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International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 1

A new explicit dynamic path tracking controller usingGeneralized Predictive Control

Mohamed Krid, Faiz Benamar, and Roland Lenain

Abstract: Outdoor mobile robots has to perform operations more and more far and moreand more quickly. Therefore we are interested in design controller of fast rovers whichmake able autonomous mobile robot to move in natural environment at high velocity andfollowing a reference path. Taking into consideration the wheel slippage is of primaryimportance in this kind of conditions. The paper presents a path tracking controllerfor a fast rover which has independent front and rear steering. In the first step, thedynamic model of the vehicle moves on a horizontal plane was developed. Next, theprojection of the position of the vehicle in the absolute reference frame is used to define thekinematics non-linear model. We present a new approach to solve a tracking path problemby applying Non-linear Continuous-time Generalized Predictive Control (NCGPC). Thecontroller is based on the dynamic model of a bicycle like vehicle which considers thelateral slippage of wheels. The prediction model allows to anticipate future changes insetpoints in accordance with the dynamic constraints of the system. Experimental results,show a good control accuracy and appears to be robust with respect to environment androbot state changes.

Keywords: Mobile robot, Path tracking, Nonlinear Continuous-time Generalized Pre-dictive Control, Modeling.


The motion control of an unmanned Ground Ve-hicle (UGV) is often defined through a path or tra-jectory tracking problem. The reference path is ingeneral given by the high level controller i.e. the plan-ner and could be updated continuously as function ofactual environment conditions. Classically, this prob-lem is addressed using kinematic models in a Frenetframe (i.e attached to the path to be followed, see [1]).Such kind of models are moreover popular because ofthe simplicity of their structure [2] and their proper-ties of exact linearizability. Such models are basedon the popular Rolling Without Sliding (RWS) as-sumption, offering good performances in on-road ap-plications, and/or moving with limited speed (such asshown in [3], or in [4]). Nevertheless, as it can be ex-pected and well pointed out in [5] or [6], the motion innatural environment using the RWS assumption is nomore relevant. Accuracy in this kind of solution in-

This work was supported by the(e-mail: med.krid@gmail.com).Mohamed Krid, Faiz Benamar, ISIR - Institut des

Systemes Intelligents et Robotiques, Universite Pierre etMarie Curie Paris 6, CNRS UMR 7222 PARIS, 75252cedex 05, France. (e-mail: amar@isir.upmc.fr).

Roland Lenain, Irstea - Institut national de Rechercheen Sciences et Technologies pour l’Environnement etl’Agriculture, 63178 Aubiere cedex, France (e-mail:roland.lenain@irstea.fr).

deed decreases in a remarkable way when the vehicledynamics and the sliding become important mostlyfor high speed robots. This may penalize the robotictask execution when considering off road applicationssuch as defense, exploration or agriculture.

To face the uncertainty of the model and the groundperturbations, several approach may be investigated.First, sliding effects may be viewed as a perturbationof classical kinematic model [7], to be rejected by ro-bust control strategy [8]. Such point of view never-theless appears to be conservative, since an error hasfirst to occur before being compensated. A secondapproach, allowing to preserve a kinematic descrip-tion, lies in the consideration of an extended kine-matic model [9], [10]. Side-slip angles, defined as thedifference between tire orientation and actual speedvector direction permits to account for influence ofsliding into motion. These alternative models has torely on adaptive approach in order to indirectly es-timate the side-slip angles in real time. Such a con-trol strategy obtain satisfactory results whatever thegrip conditions, but the accuracy remains unsatisfac-tory at high speed, since dynamic phenomena are ne-glected. At important speed, dynamical effects areindeed no more negligible as well as actuator settlingtimes or sensor delays. As a result, dynamical mod-els have to be considered and predictive approaches tobe favored [10]. For instance, in [11], a predictive and

2 International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems

adaptive control law is developed to achieve off-road,path tracking at high speed working with several kindof motion model (extended kinematic and dynamic).Unfortunately, both kinematic and dynamic model re-mains non-linear and the above mentioned approachonly consider classical Model Predictive Control algo-rithm, requiring a partial inexact linearization.

In this paper, a Nonlinear Continuous-time Gener-alized Predictive Control (NCGPC) approach is pro-posed, and based only on a dynamic representationof a car like mobile robot. Contrarily to other pointof views, a linearization is not necessary, and dynam-ical effects are naturally considered by the model. Inorder to anticipate for transitions phases and com-pensate for consequent overshoots, the future path isconsidered, as well as the estimated future state. Thiscontrol strategy appeared in 1962 with Zadeh andWahlen works [12]. It was recognized in the worldindustry by [13] in the petrochemical field which isknown by the process dynamic length. Later the ap-proach was adopted to rapid systems [14] and [15]and mobile robotics [16] [17]. This control techniqueis used to ensure the path following task. In this case,the path prediction is achieved by taking into accountthe future changes during a constant horizon of pre-diction. Once the future position and path propertiesare estimated, a new control law for front steeringangle is computed, the performance of which are con-sidered to be independent from the robot longitudinalvelocity.

This paper is organized as follow. Section 2 first be-gins with a description of the vehicle dynamic modelwith 3 Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) and using a linearslippage model. A second step proposes the reformu-lation of the model with respect to the path trackingtasks. Using this model a on linear predictive controlis computed, dedicated to achieve an accurate pathtracking despite the dynamical phenomena and thebad grip conditions. After having brought the proofof stability, the performances of the control law areinvestigated through full scale experiments using anelectrical car like mobile robot.


2.1. Lateral dynamic model in robot frame

In this paper, the path tracking of a car like mobilerobot with four steering wheels is considered in a slip-pery surface and at relatively high speed. As a result,ideal grip conditions cannot be assumed and dynam-ical effects have to be taken into account. A dynami-cal model of vehicle should then have to be considered(see [18] for a collection of several approaches). Sincethe motion on the ground with respect to a knowntrajectory is here considered, complete three dimen-sional models are useless, and only a two dimensional

model is here considered. As depicted on the figure 1,the robot is viewed from top and only the motion isassumed to be achieved on flat horizontal plane. Acomplete model requires the knowledge of numerousparameters, and in this case, the vehicle horizontalplane motion is here mainly investigated. Moreover,the mobile robot is supposed to be symmetric withrespect to a vertical plane containing middle of rearand front axle, also containing the center of mass G.As a result, the robot is viewed as a bicycle, one wheeldescribing the front axle, and a second one dedicatedfor the rear axle. The robot motion can then be de-scribed with respect to the moving point G, using thefollowing notations, used all along the following of thepaper:

• R(X ,Y,Z): The frame attached to the ground

• R1(x1,y1,z1): The frame attached to the vehicle

• ψ: The vehicle yaw angle

• β f ,βr: The front and rear steering angles

• α f ,αr: The front and rear side-slip angle

• Vx,Vy: The longitudinal and lateral velocities ofthe chassis center of mass

• a,b: The front and rear vehicle half-wheelbases

• M: The vehicle mass

• Iz: The yaw-inertia moment

• Fx( f ,r),Fy( f ,r)

: The longitudinal and lateral tire forces

Using these notations, the dynamical model of therobot motion in the horizontal plane may be derived.Since only the lateral motion control with respect tothe path to be followed is addressed, the longitudinalforces are neglected Fx( f ,r)

= 0 and the longitudinal

velocity Vx is supposed to be slow varying Vx = 0, andmeasured. This assumption is not really restrictive.The forthcoming lateral control (using front and rearsteering angles β f ,βr), will indeed be computed tohave performances independent from the measuredvelocity.

The key point when computing a dynamic modelfor the vehicle motion lies in the expression of contactforces. In this approach the point is then to derive anexpression for Fy( f ,r)

, allowing to compute the motionequations. Various models were developed in orderto study the tire ground contact behavior and deter-mine analytical equations. One can first cite the con-tact models such as LuGre or Dahl model (defined forinstance in [19] or [20]), based on the dynamic fric-tion model. They are mainly representative of solidfriction, neglecting the elasticity of tire, and are of-ten not representative enough of the actual behavior,especially in off-road conditions. Another importantapproach is an empiric approach that conducted to”magic” formula such as the celebrated Pacejka for-mula [21] that express analytically the contact forces

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 3

Reference trajectory

Fig 1: Model of the four-wheeled mobile robot, withdynamics parameters.

with respect to the apparent side-slip angles. Such arelationship is deduced from experimental tests, andis parametrized by 12 parameters for the lateral ef-fort and 8 parameters for the longitudinal effort. Thefigure 2 illustrate the contact behavior through an ex-ample of a Pacejka model. The shape depends on thewheel vertical load, while the parameters to be identi-fied relies on the kind of tire, the pressure, the groundproperties. All this properties are difficult to obtainand appears to be variable when moving off road atimportant speed.

Nevertheless, contact models shows that the rela-tionship between forces and side-slip angles may beapproximated as a linear function when side-slip an-gles are considered to be small. This hypothesis isfor instance admitted in [22] in order to estimate forthe roll dynamics, or for the yaw dynamics in [23].The expression of lateral forces whatever need theknowledge of side-slip angles, which is hardly achiev-able by a direct measure. In order to overcome sucha difficulty, the researchers were brought to developobservers and indirect estimation for these variables,based on GPS and/or inertial measures (see [24] [25]).The estimation of side-slip angles together with theconsidered linear form of the lateral contact forces asexpressed by (1), then permits to simplify the motionequations for the mobile robot.

Fy( f ,r)= C( f ,r)α( f ,r) (1)

C f and Cr are, respectively, the tire cornering stiff-ness of the front and rear tires. These two parametersare estimated off-line and are assumed to be constant.Nevertheless, it considerably varies depending on thetype of the ground, and vertical load, and the as-sumption of constant and known grip conditions ishere supposed to be counterbalanced by the robust-ness of the approach. This permits to obtain a con-

−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15−6000







Slip angle (deg)


ral f




Linear model

Pseudo sliping area

Actual responseof the tire

Fig 2: Nonlinear tire behavior, reduced to a pseudosliping area.

stant dynamic matrix and to test a new controllerand its robustness with respect to parameters uncer-tainty. The side-slip angle α f ,r is defined as the anglebetween the wheel velocity and the longitudinal axisof the wheel itself. Assuming that side-slip angles arequite small (less than 10◦ in practice), we can use alinear model approximation of side-slip angle on thepseudo sliping area presented in figure 2, that is:

α f =Vy + aψ

Vx−β f ,αr =


Vx−βr (2)

As it has been pointed out, the paper is focusedon the lateral motion control (path tracking), on anhorizontal plane. As a result, In this paper, we fo-cus on the lateral dynamic and path tracking. As aresult, the longitudinal velocity Vx will be consideredconstant (Vx = 0), while longitudinal forces, togetherwith the gravity are considered to have no influenceon the robot motion. One can consequently derivethe dynamical model from fundamentals of dynam-ics, leading to model (3), using linear contact forces(see [18] for more details)(


)= A


)+ B

(β fβr


where A and B are 2×2 matrix of:

A =

[a11 a2a21 a22


2C f +CrM Vx

2 a C f−b CrMVx


2 a C f−b CrVxIz

2 a2C f +b2CrVxIz


B =

[b11 b2b21 b22


−2 C f

M−2 Cr


−2 a C fIz

2 b CrIz

4 International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems

This model is here defined in a frame attached tothe robot, giving the evolution of lateral velocity Vyand yaw rate (angular velocity ψ). Such equationsmay permit to act on a vehicle dynamics (such asESP) in parallel of a manual driving, but does notpermit to achieve autonomous control. In order to gofurther and achieve autonomous path tracking, themotion equations with respect to a desired trajectory(expressing successive positions in an absolute frame)has now to be computed from (3).

2.2. Modeling for path tracking control

The previous model (3) expresses the accelerationsin a frame attached to the robot. In this paper, trajec-tory tracking is considered, and the derivative of theposition as to be derived. As a result, the state spaceis enhanced with the orientation ψ and the robot ab-solute position (X ,Y ) of the robot in an absolute frameR. The trajectory to be followed is defined as a collec-tion of successive coordinates expressed in the sameabsolute frame. Considering the kinematic descrip-tion of the motion and the dynamic equations, onecan derive the following motion model, defining thederivative of the robot position and orientation.

Vx = 0Vy = a11Vy + a12Vψ + b11β f + b12βrVψ = a21Vy + a22Vψ + b21β f + b22βrψ = Vψ

X = Vx cosψ−Vy sinψ

Y = Vx sinψ +Vy cosψ


The output y to be controlled is defined by:

y =



while the control vector is composed of front and

rear steering axles, since Vx is supposed to be uncon-trolled in this paper:

u =

(β fβr

)The bad grip conditions together with the actua-

tor settling times generates delays and perturbationsdepreciating the accuracy of tracking task, see [9] forsome highlighting experiments, and the result section.This is especially the case at the high speed contextinvestigated in this paper. If bad grip conditions insteady state may be considered thanks to dynamicmodeling, the delay during transient phases in mo-bile robot behavior have to be anticipated. Since thedesired trajectory is entirely known by definition, apredictive control scheme may be applied. Neverthe-less, the model (4) is non linear. A linear kinematicmodel is often used [26] to simplify the controller

form. In our case, a non linear kinematic model ispreserved in order to improve the model relevancy.As a result, a Non-linear Continuous-time General-ized Predictive Control (NCGPC) is used in this pa-per and is developed in the next sections. Optimalcontrol problems are generally non-linear and there-fore, it generally does not have analytic solutions likethe linear-quadratic optimal control problem. TheNCGPC controller present a solution for a both prob-lems and simple to integrate in the robot calculator.


3.1. Multi-input multi-output non linear system

Predictive control is based on the minimization ofa quadratic cost function that is compounded by theerror between the predicted output and the reference.The advantage of this method is that it can be appliedto the non-linear systems in the state, whence thename ”Non-linear Continuous-time Generalized Pre-dictive Control” (NCGPC). The prediction is basedon a Taylor series expansion and knowledge derivedfrom the dynamic function of the system until thesaid order relative degree. In this section we presentthis technique applied to multi-multi-output systems(MIMO). Obviously, the method can be applied tosystems of single-input single-output (SISO), it is suf-ficient for it to reduce the size of the input and outputone. This technique was developed in [27] for a sys-tem whose output number is equal to the number ofentries. We generalize here for any system.

To introduce the design of NCGPC controller, wecan write the dynamic model (4) in the followingform:

x = f (x)+ ∑pi=1 gi(x)ui

y =(

h1(x), ..., hm(x)) (5)

where, the state vector x ∈ X ⊂ ℜn, the outputy ∈ Y ⊂ ℜm and input ui ∈ U ⊂ ℜp. The NCGPCcontroller minimizes a quadratic cost criterion whichis based on the difference between the predicted statey and a reference signal w. We denote ei(t) the errorbetween the output hi and the reference signal wi(t)at the time t and w =

(w1(t) ... wm(t)


ei(t) = hi(x(t))−wi(t) (6)

We can define the cost function as following

Ji =12

∫ Ti

0[ei(t + τ)]2dτ (7)

where Ti is the prediction horizon time of the ith

output hi and τ a given instant belonging to interval[t, t + Ti]. We deduce the global cost function J:

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 5

J =m


Ji =12



(∫ Ti

0[ei(t + τ)]2dτ


To derive the control law, we need to minimize theexpression (8) of the criterion with respect to controlu:


= 0p×1 (9)

Before defining the predicted error, we need to in-troduce the Lie derivatives of non-linear function. Then,we predict the output of our system and with the ref-erence trajectory we define the error prediction. Fi-nally we deduce the expression criterion and the con-trol law.

3.2. Lie derivatives

In this paper the standard geometric notation forLie derivatives is used. The Lie derivative of a outputfunction hi along f in x ∈ℜn, is giving by:

L f hi(x) =n



∂x j(x) fi(x) (10)

with 1≤ j ≤ p and 1≤ i≤m Inductively, we define

Lkf hi(x) = L f Lk−1

f hi(x) =∂Lk−1

f h

∂x(x) f (x) (11)

with L0f hi(x) = hi(x).

We define ρ a vector of relative degrees of a non-linear MIMO system. It is composed by the differentvalues of relative degree ρi of each output hi. Therelative degree of output is the minimum number ofderivative required to make explicit in it’s expressionone component of the input vector.

A non-linear MIMO system, of the form (5), has arelative degree vector ρ =

(ρ1(t) ... ρm(t)


x0 if:

1. Lg j Lkf hi(x)) = 0 for all 1≤ j ≤ p, for all k≺ ρi−1,

for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m and for all x in a neighborhoodof x0

2. the matrix D(x) of dimensionm×m dimensionm×p, called decoupling matrix, given by:

D(x) =


f h1(x) . . . LgpLρ1−1f h1(x)

.... . .


Lg1Lρm−1f hm(x) . . . LgpLρm−1

f hm(x)


is non-singular matrix in x = x0.

3.3. Error prediction

The way to predict the output y at (t + τ) is basedon the expansion in Taylor series. An approximationof the reference signal is done in the same way.

y(t + τ) =ρ



k!+ R(τ

ρ) (13)

The predicted output is rewritten in matrix form:

y(t +τ)∼=[

1 ττ2

2! · · · τρ







When the output y(t) and these derivatives up toorder τ. Then we can deduce the predicted output att + τ:

y(t + τ)∼=[

1 ττ2

2! · · · τρ


]Ly (15)


Ly =


L f h(x(t))...

Lρ−1f h(x(t))

f h(x(t))+ LgLρ−1f h(x(t))u(t)


Similarly, we can deduce the expression of w at t +τ

if we assume that the reference trajectory is known.The reference vector can be written as following:

w(t + τ)∼=[

1 ττ2

2! · · · τρ







So, we can define the predicted error at (t + τ) as:

ei(t + τ) = yi(t + τ)− wi(t + τ) (18)

With 1 ≤ i ≤ m and ei the predicted error of ith

output of the our system.In the next paragraph, we take the quadratic cri-

terion in its matrix form for the development of thecontrol law.

3.4. Synthesis control law

The criterion that we consider here is the sum of allquadratic criteria built on each outputs of the system.We can rewriting the criterion function Ji by defining(7) in the matrix form:

6 International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems


∂u= 0p×1 (19)

We denote:

Ei(t) =




and Λi(τ) =





and the prediction error can be written

ei(t + τ) = Λi(τ)Ei(t) (21)

To minimize the function cost (8) we can write:

Ji(t) =12

∫ Ti


i (t)Λti(τ)Λi(τ)Ei(t)dτ (22)

Since the vector Ei does not depend on τ but on t,

Ji(t) =12

Eti (t)

∫ Ti

ti(τ,ρi)Λi(τ,ρi)dτEi(t) (23)

For practical reasons, we denote the matrix Πi(Ti,ρi)of dimension (ρi +1)×(ρi +1), therefore we define theprediction matrix as follow:

Πi(Ti,ρi) =∫ Ti

ti(τ,ρi)Λi(τ,ρi)dτ (24)

Then the criterion function Ji can written as:

Ji(t) =12

Eti (t)Πi(Ti,ρi)Ei(t) (25)

Finally the global criterion function J are deducedin its matrix form:





∂ [Eti (t)Πi(Ti,ρi)Ei(t)]

∂u= 0p×1 (26)

and deduce that,








Πi(Ti,ρi)Ei(t) = 0p×1 (27)

from (15),(17),(18),(20), Ei can be written as follow

Ei(t) =

hi(x(t))−wi(t)L f hi(x(t))− wi(t)


L(ρi−1)f hi(x(t))−w(ρi−1)

i (t)

L(ρi)f hi(x(t))−w(ρi)

i (t)+ LgL(ρi−1)f hi u


to show up the control law expression,

Ei(t) = Epi +


[Lg1 L(ρi−1)

f hi · · · Lgp L(ρi−1)f hi







Epi =

hi(x(t))−wi(t)L f hi(x(t))− wi(t)


L(ρi−1)f hi(x(t))−w(ρi−1)

i (t)

L(ρi)f hi(x(t))−w(ρi)

i (t)








f hi...

LgpL(ρi−1)f hi



and hence




f hi...

LgpL(ρi−1)f hi


Πsi(Ti,ρi)Ei(t) = 0p×1 (32)

with Πsi is the last line of Πi matrix. After devel-

opment (more details in APPENDIX A), the matrixform of (32) can be deduced,

Lg1L(ρ1−1)f h1 · · · Lg1L(ρm−1)

f hm...

. . ....

LgpL(ρ1−1)f h1 · · · LgpL(ρm−1)

f hm




= 0p×1


D(x) is non-singular matrix in x = x0 (12), we candeduce that:




= 0m×1 (34)

To deduce the control law analytic expression, theequation (34) can be separating into two part (moredetails in APPENDIX A) as following

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 7

Πss D(x)



=− Πs


Lρ1f h1−w(ρ1)



Lρmf hm−w(ρm)



we denote,

Πss =

Πss1 0

. . .

0 Πssm


where Πssi corresponds to the last element of vector

Πsi , and

Πs =

Πs1 0

. . .

0 Πsm


To determine the control law u, we must calculatethe inverse of the matrix Dt(x)D(x). For this we as-sume that det(Dt(x)D(x)) is non-singular matrix.

Finally, the analytical expression of the control lawu can be written as follows:

u =−(Dt(x)D(x)

)−1 Dt(x) K Ep (38)

with D(x) decoupling matrix. The gain matrix Kand prediction error matrix Ep have the followingform:

K =

Πss1 0

. . .

0 Πssm

−1 Πs

1 0. . .

0 Πsm


Ep =


Lρ1f h1−w(ρ1)



Lρmf hm−w(ρm)



Remarque 1. The analytical expression of the controllaw u given by 38 is available not only to the nonlinearSISO system as presented in [27] but also to MIMOsystem.

After the development of the control law, one mustbe asked the question of the closed loop system’s sta-bility. In this paper, the analysis of the closed loopsystem’s stability is not detailed. To understand thisissue, more information can be found in the workof [28] [29] and [30]. From these studies can be con-cluded that in the case of NCGPC, the stability of theclosed loop system is guaranteed with the relative de-gree of each output is less than or equal to four, whichis the case in the studied system.


In the section 2, a non-linear model in the horizon-tal plane is developed. The output and the input ofthe system are y and u respectively and the referencesignal w of the reference path are known in advance.

Fig 3: Scheme of predictive reference trajectory.

The output of our system is defined as follow::

y(t) =




and the input of the system u by:

u =



(β fβr

)and the reference signal or trajectory w by:

w =



ψre fXre fYre f

We keep the same notation that is already used. It

begins with the functions hi.h1 = ψ

h2 = Xh3 = Y


8 International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems

To synthesize the control law, we must calculatethe vector relative degree ρ.

L f h1 = Vψ

L f h2 = Vx cosψ−Vy sinψ

L f h3 = Vx sinψ +Vy cosψ


We can deduce that ρi > 1 because for all i = 1,2,3,Lghi = 0. Then we apply a second time Lie derivative.

L2f h1 =

∂L f h1∂Vψ


L2f h2 =

∂L f h2∂Vy

f1 +∂L f h2


L2f h3 =

∂L f h3∂Vy

f1 +∂L f h3




f h1 = a21Vy + a22Vψ

L2f h2 =−sinψζh−VyVψ cosψ

L2f h3 = cosψζh−VyVψ sinψ


withζh =

(VxVψ + a11Vy + a12Vψ

)The different expressions of Lg j L f hi are non null for

all i = 1,2,3 and j = 1,2. Hence we can deduce thatall terms of the relative degree vector ρ are equal to2 : ρ =

(ρ1 ρ2


2 2).

Lg1L f h1 = b21Lg1L f h2 =−b11 sinψ

Lg1L f h3 = b11 cosψ


and Lg2L f h1 = b22

Lg2L f h2 =−b12 sinψ

Lg2L f h3 = b12 cosψ


and we deduce the decoupling matrix D(x):

D(x) =

b21 b22−b11 sinψ −b12 sinψ

b11 cosψ b12 cosψ


It’s verified that the matrix (Dt(x)D(x)) is invert-ible.

Calculating the prediction error matrix:

Ep =

h1−w1L f h1− w1L2

f h1− w1

h2−w2L f h2− w2L2

f h2− w2

h3−w3L f h3− w3L2

f h3− w3


ψ−w1Vψ − w1

a21Vy + a22Vψ − w1X−w2

Vx cosψ−Vy sinψ− w2−ζh sinψ−VyVψ cosψ− w2

Y −w3Vx sinψ +Vy cosψ− w3

ζh cosψ−VyVψ sinψ− w3


Calculating the gain matrix Ki for ei prediction er-ror, then we deduce the gain matrix K defined in (50).

Ki =[

103T 2





K =

K1 0 00 K2 00 0 K3


Finally the control input can be computed by (38).


The validation of the controller detailed in this pa-per has been achieved on a the mobile robot depictedon the figure 4. Manufactured by the Robosoft com-pany, this platform, called SPIDO figure shown onfigure (4), is electrically actuated, with two steeringaxles βF and βR, and four independent driving wheels.It is designed to move off-road with a speed up to10m/s. It weights m is equal to 530kg and the twohalf wheel base used in the control law expression area = 0.67m and b = 1.1m. The last parameter attachedto the robot design and required for the control is thevertical inertia Iz, which is approximated to 300kg.m2.In this application, the rear axle is not considered andset to zero, while the velocity control is not activated.As a result, the speed is regulated to a constant dur-ing each of the path tracking tests.

Fig 4: Experimental platform.

In order to proceed the motion control, the refer-ence trajectory as well as the robot position and ori-entation has to be known. The experimental platformis the all-terrain four-wheel steering vehicle depictedon is shown in Figure(4). The vehicle weight is 420kgand the front and rear half wheel base are respec-tively 0.62m and 0.58m. It is equipped with a RealTime Kinematic GPS (RTK-GPS). This sensor sup-plies a localization with respect to a reference stationwith the accuracy to within ±2cm.

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 9

25 30 35 40 45 50 5570







Fig 5: The reference trajectory.

25 30 35 40 45 50 5570







X [m]

Y [m


T=0.3sT=0.5sReference trajectoryT=0.6s

Fig 6: Trajectories at different prediction horizontime T = 0.5s, T = 0.3s and T = 0.6s

25 30 35 40 45 50 5570







X [m]

Y [m


Reference trajectoryTrajectory at Vx=4m/sTrajectory at Vx=2m/sTrajectory at Vx=3m/s

Fig 7: Comparison of trajectories at different veloci-ties

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50−0.4








Curvilinear abscissa [m]



r er




Angulair error at Vx=4m/sAngulair error at Vx=2m/sAngulair error at Vx=3m/s

Fig 8: Angular deviation prediction horizon time T =0.5s [rad]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50−0.4











Curvilinear abscissa [m]


ral e



Lateral error at Vx=4m/sLateral error at Vx=2m/sLateral error at Vx=3m/s

Fig 9: Lateral deviation prediction horizon time T =0.5s [m]

If control law (38) has implemented on the exper-imental platform, the matrix (Dt(x)D(x))−1 and Kcan be calculated off-line to lighten the real time cal-culation. We must find the closest three points inthe reference trajectory to the vehicle predicted posi-tion (Fig.3). Then we can deduce the reference sig-nal w = (w1,w2,w3) to calculated the prediction errormatrix E. In our case, the ground was wet grass ir-regular pattern, where the slip phenomena cannot beneglected. The path to be followed is recorded bya preliminary run achieved in manual driving. Theclassical O paths (Fig.5) was used for testing the con-troller at different velocities, it is plotted on (Fig.7).The lateral and angular error during the automaticfollowing of the reference trajectory has been recordedat different velocity (Fig.9) and (Fig.8).

At the same conditions (reference path, velocityand the type of the ground), we observe in Fig.6 adifference when we compare the path trajectory at dif-ferent prediction horizon times T = 0.5s and T = 0.6s.The following path tracking is better at predictionhorizon time T = 0.5s than T = 0.3s and T = 0.6s. The

10 International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems

gain matrix K defined by eq.(39)is inversely propor-tional to the prediction horizon T . So, the using forT = 0.6s decrease the gain K. In the other way, whenthe prediction horizon decreases by using T = 0.3s, theprediction distance ( in our case T ∗V x∗3 Fig.3) de-creases too. So, We can not increase or decrease theprediction horizon time infinitely. In our case, theprediction horizon T is chosen experimentally. Wewill try in future work, to find an optimal predictionhorizon. Therefore, we can deduce that the predictionhorizon depend on the dynamic of the system and notonly of the velocity Vx of the robot.

We must notice that our controller model is basedon constant front and rear cornering stiffnesses. Thisis not completely true when there is front/rear loadtransfer or changes of ground materials. But thanksto controller robustness, the control law ensure a tra-jectory tracking with low tracking error. The resultsobtained are comparable to those present in [31] inwhich the cornering stiffnesses is estimated on line.The presence and the variation of sliding phenomenaat high speed influence certainly the path followingbut the choice of robust controller can be able to sta-bilize the system and resolve this problems.

The tracking error during following the path wasrecorded and reported on (Fig.8) and (Fig.9). Wecompare the lateral and angular error at different ve-locities (2m/s, 3m/s and 4m/s) in (Fig.8) and (Fig.9)respectively. This results shows clearly the depen-dency of the non-linear control law to the velocity ofthe vehicle and we can deduce the maximum speedfor this path. In the validation task, the maximumvelocity of the experimental vehicle is 4m.s−1. Nev-ertheless, even at this speed, when the robot has totrack paths with small radii of curvature on slipperyground surface, then the relevance of the proposedapproach is demonstrated. Significant improvementsin robot behavior and in path tracking accuracy canbe recorded (Vx = 4m/s deduced from the relationMkV 2

x < µMg, where g: gravity, M: vehicle mass andµ is a constant).

It can be observed that the lateral error is moreimportant then the angular error when we compare(Fig.8) and (Fig.9). If we look closely the functioncost (8) and the error expression (6) we can deducethat there is no weighting between the different out-put of the system. In our case the lateral deviation ismore important then the angular deviation. So, theintroduction of weighting in the function cost to givepreferential treatment to the lateral error can reduceit .


In this paper, a non-linear predictive controller thatensures path tracking task for fast off-road robot is

proposed, validated and discussed. The control strat-egy based kinematics models and neglected the ve-hicle dynamic is enable to stabilize the robot on thereference trajectory because the sliding phenomenais very important and can not be neglected in ourcase. This phenomena has been explicitly taken intoaccount by combining the kinematics and dynamicsmodel of the vehicle. The controller is based on adynamic model of the vehicle which considers lateralwheel slippage. The latter could be significant andare unavoidable particularly when moving fast andcornering and when the ground surface is slippery.

This controller supply an analytical expression ofthe control input u that reduces the real time cal-culation which simplifies the implementation of thecontroller algorithm. The study proposed in this pa-per opens the way to integrated a variable predic-tion horizon and estimate the front and rear corneringstiffnesses C f and Cr that will be calculated on-line.In the other way, the prediction controller can be im-proved by introducing weighting on the error in thefunction cost.


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f h1...

LgpL(ρ1−1)f h1

Πs1(T1,ρ1)E1(t)+ · · ·+


f hm...

LgpL(ρm−1)f hm

Πsm(Tm,ρm)Em(t) = 0p×1 (A,1)





Πs1 0

. . .

0 Πsm

h1−w1L f h1− w1


Lρ1−1f h1−w(ρ1−1)


Lρ1f h1−w(ρ1)




Lg1L(ρi−1)f h1 · · · LgpL(ρi−1)

f h1

] u1...




hm−wmL f hm− wm


Lρ1−1f hm−w(ρm−1)


Lρmf hm−w(ρm)




Lg1L(ρi−1)f hm · · · LgpL(ρi−1)

f hm

] u1...



Πss1 0

. . .

0 Πssm

Lg1L(ρ1−1)f h1 · · · LgpL(ρ1−1)

f h1...

. . ....

Lg1L(ρm−1)f hm · · · LgpL(ρm−1)

f hm




Πs1 0

. . .

0 Πsm


Lρ1f h1−w(ρ1)



Lρmf hm−w(ρm)






)−1 Dt(x)

K1 0. . .

0 Km






Lρ1f h1−w(ρ1)



Lρmf hm−w(ρm)







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