a green christmas

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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On Christmas day we hope

you will have an enjoyable evening with lots of food and drinks,

you will find nicely wrapped presents under your tree,

your house will be decorated with lots of tinsels, cards and trimmings.

And after Christmas you will be ready to throw the whole lot away and forget about it for another year.

BUT... Have you ever thought about the

environmental impact of this traditional holiday?

Every year in Britain: Over 7 million Christmas trees are bought and at least 75% of them (about 9,000 tonnes of waste) will end up in the dump.

83 square kilometres of wrapping paper will be thrown away.

1 billion Christmas cards will end up in the rubbish bin.

About 200,000 trees are destroyed to make all the cards that are sent every year.

About 50,000 trees end their life as Christmas wrapping paper.

About 13 billion rubbish bags are filled over the Christmas period.

The British eat about 3 million turkeys on December 25.

Many turkeys live in crowded, windowless sheds.

In order to grow them as fast as possible, they are fed antibiotics and become so overweight that they can’t move.

Perhaps it is the time to find out more about recycling – and maybe next year your rubbish bags after Christmas will be smaller.

Christmas trees – this always creates a real debate. Is it better to go natural or artificial?

An artificial tree uses toxic materials, takes a lot of energy to produce, and it doesn’t even last forever! Not so green after all!

Let’s make a green Christmas !

Decorate your home with

natural and recyclable materials.

Recycle your wrapping paper.

Recycle or reuse your Christmas cards.

Compost all your food peelings.

Unwanted Christmas presents - send them to the charity shops, re-gift them OR take them back to the shop.

Let’s make a green Christmas !

Over 80,000 tonnes of old clothes will be thrown away this Christmas. So make sure you donate your old clothes to a local charity shop.

Recycle your tree after Christmas.

Let’s make a green Christmas !

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