a crucified and risen christ the passion according to john

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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A Crucified A Crucified andand

Risen Christ Risen Christ

The Passion According to The Passion According to JohnJohn


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

Our Heavenly Father,

• Thank you for bringing us together this day in fellowship and learning;

• Bless this assembly; • and send your Holy Spirit to us, • to fill us with wisdom, strength, and the courage to• question and examine your teachings; • and to learn by our questioning.

• In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


John vs. the Synoptic GospelsJohn vs. the Synoptic Gospels

• Theological vs. Historical

– Topical vs. Chronological

• Emphasis on Jesus IS God: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” (John 1:1-2)

– Jesus is aware that his real origins are in heaven


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

– Theological v. Historical (continued)

• Doctrine of Trinity most clearly expounded – all three announced and related together

– The Father– Jesus – is one with the Father from the

beginning of creation– Holy Spirit announced and expounded upon


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• Theological v. Historical (continued)

– Evangelistic• Disciples are sent out• Gospel is written so that you might



The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

– Theological vs. Historical (continued)

• Importance of certain words and/or styles:

– I AM – the divine name– Faith – not good works, is the key to salvation– Love – This is a loving and forgiving Jesus– Interplay between light and dark


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• The most “anti-Semitic” in outward appearance

• But, in the light that it was written by an author who was also a “Jew”, probably speaking to the Jewish authorities


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• The “Purpose” of John’s Gospel– Emphasis altered: Redemption of humanity

vs. early mission to teach, cast out demons, and comfort the poor

– “ . . . These [Miracles of Jesus] are written down so you will come to believe that Jesus is the Anointed, God’s son – and believing this have life in his name.” (John 20:30-31)

– Salvation by faith, rather than good works


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• Authorship• John, brother of James, son of Zebedee, who

was present at Jesus’ crucifixion (Mark 15:40-41) - The disciple and the “beloved” disciple identified in John– Modern Theory – Unknown eye-witness– 3 layers – Raymond E. Brown

• Personal experience of Jesus;• Literary creation by evangelist drawing upon additional

sources;• Today’s edited version

– Date written: After other three Gospels• 90-100, but could be as early as the 60s or late as 140s


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• “The Last Supper”• No reference to communal meal• Foot washing is the ceremonial event• Night before Passover Eve (vs. Passover Eve)• Identification of Judas as his betrayer – “what

you are going to do, do quickly”. (John 13:27)


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• “The Last Supper” (continued)– Jesus instructs his disciples.

• Peter’s denial foretold;• “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2)• “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6)• “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in

my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:25)

• “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; . . . “ (John 16:12-13).


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• “The Last Supper” (continued)– Jesus says farewell to his disciples (John

16-33).• “A little while, and you will see me no more;

again a little while, and you will see me”• “I came from the Father and have come into the

world; again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father”


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• “The Last Supper” (continued)– Jesus prays for his disciples

• Asks the Father to keep them, and guard them, and consecrate them in truth (John 17)

– Jesus prays for the Church• “I do not pray for these [the disciples] only, but

also for those who believe in me through their word; . . . “ (John 17:20)


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• The Garden of Gesthemane – After prayers, then travels to the Garden of Gesthemane– An Omniscient Jesus – He and the Father are One.

• Not surprised by Judas and those coming to arrest him

– A Self-assured Jesus• Not prostate in prayer – asking that this cup pass from him• Jesus goes forward to meet Judas• Acknowledges that He is who they seek, by using “I AM”, the

divine name.• Interplay of light and dark – Jesus is the Light

– Judas comes to Jesus in the dark – needs artificial light

– Peter cuts off hear of slave• Jesus instructs him to “put his sword away”.


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• Sanhedrin (Religious) Trial– Jesus was bound– Informal interrogation rather than formal trial- Taken to Annas –

Caiaphas’ father-in-law. – Jesus responds to questions about His disciples and teachings by

directing questions to be asked to those who heard Him teach.– Jesus struck by officer.– Jesus sent to Caiaphas – but no mention of any further trial by

Caiaphas– Presence of another disciple is mentioned, but no name given.– Peter’s denial

• Peter denies Jesus, at the same time that Jesus speaks in His own defense.

• Peter even denies being in the Garden, when he had been identified as the one who cut off the ear of a priest’s slave in the garden


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• Roman Trial– Jesus gets to Pilate through Caiaphas, even

though no mention of formal Sanhedrin Trial.– Similar to other three Gospels in that practice of

releasing one prisoner at Passover described– Pilate goes out to the Jews, and questions Jesus,

who responds to questions, and states “My kingship is not of this world” – There is interplay between Jesus and Pilate

• “Jews” choose Barabbas to be released.


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

– The Crucifixion – Active, rather than Passive• Christ lays down his own life

– He carries his own cross

• Pilate PROCLAIMS Jesus to be King of the Jews, in all the pertinent languages of the Roman Empire – Hebrew, Latin and Greek

• Soldiers cast lots for clothing• Those present were Mary, her sister, Mary Magdoline, and his

beloved disciple– The beloved disciple becomes his “brother”– Behold your son, beyond your mother

• Sponge of wine, placed on hyssop, offered to Jesus– Hyssop used to sprinkle the blood on paschal lamb at Passover– The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!

• “I thirst” in context of omniscience – knowing that all was now finished (John 19:28)


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• The Death of Christ– Picture of Serenity

• “It is finished.” Christ gave up his spirit – emphasis of importance of the Spirit in John’s gospel

– The truth of what happened• It happened as stated – He who saw it has borne

witness so that you may also believe. (John 19:35)


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• The Burial of Christ– John identifies Joseph of Aramathea, but also

a new character, Nicodemus

– Christ is buried as a “king”• 100 lbs of myrrh• Not like the preparation in the other 3 Gospels


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• The Resurrection of Christ– The Empty Tomb

• Mary Magdalene – still dark – stone taken away from the tomb

• She reports to Simon Peter and Jesus’ beloved disciple

• The two disciples went to tomb, and discovered Jesus not there

• Note – John makes a point of saying that the disciples did not know that Jesus must rise from the dead – they just went home. (John 20)


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• The Resurrection of Christ (continued)– Jesus’ Appearances

• Mary Magdalene at the tomb– 2 Angels– Weeping– She sees Jesus, but does not recognize him, perhaps

because of tears?– Recognizes Him when He calls her by name– Instructs her to go to his “brethren” to say that He is

ascending to the Father, His God, and their God.


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• The Resurrection of Christ– Jesus’ Appearances (continued)

• To the Disciples– Evening of the first day– Disciples gathered in fear behind closed doors– Greeting – “Peace”, then sends them out to “preach” to others,

with the gift of the Holy Spirit. He breathed on them, and said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” (John 20:22-23)

– Doubting Thomas• 8 days later• “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed

are those who have not seen and yet believed.”


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• Purpose of John’s Gospel– “Now Jesus did many other signs in the

presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book, but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:30-31)

– Ending, but also a transition.


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• Chapter 21– Continuation of Church Founding

• Some scholarship supports the argument that this chapter was independently added, and that the Gospel really ends at Chapter 20.

• Timing of the events in Chapter 21 – essentially all happen in a 24 hour period. (A night and the following day)


The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John

• Chapter 21 (continued)– Items of Note

• Disciples failed to recognize Jesus• Fishermen cast your nets• Large catch, but net did not break• Charges Peter to feed His Sheep – pillar of His Church• Beloved Disciple appears again – “This is the disciple who is

bearing witness to these things, and who has written these things; and we know that his testimony is true.” (John 21:24) – repetition of concern for authenticity and basis for belief for salvation

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