a monthly newsletter for blessed savior lutheran church ... · christmas by candlelight dinner....

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A Monthly Newsletter for Blessed Savior Lutheran Church – February 2016

The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

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A Letter from Pastor Sander

“I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

Psalm 122:1 Dear Friends: One of the most beautiful times in the church year is Lent. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, February 10, 2016. Lent is the period of 40 days that precedes Easter (not counting the Sundays). Of all the seasons of the year, Lent is the most spiritually enriching. As we go through Lent, we hear the Passion of our Lord according to a compilation drawn from the four Gospels. Lent has to do with genuine faith, with a truthful and open relationship with our Father, with a sincere and contrite heart. The disciplines of Lent call for restricting the desires of the body, but focusing on the health of the soul.

On the five Wednesdays after Ash Wednesday, we’ll have a simple, but beautiful opportunity to worship and have a meal together. It is so wonderful to see all our young families bringing their children, perpetuating this tradition of the church which began some 1,600 years ago. I plead with our Confirmation Class parents: Please bring your children to these meals and services. It is part of our church life and an excellent way to grow in faith and love – which is exactly why Christian congregations exist!

I also appeal to all Blessed Savior members. These Lenten meals and services are excellent opportunities to build fellowship and a sense of community, a sense of belonging. We are enriched by the things to which we belong, not by the things that belong to us. We are also strengthened in our faith when we gather around the Lord’s Word twice a week! What do you say? Let’s give it a new start! Blessed Lent to all! Pastor Martinho Quirino Sander

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Camp LuWiSoMo

From DCE, Jaime Greene

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Put on the full armor of God,

so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Ephesians 6:10-11

Are you ready for summer? Camp LuWiSoMo is!! Camp LuWiSoMo is located on the banks of Round Lake, near Wild Rose, WI. It is a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and is dedicated to teaching the faith to kids from Preschool-High School in an outdoor setting.

For a full list of all the activities camp has to offer, as well as the dates of each camp,

please check out their website at www.luwisomo.org. The Board of Education is very pleased to partner with Camp LuWiSoMo in providing

an opportunity for Christian Education at their camps! If you choose to send your child(ren) to a 7 day camp, the Board will provide $100 toward your camp fees. If you choose to send your child(ren) to a shorter camp, the Board will provide $50 to camp fees. Subsidies are limited, as the Board has $500 to give out for the summer.

For more information, please contact Jim Reigles (Chairman of the Board of

Education), or Jaime Greene (DCE).

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THANK YOU - Due to an oversight, individual thank you notes were not sent for all those who assisted with the

Christmas by Candlelight Dinner. Belatedly, we would like to thank all those who helped make our Christmas by

Candlelight Dinner an enjoyable evening. Special thanks go to our table hostesses and all the men that helped

serve the dinner. We could not have done it without all of your assistance.

MITTEN TREE – Items from the mitten tree were delivered to Bethany Lutheran Church for their outreach to

the homeless and needy. We were able to send 388 items to provide warmth. The break down is: 54 ear warmers,

3 ear muffs, 24 items of kid’s clothing, 4 jackets, 1 snow pant, 1 fleece robe, 1 pair of boots, 12 leg & feet

warmers & socks, 134 hats, 102 gloves/mittens, 78 scarves, 1 quilt, and 17 fleece blankets.

Thank you to all who donated these needed items. We especially would like to thank the Homemakers Group, of

which Nancy Zimmer is a member, for their wonderful donation. Now is a great time to start picking up clearance

winter items for the 2016 mitten tree.

QUILTERS – After taking the month of December off, the quilters have been busy piecing quilts together. We

are hoping to have more quilts completed by the end of February.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Cile Hurlbut, who was called to her heavenly home in January.

Cile was a faithful quilter and will be very much missed by the quilting ladies.

We would love to have more hands to help with this project. Can’t make it every Wednesday? That’s ok….come

when you can. If you would be interested in piecing quilts at home, please contact Irma Lipke. Come and join us

for fun, fellowship and some stitching. Even if you can’t sew, there are many steps that are needed to complete

each quilt that require no sewing skill. Hope to see you at 9AM on Wednesday mornings.

BLESSING SHOPPE – Did you know that the Blessing Shoppe has Valentine cards? If not, then you haven’t

stopped to check out the pillowcase dresses that are on display either. Stop by and check the shoppe for both. Any

donations of bias tape would be wonderful to complete the pillowcase dresses. The dresses are not for sale, but

will be sent to Africa, Haiti and other nations. The dresses will change from time to time, to show just what fun

they are to make! The Blessing Shoppe also has cards, books and gifts items available.

YARN FOR MISSIONS – Yarn is now available in the Fellowship Hall to be used for mission projects. There is

plenty to complete many, many projects. Some ideas and instruction sheets are available also. Keep those needles


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TEDDY BEARS FOR MISSIONS – Someone kindly donated many colored fur

pieces and stuffing, that would be perfect to make teddy bears. These bears could be

sent anywhere, including the US, to be handed out to children in times of distress.

Contact Bev Krause if you are interested in helping make some of these teddy bears.

VALENTINES FOR BETHESDA – Valentine’s Day will be here shortly and each year the residents of the

Bethesda Group Homes look forward to receiving your cards. A list of names and a Valentine mailbox is located

in the Narthex. Please deposit your Valentines by February 7.


Please join us for our Women’s Ministries Meeting & Fellowship on Tuesday, February 2nd

at 6:30 p.m. in the

Church Fellowship Hall. Learn more about the special work of not only our Women’s Ministries mission and

activities, but also that of the S.O.S. Center, located in Milwaukee’s central city on North Avenue. Trish

Kagerbauer, the Center’s Director, will share more about this important mission with us. The SOS Center is a

non-profit social services agency that facilitates Christian care, educational instruction, after school programming,

and life skills activities for children and families from the SOS’s immediate neighborhood as well as other areas

of Milwaukee’s central city.

You are invited to attend the LWML Shrove Tuesday Prayer Service, "Wanted: Workers in God's Harvest

Field”. The service will take place on February 9th

at 9:00AM in the chapel of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church,

10025 W. North Ave., Wauwatosa. Refreshments and fellowship will follow.

Mark your calendars for the Women’s Ministries Spring Salad Supper on Tuesday, April 5th

at 6 p.m. in the

Church Fellowship Hall. Watch future bulletins, Messengers, and the WM Bulletin Board for more details.

Save the Date: Blessed Savior has the privilege of hosting the SWD-LWML Zone 3 Rally for our Zone 3 sister

congregations on Saturday, April 23rd

, 9:00 a.m. to 12-noon, in the Church Fellowship Hall. Rev. Russell Hurst,

M. Div., Chaplain, Vitas Healthcare, which provides hospice and palliative care services, will present “Running

from Shadows-Emotional Health for the Spirit.” Additional information will follow in weekly bulletins, the

March Messenger, and on the Women’s Ministries Bulletin Board.

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Do you have tons of old shoes cluttering up

your closet?

Are you looking for something

to do with them?

Please don’t just throw them out!

Blessed Savior will be collecting shoes of

any kind for Operation Give Hope Shoe

Drive from Sunday, January 31st through

February 21st. Every shoe will be sent to Haiti

to help families that cannot afford to eat or

pay to send their children to school. Please

tie paired shoes together, or if shoes do not

have ties, rubberband them together.

Questions? Email Carla at


Please join us for these services during the upcoming Lent season:

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 – 11:00AM & 6:30PM

Midweek Lent Services

(Lunch at 11:30AM, Dinner at 5:00PM)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – 11:00AM & 6:30PM

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 – 11:00AM & 6:30PM

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 – 11:00AM & 6:30PM

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 – 11:00AM & 6:30PM

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 – 11:00AM & 6:30PM

Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 20, 2016 – 8:00AM & 10:30AM

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, March 24, 2016 – 11:00AM & 7:00PM

Good Friday

Friday, March 25, 2016 – 1:00PM & 7:00PM

The Resurrection of Our Lord

Sunday, March 27, 2016 – 6:00AM, 8:00AM & 10:30AM (Breakfast at 7:00AM)

Save Your Shoes

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k Y

ou! The Board of Education would like to extend a great big

THANK YOU for all your support of our SCRIP program! At the beginning of 2015, the Board set a goal of selling $42,000 worth of gift cards throughout the year. Not only did we achieve that goal, but we blew past it, selling $47,000 worth of SCRIP cards!

We would greatly appreciate your continued support! The Board of Education set our goal for the 2016 SCRIP sales at $50,000! SCRIP cards will continue to be sold every week following the Worship Services. We will have a selection of cards available for immediate purchase at the table by the soda machine. You may also place an order by filling out an order form. Order forms are located near the SCRIP bulletin board in the hallway. Once completed, they can be placed in the SCRIP mailbox, along with your payment.

SCRIP cards are gift cards to various restaurants, gas stations, stores, etc. that are purchased at face value and can be used just as you would use any other gift card (some stores even allow you to pay your store credit card bill with a SCRIP card). Blessed Savior receives a percentage of each dollar we sell, and everything we raise goes to help provide tuition assistance to our parochial school families.

SENIORS It has been suggested that we name our new

seniors’ group, “Blessed Seniors”. What do you think?

In December several of us seniors visited Holy Cross

Lutheran Church to see over 500 nativities on display. It was

really a special thing to see. We were privileged to have the

owners of the nativities as our guides, especially as they

pointed out the many animals that are part of the scenes.

We would love your input about what you would like to do

for our next outing. Please contact Kathy Herbst with your

suggestions at (262) 784-9575. Keep watching the bulletin

for upcoming events.



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We were able to send out five packages to the USO in Bagram this past month. Another two boxes and all the

items collected in November will be sent. Don’t forget to continue to pick up an item or two for the USO when

you shop, so we can continue to send packages.

We received the following note:

“As the seasons commence, we’d like to send our warm gratitude for your

support of USO Bagram & our troops. Happy Holidays* B”

Included with the note was a USO Combat Cookbook that contains “expeditionary recipes straight from the

field”. This cookbook, although not for sale, will be on display in the Blessing Shoppe if you would like to look

through it.

The Postal Service gives us the opportunity to track the packages we send. Usually we can track them until they

reach Chicago where they go military mail. Occasionally, we have been able to track them to the APO zip code.

Surprisingly, these packages are getting there in five to six days!!

COUPONS – We are still working on the next shipment, which will go out in February or early March. Please

continue to collect, cut, trim and sort by month of expiration. If you are unable to cut and trim all the coupons,

just place the coupons in the collection box, as we have 2 ladies willing to do this. Food and nonfood coupons are

needed, and it’s ok if they’re expired because they can be used up to six months past the expiration date at

military installations overseas. Thank you to those who have been giving us their coupons.

STAMPS FOR THE WOUNDED – The box of stamps should be packed full in a week or so and will then be

mailed out to the Wounded Warrior Project. It is easy to help out – just remove the first class stamps from your

mail, leaving about ¼” around if possible. Bring them along with you to church and place in the military

collection box. If you want more information about this project, there is a brochure on the WM bulletin board.

CORRESPONDENCE – Cards and other items are regularly sent out to those on our military list. Place a note in

Cheryl Taves mailbox if you have a family member or friend you would like us to keep in contact with. Also,

please remember to let Cheryl know when there is a change of duty station, even if another permanent address has

not been assigned. Any returned mail will be place in your church mailbox.

HELMET LINERS – Our supply of helmet liners has been depleted. It is not too late to send them, so please

keep knitting! Yarn and directions are available in the fellowship hall. Thank you knitters for your past

donations….YOU ARE AWESOME!!

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The last week of January we celebrated Lutheran Schools week. The theme for the week was Life

Together in Christ. Each day we were able to share stories and activities with children about how we pray

together, learn together, serve together and play together in Christ! Families were invited to join us at the

beginning of the week for a Family Chapel. What a great way to start families praying together! In the middle

of the week, children came to school in pajamas and we snuggled around listening to stories of God’s love! The

week ended with the children coming to school dressed as an athlete and we played together! All week we

celebrated the fact that our lives are blessed by having Christ in them.

During January, our preschool classes discovered the world of winter, snow, and ice! As Wisconsin

weather tends to go, we were able to experience some snowy days and some icy cold days. 4K classes learned

about penguins that like to live where it is icy cold. We warmed up with a hot chocolate shop in the dramatic

play area of our room, where children could pretend to order and serve hot chocolate!

3K children had some fun reading books about snow and snowmen. We loved to make

our own snowmen! We even brought some snow inside to play in and observe it melt. 3K

children have been busy recognizing the letters in their names and putting them in the right

order. We continue to work on learning to recognize the numbers and count from 1 – 10!

Children in child care enjoyed going outside to play in the snow! Back inside they made

snowmen of their own and painted snowflakes of every shape and size!

This month we listened to stories about Jesus as a young boy. We learned about how he grew up into a

man who loved God. We talked about how He wants us to be “fishers of men” telling other people about God

and His love and asking them to follow Him. We talked about how Jesus called 12 disciples to follow him. We

also learned that we can all be disciples of Jesus, telling our friends and families about Jesus.

February is a good time for us to remember how important it is to be a good friend. As we get ready to

celebrate Valentine’s Day and share valentines with all of our friends, we remember that our very best friend is




Join us to see our classrooms and meet the teachers at an Open House on Monday, Feb. 8 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

We offer 3K and 4K preschool classes as well as a class for young 3 year olds, which we call PreThree.

Flexible child care is also available.

If you know someone who is looking for preschool or child care, please tell them about us!

February is our mission month!

Operation Give Hope collects shoes to send to families in Haiti. Carla Herried, a congregation member, is helping

us coordinate this effort with the church. Every shoe will be send to Haiti to help families. We will be helping

our children learn that not all children have shoes to wear. By bringing in a pair of shoes they have outgrown,

children can help out another child. What a wonderful and simple way for children to serve Christ by serving

others. We will also collect adult shoes. Our goal is to cover the tops of the children’s cubbies with shoes!

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February Birthdays & Anniversaries SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT

1 2

Bernice Bartlet

Elyssa Kingstad



Lori Rydlewicz

Adam Wrycha


Dan Wendorf


Betty Voss


Sylvia Carlson

Alisha Kaucic







Daniel Sutton




James Holsen



Derek &

Abbie Tonn

2 years

9 10



Nathaniel Kutcher



Kathryn Steib

David &

Kimberly Sievert

20 years





Tedd Carlson

Jason Sobczak





Phillip Cataldo

Riley McLeod

James Radcliffe

Robert &



26 years


Carl Senek






17 18



Jacob Wetjen





Gary Dwyer

Everett Fox

Scott Hippler


Shari Schulz

Tami Schwarz




Marian Welter

23 24

Peter Gutenberger

John & Wanda


48 years





Cathy Roloff







Ella Berger

Felitzia Mueller

Lauren Scherer




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Bible Class Schedule


9:15AM - Adult Bible Study Led by Pastor Sander

in Fellowship Hall 1 Timothy

9:15AM - Adult Bible Study Led by Jaime Greene

in Oswald Hall The Truth about Islam


9:30AM - Morning Bible Study Led by

Pastor Sander in Fellowship Hall

Old Testament


6:30AM - Adult Bible Study Led by Pastor Sander in

Fellowship Hall 1 Peter

9:15AM - Ladies' Bible Study Led by Jaime Greene,

DCE, in Fellowship Hall Women of the Bible

6:30PM - Home Bible Study In Gerry Burkee’s home

2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the Month Call 262-785-1109


8:00AM - Men’s Ministry Fellowship 2nd

Saturday of the Month in Fellowship Hall

The Book of Psalms

9:00AM - Bible Study

1st Saturday of the Month

Led by Debbie Volden at Gerry Burkee’s home


7:00PM - Adult Bible Study Led by

Shannon Krueger in Oswald Hall

YTD Offerings as of 12/31/2015

General Offerings : $54,089.12

General Expenses : $28,695.83


Other Offerings: $12,291.00

Other Expenses: $23,194.82


Total Offerings Less Expenses



January 3: 288

January 10: 217

January 17: 285

January 24: 322

January 31 (avg): 278

Average Sunday

January Attendance: 278

Membership Updates

Total Membership at End of January: 668

New Members: Stephen & Rebecca Dorniak, Nicholas, Nicole & Finley McDonald

Baptism: Jake Mohr

Membership Loss through Death: Lucile Hurlbut

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Martinho Q. Sander, Pastor


262-786-6465 ext. 11

Jaime Greene, DCE


262-786-6465 ext. 21

Kim Woller

Music Director


Kathy Wrycha

Business Administrator


262-786-6465 ext. 13

Lori Rydlewicz

Church Secretary


262-786-6465 ext. 10

Susan Murack

Preschool Director


262-786-6465 ext. 14

Bill Winzentsen

Mike Malone

Church Custodians


*Chairman Bruce Diener

*Vice Chairman Rick Krause

*Secretary Melanie Heimer

*Treasurer Jason Herried


Altar Guild Janet Steinhaus

*Board of Early Childhood Education Richard Hamann

*Board of Elders Bob Kunz

*Board of Evangelism & Missions To Be Announced

*Board of Parish Education Jim Reigles

*Board of Stewardship To Be Announced

*Board of Trustees Richard Rognsvoog

Extended Ministry Endowment Committee Karen Naumann

Greeter Coordinator Kevin Ganey

Lay Reader Coordinator Carla Herried

Nursery Roll Coordinator Carla Herried

Personnel Committee Rick Krause

Sunday School Superintendent Joy Ward

Women’s Ministries Julianne Boerner

* Church Council Member

Blessed Savior Lutheran Church

15250 W. Cleveland Avenue

New Berlin, WI 53151

262-786-6465 Fax: 262-786-6799

Email: blessedsavior.nb.lcms@gmail.com

The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod

Holy Communion

1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at 8:00AM

2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays at 10:30AM

1st, 3rd & 5th Thursdays at 7:00PM

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