a new kind of revolution

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A New Kind of Revolution. Chapter 21 Section 1. Key Terms. Industrial Revolution Enclosure movement Factors of production Cottage industry Factory Industrialization. Jethro Tull Richard Arkwright James Watt Robert Fulton. A Revolution in Great Britain . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



A New Kind of Revolution

Key Terms

Industrial RevolutionEnclosure movementFactors of productionCottage industryFactoryIndustrialization

Jethro TullRichard ArkwrightJames WattRobert Fulton

A Revolution in Great Britain

Humans and animals were main energy source

People began to develop water and steam power

Industrial Revolution-the era when the use of power driven machines was developed

Factors for Success

Exploration and colonization-provided raw materials such as cotton and fiber Colonies became new

markets Sea power brings in

raw material and send out manufactured goods because of strong navy

Factors of Success

Political stability-1700’s at home the country was a peace, commerce thrived

Government support-Parliament passed laws that favored business

Growth of private investment-private funding for research and development

Agricultural Factors

Most of research took place on farms

Jethro Tull-1701 invented the seed drill made planting grain

more efficientImproved livestock

breedingPotatoes were


Agricultural Factors

Increased food supplyPopulation grewWealthy landowners

combined fields to create large farms

Enclosure development-the fencing in of large farms

Threw countless farmers of their fields

Moved to the city for jobs

Britain’s Big Advantage

Factors of productions-land, labor and capitol

Land- means all of place’s natural resources Coal to burn as fuel Iron to make steel Water was the most

important Streams and rivers

turned waterwheels and generated power

Britain’s Big Advantage

Waterways provided transportation between mines, factories and markets

Mid 1700’s had 1000 miles of canals

Grew to 4,000 by 1800

Deep water ports for long distance shipping

Britain’s Big Advantage

Labor- had a growing population

Thousands lost their farmland

Entire families would go to work in an industry

Capitol-funds investment for business People with money to

spend People with skills inventors

A Revolution in Textiles

Began with textile industry

Cottage industry- a craft occupation performed at home

Industrialization-the process of changing to power driven machinery

A New Way to Make Cloth

Most fabric made of wool or cotton

Wool increased because of enclosure movement

Shipments of cotton came from the colonies

Slave labor made cotton farming more profitable

Great Britain bought more American cotton

A New Way of Making Cloth

Pulling seed from cotton by hand was time consuming

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin (machine)

Fiber was then spun into yarn

James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny

A New Way of Making Cloth

James Arkwright- made a machine that spun stronger, thinner thread

Thread woven into fabric

Use to be done a t home

Power Loom-larger faster weaving system

Cloth-making in Factories

New weavers too big for the home

Factory- a building that houses industrial machines

Needed supplies of power

Arkwright built the water frame spinning system

Went from 50,000 bolts of cloth to 400,000 in thirty years

Steam Powers the Revolution

1712 first steam engine

1800 - 500 of James Watts machines

Put to use in textile industry

Factories did not have to be built near water

Located where there was fuel and workers

Steam Powers the Revolution

Steam used for transportation

Richard Trevithick- used steam power for a locomotive

Robert Fulton used it for a steamship

1807 Clermont operated on the Hudson River

Steamships replace sailing ships

Coal for British Steam Engines

Steam engines require a lot of fuel

Wood was scarceHad a large supply of

coalCoal mining grew as

steam power grew1800 Great Britain

produced 80% of Europe's coal

Coal for British Steam Engines

Factories built near coal mines

Towns grew as factories and homes were built

Miners families experienced tragedies Explosions Coal dust Collapsing shafts Hard labor Children slid down

narrow shafts to pick coal

Industrialization Spreads

Western Europe, Americas

Asia and Africa did not industrialize in the 1800’s

Industry and the West

Western countries individual freedom a significant force

People enjoyed political liberty

People could compete Western societies

competition as goodWealth and fame was

the reward

Industry and the West

Westerners exploited other countries to compete

Competed to improve inventions or processes

Industry Comes to America

Britain outlawed the export of certain machines

Forbid skilled craftsman from leaving the country

1760- 1830 Industrial Revolution mainly in Great Britain

Industry comes to the America

United States one of the first places to benefit from Industrialization

1791 Alexander Hamilton (Secretary of the Treasury) Industrialization would

help the United States gain economic independence

Wanted government to bribe British citizens to brink knowledge to U.S.

Industry Comes to America

Samuel Slater came from Britain

Built a model of the water frame in Rhode Island

1793 built Slater’s Mill In Pawtucket Rhode island

Became the father of American industry

Industry Comes to America

Textile mill technology spreads

Lowell Massachusetts becomes the jewel of American Industry

Lowell’s mills were forty multistory buildings on a network of 6 miles of canals

Industry Comes to America

Lowell first all in one mill

Took raw cotton to fiber to finished cloth

Hired young single girls

Provided good wages and clean housing

10,000 workers employed by 1850

Industry Spreads to Europe

1807 William Cockerill founded a textile factory in Belgium

Political unrest delayed industrialization of France

1848 France becomes an industrial power

Treaties helped drop trade barriers

Industry in Asia

Although today Japan is one of the more industrialized nations

Took until 1868 for Industrial Revolution to take hold

Meiji government came to power modernized the country

Japan was ahead of its Asian neighbors

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