a "one-day healthy meal plan" by jenna

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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One-day healthy meal plan for my family.

By: Jenna C

This is my meal plan for my family. Although it’s hard to keep a very healthy diet, we can try to start reading the nutrition labels on the products we eat. We can try to watch for the amounts of sodium and sugar in our foods. We can also try to cut down our snacks. Instead of having a bag or chips, we can have a healthy fruit instead. Here is my one day healthy meal plan for my family, it includes; breakfast, lunch ,dinner and one snack.

This chart shows a few foods that are in each food category.

Fruits and Vegetables

Grain Products

Milk and Alternatives

Meat and Alternatives

This chart shows how many servings of each food group is needed in each age group.

• Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

• For breakfast we will have 1 packet of Quaker Regular Instant Oatmeal (28g)

• Oatmeal only takes about 10 minutes to make and has been shown to lower cholesterol.

• This oatmeal has 8% of fiber and 25% iron.

• We need fiber to help with digestion and with the absorption of glucose and fats. It speeds up the movement through the intestines, which removes waste and toxins from the body.

• Iron is a mineral needed in our bodies because it carries oxygen from our lungs throughout our bodies.

• This type of oatmeal has 19g of carbohydrates which is good for us because carbohydrates turn into fuel for our bodies.

• Oatmeal can be plain so you can add strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

• Berries are good for us because they include nutrients, vitamins and potassium.

• We need potassium to make sure our blood pressure is in a normal range.

• If you’re still hungry, you could have 1 Egg-Lands Best Organic Brown Egg. (50g)

• These eggs have 13% of protein.

• We need protein to maintain muscle tissues and build muscles and bones.

• They also have 30% of Vitamin D.

• We need Vitamin D to ensure your body works well and is able to fight illnesses.

• And if you’re thirsty you could have 250 mL of Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice.

• Orange juice has 120% of Vitamin C which we need to make collagen, a protein required to help wounds heal. We use Vitamin C to help form a protein that protects our blood vessels, tendons, ligaments etc.

• It also has sugar 23g which isn’t too much sugar but enough to give us energy. Too much sugar isn’t good for us because it could increase our blood sugar and potentially give us diabetes.

• For lunch we will have a Black Bean Burrito with Tortilla Chips: 360 Calories


• 1 whole-wheat wrap: 130 calories

• ¼ cup black beans: 60 calories

• ¼ avocado sliced: 60 calories

• ¼ small red onion sliced: 10 calories

• On the side you could add 10 baked tortilla chips with ¼ cup salsa: 100 calories

• Black beans are good for you because they have a lot of fibre which helps with

digestion and with the absorption of glucose and fats. It speeds up the movement

through the intestines, which removes waste and toxins from the body.

• Avocados are a good source of Vitamin B6 which supports the immune system and helps the body process protein, fat, and carbohydrates. It also helps balance mood swings.

• As a drink you could have a bottle of water. Water is healthier than pop and juices and is better for our bodies. Pop and juices have a lot of sugar which isn’t good for our metabolism.

• As a snack we will have 1 Peach Yoplait Greek Yogurt.

• This yogurt has 10% calcium which you need to grow and to make your bones stronger.

• It is also low in calories and sodium which isn’t good for us.

• For dinner we will have Grilled Chicken with Roasted Kale.


1/2 pound small red-skinned potatoes, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil,

1 large bunch kale, stems removed, leaves torn (about 10 cups)

3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

2 large skinless, boneless chicken breasts (about 1 1/2 pounds)

4 cups mixed salad greens

1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

• Chicken breast is relatively low is saturated fat.

• Chicken breast give you protein to maintain muscle tissues and build muscles and bones.

• Green salad and kale give you fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, and protein and many other good nutrition's.

• Cherry tomatoes also have fiber and protein.

• We need fiber to help with digestion and with the absorption of glucose and fats.

• We need calcium to grow and make our bones stronger.

• We need potassium to maintain our blood pressure in a normal range.

• We need iron because it carries oxygen from our lungs throughout our bodies.

• As a drink, instead of having plain boring water you could have a healthy drink, like Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry Juice (250mL).

• There is 100% vitamin C which we need to make collagen, a protein required to help wounds heal.

That is my one day meal plan. Hopefully my family and I can all start eating healthier and all start paying more attention to what we eat in this New Year . Maybe you can too. You could start today by cutting down you snacking habits!

Thank you for listening!

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