a pattern language of yoga (early draft)

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Yoga :: a Pattern Language introduction

Attendees will gain:- a basic understanding of pattern languages - a basic, broad, yet deep understanding of the practice of yoga (the essentials, its essence)- an empowered desire to go home & practice -- (accessible, nourishing, self-care for all) - an ability to enter any yoga class with a heightened understanding of what is being asked for -- & an increased ability to participate safely- a safe framework in which to cultivate a deeper practice, more quickly.

For whom: This workshop is intended for persons with an interest in yoga -- an existing yoga practice or those carrying an intent to start practicing.

presented by Frances Rose


Thursday, June 13, 13


for this practice of yoga in my life

that have fired this practice for millenia

& to the subcontinent of India

for the countless brilliant teachers

Thursday, June 13, 13

about me

my calling in life seems to be sharing practices of union across scale & medium -- & especially it seems,

union to self, community, & earth

i practice & teach yoga as a practice of union -- one that merges

people to place, breath to spirit, body to soul, people to earth, people within, & each other

Thursday, June 13, 13

(what is) a pattern language?

essential formulas. a thing’s DNA.

that from which forms emerge.

a language of patterns rather than words. patterns are the units of the language.

a whole system that yields infinite diversity.

each pattern describes a core facet of a prime solution.

Thursday, June 13, 13

how does one usea pattern language?

we deepen any practice by building healthy ecologies of patterns

within a language

Thursday, June 13, 13

patterns are combined with one another to create a deeper, or more effective, form or expression.

using a pattern language

flow of use (generally) runs from

patterns to details

(from larger to smaller)

freely navigate between, among & beyond the patterns

Thursday, June 13, 13

framing yoga

a practice.

a personal practice. a community practice.

an ancient practice. a practice of balance

Thursday, June 13, 13

framing yoga

the body is a temple -- treat it accordingly

body position as a form of prayer

Thursday, June 13, 13

framing yoga

a union of opposing forces

the journey continues & deepens forever

radical, transcendent self- & universal love

we direct our work & our energies toward benefaction

Thursday, June 13, 13

as a path to spiritual wisdom..Yoga is...

..the yoking of all the powers of the body, mind & soul to the Divine.

.. a means to discipline the intellect,the mind, emotions, & will.

.. a poise of the soul which enables one to look at life in all aspects evenly.

.. the true union of our will with that of the Divine.

Thursday, June 13, 13

as a path to spiritual wisdom..

The work alone is our privilege -- never the fruits thereof.

Work in the name of the Lord. Abandon selfish desires.

Be not affected by success or failure.

This equipoise is called yoga.

- from the Bhagavad Gita

Thursday, June 13, 13

surrender. surrender. surrender.

two essentials (for me)

to Earth. to the practice. to oneself. to one another.

you remain the only one ultimately responsible for your body.

Thursday, June 13, 13

no pain, no hurtdo try to distinguish between psychosomatic & physical pain

lift yourself up while practicing... avoid sagging. carry a goal of togetherness & balanced support.

flexibility comes. yoga is about engagement & opening & release.

create space in your body.(don't hang out where you’re flexible -- engage & lift)


Thursday, June 13, 13

getting out of the pose is as much the pose as the pose.

adjust & re-adjust (& then be there).

bring your practice with you off the mat.


remember (y)our body is interconnected


Thursday, June 13, 13

means ‘steady & balanced’.


not a posture assumed mechanically. there's a soul force energy that drives the experience.

it finds your unique expression of that form in that moment. allow the pose to do you.

Thursday, June 13, 13

the patterns




Thursday, June 13, 13


first, breathe.

then deepen the breath.

pause between breaths.

ujayi breath.

(when the breath goes, so does the practice).

Thursday, June 13, 13


navel toward spine

shoulders up, back, & down

tuck the tail

chin slightly down

root through the 4 corners of the feet (or hands)

engage the core

Thursday, June 13, 13


there's a soul force energy that drives the experience & finds

your unique expression of any form in any moment.

spirit moves. spirit guides.

Thursday, June 13, 13


just the breath. thanks.

Thursday, June 13, 13

cultivate balance

start with your less dominant side -- or hold those poses longer

or sit cross-legged with your opposite leg on top(or with your less common form of clasped hands)

balance in the body brings balance to the mind & emotion


Thursday, June 13, 13


infinitely nesting spirals

follow the spirals. follow them out beyond your body. & reverse their directions as you change planes or


Thursday, June 13, 13


ever more deeply...

.. the breath

.. the pose

.. the duration

.. the focus

.. the ease

Thursday, June 13, 13


ever more deeply...

that pose you were just in...

.. do the other side

.. & then return to it

.. again & again

.. the body remembers & teaches

Thursday, June 13, 13

adjust & readjust

breathe yourself more deeply into the pose

use whatever alignment points you know

little by little. closer & closer.

Thursday, June 13, 13

if something feels off in the body, ask yourself where is its other side?

union of opposites

we go up to go down

work from core out -- & from the outside in

Thursday, June 13, 13

round trips

pairs with ‘union of opposites’

& ‘a gentle ricochet’

Thursday, June 13, 13

a gentle ricochet

go further than you need to, then come back

the waves of going & coming.. action & reaction

after a twist come back to neutral & beyond

there is a bounce. a very gentle ricochet.

Thursday, June 13, 13

use the body

use fingers & hands to- hook, move, anchor, direct,

tap, turn, massage, twist, listen, paint, follow, & guide

mouthmake sounds that

deepen your practice. release through sound.

Thursday, June 13, 13

... & props

you may find the opening of your life with a boulder underfoot... or up in a tree, in a garden,

or in a lazy boy chair

adding external resistance to these postures opens more doorways through which we may understand the practice

clothes as propa loose skirt can be drawn gently around the body infinitely in a twist, adjusting the body as if it were pulling an infinite string. remember to breathe. or it could look like a pant leg

helping to hold a spiral

Thursday, June 13, 13

a class practice. a ‘sangha’.- choose styles & teachers you love.

- one class a week? awesome. try two.

- two classes a week? awesome. try three.

- four classes a week? awesome. here, you may fly.

a daily practiceunlimited monthlies in Philly go for around $100. try it.

invest. added bonus if you divert those same funds from an unhealthy habit now into yoga - a whole new world.

Thursday, June 13, 13

let the living soil hold it

grow a deeper, shared yogic culture

the more of us with shared passion & wisdom in common, the more it serves our larger communities of practice

Thursday, June 13, 13

home practice strategies- warm the core. then the hips. work your way out from the center -- & then work from the tips back- remember the core -- & communities of practice- practice awareness of stronger & weaker sides. work to balance them.- a class practice feeds a home practice feeds a class practice- restoration- consider yoga pose polycultures - combinations of asanas that deepen the practice by feeding one another

Thursday, June 13, 13

earth-supported postures

help is underneath you

you may find the opening of your life with a rock underfoot

use the support of the earth to lighten your load.ease the pressure put upon the muscles & bones.

relax into your breath & the postures.

Thursday, June 13, 13

(the greatest, easiest) home practice:legs up the wall

(can be done in bed. & under a blanket!)

legs straight up

legs wide

legs butterflied

legs pigeoned

roll over twist

Thursday, June 13, 13

a daily practice

do one pose 'my practice is complete for the day'

(distinct from 'i didn't practice today')

a home practice feeds a class practice feeds a home practice

Thursday, June 13, 13

yoga postures with what…??

metaphysical polyculture

- music- sitting- reading- talking- eating- loving- sleeping- note-taking- what else?- how many at once?- & which combinations work particularly well for you?

Thursday, June 13, 13

feed it earth, air, water & fire

your body is a garden & a universe

Thursday, June 13, 13

stay in yoga poses

How long to stay in the postures?

generally, stay in yoga poses

&, i carry a personal goal of 3‘i want to come out’

once twicethrice - out -

Thursday, June 13, 13

healing injuries

go slow & listen to your body

strengthen areas around the injured area

patience, breath & compassion


Thursday, June 13, 13


returning to a new self & a new body.

acknowledging change & transformation.

& giving that experience both time,& subtle attention

(try sleeping in it)

Thursday, June 13, 13


aaaaaa uuuuu mmmmmm

imagine the sound traveling up your chakras,growing from the root up through & out your crown

the sound of the universe (finding itself)

creation sound of the universe

Thursday, June 13, 13


the knower, the knowledge, & the known

become one

Thursday, June 13, 13

* surrender *

* gratitude *

* release *

* return *

* exhale *

* inhale *

* exhale *

* inhale *

begin with a deep inhale....& then:

two simple meditations

Thursday, June 13, 13

* feet *

* heart *

* crown *

* 3rd eye *

* surrender *

* gratitude *

* release *

* return *

* exhale *

* inhale *

* exhale *

* inhale *

paired in the body with the...

Thursday, June 13, 13

* ease *

* patience *

* trust *

* allowance *

* exhale *

* inhale *

* exhale *

* inhale *

& flowing into...

Thursday, June 13, 13

our practice today

breath roll arms & head

tadasanaarms widearms up

standing twistsom

Thursday, June 13, 13

yoga is an exchange of energies & forces.


offer teachers accounts of your experience in their class. this grows the practice & the exchange.

i strive to improve the display of this information.


do you have constructive ideas to share?

Thursday, June 13, 13

thank you


(the light in me bows to & honors the light within you)


Thursday, June 13, 13

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