working … It’s up to you.

This is not a procedure – this is a game!A PLAY AT PHYSIOLOGY AND SENSPHYSIOLOGY OF A CHERUB!

THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATION! Because the last example is a disguise of such a secret of religions as an image of SIX-


The topic of using the “Clean hands” point is very broad in sensphysiology. That’s why

we’ll stop on using it by Homo Sensus together with seating, sitting and rising as process of renovation. These trainings are not a gymnastic exercise, but one of types of mental

gymnastics of sensphysiology (later) to renovate PRIMARY that makes a person Homo sensus.

This primary is an antigravitation sensitivity, which makes a FLIGHT OF MERCURY possible.




Professor Alexandr KharchenkoLutsk, phone: 80508760217E-mail: sensfjzjologika@gmail.com

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