a letter president christ·janer

Post on 18-May-2022






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A Letter From President Christ·Janer

To all New College Alumni:

To most of you, I am probably only a photo in a newsletter or a name at the bottom of a fund-raising letter. There just hasn't been the opportunity yet for me to meet many of you. Hopefully this will change in the coming months; certainly it is my intention.

For now I want to share with you through the medium of the Alumni News some observations about New College's present and its future.

The first six months of my presidency have been extraordinary ones. There have been many bright spots but also some rather trying times. I want to tell you about these months so that you will know more about the college with which you share an attachment.

First, let me touch upon some of the news of the present academic year.

New College began its year and I began my presidency almost at the same moment, early September. Actually, I had a few days head start on the new students so I could speak to them as an old timer. The new class was smaller than we had hoped - 230 against an expected 300 - but if you are current with the admissions scene you know that college admissions today is a buyer's market with the competition for good students more

( Ill IE

s APRIL, 1974

intense than ever before in history. Those 230 who enrolled as new students upheld the quality image of previous cla ses, as measured by the only statistics we have available for such a comparison. Those who have been here since the early days tell me that the major differences they see in the students are that today they seem to be more serious, more academically committed, and more directed toward career orientation than toward general educational preparation.

One of the major changes that took place this year was the institution of a formal Student Affairs Office. As most alumni will remember, New College has always had a similar office (sometimes known as Dean of Students) but for the first time there is a professional person in charge. David Ebert, who formerly held the same post at New England College, arrived at the same time as I did, and he has in a few short months, made an excellent start on providing the kind of support to the students and the kind of liaison that have been needed from the outset.

One of the first steps Dean Ebert took was to reform the entire security system. While this had been in the works since the new dean arrived on campus, the need was emphasized n

when, in November, 1973, a guard employed by the contract security sy tern was shot and killed in a truggle with an intruder. The college

now has its own security director, a 24-hour security force, and for the fir t time, a program for protecting tudents rather than just a guard


Another area that has been strengthened is that of academic planning. Last year, Dr. Gresham Riley was named acting provost and ju t a few months ago, the trustees, at my recommendation, named Gresham to the full time post of provost. Those of you who have had a long association with the college know that provosts at New College have no great record of longevity Dr. Riley, who ha already been working effectively in the po t for more than a year, will be expected to re tore to that office the promise which had been held out for it from the outset.


The college has, for the first time this year, a musicologi t. Professor Ronald Riddle has been busy the first two tenns in establishing the basi for more formalized education m non-performing aspects of mu ic.

We have lost, or will have lost by the year's end, two familiar faces on campus. Robert J. Norwine, Dean of Admis ions for most of the years since the founding of the college, and who also served as Dean of Students and Vice President, has resigued as of June. A search is underway to find his successor. James Feeney, who came to

ew College to teach sociology and established the Off-Campus Study Office, accepted a position of assistant dean with the Long Island center of Empire State College in New York. His place is filled by another sociologist, Dr. Natalie Rosel.

Almost new this year, since it really went into full operation in the fall, is the Environmental Studies Program (ESP). Now housed in the Caples

Dr. Christ-Janer House (the scene of the first alumni reunion), the program has a professional staff of four plus an excellent array of equipment that has allowed them to do a wide range of re earch including the monitoring of air pollution for Sarasota County.

E S P s p o n s o r e d a n a t i on al conference in March concerning academic and community interaction in environmental concerns that drew representatives here from as far away as the state of Washington. ESP and the faculty are now considering ways that a formal program in environmental studies might be offered to students.

There were familiar scenes during the year: the annual Halloween Party was a huge success again. The student newspaper was renamed as usual (now the Mescalito) and has had one of its most uccessful years. A record number of parents visited the campus in November for the annual Parents Weekend. Students again successfully ran their own series of classes for adults in the community Colloquium '7 4. There have been three SEC chairmen (chairpersons?) this year.

Academically, ew College has had to face some realities and the community is responding to them. Where once New College was con side red an innovative and experimental leader, today we have a lot of company. We have had to face the fact that even state unversities have adopted programs that arc quite similar to tho e that New College pioneered. The three-year program, the contract system, pass-fail grading, the open curriculum - all are relatively commonplace today. The surge of innovation of the Six ties, in which we were front mnners, now has caught up with us and we are in the midst of assessing our position and our future.

There are a number of suggestions that have been made for the college's future direction and we are busily examining them. A key one is before the faculty at present and it would be presumptuous to discuss it Q.efore that body takes action on it. There is a suggestion that the college hold a one-day all-cam pus conference in April to examine the total situation and some of the options for the college. Many of you will remember similar conferences which were held in the early years of the college.

Serious consideration of the college's future is a requirement not only for its academic program but for the college's very life. The drop in enrollment last fall provided us with the shock that forced us to review critically all of the operations of the college. It is in much the same way that as a nation we have been forced to review our treatment of the environment and our consumption of energy.

The simple fact is that the unexpected drop in enrollment of some 70 students and the resulting loss of income face New College with the prospects of a deficit during the 1973-74 fiscal year. If you are current

with the educational scene, you know that private colleges and universities (and many of the public ones, too) are facing similar crises for many of the same reasons. The stronger ones are throwing in their reserves, usually from endowments, while the weaker ones are throwing in the towel.

As you have known since your own time on campus, New College has precious little financial reserves to help to stem any reverses. The prospect of a deficit leaves only the alternative of borrowing to provide the margin of time to recover. Whether we can buy eoough time is the critical question.

Our greatest assets are tho e we have always had: Joyal and creative trustees, faculty, students, taff, alumni and friends, plus the ability and willingness to make whatever changes are necessary to keep the college academically vibrant.

In terms of program the New College of today bears little resemblance to the New College of 1964. Gone are the 11-month year, the core program, the language requirement and many of the other requirements of that era.

What has not changed is the basic commitment to the quality of the educational program. ew College has attempted to discover the best way to educate young men and women, and it has worked hard at this task with considerable success.

We may see the day ahead when other changes are necessary to keep New College alive in the sense that we expect it to be. We count on your support and understanding as we face these decisions.

7-l ,Q-~ .f (!}, ,.;J. -/j Vv

Arland F Christ-Janer


E ther Lynn Barazzonc took a leaw in February from writing her di serta­tion in intellectual hi tory ut Colum­bia U. to lead a group of tudents to Oxford for a cmester abroad. She'll be gone for six months, staying on there for rl!.carch and returning to New York to finish h •r final Ph.D. year. Last summer she was in Mexico for six weeks leading another group of students. Also last year she ran a benefit for the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons schola~rship fund which starred Bob Hope and netted $65,000. She also has been a teaching assistant for minority stu­dent at Columbia. She says all thes~: activities account for her low Ph.D. progress.

Charles Hamilton i an editor with a small libertarian-anarchist publishing house in New York.

Denni and Maureen Kezar. Dennis is seni<?r chaplain at Can tcrbu ry School m St. Petersburg, Fla. and is completing his thes1s for D.Phil. in theology from Oxford. Maureen is studying for advanced exam in ballet. Young Denny is 5, Ben 21/2. All plan to camp in Colorado in summer.

Denise Miller Henry took a year's leave of absence from teaching in New Haven to have her first child, Jill, who was born on Oct. 4. She has had to put aside work on her advanced de­gree ''for now."

Sam Treynor writes that he is now in graduate school at the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Laurence Alexander was married Ia t year and now i the youngest professor in Emory University Gradu­ate School. He' publishing a hi tory of cuI tu ral theory next spring and "hating what' happened to modern society."

Sharon Lande man Dwyer wrote in January from Seattle that she would finish her Ph.D. during the winter quarter and is waiting word on a research grant for post-doctoral re­search. She and husband, in spare time, have opened a tropical fish and indoor plant shop. "Plenty of room for visitors."

Nancy Hall will be graduating from Harvard Busmess School in June then plans to go into marketing manage­ment, probably in New York. She was awarded an R. H. Macy Scholarship at Harvard.

Steve Hendricks admits from Ann Arbor that he foreswore beard and long locks to collect data on funda­mentali t protestants for a dissertation in political cience. He is co-authoring

@]a book on measures of quality of life.

His tn<tjor conclusion is that the young, nch and s~.:xy have better lives than th.: old, poor and ugly. "Social sci nct' marches on."

Jerry Ncugartcn is an assistant district attornt'y 111 New York County spedaliLing in na1 co tics work. "Mari­juana is practically legal in 'ew York :cept for very big dealers or those

who blow moke in cop's face . " Would like to hear from any pre ent or former students to be brought up to date on what's happening at .C.

Sister :'\iary O'Keefe is working in pa toral care in a home for the aged in Detroit. She writes that she is seri­ously thinking of becoming a chiro­practor.

Patricia Sander on Port moved to Palo Alto, California last summer where she ha been employed at the regional office of the Environm ntal Protection Agency. She· been accept­ed at the Univer ity of Santa Clara law chool.

Vicki Pearthree Raeburn and Charle Raeburn '67. Vickie writes that she is " elling p ychology at Vas ar College while Charlie play Monopoly in the legal department at Revlon."

_Deane L. Root married Doris Syen ot ew Haven, Conn. in 1972 and they're both working on their Ph.D.s at U. of Illinois. "We're singing in operas and concerts of all sort . I was o 1 the mu ic faculty of the U. of Wisconsin last fall."

Dion Schaff was promoted from instructor to as istant professor of philosophy at Worce ter State College.

Cheryl McWhorter Star i teaching music part time at Miami-Dade Com-

munity College and also at Florida International U. ~he's also working on her Master of Sctencc degree in music education.

Richard Cowen writes that he is programming for Data General Corp. 111 Marlboro, Mas .

Tom Jarrell, celebrating his "third unemployment anniversary" in Waban, Mass., is "eager to hear from clas mates and welcomes visitors."

llkka Laukkonen com pleted his obligatory service in the Finnish Army ~a t year was married, and is working m the fo~eign divisi.on of the leading commercial bank m Helsinki. Last August he was visited by a Sarasota couple who had been his "parents" during his stay at N.C. He asks anyone visiting Finland to get in touch with him while there.

Gary Moriello i teaching fifth grade in a Chicago public school, using open classroom technique , which he says "require a tremendous amount of work and a high tolerance for noise" but which often is 'a very rewarding experience."

Richard Ogburn, wa on campu in March. Dick finished his Peace Corps ~t:rvice at the end of January and was in the process of looking at graduate school in California and Bo tot particularly Berkeley, Harvard and M.LT. He plans to go on for a Ph.D. in economic development and regional planning. Soon he will return to Salva­dor in Brazil, where he was with the Peace Corps, but his time he will be employed by Brazil's State Agricul­tural Ex tension Service. He expects to

A new title and a new face. Dr. Gresham Riley, left, was formally named to the post of provost of New College in February after serving as acting pro':ost for more. tha~ a year and as a member of the faculty since 1965. Dav1d L. Ebert, nght, IS the new Dean of Student Affairs. He came to New College last September from New England College.


llCVCbCV (continued)

be there until next fall or po .. ibly even 1975, depending on graduate schools. He welcomes travelers to that part of the world where he says he has a large house.

Betsy Reid is at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, more than halfway through her internship. After this year she faces three years of residency.

Claudia Blair Thomas writes from London that daughter Emily Catnn was born on Nov. 26, leading to an early retirement because her bos didn't believe that mothers should work.

Bruce M. Allen, has just moved his business consulting firm into a seven­teen story office in Albany, N.Y. with a "magnificent view." He said the firm is doing nicely and that several lucra­tive tax contracts have kept him busy and that he hopes to take off several months in spring/summer for visits to Florida, Mexico, California, and British Columbia.

Claudia Bolin has moved recently to the coastal mountains of Maine, and is "employed on a beef farm."

Marie ryhan says "I've n: ired- t the mountains" near Tuckasagee, N.C.

Stephen T. Cabral, out of the Army, is working as a motorcycle mechanic in Honolulu, trying to get back into the computer field, but he says "nothing is permanent either in my occupation or location."

Kathy Capels continues her work on her Ph.D. in Medieval French literature at Penn State. She was in Switzerland last summer studying at the University of Geneva and "enjoy­ing the cafes and countryside."

Catherine Jones Davies, in Frank­furt, Germany, is still teaching at the American Junior High School there, doing murals on school walls, slide shows, traveling, and plans more.

Gail Johnson Farra is married to a former Episcopalian seminarian, has a six month old son, Matthew. Her husband is working on a master's in psychiatric social work and Gail plans to return to work in the fall as a respiratory therapist.

David C. Moore is at the School of Theology at the University of the South and plans to return to the Sarasota area when he graduates in 197 5. Son Christopher is 3Y2, in school, "and loving it."

Linda Moeller is employed at a Community Mental Health Center in Concord, N.H. working part time with former state hospital patients and part

time with mentally retarded children. A new owner of a St. Bernard, she lives in a huge house "with some good people" and welcomes visitors.

Regina Puckett is working for one year as a "lady minister'' of an experi­mental Methodist parish in South Carolina. She has one little rural church and also docs countywide work with youth group and in mtgrant mini try.

Deborah Rabinowitz is now in Chicago but since last August she had been doing research at the Smith­sonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. She goes back again next August.

Margaret Sheeran is a county librar­ian in Jackson County, North Carolina.

Phil Shenk, together with some friends he met in Berkeley, has pur­chased a l ,200 acre ranch in northern California. He's still doing leather work for a living but is trying to found and license his own tour bus company to take people hiking, skiing, beachcombing, mountaineering and birdwatching. He sees Dan Shur­man x71 and Mary Lamprech '70 occasionally.

Michael Smith is studying Old Irish at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies "trying, at present, to figure out the semantics of various syntag­mata involving the definite article, wi h the historical relations etween them: nine little idioms and how they grew."

John Westlie is a teaching assistant in French at the University of Minne­sota.

David Adams writes that he is "in service to Satguru Shri San Ji Ma­haraj ," teaching in a small tutorial project operated by the Divine United Organizations in Denver, Colo. He teaches music and gardening to small first , sixth and ninth grade classes and is also helping to design and direct a teacher-training program. He saw Andy Roman '72, Bob Dudney x72, and Kathy Wallens '72 at the Millen­ium 73 Festival in Houston. Dudney, says Adams, is going to medical school at the University of Texa . He ha also met Forrest Beyers x70, who is living and working in Denver. He has heard from Don Gervich '7 1, who was selected to be part of a one year experimental project at the Kentucky State Mental Health Hospital in Lexington.

Patti and Brandt Anderson. Patti is now halfway through law school at Harvard. Brandt is programming for an engineering firm and trying to decide whether to go back to MIT in architecture.

Susan Alkema da Silva. Su aJ and Luis spent la t summer touring the U.S. and camping. Moved to Chicago where Luis is working at a bank. Susan is working for an insurance company. She has seen Dan Boehmer '70, who recently was married, and Shelley Schlicker x67, who is working for Continental Bank.

Jean Feingold i in Gaine vHle "struggling to find decent employ­ment amid a dense forest of type­writers." Jean bought an old house, rents a room to Tim Kohler '72. She i starting graduate school in business and welcomes old friends.

Susan Kuntz, from East Calais, Vt. writes "I am still doing the same things but now we have chicken . "

Dan Parker spent two years at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington and now is studying the piano and living in Silver Spring. Has seen Ken Hass x71 in Washington.

Ann Woodward Sterling is working in surgery with an ear surgeon in Flint, Mich.

Janet Tokerud expects to complete her M.A. in sociology at University of California San Francisco Medical Center. She al o is working half time as an evaluation research assistant for a county criminal justice agency. Her master's paper is on "Unescorted Women in Public Places."

Barbara Van SickJe is studying scientoJogy in San Francisco.

Tom Weislocher writes from Columbia. Mo. that he is back in school majoring in music.

Demian Patricia Wood is in Atlanta proceeding with her M.A. in psychol­ogy and working for Dekalb County Health Department in the program planning division. She notes that Cabell Marshall '7 J is at the U. of Georgia working on her law degree.

Louise Armstrong is now studying law at the University of Texas.

William M. Bainbridge is now with the Miami Symphony Orchestra.

Martha Beauchamp in July 1972 joined Campus-Free College, which is a non-residential nationwide college. Worked at a feminist day care center in Iowa City until last year when he went to Hartford to do student teach­ing at Shanti School, an alternative public high school modeled after Park­way Program of Philadelphia. She was to have graduated from CFC in Jan­uary and to be certified in New Hampshire as secondary teacher of social studies and home economics. Plans to work at Shanti till June and teach at an alternative high school in the fall.

flCf) ?J<ZJ (continued)

Jack Cou ·ineau is 111 ew York City and is a double bass major at Man­hattan School of 1u:sic.

John Dohrmann just finished two month at sea in the eastern tropical Pacific on a tuna supcrseiner tudying porpoises. He was then returning to Woods Hole to the National Marine Fish erie Service laboratory. Has applied to oceanography graduate chool and considering medical chool.

Michael Huffaker is in Boulder at the University of Colorado doing undergraduate work in linguistics and computers.

Tim Kohler, as noted above, is at the University of Florida tudying y tern ecology. "Tell Shawn Gargag­

liano x71 to write."

Kenneth F. Moore. Ken' been job­hopping; developing Ektachrome film, packing orders in a wholesale import finn; photographer's a sistant; sold au to tire for a chain store; occasional free lance photography. Took summer Smithsonian workshop and hopes to go back to school in fall to study photography and film.

Andy Roman, through his old roommate, David Adams '71, went out to investigate Guru Maharaj Ji, "and I received His knowledge about two months ago." ow he's back at Koinonia Fann in Georgia completing his CO senrice.

Barbara Tyroler is teaching open classroom public elementary school in

Chapel Hill, .C. after 'pendmg a year at U. of M ·sachusetts earning her M. ·d.

Nancy M. Wright spent two years in the Marine Corps after leaving New College and counts it ''one of the best educational and personal experiences l'v' ever had." She' now in Auburn, N.Y. and preparing for a career in accounting.

Su an Lana Zuckerman is a part­time math in tructor at Duke and will receive an M.A. in May. She will then go on for a masters in computer science.

Vincent Cox is a fir t year law student at State University of New York-Buffalo.

Kacie Cri p is a graduate student at the California School of Professional Psychology in Los Angeles. She plans for her M.A. in 1975 and hopes to get her Ph.D. later. Part of her work, she write , is doing play and educational therapy three mornings a week with low income, emotionally disturbed preschool children.

Dougla Goodfriend writes that he is back from ix months in India and

epal, doing amateur anthropological research in South India and then touring the ubcontinent. Now he is a graduate student at Harvard U. 's Divinity School, majorin in the hi tory of religion with sped ic interests in folk aspects of South Indian Hinduism.

Lawrence A. Jeydel is a media planner at Grey Advertising, Inc., in

New York, placing recruitment adver­tising in appropriate media for the U.S. Navy.

Joel Judd says he is "attempting to keep head above water at University of Denver Law School and also skiing as much as possible."

Kirk Kerekes is doing studio-engine­ering for one of Leon Russell's pro­teges, a Nigerian by the name of Ambro e Campbell. He's also setting up a cable-radio (yes, radio) station oriented toward public access to the airwaves (cable waves?).

Lisa Kernan is working at Light Impressions, a photographic gallery and bookstore in Rochester, N.Y., doing some critical writing and work­ing on photography projects. She plans an April move to New York City.

Leslie Kinney is in New Haven, Conn., working in a bilingual (Span­ish-English) elementary school. She's also into community activities such as a food co-op, Women's Center. She writes that brother Charles '73 was married on December 29.

John F. Klein is director for Tulsa City-County government Channel 31.

Stephen Knapp writes that he is an ironworker in construction in Des Moines and making tentative plans to enroll at Prescott College next fall and if things go right, to spend the u me in the Yu on.

Dorothy Lacher is working on her Ma ter of Regional Planning at Cornell University.

David Land, who was graduated in 1973, earned his Masters of Agricul­tural Management and Resource Development from the University of Florida in March with a major m economic development and resource planning. Starting in mid-April, he will be employed by Arthur D. Little, Inc. in Cambridge, Mass., as a consultant in their food and agribusiness section, a job which he says will entail consider­able travel throughout the world, particularly to the less developed countries. "It may be of interest (and comfort) to the college to note that as a graduate of New College I had little difficulty with the graduate program here at Florida. In five terms I main­tained a 4.0 average ... Research and teaching assistantships are available, particularly here in the Food and Resource Economics Department. In addition, numerous fellowships become available after one or two terms if the student has done well."

Nora Lilligren has moved to British Columbia permanently where she is building a house. She took a course last fall in industrial first aid and now is interested in mid-wifery. She says she will be glad to answer questions from anyone interested in living in B.C. Sherry Litwin is "living with people synergistically at Finders in D.C." (])

fJCf/7}/J (continued) Charles MacKay is "head resident

of a donn full of freshmen straight out of the Fifties with political attituJes to matl:h, all scared to death that they might develop a commitment to something." Charles is parliamentarian of the Cornell Senate, excited about his thesis and hope to have his first draft done by June. He says that he has a chance of getting a couple of papers in philosophy publi hed. Wife Susan started graduate school in higher education counseling.

Joan Matthews helped create and now works with Georgia's pilot bail project, Cobb C<:>unty .Pretrial Court Services Program tn Manetta.

Lisa Anne Meaney has been earning a "meager living" a a craftsman and may open up a craft shop in Boulder, Colo.

Tom Newman is working at the Philadelphia Museum of Art making vid eo tap es, and studying at the


!Tear Alumni:

As you probably know, the New College Alumni Association is a reality - at least from a legal point of view. At the November meeting of the Board of Trustees, I presented a report to the Board outlining the structure and proposed activities of the Association. That report met with enthusiastic encouragement from the Board. I am writing to solicit your enthusiastic response to your Alumni Association. Only through alumni participation will the New College Alumni Association assume anything other than a simple legal reality.

At the present time, the Association is nothing more than a non-profit corporation under Georgia charter. Consultations with alumni attorneys led to incorporation so that the Association might enjoy the tax-free privileges of a non-profit corporation and at the arne time provide a means by which donations to the Association will be tax-deductible.

The act of incorporation required that a Board of Director be named and that corporate officer be de ignated. Solely to meet this legal requirement, the following officers and directors were selected: John Cranor, President; Roberta Luther, Vice-President; Thomas Todd,

Annenberg School of Communications at Penn.

Ike Palmore is on the teaching staff of Dade Community College and workmg on his masters through the t!niversity of Northern Colorado External Program.

William. Romine ts currently a graduate tellow at the Neurosciences Program, n ivcr ity of Alabama Medical Center 111 Birmingham. Romine is co-author of four cientific papers which have been accepted for publication, two in Nature one each in Federation (of Americat; SocJeties for Experimental Biology) Proceedings Abstract and Biophysical Society Abstract, and two more are under con ideration by similar journals.

Jay Shanken is doing graduate work in mathematics at Cornell University.

David Silverman is involved in a television production training program at KTCA-TV in St. PauL Minn.


ecretary- freasurer; William Chadwick, Nicholas Munger, Barbara Sieborowski, and Charles Raeburn, Directors. In addition, Jeanne Rosenberg is serving as an ad hoc Director by virtue of her position as Alumni Trustee. This current Board of Director i temporary and will erve until such time as a Board can be chosen by democratic means.

In November, I outlined five areas of alumni activity to the Board of Trustees. These areas were selected after extensive consultation with members of an ad hoc committee which was charged with Alumni Association organization at the Alumni Weekend in May, 1972. Following are the five areas and a brief description of each:

1. FUND RAISING - Alumni can be helpful to the Colleg~ _in identifying potential donors assJsting the College staff in making appeals to these donors, and, not insignificantly, making direct donations to the College.

2. SOCIAL AND INFORMA-TIONAL ORGANIZATlON - Alumni should organize and fund future re­unions, the Alumni Directory_,. an Alumni Newsletter; in addttlon,

Stan S k ubic is doing graduate studie in physics at Duke U.

Word was received in March of the death of Kathy Turck x73, in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn. area. De tails were not available. Kathy spent four terms at New College. In addition to her academic work she wa actively involved in Pr,oject REAL, in Sara ota United Need and in other community action programs.

Wendy E. Morrison has been working with a new corporation she helped to found, the Lansing Committee for Equal Justice Inc., coordinating pretrial efforts and is establishing a bail project for Ingham County, Mich. She i presently a staff member of the Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency and began work as a para-legal in March with the Greater Lansing Legal aid in Lansing.

alumni can furnish the College with vital information which is useful in reciUiting and fund-raising.

3. ADMISSIONS ASSISTANCE -Man al1lmni have already respQIJde..d_ to an appeal from the Admissions Office for assistance in identifying prospective students contacting them, and providing them with information on New College.

4. OFF-CAMPUS STUDY ASSIST­ANCE Alumni can be of assistance to New College students engaged in off-campus study programs by helping to arrange such programs, helping students find temporary housing, em­ployment, or transportation.

5. CAREER COUNSELING ASSIS­TANCE - Alumni can be active in this area by helping students to find interview opportunities, by providing insight into particular career areas, and by "sponsoring" New College students for jobs.

At present the New College ~lumni Association has few resources; m fact, the Association has almost no finan­cial resources, but hopefully, it does possess people resources. Anyone who attended New College is a member of the Association. At the present time, there are no dues, but please do not let that deter you from making a financial contribution if you are feel­ing especially flush.

(continued on mailing panel)

I would ask that you contact Abby Misemer c/o New College Public Rela­tions Office, P. 0. Box 1898, Sara­sota, Florida, 33578 and let her know which of the areas listed above are of interest to you, and more impor­tantly, in which of the areas you would be willing to work to help the College. Recently a number of small private colleges have been forced to close down their operations; reasons for this range from financial difficul­ties to lack of student intere t. New College, while solvent, is not by any means well-to-do. Any help you are able to give, either in money or your personal involvement, will be greatly appreciated and may help the College to avert the fate which has befallen other, not dissimilar, private institu­tions.

If you have questions or wish to make comments concerning the Alum­ni Association, 1 would be delighted to have you write to me. But please respond in some way.

Sincerely yours,

John M. Cranor, III, President New College Alumni Association 815 Eleventh St., So., Apt. No.2 Hopkins, Minnesota 55343

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