a debate on child slavery lo: to research and debate a real world issue which affects malawi

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1

A Debate on Child Slavery LO: To research and debate a real world issue which affects Malawi. Slide 2 Child Labour An estimated 158 million children aged 5-14 are engaged in child labour - one in six children in the world. UNICEF defines child labour as work that exceeds a minimum number of hours, depending on the age of a child and on the type of work. Such work is considered harmful to the child and should therefore be eliminated. Ages 5-11: At least one hour of economic work or 28 hours of domestic work per week. Ages 12-14: At least 14 hours of economic work or 28 hours of domestic work per week. Ages 15-17: At least 43 hours of economic or domestic work per week. Slide 3 Slide 4 Resources http://www.unicef.org/protection/index_child labour.html http://www.unicef.org/protection/index_child labour.html http://www.unicef.org/protection/index_5790 3.html http://www.unicef.org/protection/index_5790 3.html http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/child- labour/lang--en/index.htm http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/child- labour/lang--en/index.htm http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ Slide 5 Motion This house believes that all child labour and child slavery should be ended immediately.

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