a history of punjab buddhist society uk

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The Glimpse of


On the auspicious occasion of opening of The Seema/Uposatha

Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara

G.T. Road, Village Kadian

P.O. Bhatian Bet,

Ludhiana, 141008

Punjab, India


6th – 8th October 2006

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Title: The Glimpse of Punjab Buddhist Society UK

and Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara, Ludhiana

Compiled by: Ven. Sujan Maharjan

Mr. Manohar Lal Birdi

Advisors: Ven. Chander Bodhi

Mrs. Parminder Sroy

First Edition 2006

Copy rights © Punjab Buddhist Society UK 2006

Published by

Punjab Buddhist Society UK

83 Lea Road, Pennfields,

Wolverhampton, UK


Tel: +44 1902 656665

Email: punjab_buddhist_society@yahoo.co.uk or


The Charity Registration no. 1108360

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Contents Preface

Subject page

Part One in English

1. History of Buddhism 1

2. Rise and Fall of Buddhism 1

3. Revival of Buddhism in India 2

4. 14th October 1956 2

5. Buddhism in Punjab 3

6. Buddhism in modern Punjab 5

7. Punjab Buddhist Society UK 5

a. Establishment of PBS Punjab 7

b. Establishment of PBS UK 8

8. Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara 9

9. The Glimpse of Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara 11

10. Teachings of the Buddha 18

11. References 20 Part Two in Punjabi

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It gives me great pleasure, honour and privilege to bring-out this booklet on the auspicious occasion of the opening ceremony of Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara. This year marks the golden jubilee year of Dhamma Diksha Divas (14th Oct. 1956-2006) by Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, when he embraced Buddhism at Nagpur along with thousands of his followers. This year is also the 2550th year of the Buddhist Era. On this remarkable occasion all the followers of Baba Saheb are organizing different functions all over the world and at many places in India throughout the year, mainly in Nagpur, especially this month. The Punjab Buddhist Society UK and Punjab along with its members and supporters under the leadership and spiritual guidance of All India Bhikkhu Sangha is also celebrating this remarkable event by opening Seema Hall/ Uposatha at Ludhiana in Punjab, India.

The formation of the ‘Punjab Buddhist Society U.K.’ has proved to be a milestone in the revival of Buddhist movement in Punjab. Although, there has been a great deal of work done by several organisations and individuals, our significantly new contribution has been to co-ordinate the efforts and the works of previous participants. This has been successfully achieved by the Punjab Buddhist Society U.K. & Pb. under the spiritual leadership of the ‘All India Bhikkhu Sangha’. They have also undertaken to work in cooperation with the sangha looking to them for spiritual and religious guidance at all times.

The attempt has been made in this small booklet to shed some light on the rise, fall and revival of Buddhism in India. After the King Ashoka the Great, another great Buddhist revivalist Dr. Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar came on the scene in the twentieth century. After having completed his research, he came to the conclusion that Buddhism has the answer for the Caste ridden inequality of Indian society. He along with thousands of his followers converted to Buddhism on 14th October 1956, on the very anniversary that Ashoka the great embraced Buddhism, which is called ‘Vijaya Dasami’(Dushehra). On this great day he declared that he wanted to see once again India as a great Buddhist nation enjoying the same admiration from the world at large as it did in its heyday. To

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commemorate this great day ‘The Punjab Buddhist Society (PB)’ and ‘Punjab Buddhist Society (U.K.)’ under the auspices of ‘All India Bhikkhu Sangha’ have undertaken to inaugurate ‘Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara’ at Ludhiana Punjab. It will be a landmark achievement, which would prove to be a matter of pride for all Buddhists everywhere.

I would like to acknowledge and offer special thanks to Ven. Sujan Maharjan and Mr. Manohar Lal Birdi for compiling this booklet which attempts to explore our history in a concise and comprehensive manner. My sincere thanks also go to Mr. Arun Kumar for his Punjabi translation. Further, I am grateful to Mr. Mehar Chand Jassal one of the founder trustees for providing financial support and sponsorship to publish this booklet.

On this occasion I, on behalf of all the members and supports of Punjab Buddhist Society UK and Punjab would like to thank every individual and organization for their continuous generous donations, dedications and tireless support for the completion of Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara and I do hope they will continue their support in future for the propagation of Buddhism and mission of Baba Saheb.

With the protective power of The Triple Gem; the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha may all have good health, success and achieve the highest blessings of Nibbana in this very life.

Bhavatu Sabba Mangalam !

Ven. Chander Bodhi Founder & Patron

Punjab Buddhist Society

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The Prince Siddharth Gotama was born in 563 B.C. in Kapilvastu of modern Nepal. At the age of 29 he renounced the palace and luxurious life in search of the way to salvation of life. Prince Siddharth went to different teachers to practice different ascetics methods for over six years but was unable to attain enlightenment. He eventually discovered the middle way of life hence attained enlightenment at the age of 35 and was known as the Buddha. He introduced this middle path (majjimapatipada) for the happiness and benefit of humanity.

The Buddha preached his doctrines for over 45 years in various ways and in different locations of ancient India. His main message and teachings include “The Four Noble Truths” (Catuariya Sacca), Dependent Origination (Paticcasamuppada), and Three Characteristics (Tilakkhana). However, the heart of Buddha’s teachings is The Four Noble Truths. The Buddha explained in his discourses the importance of his core teachings. In the Hatthipadopama Sutta (the discourse of Elephant’s foot), the Buddha says every animal’s feet are smaller then the elephant’s foot.. In this way, the Four Noble Truths includes all his doctrines. Therefore, all his teachings, which is known as Buddha Dhamma, are based on this Four Noble Truths.

All his teachings were compiled and called Tipitaka (skt. Tripitaka), the three baskets of doctrines. The first compilation of all the Buddha’s teachings were done at the first Sangiti (Sanghayana), the first Buddhist council after three months of Buddha’s Mahaparinibbana at the age of 80, in India. Sanghayana is performed in the history of Buddhism to purify and understanding Buddha’s teachings. The Buddhist councils have compiled and preserved his teachings as purely as possible and later known as Tipitaka. The Tipitaka consists of Vinaya pitaka, a code of conduct; Sutta pitaka, a set of discourses; and Abhidhamma pitaka, and a set of higher doctrines or Buddhist psychology. Tripitaka is known as the Theravada Buddhist scripture/ Pali Buddhist scripture.

Rise and Fall of Buddhism

After the Mahaparinibana of the Buddha at Kushinagar, his Dhamma witnessed many obstacles. Until at the time of King Ashoka, Buddhism was divided into several sectors due to different interpretations of Buddha Dhamma and the practice of Vinaya. Broadly, it was divided into two schools; Sthaviravada presently known as Theravada school and Mahasangika now known as Mahayana school. The various schools with different of opinions on the practice and understanding of Buddha Dhamma obviously resulted in the loss of the popularity for the religion. Emperor King Ashoka, who embraced Buddhism on Vijaya Dasami had supported and patronized third Buddhist Council (Sanghayana) at Magada state currently Bihar State for the unification and purification of the Buddha’s teachings. This Council sent nine groups of Buddhist

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missionaries’ (monks) to different countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, and Nepal etc. He sent his own son; Prince Ven. Mahindra and daughter, Princess Ven. Sanghamittra to Sri Lanka for spreading Buddhism. With the royal support of the King Ashoka, Buddhism spread all over India and in the surrounding countries.

After the passing away of King Ashoka, Buddhism began to decline: there were mainly two reasons; firstly due to deviations and establishment of different schools like Stavirvada, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tantrayan, Guhyeyana; and secondly, because of Hindu oppression and their anti Buddhist campaigns, the Muslim invasions in India led to Buddhist monasteries and institutions being destroyed, and Buddhist monks being massacred. Buddhism almost disappeared at the end of the 11th century from the land of its origin, India.

Revival of Buddhism in India

Buddhism remained disappeared from India for many centuries. It was given a spark of light once again by Sir Alexander Cunningham in 1860s. He discovered the ancient places of Buddhism in India and promoted them all over the world. Following the decades of discovery, Sir Devid Arnold wrote the book named ‘The Light of Asia’ , which became one of the most famous books around the world. ‘The Light of Asia’ inspired Mr. Don David Hewawitarana (1865-1933 C.A.), a Sri Lankan young man, to become a strong Buddhist supporter and campaigner. He proclaimed himself as an Anagarika, literary means a homeless wonderer and changed his name to Anagarika Dharmapal which remained for the rest of his life. After visiting the Buddhist localities in India he became a strong Buddhist devotee and established the Mahabodhi Society in India for the formation of Buddhism and to free Buddhist places, particularly for the restoration of Bodh Gaya into the Buddhist hands. He struggled for his whole life for this cause, which is successively running to this day.

14th October 1956

The day of 14th October 1956 can be quoted as the ‘Golden Day’ in the history of revival of Buddhism in India. The history was created by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who was the leader of depressed classes and dalits of India. He had many qualifications, including; eminent jurist, economist, political and social scientists, member of Indian parliament, cabinate minister, the chief architect of Indian constitution, Professor of Law and so on. He, along with half a million of his supporters embraced Buddhism at Nagpur on 14th October 1956, the day of Vijaya Dasami. Baba Saheb chose the year 1956 for this great conversion because it marked the 2500 years of Buddha era. The day of 14th October also marked that King Ashoka embraced Buddhism on vijaya dasami, presently known as Dushehra.

On this day Dr. Ambedkar along with his supporters took refuge Tisaranam;

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The Buddha, The Dhamma and The Sangha and observed five precepts from the Bhikkhu Sangha headed by a Burmese monk Most Ven. U Chandramani Mahasthavir, who lived at Kusinagar Buddhist temple, U. P. India. This was the largest conversion on the land of India in the history of Buddhism. On this day, Dr Ambedkar and thousands of devotees chanted Buddham Saranam Gacchami, Dhammam Saranam Gacchami, Sangham Saranam Gacchami. After this conversion Buddhism began to flourish in all parts of India, especially in states like Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Punjab. From this day, the Mulnivasis (original inhabitants) of India got Dhamma of their forefathers, who were Buddhists centuries ago.



If we see Punjab today, we can say that it is a Sikh state. Before that many Muslim kings had ruled here. However, if we go back 2000 years, the history tells us that Punjab was once a Buddhist state in India. Besides Punjab, other countries such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kashmir were Buddhist kingdoms. Lord Buddha also visited Punjab at Kuru village, formerly known as Kurukshetra in Haryana. Here the Buddha gave one of the most important discourses, which is known as Satipatthana Sutta or the Discourse of Mindfulness.

Since 3rd century B.C. until the 11th century many Buddhist Kings ruled over Punjab, for example, King Ashoka the great, Milind, Kanishka, Harsh Vardhan. They ruled for many centuries. King Ashoka constructed 84000 stupas, built many Vihars, and erected many pillars with inscriptions, which are known as Ashoka Pillars. Furthermore, the third Buddhist Council was held during his reign. In the times of King Ashoka the Buddhist Kingdom was established in Punjab. King Dhanbooti ruled over Punjab from 240 to 310 A.D. His capital was known as Sug near Ambala. King Milind ruled over Punjab from 145 to 130 A.D. His capital was Sialkot and his kingdom included Ghandar, Sindh and Punjab. In the memory of King Milind, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar built Milind College in Aurangabad. King Kanishka was another great Buddhist king who ruled from 78 to 101 A.D. Under the support and patronization of King Kanishka, the fourth Buddhist Council meeting was held in Jalandhar.

Many great Buddhist kings ruled in Punjab. At that time many cities and towns of Punjab had became the main centres of Buddhism, like Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur, Kangra, Chamba, Mandi and Kulu. Huen Sang one of the famous Chinese pilgrims recorded that there were 2000 Monks and 50 Buddha Viharas around Jalandhar area alone. The king of Jalandhar, King Udito, was also a Buddhist. During his reign Punjab had a world-renowned educational centre opened, known as Takshasila now called Taxila.

Very recently in Punjab, archeological excavations have been taking place and

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many discoveries have been made. The most important among them found in the Village of Ucha Pind Sangol in district Fatehgarh Sahib on Ludhiana Chandigarh Road. The remains of Stupas, monasteries and more than 100 statutes of Kushaan period were found. Today Sangol is the most important Buddhist archeological place in Punjab. Many Buddhist remains have also been discovered in Ludhiana, Hisar, Karnal Gurgaon, Kangra and Mandi districts.

Excavation at Sangol

Ven. Chander Bodhi with

other monks at seema project

Ven. Chander Bodhi

Checking basement of Seema

View of Rooms from right side

View Rooms from Left side

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After the great conversion of 14th October 1956, the followers of Baba Saheb showed their deep interest and faith in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. On this day Baba Saheb declared that he wanted to see India as a Buddhist country. Keeping in mind the desire of their beloved leader, many Indian communities dedicated their efforts for the

Carving parts of Sanchi Gate

spread and development of Buddhism. Among them were many Punjabis living in Punjab and in other countries like England, Canada, USA, other European and Middle East countries. Since 1956 to year 2002, a lot of work had been done in spreading Buddha Dhamma in Punjab. Many Buddha Viharas were built in towns named Nakodar, Phillaur, Bootan Mandi, Maksudan, Talwan, Sofipind, Phagwara etc. These Buddha Vihara were built with the special efforts of some dedicated devotees and organizations. The prominent names are Mr. Sohan Lal Gindha, Mr. Tarsem Lal Chahal, Mr. Rattan Lal Sampla, Mr. Harbans Lal Virdee, Mr. Balwant Singh Sroy and many more. The main organizations working in Punjab for Dhamma were Buddha Dhamma Prachar Samiti Punjab, Vishwa Boudh Sangha. Every year these upasaks and their respective organizations are celebrating Buddha Jayanti, Ambedkar Jayati & Diksha Devas in different Villages and Cities.



The year 2003 was the turning era in the history of Buddhism in Punjab. In the month of April 2003 some devotees met Bhante Chander Bodhi in Wolverhampton UK and said that they wish to organize Diksha Divas in October at Mohalla Ram Nagar Jalandhar where a numbers of family were interested to embrace Buddhism. These members requested Ven. Bhante Chander Bodhi to arrange Buddhist monks to conduct this ceremony. Bhante Chander Bodhi accepted their proposal and promised to arrange Buddhist monks for the Diksha ceremony. During this period, proposals came from other devotees also that they were interested in organizing similar type of functions at their villages. After giving consideration to people’s views and their dedication Bhante Chander Bodhi decided to celebrate Buddhist functions on a large scale. He made a request to the Chief Monk of All India Bhikkhu Sangha Most Ven. Bhadant Sadanand Mahathero to preside over and to be in charge of these functions, which he happily agreed. Many senior monks from other parts of India also agreed to participate in these programmes. Following people’s request number of programmes were planned from 19 to 25 October 2003 in Punjab. The first function was held at Ram Nagar Jalandhar on 19 October. Followed by Phillaur, Nakodar, Talwan, Phagwara, Sofipind, Maksudan,

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Sangrur, Ludhiana and Sangol. Numbers of devotees embraced Buddhism in all these functions. The celebration was a great success with the blessing of All India Bhikkhu Sangha. It was Sanghanayaka’s very first visit to state of Punjab after many centuries along with many other Buddhist monks. The following monks stayed in Punjab for nearly10 days:

� Ven. Sadanand Mahathero � Ven. Rahula Bodhi Mahathero � Ven. Bodhipalo Mahathero � Ven. Satyapala Thero � Ven. Jagtanand Thero � Ven. Sheelratan Thero � Bhikkhuni Purnima Thero

Ven. Bhikkhu Sangha at Punjab

All these monks visited different Viharas and other cities of Punjab. During their visit they had an opportunity to meet various individuals and member of organizations, who were undertaking Dhamma work either by themselves or collectively. They observed that the people of Punjab had great devotion for the mission of Baba Saheb and Buddha Dhamma. Presently, a lot of energy and money has been provided for the propagation of Dhamma. Another matter that came to notice of Bhikkhu Sangha was that many Punjabis were settled abroad in countries such as England, USA, Canada and other European and Middle East Countries. They have feelings for their own countrymen and community. The Ven. Bhikkhu Sangha also noticed that although these individuals are working very hard but they lack coordination. Therefore, spiritual guidance and support from Bhikkhu Sangha is urgently needed. Ven. Sadanand Mahathero realized that if this work is done under the supervision of Bhikkhu Sangha then excellent results can be achieved within a very short time. The teachings of the Buddha and the Mission of the Baba Saheb can be extended on a large scale.

Meeting at Anand Buddha Vihara

Bhikkhu Sangha at Punjab

After the above functions most Ven. Sadanand Mahathero discussed his observation and experiences about his visit to Punjab with Bhante Chander Bodhi in UK. Bhante Chander Bodhi called a meeting with devotees in Wolverhampton, UK in

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January 2004 for further discussions. This meeting was attended by over hundred upasaka and upasikas. Bhante highlighted the need for a unified central body in Punjab. All the participantss agreed that all organizations and individuals working in Punjab should be united under the banner of All India Bhikkhu Sangha. For this purpose Bhante visited Punjab in March 2003 for further discussions.

Establishment of Punjab Buddhist Society Punjab

On the full moon day of 6th March 2004, a historic meeting was held at Sanghamittra Buddha Vihara Phagwara, Punjab, which was chaired by Ven. Sadanand Mahathero. A new central body under the name Punjab Buddhist Society Pb. was formed for promoting Buddha Dhamma and mission of Baba Saheb under the expert guidance and presence of All India Bhikkhu Sangha. As a result of the above meeting the Bhikkhu Sangha was dually established in Punjab. A decision was made to celebrate this day as the Sangha Day in Punjab. All the participating organizations and individuals agreed to work under this banner. The following members were nominated as board of directors:

Ven. Sadanand Mahathero (Sanghanayaka)

Ven. Bodhipalo Mahathero

Ven. Mahapant Mahathero

Ven. Mahakasyapa Mahathero

Ven. Chander Bodhi Thero

Ven. Jagtanand Thero

Ven. Ratanabodhi Thero

Ven. Satyapala Thero


An executive body of Upasaka was also nominated Advisor Mr. Krishan Kumar Bodhi President Mr. Gurbachan Lal Vice President Mr. Vijay Disavar Gen. Secretary Mr. Baldev Raj Joint Secretary Mr. Harmesh Jassal Cashier Mr. Harbhajan Sampla The special feature of this body is that all the members of board of directors

(Trustees) are Buddhist monks, who are the members of the All India Bhikkhu Sangha.

Under construction of Seema Project

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After the establishment of Punjab Buddhist Society in Punjab Most Ven. Sadanand along with Ven. Bodhipalo visited England. Similarly, an organization of NRI’s was established in UK on 28 March 2004 under the name as Punjab Buddhist Society UK (PBS UK). Five trustees were nominated namely: Ven. Dr. W. Kassapa from Birmingham, Ven. Chander Bodhi from Wolverhampton, Ven. Nagasena from Birmingham, Mr. Mehar Chand Jassal and Mrs. Vidya Kumari Midha.

This Punjab Buddhist Society UK, referred as ‘Buddhist Society’, shall establish a Buddhist monastery (Seema/Vihara) under the patronage and control of the Bhikkhu Sangha and provide necessary financial and upasak/upasika support to facilitate the Bhikkhu Sangha to be independent and self sufficient to propagate the Dhamma as admonished by the Buddha for the happiness and welfare of the society at large. On the very same day an executive Committee was also formed as:

President Ven. Chander Bodhi Vice President Mr. Chanan Chahal Gen. Secretary Mr. Manohar Birdi Assist. Secretary Mrs. Vidya Midha Treasurer Mr. Chaman Lal Chahal Assist. Treasurer Mr. Sohan Lal Gindha

With the efforts and hard work of Mrs. Parminder Sroy from Wolverhampton, Punjab Buddhist Society UK acquired a charitable status registered with Charity Commission of England and Wales to work at local, national with international level. The charity number of the society is 1108360. She has also drafted the constitution of Punjab Buddhist Society UK. The main feature of Punjab Buddhist Society UK is that Buddhist monks will be leading the society.

The Charity’s objectives are to: “To advance the Buddhist faith throughout the world, particularly by the

establishment and support of Buddhist monasteries”

Head office Presently, Punjab Buddhist Society UK

is situated at 83 Lea Road, Pennfields, Wolverhampton WV3 0LN, England. This building is a three-bedroom semi-detached house bought for the residence of monks and Buddhist activities with the help of devotees namely; Mr. Sohan Lal Gindha, Mr. Hans Raj Sampla, Mr. Rattan Lal Sampla, Mr. Chanan Chahal, Mr. Malkit Singh Bahal, Mr. Bihari Lal Midha, Mr. Balwant Singh Sroy and Mr. Harbans Virdee. Presently, Ven. Chander Bodhi and Ven. Sujan Maharjan are resident monks at the property.

Shrine Room at the Head office

Wolverhampton, UK

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Bhikkhu Sangha is one of the main channels for the spread and development of Buddhism. The members of All India Bhikkhu Sangha after visiting Punjab in October 2003 observed that all the monks visiting Punjab are basically non-Punjabis. They came from Maharashtra, UP and Bihar states of India. However, there are very few monks who are from Punjab. The Bhikkhu Sangha felt the need to ordain new monks from Punjab. For this purpose Seema/ uposatha is required as new monks are to be ordained inside the Seema. Literary Seema is a boundary area, within which official Sangha activities take place. The main use of seema is for upasampada, the ceremony of acceptance into the Bhikkhu Sangha (ordination). It was decided in the meeting of Punjab Buddhist Society UK to build a Seema in Punjab. This would be the only Seema in Northern India. The first Seema is situated at Amaravati in Maharashtra. After deciding that Punjab Buddhist Society UK should build a Seema in Punjab one acre of land in District Ludhiana was donated to the All India Bhikkhu Sangha by Buddha Dhamma Prachar Samiti Punjab, whose convener is Mr. Sohan Lal Gindha along with Mr. Chaman Virdee and Mr. Mulakh Raj Gindha. This is the first time in the history of modern Punjab that a piece of land has been donated to All India Bhikkhu Sangha by the lay devotees.

On 6th of June 2004 in the history of Punjab Buddhist Society UK when Anand Buddha Vihara was donated to the All India Bhikkhu Sangha. Mr. Balwant Singh Sroy from wolverhampton collected donation from home and abroad for the completion of Anand Buddha Vihara and initially laid down its foundation witnessed by Mr. Tarsem Chahal, Mr. Gurnam Mall and upasak/upasikas from Phagwara and Jalandhar.

Secondly, with the dedication and hard work of Mr. Gurnam Mall and his family from India, devotees from England and India played an important role for the development of Anand Buddha Vihara. At present, this is the residence of Bhikkhu Sangha and Head office of Punjab Buddhist Society Punjab.

Anand Buddha Vihara Sidharth Nagar, Nurmahal Road. Phillaur, 144410 Jalandhar, Punjab +91 1826 285392

Anand Buddha Vihara

Phillaur Which was donated to Ven.

Bhikkhu Sangha

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Why Named Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara?

The Name of Seema was decided as ‘Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara’ in the memory of ancient educational centre Takshila. Takshila has a great significance in the Buddhist history related to Punjab. Takshila was a great city and educational centre even at the time of the Buddha. Takshila University in ancient India is considered by some to have been the world’s first university dated back to around 700 B.C. It was well known as an institution of higher learning in ancient India. Princes and other scholars received

Ancient Takshila

their education at Takshila in Punjab. Great supporter and disciple of the Buddha, King Pasendi of Kosala, Chief of Licchavis Mahali , and Prince of Mallas Bandula were all classmates at the university of Takshila. Jivaka one of the foremost physicians of those days and a disciple of Buddha had also studied at Takshila. Many students from foreign countries come to study here. Takshila continued to be a great Buddhist centre for more than 800 years, from the time of king Ashoka until Takshila met its tragic fate at the hands of the Savages Huns, who ransacked and devastated the city in the 5th century B.C. Keeping in mind the historic importance of this great ancient learning centre of India, the new Seema has been given the name as ‘Takshila Maha Buddha Vihar’ , where new ordination ceremonies will be organized along with other Buddhist activities. Newly ordained monks can learn the teachings of the Buddha and practice them in daily life. It is envisaged that the newly trained monks will enhance Buddhist teaching and mission of Baba Saheb, in the state of Punjab, across all over India and throughout the world.

Ludhiana, Punjab Where the Uposatha Seema

Project is situated

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The Glimpse of Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara

This seema Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara is located in district Ludhiana, Punjab, which is in the Northern Part of India. The project is being built over land of one acre at G.T. Road, village Kadian, P.O. Bhatian Bet, Ludhiana, 141008, Punjab. A renowned architect of Punjab Mr. Harbhajan Singh, assisted by Mr. Kamal and Mr. Balvinder designed this project. On behalf of All India Bhikkhu Sangha Ven. Mahapanth Mahathero laid down the foundation stone along with members of Bhikkhu Sangha on the full moon day of Baisakh in 2004. The Sangha performed religious ceremony and Bhumi Puja. The project includes the main Seema/Uposathagara, 20 rooms, multipurpose hall, dining room, Kitchen, Guest room, and Sanchi Gate.

The structure of Seema is depicted from Ancient Buddhist sites like Ajanta and Elora Caves. It has a U Shape ceiling without pillar in the middle. The main hall is 100ft long, 40ft. wide and 45ft. high with three entrance gates 10x4ft. 12x6ft. and 10x4ft in size. There are two other gates on the left and right hand side. At the entrance there is a half Pagoda (Chetiya) with a Buddha statue donated from Thailand on the top. The main Buddha Murti inside the Seema hall is donated by Phra Acharn Mahapricha the abbot of Wat Thongniam, Phetchkasem from Thailand along with the help of Ven. Phra Vipassi Dhammaramo. The Buddha Murti was built on the 60th year of coronation of Thai King Bhumibala. On the right side there is Buddhist flag around 40ft. in height, which is donated by Mr. Balwant Singh Sroy and his family.

One of the front door of Ajanta Cave, India

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On the first floor, at the rear of Uposathagara there are 20 rooms for monk’s residence. All rooms are 12x11ft. in size with attached bathroom and all rooms have a gallery and veranda. There are two dharmacakras on the front side. On the ground floor there is a car park.

On the left side of the Seema hall, there

is a Kitchen, Dining hall and Guest room. Kitchen is 20x15ft wide and Dining hall is 65x15ft. wide with marble floor and lotus decoration on the ceilings. The Guest room is also built next to the dining hall with the same decoration, and are 65x20ft. wide. There is a multipurpose Hall at the backside of the rooms, with a dimension of 60x40ft is currently under construction.

There is a main gate of the project, which is called SANCHI GATE. This is the model of original gate of famous Sanchi Stupa built by king Ashoka in Madhya Pardesh. This is one of the finest pieces of Buddhist architect in India. This Sanchi Gate is 25x12ft. with wonderful ancient decoration, that tells us about the Buddha’s life and the Jataka stories. Sanchi Stupa is related to the time of the Buddha and his main disciples was enlarged and re-decorated at the time of King Ashoka. This stupa is unique not only because of having the most perfect and well-preserved stupas but offering a wide and educative field for the study of the genesis, efflorescence and decay of Buddhism and Buddhist art. From 14th century onwards Sanchi was left deserted and unnoticed, until 1818 when General Taylor publicized it. The original structure of these four gates of this Sanchi stupa was damaged after the break-up of the Maurya Empire.

Keeping in view the historic importance of this great monument Punjab Buddhist Society UK decided to build Sanchi Gate as the main gate in the project. This gate is combination of art-work from four gates of Sanchi Stupa. The gate is made of Red-Stone and carved in the village of Kunar, U.P., India, and will be enshrined in the Seema. This is the second time that this Sanchi gate has been built after King Ashoka the Great, which is historic and proclaims new history of Buddhism in Punjab. Mr. Ram Pal Rahi and his family from Bedford, UK has sponsored this gate.

One of the Sanchi Gates


A beautifully designed boundary wall surrounds the whole building. The important Buddhist verses will be carved on these walls.

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Name of devotees/families, who donated Rooms Sr. No.

Name Number of

Rooms 1. Mr. Shekhar Bagul, Manchester 2 2. Mr. Mehar Chand Jassal, Scotland 1 3. Mrs. Vidya Birdi, Wolverhampton 1 4. Mr. Shadhi Lal Sallan, Wolverhampton 1 5. Mr. Sohan Lal Gindha, Scotland 1 6. Vipassana Student, Wolverhampton 1 7. Mr. Som Nath Birdi, Wolverhampton 1 8. Mr. Rattan Lal Sampla, Birmingham 1 9. Mr. Chanan Ram Chahal, Wales 1 10. Mr. Ram Moorti Summan, Letchworth 1 11. Mr. Harbans Lal Virdee, Southall 1 12. Mrs. Satya Bahal, London 1 13. Mr. Chaman Lal Chahal, Telford 1 14. Mr. Mohinder Sallan, Canada 1 15. Mr. Gian Chand Kaura, Canada 1 16. Mr. Ram Parkash Maman, Wolverhampton 1 17. Mr. Hans Raj Gindha, Scotland 1 18. Mr. Madan Lal Chauhan, Wolverhampton 1 19. Mr. Sucha Ram Bagha, Scotland 1

Total Rooms 20 Name of Devotees/families who donated other parts of the project

Sr. No. Name Subject 1. Mr. Hans Raj Sampla, Kent Kitchen 2. Mr. Bihari Lal Midha, Wolverhampton, Dinning Hall 3. Mr. Balbir Chand, New York Guest Room 4. Mr. Ram Pal Rahi, Bedford Main Sanchi gate 5. Mr. Raj Kumar and Mr. Gurbax Rai

Toronto Canada Seema Entrance Gate

6. Mr. Balwant Singh Sroy, Wolverhampton Buddhist flag 7. Mr. Roop Lal Dhanda and family, Birmingham Paint for Seema 8. Mr. Bakshi Birdi, London Pagoda in the middle of


In addition to the above-mentioned sponsors a large number of individual devotees, societies and organizations from all over the world helped in different ways for the completion of ‘Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara’ . Bhante Chander Bodhi, on behalf of Punjab Buddhist Society UK visited different countries such as Canada, USA, Australia, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, countries of Middle East like Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and Behrain and many European countries for the collection of donation. In all these countries Bhante Chander Bodhi was given warm welcome and assured full

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support for the establishment of the monks training centre in Punjab. All communities Indians and non-Indians, Punjabis and non-Punjabis, Buddhists and non-Buddhists have given generous donation for the commencement of this project.

Prominent supporters:

(names mentioned above are not included here)

Buddhist monasteries and Monks:

India: Ven. Nandvardan Bodhi, Dharmapal, Pragyakirti, Upanand, Devend, Bodhiratna, Bisuddhi, Vappa

Canada: Most ven. Ratna Siri (Toronto Maha Buddha Vihara), Most Ven. Upanand (Calgary Buddha Vihara), Ven. Thich Chon Minh (Quan The am Thien Tu Buddha Bihara Canada), Rev. Yatinuwara Sankichcha (Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara Canada), Ven. Miao Lien ( Lingyen Mountain Temple, Namo Amitabha Buddha), Ven. Saranatissa (Buddhist Vihara Society, Surry), Most Ven. Thien Quang (Vietnamese Buddhist congregation, Calgary), Most Ven. Thien Tam (Edmonton Buddhist Research Institute, Truc Lam Monastery, Canada), Vietnamese Unified Buddhist (Hoa-Nehiem) Congregation of B.C., Long Hoa Buddhist Community Temple of Ontario.

USA: Ven. Pandit K. Piyatissa (New York Buddhist Vihara), Ven. Bounleva Inthacack (Wat Lao Jaophuth Buddhist Temple, CA), Bhikkhuni Chua Pho Minh (Association Buddhist Temple, CA), Ven. A. Punyasiri (Maithri vihara Buddhist Meditation Centre, CA)

Taiwan: Ven. Hung Chia Nan (Chia Nan Buddhist Artifact Co., Ltd. Taipei), Bhikkhuni Hung An (Ching Liang Mountain Nation-Protection Miao-Chiung Temple, Kaohsiung), Ven. Hue Shou (Fo Guang Shan, Kaohsiung), Ven. Shih Tei Hui (Tz’u Kuang Temple, Nantau), Nun Elizabeth Hsu (Lin Yuan Ching Shui Temple, Lin Yuan), Ven. Terry Yang (B.M.Z.A. Foundation for Culture & Education), Ven. Dr. B. Chandima (Theravada Samadhi Education Association, Taipei), Ven. Mangala, Taipei.

England: Most Ven. Phramaha Somboon Siddhinano (Wolverhampton), Most Ven. Dr. Vajiranana and Members (London Buddhist Vihara, London), Most Ven. G. Piyadassi and Members (Sri Saddatissa Int’l Buddhist Centre, Kingsbury), Most Ven. Dr. W. Kassapa (I.B.R.O. Birmingham Buddha Vihara), Ven. Phra Acharn Sumedho (Amaravati, London), Phra Dr. Laow Pannasiri (Birmingham), Ven. Nagasena (Birmingham Buddhist Vihara), Ven. N. Suman Kingsbury, Ven. Anomadarshi Leicester, Ven. Kumud London.

Other Ven. Monks; Ven. Bodhi Dhamma Japan, Ven. IL-Bo, (Buddhadatta Bhikkhu), Lotus Lantern Int’l Buddhist Centre Korea. Ven. Thich Thin German, Ven. Phra Chatree Hemapandha Russia. Organizations and Venerables from India, UK, France, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Japan, Asia and Austrialia.

The prominent societies and organizations among them are;

England: Dr. Ambedkar Mission Society Bedford, Buddha Dhamma Association Southall, Ambedkar Mission Society Glasgow, Federation of Ambedkarites and

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Buddhist Organizations (FABO) U.K., Dr. Ambedkar Education Society Birmingham, Dr. Ambedkar International Mission London.

Canada: Ambedkar Mission Canada Scarborough Toronto, Chetna Association of Canada Vancouver, Indian Buddhist Society Vancouver, Dr. Ambedkar Association of Canada, Dr. Ambedkar Societies of Calgary and Golden, Buddhist Vihara Society Surrey, Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabhas of Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, Surrey.

Other organizations & individuals: Dr. Ambedkar Mission Society Europe (Germany), Mr. Sohan Lal Sampla, Mr. Banarsi Dass Sunder Norway. Mr. Satpal France, Bangladeshi Buddhist Community of France. Mr. Keshav Dhanda & Jatinder Dhanda Austria. Barua Buddhist Community of France

Prominent Individual devotees and families: UK: Mr. Malkit Singh Bahal, Ram Moorti Summan, Balram Sampla, Kapoor Chand

Sampla, Ashok Sampla, Sarwan Dass, Bakshi Birdi, Chaman Virdee, Ramesh Klair, Mehar Singh Dhariwal, Dhanpat Rattu, Arun Kumar, Hukum Chand Mahami, Mrs. Usha Hira, Resham Mahay, Bishan Dass Mahay, Dharam Chand Mahay, Kundal Lal Jummat, Dial Chouhan, Gurdevinder Kumar, Devinder Chander, Sansari Lal, Satnam Maman, Diwan Mohindra, Martin, Cllr. D.D. Ahir JP, Raj Kumar Chouhan, Mulakh Raj Gindha

CANADA : Mr. Anand Balley, Mr.&Mrs. Malkiat Heer, Darshan Chaudary, Mohan Virdi, Banta Ram Jakhu, Jagiri Bains, Raj Kumar, Jit Lal Jhumat, Parkash Rahul, Hardev Banger, Piara Lal, Kuldip Birdi, Jai Birdi, Raju Kamble, Major Mall, Khushi Ram, Mrs. Kamlesh Ahir, Mr. Satish Aujla, Mohan Banga, Yash Paul Mahay

USA: Mr. Prithi Paul, Sita Ram Mahay, Pinder Paul, V.K. Choudary, Dr. K. P.Singh, Dr. L.N. Berwa, Manohar Premi Hira

DUBAI/UAE: Mr. Ratnakar J. Dandavate, P.K. Mohan, B.D. Gawai, Yash Paul, Pradip R. Sonavane, Ramesh Dhas. Manic Barua. Sri Lankan Buddhsit Community of Bahrain.

INDIA : Mr. Krishan Kumar Bodhi, L.R. Balley, D.C. Ahir, Dr. Surinder Ajnat, Sohan Sehjal, Gurnam Mall, Baldev Raj Jassal, Harbhajan Sampla, Vijay Disavar, Sham Lal Jassal, Naresh Kumar, Harmesh Jassal, Chaman Lal Sampla, Bittu,

Every single act of generosity,

donation and support is immensely valuable for the completion of Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara. We also are looking forward for your kind generosity for further planning. A Large number of devotees and various organizations helped in different ways. However, we are not in a position to mention the names of each and everyone who has been involved. Nevertheless, our sincere thanks go out to every organization and individual for their contribution.

Bhikkhu Sangha at Seema

Meeting for further planning

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Bhante Chander Bodhi inspecting area

PBS UK meeting at its Centre

Progress of Seema Construction

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Seema Hall construction work in progress

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Teaching of Buddha

Verse 49. The Monk In The Village

Just as a bee in a flower harming neither hue nor scent gathers nectar, flies away, so in towns a Wise One fares.

Explanation: The bee extracts honey from flowers without damaging either the colour or the fragrance of the flower and in so doing helps the tree bear more fruit. Similarly, the silent sage goes about the village collecting alms without harming anyone, and in doing so helps people gain much merit and happiness.

Verse 54. Fragrance of Virtue Spreads Everywhere

The fragrance of flowers drifts with the wind as sandalwood, jasmine of lavender. The fragrance of virtue o’ersweeps the wind, all pervasive is virtue of the good.

Explanation: The world knows, many a sweet smelling flower and fragrant object. But, the fragrance of these moves only leeward. None of these, however strong their fragrance may be, spread their sweet smell against the wind. But, in contrast, the sweet smell of virtue of a spiritually evolved individual spreads in all directions and is universally experienced.

Verse 56. Fragrance Of Virtue Wafts To Heaven

Faint is this fragrance of lavender and sandalwood, but fragrance of the virtuous soars sublime amongst the gods.

Explanation: The fragrance of lavender and sandalwood is quite slight. Why? Because it is limited in this world. Such a fragrance can spread only on earth. This way it is a very slight fragrance. But, the sweet smell of virtue is, in contrast, supreme, because it spreads not only throughout the earth; it rises even to the highest heavens.

Verse 72. The Knowledge Of The Wicked Splits His Head

Truly to his detriment skill is born to the fool; ruined is his better nature and scattered are his wits.

Explanation: Whatever is learned by the ignorant is conducive to harm. It brings about his own downfall. Misplaced learning destroys whatever potential the learner possesses and renders him useless in terms of real knowledge.

Verse 74. The Ignorant are Ego-Centred

Both monks and laymen, let them think 'This was done by me, whatever the works, both great and small, let them depend on me'.

Such the intention of a fool, swollen his greed and conceit.

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Explanation: The ignorant has this attitude of mind: "Let everybody know that this was done by me alone. In whatever activity small or big my leadership shall prevail. Everybody must follow me." This conceit of the ignorant leads to craving, uncontrolled desire and to a groundless pride, to a false sense of superiority. These begin to grow.

Verse 78. In The Company Of The Virtuous

Don’t go around with evil friends, with rogues do not resort. Spend your time with noble friends, and worthy ones consort.

Explanation: Do not associate with people who have evil ways. Avoid the company of wicked, evil people who are mean and bad. Associate with worthy friends. Keep the company of noble persons who are superior in quality and virtue and who will be able to elevate you.

Verse 79. Living Happily In The Dhamma

Happy is he who Dhamma drinks with heart that’s clear and cool. One so wise e’er delights in Dhamma declared by the Noble.

Explanation: One who delights in "The Teaching" lives happily with a pure mind. The experience of the "Sublime Ones" the wise always enjoy.

Verse 102. A Dhamma-Word Is Noble

Though a thousand verses chant composed of meaningless lines, better the single Dhamma-line one hears, then comes to calm.

Explanation: One may recite hundreds of verses replete with meaningless expressions. If one recites one line of verse pregnant with wisdom, which is pacifying, it will be more valuable and nobler.

Verse 112. The Person Of Effort Is Worthy

Though one should live a hundred years lazy, of little effort, yet better is life for a single day strongly making effort.

Explanation: A single day’s life of a wise person who is capable of strenuous effort, is nobler than even a hundred years of life of an individual who is lazy, incapable of making an effort and is wanting in initiative.

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References & Further Readings

Ahir, D.C., Buddhism in Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh

Ahir, D. C., Dr. Ambadekar and the Punjab, Catalog no. EPB-052

Ambedkar, B.R. Dr., Buddha and his Dhamma, Taiwan : Free Printed by CBBEF, (EN079).

Bapat, P.V., 2500 Years of Buddhism, Delhi : Government of India, 1956 and 1997.

Bhadant Anand Kauslyan, Buddha Dhammaka Sar, Taiwan : Free Printed by CBBEF, (IN020).

Bhagwan Das. Revival of Buddhism in India and Role of Dr. Baba Saheb B.R. Ambedkar, Lucknow: Dalit Today Prakashan, 1998.

Narada, The Buddha and His Teachings, Taiwan : Free Printed by CBBEF, (EN096).

Sangharakshita, Ambedkar and Buddhism, Glasgow : Windhorse Publications, 1986.

Saddhatissa, Bhikkhu, The Life of the Buddha, UK : Mandal Book publications, 1976.

U Tha Dow Hla, The life Story of Sri Bhaddanta Chandramani Mahathera, Varanasi: U Chandramani Foundation, 1975.

Van Hien (ed.), The Seeker’s Glossary of Buddhism, Taiwan : Free Printed by CBBEF, (EN176).

Walpola Rahula, What the Buddha Taught, Taiwan : Free Printed by CBBEF, (EN132).

Minutes of Meetings Punjab Buddhist Society UK




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pMj;b buiwsT sus;iXTI yU ke

d; pircy

leKk pUjy B"te suj;n, mnohr l;l ibrdI anuv;dk arun kum;r

“buLw wMm dIkS; idvs” dI 50vI vreH gMY dI y;d ivc

tLkiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r (sIm; / Puposq)

de PutQ;tn


6-8 aktUbr 2006

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buLw wMm d; pircy

r;j kum;r isw;rq gOtm d; jnm nEp;l ivc kiplvstU nexe luMbnI ivc 563 XIs; pUrv hoiXa;. Pus ne 29 virHA dI Pumr ivc jIvn dI muktI dI B;l ivc mihl; d; S;hI W;W b;W itAg idLt;. igAn pR;ptI v;ste ze s;l tk kXI gurUA ate irSI munIa; tk phuMc kItI ate srIr nuM kST deN v;le s;wU sMt; de kXI rste apn;Xe pr sB bearq gXe. aMt ivc 35 s;l dI Pumr Pus nMU igAn pR;ptI hoXI ik mLw m;rg Pupr cl ke hI jIvn cMge YMg n;l jIivA j; skd; hE. mLw m;rg hI mnuKLt; dI Bl;XI ate KuSI d; s;wn bN skd; hE. iXs mLw m;rg nMU hI b;d ivc buLw wrm n;l puk;irA j;N lg;.

pur;tn B;rt ivc iBMn 2 jgH; j; ke buLw ne 45 s;l tk mLw m;rg drSn d; pRc;r kIt;. Pus de muK PupdeS sn, c;r a;ry sc;CXIA, PutptI d; k;rN te inrBr hoN; a;id sn pr c;r a;ry sc;CXIA (Four Noble Truths) buLw wMm dI j;n hn. buLw ne vLK 2 ApNe pRvcn; r;hI iXs dI mhLtt; drs;XI hE. h;qIpdop;m; j; h;qI de pEr; v;le pRvcn; ivc Pus ne ikh; ik ijve kh;vt hE ik ‘h;qI ke p;v me sB k; p;v’ iXse trH; buLw wrm de isw;t c;r a;ry sc;XIA v;le isw;t ivc hI sm;Xe hoXe hn. B;v buLw de s;re PupdeS ijnH; nUM buLw wMm ikh; j;d; hE, sB iXs isw;t te hI Kxe hn.

buLw de s;re pRvcn; de gRMq nUM itpITk; (tirpIT;k;) jo ik itMn gRMq;, ivn;iX ipt;k;, sUt; ipt;k; ate aBIwMm; ipt;k; d; sMgrih hE, de n; n;l j;iNA j;d; hE. Bgv;n buLw dI 80 vreH dI Pumr ivc mh;pRIinrv;n pR;ptI de itMn mhIne b;d iXnH; pRvcn; nUM PupRokt gMRq; ivc iXkLtr kIt; igA. bowI iXith;s ivc sme sme bowI kOsl; bul;XIA gXIA t; ik buLw de PupdeS; nUM SuLw rUp ivc hI riKA j; ske. iXs tirpIT;k; nUM qer;v;d bowI gRMq j; p;lI bowI gRMq de n; n;l vI puk;iXA j;d; hE.

buLw wrm ivc Putr; cxH; Bgv;n buLw de mh;pRIinrv;n to b;d buLw wrm ivc kXI

Putr; cxH; AXe. buLw wrm ate mnuLKI jIvn ivc Am ivvh;r v;re iBMn 2 lok; de iBMn 2 idRSTIkoN hoN k;rN, iXh kXI ifrikA ivc

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vMiDA igA. sq;ivr;v;d; ijs nUM a;m krke qer;v;d; vI ikh; j;d; hE ate mh;siQMk; j; mh;y;n; ivc;r; de aw;r te do muLK ifrke hod ivc AXe. vLK 2 ivc;r; dI iBMnt; ate buLw wrm v;re vLK 2 idRSTIkoN hoN k;rN lok; ivc iXs dI lokipRat; QTNI SurU ho gXI. smr;T aSok ne kilMg; dI lx;XI to b;d ivjE dsmI v;le idn buLw wrm gRihN kr ilA ate iXs de pRc;r ate pRs;r ivc juT igA. s;re bowI ifrika; nUM iXk lxI ivc pRoN lXI ate Bgv;n buLw de PupdeS; nUM SuLw krn lXI mgw (mOjUd; ibh;r) ivc bowI kOisl ayoijt kItI. iXs mIiTMg to b;d wMm de pRc;r lXI Pus ne bowIA de nO grup bN; ke sRI lMk;, q;XIlED, brm;, nEp;l a;id deS; nUM Beje. iXLqo tk ik Pus ne ApNe puLtr r;jkum;r mihMdr; ate puLtrI r;j kum;rI sMQimLtr; nUM buLw wrm de pRc;r lXI sRI lMk; BeijA. iXs trH; smr;T aSok dI agv;XI ate sh;iXt; n;l buLw wrm kevl B;rt ivc hI nhI sgo l;gle deS; ivc vI fEl igA.

smr;T aSok dI mOt to b;d buLw wrm d; ptLn SurU ho iga;. iXs de kXI k;rN ho skde hn pr muLK do k;rN sn - aMdrUnI ate b;hrI. ikPuik buLw wrm ifr to kXI ifrikA sq;ivr, mh;y;n;,vEr;y;n;, tMtr;y;n a;id ivc vMiDA iga;, iXs nUM aMdrUnI k;rN ikh; j; skd; hE. b;hrle k;rN hn buLw wrm nUM S;hI K;nd;n dI srprstI ate sh;iXt; d; Ktm hoN;. bR;hmN sEn;ptI puSimLtr suMQ ne mOrIA s;mr;j de AKrI r;j; ate aSok de potre ibRhrq dI woKe n;l hLitA kr idLtI Pus ne buLw wrm de ivruLw lihr cl;XI ate bowI iBKSUA nUM m;rn; SurU kr idLt;. b;d ivc muslm;n; ne vI bowI ivh;r; ate sMsq;v; nUM luLT ke tb;h krn; SurU kr idLt; ate iBKSUA nuM tsIhe de ke mOt de Q;T Put;rde rhe. iXs trH; igArvI sdI de aMt tk buLw wrm B;rt ivco hOlI 2 alop ho igA.

buLw wrm dI punr-surjItI

sr alEgJEDr kinQMm ne 1860 B;rt ivco kXI sO s;l alop hoXe ate iXith;s de hneHre ivc guAce buLw wrm dI jot nUM jg;iXA. DUMQI Koj PuprMt Pus ne iXs n;l sbMwt kXI sq;n lLBe ate dunIa Br ivc KUb pRc;r kIt;. ifr sr DeivD arnOlD ne ‘XeSIA d;

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c;nN’ (The Light of Asia) n;mI pustk ilKI jo dunIa; ivc k;fI pRisLw hoXI. sRI lMk; de iXk nOjuAn SRI Don DeivD ihv;vIt;r;n; (1865-1933) ne iXs pustk to pRert ho ke buLw wrm apN; ilA ate ApNe Ap nUM an;girk; B;v iXwr Puwr QumN v;l; beQr ivaLktI, QoiSt kr idLt;. ApN; n; an;girk; wrmp;l rLK ilA jo jIvn Br Pus n;l irh;. Pus ne B;rt ivc bowI tIrq asq;n; dI y;tr; kItI ate buLw d; kLTx anua;XI bN iga. Pus ne buLw pRc;r lXI ate bowI asq;n; nUM ihMdUA de iSMkje ivco zDv;PuN lXI B;rt ivc mh; bowI n;m dI sMsq; KohlI. Pus ne bow gy; ijLqe Bgv;n buLw nUM igAn pR;ptI hoXI sI, nUM zDv; ke iXs d; pRbMw bowIa; de hLq sOpN dI jdo jihd arMBI jo ik h;le vI j;rI hE.

14 aktUbr 1956

buLw wrm dI punr-surjItI de iXith;s ivc 14 aktUbr 1956 nUM iXk suneihr; idn a;iKA j; skd; hE. iXs idn dLbe kucle lok; ate dilt; de a;gU, Pus sme d; pRisw vkIl, arq, sm;j, r;jnIitk S;strI, B;rt de sivw;n d; inrm;t; ate k;nUMn mMtrI, D;: bI: Ar: aMbeDkr ne ivjE dsmI de idvs te pMj lLK Srw;lUA smet buLw wrm ivc dIkS; lXI. ikPuik iXs idn smr;T aSok ne wrm pRvrtn kIt; sI ate n;le bowI sdI SurU hoiXA 2500 vrHe hoXe sn, D;: aMbeDkr ne iXs idn dI mhLtt; nUM muLK rLKidA iXh idn cuiNA. iBKU sMQ dI agv;XI kridA brm; de AdrNIy iBKU yU: cMdr;mnI mh;qer; jo PutLr pRdeS ivc KuSIngr ivKe inv;s krde sn, vlo b;b; s;ihb D;: aMbeDkr ne tRISrN dI dIKS; lXI ate pMc SIl p;lN dI pRitigA kItI. iXk idn ivc iXko sme iXh bowI iXith;s ivc iXh sB to vLD; wrm pRvrtn sI. iXs wrm pRvrtn do b;d buLw wMm s;re B;rt ivc fElN; SurU ho iga; ate iXs d; pRB;v mh;r;STr, PutLr pRdeS, ibh;r ate pMj;b ivc s;f idK;XI idMd; hE. iXs idn Pupr B;rtI mUlinv;isA ne ApNe puriKA d; wrm ifr to gRihN kr ilA.

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pMj;b ivc buLw wrm

je kr asI aj de pMj;b te nJr m;rIXe t; iXLqe isLK wrm d; bolb;l; hE. iXs to pihl; iXLqe muslm;n; d; r;j irh;. pr je kr asI 2000 s;l ipLze j;XIXe t; iXith;s drs;Pud; hE ik B;rt ivc pMj;b iXk bowI r;j sI. iXLkl; pMj;b hI nhI bl ik mOjUd; iXr;n, iXr;k, afg;inst;n ate kSmIr a;id sB bowI deS sn. Bgv;n buLw ne pMj;b ivc kurU (mOjUd; kurUkSetr ) dI y;tr; kItI. iXLqe Pus ne bhut hI PutLm pRvcn Puc;re ijnH; nUM stIpq;n; sUt; n;l puk;irA j;d; hE.

tIsrI sdI XIs; pUrv to igArvI sdI tk smr;T aSok, milMd, kinSk, hrS vrwn vrge r;je mh;r;ijA ne pMj;b te r;j kIt;. mh;r;j; aSok ne 84000 to vLw stUp; dI Pus;rI kItI. smuLce r;j ivc Pus ne stUp;, stMB; ate hor iSl;leK; d; j;l ivz; idLt; ijnH; Pupr buLw wrm dIA iSKS;v; d; PuleK kIt; igA. cInI y;trI ihPUns;g ne B;rt dI y;tr; dOr;n sitdrU ( srhMd nexe mOjUd; sMQol ), sq;neSvr (hirAN; ivc mOjUd; q;nesr), srgun ( hirANe ivc jg;wrI nexe mOjUd; sug, klUt(kulU) ate t;msvn (ihm;cl ivc mOjUd; sult;npur ) ivc aSok stMB j; stUp deKe. pMj;b ivc aSok de beaMt iSl;leK; ivco iXk aMb;l; l;ge topr; ivc sI ijs nUM iFroJS;h tuglk cukv; ke sMn 1356 ivc idLlI le iga; jo ik iFroJS;h koTl; de KMDr;t; ivc h;le vI Kxot; hE. pMj;b ivc Pus;rIA y;dg;r; ivco tkiSl; (huN p;ikst;n) ivc Pus;irA wrm rijk stUp SiXd sB to mhLtv pUrN y;dg;r hE ijqe mh;tm; buLw de SrIr de aivSeS pR;pt hoXe hn. smr;T aSok to hI pRB;ivt ho ke sRgun (sug) de sq;nk r;je wnBUtI ne ApNe r;j ivc kXI stUp bN;Xe. ajehe hI ioXk stUp de bce Kuce inS;n jg;wrI nexe ipMD cnetI ivco PuplBd hoXe hn.

morIA s;mr;j de AKrI r;j; ibRhrq dI Pusde bR;hmN sEn;ptI puSimLtr suMQ ne woKe n;l hLitA kr ke p;TlIputr te kbJ; kr ilA. Pus ne bowI iBKSUA nUM m;rn; SurU kr idLt; ate mnU simRtI de Aw;r te S;sn krn; ariBMA. ijs n;l r;j ivc aS;tI fEl gXI. iXs mOke to l;B PuW;Pude hoXe yUn;nIA ne w;v; bol idLt;.

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iXnH; ivco iXk km;Dr meneDr (milMd) ne pMj;b te kbJ; kr ila;. milMd iXk k;bl isp;hI ate yow; hI nhI sI sgo iXk ivdv;n vI sI ijs ne pRcLlt wrm; d; k;fI aiwan kIt;. iXse dOr;n milMd dI mul;k;t pMj;bI bowI iBKSU n;gsEn n;l hoXI ate Aps ivc wrm te crc; hoXI ijs nUM ‘milMd pnhO’ krke j;iNA j;d; hE. iXs gRMq d; bowI s;iht ivc k;fI PuLc; sq;n hE. iBKSU n;gsEn n;l hoXI mul;k;t to b;d milMd bowI bN igA ate buLw wrm de pRc;r ivc k;fI yogd;n p;iXA. Puhde vLDI igNtI ivc kXI isLke imle hn ijn;H te bowI wMm ckLr dI mOjudgI hE.

yUn;nI r;j de ptn n;l pMj;b zoTIA 2 irAst; Admbr;s (adMbr), itRgrt;s, kuinMd;s, yoiwAs ate arjuinAs ivc vMiDA iga;. adMbr; d; r;j gurd;spur ate huiSAr pur iJilA ivc;le apr ibAs de iXl;ke te sI ate r;jw;nI S;iXd pW;nkoT l;ge sI. r;vI ate sitluj de ivcle iXl;ke te itRgrt; d; r;j sI ate muLK kedr jlMwr sI. sitluj ate ymun; de ivcle iXl;ke (luiwAN; ate sh;rnpur ) Pupr kuinMd; d; r;j sI ate r;jw;nI aMb;le l;ge sug sI. yoiwAs d; r;j kuinMd; de dLKN vLl sI ate r;jw;nI sonIpt. adMbr ate kuinMd dove bowI r;je sn ijnH; d; iJkr bowI s;iht ivc PuplbLw hE. ropx ivco adMbr; de kuZ isLke pR;pt hoXe hn ijnH; te bowI stUp; de icLtr Pukre hoXe hn.

SLk vMS de srd;r mePuJ j; imPuks pMj;b ate gMw;r te kbJ; krn to zetI b;d buLw wrm d; anuAXI bN igA. B;rtI iXith;s ivc S;iXd iXh pihl; r;j; sI ijs ne mh;tm; buLw dI mUrt v;le isLke j;rI kIte. Sk; to b;d kuS;n muLKI kDf;XIss-1 jo ik kinSk d; b;b; sI ne kuS;n s;mr;j dI nIh rLKI ijs nUM kinSk ne mJbUt kIt;. kinSk ne aSok v;g hI buLw wrm de pRc;r ate pRs;r ivc PuLQ; yogd;n p;iXA. kinSk ne 100XIsvI ivc bowI pRc;rk; dI jlMwr l;ge kuvn bowI mW ivc iXk bEWk bul;XI ijs ivc 500 to Pupr bowI iBKSUA ne B;g ila; ate buLw wrm dIA ilLKt; ate isiKAv; nUM suLcje YMg n;l iXkLtr kr ke s;BN d; kMm kIt;. iXn;H isiKAv; nUM sMsikRt ivc ilpIvw kIt; igA ijs nUM ivB;s S;str n;l j;iNA j;d; hE. jlMwr de gJT anus;r iXs d; muYl; iXith;sk iJkr kinSk de r;j ivc imld; hE. kinSk ne aSok v;g hI kXI

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stUp ate mW bNv;Xe . kinSk de r;j k;l ivc gMw;r kl; de pRB;v heW buLw dIA mUrtIA hod ivc AXIa.

320 XIsvI ivc CcMdrgupt ne gupt s;mr;j sq;pt kIt;. cMdrgupt beSk gEr bowI r;j; sI pr Pus ne pMj;bI bowI iBKSU vsUbMwU nUM ApN; sl;hk;r inyukt kIt;. vsUbMwU ate Pus d; vLD; Br; asMg Pus vele de PuLc koTI de ivdv;n sn ijnH; ne bowI s;iht ivc BrBUr yogd;n p;iXA. pRtIt huMd; hE ik iXnH; dove Br;v; de pRB;v k;rN gupt s;mr;j de AKrI do r;je kLTx bowI bN gXe sn. cInI y;trI f;XIy;n jo B;rt ivc 399 to 414 XI tk irh;, ilKd; hE ik Pus vele pMj;b ivc kul ds hJ;r bowI iBKSU sn.

bowmXI iXith;s d; AKrI r;j; smr;T hrSvrwn pMj;b d; jMm pl sI. iXs d; d;d; pRB;kr vrwn q;nesr (hirANe de krn;l iJle dI tihsIl) d; zoT; moT; muKI sI jo n;l lgde iXl;ikA te ijLt pR;pt kr ke iXk SktI S;lI r;j; bN igA. b;d ivc hrS vrwn ne q;neSvr r;j dI sIm; s;re B;rt ivc fEl; idLtI. mwUbn dI PukrI hoXI ilLKt ivc hrSvrwn ate Pus dI BEN r;jisrI nUM sugt ( buLw de kLTx anuAXI ) disa; igA hE. hrSvrwn de r;j ivc buLw wrm b;re iJAd; j;Nk;rI cInI y;trI ihPUns;g ijs ne hrSvrwn de r;j k;l ivc 630 XI: to 644 XI: tk B;rt d; dOr; kIt;, dI ilKI D;iXrI to imldI hE. kinQMm anus;r ihPUns;g ne pMj;b de kXI Sihr; tkiSl;, isA;lkoT, lhOr j; ksUr, icMn pLTI (aimRtsr ivc mOjUd; pLTI), jlMwr, kulU, stdrU (srhMd l;ge sMQol), sq;neSvr (q;nesr) ate sRgun (suLg) Aid dI y;tr; dOr;n iXLqe kXI vrHe guJ;re. isA;lkoT to lhOr r;hI huMd; hoiXA Puh aimRtsr ivc mOjUd; pLTI Sihr ivc AiXA ijLqe Pus ne Pus sme de pRisw bowI iBKSU s;vMt ivnItpRB to aBEwrm S;str d; aiwan krn lXI 14 mhIne d; sm; btIt kIt; ate ds bowI sMQ; dI crc; kItI. jlMwr v;re Pus ne iliKA hE ik jlMwr r;j ivc huiSArpur, k;gx; iJle, cMb; mMDI ate suket dIA irAst; iXs ivc S;ml sn iXs r;j dI r;jw;nI mOjUd; jlMwr sI ijs nUM itRgt de n; n;l vI j;iNA j;d; sI. iXqo d; r;j; vUtIto (vLuwI j; Puidto) r;j; hrSvrwn d; iXk K;s imLtr sI ijs nUM hrSvrwn ne iXqO d; muKI q;ipA sI. iXs r;je ne ihPUns;g nMU S;hI mihm;n vjo Adr m;N idLt;. v;ipsI sme jdo ihPUns;g dOb;r;

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jlMwr q;NI lMiQA t; hrSvrwn ne Pus nUM srhLd tk surLiKat phuc;PuN dI iJmev;rI Puidto dI hI lg;XI sI. ihPUns;g Pus vele de PuQe bowI ivdv;n cMdrvrm; de buLw ivh;r ivc c;r mhIne WihirA. jlMwr r;j ivc ihPUns;g anus;r 50 buLw ivh;r ate 2000 iBKSU sn.

stdrU dirA stluj dirA d; hI dUj; n; hE ate stvI sdI ivc iXs n; dI hI iXk irAst sI ijs dI r;jw;nI srhMd l;ge sMQol sI ijLqe ihPUns;g ne ds sMQ deKe. sMQol dI Kud;XI dOr;n iXk aSok stUp imilA hE. iXsde kedrI ihLse to mh;tm; buLw de dMd ate, asqIa; ate kuZ hLDIA lBIA hn ijs to spSLT hE ik iXh iXl;k; buLw wrm d; gxH irh; hE. sq;neSvr (q;nesr) hrSvrwn dI r;jw;nI sI suB;vk hE ik iXh buLw wrm d; kedr sI. iXLqe vI aSok stUp ivc buLw dIA kXI inS;nIa; rLKIA gXIA sn. Jg;wrI nexe sRgun j; sug ivc ihPUns;g bowI ivdv;n jEgupt kol c;r mhIne WihirA.

648 XIsvI ivc hrSvrwn dI mOt to b;d 42 s;l de S;nd;r r;j de K;tme n;l hI buLw wrm d; ptn SurU ho igA. pMj;b ifr zoTIA 2 irAst; ivc vMiDA igA. ijs d; l;B PuW; ke muhMmd gOrI ate mihmUd gJnvI vrge luTeirA ne ihMdU ate bowI mMdr; nUM luTN; SurU kr idLt;. anek; buLw ivh;r Yih YerI kr ke buLw wrm dIA inS;nIa; nUM hmeS; lXI tb;h kr idLt;. pMj;b ivc muslm;n; d; r;j sq;pt hoN n;l buLw wrm hOlI 2 pMj;b ivcO alop ho igA.

mOjUd; pMj;b ivc buLw wrm

14 aktUbr 1956 de mh;n wrm pRvrtn to b;d b;b; s;ihb D; aMbeDkr de Srw;lUA ne buLw, Pus de wMm ate sMQ ivc k;fI ivSv;s pRgT krn; SurU kr idLt;. b;b; s;ihb ne iXs idn te iXh QoiSt kIt; ik Puh B;rt nUM iXk bow mXI deS deKN; c;huMd; hE. ApNe AgU dI iXLz; nUM muLK rLKde hoXe kXI B;rtIA ne buLw wrm nMU pRfult krn lXI koiSS; krnIA SurU kr idLtIA. iXnH; ivco kXI

B;rt ivc rihMde ate kXI B;rt to b;hr yU ke, amrIk;, kEneD;, imDl XIsT ate b;kI yurp de deS; ivc rihMde pMj;bIA ne vI

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iXs idS; ivc kMm krn d; fEsl; kIt;. 1956 to 2003 tk buLw wrm de pRc;r ate pRs;r pRtI pMj;b ivc k;fI kMm hoiXA. kuZ ku isrxI Pup;sk; ijve ik SRI sohn l;l igMY;, trsem l;l c;hl, rtn l;l s;pl;, hrbMs l;l ivrdI, blvMt sroXe Aid de sihyog n;l nkodr, iflOr, bUT; mMDI, mksUd;, tlvN, sofIipMD ate fgv;x; sq;n; te kXI buLw ivh;r; dI Pus;rI kItI gXI. pMj;b ivc buLw; w;m; pRc;r simtI ate ivSv bow sMQ sMsq;v; iXs k;rj ivc srgrm rhIA. aMbeDkr jEaMtI, buLw; jEaMtI ate dIKS; idvs Pup;sk; ate vLK 2 sMsq;v; vlo hr s;l mn;iXa; j;d; hE.

pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI pMj;b

ipzokx s;l 2003 ivc pMj;b de bowI iXith;s ne iXk nv; mox ilA.

iXs s;l de apREl mhIne ivc kuZ Pup;sk a;drNIy B;te cMdr;bowI nUM vulvrhEpTn ivKe imle ate aktUbr ivc dIKS; idvs Pupr mhLl; r;m ngr, jlMwr ivKe wMm pRvrtn dI iXLz; pRgT kItI. PunH; ne a;drNIy B;te cMdr;bowI nUM iBKSUA d; pRbMw krn dI bentI kItI. Pun;H ne Pup;isk; dI bentI nUM svIk;ridA v;iXd; kIt; ik Puh iBKSUA d; pMj;b ivc pRbMw krnge jo Pup;isk; nUM bLuw dIKS; deNge. kuZ hor Pup;isk; vlo suZ;v AiXA ik Puh vI ApNe ipMD; ivc dIKS; sm;roh krn; c;huMde hn. iXn;H suZ;v; nUM muLK rKde hoXe a;drNIy B;te cMdr;bowI ne fEsl; kIt; ik sm;gm; nUM vLDI pLwr te mn;iXA j;ve. B;te cMdr;bowI ne a;l iXMDIA iBLKU sMQ de muLKI a;drNIy BdMt sd;nMd mh;qero nuM iXnH; sm;gm; dI agv;XI krn dI pR;rqn; kItI ijs nUM PunH; KuSI 2 mMn ilA. B;rt de vLKre B;g; ivco hor kXI iBKSUA ne vI iXnH; sm;gm; ivc S;iml hoN dI sihmtI pRgT kItI.

pMj;b ivc dIKS; idvs mn;PuN lXI 19 aktUbr to 25 AktUbr 2003 tk spt;ihk pRogr;m PuilikA igA. pihl; pRogr;m 19 aktUbr nUM r;m ngr, jlMwr ivKe sMpn hoiXA. Pus to b;d iflOr, nkodr, tlvn, fgv;x;, sofIipMD, mksUd;, sMgrUr, luiwAN; ate sMQol ivKe dIKS; sm;roh hoXe. iXnH; sB sm;gm; ivc kXI

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Pup;isk; ne buLw dIKS; gRihN kItI. iBLKU sMQ dI aSIrv;d n;l iXh s;re sm;roh bhut k;my;b hoXe. wrm de pRcC;r de PudeS n;l b;kI iBKSUA smet iBLKU sMQ de muKI dI pMj;b ivc sdIA b;d iXh pihlI ferI sI. iXnH; sm;gm; ivc pUjy B;te sd;nMd mh;qero, pUjy B;te r;hulbowI mh;qero, pUjy B;te bowIp;lo mh;qero, pUjy B;te sitAp;l, mh;qero pUjy B;te jgt;nMd mh;qero, pUjy B;te SIlrLtn mh;qero ate iBLKUnI puriNm; ne B;g ilA.

iBLKU sMQ de muKI pUjy B;te sd;nMd mh;qero ate dUsre B;te

pMj;b ivc ds idn Wihre. Pun;H ne pMj;b de kXI vLK 2 buLw ivh;r; dI y;tr; kItI ate kXI ivaLktIA n;l inLjI tOr te ate kXI ajehIA sMsq;v; jo wMm pRc;r ivc srgrm sn,de num;iXidA n;l mul;k;t kItI. Pun;H ne anuBv kIt; ik pMj;b de lok b;b; s;ihb D; aMbeDkr ate Pus de imSn ate buLw wrm ivc k;fI Srw; rKde hn. pMj;bI yU ke, amrIk;, kEneD;, yurop ate kXI imDl XIsT deS; ivc vse hoN k;rN iXnH; dI Ariqk ivvLsq; WIk hE. m;lI h;lt k;fI cMgI hoN k;rN PunH; p;s s;wn vI hn. b;b; s;ihb de imSn ate buLw wrm dI pUrtI lXI Puh sm; vI ink;lde hn ate Yer s;re pEse vI Krcde hn. pr Puh inLjI tOr te ApNe 2 ilh;j n;l buLw wrm d; pRc;r kr rhe hn. Aps ivc mel jol ate WIk agv;XI dI kmI hE. je kr iXn;H nUM Puict agv;XI imle ate iXh sMiQak Y;ce ivc rih ke kMm krn t; qoxe hI sme ivc cMge ntIje inkl skde hn ate b;b; s;ihb d; imSn ate buLw wrm d; PupdeS a;m lok; ivc fEl skd; hE.

sm;gm; to b;d pUjy B;te sd;nMd mh;qero ne pMj;b ferI dOr;n

ApNe tjribA ate wMm de k;rv; nUM age torn b;re Pus de dRiSTIkoN sbMwI yU ke siqt B;te cMdr;bowI n;l ivc;r vT;dr; kIt;. B;te cMdr;bowI ne jnvrI 2004 ivc vulvrhEpTn ivKe iXk mIiTMg bul;XI ijs ivc tkrIbn 100 to vLw Pup;isk, Pup;isk;v; ne B;g ilA. B;te ne pMjb ivc iXk s;ZI sMsq; dI JrUrt te Jor idLt;. mIiTMg ivc h;Jr sB ne iXs gl te sihmtI pRgT kItI ik pMj;b ivc

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kMm kr rhe sB ivaLktIA ate sMsq;v; nUM iBKUU sMQ de ZMDe qLle iXLkWe hoN; c;hId; hE. iXs mMtv lXI B;te ne m;rc 2003 ivc pMj;b d; dOr; kIt;.

pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI pMj;b dI sq;pn; puMina; v;le idn imtI 6m;rc 2004 nUM sMQimtr; buLw ivh;r,

fgv;xe ivKe iBLKU sMQ de muKI pUjy B;te sd;nMd mh;qero dI pRw;ngI heW iXk iXith;sk mIiTMg hoXI. iXs mIiTMg ivc b;b; s;ihb de imSn ate buLw wrm de pRc;r de v;ste iBLKU sMQ dI agv;XI heW pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI, pMj;b dI sq;pn; kItI gXI. iXs mIiTMg ivc iBLKU sMQ dI vI sq;pn; ho gXI. iXs idn nUM pMj;b ivc sMQ idvs mn;PuN d; fEsl; kIt; igA. B;g lE rhe sB ivaLktI ate sMsq;v; iXs nvI bNI sMsq; heW; kMm krn lXI sihmt ho gXe. heW; ilKe mEbr; nUM borD de D;iXrEkTr; vjo n;mjd kIt; igA:-

pUjy B;te sd;nMd mh;qero (sMQ;n;v;k;) pUjy B;te bowIp;lo mh;qero pUjy B;te mh;pMt mh;k;isp; pUjy B;te cMdr;bowI pUjy B;te B;te jgt;nMd mh;qero pUjy B;te rtn;bowI pUjy B;te sitAp;l, heW ilKe Pup;sk; dI k;rjkrI kmeTI vI n;mjd kItI gXI sl;hk;r sRI kirSn kum;r bowI pRw;n sRI gurbcn l;l Pup pRw;n sRI ivjE ids;vr Jnrl skLtr sRI bldev r;j jOiXMT skLtr sRI hrmeS jsl Kj;ncI sRI hrBjn s;pl;

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iXs sMsq; dI K;s gl iXh hE ik iXs de borD de s;re D;iXrEkTr bowI iBKSU hn jo a;l iXMDIA iBKU sMQ de mEbr hn.

pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI yU ke pMj;b ivc pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI dI sq;pn; to b;d pUjy

B;te sd;nMd mh;qero ne ApNe s;qI pUjy B;te bowIp;lo mh;qero n;l yU:ke: d; dOr; kIt;. pMj;b dI trH; hI yU ke ivc vsde B;rtIA vlo imtI 18 m;rc 2004 nUM pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI, yU ke dI sq;pn; ho gXI. brmIgMm to pUjy B;te D;: DvlyU: ksLp; ate pUjy B;te n;gsEn, vulvrhEpTn to pUjy B;te cMdr;bowI, skOTlED to sRI mehr cMd jsLl ate vulvrhEpTn to sRImtI ividA kum;rI imLY; sus;iXTI de pMj TrLsTI n;mJd kIte gXe. heW iliKA nUM k;rj k;rI kmeTI d; kMm sMB;ilA igA:

pRw;n pUjy B;te cMdr;bowI Pup pRw;n sRI c;nN c;hl Jnrl skLtr sRI mnohr ibrdI sh;iXk skLtr sRmtI ividA kum;rI imLY; Kj;ncI sRI cmn l;l c;hl sh;iXk Kj;ncI sRI sohn l;l igMY;

vulvrhEpTn to sRImtI primMdr sroXe dIA aNLqk koiSS; sdke pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI, yU ke nUM iXMglED de cEirTI kimSn n;l cEriTebl sMsq; vjo drj kr krv;iXA igA hE. iXs sus;iXTI d; rijsTrD nMbr 1108360 hE.

sRImtI primMdr sroXe ne hI iXs sMsq; de sivw;n d; Krx; itAr kIt;. iXh sivw;n sq;nk, r;STrI ate aMtr r;STrI pwLr te s;rIA bowI sMsq;v; vlo mnJUr kIt; j;veg;. iXs sMsq; dI muK ivSeSt; iXh hE ik iBLKU iXs dI agv;XI kr rhe hn.

cEirTI de PudeS pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI, yU ke iXk w;rimk sMsq; hE ijs d;

muK PudeS iBKU sMQ dI agv;XI heW wMm d; pRc;r ate pRs;r krn;,

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buLw ivh;r; dI sq;pn; krn; ate PunH; nMMU sihyog deN; hE. iXs TIce nUM pUr; krn lXI pMj;b ivc sIm; (iBLKU isKl;XI kedr) dI Pus;rI kItI j; rhI hE.

muLK dftr pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI, yU ke d; muLK dftr 83 lIa roD,

pEnfIlDJ, vulvrhEpTn, iXMglED ivc hE. iXh iXm;rt itMn bEDrUm mk;n hE ijs nUM iBLKU inv;s sq;n ate wMm dIA roJ;n; gtIivwIA vjo vritA j;d; hE. iXs sme iXLqe B;te cMdr;bowI ate B;te suj;n inv;s kr rhe hn.

iXs iXm;rt dI KrId srvsRI sohn l;l igMY;, hMs r;j s;pl;, rtn l;l s;pl;, sRI c;nN c;hl, mlkIt isMQ b;hl, ibh;rI l;l imLY;, blvMt sroXe ate hrbMs ivrdI dI m;lI sh;iXt; n;l sMBv ho skI hE.

sIm; / Puposq;

buLw wMm de pRc;r ate pRs;r v;ste iBLKU sMQ iXk muK s;wn hn. aktUbr 2003 nUM ApNe pMj;b ferI dOr;n iBLKU sMQ de muKI pUjy B;te sd;nMd mh;qero ne anuBv kIt; ik bhute iBKSU pMj;b to b;hrle r;j; j; ifr sRI lMk;, q;XIlED, brm;, jp;n a;id deS; to APude hn iXs krke pMj;bI siBLat; nUM smZN to asmLrq rihMde hn ate p|j;bIA n;l next; nhI bN; ske. iXs krke pMj;bI iBKSUA dI JrUrt mihsUs kItI gXI. Pun;H ne pMj;bI iBKSUA dI JrUrt nUM mihsUs krde hoXe fEsl; kIt; ik nve iBKSU pMj;b ivco bN;Xe j;N. ikPuik iBLKU sMQ ivc pRveS iXk ivSes sq;n te ivSeS ivwI r;hI kIt; j;d; hE, iXs krke pMj;b de iXl;ke ivc sIm; d; hoN; JrUrI hE. sIm; d; SbdI arq d;iXr; hE . sIm; iXk ajeh; d;iXr; hE ijs ivc ivSeS buLw rItI r;hI nve bN rhe iBKLSU nuM iBLKU sMQ ivc pRveS krn dI a;igA idLtI j;dI ijs nUM PupsMpd; vI ikh; j;d; hEe. sIm; dI muK vrto PupsMpd; v;ste kItI j;dI hE. iXs JrUrt nUM muK rKde hoXe, pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI, yU ke ne pMj;b ivc sIm; dI Pus;rI d; fEsl; kIt;. s;re PutLrI B;rt ivc iXh kevl iXko hI sIm; hovegI

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ate B;rt ivc dUsrI ajehI sIm; hE jo a;l iXMDIA iBLKU sMQ duAr; cl;XI j;vegI. pihlI sIm; amr;vtI, mh;r;STr ivc siqLt hE. sIm; b;re fEsl; hoN to b;d sRI sohn l;l igMY; dI srprstI heW kMm kr rhI buLw; w;m; pRc;r simtI vlo cmn ivrdI ate mulK r;j igMY; de sihyog n;l KrIdI gXI iXk Xekx jgH; a;l iXMDIA iBLKU sMQ nUM sIm; dI Pus;rI v;ste d;n ivc de idLtI. mOjUd; pMj;b de iXith;s ivc pihlI v;r hoiXA hE ik Pup;isk; ne wMm de pRc;r v;ste iBLKU sMQ nUM jgH; d;n idLtI hove.

imtI 6 jUn 2004 nUM pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI de iXith;s ivc iXk hor anoKI QTn; v;prI jdo sRI blvMt sroXe ate sRI gurn;m mLl, Pun;H de pirv;r; ate hor sihyogIA vlo Pus;rI anMd buLw ivh;r, iflOr dI iXm;rt a;l iXMDIA iBLKU sMQ nUM d;n ivc de idLtI gXI. iXs n;l iBKLUA de rihN dI smisA hl ho gXI. h;l dI QxI iXs buLw ivh;r nUM pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI, pMj;b de muK dftr ate iBLKU sMQ de inv;s vjo vritA j;d; hE. iXs n;l heW ilKe pte te sMprk kIt; j; skd; hE:

anMd buLw ivh;r isw;rq ngr, nUrmihl roD iflOr 144410 iJl; jlMwr, pMj;b

TElI: +91 1826 285392

tkLiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r, luiwAN; (iBLKU isKl;XI kedr)

sMs;r pRisw isiKA de mh;n kedr tLkiSl; mh;ividAilA ( huN p;ikst;n ivc) de pur;tn iXith;s dI mh;nt; nUM muK rKde hoXe iBLKU Trein|g sETr, luiwAN; (sIm;) d; n; tkLiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r riKA igA. pMj;b de bowI ipzokx ivc tLkiSl; d; iXk bhut hI mhLtv pUrn sq;n hE. B;rt de pur;tn sme (lgBg stvI sdI XIs;

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pUrv) ivc tLkiSl; mh;ividAilA nUM dunIA d; sB to pihl; mh;ividAilA igiNA j;d; hE. PuLc iSKS; de kedr vjo dUr dur;De des; pRdes; tk iXs d; n; sI ate lok iXLqe pxHn APude sn. Bgv;n buLw de sme vLK 2 r;j; to S;hI Qr;Ne de lok ate hor ivdv;n iXLqe iSKS; pR;pt krn a;Pude sn. kos;l; d; r;j; psedI, ilLzvIA d; srd;r, mh;lI ate mLl; d; r;jkum;r bMdul; tLkiSl; mh;ividAle ivc sihp;WI sn. Bgv;n buLw d; Srw;lU ate Pus sme d; pRisLw D;kTr, jIivk vI tLkiSl; ivc hI pixHA. aSok de sme to tkrIbn aLW sdIA tk tLkiSl; mh;ividAilA iXk mh;n bowI kedr biNA irh;. pr p|jvI sdI ivc hUN; (Huns) ne iXs Sihr dI luT KsuT krke iXs nUM tb;h kr idLt;.

tLkiSl; mh;ividAilA huN pUrI trH; Yih YerI ho cuikA hE ate iXsde KMDr; to iXl;v; kuZ nhI bicA. iXs mh;n ividA de kedr to pRern; lE ke, ividA pRtI bowI rv;iXt nUM c;lU rLKN ate mOjUd; pMj;b nUM a;pNe BuLle ivsre bowI iXith;s n;l joxn lXI sIm; (iBLKU isKl;XI kedr) d; n; tkLiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r riKA igA hE. iXLqe vLK 2 bowI gtIivwIa; to iXl;v; nve bNe iBKSU buLw wMm d; aiwan krnge. Puh buLw wMm ate b;b; s;ihb D;: aMbeDkr de imSn nUM pRfult kr ke kevl pMj;b ivc hI nhI sgo s;rI dunIa; ivc lE ke j;Nge.

tkLiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r, luiwAN; te iXk Z;t

tkLiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r PutLrI B;rt ivc pMj;b de iJl; luiwAN; ivKe siqLt hE. iXh jI TI roD te pEde ipMD k;dIA D;kK;n; BLTIA beT ivc iXk Xekx dI BumI te hE. pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI, yU ke de pRw;n, pUjy B;te cMdr;bowI dI agv;XI heW iXs sMsq; de mEbr;, Pup;isk; ate sihyogIA dI imlvrtN n;l iXh pRojEkT SurU kIt; igA ijnH; ne idl Kohl ke ApN; vDmul; sm; de ke ate m;lI sh;iXt; kr ke iXs nUM isre c;ixHA. pMj;b de pRisw ArkITEkT, sRI hrBjn isMQ ne sRI kml ate blivMdr de sihyog n;l sIm; d; nkS; itAr kIt;. 2004 dI vEs;K dI puinMA v;le idn, BUmI pUjn to b;d iBLKU

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sMQ smet pUjy B;te mh;pMt mh;qero ne tkLiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r d; nIh pqLr riKA.

iXs ivh;r; ivc muK sIm; h;l (Puposq;gr;), 20 kmre, Am vrto v;ste h;l, D;iXnIg rUm, rsoXI, gesT rUm, muLK pRveS v;l; geT ate s;cI geT hn.

ajMt; ate alor; dI trH; pur;tn bowI sq;n; de aw;r te iXs d; Y;c; itAr kIt; igA hE. iXs dI zLt aMgreJI de aLKr ‘U’ v;g hE ate iXs de ivck;r koXI qml; nhI hE. muLK h;l 100 fuT lMb;, 40 fuT cOx; ate 45 fuT PuLc; hE. iXs de 10X4 fuT, 12X6 fuT ate 10X4 fuT a;k;r de itMn pRveS geT hn. KLbe ate sLje do hor geT hn. pRveS kridA hI iXk arw-pgoD;(cEitA) hE ijs Pupr Bgv;n buLw dI mUrtI lgI hoXI hE jo q;XIlED vlo d;n ivc idLtI gXI hE. jo Bgv;n buLw dI pRmuLK mUrtI hE Pus nUM pUjy B;te fr; ivp;sI wMm;r;mo de sihyog n;l q;XIlED de v;T qoginAm, feTck;sem ivc siqt buLw ivh;r de muKI pUjy B;te ac;rn mh;prIc; ne sIm; v;ste d;n kItI hE. iXh mUrtI mh;rj; BUmIb;l; dI tKtpoSI dI 60vI vreH gMY te bN;XI gXI sI.

sIm; de ipzle p;se pihlI mMiJl te iBLKUA de inv;s v;ste 20 kmre hn. iXh s;re kmre 12X11 fuT de Ak;r de hn. hrek kmre n;l guslK;n; hE ate iXn;H n;l gElrI ate vr;D; vI hE. agle p;se do wMm ckLr hn. KLb; p;s; ajMt; de nmUne ivc bN;iXA igA hE. iXs s;rI iXm;rt heW; gLDIA KxIA krn dI jg;H hE.

sIm; h;l de KLbe p;se rsoXI, D;iXnIg h;l, gesT rUm hE. rsoXI 20X15 fuT ate

D;iXnIg h;l 65X15 fuT hE. iXn;H doh; dI frS te sMgmrmr pXI hoXI hE ate zLt; nUM kml de fuLl; de icLtr; n;l sj;iXA igA hE. D;iXnIg h;l de n;l hI 65X20 fuT gesT rUm hE ijs ivc vI ajehI hI sj;vT kItI gXI hE. kmirA de ipLze a;m vrto v;ste iXk hor 60X40 fuT h;l hE jo h;le Pus;rI awIn hE.

iXs iXm;rt de muLK drv;je d; n; s;cI geT rLiKA igA hE. iXh mLw pRdeS ivc smr;T aSok vlo bN;Xe gXe s;cI stUp de geT de nmUne d; bN;iXA igA hE. B;rt ivc sB suMdr bowI y;dg;r; ivco s;cI stUp iXk hE. s;cI geT 25X12 fuT de Ak;r d; hE. iXs ivc

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pur;Ne sme dI tr;H tr;S ke iXs tr;H sj;vT kItI gXI hE ik iXh buLw de jIvn ate j;tk; kh;NIA ibAn krdI hE. s;cI stUp Bgv;n buLw de sme ate muK anuAXIA n;l sbMwt hE. smr;T aSok ne iXs de Ak;r nUM vLD; krke mux to sj;iXA. iXh stUp iXs krke hI anUW; nhI hE ik cMgI tr;H sMB;l ke mukMml rLiKA igA hE sgo iXs krke vI anUW; hE ik iXh buLw wrm ate Pus dI kl; dI PutptI, pRfult; ate ptn de aiwan de Ketr ivc vI k;fI sh;XI huMd; hE. jd tk 1818 ivc jnrl Telr ne iXs nUM hrmn ipAr; nhI kIt; Pudo tk 14vI sdI to b;d s;cI nUM PujxI hoXI jg;H smZ ke aNgOilA krI rLiKA. mOrIa s;mr;j de ptn to s;cI de c;r idS;v; v;le geT TuT BLj gXe. iXs mh;n y;dg;r dI iXith;sk mhLtt; nUM muK rLKde hoXe pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI ne iXs d; n; s;cI geT rLKN d; fEsl; kIt;. iXh geT s;cI stUp de c;r geT; dI iSlp kl; nUM iml; ke bN;iXA igA hE. iXh geT l;l pLqr d; biNA hoiXA hE ijs nUM PuLtr pRdes de ipMD kun;r ivc tr;S ke itAr kIt; igA hE. aSok to PupMrt iXith;s ivc iXh dUsr; ajeh; sm; hE jdo s;cI geT duv;r; Pus;irA igA hE. iXs geT dI isrjn; n;l buLw wrm d; pMj;b ivc iXk nv; iXith;s ricA igA hE. iXs geT te APuN v;l; s;re d; s;r; Krc; sRI r;m p;l r;hI ate Pusde pirv;r ne d;n vjo idLt; hE.

iXh s;rI dI s;rI iXm;rt bhut hI suMdr c;r idv;rI n;l iQrI hoXI hE ate iXs PuLpr Bgv;n buw de pRvcn ilKN d; iXr;d; hE.

d;n ate sihyog

heW ilKe Pup;sk; ne tLkiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r, luiwAN; dI iXm;rt de vLK 2 ihisA dI Pus;rI ivc AXe Krc nUM d;n vjo de ke vDmul; yogd;n p;iXA hE:

sRI SeKr b;gul, m;ncETr, yU ke 2 kmre sRI mehr cMd jsl, gl;sgo, skOTlED 1 kmr; sRImtI ividA ibrdI, vulvrhEpTn, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI S;dI l;l sLlN, vulvrhEpTn, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI sohn l;l igMY;, gl;sgo, skOTlED 1 kmr;

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ivp;sn; ividArqI, vulvrhEpTn, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI som n;q ivrdI, vulvrhEpTn, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI rtn l;l s;pl;, brmIgMm, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI c;nN r;m c;hl, norq velJ, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI r;m mUrtI sumn, lEcvrq, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI hrbMs l;l ivrdI, s;Pq;l, yU ke 1 kmr; sRImtI sitA b;hl, lMDn, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI cmn l;l c;hl, TElforD, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI mihMdr sLlN, kEneD; 1 kmr; sRI igAn cMd kOr;, kEneD; 1 kmr; sRI r;m pRk;S mmN, vulvrhEpTn, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI hMs r;j igMY;, gl;sgo, skOTlED 1 kmr; sRI mdn l;l coh;n, vulvrhEpTn, yU ke 1 kmr; sRI suLc; r;m b;Q;, gl;sgo, skOTlED 1 kmr; sRI hMs r;j s;pl;, kET, y ke rsoXI sRI ibh;rI l;l imLY;, vulvrhEpTn, yU ke D;iXnIg h;l sRI blbIr cMd, inPu york, yU aEs Xe gEsT rUm sRI r;m p;l r;hI, bEDforD, yU ke muLK s;cI geT sRI r;j kum;r ate gurbKS r;Xe, TorOTo, kEneD; sIm; de

pRveS d; geT sRI blvMt isMQ sroXe, vulvrhEpTn, yU ke bowI ZMD; sRI rUp l;l YMD;, aOsTrIA s;re peT d; Krc; PupRokt d;nIa; to iXl;v; dunIa; Br ivc bhute aijhe

ivakLtI ate sMsq;v; hn ijn;H ne ikse n; ikse YMg n;l tLkiSl; mh; buLw ivh;r dI Pus;rI ivc yogd;n p;iXa; hE. pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI yU ke vlo B;te cMdr;bowI kEneD;, yU aEs Xe, aOsTRelIA, tiXv;n, korIA, q;XIlED, veTn;m, jrmnI, fr;s, norve, aOsTrIA, DubXI, S;rj;h, bEhrIn a;id kXI deS; d; dOr; kIt;. s;re deS; ivc Pus d; inQ; suAgt kIt; igA ate iBLKU isKl;XI kedr dI sq;pn; ivc sihyog deN d; pUr; Bros; idv;iXA. B;rtI, gEr B;rtI, pMj;bI gEr pMj;bI, bowI ate gEr bowI sB ne KulHe idl n;l iXs pRojEkT v;ste d;n idLt;.

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pRmuK buLw ivh;r ate iBLKU ijnH; d; pMj;b buLiwisT sus;iXTI

yU ke nUM sihyog pR;pt hE. B;rt: B;te nMdvrwn bowI, wrmp;l, pRigAkIrtI, Pup;nMd, deviXMd,

bowIrtn;, ibsuLdI kEneD;: pUjy B;te rtn; sRI, TOroTo mh; buLw; ivh;r;, B;te Pup;nMd,

kElgrI buLw; ivh;r;, iqc cOn imn, kUaEn qe qIXe tU buLw; ivh;r;, kEneD;, B;te yitnuv;r; skIz;, greT leks buLw; ivh;r;, kEneD;, B;te imAPu ilXen, ilMgyen m;PunTen TEpl, nmo aimt;b; buLw;, B;te srn;its;, buLw ivh;r; sus;iXTI, sre, B;te iqXen kuaEg, kElgrI ivc veTn;mI bowI kumEinTI, B;te iqXen t;m, aEDmonTn buLiwisT rIsrc iXMnsTIicPUT, TrUc lEm mon;sTrI, kEneD;, veTn;mIJ yUnIf;XID buLiwisT (hoA-nehIEm) kOgrIgeSn a;f bI sI, lOg hoA buLiwisT kumEinTI TEpl a;f PunT;rIPu.

yU aEs Xe: B;te piDMt ke ipAits;, inPu york buLw; ivh;r;, B;te b;Punlev; iXq;kEk, v;T l;Pu j;Pufuq buLiwisT TEpl, kElIfornIA, iBLKUnI cUA fo imn, buLiwisT TEpl asosIXeSn, kElIfornIA, B;te Xe puinAisrI, mEtrI ivh;r; buLiwisT mEDITeSn sETr, kElIfornIA.

t;iXv;n: pUjy B;te hMg cIA n;n, cIA n;n buLiwisT a;rTIfEkT kMpnI ilmiTD, tEpXI, iBLKUnI huMg an, icMg ilAg m;PunTen neSn proTEkSn imAPu icPug TEpl, k;PuhisPug, B;te ihPu SO, fo guaEg S;n, k;PuhisPug, B;te iSh tEXI huXI, tJU kuaEg TEopl, nEnto, iBLKSnI iXlJ;ibq hsU, iln yUaEn icMg sUXI TEpl, iln yUaEn, B;te TErI y;g, bI aEm JED Xe f;PuDeSn f;r klcr aED aEjUkeSn, B;te D; bI c;dIm;, qer;v;d sm;wI aEjUkeSn asosIXeSn, tEpXI, B;te mMgl;, tEpXI.

iXMglED: pUjy B;te fr;m;h; sMbUn isLwin;no, vulvrhEpTn, B;te D; vjIr;n;n; ate lMDn buLw; ivh;r;, lMDn de mEbr, B;te ipAd;sI ate sd;its; iXMTrnESnl

buLiwisT sETr, ikMgJbrI, B;te D; DvlyU kLsp; AXI bI Ar ao, brmIgMm buLw; ivh;r;, B;te fr; ac;rn sumewo, amr;vtI

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buLiwisT sETr, fr;m;h; D; l;Puv, brmIgMm, B;te n;gsEn, brmIgMm buLiwisT ivh;r;, B;te aEn sumn ikMgJbrI, B;tea nom;drSI lEsTr, B;te kumud.

hor B;te: pUjy B;te wMm;, j;p;n, B;te iXl bo (buLw;dLt; iBKSU) lots lETrn iXMTrnESnl buLiwisT sETr korIA, B;te iqc iqn, jemnI, B;te ctrI hem;p;Y; rSIA, B;rt, iXMglED, yurop, fr;s, norve, DEnm;rk, aOsTrIA, q;XIlED, t;iXv;n, korIA, j;p;n, aOsTeRlIA a;id deS; de vLK 2 B;te ate sMsq;v;.

sihyogI sMsq;v; yU ke : D; aMbeDkr imSn sus;iXTI, bEDforD, buLw; w;m; asosIXeSn,

s;PUq;l, aMbeDkr imSn sus;iXTI, gl;sgo, skOTlED, fEDreSn a;f aMbeDkr;XITs aED buLiwisT aOrgen;XIJeSn (fEbo), lMDn, D; aMbeDkr aEjukeSn sus;iXTI, brmIgMm, D; aMbeDkr iXMTrnESnl imSn, lMDn, D; aMbeDkr aEjukeSn TrsT, lMDn.

kEneD;: aMbeDkr imSn kEneD;,sk;rbOro TOroTo, cetn; asosIXeSn a;f kEneD;, kelgrI ate golDn dIA aMbeDkrI sMsq;v;, iXMDIan buLiwisT sus;iXTI, vEnkUvr, buLiwisT ivh;r; sus;iXTI sre, TOroTo, kElgrI, vEnkUvr ate sre dIA sRI guru rivd;s sB;v;. iXs to iXl;v; D; aMbeDkr imSn sus;iXTI yurop (jrmnI),

sohN l;l s;pl;, bn;rsI d;s suMdr, nOrve, stp;l, fr;s, fr;s dI bMgl;deSI buLiwisT kumEinTI, aOsTRIA to keSv Y;D; ate jitMdr Y;D;, brUA buLiwisT kumEinTI, fr;s.

pRmuK ivaLktI ate Pun;H de pirv;r:

yU ke: mlkIt isMQ b;hl, r;m mUrtI sumn, blr;m s;pl;, kpUr cMd s;pl;, aSok s;pl;, srvn d;s, bKSI ivrdI, rmeS kler, mehr isMQ w;rIv;l, wnpLt rLtU, arun kum;r, hukm cMd mEhmI, sRImtI PUS; hIr;, reSm mhe, ibSn d;s mhe, wrm cMd mhe, kuMdn l;l ZuMmT, idAl cOh;n, gurdivMdr kum;r, deivMdr

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kum;r, sMs;rI l;l, stn;m mmn, idv;n mihMdr;, m;riTn, k;Puslr durg; d;s ahIr je pI, r;j kum;r cOh;n, mulK r;j igMY;.

kEneD;: anMd b;lI, sRI ate sRImtI mlkIat hIr, drSn cOwrI, mohn ivrdI, bMt; r;m jKU, jgIrI bEs, r;j kum;r, jIt l;l ZuMmT, pRk;S r;hul, hrdev bMgx, ipAr; l;l, kuldIp ibrdI, jE ibrdI, r;jU k;ble, mejr mLl, KuSI r;m, kmleS ahIr, stIS aOjl;, mohN bMg;, ySp;l mhe.

yU aEs Xe: pirqI pOl, sIt; r;m mhe, ipMdr pOl, vI ke cOwrI, D; ke pI isMQ, D; lkSmI nr;iXn bErv;, mnohr premI hIr;.

DubXI/yU Xe XI : rtn;kr je DMD;vte, pI ke mohn, bI DI gvXI, yS pOl, pRdIp Ar son;vne, rmeS ws, m;ink brUA, bEhr;iXn ivc sRI lMkn buLiwisT kumEinTI.

B;rt: kirSn kum;r bowI, lhOrI r;m b;lI, DI sI ahIr, D; suirMdr ajn;t, sohN sehjl, gurn;m mLl, bldev r;j jLsl, hrBjn s;pl;, ivjE ids;vr, S;m l;l jLsl, nreS kum;r, hrmeS jLsl, cmn l;l s;pl;, ibLTU.

diXA, d;n ate sihyog d; zoTe to zoT; k;rj iXs pRojEkT dI dI pUrtI v;ste vDmLl; hE. bhut s;re Pup;isk; ate sMsq;v; ne vLK 2 trIke n;l sihyog idLt; hE. iXnH; sB sMsq;v; ate ivaLktIA de asI tih idlo wnv;dI h;. hrek d; n; ilKN; asBMv hE. asI iXs pLKo muAfI de j;ck h;.

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hv;le ate vwere j;Nk;rI lXI pxoH

DI sI ahIr, bLuwiXJm iXn pMj;b, hirAN; ate ihm;cl pRdeS

D; bI Ar aMbeDkr, bLuw; aED ihJ w;m;, b;XI sI bI bI XI aEf

pI vI b;pT, 2500 iyarJ Af bLuwiXJm, idLlI, B;rt srk;r

Bgv;n d;s, irv;XIvl Af bLuwiXJm iXn iXMDIA aED rol Af D;

b;b; s;ihb aMbeDkr, lKnPU, dilLt TUDe pRk;Sn,1968

sMQ;rLKiSt; aMbeDkr aED bLuwiXJm, gl;sgo, ivMDhors, pblIkeSnJ,


iBLKU sd;its; d; l;XIf Af bLuw;, yU ke mMDl buk pblIkeSnJ, 1976

yU q; DPU hl; d; l;XIf Af sRI B;dMt cMdr;mnI mh;qer;, v;r;nsI

yU cMdr;mnI f;PUDeSn, 1975

vn ihXen d; sIkrJ glosrI Af bLuwiXJm, t;iXv;n, frI pirMTD

b;XI sI bI bI XI aEf

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