a note from mother susan - wordpress.com · 2020. 8. 9. · the rev. susan osborne-mott+ church of...

Post on 08-Oct-2020






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The Shepherd’s Crook The Church of the Good Shepherd

Pitman, NJ

“We Love Our Church”

The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector The Rev. Carl Dunn, Deacon

A Note from Mother Susan

Dear Beloved People of Good Shepherd,

I sent the following email to Bishop Stokes last week. He called me back almost immediately and

accepted my decision. Then I sent the same email to the wardens of our Vestry. Once I knew they

had received it, I sent it to our Vestry and staff and Deacon Carl. Now I am sending it to all of you.

Dear Bishop Stokes,

I just celebrated my 70th birthday. I believe that under normal circumstances (i.e., w/o Covid 19) the

diocese would be asking me when I plan to retire (hint, hint!).

With prayerful consideration and also considering my husband's ongoing battle with pancreatic cancer

and my own hopefully realistic sense of advancing age, I have decided that it would not serve God,

Good Shepherd, my family or myself for me to continue as priest of Good Shepherd for much longer.

So I have decided to retire.

If I had a sense of when the covid crisis might come to a close, and if that was within the next few

months, I might be able to continue on, but my life now is too full of distractions from my call. We love

Good Shepherd. We love New Jersey. But our children and most of our family are in Chicago and

Minnesota, so we will be returning to the Midwest. I believe that travel restrictions may become tighter

depending on virus surges and that could affect our eventual freedom of movement.

I am hoping to be able to leave near the end of September.


The Rev. Susan Osborne-Mott+

Church of the Good Shepherd, Pitman

I have loved being your priest. Good Shepherd is a strong, healthy church. I believe it is time for a

new priest with fewer distraction to come to you and take you further into the 21st Century.

With blessings,

Mother Susan+

September 2020



Shelter from the Storm

The title comes from an article written by Jill

Briscoe, a tremendous Christian leader who

has written over 50 books, served on the

boards of several organizations including

World Relief and Christianity Today. She was

born in 1934 in Liverpool and, as a young girl,

lived through the bombing of England during

World War II.

She writes, “Our family had fled bombs that

rained down on us one night, chasing us

hundreds of miles away into the Lake District –

William Wordsworth country. This area of

Britain kept the poets in business, and John

Keats’ ‘season of mists and mellow

fruitfulness’ became part of my heritage”.

Where they stayed, there was a thunderstorm

outside. She says, “I was old enough to

understand that a bigger storm was raging – a

war involving the entire world. But at that

moment it all seemed far away. My father was

sitting in his big chair. Suddenly, as if he were

aware that I needed a bit of reassurance, he

put down his paper and smiled at me. “Come

her, little girl”. I was safe in his arms. Lying

against his shoulder, feeling the beat of his

heart. What a grand place to be!”

When I read this, it just seemed right to share

it with you. For longer than we think, we have

been going through stressful, life changing

times. No matter our age, we yearn to hear

our heavenly Father call us to “come here” so

we can feel His love and safety. We need

those times so we can feel God’s heart beating

and so do all of those around us. I know I do.

Deacon Carl


We have changed our approach for collecting food

donations for the Pitman Food Pantry. Each week we

will be collecting a different food item. We

will announce the upcoming needed food item each

week in the trifold. Also we will have a monthly list here

in the Crook.

Since we are not at the church on the weekends you

could bring your donations directly to the pantry or Sue

Burkhard's house. Pantry hours - Tuesdays 6 to 7,

Wednesdays 4 to 5, Thursdays 12 to 1.

Food donations for September are:

9/5 & 6 – Cereal

9/12 & 13 – Canned Fruit

9/19 & 20 – Canned Vegetables

9/26 & 27 – Spaghetti Sauce

All donations are greatly appreciated and accepted.

During this time of uncertainty, please

know that Church of the Good Shepherd

will always be here for you. Please email

us or phone in your prayers so Mother

Susan and Deacon Carl can pray for you

specifically if you desire. Both of them are

calling parishioners to check up on you and

see how you are doing. We want to thank

you all for continuing to support Good

Shepherd by mailing in your pledges.


Mother Susan and Deacon Carl


If a Pastoral Emergency should come up for

you, hospitalization, death in the family,

please call the Church Office 856-589-8209 or

after office hours please call Mother Susan at




The Re-Opening Subcommittee has been working toward the goal of restarting in-person services in a safe and thoughtful manner. We have been following the guidance set by the Diocese and are near submitting our plan for the Bishop's approval. We encountered an unforeseen hurdle. I learned on the Lay Leaders' Call with the Diocese on Thursday evening that their offices will be closed for a mandatory vacation period ending on September 8. We were informed that if we did not have our plan into the Diocese by last Friday (August 14th), that the earliest we would see an approval would be September 13th. Obviously, we will not be reopening on August 23rd as first envisioned. We do NOT have a projected re-opening date at this time. When we do, we will share it.

In the meantime, we will -- continue to provide services electronically continue to develop our reopening plan.

Once the Vestry authorizes, we will submit our plan to the Diocese offices, even if they are closed. The Diocese is following a "first in line" approach and submitting it will allow us to open sooner than later.

continue to share updates with you as they are available

begin our work to prepare for Mother Susan's retirement

begin our work to prepare for an interim Rector

begin our work on the annual Stewardship Campaign

When I say "our", I do not necessarily mean "the Vestry". In most cases, "our" means the Parish and includes each of you. We all have a stake in the planning, future and outcome of the Parish. We have proven that Good Shepherd is more than a building. The Parish is us and we are the Parish.

In closing, I am reminded of the end of the Holy Eucharist service - And now, Father, send us

out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.

We still have some work to do.... Len



Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. We alter between

using a video series and using a book. We are

currently using Brian McLaren’s The Great

Spiritual Migration: How the World’s Largest

Religion is Seeking a Better Way to Be Christian.

This study will continue until October 1. Zoom ID

is 860 0220 4298.


We hope that everyone is staying safe and

careful during this time of the Covid-19 virus.

We are still not accepting clothes to be

delivered to Camden. St. Wilfrid’s clinic is still

not in operation so we have no outlet for them

at this time. Please do NOT drop anything off

at our house. We will be forced to dispose of

anything that we receive, due to the virus. We

promise to let you know when we are taking

clothing and shoes for distribution to Camden


Blessings, Deacon Carl and Ellie Dunn

Please Be Considerate of

Our Neighbors!

When you park near the church, please be

considerate of our neighbors and make sure you

have fully cleared their driveways. Thank you!


CHURCH MINISTRY LEADERS These are some of their names and numbers, if you have

any questions.

Rector - The Rev. Susan Osborne-Mott – 732-759-4358

Deacon - The Rev. Carl Dunn – 609-868-7102

Senior Warden – Len Clark – 856/582-1113

Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis – 856/357-3938

Treasurer - Lee Braidwood - 856/228-0737

Asst. Treasurer - George Funk - 856/232-0941

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Wayne Szalma – 856/469-3028

Women at the Well - Diane Wall - 856/374-9081

Altar Guild - Shelly Harris - 856/589-8160

Youth Group - Chelsea Richmond – 856-723-4123

2020 VESTRY LIAISONS Endowment Planning – Diane Wall

Personnel – Aimee Burgin

Youth Group & Activities – Lauren Kaltwasser

Sunday School – Brad Davies

Outreach Ministries – Dana Szilier

Newcomers/Greeters – Len Fedullo

Internal Ministries – Mel Caron

Columbarium – Diane Wall

Choir – Jeff Bathurst

Women at the Well - Diane Wall

Brotherhood of St. Andrew – Brad Davies

Adult Christian Education – Mel Caron

Website & Social Media – Len Fedullo

Creation Care Ministry – Lauren Kaltwasser

Stewardship Committee – Len Clark – Chair, Steve

Mackay (2020), Len Fedullo (2021), Jeff Bathurst


Senior Warden – Len Clark

Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis

Treasurer – Lee Braidwood

Clerk of the Vestry – Chuck Lezenby

Assistant Clerk of the Vestry –

Prayers for Parish Families For September

Skow family, Smith families, Snodgrass

families, and Snyder family


Soon we will be able to offer up prayers together in the church. And everyone will be invited to pray with a Pray-er Minister should they desire to. Until that time, please feel free to send your prayer requests to Mother Susan at revmomott@gmail.com. All requests will remain confidential.


In service to the greater community, Jenn Harrington continues to accept and deliver donations for the Pitman Food Pantry, whose needs have risen greatly due to the pandemic. Those who live close to Jenn can drop off at her house at 7 Trafalger Court in Sewell. If you live closer to Church, you may also leave donated food at Beth Portocalis' house at 301 Washington Avenue in Pitman. You may also leave donated items at the Pantry during their operational hours. (30 North Broadway, Pitman Tuesdays from 5:30 - 7:00 pm; Wednesdays from 3:30 - 5:00 pm; and Thursdays from 11:30 - 1:00 pm)


The deadline for the October 2020 Crook will be on September 15, 2020. Please e-mail all articles and pictures to goodshepherdpitman@gmail.com.

Maryanne Charlton Parish Administrator


Saturdays: 4:30 PM – Contemplative Prayer 5:30 PM – Holy Eucharist

Sundays: 9:00 AM – Contemplative Prayer 10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9 AM Morning Prayer


Raymond Harris, III

Steven Sanders

Matt Spangler

Lynn Spangler

Scott Thomas



Dan Hurlbut

Zak Bartelt

Buzz Parish

Charlie Hiemeril

John A. Lukacs

Joe Sheridan

Hal Wagner

Matt Rebecca

Jon S. Lehr

Keith Tucker

Dave McElwain

Hugh Robinson

Andrew Olsson

Joshua Albright

Zachary Guise

Scott McPherson

Joseph Whaley Anne Lewis Edna Spratt Katherine Lesher Steelman family Sophia Capano Joseph Capano Evelyn Recinello Family of Jessica Carter Chris Burness Janet Murphy Andrew Knox Yvonne Dolores Concio Hilda & Carey Myra The Santores Tannine Jacquie Kelly Nancy Smith family Ellis family Naomi Cressman Lori Bathurst Mary Lanie Deborah Keser Frank Ziemetz Art Dilworth Betty Beard Triste Audrey & Ed Harlow Gerry Betty Steinberg John Opel

Matthew Cushinotto

Theresa Cushinotto

Mike Grzybowski


Mike McHugh

Bonnie Weis

Kane Lawlor

Drew Naphy

Rhen Brinkerhoff

Brian Opel

Jonathan Dickson


Michael Marta


Bryan Jensen



Ryan Bubnoski



Robert J. Kunze

Alexandra Wismer

Gen Portocalis Danielle DJ Bryant Denise

Devon & Steve

Church of the Good Shepherd Prayers of the People

Prayers for the Church and Clergy For all Churches in the Diocese of NJ & Ecuador Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop William “Chip” Stokes, Our Bishop The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector Sister Cass, AF Charles Nakash – Missionary in the Dominican Republic Rev. Carl Dunn, our Deacon

Prayers for the Nation Donald Trump, Our President Phil Murphy, Our Governor

“For all those who serve and protect us at home”

Prayers for the Sick and in Need Tod Porter Tara McFadden family Seely family Audrey Buck Joe DeMarco James Candyce Rich Reiniello Mike Daly Maripat Makalusky Helen & Ken Michelle Siegle Natasha Tuoy Melissa Czechowicz Paul Kathy Busser Janet Paraschak Debbie Crystal Snoke Dorothy Marylou Mitchell Morgan Janice Enstrom Robert Linda Rebecca Sharon Reneé April Ellerbe John & Candace Jemilo

Denise Ladd Gattinella family Howard Caitlin John

Prayers for all Military Personnel

* We pray for our enemies and for those with whom we are at war. *

“Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Emily Ziemek Celenies Rodriquez Brad Mott Bill S. Gail Steve Theis Lee Braidwood



2nd & 4th Tuesdays – 9:30 AM Caring Hands via Zoom

All Tuesdays & Thursdays –

9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

All Wednesdays – 10 AM Contemplative Group

via Zoom

7 PM Wednesday Study 9/9 – 9/30 via Zoom

All Thursdays – 9:30 AM Thursday Study Group

via Zoom

7 PM Living the Questions Study 9/10 – 9/24 via Zoom

September 6 – PENTECOST 14

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom

September 13 – PENTECOST 15

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom

11:30 AM Vestry Meeting

September 20 – PENTECOST 16

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom

September 27 – PENTECOST 12

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom


02 – Justin Fortney

04 – Isota Potter

04 – Stephen Vadino Jr.

04 – Cole Kovolisky

05 – Jeff Bathurst

06 – Aiden Barnes

06 – Chuck Lezenby

06 – Jane Ray

08 – Mark Nicolle

13 – Skyler Wilson

16 – Laila Esfahani

17 – Sandra Ayers

17 – Billy Elwell

19 – Janice Gowland

19 – Chelsea Richmond

20 – Carrie Jordan

21 – Elena Clark

21 – Beth Wynkoop

22 – Phillip Wall

23 – Alayna Winship

24 – Tryg Farestad

24 – Miles Smith

28 – Jackie DeFelice

28 – John Jordan

28 – Elizabeth Nelson

28 – Richard Smith

29 – Ryan Derkoski


CONTEMPLATIVE GROUP meets every Wednesday on Zoom at 10 a.m. This is currently a group of 12-13 who gather to do Contemplative Prayer, followed by a teaching and discussion. On Wednesday, August 19, we started a series called Dancing with the Shadow Self. The series presenter is Kim Nataraja, a member of the World Community Center of Meditation. All are welcome. Zoom ID is 813 1796 4254.




Morning Prayer is on Tuesday &

Thursday mornings at 9 AM with

Mother Susan on Zoom



As the CoViD pandemic lingers on, we are each

facing difficult times; people losing their jobs,

children needing to be home-schooled (some

without computers), families trying to decide

whether to buy groceries or pay the

rent/mortgage, social isolation, and so on.

Many of you are experiencing anxiety over

loved ones you can’t visit. Our Church is more

than a building we visit once a week, it is us,

the people of Church of Good Shepherd, the

people of God. We are on a spiritual journey

together, no matter where we start from, led

by the Holy Spirit. Even though we can’t be

together physically for the time being, we are

always there for each other spiritually.

The Church had a "Families In Need" Fund, and the Vestry has re-opened this dedicated fund given the crisis we are currently facing. If you find yourself in need, please reach out confidentially to Deacon Carl at 609-868-7102 or Mother Susan at 732-759-4358, and they will do everything within the financial abilities of this Fund to help.

Also, the Vestry is asking each of us as members of the Good Shepherd family to consider the financial needs of other Church members and possibly assist those who are in need by making a contribution to this Fund. Our Church has always been known for our outreach, but these times of uncertainty are when we most need to help those within our Church family with hardships. If you would like to donate to this fund, simply make a check payable to “Church of The Good Shepherd” and mark it “Families In Need Fund” and we will put it to good use as Jesus guides us. All donated funds will only be used for the purpose of helping other parishioners.

As always, we thank you for your generosity and we will continue to pray for our collective health, welfare and safety, and look forward to the time when we can safely worship and fellowship together again at Good Shepherd.

Thank You God

for Rubber Bands

by Alice Aultman

My morning had been spent sorting through an

assortment of greeting cards as I looked for a

special Birthday card. The like ones were in small

piles and now for rubber bands to keep them

separated. So, I searched in all the logical places for

rubber bands and could find none. I remembered

seeing packages of them on a Super Market display

so off I went thinking of the purchase.

I met a friendly neighbor who smiled nicely. It was

good seeing her. At the store I was in line with a

person who had several bouquets of flowers, she

seemed hurried so I suggested she go ahead of me

for a quicker check out. She shared an amusing

story about where the flowers were going and we

shared a great laugh. The check-out clerk was very

congenial and we shared smiles. The parking lot

afforded an easy out to get home. The mail had

arrived and in it were some items I was pleased to

receive. I certainly had a pleasant morning all for

the need of some rubber bands.

So let’s think of some of the small things God has

provided to make our life easier. Rubber bands,

paper clips, safety pins and all of the fastenings on

our garments. We could go on and on with these.

So let us thank God for his thoughts for us and offer

a prayer of thanks to him for the simple things in

our lives.


Caring Hands is now meeting on the second

and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 9:30

a.m. on Zoom (ID 867 3220 8700). All knitters,

crocheters or other needlework people are

welcome to join us!




on Thursday, September 10 – October 22.

We meet on Zoom at 7 p.m. This series is

offered to members of Good Shepherd

and St. David’s in Cranbury (plus others

from various churches who choose to join

in). Fr. Don and Mel Caron are the

facilitators. This series is presented by

various contemporary theologians and

biblical scholars in a format much like the

History Channel. Topics this time will

include: Restoring Relationships, The

Prophetic Jesus, Evil, Suffering and a God

of Love, The Myth of Redemptive Violence,

Practicing Resurrection, Debunking the

Rapture and Reclaiming the World. Please

join us and invite a friend! Zoom ID is 870

6705 8188.


Let’s get in the habit of taking pictures of

everything around here! Pictures of Sunday

School, meetings, even of events at services if

you can be surreptitious! Please identify who is in

each photo and what the event is. Thank you!

Maryanne has received some great pics from

people. Keep ‘em coming!

Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle

If you are interested in funding Altar Flowers or

the Sanctuary Candle in memory of someone or

in thanksgiving for someone, the forms are in the

Parish Hall, on the back wall on the Bulletin

Board near the kitchen. Please fill out the

appropriate form with your information for your

desired date, as long as it is available, on the

appropriate chart on the bulletin board. Please

put your completed form in Parish

Administrator’s mailbox or under her office


We do not have flowers during Advent or Lent. The Sanctuary Candle is available year round.

Once we get back

Save your spare change


They are in the back of

the Church and in the Parish Hall

Washington National Cathedral

The Washington National Cathedral is offering Sunday services online. Use the link below


just click on “Videos” at top and you will see the latest service as well as previous ones.


September 2020








1 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom Sumer Lunch Program

2 10 AM Contemplative Group via Zoom

3 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

9:30 AM Thursday Study Group via Zoom



6 PENTECOST 14 10 AM Holy Eucharist


8 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

9:30 AM Caring Hands via Zoom Sumer Lunch Program

9 10 AM Contemplative Group via Zoom

7 PM Wednesday Night Study via Zoom

10 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

9:30 AM Thursday Study Group via Zoom

7 PM Living the Questions Study via Zoom



13 PENTECOST 15 10 AM Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM Vestry Meeting


15 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

Crook Info Due

16 10 AM Contemplative Group via Zoom

7 PM Wednesday Night Study via Zoom

17 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

9:30 AM Thursday Study Group via Zoom

7 PM Living the Questions Study via Zoom



Crook Info Due

20 PENTECOST 16 10 AM Holy Eucharist


22 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

9:30 AM Caring Hands via Zoom


10 AM Contemplative Group via Zoom

7 PM Wednesday Night Study via Zoom

24 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

9:30 AM Thursday Study Group via Zoom

7 PM Living the Questions Study via Zoom



27 PENTECOST 17 10 AM Holy Eucharist


29 9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom


10 AM Contemplative Group via Zoom

7 PM Wednesday Night Study via Zoom

Place Fridge Magnet here!


Church of the Good Shepherd 315 Highland Terrace Pitman, NJ 08071

Telephone – 856-589-8209 E-mail – goodshepherdpitman@gmail.com www.goodshepherdpitman.org

The Shepherd’s Crook

Pitman, NJ

September 2020

Church of the Good Shepherd

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