a complete computer vision system for polyhedron recognition · -upgt [la], has allowed accepta.ble...

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(SBAI - UNESP - Rio Claro/SP - Brasil

A Complete Computer Vision System for Polyhedron Recognition

Mark B. Sandler*, Luciano da F. Costa**, David A. Fraser* alld vVeisi Lill***

*- Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, King's College London, Universit,y of London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UI(.

** - Instituto de Física e Química de São Carlos, Universidade de São Pa.ulo, São Ca.rlos, sr, Caixa Postal :369, 1:3560-970, Brazil.

*** - Departlllent of Electronic Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Road Crescelit , Siugapore 0511.


This papel' pl'esent.s a complet.e comput.er vision syst.em for polyheelron recognit.ioll which illvolves t.wo principal stages: a Hough t.ransform varia.t.ion , llamely the binary Hough tralls­fOI'Ill, is applied toget.her wit.h some complementary t.echniques in arder to produce a el escrip­t.i oll of t.he eelge-detect.ed image in terms of st.raight line segmen ts t.o be feel to a model-brtsed objec t. recogllitiolland locat.ioll algorit.hm. The basis of the t.echlliques , their implelllellt.ation ill t.ransput.el' netwol'ks, anel their applicat.ion to some real images are described .

1 Introduction

A ItholLgh the achievement of general computeI' vision systems with abilities comparable to tha.t of the human being remains elusive, silllpler computer vision systems have beell developed which can effectively cope with constralned environments such as those usuaUy founel in industrial automation anel visual inspectiou. In aelditiou to their iuhereut practical importance, such systems a.lso represent a va.lua.ble test tube for experimenting ou and evaluating novel techniqlles in computeI' vision.

This st.udy tackles the COllU110n problems of robot. vision in a cluttered industrial en vironment in which limited degrees of freedom are aUowed. Ohjects to be recognized are rigid, lIlan-lllade alld ha.ve borders which are predomillantly straight lines , thus implying that models of the objects can easily be derived. Objects are a.rrivillg on a conveyor bE'lt, passing int.o t.he field of view of afixed Tv camera. There would he strict constraints on the time available to ideu tify an object , and a need for accuracy, both in identifying all valhl examples of the object, alld a.voidillg false idelltifications. There remain three degrees of freedom for an object standing on one of its stable positions: the object when viewed may be anywhere on the surfare of the conveyor 1wlt, alld may be rotated at an arbitrary allgle round all axis i,vhich is normal to the conveyor-belt surface.

A system for polyhedron recognition, SCERPO, has been comprehensively described by LowE' [1 , 2]. Tltat system was aimed at explorillg the interesting proposai of not straightforwardly derivillg depth mea,surement in a. bottom-up fasltioll frolU the image but producing illstea.d view­point invariant groupings of features whiclt are unlikely to be a.ccidelltal and which ca.H suggE.'st· c

clues about the position of the objects in the image and reducing the verification efforts. The elementa.ry features to be processed are stra.ight line segments , which are detected by recursively Stl bdi vidi llg detected borders at poin ts of lllaximum deri va.tion un til the segmen ts are no more thall 4 pixels longo The lellgth-to-cleviatioll ratio at each recursive levelis thell considered in

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order to accept that instance as a final segmento Other interesting approaches to polyhedron recognition can be found in [3,4, 5].

In the SCERPO system developed by Lowe for recognizing planar-surface objects, the per­cr:ptual gmuping8 (trapezoids and seglllents with skewed sy1lll1letry) in the image are detected. These image groupillgs are then matched to appropriate model structures and such 'hypotheses iT'igger the extension and verification processes for possible transformations . The significance values for the detected image structures are evaluated baseei on the geometric relations among the constituent segments. These values are tlten used to rallk all of the groupillgs in decreas­illg orders of significance, so that the search call begin with those groupings that are most percept.ua.lly significant and are least likely to have arisell through some accident. For the hy­pothesis extension and verificatioll, N ewton's minimizatioll method is u tilized to obtain a better transformation with the incrementaI admission of new matches between image and modeI.

In the approach proposed by Lowe, the matches between the image and the model are accumulateei in successive stages. The accumulation may result in some permanent faIse illl­age/modeI segment pairs. This consequently affects the final precise location and even ma.y give faIse recognition , especially when the image is cluttered. Moreover, an a.ppropria.te initia.l transformation is req uired for the minimization process in hypothesis extension anel verification. For processing an image showing about five razors (roughly 300 straight line segments) , the SCEH PO system took about 2.5 min for the stages directly concerning the recognition , within the FRANZLISP virtual melllory ellvironment. Ilowever, the system had not been optimized for data tra.nsfer a.JHl p rogralllllling.

The present papel' presents a simple and yet effective aIternative computer vision system eledicated to j)olyhedron recognition , which covers the full range of operations fr0111 image ac­<juisition to object identifica.tion anel which relies on a number of novel fea.tures for its success . This system ma.y be separated iuto four main sub-systems. The first acquires aue' eventually pre-processes the image, the second eelge-eletects the image, the third reeluces the image to a list of digital straight line segments - DSLSs 1 - with their endpoints, and the fourth discovers w hether there is a combination of rotation anel translation opera.ting on one of a set af st.ored descriptiolls of objects that genera.tes a set of lines that matches the list already pl'Oduced. Tlte complete system , illustra.ted by the hlock dia.gram in Figure 1, is able to recognize a.ud locate :3- D oh jects resting in any posi tion and orientation on a surface.

Since th~ present system is intended for use in an industrial environment where the objects to be lllollitored are passillg on a collveyor helt, the camera ha.s beell assumed to be fixed thus illlplyillg thatno scaling has to be consielered durillg recogllitioll. The DSLS eletectioll sub­system uses the Hough transform to obtain the list of digitallines, anel introduces novel features to increase the efficiency of the transfonn, and to determine the enelpoints of the lines. The fourth sllb-sy ~telll makes a.lt.emate use of two descriptions of a candidate match to aUow a rough guess to be all effect.ive starting point for all accurate match.

For sim plici ty's sake, it is hellceforth assllmed that the image arra.y has dimension of iV xiV.

2 Edge Detection

Althollgh the concept of edges is intllitive, there is no generaUy accepteel definitioll of what it is [7, 8]. In a general sense, edges are related to abrupt spatia.l variatiollS of some of the image chara.cteristics such as gray-Ievel, colour and even texturej it is important to emphasize that the eelge elements do not necessarily correspond to the boundaries of the real objects in the image, the veriftcation of such equi valences in vol ves high leveI pa.t tem recognition w hich usuaJly Ca.lI

) A digit.al st.raight. line segment.s is hencefort.h ulHlerst.ood as a seI. of image fea.ture elementoS (usually t.he edge elemellt.s) which satisfies Rosenfeld's chord property [6].

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"'" Pre- Digital

Camera r-- processing f----i image /

I l

Edge :---ai

Edge . detection elements

I 1

DSLS H Endpoints detection

I l

Description t-- Model-based I--! Database


Figure 1: Block diagram of the complete system for polyhedron recognition.

not be perfol'med in an earlier image processing stage. A1though a n umber of different strategies have been proposed which are capable of optimal

performance for specific theoretical cases (e.g. [9]) , there is no such a thing as a general opt.ima.l edge detector. AIso, the performance and generality of all edge detectors is usually a· din'rt function of its complexity. On the other hand, in order to a.Jlow real time executioll which oft(,ll illlplies the usage of parallel and/or dedicated hardware, edge detectioll techlliques have to be kept as silllple às possible. The choice of a particular edge detector should consider not ollly the COlllmon features of the illlages to be worked with but also the lleeds of the algorit.hms which will operate over the generated edges (e.g. [la]).

For the applicatioll described in this papeI', the principal req uiremen ts respectively implied by the straight lille detection and matching aIgoritlutl are described in the following:

• straight line segment detection: the detected edges shoul.d uat be toa thick , ideally they should be one-pixel wide in order to keep the execution time low and the accuracy high;

• model-based matching algoritluu: the edges should be as continuous as possible in arder to avoid broken straight line segments which would illlpair the lllatching aIgorithm performance.

A simple edge detector , henceforth referred to as unifonn progressive global thresholdillg - UPGT [la], has allowed accepta.ble results. This edge detector involves the determÍllat.ion of bina.ry images by thresholding the original image for a series of ulliformly space gra,y-Ievels threshol.ds (just two thresholds have been adopted for the examples iu this paper) and , foI' each of these binary images , the operator described below has been applied.

• For every pixel with value one, if one of its four-adjacent neighbours has value zero, mark it as an edge element; otherwise mark it as background.

The final edge detected image is the combination of alI the edges obtained for eacIl binary image. It can be verified that this operator typically produces continuous one-pixel wide edges; j ts shortcoming of usuaUy producing a lot of a.dditional noisy points has been minimized by making a logica.l 'and' between its generated edges and those produced by the Sobel operator, which produces thicker but less noisy edges.

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The iuhereut simplicity of this edge detector a.llows e ffe cti ve implementation in parallelj dedicated, hardware; its execution can be strajghtforwardly partitioned in a mesh trailsputer nE'twork by distributillg pieces of the original images amongst the processing elements anel combining the results iuto a single lllaster transputer.

3 Detecting Straight Line Segments with the Hough Trans­form (HT)

Tlte popuJarity of the lIT as a pattern recognition technique is clearly attested hy the over ,100 pu blications i t has motivated in the English language alone. A particular case of the Radon transforlll [11J, the HT was firstly introeluced as an image ana.lysis tool by P. V. C. Hough in 19G2 [12J. In its original form [12, 13], the lIT consists of generating, for each illlage feature pOillt, a series of one of the line parameters in terms of a series of sampled vaIues of the other parameter anel accordingly updating the respective cells of the discrete parallleter space 01' acculllulator array in such a way that peaks in this space inelicate the parameters of possible instances 01' the sought pattern in the image; such lITs are henceforth referreel to as standard HTs~SIirs.

Among the features which have cOlltributed to the HT popularity we have its suitability for para.Jlel execu tion and stl perior simplici ty anel effecti veness over other techniq ues for patteru recoglli tion such as tem plate matching. N evertheless, SHTs still present some shortcomillgs which have limited their applicability anti 1Il0tivated a series of variations inteneled to overcome OI' aI; least to alleviate thelll. The principal shortcolllings of the SHTs are: lllassive processillg a.nel Illelllory space are neeeled (particularly criticaI for detectionof high-oreler curves), lhe COll­llect.ed lIess of the illlage feature elements canuot be checked, anel line sE'gments CRU be dE'lected as brokell 01' duplicateel.

Tlte following sub-sections describe the SUT variation that was used, namely the binary Hough transforlll - BHT, as well as connecteelness analysis anel lllerging stages intended to overcome some of the SHT disad valltages.

3.1 The Binary Hough Transform

The BHT is a variation of the stalldard SI-IT for digital straight line detection basE'el ou a quadruple slopejintercept parameterization [10, H, 15], uamely the UNlqUAD parameterizatiou cousist.i ng of a single expression anti a set of four coorelillate traitsfonnatiolls:

Yv = Afv,XI! + ClI

(X,Y) = (Xl,Yd ifO::; M < 1(v = 1)

(X, Y) = (X2 ,xma:r - 1'2) if - 1 ::; M < O(v = 2)

(X, Y) = (1':3, X:3) if 1 ::; M < 00(1) = :3)

(X,Y) = (Y4 ,a;max - X 4 ) if - 00::; M < -l(v = 4)



( :3)



wllere l1Jl1 and Cu are respectively the auxiliary slope anel illtercept parameters, li is an identification label anel a;max = N - 1.

Tlle BHT can be defined as the operator which gellerates a DSLS in the UNIQUAD cliscretE' parameter space, a set of four accumlllator arrays, foi' E'ach feat.ure point 'in the imagE'. Provided that thE', image anel the acclllllulator arrays dimensions are integer pOWE'rs of two, t.he BIlT preSE'lI ts interestillg feat ures such as the fact that i ts acc ulllulator al'l'ays can be optima.lly COIll­

padeci anti it is suitable for execution in integer ari thmetic wi thou t any rounding erro r , procl llctS OI' table look-ups - in {act it demanels fewer aelelitions than typica.l SHTs [10, 14, 15, 1GJ. Such

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features favour the effective implementation of the BlIT in softwa,re anel deelicated hardwa.re anel experimental evaluatiol~s [10J have inelica.teel that the BIIT presellts accuracy comparable to other 8HTs. The BHT has also been extellded to detect stripes of any width [10, 15, 1iJ. The effective backmapping strategy elescribed by Gerig and Klein [18J has been adopted henceforth in oreler to reduce the number of false peaks in the accumulator arrays.

3.2 Post-BHT Connectedness Analysis

The key to the general HT suitability for parallel implementations resides in the fact that the acljacency of the 1ma.ge feature p01nts 1s not considered during its executioll, which means tha.t these pOillts can be processeel independently, in any order. However, this HT inherent. feature also im plies that clusters of a.1igneel but disconnected feature poillts are detected as ti igi (ai straight line segmellts, D8L8s, and that endpoints of a.ctual D8LSs can not be clet.erlllined.

A possi ble wa,y to circulll vellt this shortcoming cOllsists of perforllling some post.-B IIT C'On­nected ness ana.lysis. In the present a.pproach , for each detectecl peak (assumecl to be any cpll in the accumulator arrays with count larger 01' equal to the threshold t.hpeal, ), a unidimensional histogram is built by projectillg the ima.ge fea.ture elements which contributecl to the peak Ollto the X-OI' y-axis accorcllng to t he slope inclica.ted by the respectlve peak; the connecte?dness of such histograllls canbe easily verified by an algorithm which looks for consecutive runs of feat.1Ire elelllent.s [10 , 15, 19J. Every grotip of conllectecl feature pOilltS with projecteclle?llgth Iarger t:hall a given threshold thprln is cOllfinlled as an actual DSLS; a maximulll gap , G, should be aUowe?d for discOlltillui ties in order to compensate for eventual distortions or noise in the illlage?

3.3 Reducing the NUl11ber of Broken and Duplicated Straight Line Segl11ents

. Although the collnectedness analysis cliscussed in the previous subsect.ion can confirlll lhe? D8 LSs indicated by the detected peaks and determine their endpoillts , it call neither join lilles which !lave beell broken into two or more separate peaks tlue to the limite<l resolution usually adopted for quantizatlon of the parameter space [10J nor remove replicated lines . In order to aIleviate such shortcolllings, a lllerging sta.ge has been developed [10J to be a.ppliecl after the connectedness analysis which, silllilarly to the technique described by Welss and Boldt [20J, lllerges t.he detected DSL8 according to their proximity and similarity.

In order to achieve enhanced processing performance, a special data structllre has bee?J\ devised to represent the detected DSLSs. Thls lncludes all auxiliary array of poillters E2 wit.h the same dilllension as the illlage. This arr<i,y of pointers is cOllstructed in such a way tha\. each of its ce1ls coinciding with the endpoints of ally of the DSLS in the image stores a pointel' \.0 all associated linked list describing the parameters of the respective DSLS in the illlage.

The merging techllique proceeds by identifying for each DSL8 in E2 ali the DSLSs having one endpoint lying within the neighbourhood of its endpoillts; the DSLSs whose parameters are similar to those of the current D8LS are merged into a single DSLS.

3.4 Il11plementing the DSLS Detection Technique in Transputer N etworks

Despite the BHT features favoring improvelllents in its execution speed , it is still lInlikely to execute at a high rate (such as video rate) withollt resorting to dedicated hardware illlplelllellta­tions [10, 14, l()J. Nevertheless, reasonable speeds can still be achieved by using general purpose pal'a.lJel hardware and even wi th sillgle powerful general purpose processors such as tra.Jlsputers [21J. Usiug transputers as processillg elelllellts , PEs, presellts the additiollal bonus of aIlowillg the number of PEs to I>e illcreased by just adcling llew transputers to the available lillks; the tra.nsput.er also provides direct support for bitwise opera,tions includlng billary shifts, which are esselltial for the BHT.

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(a) (b)


Figllre '2 : Tllustrative exalllple of edge aml DSLS uetectioll: original iltlage (a.); edge delccted illlage (h); detected DSLSs (c).

OIlP of t:he siltlplest anu 1ll0st effective ways of paraUelising the DIIT executiOll amongst: severa.l PEs cOllsists of assigllillg eaeh PE to proeess a range of the slope parameter [10, 22, 2:1] in such a. way that ever,V P E \ViU process the same illlage feature element. This strategy also adapts weU to pipelined transputers - it has been verifiecl tha.t; at least for a small lIumher oí lrallsputers, all ahlJost linear speeel-up ean be aehieved with this stl'ategy, which inelicates tha.t lhe parI. of the exeeution time required to translllit the image feature points eoordinates to the PEs via the seriallinks does not represent a substantial overhead .

The connectedness allalysis can a.lso be effectively implemented into this aelopted al'chitect.ure hy keepiug a copy of the image feature elelllents in the melllory of each PE, which can determine anel analyse the histograms eorrespondillg to eaeh of the deteeted peaks resulting in the portion or the acculllulator array in its associated memory. Such a strategy is 8upported by the facts tha.t at least one lllegabyte of lllelllory is usuaUy provieleel for each transputer anel that the x­anel y-coordinates of the image íeature elements have to be broadcast to the PEs dUrillg the lIT.

The merging stage i8 not so stra.ightforwardly para.llelized but thi8 i8 colllpensated by the· fact that it operates over more colldellsed data consisting of the elldpoints coordillates of t,he deteeted DSLSs, thus requiring less cOlllputationaleffort. Al\ interesting a.1ternative collsi8tS of collectillg all the deteeted DSLSs lnto a sillgle PE which ean then process the lllerging stage seq ueu tially.

Figure 2 illustrates the applicatlon of edge anel DSLS uetection over the image or a Brit.ish eleetrica.l plug; the execution times for the various illvolved stages are given in Table 1.

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Table 1: Execution times (sec) for the polyhedron recognition application examples.

i III age Tedg THT T uca T con T m7·g T t

'podinm' 9.72 8.12 7.23 0.89 0.106 26.07 'plug' 10.2.5 8.24 8.30 0.89 0.136 27.82

4 Model-based Object Recognition and Location

The object recoguition aud location pa.rt is operated in the Hypothesize-and- Test paradigm. Ouce the illlage segments and their endpoints have been detected, all efficient featllre search order is hellristicaUy deterlllined for hypothesis generation. Hypotheses are then t0 be generated, tested, updated, a.JHl compa.red to give reliable recognition and location by an integrated algorithm based on a.Lt.el'llations between two descri pti ve dOlllains for a matching. This sub-systelll has beeu also implemented on a llllllti-transputer network to achieve the necessary speed-llp required [01' practical applications.

4.1 Hypothesis Generation

T1Ie sea.rc1l space for correspondences of image and lllodel features is usua.lly very large. The determilla.tion o[ search order proves to be crucial if the processing time is of any illterest. in applica.t.ions [24, 25J. A carefully designed strategy is needed to order the candidate C01'1'espon­dences in sllch a way that it is more likely to ellcounter good hypotheses early in the search (preferably several within the first score). The difficulty is choosillg a suitable metric to ac­complish thisordering. A simple strategy based upon length of the image segments has becn adopted in the ClllTen t system.

The lllodel seglllellts are divided into 11win and secondm'Y ones according to their lengt.h Rn<l the ease with which they can be seen. The ma in segments are those object seglllents which cau be detected easily from aU viewpoints. They are ordered longest first, and wiH be llsed in both hypothesis gelleratioll and hypothesis verification. The secondal'Y segments are relatively insignificant: details in the ob ject 01' have higher probabili ties of bei ng hidden. 1'hey are onl,v llsecl in h,v pot hesis verificat ion.

An orde7' li8t is fonned [01' the image segments, and the candidates at the top of the list are tested before those below them. In the first place, some image segments are exduded from thE' list since they are easily seen to be inconsistent with the object whose presence is being tested. 1'he segments in the image w hich are longer than a quallti ty 'ma.:L· (the lllaxillllllll lellgth among any segments tha.t the ob ject lllodel under considera,Lion prod lIces) are regarded as f:rl1'fI1If01l8

ones and are excluded from the hypothesized transfol'ln gelleration , as well as the hypothesis verificat.ion later on. Those image segments which are shorter thall a threshold 1m in are also excI uded from being paired for hypothesis genera,tion since they are more likely to be a,ffected by llleaSUl'elllent errar and result in compu tation inaccuracy. 1'hat is, an image seglllell t of lengt.h I takes part in the pairillg with a lllain lllodel seglllent for the hypothesized transforlll generation if:

All the image segmellts which satisfy this cOlldition a.re compiled into the 01'del'list accordillg to their lengths in llluch the same wa,y as for the main segments in modelling. Sllch arrangemcnt for model ,and image features is based UpOll the following observa.tions: a segmen t in an ob ject that is short in l~llgth cannot produce an image segment with distant endpoillts; two image points that are wid~ly separated must have been widely separated in the object.

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Initial Hypothesis


Figure 3: Two phases for processing a hypothesiso

Tlle strategy aelopteel for moelelling a,nd image feature orderiug in this system is collsidered as an improveel version of the one used in the 11 YPER system eleveloped by Ayache and Fa,ugeras [26]0 Experiments show that there is a high probability of getting early recognitioll by llsing t,his heuristico

Once a DSLS in the image has been selected for matching to a line in the model, values of rotation anel translation can be found directly [27 , 28]0

4.2 Hypothesis Verification and Improvement

This parI; of the sub-systelll ailllS at reliable identification and accurate estillla,tion of the ])0-

sitioll of the objecto A positioll hypothesis may be wrong, or inexact, especia.lly in a cluttered envirOlllllent o A good recognition and location system should show certain tolerance towards hypothesis anel make a rough recognition at the beginningo vVhen a hypothesis does not seem to be a potential recognition, the processing for that hypothesis should terminate prematurelyo Otherwise the system should lead to a more convincing recognition and give a better estimation of the viewpoint parallleterso

lt would be clesirable to illlprove the hypothesized tranSfOl"lllation dllring the hypothesis verification processo U nfortllnately, the optilllization of the model and image matching is a non-linear process, anel fa.lls into °a loca.L optimum easily within a processo

To tackle this problelll, a new idea has been introduced [29, 30] to optimize two different representations for the matching a.1ternatelyo Qne representation is a set of viewpoint paramet.eI's that maps some segments of the model anta a subset of the image seglllents. The otheI' is the edge pair list (['P f) which indicates an association of matched model and image segmentso Rapid progI'ess is made by optimizations of a matching for these two descriptions alternately, as shown in Figure 30 The alternatioll creates chances for the process to escape from local optima. and make progress toward the global optinw.m. The ['P f formation does not depend on the pI'evious state of the representation (Leo it is history-fI'ee), so the system is capa,hle of disposing of false lllatches formed in the earlier sta,geso This is in contrast with the SCERPO systelll [1]. The size of [Pf increases and the viewpoint parameters are updated for every round of proc.essingo

The unfitness for pairing a projected model segment and an image edge is proposed as

d Ó U=w --


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where w is the allgle between the projected model segment and the considered image segment, w ::; 11"/2 ; d is the distance between midpoints oí the model and image segmentsj I and p a.re lengt,hs of the image anel model segments, respectivelYj anel ~ = Ip - 11·

For a project.ed model segment, let UI be the lowest unfitness measurement, and Uni be the next-Iowest one. The uniqueness oí the match associated with that UI is defined as


UI + Uni V = ---..--



rc, and 1~1 are pre-set values), the da.ta/model segment pair associated with UI is accepted as an en ti ty in the fP f.

When the fP Lhas been formed, an optimization approach can be chosen to obtain an updated set. of viewpoint parameters by minimizing >the difference between the matched model and image segments. Hooke and Jeeves' pattern search method [:31] has been incorporated into !,lte sub-system to achieve efficient parameter updating.

4.3 Implementation of the Object Recognition and Location Sub-system

All possible matching attelllpts are distributed among the transputers in a network to achieve speed-Ilp . 1'he task can be split up on different leveIs of the processing. All results are to be spnl IJari< to lhe host processor for arbitration. With the increase in the size or the network, th e recoguit.ioll time is being reduced towards the minilllulll for the problem tackled.

The sub-syst:em has the inherent suitability for paraUel processing since different hypothe­ses for recognit.ion of an object can be tried simultaneously. With a tra.nsputer network , a11 possible at t:empt.s for h.vpothesis generation are distributed a.mong processing elelllents - PEso A It.vpothesis is generat ed , and then verified and updated in an individual PE. Figure 4 shows lhe tillling of the recognition with increasing numbers of nvlS T414 transputers [21]. Some .')0 differeu t processes have beell tested .

The mo deIs and illlages in the tests are of the complexity oí about 20-60 segment.s anel 20- 100 seglllents , respectively. The quality of the ima.ge varies. Every line in the figure depict.s the testillg of one ima.ge for the presence and location af one object. The recognition time for tlte llla.jority of the cases has been redut ed to the time taken for a siugle hypothesis test alld adjust. process if 9 trallsputers are used. The low bOUlld of the proc.essing time is tha.t neecled for a. single hypothesis 's processing , so that there would be no bellefit írolll further illcrease in the size of the processor neto

1\'loreover, the process for a. sillgle hypothesis (both the fP L íorlllation and the transfonn upda.tillg) can be split for concurrent processing. Experilllents have shown tha.t the low hOl1nd of processing time for a process can be reduced by up to 43% in the split cases if two transputers are ut.ilized to process a hypothesis. A sub-lletwork call be specia.lized for processing an object 1IIodel so that the recognition from lllultiple mo deis can be íulfilled within the time needed for a single object. The time for the recognition a.nd location of a typica.l object currently being studied is undel' 1 ser.

4.4 Performance

The overaH structure oí the intended architecture for implelllenta.tioll of the proposed polyhedron recognit:ion system is illustrated in Figure 5.

The frame grabber corresponds to the SENSION lI> 1 module, capa.hle oí video rate edge detection, which can be interfacecl iuto a TRAM motherboard for connectioll to the trallsputer

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U Ql Ul


E f-



. 1+-----------~----~----~--~~ __ ~~~~ 10

No. 01 Transputers

figure ·1: Time diagram for recognition of objects with 1,2,4 anel 9 transputers. For silllple ob.i(~('ts. recognition is fast, alld 1 01' 2 transputers are enough. For more cOlllplex object.s, re('ogllit.ion is spE'eded uI' by 4 or 9 processors.


IBM/PC compatible

I I I I I I I I I _______________________________ J

Figllre !): The inteudec! architecture for implementatioll of the polyhedron recoglli(:ioll syst.elll (CP st.amls for co-processor).

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: , .. • ~ < (

: (

:: .:,:


:, :.


: .~

" ~ ...... ,

..... "

Figure (3: 1\·ia.tching process for a British eIectrical pIug (thick gray solid lines: image seglllellt.s; thin gra.y broken lines: projecteel model under initial hypot:hesis; thiu dark broken lines: [11'0-

jected 1lI0del arter a rouud of processing; thin da.rk solid lines: project:ed model with IIJ>datpd Ioeatioll ).

lletwork . It shoulcl be observed that, at the llloment, the DSLS detection and llIatehillg algo­rithms are respectiveIy illlplelllented in OCCAM and C anel are l'luudng ou separate t:ransput.er networks.

In Figure G, the DSLS description of the Dritish electrical plng correspollelillg to fip;lIre 2 are shown with thick gray lines. The poSitiOll of the initial hypothesis is shown in elashed gray lines wi th nine segmell t.s being loosely mat:ched since the hy pothesis has beell deri ved from a noto entirely correct correspondence. After a round of processing, 14 modeI edges havE' bf'E'll paired \vith illla.ge segments and the projecteel model, as have I>een displa.yed with dashed dark \ines. matehes more closely to the sensory data. The process terlllinates witlt a· correet ident.ifiealion alld q ui te aecurate Iocation as shown in sotid ela.rl< tines. The final E.P t sizE' is 18. lf tltE' systeLll starts with a hypothesis which is far from tlte true pose, it usually fails to convergE' to thE' truE' pose anel it wiU turn to other hypotheses.

A pra.ctical system shoulcl be able to ma.ke a good elistillction hetween COlTect: Illa.t.ching anel failures . Using a. plot of u.nmatch mte 2 and l'elafive e 1'1'07' 3 while matr.hing eight obj('rt. lIlodels against 20 images (both simpIe and cluttered ones), a straight eliscriminant linE' ean bE' fOllud which minimizes the chance of mistakes on botlt sides . Among tlte llí cases of correel recogllition . anel Iocation, 6 cases corresponeling to the lower quality images lie 011 tllE' wrong sielE' of the eliscriminant tine fn the u.nmatch mte-l'elative el'l'O I' ploto 'fherE' are 2!)-! cases ar

20elined as: l-E.PL size/expect.ed nlllllber of lIla.t.ched segment.s for t.he ll1odel. ~The a\'e r<l.ge ra.t.io ~( t.he geolllet.ric separa.t.ion of each llIat.ched seglllent. pair to t.he le ngt.h of t.he image

seglll e n t..

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incorrect Ioeation for eorrect object modeIs, matching with similar but different object, models, anel matching with colllpletely different object modeIs. Nine cases of . lllatching with similar object models appear on the other side of the discriminant line. Therefore the system reports correctly 95 % of the successful recognition and location processes, rejects aU the incorrect locat,ion and different-model lllatching processes, and has a probability of 3.6 % to make a incorrect decision.

5 Concluding Reniarks

The two aspects of this study have eaeh taken time to be an important faetor in assessing success. Reslllts COnfll'lll a well-known principIe, that most time is spellt in the early stages or illlage processing, when the qualltity of data is high, even though the opera.tions are short anel simple.

SeJection of a suitable interface is necessary for the sllccessful integrations of parts into a complete system. The use of straight lilles with defilled elldpoiuts, as iu this study, is au obvious choiee aml works welI for sOllle objects, thOllgh there is a la.rge class of objects where it \Vollld IlOt be a.ppropriate.

Th!:.' use or rea.l objects as a test: for an illlage processing system is diITerent from the use or synt.het:ic objeet.s. Some or these differences can be listed, though there lllay be others \:hat are present t.hough not currently a.ppreciated. A real object is normally opaque so tha\: ollly the uearer surra.ces are visible. In contrast, alI the edges af a. wireframe llloelel stay visibJe from ali points or view. When there are several objects in a scene, oue ca.n block the view of auother, alld the partitioning of the illlage a.mong the dif[erent objects adds another layer to the task. Real ohjects requil'e real ilIllmination, and this adels to the va.riability or the illlage, sett:ing j)l'Ohlellls t,!tat have to be ovel'come by the low-level image processing. Real objects are seldom simple gcometricaI shapes, t,hOllgh often straight !ines anel ares of circles are proll1inent. The use of a rea.\ camem introdllces some error, some distortion , some quantiza.tion effects, aH or whirh are absellt: in a sYIIt.hetic scene. A visiou systelll which call perfarlll lts set ta.sks wlth real scenes has conse<[lleU tly earned more confidence than one w hich has only beeu tested wi th synt,hetic data. The system that is presen ted here has bee1l tested wit.h a small variety of images, so has passed early stages, thOllgh it !tas 1Iot yet bee1l used commercia.lly.


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