a guide to using premier pro

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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A guide to using premier pro

A short step by step guide on how to get files from an SD card through to importing them onto premier pro.

1. The first step to editing your movie is to remove the SD card from the camera and insert it into the card reader inside the computer.

2. Once the SD card is in the card reader you must now click on the folder that has appeared on your desktop that will have a title such as no name or DCIM. When you have located the folder you should now find the specific documents for what you are doing (as shown below).

3. When you have found these files you should now create a new folder in the movies document on the window that is up. Title it something relevant to your project.

4. You should now copy your files from the SD card into your new folder so that you can get on with your editing.

5. Now you can open premier pro by dragging your curser across the bottom of the screen, once the options have pooped up choose the purple Pr logo and a screen (as shown below) will load up. Once you have done this press create New Project.


When premier pro has fully loaded upload the files onto it via the options in the left corner titled Macintosh HD.

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