a multimodal of traditional wedding ceremony

Post on 09-Dec-2016






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NIM: 088107006/LNG

Program Doktor (S3) Linguistik









Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Doktor dalam

Program Doktor Linguistik pada Program Pascasarjana Fakultas Ilmu

Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara di bawah pimpinan Pejabat Rektor

Universitas Sumatera Utara Prof. Subhilhar, M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Untuk dipertahankan dihadapan sidang Terbuka Senat

Universitas Sumatera Utara



NIM: 088107006/LNG

Program Doktor (S3) Linguistik









This research applied a multimodal analysis of a cultural discourse in order to

find out the meaning created by verbal and visual components.The methodology

was designed as a data-based, observational-based, and qualitative descriptive

type of research. The data sources of this research were verbal and visual texts

taken from thirteen procedures of Deli Malay Traditional Wedding Ceremony

(DMTWC) and the results of the verbal analysis shows that there are clear

correspondence with narrative structures in visual analysis. The dominant findings

of ideational elements of language such as Material (process), Goal (participant)

and Location of place (circumstance) are shown in the actions conducted by the

participant in the visual elements, who or what is affected by the process and

where the actions take place. The results are seen in the narrative structure of four

images realized in non-projective transactional action and reaction realized into

bidirectional realization and eleven images are showing projective processes

realized by verbal processes. Concerning to the interpersonal meaning, the

DMTWC offers information, the mood choices are mostly concerned with

declaratives. This verbal findings are also affirmed by visual elements which

show the represented participants do not create relationship with the viewer, since

there is no eye contact established. As for social distance, the participants in the

image are mostly taken in the medium close shots as they are cut off at the waist

indicating a public distance where there are more than four people around. The

viewers look at the pictures from a frontal view point and the image is represented

from a medium angle indicating no power difference established, showing the

equality between the participants and the viewers. The textual findings indicate

that the topical theme distributes the highest number in which participant type

dominate the first position. It means that the speaker presents more information

about who or what is involved in the action as the point of departure.

From a compositional perspective, who or what is involved in the action is

captured in sharper focus. The size of participants focused is bigger in relation to

other participants and the landscape accompanying the image. It is placed in the

foreground or the center to be the most eye-catching or the most salient element in

the composition. In addition, the color of participants‟ dresses, objects focused are

contrast to other characters in the composition, such as yellow is the most

dominant colour presents in the objects, clothes of main characters whereas it

indicates happiness and glory expected by the wed-couple and the whole family.

Keywords: ideational, interpersonal and textual, metafunction, multimodal,

verbal and visual components




Penelitian mengaplikasikan analisis multimodal terhadap wacana budaya untuk

menemukan makna yang diciptakan oleh komponen verbal dan visual yang

mengacu pada konsep analisis semiotik sosial. Metodologi penelitian ini

dirancang berdasarkan basis-data, basis-observasi dan penelitian deskriptif-

qualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah teks-teks verbal dan visual yang

diambil dari prosedur perayaan perkawinan adat Melayu Deli (DMTWC) yang

dilaksanakan dalam perkawinan Iqbal dan Lala. Hasil analisis transitivitas pada

tiga belas langkah perkawinan adat Melayu Deli menunjukkan ada keterkaitan

antara verbal dan visual yang diwakili dominasi proses: Material; partisipan: Gol,

sirkumstan: Lokasi / Tempat. Hasil verbal ini diperkuat oleh teks visual yang

memberi informasi kepada pembaca tentang aksi yang dilaksanakan, siapa dan

apa yang terafeksi oleh proses dan dimana aksi dilaksanakan. Hasil analisis visual

menunjukkan struktur narratif DMTWC terdiri dari empat image terealisasi dalam

aksi dan reaksi transaksional non-projectif yang terealisasi menjadi realisasi

bidireksional dan sebelas image merupakan proses projektif yang direalisasikan

oleh proses verbal. Berkenaan dengan makna interpersonal, teks DMTWC lebih

menawarkan informasi dengan pilihan Modus terbanyak adalah Deklaratif.

Temuan komponen verbal ini juga diperkuat oleh komponen visual yang

menunjukkan partisipan yang terlibat tidak membuat hubungan dengan

pengamat/pembaca karena tidak ada kontak mata, partisipan terlibat saling

melihat satu sama lain atau kepada obyek di dalam gambar (tepak,

payung,makanan). Terkait jarak sosial partisipan berada pada posisi public

(gambar diambil dengan medium close shots, pengambilan dari pinggang, di

sekelilingnya terlihat ada empat orang). Pembaca melihat gambar dari sudut

pandang depan (frontal point of view) yang memberinya perasaan terlibat dalam

peristiwa tersebut. Dalam hal ini tidak ada kekuasaan terbentuk antara partisipan

dan pembaca. Semua gambar direpresentasi dari medium angle, yang berimplikasi

pada kesamaan derajat antara pembaca dan partisipan dalam gambar. Hasil

analisis metafungsi tekstual menunjukkan Tema Topikal/ Partisipan paling

mendominasi. Klausa yang dimulai dengan tema partisipan menandakan bahwa

penutur lebih menonjolkan informasi tentang siapa, atau apa yang terlibat dalam

aksi sebagai titik awal percakapan. Dari persfektif komposisi, masing-masing

prosedur yang dilaksanakan dalam DMTWC dibidik pada fokus yang lebih tajam,

ukuran partisipan yang menjadi fokus umumnya lebih besar dibanding dengan

partisipan lain dan lanskap yang menyertai image biasanya di letakkan di latar

depan atau tengah agar menjadi unsur yang paling menonjol atau paling mendapat

perhatian. Selanjutnya, warna baju dan obyek-obyek yang menjadi fokus kontras

dengan karakter lain, seperti kuning merupakan warna dominan yang terlihat pada

obyek dan pakaian karakter inti. Karena warna kuning mengindikasikan

kebahagiaan, kesejahteraan seperti yang diharapkan oleh pengantin dan seluruh


Kata kunci: ideasional, interpersonal dan tekstual; metafungsi, multimodal


In the name of Allah SWT, the beneficent, the merciful, all praises be to Allah

SWT the Lord of the worlds Who has given the writer health and strength to

finish this dissertation as one of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in

Linguistics Program, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara.

In the process of completing this dissertation advice, assistance and supports

were given by many people. Therefore, she would like to express her deep

gratitude to:

1. Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara Prof. Dr.dr. H. Syahril Pasaribu,

DTM&H, M. Sc (CTM), Sp.A(K).

2. Director of Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Prof. Dr.

Ir. A.Rahim Matondang, M.SIE.

3. Dean of Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara, Dr. Syahron

Lubis, M.A.

4. Head of Study Program as well as Promotor, Prof. Tengku Silvana Sinar,

M.A. Ph.D., who has provided her invaluable help read, give corrections

and critical comments on the draft of the dissertation until its present form

5. Co- Promotors, Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete, and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed.

TESP. who have provided their invaluable help read, give corrections and

critical comments on the draft of the dissertation until its present form.

Her appreciation of gratitute also goes to the Board of Examiners and Reviewers :

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D. , Prof. Dr.Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., Prof. Dr.

Robert Sibarani, M.A, Prof. Dr. Suwardi Lubis, M.S., Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A

who have corrected, given comments, suggestions, and useful contribution to

improve the quality of this dissertation.

Her sincere thank also goes to Prof. Peter Collins and Dr. Roghaya Mahalli for

their invaluable help, suggestions and facilities related to research references

given during her following the Sandwhich Program in UNSW Sydney Australia.

Finally, her deep and warm gratitude is dedicated to her beloved parents the late

H. Kamaluddin Nasution, the late Hj. Rajiah. Her beloved brothers and sisters as

well as her beloved husband and children, H. Fadli A.Salam, S.Ag., Mehdi Fikri

S.T and Yuni Khairina, S.Pd. for their loves, encouragements, patience and

supports, without them all she means nothing.



Personal Data

Name : Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum.

Place / Date of birth : Medan, 14 December 1960

Gender : Female

Home Address : Jl. Belat 103 Medan

Phone Number : 081533175420

E-mail Address : rahmah_fbs@yahoo.com

Marital Status : Married

Spouse‟s Occupation : Civil Servant Employment

University : Universitas Negeri Medan

Faculty : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Department : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Name of Father : H. Kamaluddin Nasution

Name of Mother : Hj. Rajiah

Name of Husband : H. Fadli Abdul Salam, S.Ag.

Name of Children : Mehdi Fikri, S.T.

Yuni Khairina, SPd.

Academic Background:

1. Elementary School : SD Negeri No. 74 Medan (1967 -1972).

2. Junior High School : SMP Negeri IX Medan (1973 -1975).

3. Senior High School : SPG Swasta Pembangunan N.U Medan

(1976 – 1979)

4. S1 : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan

Seni IKIP Medan (1979 – 1986)

5. S2 : Prodi Linguistik, Program Pasca Sarjana USU

Medan (1999 -2002)

6. S3 : Program Doktor Linguistik Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

USU Medan (2008 – 2015)

Job Experience:

1987 – present Dosen Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris FBS – Unimed.

1984 - 1989 Teacher of English in SMA/SPG NU Medan

1991 - 1994 Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Dharmawangsa


2006 - 2008 Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi UMSU Medan.

2001 – 2010 Dosen STIE/STMIK IBBI Medan.

Training Programs:

2010 Workshop Pendidikan Profesi Guru (Yogyakarta)

2009 Sandwich Program – UNSW Australia (Oktober –

December 2009):

- Professional Practicum Program in School of Languages

and Linguistics UNSW-Australia.

- Academic English & Communication Skills in The

Learning Centre UNSW-Australia.

2009 Semiloka Aplikasi Program Konkordansi untuk Penelitian

Linguistik Korpus - Prodi Linguistik SPs USU Medan.

2009 Workshop Teknik Pembuatan Proposal Penelitian Hibah

Bersaing dan Fundamental – Lemlit Unimed.

1993 Course on Principle and Practice of TESOL – RELC


Researh Experience :

2002 Metaphors in Official and Private Decrees (S2-Thesis)

2003 The application of student Oriented Learning Method to

Improve Students‟ ability in Grammar (Dikti-LPTK)

2003 The application of student based teaching model to improve

students ability in English Grammar of SMU 18 students


2003 The Entrepreneurship Attitudes of Youngster Fisherpersons

of Melayu Deli Society in Medan (Dikti-Litdas)

2004 An Attempt to Improve students‟ Ability in Writing through

Error Analysis Method (Dana Rutin Unimed)

2005 The Use of Tense Medium Diagram as an attempt to

Decrease students‟ Misconception in Learning Tenses

(Dikti-PPTK and KPT)

2007 Analisis Model Jawaban atas Pertanyaan Yes-No Question

siswa SLTP Negeri Kota Medan (DIPA_DIKTI)

2011 Pemetaan dan Pengembangan Model Peningkatan Mutu

Pendidikan di Kabupaten Padang Lawas dan Padang Lawas

Utara Tahun 2011(DIT. LITABMAS)

Presentation: 2003 Metaphors in the Perspective of Systemic Functional

Linguistics (in PLU-3 Seminar –Medan)

2004 Perilaku Kewiraswastaan Remaja Nelayan Masyarakat

Melayu Deli di Kota Medan (Seminar Hasil Penelitian Dikti

– Jakarta)

2009 Modalities in Acehnese Language (in PLU-6 Internasional

Seminar – Medan)

2009 Multimodal Analysis of the Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Dynamics of the Malay Ethnic Group in North Sumatera.

(International Languages and linguistics Conference UNSW-

Sydney Australia)

2010 Realisasi Makna Antarpersona pada Koran Lokal Terbitan

Medan International (Seminar Language, Literature and

Culture in Southeast Asia. Pogram Sttudi Linguistik SPs

USU / Phuket Rajabhat University, Trang Campus Thailand)

2010 Nilai Budaya dalam Pantun. 5th

International Seminar on

Austronesian Languages and Literatures Linguistic Study

Program, Postgraduate program of Udayana University –


2010 Seminar Nasional Program Sandwich-like. Dir.Ketenagaan

Dirjen Pend.Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional

Dir.Ketenagaan Dirjen Pend.Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan


2012 Seminar Nasional Badan Kerjasama Perguruan Tinggi

Negeri Wilayah Barat Bidang Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan

Pengajaran – FKIP Universitas Bengkulu.

2012 International Seminar: Language, Literature, Culture, and

Education in Southeast Asia II. Thailand Bangkok


2006 Legal Documents and grammatical metaphors (in Jurnal

Ilmu Bahasa)

2009 Modalitas Dalam Bahasa Aceh MLU / Balai Bahasa Medan.

ISBN 978-979-98559-9-2

2010 Realisasi Makna Antarpersona pada Koran Lokal Terbitan

Medan. Program Studi Linguistik SPs – USU / Phuket

Rajabhat University, Trang Campus Thailand.

ISBN 978-602-97082-0-2.

2010 Nilai Budaya dalam Pantun. Universitas Udayana Bali.

ISBN 978.602.8566.797

2010 Realisasi Metafora Gramatikal Pada Surat Keputusan

Pegawai Negeri Sipil. English Department State University

of Medan & Masyarakat Linguistik Utara.

ISBN 979-3647-05-9

2011 Building Learner‟s Competence and Self-Confidence in

Speaking through Extra Credit Work. Jurnal Linguistik

Terapan Vol.8 No.1 Mei 2011.

2011 Pemetaan Bahasa Jawa di Medan. BAHAS no.82 Th.xxxviii

2011 ISSN: 085-8515

2012 Fungsi Ujar dalam Layanan Pesan Singkat (SMS Broadcast)

pada Flexi. FKIP Universitas Bengkulu.

ISBN 978-602-8043-30-4

2012 Transitivity in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Opening Speech

at the Fifth Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk

Reduction Yogyakarta, 23 October 2012.

ISBN: 978- 602- 17092-0-7

2013 Process of the Witch‟s Dialogues in Snow White and The

Huntsman Movie. Linguistica Journal of Linguistics of FBS

Unimed Vol.2 No.2 (2013) ISSN: 2301-5152.

2013 Process of A Schizophrenic‟s Dialogues in A Beautiful Mind

Movie. Linguistica Journal of Linguistics of FBS Unimed

Vol.2 No.1 (2013) ISSN: 2301-5152

2014 Methods of Teaching Reading to EFL Learners: A Case

Study. International Journal of Education & Literacy

Studies. ISSN: 2202-9478 Vol.2 No.2 April 2014.

2015 Ideational Meaning of Wedding Ceremony in Deli Malay‟s

Traditional Culture: A Multimodal Analysis. IOSR Journal

of Humanities and Social Sciences (IOSR-JHSS) Volume

20, Issue 2, Ver,1 (Feb.2015) Pp. 22-29 e- ISSN: 2279-0837,

p-ISSN: 2279-0845 www:iosrjournal.org



ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. i

ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………… ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... iii

CURRICULUM VITAE .............................................................................. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. ix

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF SYMBOLS ................................................................................... xv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................... xvi

LIST OF IMAGES ....................................................................................... xviii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1

1.1 Background ............................................................................ 1

1.2 The Formulation of the Research Problem ..................................... 12

1.3 The Objectives of the Research....................................................... 12

1.4 The Research Significance .............................................................. 13

1.5 The Scope of the Research .............................................................. 15

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE ......................................... 18

2.1 Theoretical Framework ................................................................... 18

2.2 Relevant Studies ............................................................................. 19

2.2.1 Multiparty interaction......................................................... 19

2.2.2 Compositional, interpersonal and representational meanings

in a children‟s narrative .................................................... 20

2.2.3 Analyzing the organitation of information in websites ...... 20

2.2.4 Konstruksi tekstual gender dalam teks iklan cetak ............ 21

2.2.5 A multimodal analysis of the tale of Peter Rabbit within

the Interpersonal Metafunction ........................................ 22

2.2.6 Kajian Multimodal Teks Tubuh Perempuan dalam

Film Dokumenter Nona Nyonya..................................... 22

2.2.7 Reading meaning through the Visual Images ................... 23

2.2.8 A Multimodal Analysis of Image-Text Relations in

Picture Books ................................................................... 24

2.2.9 Visual Images Interpretive Strategies in Multimodal Texts 24

2.2.10 Analisis Teks Iklan Cetak: Suatu Perspektif Multimodal ... 25

2.2.11 Fungsi textual dalam Wacana ............................................ 25

2.2.12 Representasi Ideologi Masyarakat Melayu Serdang Dalam

Teks Situasi dan Budaya .................................................... 26

2.2.13 Fungsi dan Implikasi Makna Logis pantun Melayu Deli

dan Serdang ..................................................................... 27

2.2.14 Phasal and Experiential Realizations in Lecture Discourse 28

2.2.15 Kearifan Lokal Berpantun Dalam Perkawinan Adat

Melayu Batubara .............................................................. 28

2.3 Multimodal Analysis ....................................................................... 30

2.4 The Systemic Functional Analysis ................................................. 31

2.4.1 Language and text ......................................................... 32

2.4.2 Choice and Meaning. .................................................... 33

2.4.3 Language and Context .................................................. 38

2.4.4 Metafunction ................................................................. 41

2.4.5 Summary of the SFL approach to language .................. 44

2.5 The Grammar Visual Design ......................................................... 45

2.5.1 Representing the world ................................................. 50

2.5.2 Interacting with Image. ................................................. 53

2.5.3 Composing Images ........................................................ 59

2.6 The Malay Wedding Process ......................................................... 64

2.6.1 Merisik .......................................................................... 66

2.6.2 Melamar, meminang dan bertunangan . ....................... 68

2.6.3 Akad nikah..................................................................... 71

2.6.4 Bersanding .................................................................... 82

2.6.5 Makan nasi hadap-hadapan.......................................... 83

2.7 Ideology, Power, and Ways of Life in Malay Culture ................... 83

2.8 Analysis Construction .................................................................. 85

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD ................................................. 87

3.1 Research Design ............................................................................. 87

3.2 Time and The Location of Research ............................................... 88

3.3 Data and Sources of Data ................................................................ 89

3.4 Method of Collecting Data .............................................................. 91

3.5 Method of Analyzing Data .............................................................. 92

3.5.1 Procedure ...................................................................... 94

3.6 Sample Analysis ............................................................................. 96

3.6.1 The example of verbal and visual analysis ................... 96 Analysis .................................................. 97 Analysis: ................................................. 99


FINDINGS OF THE VERBAL TEXTS ........................ 103

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 103

4.2 Verbal Analysis and Findings of the DMTWC Text through

Ideational, Interpersonal and Textual Meanings ............................ 106

4.2.1 Ideational Meaning ....................................................... 106

4.2.2 Interpersonal Meaning ................................................. 139

4.2.3 Textual Meaning .......................................................... 150


FINDINGS OF THE VISUAL IMAGES ......................... 163

5.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 163

5.2 Visual Analysis and Findings of the DMTWC Text through

Representional, Interactive and Compositional Meanings ............. 163

5.2.1 Representational Meaning ..................................................... 164 Starting The Marriage Ceremony............................. 164 The Process after akad nikah /Ijab Kabul ................. 169 The Ceremony of Welcoming the Groom‟s Arrival 171 Bersanding Ceremony ............................................... 181

5.2.2 Interactional Meaning ........................................................... 184 Starting Marriage Ceremony .................................. 185 After Akad Nikah ..................................................... 190 Welcoming Ceremony for the Groom‟s Arrival ....... 192 Sitting on the bridal couch ..................................... 200

5.2.3 Composional Meaning .......................................................... 201 Starting the Marriage Ceremony ............................. 203 After Akad Nikah ..................................................... 206 Welcoming Ceremony for the Groom‟s Arrival ....... 208 Sitting on the Bridal Couch ...................................... 216



DMTWC TEXT........................................................... 218

6.1 Visual and Verbal Relationship in thirteen procedures of

DMTWC Text ............................................................................. 218

6.1.1 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Buka Kata ............. 219

6.1.2 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Penyerahan Mahar 224

6.1.3 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Icip Rasa (tasting

various flavours of food) ............................................. 227

6.1.4 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Sembah Orang Tua

(Respectful Greeting to Parents) ................................ 230

6.1.5 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Hempang Batang

(Gateway Barrier) ......................................................... 233

6.1.6 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Bertukar Tepak

(Shifting The Tepak) .................................................. 235

6.1.7 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Bertukar Payung

(Exchanging The Umbrella) .......................................... 239

6.1.8 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Perang Bertih

(Spreading the potpourri) ........................................... 241

6.1.9 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Tari Persembahan

(welcoming the groom with a tribute a dance).............. 243

6.1.10 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Hempang Pintu

(Doorway Barrier) ...................................................... 246

6.1.11 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Hempang Kipas

(The Bridal Couch Barrier) ........................................ 248

6.1.12 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Tepung Tawar

(Spattering the Potpourri) ........................................... 251

6.1.13 Visual and Verbal Relationship in Makan Nasi Hadap-

Hadapan (Spreading the Meals) ................................ 254

6.2 Discussion ............................................................................. 256

6.2.1 Ideational or Representational Meaning ...................... 256

6.2.2 Interpersonal or Interactive Meaning ............................ 261

6.2.3 Textual or Compositional Meaning ............................. 265

CHAPTER VII : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION ....................... 271

7.1 Conclusions ............................................................................. 271

7.2 Suggestions ............................................................................. 278

REFERENCES ............................................................................. 279



Figure 2. 1 : System network of English personal pronoun (Eggins 2004: 202) .......... 34

Figure 2. 2 : Correlations between time frames and semogenesis (from Martin

and Rose 2008:318)................................................................................. 37

Figure 2. 3 : Narrative structures in visual image ( Kress and van Leeuwen

2006:74) .................................................................................................... 53

Figure 2. 4 : Analysis construction of visual and verbal components .......................... 85

Figure 3. 1 : Components of Data Analysis: Interactive Model (Miles &

Huberman, 1994: 12) ............................................................................... 94

Figure 3. 2 : Procedure of Analyzing Data ................................................................... 96



Tabel 2. 1 : Rank scale of the compositional hierachy of text (Eggins 2004: 126) .......................... 35

Tabel 2. 2 : A tri-stratal view of language as system(adopted from Eggins 2004: 19) ..................... 35

Tabel 2. 3 : Interactive Meanings (Kress van Leeuwen, 2006) ......................................................... 59

Tabel 2. 4 : Composing Images ........................................................................................................ 63

Tabel 2. 5 : Frameworks for Verbal and Visual Analysis ................................................................. 86

Tabel 3. 1 : Distribution of Clauses in Each Procedure of the Ceremony ........................................ 90

Table 4. 1 : Distribution of Clauses in Each Procedure of DMTWC Text ..................................... 105

Table 4. 2 : The distribution of experiential elements in buka kata ................................................ 108

Table 4. 3 : The distribution of experiential elements in Penyerahan Mahar ................................ 110

Table 4. 4 : The distribution of experiential elements in Icip Rasa . .............................................. 111

Table 4. 5 : The distribution of experiential elements in Sembah Orang tua ................................. 112

Table 4. 6 : The distribution of experiential elements in Hempang Batang. .................................. 113

Table 4. 7 : The distribution of experiential elements in Bertukar Tepak. ..................................... 114

Table 4. 8 : The distribution of experiential elements in Tukar Payung ........................................ 115

Table 4. 9 : The distribution of experiential elements in Perang Bertih ........................................ 116

Table 4. 10 : The distribution of experiential elements in Tari Persembahan ................................. 117

Table 4. 11 : The distribution of experiential elements in Hempang Pintu ...................................... 118

Table 4. 12 : The distribution of experiential elements in Hempang Kipas ..................................... 119

Table 4. 13 : The distribution of experiential elements in Tepung Tawar ........................................ 120

Table 4. 14 : The distribution of experiential elements in Makan nasi hadap- hadapan ................. 122

Table 4. 15 : Types of Processes in DMTWC text ........................................................................... 123

Table 4. 16 : Participants of Material Process ................................................................................. 126

Table 4. 17 : Participants of Mental Process .................................................................................... 127

Table 4. 18 : Participants of Relational Process (attributive) .......................................................... 127

Table 4. 19 : Participants of Relational Process (identification)...................................................... 128

Table 4. 20 : Participants of Verbal Process .................................................................................... 129

Table 4. 21 : Participants of Existential Process .............................................................................. 129

Table 4. 22 : Participants of Behavioral Process ............................................................................. 130

Table 4. 23 : The Frequency Distribution of Circumstances in DMTWC Text ............................... 131

Table 4.24 : The Degree of Interdependency and Logico-Semantic Relation of Expansion

Clause (Halliday, 2004: 395-419) ................................................................................ 133

Table 4.25 : The Degree of Interdependency and Logico-Semantic Relation of Projection

Clause (Halliday, 2004: 464-476) ................................................................................ 134

Table 4. 26 : The distribution of interdependency and logico semantic relation ............................. 134

Table 4. 27 : The Mood Type in each step of DMTWC text ............................................................ 140

Table 4. 28 : Modality in DMTWC Text .......................................................................................... 143

Table 4. 29: The Realization of Modulation Showing Obligation and Inclination in DMTWC

Text .............................................................................................................................. 144

Table 4.30 : The Realization of Modalization showing Probability and Usuality in DMTWC

text ............................................................................................................................... 147

Table 4. 31 : The distribution of themes .......................................................................................... 151

Table 4. 32 : The Theme in each step of DMTWC text.................................................................... 152


The degree of interdependency:

Parataxis (relationship of clauses with equal status): 1, 2, 3, etc.

Hypotaxis (relationship of clauses with different status): α, β, γ, etc.

Logico semantic relation:

Expansion : a) (=) elaboration

b) (+) extension

c) (x) enhancement

Projection : a) (“) locution

b) („) idea

(^) Followed by


DMTWC = Deli Malay Traditional Wedding Ceremony

AN = Akad Nikah

BK = Buka Kata

PM = Penyerahan Mahar

CR = Cicip Rasa

SO = Sembah Orang tua

HB = Hempang Batang

BT = Bertukar Tepak

TP = Tukar Payung

PB = Perang Bertih

Ta = Tari Persembahan

HP = Hempang Pintu

HK = Hempang Kipas

TT = Tepung Tawar

MH = Makan Nasi Hadap-hadapan

P = Pria

W = Wanita

PP = Pembawa acara dari pihak pengantin Pria (the representative

speaker or telangkai of the groom)

PW = Pembawa acara dari pihak pengantin Wanita (the representative

speaker or telangkai of the bride)

SFL = Systemic Functional Linguistics

GVD = Grammar Visual Design

Pro = Process

Mat = Material

Ment = Mental

Behavi = Behavioral

Rel = Relational

Id = identification

Att = Attributive

Poss = Possessive

Exist = Existential

Part = Participant

Ben. = Beneficiary

Phen. = Phenomenon

Circ = Circumstance

Acc = Accompaniment

Add = Additive

Cont. = Contigency

Com. = Commitative

Comp. = Comparison

Dist = Distance

Freq = Frequency

Loc . = Location

Voc = Vocative

Quest = Question

C Aj = Comment Adjunct

Mod = Modality

Cj = Conjunction

Cjv = Conjunctive

rel = Relative Pronoun

ctv = Continuative



Image 3.1 : Swapping the tepak. ........................................................................ 103

Image 5.1 : Giving tepak to welcome the guests and begin the ceremony ........ 169

Image 5.2 : Giving tepak to respond and tell the goal of coming ...................... 170

Image 5.3 : Giving tokens. ................................................................................. 172

Image 5.4 : Tasting some food as a symbol associated with the marriage life. . 174

Image 5.5 : Respecting and asking for parents‟ blessing. .................................. 176

Image 5.6 : Gateway Barrier (hempang batang) ................................................ 177

Image 5.7 : Two women are swapping the tepak ............................................... 178

Image 5.8 : Swapping the umbrellas .................................................................. 180

Image 5.9 : Spreading the poutpourri ................................................................. 181

Image 5.10 : Welcoming the groom and his party‟s arrival ................................. 182

Image 5.11 : A dancer is offering sirih to the guests ........................................... 184

Image 5.12 : Blocking on the doorway ................................................................ 185

Image 5.13 : Giving uncang emasbefore sitting on the „pelaminan‟ ................... 186

Image 5.14 : Blessing through spattering the tepung tawar................................. 188

Image 5.15 : The married couple are feeding each other ..................................... 190

Image 5.16 : Pushing a tepak to welcome and begin the ceremony .................... 192

Image 5.17 : Giving a tepak to tell the goal of coming ........................................ 195

Image 5.18 : Giving a token as a requirement to conduct the akad nikah .......... 196

Image 5.19 : Tasting various flavour of food . .................................................... 198

Image 5.20 : The bride and the groom are respecting their parents ..................... 199

Image 5.21 : Blocking the groom‟s way in Hempang Batang ............................ 201

Image 5.22 : Swapping the tepaks....................................................................... 202

Image 5.23 : Swapping umbrellas. ....................................................................... 203

Image 5.24 : The bride and the groom‟ s parties are spreading the potpourri .... 204

Image 5.25 : Welcoming the groom and his party with a tribute dance .............. 205

Image 5.26 : Welcoming the groom and his party by giving sirih in the tepak .. 206

Image 5.27 : Blocking the groom‟s way by the door ........................................... 207

Image 5.28 : Blocking the groom in front of the couch ...................................... 208

Image 5.29 : The Process of Congratulating the Newly-Married Couple............ 209

Image 5.30 : Spreading meals .............................................................................. 210

Image 5.31 : Giving the tepak as a symbol of welcoming ................................... 213

Image 5.32 : Giving the tepak as a respond of welcoming and telling the goal

of coming ................................................................................. …..214

Image 5.33 : Giving the tokens ........................................................................... 215

Image 5.34 : Tasting the various flavour of food ................................................. 216

Image 5.35 : Respectful greetings to parents ....................................................... 217

Image 5.36 : The gateway barrier ........................................................................ 218

Image 5.37 : Swapping the tepak ......................................................................... 219

Image 5.38 : Swapping the umbrella .................................................................... 220

Image 5.39 : Spreading the potpourri ................................................................... 221

Image 5.40 : Tribute dance to welcome the guests‟ arrival ................................. 222

Image 5.41 : Welcoming the grooms and his party by offering sirih in tepak .... 223

Image 5.42 : The doorway barrier ........................................................................ 224

Image 5.43 : The bridal couch barrier .................................................................. 225

Image 5.44 : Congratulating the newly-married couple....................................... 226

Image 5.45 : Spreading meals .............................................................................. 227

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