a few engaging quotes & images to get you thinking

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Images can be extremely powerful and when combined with a word or a strapline can inspire and motivate individuals and teams to achieve their goals or live to their organisational values. I have combined my passion for learning and development with my leisure-time passion for candid street portrait photography to create unique quotivational images.



eNgaging Quotes & Images To Get You Thinking

“It is a known fact that imagery can be extremely powerful and inspirational.

Combine an image with relevant words and/or a

phrase and it can empower and motivate individuals or teams to achieve greater

success, bring their values to life or provide a focus

for a goal they are striving to achieve.”

Nick Fewings, Managing Director

Ngagementworks January 2014

“Nick Fewings is an award-winning international

conference speaker and highly-regarded learning

and development facilitator.

His creativity in combining his passion for people development with his

leisure-time passion for candid street photography, under his pseudonym Few Peeps, has resulted in a growing audience for his work from the general

public and also the business world”

Online Street Magazine December 2013

“We developed our sense of sight before we learnt

to communicate with language.

The image always comes first for me. I then study it

until a word or phrase comes to me and is

appropriate for the image.

The final piece of the jigsaw is to develop the


Motivational Quotes Community

February 2014

“I’ve been using motivational quotes for

many years when working with teams and organisations.

Initially, I used stock images however when people started to enjoy my street photography, I began to produce my


Monthly Photography Journal

March 2014

“A lot of teams and organisations have

values. I help them to bring them to life. They look at the

images I have and choose the ones that are relevant to their

values and straplines.

I have also supported many organisations in developing their values

and behaviours and embedding them into

their culture.”

HR Magazine January 2014



Ngagementworks Website

Ngagementworks Blogs

If you’ve liked this Slideshare, please do share it.

Continue to be eNgaged with Nick to keep up to date with both Ngagementworks Learning

& Development and Few Peeps. Plus he’d love to hear from you as well to discuss bespoke

Few Peeps Quotivational Images.

Few Peeps Flickr Gallery

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