a look at leader

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A Look at LEADERRima Berry

LEADER Co-ordinator3rd February 2015

It’s a European fund right?

What is LEADER?•An acronym - Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économique Rurale - ‘Links between actions for the development of the rural economy’.

•Developed as a European Community tool to promote the integrated, sustainable development of rural areas through a partnership approach.

Chronology (a bit of History)

•LEADER I (1991-1995) Experimental•LEADER II (1996-1999) Experimental•LEADER+ (2000-2006)

“Mainstreaming” of LEADER within EU’s rural development programme: European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development (EAFRD) leads to...•LEADER approach (2007-2013)

•LEADER (2014-2020)(More Later!)

What sets LEADER apart?

To sum•Not just a funding stream. A mechanism to tackle rural economic underperformance and deprivation through community economic development.

•A tool for rural communities: they know best their needs, helping communities help themselves.

•A way to mobilise local resources, build social capital and partnerships.

•An alternative to more classical development policies: ‘bottom-up’ versus ‘top-down’.

The LEADER Partnership ....a driving force..

...for innovationAssociating

Leads to

InterestsEngagement capacities

Know howPoints of view

Broader views

More effective implementation More mature


More sustainable actions

Different Partners

New associations of the areas ideas

This is your Area...Yes, it’s that big.

Yorkshire Dales LAGAnnual meeting

Informs strategic visionAppoints/Elects Executive board

Delegates decision making

Yorkshire Dales wider community

Review and Advisory Board

Annual LAG Performance review

Alignment with regional strategy

Executive Board(Decision making body)

Maximum 14Meets quarterly (minimum)

Delivers strategic visionOverview of Programme

Lead Partner (Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust)

Programme Co-ordinatorDevelopment of

Programme proposalsPublicity and


Accountable Body(North Yorkshire County Council)

Programme ManagerTechnical Appraisal

Financial AdministrationContract Holder

Defra Rural Payments Agency

RDPE Delivery

LAG Structure 2014-2020, Accountability:

The full Executive Group consists of the following Voting members:

6 Public Sector members, 8 non-public sectorSector: Organisation/sub-sectorPublic Sector

YNYER LEP/Leeds City Region LEP (advisory and non-voting).

Appointed from:4 Local Authorities (3 votes), 1 YDNPA, 2 AONB’s (1 vote), 1 NYCC.

Private Sector Elected from the LAG :1 Agriculture, 1 SME Business Support, 1 Forestry, 1 Tourism (VACANCY)3 SME rural business .

Voluntary/Community Sector Elected from the LAG :1 Tourism, Forestry, Agriculture, SME Business Support, or Community services sectors.

LAG Executive Membership 2014

A chair/vice person will: A chair/vice person will not:

•Make all members feel valued •Be the person who talks most at the meetings

•Strive for consensus, using his/her casting vote sparingly •Make all the decisions

•Listen to others •Allow one or two people to dominate meetings

•Encourage new faces where relevant •Cut people out of discussions

•Plan for the future •Allow meetings to become unproductive

•Make new members feel welcome •Make people feel foolish or useless

•Allow others to take responsibility •Force people to contribute to discussions

•Keep calm •Lose his/her temper•Know when to stand down •Stay too long

Chair and Vice Chair- a vital role

Chair and Vice Chair- Responsibilities

•Agree Agenda prior to meeting with Accountable Body•Sign off Minutes for approval•Summarise decisions and make sure everyone agrees•Allocate tasks where required•Keep meeting to time•Support everyone to get their views across•Clarify issues/positions before the meeting attempts to come to an agreement

AND it is to EVERYONE to support the Chair/Vice Chair in this role!

Consultation on YD LEADER 2014-20•“Scene setting” events •Public consultation events•Online Surveys•E news Burst•Consultation with local organisations, public sector, York, North Yorkshire & East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Leeds City Region LEP.•One to One with Business, Agriculture and Tourism Groups• Desk Review of Local Development Strategies

Vision of YD LEADER 2014-20“To grow a sustainable rural economy by developing diverse economic growth and creating sustainable communities, capitalising on the areas internationally recognised distinctive environment, landscape, culture and heritage.”

Aims of YD LEADER 2014-20Theme 1: Capitalising on a distinctive environment

and cultural landscape•To support and build on a distinctive, living, working and cultural landscape that tells the ongoing story of generations of people interacting with their environment and underpins a flourishing local economy. •To ensure farmers, landowners and other land-based businesses are managing profitable enterprises based on the sustainable use of the natural resources, landscape and cultural heritage of the Dales, providing jobs and other essential services to the local and regional economies. •To develop high quality recreational and tourism enterprise which build on the area’s communities, culture, heritage and environmentalresources.

Theme 2: Developing a diverse rural economy •To develop a vibrant, dynamic and diverse rural economy to increase economic prosperity, productivity and growth within the Yorkshire Dales LEADER area through the sustainable and creative development of rural businesses, communities, green infrastructure, the natural, cultural and heritage assets of the area.•To support local people to develop a culture of enterprise and innovation through the development of micro-businesses and start-up support which build upon the natural and heritage opportunities of the area.•To maximise the participation of local people and businesses in the growth of the rural economy, including training and innovative projects to give access to new employment opportunities, including enterprise, entrepreneurship and enhanced employability skills for local young people.

Theme 3: Creating sustainable communities  •To build on existing skills and confidence of people to create sustainable, vibrant, living communities, working within their own communities, and with other communities, sharing expertise and experience.•To sustain and support local rural services.

•Support for micro/small enterprise and farm diversification•Support for increasing farm productivity•Support for increasing forestry productivity•Support for rural tourism•Provision of rural services•Support for cultural and heritage activity.

Defra Main Policy Priorities for LEADER Investment

So using this and the agreed aims of each Yorkshire Dales Theme we developed 6 Strategic Priorities for action highlighting broad type of activity and agreed how much of a budget would be spent under each

Our Strategic Priorities for LEADER Investment

Priority 1: Strengthen the tourism industry building on the culture, heritage and natural assets, and the Dales identity. Priority 2: Improve the sustainability for upland land management in the Dales. Priority 3: Support the development of the local bioenergy and renewable energy supply chains.

Priority 4: Encourage entrepreneurship and enable business growth  Priority 5: Encourage the participation of young people and women in rural enterprise

Priority 6: Sustain and Enhance rural services.


H. Patchett. Programme ManagerR. Berry. LEADER Co-ordinator

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