a life changing experience

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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This is something that i experienced and learned yet.



AIESEC: (Lahore Youth to Business Forum, Y2B5) This one organization brought a pioneering change in my life. AIESEC was founded in 1948 as a reaction to the world war since then strive for one common idea globally. Since almost last five years AIESEC is organizing a workshop for all graduates known as Lahore Youth to Business Forum (Y2B). Y2B is a platform that gathers youth towards business and creates a stage for youth to learn by participating as a delegate in the workshops. So I had a chance to participate in Y2B5. I and my fellows registered in a group as delegates. We named our group as Innovators. Before going to Y2B I had no idea that this would change my life and will bring adorable changes in all of us. In this annual workshop powered by AIESEC, motivational speakers were invited to share their experiences of life with the youth. BREAKING STEREOTYPES: The basic subject or agenda of Y2B5 was Breaking Stereotypes or having a mission of Redefining Talent. I and my fellows were so excited. Workshop was held at ALI INSTITUTE on Ferozpur Road. DAY 1: Finally, the day which changed our lives came and we went there. Y2Bs management confirmed our registration first then they gave us delegate cards and a t-shirt was also given to everyone. Before entering that auditorium I was one of those guys who aim so high in their life but they really dont know what to do to achieve their goals and aims. But this workshop added a firm believe inside me that you dont need any opportunity to be an efficacious person in this world, all what you need is a strong and fixed determination inside you. Well finally we sat in the hall and around 10 a.m. the workshop finally started. The dressing code for DAY 1 was semi-formal I was excited for the speakers as well. The president of AIESEC Lahore applauded all the delegates sitting inside the auditorium and welcomed them. After the welcome speech the host finally invited the first speaker on stage Mr. Nadeem Chauhan.

SESSION WITH NADEEM CHAUHAN:Nadeem Chauhan is known for his magical motivational speeches, hes also known as magician and a storyteller as well. Hes the CEO of company called Carnelian. He was just literally amazing. He started his speech with two magical words YUB YUB. He told us that his mum used to call him with this nick YUB YUB. He enthused us using this YUB YUB words throughout his speech. He said there is some section of motivation inside us, all we need to do is to get out of our comfort zones and let that motivation come out. Dont give up on things so early if you really wanted to be an efficacious person. Dont wait for the success to come up on your door, Stand up again and again and learn from your imperfections and keep on knocking the door of success until it gets opened. According to him to be the most successful person you dont need to be smart, in fact you need to be over smart. See the world in odd one out way set your ideologies by yourself. I still remember his one quote that was really motivating especially for a lazy like me. He said One day lazy will inherit the earth. To be precise, you just need to do a draw a map of what you are aiming to accomplish in your life and that map is called IMAGINATION. Think decent and that decency would lead you towards your goal.

SESSION WITH MR.OMAIR RANA:Without waist of any time the anchor called the next speaker of the day 1 Mr. Omair Rana.Omair Rana (born January 31, 1978) is a Pakistani actor and theatre director. He had his early education in University College Lahore (UCL), which was instrumental in polishing his acting skills. In the course of his career development, he also undertook a number of internships including one with the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry. He runs his theatre company by the name of Real Entertainment Productions that was founded in 2000 and has done over 50 plays ever since. ROLE OF IMAGINATION:Well besides acting I really had no idea that this guy is an amazing speaker as well. This guy taught us almost the same thing Nadeem Chauhan also mentioned that IMAGINATION is the whole thing. According to him instead of being an adult, be colorful. Try to visualize one thing in colorful ways. One day youll find something odd one out, something exciting in those colors which will help you to find the way towards your goal. Try to be more constructive towards your imagination. Theres only execution of your imagination that makes difference. So the main agenda of his speech was Imagination is a willing suspension of your belief.

LUNCH BREAK:After having two continuous sessions, they announced lunch break for almost an hour. During that break delegates were allowed to talk or discuss anything they want to. We took selfies and pictures with speakers as well.While having a jolly chat with Mr. Nadeem Chauhan I asked him a question. I asked! Sir, At times in your life a phase comes when you get surrounded with depression all over and it gets really hard to get rid of it, So what to do in that phase of life ? The answer he gave was really cool. He said; theres no depression, its just a ghost inside you that finishes or at times kills your willpower and self-determination. That ghost is called NEGATIVITY of perceiving things. He said as I said in my speech as well that get out of your comfort zones ,be over smart and become a manipulator and stay consistent towards your goal that. Then I asked same question from Mr. Omair Rana to know his perspective. He answered almost same, that make yourself strong enough and tell that depressive phase, DUDE YOU CANT LET ME DOWN! At the end of your day draw a graph of your whole day. Then check that graph again n again do the analysis of your graph and see it in so many colorful ways and at the end youll definitely find something positive INSHALLAH.ENDING SESSION & BORNR FIRE:After having lunch break of an hour we all came back in auditorium for the final session of the day. Final session included panel of five women working in different areas. Famous media anchor Maria Memon was also the part of the panel. Other panelist included and IT expert, Psychiatrist and women whos running saloon.They talked on women empowerment. The basic purpose of them was to tell them that how important is the role of women in the prosperity of this country. This session was also very innovative. Later, in the end of the day 1 AIESEC arranged born fire and a concert. We all had great fun took lots of pictures, dancing and gossips with a cup of coffee made it more pleasing. So over all day one was a great experience.DAY 2:This was more exciting experience than the previous one. They started around almost 10 a.m. in the morning after all delegates arrived. Everyone was so enthusiastic for the speakers. SAAD AMANULLAH KHAN was the first speaker of the day 2.Hes the CEO of gillete Pakistan and X-CEO of Proctal and Gambel.He is considered in top 10 CEOs of PAKISTAN and hes ranked at 3rd in list.He shared his story that how he improved Gilletes perfomance in the market and made Gillete one of those imerging brands in the country. According to him,you dont need oppourtunity to become an enteperneur , all what you need is strong guts of determination inside you.Those guts will lead you towards your goal.So he was also very inspiring personality and what he delivered was also very motivating.The next was also mesmerizing one for everyone. The next session was of Sohail Zindanis.

SESSION WITH SOHAIL ZINDANI :Sohail Zindani is highly ranked motivational speakers , trainers in this country and beside this he is one of those influential learning and OD Expert in Pakistan.He also the Founde of Learning Minds Group, (LMG) , a firm providing a platform to promote learniing , improving companies and enriching lives.This guy was truly appealing speaker who has the ability to engage the attention of the audience.Thats what he did in his session he truly attracted all the delegates through his speech.He started his talk with asking a question from all the audience present in the hall. He asked ! WHAT YOU GUYS THINK ? FOR BEING A SUCCESSFUL PERSON YOU NEED TO GROOM YOUR MERITS OR DE MERITS ?. Most of the audience answered that we neeed to polish our de-merits and work on our weaknesses. He said this where we lack , this what we do most and spend our whole life in improving those things in which we are not good enough. According to him instead of working on those things again and again in which we are not that much expert, we better do hard work on things in which we feel we are specialists. So, the main point of his speech was deliever your hard work in things that make you feel comfortable , that makes you say YES IM PRO IN IT. Just work on your positvie things and make them your main tool or ingredient to reach your goal.Beside this he also shared two strategies with us that can help you to construct your stregths.

STRATEGY #1:According to his 1st strategy first what you need to do is set your goal and then decide your mission and then note it down. He said, stay passionate and ethical towards what you want to accomplish and be a positive thinker that you can do it. Just think about yourself and dont get demoralize about what others say about you.STRATEGY #2:According to his next strategy he said you need personal excellence because excellence exhibits your vision, try to stretch your mentality and whenever you feel that you cant do it then question yourself that why cant I? I can do it..! Stay positively focused because positive focus enlarges your vision or your circle of influence. Now, the point is how can you find your own strengths?HOW CAN YOU FIND YOUR STRENGTHS?To, find your strengths you need to do firstly is to wish anything beyond fields you want to accomplish. Secondly, start rapid learning on thing that you can accomplish with flow, you never get tired of doing it. Thisll give you self-satisfaction and when you get appreciated in your field you will be able to find your strength. In the end, once you figure out your strong point give your whole life to it.This session was truly inspiring for each single delegate sitting in the auditorium when Sohail Zindani ended his speech, every single person in the hall stood on his feet and applauded him.

FINAL SESSION AND DINNER:Final session added more crisp in the whole workshop. It was with Moin Khan.This guy is a true patriot. As its everyones dream to travel around the world. Hes living his dream. In July 2011 Moin Khan journeyed on his 450-pound motorbike from SAN FRANCISCO to LAHORE. It was 20,000 miles journey that took him. When he reached Lahore, some six months, 22 countries and two accidents (resulting in three broken ribs, broken shoulder, fractured thumb and damage wrists).So he shared all his story about his journey and he also showed us a documentary of his journey of all over Pakistan. It was truly tremendous watching that documentary. The main message was this country is truly heaven on earth. The message was for the whole world that PAKISTAN is a country where people love peace. Moin Khan was described as the Star of nation who has made a mark for Pakistan. He ended his speech by saying one thing that self-determination is the only key thatll lead you towards your destination, so just dont give up in your life and LOVE YOUR COUNTRY. He was also applauded hugely by the crowd in the hall. After closing ceremony we all gathered in the lawn everyone had dinner.

THE VERDICT:What I concluded from this amazing event is: Just dont ever tell yourself in life what you cant do because you can do it..!!

USAMA FARMANGive your feedbacks at :usamamanj123@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/usamamanj.15

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