a fresh look at ashford brochure

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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A Fresh Look at Ashford Brochure


Sir Terry Farrell Takes a Fresh Look at Ashford


2 Ashford best placed

transport infrastructure to new leisure and culture opportunities, and there is ongoing masterplanning for further impressive housing, retail, commercial and business improvements.

Since 2001, more than 5,000 new homes have been built and 5,500 new jobs have been created.

Major projects, detailed in this brochure, include:• Transformation of the town centre

with new and improved shopping and leisure facilities

• Improvements to the forecourt of Ashford International train station

• Improvements to M20 Junction 9 and Drovers Roundabout

• A new junction 10a on the M20• Creation of a new road, Victoria Way,

to link the station with south Ashford• Development of residential, retail

and leisure facilities at Elwick Place, a 6.65 acre town centre site

• Development of new residential neighbourhoods at Chilmington Green and Cheeseman’s Green

• A stunning new library and community building – Ashford Gateway Plus - in the town centre

• A new and improved arts venue at St Mary’s Church

• Enhancing the town’s existing green spaces, and the creation of three new parks

The face of Ashford is changing every day, with new homes, new business and new opportunities emerging as part of its exciting growth agenda.

Now the internationally renowned architect Sir Terry Farrell has been appointed as the official Design Ambassador for Ashford, and his unique vision is set to take the borough’s visual transformation to a new level.

As a designated Government growth area, Ashford is the new hub for business in the South East – the gateway to the continent, and a new economy for the region.

And, with a population forecast to double in size over the next 20 years, Ashford is now the fastest-growing town between London and the continent.

In the heart of the region’s transport network, Ashford has unrivalled links to London, the rest of the UK, and the continent. Superfast rail connections make journey times to London just 37 minutes, Brussels 90 minutes and Paris in just under two hours.

Numerous projects supporting Ashford’s ambitious growth plans are already underway, from better

Ashford already has a strong track record of encouraging high design quality across the borough, with the Regional Design Panel in Ashford being the most recent example, established to help deliver the highest possible design standards in new homes, businesses and communities.

Sir Terry Farrell will now take this local vision to the national arena, and help to make Ashford a recognised centre of design excellence.

ContentsAshford’s Design Ambassador • Station Square • Commercial Quarter • Bridge the railway • Repair edges • Ring road • Make the most of Ashford’s heritage • Improving design standards

Find out more about the changing face of Ashford • Homes and jobs • Keeping Ashford moving • Communities

Ashford’s visionAshford hAs A vision to CreAte A vibrAnt, sustAinAble town for residents And businesses, with An Ambitious £2.5 billion development strAtegy whiCh will see the town benefit from 28,000 new jobs And 31,000 new homes.

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tAke A fresh look At Ashford: the smArt ChoiCe for A fulfilling future.

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4 Ashford best placed

Ashford’s designAmbassador

recent achievements in public realm, buildings and infrastructure, and to collaborate closely with partners in the public and private sectors to maximise benefits of future investment.

Over the last decade Ashford has proved to be a place of dynamic change, and plans for further investment and growth here are amongst the most ambitious anywhere in the UK.

My role is to support and build on all the excellent work that is being done in Ashford, and to help strengthen the links between different initiatives and projects in order to make the most of this energy to help build a coherent and enduring plan for Ashford’s future.

I am delighted to have been appointed Ashford’s Design Ambassador. Having recently moved to the borough I am committed to helping Ashford to build on its recent successes and to identify further opportunities for the town to take advantage of its exceptional location and its many wonderful assets.

Our previous strategic work on behalf of HM Government in the Thames Gateway - and more recently for Kent County Council - has shown the importance of ‘painting a picture of possibilities’ in helping to build a shared understanding of what a place should aim to achieve in the longer term. Now that we face a time of fiscal constraint it is all the more important for Ashford to make the most of

“my job is to articulate Ashford’s potential for growth, to elevate people’s understanding of what can happen here, to promote good design and to explore further opportunities to build on your design initiatives.”

sir terry farrell

www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk 5

building on A growing reputAtion for innovAtion in Ashford

CApitAlising on high speed rAil






















AshfordAshford HS1HS1










Manston Airport

St Pancras

Lydd Airport

City Airport

Port of Dover

Port of Ramsgate



the new University of the Fine Arts being built at King’s Cross, the British Library, the Wellcome Foundation and other major occupiers near St Pancras. High speed rail represents an exciting opportunity for Ashford to re-think its role within Kent, the greater South East and the rest of the UK.

The arrival of high speed rail is extraordinarily beneficial to Ashford and East Kent. The service connects Ashford to a vibrant and changing part of central London, and it also improves links with the rest of the UK. Ashford should make the most of its new links with the universities in Bloomsbury,

As an important rail hub Ashford has a history of innovation. It was recognised for manufacturing and design excellence particularly in paper-making – William Morris was associated with this industry here - and figures from other fields include the mathematician John Wallis and the renaissance doctor William Harvey after whom the local hospital is named.

Ashford’s ‘shared space’ at Elwick Road is reinforcing the town’s emerging reputation as a contemporary place of innovation and design excellence. This project has set new standards for public realm design in the UK, and establishes a benchmark for future investment in the built environment in Ashford.

population now 70,000

population by 2031135,000

areas of growth

Singleton Environment Centre

William Morris, textiles

Sir Malcolm Sargent, conductor

Ashford’s Shared Space

6 Ashford best placed

differentiAte Ashford As the plACe for high quAlity design And innovAtion in kent

build on reCent suCCesses to CreAte A Coherent plAn for new investment

A key aim of our work is to build on successful design-led initiatives to help Ashford to differentiate itself from Maidstone, Tunbridge Wells, Canterbury and other towns in Kent.

By emphasising its unique role within the county as a place that can expand on a large scale to the highest contemporary design standards, Ashford can complement what is on offer elsewhere within Kent as well as stand out from other towns as an exemplary 21st century town in an exceptional landscape setting.

We have identified a number of specific opportunities to reinforce recent successes as well as build on investment that is committed. This includes plans for the mixed use development at Elwick Place and the plans to reconfigure the new station forecourt as a new public space.

1. Station Quarter2. Commercial Quarter3. Bridges4. Ring Road5. Town Centre Edges6. Town Centre Heritage7. Newtown Works8. Design

www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk 7

station square

Our experience shows that high speed rail can completely transform places in a relatively short period of time if the stations are integrated with their surrounding context. The most successful stations can become the focus for vibrant city quarters that include civic amenities, work places, shops and restaurants. Stations can become an important resource for local communities and provide facilities which benefit local people.

Currently, it is difficult to reach either the domestic or international stations other than by vehicle. In order to make the most of the station and to maximise the benefits of the new service it is important to transform pedestrian connectivity and way-finding between the station and the town centre in particular. But successful integration with the proposed Commercial Quarter, and links to the south of the existing railway and east to the Newtown railway works complex and the Designer Outlet are also important.

“the station quarter has great potential to become a vibrant new destination as well as help to shape Ashford’s economy over the next 20 years.”

integrAte the stAtion with its neighbours

Town Centre

Commercial Quarter


Station Quarter

Sheffield Station Forecourt Sheffield Station Forecourt

Elwick Place

8 Ashford best placed

Commercial quarter

The Commercial Quarter will add new life to the town centre as a whole as well as complement the commercial opportunities that exist on Ashford’s periphery at Orbital Business Park and Eureka. This site benefits from the connectivity that Ashford enjoys not only with London and the rest of the region but with continental Europe.

The site occupies a strategic location between the town centre and the station. There is a major opportunity to transform pedestrian connectivity with the high street; to the retail core through Memorial Gardens; and to the civic complex to the north. New frontage along the eastern edge will improve pedestrian routes along the River Stour while there is also

an opportunity to extend Ashford’s shared space along Station Road to the west in conjunction with this redevelopment.

The Commercial Quarter will build on investment being made in the station forecourt by introducing active ground floor uses and buildings facing the station must be of the highest architectural standards.

Active frontage facing new station quarter

Connect to memorial gardens

station roadshared space

Connect to high street improve pedestrian

links to the Civic quarter

new route with active uses connecting to town centre

new frontage along river and improvement to paths and routes along the river

“plan the new Commercial quarter as a vibrant part of the town centre.”

www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk 9

bridge the railway

New bridges should be built across the rail line to improve pedestrian connections between south Ashford and the town centre. These will transform the development potential of the Southern Expansion Quarter in support of investment in Victoria Way, a new road being built to improve links between the station and south Ashford. New bridges will provide local

“new bridges will become icons which help to reinforce Ashford’s reputation as a place of exceptional connectivity and design excellence.”

green the existing bridge

upgrade the existing pedestrian bridge

A new pedestrian bridge linking to the


people with improved connections to the retail core and access to all the positive change that is occurring in the town centre. These will also become icons which help to reinforce Ashford’s reputation as a place of exceptional connectivity and design excellence to a wide audience.

10 Ashford best placed

repair edgesrepAir the town Centre’s edges

Sites along the ring road are dominated by discontinuous frontage, surface car parks and the backs of buildings. The coherence enjoyed by the ‘five streets’ within the historic core including Bank Street, North Street and the High Street could be extended incrementally by ‘animating’ these edges to create a coherent and liveable town centre, helping to transform perceptions of Ashford’s town centre.

“Animating these edges will create a coherent and liveable town centre.”


Commercial Quarter

Memorial Square

Elwick Place

Town Centre

Residential areas

Residential areas

Elwick Place

Station Quarter

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ring roadComplete the shAred spACe

“Ashford should be the first town in britain to reinvent its ‘concrete collar’ as a network of connected pedestrian avenues.”

The shared space at Elwick Road sets Ashford apart. This should be extended to include the whole of the ring road in parallel with the incremental development of sites at the edge of the town centre. Each component should have a separate identity according to its location and function. Ashford should be the first town in Britain to reinvent its ‘concrete collar’ as a network of connected pedestrian avenues.

Elwick Road, completed

Station Square

Somerset Road Park Street

Wellesley Road

Station Road

Elwick Road

12 Ashford best placed

make the most of Ashford’s heritageCreAte An innovAtive new urbAn quArter At the newtown rAilwAy works

The Newtown railway works is a great heritage complex which could take advantage of its proximity to the international station to attract creative and design led industry and activity to Ashford as part of a mixed use residential area. This would complement the offer that will be available at the Commercial Quarter and could become a unique destination in Kent. These activities could take advantage of similar clusters focused around St Pancras as well as elsewhere on the high speed network, including at Folkestone and further afield on the continent.

“the newtown railway works is a great heritage complex with great potential to attract creative and design led industry and activity to Ashford.”

www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk 13

“each part of Ashford’s high street should have a clear programme that reinforces its distinctive qualities.”

Ashford’s historic core has great potential to attract visitors and tourism as new employment, commercial activity and residents bring vibrancy to the rest of the town centre. Some of its streetscapes are as good as any in Kent. Ashford’s High Street has distinctive identities ranging from the intimate scale of the ‘New Rents’ at the western end to the generosity of the market area at the eastern end. Each part should have a clear programme that defines activities, a cultural strategy and an approach to improving landscape and street furniture design.

reinforCe the high street’s distinCtive identities

“new rents”

event space


market square

“the lanes”

14 Ashford best placed

improving design standards

As one of the major growth areas in the greater south east Ashford is in a position to raise housing, infrastructure and landscape design on a large scale to the highest standards of sustainable design. The town already has a well developed strategy for integrating development with the landscapes of Kent, which can be further reinforced

“Ashford is in a position to raise housing, infrastructure and landscape design on a large scale to the highest standards of sustainable design.”

for example by a clear strategy to improve entrances to the town at all points of arrival including by rail, car, bus, taxi, cycle and on foot. This can shift perceptions of Ashford as a place of design excellence and these strategies can be cost effective, small scale and incremental as well as ambitious as circumstances allow.

www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk 15

supporting Ashford design initiAtives

Over the last decade Ashford has built a reputation for a collaborative and innovative approach to design excellence. I will support work it has done and is doing with The Prince’s Foundation, Kent Architecture Centre and CABE. Ashford has initiated a ‘Regional Design Panel in Ashford’ which will do much to maintain standards of design excellence as Ashford grows and I support its work in engaging with the local design community (of which I am a part!). It is important to remember that in these challenging times design excellence – which is as much about how to make the most of finite resources as it is about what things look like - matters more than ever.

Angel of the North, Gateshead

Dean Gallery, Edinburgh

New entrances and icons in Ashford

16 Ashford best placed

Commercial Quarter

The Commercial Quarter is a 16 acre business district planned for the town centre, capitalising on Ashford’s outstanding transport links and a beautiful riverside location.

The area will become a new business hub for the town, with a footprint roughly equivalent to four times the

Find out more about the changing face of Ashford...

size of Ashford’s Charter House, and creating at least 2,500 new jobs.

The Commercial Quarter will be built on largely vacant brownfield land between Ashford International Station and Tannery Lane, offering occupiers unrivalled access to the 37 minute high speed train service to London and daily direct Eurostar trains to Paris, Brussels and Lille.

The district will champion high quality, modern building designs to make a lasting positive impression on the town’s business and leisure visitors. In addition to the excellent access the area has to the town centre, the quarter will have its own street level shops and restaurants, offering even more employment opportunities, as well as 150 town houses fronting the River Stour.

The Commercial Quarter will be a magnet for business with strong links to Europe and London, and showcase Ashford’s unique business offer of competitive costs, prime location and outstanding transport connections.

Cost: Estimated to be in excess of £100m

Completion: A masterplan is expected to be completed in 2010, after which discussions will begin with potential development partners in the private sector.

homes and jobsCreAting An exCiting plACe to live And work

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Elwick Place

Elwick Place is a 6.65 acre vacant brownfield site in a prime town centre location - opposite the County Square shopping centre and the town’s pioneering ‘shared space’ traffic scheme, and adjacent to Ashford International station and the future Commercial Quarter (page 16).

Over the next few years and in various stages, the site will be transformed into an exciting mix of flats and town houses, restaurants, offices, shops and leisure outlets, creating a total of 300 homes and around 600 jobs.

The first phase of development will be concentrated around paved Elwick Square – the centre point of the shared space scheme – and will focus on providing excellent office space and leisure outlets, particularly restaurants, cafes and even a multi-screen cinema or hotel.

The development will provide 22,000 m2 of retail and leisure units, slightly more than the floorspace in the County Square shopping centre extension.

Stanhope plc – the developers behind the Tate Modern, and the Broadgate and Paternoster Square developments in the City of London, has signed a development agreement with landowners SEEDA to take the site forward.

A masterplan will be prepared over the next 12 months, with wide public consultation ahead of planning approval. It is hoped that the first stage of development will be completed late 2012.

Cost: Estimated to be around £80mCompletion: First phase by 2012.


18 Ashford best placed

Chilmington Green/Cheeseman’s Green By 2031, Ashford will double in size with the creation of 31,000 new homes and 28,000 new jobs.

To accommodate this growth, two major new residential communities will be created to the south of the town - Chilmington Green and Cheeseman’s Green.

These new, thriving, sustainable neighbourhoods will offer high quality accommodation for all, and new leisure opportunities to create vibrant and fulfilling neighbourhoods.

Both areas will have access to new parks and open spaces, shops and community facilities, as well as excellent public transport connections to the town centre.

Chilmington Green will see the development of up to 3,350 homes and 600 jobs by 2021, and has the potential for up to 7,000 homes and 1,000 jobs in total.

The area includes the largest of three new parks being created in Ashford over the next 20 years - Discovery Park, which will include extensive family activities (see page 27).

Cheeseman’s Green will include up to 4,300 homes, and 1,475 jobs are planned by 2021, with the potential for a further 2,200 homes and 750 jobs.

The site is close to two major employment areas planned for south Ashford – Waterbrook and Sevington – which will create further job opportunities.

Completion: Over 7,500 homes by 2021


www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk 19

keeping Ashford moving providing the right trAnsport

ChoiCes for our growing town

www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk/junction9 www.highways.gov.uk

Junction 9 and Drovers Roundabout

Major road improvements will help keep Ashford moving as the town grows, and it is essential that our road network can accommodate a growing residential and business population.

One of the biggest changes to Ashford’s roads will be the expansion of Junction 9 of the M20 and the adjacent Drovers Roundabout, which are on one of the busiest routes to and from town.

The current junction and roundabout to the town suffer from severe congestion, and improvements will be made to open up these routes to allow safer flow of traffic and to unlock future investment opportunities in the surrounding area, such as Eureka Business Park and Repton Park residential development.

The improvements include introducing new traffic signals, widening approach roads to the junction, increasing the number of lanes on the junction and roundabout and building a landmark footbridge over the M20.

The project has secured a total of £15.1m Regional Infrastructure Funding from SEEDA and the Department for Transport and is being delivered by Kent County Council on behalf of Ashford’s Future.

When completed, the improvements will make it easier to travel across town by car, foot or bike and also allow the development of up to 10,000 new homes and 6,000 new jobs.

Cost: Drovers Roundabout £7m, Junction 9/footbridge £8.1m Regional Infrastructure FundingCompletion: Spring 2011

Junction 10a

A new motorway junction is planned for Ashford to increase capacity around the existing Junction 10 of the M20, and allow for future development to the south of the town.

The new junction will improve journey times, reliability and safety and will also support the growing traffic population.

It will also create exciting new investment opportunities at the nearby commercial and residential development areas, including Cheeseman’s Green, Waterbrook and Sevington.

The Highways Agency has published details of the scheme, which will sit just east of the existing Junction 10 and will be one-third part funded by the Homes and Communities Agency.

Cost: £80m from the Department for Transport and the Homes and Communities AgencyCompletion: 2014-15

20 Ashford best placed

Station Improvements

Ashford International station forecourt is being transformed into a stunning new public space to welcome commuters and visitors, and make it much easier to visit the town centre.

Ashford’s increasing population, the arrival of high speed trains and the planned Commercial Quarter opposite (see page 16) mean more people will be using the station and will use it as a meeting point.

The first phase of works to revamp the station’s ticketing hall, increase cycle parking and install banners and new trees around the entrance were completed early 2010.

The next stage of improvements include:• A new public square or plaza in front

of the station including new seating, lighting, landscaping and paving

• A new pedestrian pathway to the town centre

• Increased cycle parking from 250 to 400 spaces

• Relocation of the drop-off and pick-up point, the 20 minute short stay and disabled parking and the taxi rank to a more suitable location within the station forecourt area

• A new and extended bus shelter

The changes will significantly improve passengers’ experience of arriving in the town, create clearer links to the town centre and nearby businesses, and help make Ashford an inviting and connected town where people want to live, work and invest.

Cost: The £2.5m improvements are funded through Growth Area Funding from Ashford’s FutureCompletion: Spring 2011


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22 Ashford best placed

Victoria Way

Victoria Way is an important new road that will help to open up investment opportunities in south Ashford and improve the travel choices for people coming to and from the town centre and International Station.

The new road will be an attractive, tree-lined avenue extending from the existing Victoria Road opposite the train station, and continue through brownfield industrial land to join with the A28 near Great Chart.

It will also include a new public square with seating and public art displays, as well as new shops, restaurants, cafes and homes.

There will also be opportunities for substantial business and commercial development, allowing the town to grow further south of the town centre.

The new route will also provide better access to the heart of the town centre from south Ashford’s new and existing communities and the picturesque rural villages along the A28.

Victoria Way will be delivered in phases as development along the route takes place. Phase 1 will involve creating the new tree-lined road from Beaver Road to the A28 Chart Road, and the new public square adjacent to Victoria Road Primary School.

The project has secured £16.5m Community Infrastructure Funding from Communities and Local Government and the Department for Transport, and is being delivered by Kent County Council on behalf of Ashford’s Future and the Homes and Communities Agency.Cost: £16.5m Community Infrastructure FundingCompletion: Spring 2011


www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk 23


SmartLink is a proposed superfast, regular bus service for Ashford, offering a quick and reliable journey for the town’s commuters and residents.

The high quality SmartLink vehicles will run every 8-10 minutes up to 18 hours a day, with attractive new bus shelters and stops.

The buses will serve Ashford’s main employment and residential areas, town centre and the international station, with three travel zones for fares, a flat rate for single fares, and smartcard technology.

The plans also include three new Park and Ride sites to help reduce congestion and offer a sustainable travel choice for residents and visitors.

SmartLink only roads and lanes, priority at traffic signals and limited stops will make SmartLink the quickest public transport option in Ashford, and the services will link up with the existing bus network to offer a comprehensive public transport network for the whole of Ashford.

Kent County Council and Ashford’s Future will be submitting a business case for funding to the Department for Transport. If successful, SmartLink and the first Park and Ride site will be operational by early 2013.

Cost: Approximately £28m (subject to Department for Transport approval)Completion: Early 2013


24 Ashford best placed

Ashford Gateway Plus

An iconic new building for Ashford,

housing a library, a host of public

services and a new civil ceremony

venue under one roof.

Ashford Gateway Plus is a joint scheme

between Kent County Council, Ashford

Borough Council and Ashford’s Future.

It will see the town’s outdated library

demolished and replaced with an

iconic new building housing a bigger

and better library and a range of public

services, including a new register

office, in stunning new surroundings.

Ashford Gateway Plus is being delivered

at a cost of £7.56m, including £1.95m

of Growth Area Funding from Ashford’s


From summer 2011, Gateway Plus will

offer the following services:

• Full library facilities

• Civil ceremonies

• Housing and benefits advice

• Pay council tax bills

• Free internet access

• Adult education courses

• Voluntary services• Citizens Advice Bureau• Social Services• Registration of births and deaths• Cafe

CommunitiesmAking our town better And brighter for All

A temporary base for the library will be in the Park Mall shopping precinct during construction. The new facilities are due to open summer 2011, when the library, existing Gateway services and new services will move into the new building.

Cost: £7.56m from Kent County Council and £1.95m of Growth Area Funding from Ashford’s Future. Completion: Summer 2011


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26 Ashford best placed

Arts at St Mary’s

Having an impressive, flexible arts venue in the heart of the town is an integral part of Ashford’s growth agenda.

To boost Ashford’s existing arts offer, Ashford’s Future has committed £1.2m towards refurbishing the town’s existing arts and performance space at the historic St Mary’s Church.

Taking inspiration from the hugely successful Union Chapel in Islington, the Church of England has applied to substantially upgrade St Mary’s arts space to accommodate larger audiences and high-profile arts acts, while still serving its congregation.

The venue would support a vibrant programme of music, drama and arts events for up to 350 people, and will

set a benchmark for artistic excellence in Ashford.

The programme could include:

• Jazz, soul, R&B, folk, classical and world music performances (small to medium scale), run by a professional promoter

• New and adapted drama works by national and local drama companies

• Spoken word events

• High quality exhibitions from national artists, local art groups and students

• Talks and workshops by professional musicians and artists

Works include creating a larger stage in the nave, new flexible seating, a new lighting rig, better toilet facilities and disabled access, a new glazed entrance and a ground source heat pump.

There will also be improvements to the building’s ancient fabric, including the roof, plastering and paintwork, so that both its congregation and arts audiences can enjoy its beautiful features for years to come.

The project will cost a total £1.7m, including £1.2m of Growth Area Funding from Ashford’s Future, £100,000 from Ashford Borough Council and further contributions from the Church of England and other external partners.

Cost: £1.7m Completion: Early 2011, subject to planning approval from The Church of England.


www.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk 27

Green Vision – The Parks

In addition to working to reduce energy and water waste in residents’ homes, protecting wildlife and promoting sustainable transport, Ashford’s Green Vision proposes the creation of three new parks in the town over the next 20 years.

Comparable in size to London’s royal parks, these new green spaces will offer a wide range of leisure opportunities to both local residents and visitors, from family activities to nature-themed attractions.

The proposed parks are:• Discovery Park – a family-orientated

park incorporating the award-winning Singleton Environment Centre, and large enough to take a 40 minute jog or an hour-long walk.

• Conningbrook Park - a major water park with a variety of adventure and water-based activities, with associated residential development opportunities

• Stour Riverside Park (south east Ashford) - a park following the Stour River, focusing on natural-themed walks and activities that encourage bio-diversity.

Ashford’s Future is conducting on-going public research into what facilities each park should offer its users. To have your say on what the parks should offer, visit the website below.

Completion: All three parks by 2031


Facilities for the new parks could include:• Boats for hire• Wind surfing• Zip wire• Cross-country running• BMX trails• Concert space• Organic farm shop• Arts and education centre• Sports field• Allotments• Nature walks• Cafe

Telephone: 01233 330 812Email: enquiries@ashfordbestplaced.co.ukwww.ashfordbestplaced.co.uk

2 Elwick Place2 Elwick Place

1 Commercial Quarter

2 Elwick Place

3 Chilmington Green

4 Cheeseman’s Green

5 Junction 9/Drovers Roundabout

6 Junction10a

7 Station Improvements

8 Victoria Way

9 SmartLink

10 Ashford Gateway Plus

11 St Mary’s Church

12 Green Parks

Stour Riverside 12

11 St Mary’s Church

SmartLink Phase 1

SmartLink Phase 2



Domestic Rail Services

HighSpeed 1 Rail Link - to london

7 Station Improvements

11 St Mary’s Church

5 Junction 9/Drovers Roundabout



Victoria Way 8

Victoria Way 8

Junction 10a 6

Junction 10a 6

Stour Riverside 12


SmartLink 9

SmartLink 9

Ashford Gateway Plus 10

Ashford Gateway Plus 10

Town CentreTown Centre

7 Station Improvements


top related