a child is borna child is born€¦ · a child is borna child is born when he first came in human...

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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A Child Is BornA Child Is BornA Child Is BornA Child Is Born

When he first came in human form,When he first came in human form,When he first came in human form,When he first came in human form, How could they know that God was born?How could they know that God was born?How could they know that God was born?How could they know that God was born?

Yet since that time at each child’s bYet since that time at each child’s bYet since that time at each child’s bYet since that time at each child’s birth,irth,irth,irth, God’s special love comes down to earth.God’s special love comes down to earth.God’s special love comes down to earth.God’s special love comes down to earth.

As Christ brought love, so it’s the sameAs Christ brought love, so it’s the sameAs Christ brought love, so it’s the sameAs Christ brought love, so it’s the same For He still comes as He once came.For He still comes as He once came.For He still comes as He once came.For He still comes as He once came.

EacEacEacEach time a child on earth is bornh time a child on earth is bornh time a child on earth is bornh time a child on earth is born God’s love is seen in human form.God’s love is seen in human form.God’s love is seen in human form.God’s love is seen in human form.

Each baby’s birth assurance givesEach baby’s birth assurance givesEach baby’s birth assurance givesEach baby’s birth assurance gives That God is love and with uThat God is love and with uThat God is love and with uThat God is love and with us lives.s lives.s lives.s lives.

Perry TanksleyPerry TanksleyPerry TanksleyPerry Tanksley _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As we complete three months for 2018, praying outside ,this death camp how many days did you stand in prayer for those entering this evil place? Each Saturday morning a small group come to pray. They have been coming every Saturday since 1997, when Planned Parenthood moved here. As Father Joseph Begue would say, “Their reward will be great in Heaven.”

Saturday Morning Prayer Warriors in March

Early Morning: 38

Second Prayer Group: 11

Youth: 13

Procession from Cathedral: 100

Abortionist: David Eisenberg, Colleen has not been at the

mill on Saturday in February. She is a traveling abortion-

ist. She had abortion appointments for March 6th but was

not seen. The young man from California, Justice has

been filling in for Colleen and David.

Saturday Stats for March

Expectant Moms: 38

Children Died: Unknown –-38 moms entered the death


Confirmed Babies Saved: 2

Literature Handed Out: 17

Pregnancy Test: 9 Birth Control: 8

Counseling for Abortion: 4

Other: - check-up-1, STD– 1

Turn a Way: 1

Alternative Ctr. for pregnancy test: 1

Escorts: 14

Saved Babies Born in March –1 Boy

Hrs. Counseling/Praying: 36 2

Hope Clinic Report For March

When God closes one door He always open another. When John was told that he was not allowed to come to the abortion mill in St. Louis, he began going to the hopeless mill in Granite City, IL. His presence there has saved many babies in the past year. Two saved babies. Mill was closed on the second Saturday. A 17 year old high school student was at the mill for an abortion. She was raped by a 61 yr. old man. The police were called but they said they might stop by and ask a few questions. The mill was notified about the rape. Did they report it to the authorities? ____________________________________________________

Weekday Stats for March

Expectant Moms: 32

Children died –unknown – 32- moms entered the death


Confirmed Saved Babies: 0

Literature Handed Out: 20

Pregnancy Test: 13

Birth Control: 12

Counseling for abortion: 8

Other: -- - STD-- 2, check-up-1, Ultrasound-1

Turn a Way: 0

Alternative Ctr. for Test: 0

Hrs. Counseling/Prayer: 38.5

Abortionist: David Eisenberg, Colleen McNicholas,

David Eisenberg has not been a regular abortionist recently. He has a new baby girl to enjoy. Every other Wednesday is pay day for the mill workers. I asked the courier about delivering checks that have the blood of the aborted babies. He was bothered by that statement. He said that is the choice of the mom not the unborn child. The child has no say in what happens, with that I told him that is why I was there. To be the voice for that child. He told me I needed to find something worthwhile to do. I guess rescuing tiny human beings is not worthwhile? Oh well I will continue to do my not worthwhile work. A young man stopped to tell us that he is opposed to abortion but his girlfriend needs a pregnancy test. I offered him the op-portunity to go to the alternative van but he said that he would prefer to go to Planned Parenthood. I want to thank everyone who comes to pray for the unborn child, that child’s parents. Remember: God does not ask that we be successful, but that we be faith-

ful. God bless!


The first Saturday began very slow. The first victim arrived after 8:00 a.m. By 10:30 a.m. the parking lot was full. Moms and dads going in with their children for abortions, birth con-trol, STD testing. I can’t imagine taking any of my children to a place that kills unborn babies for medical care. But I would not promote birth control for my daughters. One young mom was crying when she entered the parking lot. She was not willing to speak to us but I reminded her that she didn’t have to go in. Help was just a few feet away. The boyfriend led her inside. As one young girl was leaving she stopped to tell us that she was pregnant and was keeping her baby. She said she would keep our card and call if she needed any help. The site of another ambulance was seen on March 6th. Around 2:00 p.m. an ambulance arrived to transport a woman to an area hospital. This makes 69-911 calls since 2009. Now will that buffer zone prevent a botched abortion? On the third Saturday the parking lot was empty at 7:40 a.m. Prayer warriors were praying on the sidewalk. The pro-cession from the Cathedral arrived with one hundred prayers warriors. The deathscorts were noticeably bothered by the group pray-ing. It is an encouraging site to see the sidewalk filled with Christians praying. Just think if everyone took a day a month and came to pray?

On Holy Saturday morning the gates opened and business as usual. Prayer warriors were present to pray for all going in. The first victim arrived at 8:30 a.m. The deathscorst were standing at the gates of hell to usher the victims in. As the deathscorts wave the victims into the abortion mill , it reminds me of the death trains as the guards stood ushering the Jews into the trains for the long ride to death. This is our Holocaust. Not six million but sixty-five million. The abortionist from Illinois arrived at 7:00 a.m. to end the life of the unborn children that were scheduled to die. I asked him why he felt the need to kill children but his response is not printable.



Delivered baby items to an expectant mom.

Saved baby boy born. March 8, 2018 Mom and baby doing


Supported Lobby Day in Jefferson City, MO

Held 24 hour Good Friday/Holy Saturday prayer vigil.

Spent 74.5 hours counseling/prayer outside Planned Parent-

hood. 3


Missouri Right to Life Lobby Day– Jefferson City, MO March 2018

Each year Defenders of the Unborn supports Lobby Day in Jefferson City. This year the rally speaker was Carol Tobias. She is the current president of National Right to Life.


24 Hr. Good Friday/Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil March 30-31., 2018

Since 1999, Defenders of the Unborn has held this 24 hour prayer vigil on Good Friday/Holy Saturday. Each year my concern is that we will have a group during the night hours. Well, this year more warriors were present during the night than during the day time hours. One hundred seventy-five prayer warriors came during the 24 hour vigil to pray. To pray for the babies, the moms, the dads, the abortion providers. As I sat in my chair at 2:00 a.m. I listened to prayers being said. In the quiet of the night all you heard was the sound of faithful prayer warriors praying that God would end this madness. I would like to thank everyone who took the time on this busy day to stand in prayer. On this day Our Lord died for us. He died that we might have Eternal Happiness– Heaven.

Rare is the opportunity to hear, speak & dine with a Pro-Life group who's work shatters secular norms on pro-abortion across the nation. The Center for Medical Progress shook America when they released their undercover investigation of Planned Parent-hood's raw footage & appalling abuses, pressure & exploitation with the sales of organs & brains of children in the womb who were terminated. The resulting public outrage caused 14 states, including Missouri, to denounce Planned Parenthood as a 'health center' & defund them of millions of dollars of federal monies as they opened investigations of their own. David Daleiden put The Center for Medical Progress on the map & Planned Parenthood's across the USA against the wall. Finally, St. Louis gets to welcome David's associate investigator Sandra Merritt to join us as the Guest Speaker at the Spring Gala of Defenders of the Unborn. At 6 pm, on Saturday April 21st, at the Orlando Banquet Center in Maryland Heights please join De-fenders of the Unborn as we spend an evening in fellowship, becoming informed & networking with fellow Pro-Lifers. No matter how new you are to being actively Pro-Life in the community, this evening will prove to be an inspiration for many years to come. RSVP:

Registration online- www.stl-defenders,com or call to make your reservation. Send your reservation to Defenders of the Unborn P.O. Box 892 St. Charles, MO 63302-0892. Email defenseless68@gmail.com Adults -$40.00. Students- $25.00, Table of 10- $350.00 You save $50.00 if you purchase a table.



Constant Witness schedule

Weekly Tuesday– 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Wednesday– 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Thursday– 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Friday– 7:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. Saturday– 6:30 a.m.-12:00 noon We have added another constant witness to our schedule.

Several faithful prayer warriors have been standing witness

at the satellite office of Planned Parenthood at Big Bend and

Hwy 141. They are there every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. –

12:00 noon. Think about joining them.

Because these faithful warriors have been standing witness

at this satellite office it is now closed on Thursday and the

2nd and 3rd Saturday.

New Location

When one door is closed God always opens another door. Under the bond for John he cannot come to Planned Parenthood until this case is resolved. So, he decided to counsel at Hope Clinic in Granite City, IL He goes there on Friday and Saturday. Please join Defenders of the Unborn as we defend and protect those that are in danger of death. Mary, Susan -Wednesday -9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Saturday from 6:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Jerry– Thursday 8:00-10:00 a.m. John-Friday/Saturday-8:30-11:00 a.m. We need someone to take his place while he is being attacked by the pro-death agenda We have counselors and prayer warriors there on other days. We ask that you take two hours to pray for those going in. To sign up log onto our website www.stl-defenders.com to reg-ister your time to rescue the innocent little ones.

Be Not Afraid God will Lead You!

Project Rachel & Project Joseph

The services of Project Rachel and Project Joseph are available to anyone who has been wounded by an abortion experience and is seeking healing. Services include: free, confidential, profes-sional counseling, monthly spiritual support meetings, healing retreats, spiritual direction, and Reconciliation. Project Rachel Spiritual Support Group

July 2017, 7:00 p. m. Contact Marisol at (314) 792-7451 Project Joseph Spiritual Support Group

First Monday of the Month, 2017– 7:00 p.m. Contact Chuck at (314) 974-6787

April 20, 2018 National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day

Join with American Life League and others across the country proclaim life in the public square. Wear your t-shirt while shop-ping. April 21, 2018 God’s Precious Infants Procession

Join us for our next Helpers Mass & Rosary at the Cathe-dral Basilica followed by a procession to Planned Parent-hood. Mass will be at 8:00 a.m.

April 28, 2018 Third Annual National #Protest PP

Defenders of the Unborn will join with Pro-Life Action League Joseph Schielder/Eric Schielder from Chicago along with other cities across the country to stand in protest of the killing/selling baby body parts. The Jericho Walk is normally on the fifth Saturday but since Holy Saturday in March was the fifth Saturday we moved the walk to be on the same day as the National Day of Protest. Our goal is to fill the streets with warriors. This Jericho Walk has been part of Defenders of the Unborn for many years. As we continue this prayer service we can see a decline in abortions, staff and a general demise of this abor-tion mill. Please join us for a day of prayer and protest against the larg-est abortion mill in our country. The prayer/protest will be at Planned Parenthood located at 4251 Forest Park Blvd. St. Louis, MO We will begin at 10:00 a.m. Watch our website for details as they come available. www.stl-defenders.com American Life League and our STOPP International pro-gram are proud to have been part of the 60+ pro-life groups who joined together in 2015 to promote national protests against Planned Parenthood. These protests began as a one-time event in 2015 following the release of the Planned Parenthood baby body parts videos by the Center for Medical Progress. Pro-lifers asked for an an-nual event and that began in April 2016. The protests have in-volved thousands of pro-lifers in hundreds of cities across the nation. This year’s protest will be on April 28 at Planned Par-enthood locations across the country. We already have 85

protests scheduled in over 30 states. Join us here in St.

Louis. ________________________________________________


Sally Harris

Sally is the smiling face you see during the summer months offering help to moms going into the death camp. Sally has been under the weather recently and now she will be having surgery to remove a growth on her chest. We pray for a complete and quick recovery. Gayle McMahon

Gayle is the mother of Steve McMahon. She passed away . We ask for prayers for Steve and his family. My her soul rest in peace.


Did not know that abortion stops a beating heart? At just

24 days after conception, the baby’s heart is beating.

Or did you know that, a mere 30 days after conception, a

child has regular blood flow within his or her vascular sys-


At 42 days after conception, the baby’s skeleton is com-

plete. And 43 days following conception, a little boy or

girl’s brain waves can be detected. 5


Planned Parenthood Hides Abortionist’s Name after Bun-

gled Abortion Causes Woman to Deliver Dead Baby in

Home Bathroom

A lawsuit was filed in the Superior Court in Worcester, Mas-sachusetts, on March 5, 2018, against Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts by a woman who experienced a bun-gled late-term abortion that resulted in the birth of her presuma-bly dead baby in her bathroom. While the lawsuit names Planned Parenthood League of Mas-sachusetts, Inc. and the nurse practitioner, Rebecca Kreiger, there is no mention of the abortionist who started the two-day abortion. That’s because Planned Parenthood redacted his or her name from the woman’s medical records. The lawsuit states: On or about March 12, 2015, a doctor, whose name is re-dacted from the medical records and whose identity is unknown, performed the first step in a two-step abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Worcester by softening the cervix. [Emphasis added.] “Everyone who receives medical treatment of any kind de-serves to know the name of their provider. It’s unbelievable that Planned Parenthood decided to keep this woman in the dark by withholding that information from this her own medical record – after they failed to inform her of the risks of the type of abortion she was having,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. The plaintiff, Celina Casas, has claimed she was never in-formed that there was a risk of vaginal delivery prior to her next appointment. The drug Misoprostol, also known as Cytotec, is usually used to soften the cervix prior to a multi-day abortion. However, Misoprostol does more than soften. It also induces un-predictable uterine contractions strong enough to expel a baby in the second trimester. Where in the World is Colleen McNicholas? Pro-lifers Cele-

brate 3 Weeks Without Abortions at MO Planned Parent-


Colleen McNicholas has gone to a lot of trouble to conduct abortions at Planned Parenthood's Columbia, Missouri, facility. But for at least three weeks, McNicholas has not shown up for her weekly abortion appointments in that north-central Missouri college town. According to local pro-life activist Kathy Forck, women are being turned away, and that means lives are being saved. "Last Friday, March 16, 2018, clients who arrived were met with a piece of white paper blowing on the door which said no clients could be seen that day because of no provider was avail-able. Mississippi Governor Signs Pro-Life Bill Banning Abortions

After 15 Weeks

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant today signed a bill to protect unborn babies and moms from abortion after 15 weeks of preg-nancy. Bryant hopes to make his state “the safest place in Amer-ica” for unborn babies by supporting a bill to ban abortions after 15 weeks.

State House Bill 1510, signed into law, would create the earliest ban on abortion in any state in the U.S. by pushing back Mississippi’s current limit by 5 weeks. The bill would prohibit abortions after 15 weeks except when there are risks to the life or physical health of the mother, or fatal fetal anomalies. The law takes effect immediately. Previous Mis-sissippi law banned abortion at 20 weeks after conception, similar to limits in 17 other states. “As I have repeatedly said, I want Mississippi to be the safest place in America for an unborn child,” Bryant said, ac-cording to a Mississippi Today article. “House Bill 1510 will help us achieve that goal.” State records show about 200 abortions a year are per-formed on babies who are between 15 and 20 weeks old at the time they are killed in the abortion. Abortionist Who Said She Cuts Unborn Babies’ Cords So

They Can’t Scream Deletes Her Post

Abortionist Leah Torres deleted her brutally honest tweet about killing unborn babies this week after it resulted in a lot of bad publicity for the abortion industry. Torres, a Utah abortionist who is active on Twitter, posted the original tweet Sunday in response to someone criticizing her work. When the person asked if Torres hears the screams of the babies who she aborts, she replied: “You know fetuses can’t scream, right? I transect the cord 1st so there’s really no opportunity, if they’re even far enough along to have a larynx. I won’t apologize for per-forming medicine. I’m also a ‘uterus ripper outer,’ if that’s how you’d like to describe hysterectomy.” The sickening reality of abortion that Torres callously ex-posed garnered a lot of attention from LifeNews.com and other conservative media outlets and figures. On Thursday, Torres deleted her original post as a result of the backlash. “Yes, I deleted the post,” Torres wrote. “My friend asked me to. See, the thing is, she is trying to open dialogue be-tween ‘pro-life’ and ‘pro-choice’ here in Australia, for the greater good of reproductive health. Folks allowed the post to inhibit progress, so, it’s off my feed.” Interestingly, Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in America, liked sev-eral of Torres’s posts defending her initial tweet. Torres did not apologize or backtrack on what she said. Instead, her apparent motivation for deleting the tweet was the bad press. The abortion industry does not like to admit the gruesome, deadly reality of its trade. Every year, it kills nearly 1 million unique, living unborn babies in America, but it disguises its deadly work with propaganda about “choice” and “care” and claims women have a “right” to abortion without restriction. Denver Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility Under

DOJ Investigation Calls Ambulance for Injured Woman -


The Stapleton Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Denver, Colorado, called for an ambulance March 13, 2018, to transport yet another abortion patient to the hospital. This 6

This is the six time such a medical emergency at this Planned Parenthood facility has been documented by Operation Rescue. However, when radio traffic archives were searched, there was no record of an ambulance dispatch. "It has been the policy of many Planned Parenthood abortion facilities to sidestep 911, which is the quickest way to get emer-gency help, and phone ambulance companies directly in an effort to keep any records of the medical emergency out of public re-cords," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. Planned Parenthood of the Rock Mountains is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice for illegally profiting from trafficking in human baby remains.

Missouri House Passes HB 1266, Pain-Capable

Unborn Child Protection Act

The Following Statement is from Steve Rupp, MRL Presi-

dent: On Tuesday, April 3rd, the Missouri House passed HB 1266, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act by a vote of 117 to 31. This important bill will provide protection from abortion for unborn children who are capable of feeling pain, beginning at 20 weeks fetal age. According to the Missouri Department of Health, in 2016 in the state of Missouri over 100 unborn babies were aborted after 20 weeks gestation. We must also keep in mind that these statis-tics are submitted by the abortionist and staff of the abortion fa-cility. Late term abortions are performed using different techniques, including a method in which the unborn child's arms and legs are twisted off by brute, manual force using a long stainless steel clamping tool. As Justice Kennedy stated in his dissent in Sten-berg v. Carhart, "The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or (born) child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb." By 20 weeks after fertilization, all the physical structures nec-essary to experience pain have developed. Unborn children at 20 weeks fetal age react to painful stimuli and hormonal reactions consistent with pain can be measured. There are multiple sources for this pain sensory information. One source is www.doctorsonfetalpain.com. In a nationwide poll, done by Quinnipiac University, 60% of responders supported the federal bill (described as "legislation that would ban virtually all abortions nationwide after 20 weeks of pregnancy, except in cases of rape and incest that are reported to authorities." In pro-life Missouri, it is reasonable to assume that the support for this bill is even higher.

Abortion Facility License Denied to Planned Parenthood Of-

fice in Springfield, Missouri

The Planned Parenthood office in Springfield, Missouri, will not be doing abortions anytime soon. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has denied its application for an abor-tion facility license because the office cannot meet licensing re-quirements.

"This is great news that will save lives. When women do not have an abortion facility aggressively marketing abortions to them in their communities, they are less likely to have an abor-tion," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. "We are very grateful to the Missouri pro-life activists we have had the privilege to work with, in addition to state legislature, At-torney General's Office, and the Department of Health and Hu-man Services that have worked together so efficiently under the current administration to protect women and babies from exploitation and harm from abortion." Supreme Court Won’t Let David Daleiden Release More

Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a request by attorneys from the Thomas More Society and their co-counsel that it de-cide the case of David Daleiden, the undercover journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the commercial trafficking of aborted babies’ body parts. In David Daleiden et al v. National Abortion Federation, the nation’s highest court had been asked to overturn a lower court’s injunction that barred Mr. Daleiden from releasing hundreds of hours of still more videos – videos which would be both politically embar-rassing and potentially incriminating for Planned Parenthood and other NAF abortionists. On April 2, 2018 the Supreme Court refused to grant Mr. Daleiden’s petition for certiorari. “Justice is not only blind, but it remains gagged for the time being,” remarked Tom Brejcha, President and Chief Counsel, Thomas More Society, about the Supreme Court’s decision to leave in place the ruling of District Court Judge William H. Orrick III of the Northern District of California blocking the release of Mr. Daleiden’s additional videos. (The Thomas More Society currently is asking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to remove Judge Orrick from the case because of his personal ties to Planned Parenthood.) Brejcha continued, “We are confident David Daleiden’s First Amendment rights will be upheld ultimately. We are disappointed with what appears to be the Supreme Court’s decision that these problems are better addressed at lower court levels at this time. When the smoke finally clears, we believe David Daleiden will be com-pletely vindicated for exposing the truth about the abortion in-dustry.” Thomas More Society attorneys Brejcha, Peter Breen, Matt Heffron, and Sarah Pitlyk have been representing Mr. Dalei-den in this civil suit, as well as a similar suit filed by Planned Parenthood, and in criminal prosecutions filed both in Hous-ton, Texas, (dismissed a year ago in Mr. Daleiden’s favor) and in San Francisco.



When I was a child my grandmother would say at the beginning of March- Will it come in as a lion or lamb. I

never know what that meant. but as I grew up I understood what it meant.

Well, it can be compared to the activities at the death camp. Will the month be a month of many dead babies, or a

month when prayer warriors out number the victims.

March began as a lion with many going into the abortion mill to abort the unborn child. As the month progressed

it turned into a lamb. The prayer warriors stood watch. The month closed on Good Friday with one hundred seventy-

five prayer warriors. I pray that this will continue as we move into April.

Several years ago I watched a movie about the Jewish Holocaust. Schindler’s List. I was very bothered by this

movie. As Oscar Schindler worked to make more money he realized that the workers were simple people wanting to

survive. His fondness grew for them and was thinking of ways to save them from the Nazi guards. When the war

ended and he was a fugitive he was concerned that he could had saved one more if he only did things differently.

I ask myself that very question when a mom walks away and into the hands of the death peddlers. What should I

done differently or what should I said that would been more convincing. But the fact is that God is in charge and He

will use us in the way that is pleasing to Him.

I have to remember that we are all part of this pro-life movement. John wrote a note that addresses this.

An open letter to our brothers and sisters in the Pro-life movement.


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