a ij a.-z t · 2013-12-04 · i h-jj tr a uii_jp ij, h .1 2 0 an organization for coloured boys...

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I H-jj TR A Uii_jP ij,

h . 1 2 0

An organization for coloured Boys under the. Control of the Transvaal Sci.-.t council.

(Transvaal Province)

AlhS A.-Z t BJ1 IT S . To develop good citizens among coloured boys by forming their oha.r-cter - tr-ining the1":! in ha.bitB of ob- s rvation, obedience and self-reliance, inculcating loyal­ty and thoughtfuln ss for others - teaching them strvicf. s useful to the public and themselves - promoting th€,ir physical development and hygit-ne.

JKiB.,..RSHIP. Open to k11 coloured British subjects approved by the Transvaal '^cout Council through. its Cub-committee and Executive Officers. <*

fl-UC-IQUS FQLICY. Inter-deno ainational. It is expected that all members shall Qtt nd religious services as often as possible . Troops may b formed far boys of a particular denotiinatijn, or by Social btdios, or lodges, or may be "open" Troops embracing all boys irresp.- ctive of religious denominati -.n.

37-j.<Al,CE. The organization aaall be financially Supported bythe coloured Community through Ooramitteea appointed Tiy them for that purpose.

ORGrA^I^ATl/h Troops oonsisting of boys bt.twot.n the ages of 11 ytars and TS-years ( i .e . a boy may not join a Troop as a Traoker aftt-r he has attained the age of 18, but shall not otaBe to be a member of a tr >op on reaching the a,ge of 18, should he hav* joined previous to that ag;.) .P golfs. Oonsisting of boys between the ag* f S yf'rra anc1 lT^years.Control Com^ltt es in charge of troops and packs, who shall be elected annually from the Parents of the boys ■r mem­bers of the Coloured Community who are interested in the mov> ment.Local District Committees. To lie elected after the f- m a t ion of two or lore troops or packs in a d istrict . To bf com­posed -of two members elected from each Control Committee, and Senior Officers of each Troop or Pack in the District and co-opted me.nb-rs. The latter shall not exceed the number of elected numbers'.

C01 TROL. The organization shall be under the control of the JomTiissioner (for tht time being) of the Boy boouts of the Transvaal. The Transvaal Soout Counoil, and executive Officers of the TransvaalScout Council. The organization shall be governed by rules and regulations as laid down by the Transvaal Soout council, and shall bo, subject to the control and discipline af the Executive Offio^rs of the Transvaal Scout Council.Troops or Faoks shall be und»,r the direct control of a Troop or Pack -laster. The Troop or Pack . lastor must be a responsible man of known character, re ooramended by the Control Vo.'amittee, he muyt aerva three months probation to the satisfaction of the Control Committee efter which he shall be appointed t ■ that office by the Transvaal

Scout Council, on the recommendation of their Executive

O fficer .


andappointed°^ S . t e ' d u w ’ ^ ' i ’T J* ” oom ended

the boys ar~ i n s t r u c t e d a ^ r ^ t * 0?? ?re Garried out and that shall v • 3Ed c o n t r o l M efficiently . Th,y

be responsible t h a t ^ T " * ’ , T^ ea®urer and 5®or tary and shall Q h ^ at -Ac,1u^nt *ooks olearly show ell rprHr,t«

they w l " ^ S i | ™ , ° occt 0^ ° ? 1Tith the Iroof or Pack, that kejt in a book fn? +J^ and tilat minutes Of all meetings art anointment r nr 19 ^ ^ p o s e . They shall Recommend all n???J J v suSPensions ; and all badges for Troor- nr PncV

Seoretar\^°or 1 v^kf t er^vi " • ^ ■ i t i f l a e d fy t h e 'c h l i ^ n and » . , , ,J °nly hsTing been approved by the SmnittpfiThe Control Committee shall consist of not less than five*

?'or^np L v 0re + eleven m eters •xclusire of the Troo* and ortitl^d Wh Bha11 * e members of the Committee and

ujon at* .the firlt ^ L i o ^ l ^ b V S l U * ^

The- rh^ -u0 e ither by show of hands cr by a 'ballot

ar'te ?ot?!n ^ h&Te & ° a3tins ™ te ae - a S S i ® ! ’

— n V ^ 191^?1? ^ |,0r|g H t e e shall control a District in similar a«nnt*r as laid down above. Shall be responsible fo? all

£ S ? S d < " 1? a0k! ln the distriot under its “ i t » l ! % £ u^ i-y e*??lne “ 11 Troop or Pack accounts aid registers

Shall confirm all appointments and deal with all District

aS J11, matt'"rs of W etrlo t interest. -18trlct

i h e ^ L f Ba‘ -~ ahal,1HieeS “ register In which Is re- Pack date f address of all boys in the Troop or

tain! date of p r o S S f i n T o ^ e r l r M a ^ f ^ L ^ o ^ e


JftOOP CSOAl.lCATIOi;. A Troop may consist of any numh.-r o? ’jot ■

c o ^ s i s r o ' V ? ! ^ 11 * ror;“ed int° Patrols, ^ patrol snl : onsist o- a Leader, a corporal and four ioys - a twtal o 'lx - and. shall be designated by a number. The number shall

he worn on the right shoulder and shall he in t o .s ”

T_:ipopj£ The uniform shall consist of:- iiat, jlaok of approved design.

o+ir£i gre^ : Shortb , Black or dark blue,otockmgs, black cr dark blue.

mJi1, J ^ ite or ooloisred in the troop colours.•lie, o_ .roop colours worn under chart oollar.

Staff, appro-red type of broom handle.

•uanyard, white: x Whistle, of approved pattern?

.-rALEEES . Approved design in brass. 'x optional)

of1thSd5\r^vB land^dT'm ln Scout tests* ^ith the exception

be in brass"!"3111511 *** for> >adge will

? an\: I^9.,UP .faster . White shoulder straps and a ^ r o i c h p W (not o.er eight inches long) Sorn on"

i|at, Elack Shirt Grey.

Breeches. Blue or black or grey. Leggings Black.(Shortb may be worn i f preferred)

Walking Stick

/ Assistant




»■? r;

■AS 61 S*&ftll'fc at) .Tn-_ -p .

I f P ^ r l s g f W i ' ^ ; 4 3h0Ulder « * a red ..tr ie

Instruct or ° rrn-:*8 £“ *»??* * M » « .

* * : n w ^ £ » s z • « * • « . o s t r i c ,x l im

^ ? n i r / M n t / 8 ^ ***"» Liaster> *ut p lm e I n ^ a t 't o be

A3 f° r Asst* ^o o p i f a .f r , but yiumc worn

^ o ke l ! ° dlag01irl rec atripea worn on right breest *bo-e

|H fPp o ^ e t . ° nU ^lasonal red stripe worn on right breast above

ioLeS? ! ° inted) ^ - d stripes worn

CuF- cgfgp^ AB, 5 ° L ^ er 4>ut stripes green.

.. f b for fenderf.'.ot, 1st andr2nd ^ s~ripr"e 6*«*en.Soout Tests, ' 0 8 3 8 as laid down in Buy

as for Scouts bu+ for +■

substitute nTrpek*t" TOrd Soout" *» Kurt jr e a i* , es for Scouts but in -acb , ,

the name "Scout" occurs. substitute "Tracker" there

j. 5 ; BANDS . B nr'ca i ^ n v_ __ . . .

---- gulations as l U ^ f c L l f " " • » * « ! and « -

— R * w * m k m u k a.%JB.OOP JACKS. A Troop ras.y th, .

’ ■■ a a u i g ; . ^ { ? ; : ? v ? ^ T tlol* st*sbadge other than those allowed unr *r +t n° faV0urB or m aybe worn on theuniform ' ' tneae regulations

ribbons^ « “ « nay be worn. °8nl*ea l ife Baring ,r ambulano*.

9: ^ - - ^ jg jSA LT ^ ; The salute shall be ariy-n wi+v +<rJTsed to thehead in the full n+ tnc 0p’ 11 hendm th the shoulder in *he hniJ Banlu^'; » 0r raised to a ibvcr shall be giren to all “x ^ o S r 0 ? ^ ' ‘ ^ fUl1 3Rl^ € to the Scout Ibceouti ve OffioarS f 7 the bqys> endat Ion whether in unifor™ nr !- °hnrSe of the o r g a n iz e

Tra.kir O f f i " r . o « ? ^ ? T la 9 ’ 80 lonS “ ™c:..Of rank. Also when r e £ l f i £ - n^". WBari«fi their balr- Traoker„ The half sal'itn «=? i?*’, Pronise 0r L*w of the ty all boys whether in urifnr given and returnedmeeting their brother Trailer* ° nS unifora on th;.-.-

>: THE BADpp 4 . la c k e r * who are f a r i n g the b ^ 3, ,

ShT?t t o in Sni-?orm vthe r lS M P°<>tot - •Jacket when net in uriforn » h . butt-nhol. of the

cr Control o .m n i i t .^ ~ f ° " i n t i w ! ^ ? 0 8f looal < W t t . o r they first teie the promise^ tht **<S* i fentitled to the tiai jslntA " nd are thenorganization. ' ‘ offioera and boyB ofthe

^ Btarted snd 'ohouic*1!t b e ^ o J S T - -t0-®3t thb or8anization tion develops the ^ c u t i y e ?Jf“ i28%

/ Transva.al

Vj.r?nsjaal So out Council in conj unotion with the Control

v r V S V ? °r ^ i 8 rTi n Connltteea, will promulgate additional .. les and regulati-ns to deal with the efficient controlof the organization,

°-2: l&kimAXLA.

T £ I M i o n of Troops Packs and Local District Committees: Appli.^ „ior. to be made to the Secretary, Poy bcouts’Assocj. at ion, p .0 , Box 631, Johannesburg,

| adg;-s, Tht. making of badges shall be under the oontr-.l Of one -:',ansja.al Scout Council. Application for proficicic-' btdges snould be made to the Secretary, Poy Scouts' Association, and should be signed by the Examiner or j ,x - amintrB, who shall Ve appointed by tine Local Committee.

v T ' +Tt f se VTi11 hrre tc Vfi made arrangement. I f roti T A Centre> the t o u t s ’ Association

■ a l l esoist oe getting tenders from Johannesburg firms.

Amendments suggested at Conference held on 27th July 1922.

orerer the word "Trackers" appears, substiture "Pathfinders".

herever the word "P a ck 'occurs, substitute "Junior troop". :'Tr some cases the words "and pack1' will be struck eg;)

Cherever the word "Patrol" occurs, substitute "section".

1 herever the word 'Leader" occurs, substitute "section leader".

TTherever the word "diagonal" occurs, substitute "horizontal".

u'iow reier to the numbered paragraphs for theother amendments

: Add, at end of first paragraph, "This to be elastic to a certain extent". After "elected annually" add "preferably".

: In last paragraph add "executive" after "holding".

C: After "four" add "or s ix ". After "of six" add "or eight"

Belett everything after "designated by a" and substitute designated, by a c iistinctive colour worn under the badfe ! .

S: Make the following amendments: -

Hat, of any form other than Snout hat. ohirt, grey or khaki d r ill , without shoulder straps,

knots or soe.rf.Shorts, Khaki or greyStockings, add "without coloured tops".Celt, add "or any pattern other than Scout pattern".Tie, Add " i f d esired ",

-• Troop Master uniform to be same as for Pathfinder, plus a white shoulder strap and walking stick. Assistant

/Troop 'Caster

Troop :eetr.r, Brae as Pathfinder, >ut r-d shoulder strap. Instruotor, ditto, hut green shoulder strrp.

junior _roop Master, delete rof^renoe to plume.A'-st. ditto. . ditto,section I ?rVr, del. tc "aborft the- pocki.t" .Corporal, ditto.

Troop or Heed. Lead r, substiture "on right tree-st" for Ha"bOTt tirht pooktt".

Substitute "blut" for "white", and "whitt" for "red ".

Substitute "on th. 1 ft tr ast 1 for "in the buttonhole of the right porket".

Add "feelow 22:-

Ths o.-. ficial P^th-incier IjRdgv sh^ll triangular in shap with a projection from the base of the triangle, and the letter in the Centre of the trjuan^le".


j'roriaionw.l Rules p&eaed by

7RAH;iV/AL SCOUT COU’iCIL. 8-7-lfc.

b o y x c k . .

An org*niet tea tor Colouraci soy.** jndor th® c> trol of theTrftr„sr* I 11% Count?11.

•&AK3 - Tbs its sc, -if tho 0/g . ' • .** t & i U >e the *Boy Tracfcera*A*sool<5ti'iu” f (Ix- nsyml Province),

At:?£ ■ • r 0 /■ . TO de velop good citlaenshlp arcong cols-ired ‘soya by^fOpFTn^ thslr character - tr*».'-.lr„; th m Ha of obrtervnton,

C»«uisuct, and sail-rell* nee *- Ineulei-ttr^r loyalty ardihoogiMf ulfia-j* i’fti** otbora -- ivM t /. tha** rurvtas usef -1 t,o the public bm t.4©*selyen -- pror-otta- tlclr physical dovelepwent *0*A h/g !<*«*.

-■ i- U . Cjfttr. to Coloured 5ritl*h subject-* *pp!*ev 1 >7 the Trananml .-cout Council through i U Bub-f-or-Htte* voA Vx*cutive O fflc iM .

~rf» I- . t iJ.C-Y, Inter-de nomination. 1, It Is er.ooated that all *ew#>*ro *1-1*11 sttarKi *ellgle»e w n l«9ii ■.« often a* possible. Troop* way i>a forced for beys of » parttoulajr dononlnatlon, or by fiootal bojtiea, or* Lodges, fnr the scoa of aeobers of suchBod .lea or Lodf.ea, or aa y ha "open" Troops air.br&clr^ ell boya Irrespective of re 143 ioun dunonirxatio....

The orgar.laat ion shall be financially s .pporVed by tht Coloured OoTOsunity through Coa/Blttena appoint©d hy thea for th*t purpose.

9<>nAKIV.?TO?].Tho■naa consist log of boya bailee : the *5*9 of 11 years and L>J yeere* 1 i .e . .*. nay »sy not Join a Vroop hs a tracker lltlf he ha a attained t.-.e ego of 13 , but etio.ll riot necessarily cesaa to be a «*'»bt:r of a Troop on reaching the age oi ili, ciiould he ht*ve joined prevlou* to that ago),

r’acki consisting of boya bJttaeon ts« ar.aa of 8 years eou II ye.- i'rf.

r.Q itrol :;o:;alttt;oa in Oharge o< Troope i.oid Fac«ca, > 0 aitall bo eiieteV: ovuua&lly f^ox tho ^arvi-ita of t;;a Soj?. or istowbora of the Coloured Coaaunlty w)y» are iritereattd la tuo wovas -r-t. T^atioea of ail la bf a«nt to tho Saarst^ry ->f t >0 T901Stoo!L.>Cm ut «.* illC 11.

Locftl To ue oU«U<i **icr tf^ forw^tlinof two or sore Trooiia or 7aoka in a C ia tr U t . To bo aas^Mod of t«o eajMbcr* e lotted from Control Caa*ltteof the >er.ior ifflcor isf eaob Troop or F*«)t in the 31*trlot, ani oa*opt«d Hxoiitira. TLiti l^tttfr aiieli rtot ewv^au the u,a»o<sr of elected veaoera. '^otlcoa of all. .seitlrnjj* to >e a^nt t» t^o Seo^otsry of theTrenur&el ^uout Co inctl.

CORT.OU The Organiaatlon ahall bo zander the ooj.trol of thev'oonlaeloner, (for the ti«e b«lr^) of the ioy w«out« of the Tr»'>8Y»al, ttte Tranavaal 5.oout Council, «r*i I:&ecutivc Off.cere of the Tr#naveal So out Com cil. The Crssnlaatlon ah«*ll »e governed by ;’ U«a and regalatlons »» laid down by the Tranayaal Cooat Council, and ahall be aubjoct to the control and dieolpllne of tne i’.xeo-itivo ufficere of the Traaavael ^cout Council, appointed for the purpoee, who ehall be es oiflcio aenbera of ell Coawltteee.

TI^OPS or frACKS. hnll bt» under the direct control of e Troop olr Pack Master. The Troop or i'acK aster »ast be a reaponaible nsen of kno«fn good charactor, reconimerjd d by Control Coa^lttee, he »ust serve three aooths probation to the satisfaction of the Control Comaittee after which he shall oe appointed to the office

by tho Tranayasl £aout Council on tho ree»w»srtd*tlon of their •xaeutlv* olf leer. Assistant Troop or vbq* Ka»ter atsy os similarly rtiW M iidid and appointed. Their duty shall be to ■salat ths Troip or ?i»«k Maator.

Coat<-*01 Co’w lt t f t * s h a ll be reapon»lb!U- fo r n i l fiufctsoa oonnceted with tho Troop. They s h a ll arrftngo lo r iisitu or noaaa fo r Vroapi.®9ti<JU8 >, ter£) &f»li pihCtiAt it U y H c t u c sX’OOp dr?eok *>ork. • Arrange pursue*• *>h«XX b^ reapoaslbly tbet puldy and reg * I -,1011(4 i-» u c'*t*riuu o u fuui Uif-t tuv b',*ye i-c irwtrjatftd end coatrol.lt/ii efficiently* They aUftil uppolnt u Chairmen, 7 re usurer *fld i^ooroti».*y *»d sh«.ll in* rsitpofi&lbXs tu«*t Aooi»u/it UQb&j eionrly showing all rooeipta ana ulaburaaEtar;tr» in connection with the Troop or Pack /,opt properly am t««.t »inuW * of ill woutinaf a;v kept in a book for tnet purpose. Thoy *& .l l roaoiswnd «XX appoint taenia or »^i*<»n«lox*» Mid all uaa^c* ior Troop or i'^ok OffXoers or .>oyc siwXX t»« r©iuUitXon<m by tlu> Cult's :i -%nX 'aoM toff only after U*vXiis b*eu -pyroved by t . Coac.ktU*» Iho Co^tvc-lCoTSBXtt-ftC (turt 11 OQn&lat 0* !*()!» t.'.NW i iyu SiiJai ill)t <iO>'if thtttt• loven usMoera, ©xoi.u3iy« t,. < ;lr<.--p w.d ( w ) *aok ^.-.ator who s n a ii oa sscsburs of tn& uot&Utt&o and e n t i t le d *0 vota.<juoru» aha IX con* 1m t, ol * fiumo *r dacioea upon jt t!*e l'ir^t aoeti^g. Decision* shell bo arrived «t by a Majority Vet* , tliber by show of hand* or by ballot. The etuirauu ai-uXl r*«r« » evst*ne <a w«ll

^ t .9 - Ui 1 1 Of; 'Ste V-ltv .

Loop I g i.^ trlc t o-.rpltt«e>; Jih#kll c o n t-o l ti i / U t r U t In «lon««r ip»nn»r ft® Ifllu down Bbov#. Khtell t>w iv»ttpor^lbl<! or i*XX Xroops or ■sakii In th i M « t r i o t mder tb o ir eontrf»i. -j pfcriocio»;iy o«ouln» nXX Troop oi' r»ok AuS'Vant# f*nd m |U tr« r s. i ^ l l ' ceni .r» *XX sppointB«>nts «nd u«sl with *11 district p rAds# t-au. nil «Atl#**« of t/l^trlct tutor«*t.

Tfoop or »&ox ♦i»t««r «h«li keep ft rsgiator in whXtjh X» rooordwd tbbnu:at, 'ige, btxi ft&SFftftft of sXI rt ;yg Xk th* Troop or i’sck, d<*td of joiuXng, nftM and d«tc ot finy b«dgo* h« »*y ootaiov ds>t* of promotion to or Corporal, tnu uttft oi r s j ) i o t t « ih» r®5 lKt«r fttiwXXftX»o pooopti hl» »tt«ud«now «t *rrov>p or **«v;k Noting® or ?ftrnd*-».**•»* ti'AIJJ' C<i i'ACik tvv*>i vJii rJ<5 !.»»’*-viC; •<*. ALL fri Ui^tiU *’w Tht. iKUrCCTltlK ov Ajrr visit rise or irspkctii^ omefch h « u > m u ^ u x .^ m w QKGASISAl IC-.

> ■■-- ...-v ” 1 " - > ». A OOP n*y ooruiiot oi «r*y au-ubor 01 beys ovsr l » * T v * i 7hI s»h*ll o« fort^d into p atrols • / p a tro l #>w»li oon»Xftt ts i a l*&dd t 9 a Cori>«?rftx, t fiu four b o y*-* » l e t * ! o* * 4%-- and fthwXl bo osslr.ndL«d oy e. aaraoar. *r.« n’.asDor aball 60 -or;: on Lha r l at shoulder t-nd Bh^Xl ba in brauo.

wfeUo.a.. ftio uiiiiot-G* »nb«i.i ooaBibt of 1-bAw.Chirt,«i»ort<.Stookins^S i l t *Tift

AotBff xl^ady* rU Jt'hlntlo

n iacic of sppravsd oofti^n*Urey.dXftok ok* iisrk »lu». lilHCT. or ;i fk oiw .

->r a0X0urea in the tr^op «oiour»*Of t»;• T»-oop ooloui'ft worn undor tbo #hlrt uollor. ir pprov#d type of brooa b*»nu i s . ,

hits.Of approved pattern.

(x Option*! )

. Approved u^aXija Xn Br^ea.‘ i l Dautuca us laid down a -ooit tastsf with tho exception of the nltsrksasn's* b»d»s, «»y ba co».»tau fo r , tno badge will os in brsas*

u. or i ;;k.

Troop Xliller.#

Khite shoulder straps anti a white plume (not over ei-’ ht Iiiche3 long) worn on rlrht side of het, list dlack.

I rt Grey* iroeclv-s. H ub or 31 ck or rey,\jrz? inn. -Uac.<.

• (^horta say bo wnrn if pr«fe red) alklrr t Ick^

Asst. Troop ^.ast^ry k InK shoulder straps, ~nd a jink ostrich plume "o n rSihl ft id* of hat*

Other uniform «s for Troop k*ater.

Inatruclor green shoulder strsps ana a green ostrich plum# e> l front of h#t.other uniforr >s for iroo . ter.

Paorf Master* n for Troop Master tout plume in hat to be worn In front.

ast» ffaok .t.* As for A||t« Troop U»*ter but plume worn^ In front of hat*

Leeuer^ t o horlsontal red stripes torn on rl.^ht >-ro at jovo the pocket.

Corporal On© horUinta 1 red atr pe rorn on plffht breast r*bovo the pockot.

Troroer or d (If ;/ppr>tnt«d) Ihrcie red stripes ornhorlaont*? ly. > i>oya rlrht p eke t.

Cud La>W«r Ab for ia« ^ar but wtrlpea ?r<s»n.

-ji-. i. •>. for Ter.u«rfoot, let and 'And. Class >-s 1 < let down In a out Tasts.

* ' r 4 ) H a * for oo ita but for the word "*©outM I 1 at t>rowl « aubatItute— ~-rr . H

i.rae'-e •

!■ : . *>* tor oo si bat l*t e--*ch c at. v;brt itute r •• oker’ ere t .nt c "'■.'Cout* occurs.

BARD,* Banda *111 be permitted unaer the sr.me control **00 regulation*

as applies to c uts.

T\J«<jr ’ . ag.. Troop flags to be white with the nasse of t s Tro >p at t e hoi.tew rtf the -ord "Tr ok ra" at the top In r,ed.

T OOP J/CF.:i, A Troop nay o'rry the "Union Jack'’ , In addition t.o the Tro ip Flag,but no other ) leg of nny description nay be carried.

i'GLITTCJ . FolAtlos m«y not be ulsc’iased or part loir ted In by «*ny member of a Troop In naiforn, *nd no favour or badges fftha-1 than those allowed under th«se rctg ::l»tlonn rasy be vora o the inilorm*Officer* possessing war ^edala may we r the >:ed isor ribbon, or recornlsod life s vlng or SKbul > os Tod Is aay b orr..

Tit CK: H:’» .,'L /T . The salute shnll be given with the open hand raised to the he&d In the full s» lute, or r*iS ’;d to a levr>l with the 8 toul>ier In the half salute*The full salute shall be glv^n to *11 Trscker Officers by the boys

aul to the ..-cout bxeoutlv* Off Lcara In ctuarge o the orr alsfttlon, v^netfjer In umiorm or otherwise ?>s lenp s such Trscker Officers or co t Officers waariii?. t elr badge of rank. Lso .vhen repeat I-.g t e ?ro ls« or .'.av of the Tr -cker. T e he If s i ite shall be glv^.n ana retsarn^d by *11 boys * ether In unlfor-n or out of unltorra o» meeting their brother Trackers who «re wearing the b;dge.


Tjj__8/PO t I» worn In the button of tiu, right ''ickot of t;;e shirt,*n#n ir. mifnrx, -nd i\ the button hole o5 the jeoket a her. not In onilorw.Ke*.bers of vjcal Con?:itteo» or* Control Goroitte© *ro entitled to eoer the h'd^e ii they first take the promise of th© Tracker,*™! are then ant it led to the full ssiute Cron Officers and boys of th© Or{T»iiiii*tten.

■-' It . l'-& nbove ru!»p will fi-=.rv© to get the orz/.uni.v ■> started daC. « 10 ad It be to .mi nooe»:»ary, *s the organie? t ion deyelopes tve ijtectttlre off leer ^ppoIn ted >y the Traney?al aout Counoil i,-. oon.1 .c* lo Ith the Control Committees or Clstrict Consnittecs will 7'T'•■•■ *cditlen;>l r;l«» nd regulations to cesl eith the< lo c 4 >\ nf the .r;*pnis"tion«

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Collection Number: AD1715


PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation

Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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