a é r o p o r t t o u l o u s e -bl a g n a c · 2013-05-13 · a é r o p o r t t o u l o u s e...

Post on 26-Feb-2020






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a é r o p o r t t o u l o u s e - b l a g n a c

c o n t e n t s

i n t r o d u c t i o n

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f u t u r e p l a n s




A. Traffic Results 7

1- Passenger traffic

2- Freight and postal traffic

3- Aircraft movements...................................................................................................................

B. What’s new in the air network? 12...................................................................................................................

C. Financial data 14...................................................................................................................

D. Key events 16...................................................................................................................

e. The environment 21...................................................................................................................

A. Passenger service 23...................................................................................................................

B. Infrastructure 25...................................................................................................................

C. The airport, an intermodal hub 26...................................................................................................................

D. Sustainable development and energy savings 26...................................................................................................................

i n t r o d u c t i o n

2012 will have confirmed the dynamic growth of air transport in Toulouse. With growth statistics higher than the European average, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport has translated the key event of the past year into figures: the establishment of the Air France and easyJet regional bases, with the opening of many routes as a bonus. The airport has supported this opening by launching new passenger services.

In spring 2012, the two largest airlines in Toulouse strengthened their presence at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport by establishing an operational base there. Sixteen new destinations have sustained the launch of these bases, generating an increase in traffic at the Toulouse platform as a result.

Anticipating this increase in activity, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport firstly increased its handling capacity and rearranged its infrastructure to accommodate flight crews. It then redesigned the set-up of all the airlines in the terminal, so as to adopt an optimal operational configuration. Passenger routes in particular have been examined closely, in order to optimise passenger flow in the four halls. Finally, numerous services were launched in 2012 to assist passengers in the terminal. Three concepts illustrate the approach taken by the airport: calm, comfort and personal service.

Increasing numbers of passengers have benefited from these new services: stimulated by the leap in flights departing from Toulouse, traffic is up by 8.2% compared with 2011. In the past year, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport welcomed close to 7.6 million passengers. The appeal of international destinations was again evident, with a resulting rise of 15.4% over the year. Domestic traffic remained just as buoyant, with growth of 3.4%.

Freight and postal traffic also increased, with 59,442 tonnes handled in 2012 (+7.7%).

In this context of business growth, commercial aircraft movements have risen (88,397 flights, + 4.4%), but not as strongly as traffic, due to a better passenger capacity. Night-time business is even falling (-1.4%), as the airport made a commitment to the night flight Observatory, an authority bringing together local stakeholders under the auspices of the Prefecture.

After two years of strong growth, 2013 will be marked by a stabilisation of traffic, which should align itself with european sky trends. 2013 will be a year for consolidating business at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport.

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a T R a F F I C R E S U L T S

Rise in the number of commercial passengers

2 0 0 0 5 , 3 5 0 , 4 0 4

2 0 0 1 5 , 2 4 4 , 4 0 2

2 0 0 2 5 , 3 3 7, 7 0 7

2 0 0 3 5 , 3 0 4 , 8 3 3

2 0 0 4 5 , 6 12 , 5 5 9

2 0 0 5 5 , 7 9 9 , 10 8

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2 0 0 9 6 , 2 8 2 , 0 76

2 0 1 0 6 , 4 0 5 , 9 0 6

2 0 1 1 6 , 9 8 8 , 14 0

2 0 1 2 7,559 ,350



With 7,559,350 passengers, annual traffic in 2012 at the airport is rising sharply (+8.2% compared with 2011). International traffic is behind this growth, with a subsequent rise of 15.4% on the past year (3,197,578 passengers). Domestic traffic is also buoyant. During 2012, 4,294,567 passengers used domestic routes (+3.4%).

• Scheduled traffic: 7,207,860 passengers (+10.2%)• Charter traffic: 284,285 passengers (-24.6%)• Transit: 67,205 passengers (-7.1%)

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a T R a F F I C R E S U L T S

Scheduled domestic traffic: 4,287,205 passengers (+3.4%)


Domestic traffic is still dominated by the two routes to the capital. The Paris-Orly route is stable (+0.3%), whereas the Paris-Charles de-Gaulle route is down slightly (-1.2%). After Paris, it is the Toulouse-Lyon route which is used the most in the region (375,883 passengers), followed by Lille (177,160 passengers) and Nantes (173,609 passengers).

Scheduled international traffic: 2,920,655 passengers (+22%)


International routes were highly successful in 2012. The sharp increase in services, in the spring, boosted air traffic, particularly to europe. In the Schengen area, the most popular destinations were Madrid, followed by Amsterdam, Rome and Brussels. Outside the Schengen area, the London airports dominate business, with the sharpest rise being recorded on the Toulouse-Istanbul route (+161.7%), served by Turkish Airlines and Air France. North Africa has also seen a lot of visitors (+25.5%), as with Casablanca, Tunis or Marrakesh.

AIR FRANCE IS STRENGTHENING ITS POSITION AS THE TOP AIRLINE AT TOULOUSE-BLAGNAC AIRPORT establishing a regional base in April has consolidated Air France’s leadership at the Toulouse platform. Historically, the French airline is the one which carries most passengers each year to Toulouse-Blagnac, especially on its Toulouse-Paris Orly route, the most-travelled one in France (2,329,145 passengers in 2012). In the past year, Air France has seen its statistics take off thanks to the roll-out of 14 new routes when it opened its base (3,604,247 passengers in 2012, +7.3%).

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a T R a F F I C R E S U L T S

International charter traffic: 276,923 passengers (-25.2%)

The low-cost segment: 1,950,469 passengers (+26%)



As the scheduled flight service has sharply increased, that of the charter flight has obviously narrowed. Consequently, non-scheduled traffic shows a significant drop, despite the popularity of certain routes, like Djerba (35,910 passengers, +15.7%).

Already the leading low-cost airline at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, easyJet strengthened this position in 2012 with the opening of its regional base and five new routes (Nice, Lille, Basel-Mulhouse, Brussels, Venice and Porto). The english airline now represents 89.8% of low-cost traffic in 2012, with 17 destinations departing from Toulouse. Behind the orange airline are Vueling, JetairFly and Aer Lingus. Low-cost traffic represents 26% of total traffic in 2012 (23% in 2011).

AIR ARABIA MAROC ARRIvES IN TOULOUSEA member company of the Air Arabia Group, one of the world leaders for low-cost carriers, Air Arabia Maroc opened a Toulouse-Casablanca route on the 1st November with two flights a week. A new player for the destination of Morocco that meets the expectations of the strongly established Moroccan community in Toulouse.

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a T R a F F I C R E S U L T S

Just as with commercial traffic, freight and postal traffic rose sharply in 2012, to the point where Toulouse-Blagnac Airport regained its position as the 1st regional freight airport in France. 59,440 tonnes were handled during the year, up 7.7% compared with 2011. Postal traffic (3,842 tonnes handled, -8.3%) and mixed/military freight (1,760 tonnes handled, -17.6%) are in decline, unlike express freight which has grown by 2.6% (15,716 tonnes handled). But above all, it is manufacturing and charter freight which stand out, with a rise of 13.6% (38,122 tonnes handled).

Total commercial aircraft movements increased 4.4% in 2012, with 88,397 movements recorded. As regards non-commercial flights, the trend is stable (-0.2%, 12,154 movements). It should be noted that the number of movements rose less quickly than traffic, as passenger capacity improved in 2012 (+3.3%). This trend, which could already be seen in 2011, indicates the use of higher capacity aircraft. It should be noted that, during the night (00.00am - 6.00am), traffic decreased (-1.4%).





Commercial passengers

Commercial movements


5 ,244,402



79,330 79,962 79,492 78,700 79,84884,638



5 ,337 ,707 5,304 ,686

5 ,612,559 5 ,799,5365 ,956 ,552

6 ,161,5226 ,349,805 6,282,076

6 ,405 ,9066 ,988,140

7 ,559 ,350

20062002 20072003 20082004 2009 20112005 2010 2012

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Paris-Orly 2,321,779 2,329,145 0.32%

Paris-Cdg 821,113 811,320 -1.19%

Lyon 385,169 375,883 -2.41%

London-Gatwick 251,234 262,566 4.51%

London-Heathrow 206,589 209,592 1.45%

Madrid 195,911 205,878 5.09%

Amsterdam 177,414 193,299 8.95%

Francfort 186,767 188,510 0.93%

Munich 190,317 187,322 -1.57%

Lille 109,806 177,160 61.34%

Nantes 136,871 173,629 26.86%

Rome 111,175 143,244 28.85%

Brussels 98,909 141,825 43.39%

Nice 93,590 140,718 50.36%

Casablanca 104,977 119,865 14.18%

AIR FRANCE 3,358,913 3,604,247 7.3%

EASY JET 1,291,586 1,692,409 31.0%

LUFTHANSA 377,186 375,832 -0.4%

BRITISH AIRWAYS 206,589 209,592 1.5%

KLM 177,414 193,299 9.0%

IBERIA 120,939 137,876 14.0%

VUELING 141,362 105,057 -25.7%

BRUSSELS AIRLINES 98,909 98,840 -0.1%

GERMANIA 13,437 85,612 537.1%

ROYAL AIR MAROC 98,888 80,543 -18.6%

AIGLE AZUR 55,638 60,788 9.3%

TUNISAIR 57,222 52,498 9.0%

AIR ALGERIE 55,900 55,040 1.6%

TAP PORTUGAL 50,370 52,877 5.0%

TURKISH AIRLINES 26,100 46v999 80.1%

Djerba 31,050 35,910 15.7%

Heraklion 25,021 20,159 -19.4%

Palma 14,708 14,367 -2.3%

Marrakech 10,848 10,078 -7.1%

Olbia 12,125 9,735 -19.7%

Monastir 10,430 9,699 -7.0%

Palerme 7,731 9,471 22.5%

Tenerife 11,169 9,170 -17.9%

Dubrovnik 9,313 8,920 -4.2%

Fuerteventura 9,467 8,405 -11.2%

Londres-Gatwick 19,757 8,200 -58.5%

Dakar 11,049 6,688 -39.5%

Punta-Cana 7,190 6,381 -11.3%

Agadir 14,052 6,219 -55.7%

Dublin 6,810 6,000 -11.9%

AIR MEDITERRANEE 53,111 58,382 9.9%

EUROPE AIRPOST 60,160 26,913 -55.3%

NOUVELAIR 27,203 25,906 -4.8%


THOMSONFLY 23,777 21,321 -10.3%

ONUR AIR 35,405 19,706 -44.3%

XL AIRWAYS FRANCE 16,788 14,824 -11.7%

AEGEAN AIRLINES 15,197 10,249 -32.6%

ROYAL AIR MAROC 10,803 8,651 -19.9%

TUIFLY GMBH 124 8,408 NS

TUNISAIR 14,980 7,924 -47.1%

TRAVEL SERVICE 13,217 7,922 -40.1%

AIR EUROPA 1,787 6,400 258.1%

PEGASUS AIRLINES 3,825 4,390 14.8%

BRUSSELS AIRLINES 3,658 3,620 -1.0%

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The top 15 scheduled destinations in 2012

The top 15 scheduled airlines in 2012

The top 15 non-scheduled destinations in 2012

The top 15 non-scheduled airlines in 2012

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b W H a T ’ S N E W I N T H E a I R N E T W O R K


Scheduled flights: Athens, Berlin, Constantine, Hamburg, Malta, Naples, Porto and Vienna

2012 was marked by Air France and easyJet establishing their regional bases here, in the spring. The platform’s two largest airlines strengthened their presence in Toulouse and at the same time opened 20 new routes departing from the Pink City.

hIGhlIGhTS oF 2012

3 NEW SChEdUlEd AIRlINES:Air Arabia Maroc, Airlinair and Air Corsica

Inauguration of the Toulouse-Casablanca route by Air Arabia Maroc


Air France opened a regional base in Toulouse on 1st April. With 10 aircraft, the national airline launched 14 new routes: Athens, Berlin, Casablanca, Hamburg, Istanbul, Malaga, Malta, Marrakesh, Naples, Prague, Seville, Tunis, Venice and Vienna. These flights use the Airbus A320 (178 seats) or A319 (142 seats).


easyJet opened its base on 25 March. The airline launched 6 new routes: Nice, Lille, Basel-Mulhouse, Brussels, Porto and Venice. These flights use the Airbus A319 (156 seats).

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b W H a T ’ S N E W I N T H E a I R N E T W O R K


Domestic flights:Additional daily flight to Paris-Charles-de Gaulle with Air France, in the Airbus A320 (178 seats), or 7 flights a day.Additional daily flight to Paris-Orly with easyJet, in the Airbus A320 (180 seats), or 6 flights a day.New destination and new route for Air France to Figari (South Corsica) with 1 flight a week, in the embraer 145 (50 seats).Air Corsica opened 2 routes to Ajaccio and Bastia for the summer season. The flights were operated, every Saturday, in the ATR 72 (70 seats) for each destination.

Europe:At the end of May, Jet2.com opened a summer route to Manchester with 3 weekly flights, in the Boeing B737-300 (148 seats).easyJet added 2 weekly flights to Geneva and from now on is offering 6 flights a week, in the Airbus A319 (156 seats).

Outside Europe:In the spring, Air Algérie opened a route to Constantine. The metropolis in the north-east of Algeria is served every Tuesday from mid-June to mid-September by the Boeing B737-800 (162 seats).Turkish Airlines added 2 weekly flights to Istanbul and this winter is operating 5 flights a week, using the Boeing B737-800 (165 seats).At the end of October, the low-cost airline Air Arabia Maroc opened 2 flights a week to Casablanca, using the Airbus A320 (162 seats).


Palma is served by the tour operator THOMAS COOK, with AIR eUROPA.

Flights bound for Kos by the tour operator FRAM, with AIR MeDITeRRANee.

Rhodes every Thursday by the tour operator FRAM, with eUROPe AIRPOST.

Flights bound for Ajaccio by the tour operator VeRDIe VOYAGeS, with ReGIONAL.

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C F I N a N C I a L D a T a

PROFIT aND LOSS aCCOUNT 2011 2012 2012/2011

Turnover 105.0 115.0 +9.6%

EBITDA 32.6 36.5 +12.0%

Operating income 6.4 8.5 +32.8%

TURNOvER (in €M) 2011 2012 2012/2011

Airport operations 37.1 40.7 +9.7%

Car parks 19.6 22.7 +15.6%

Real estate 10.9 11.4 +4.8%

Retail 11.4 11.5 +0.9%

Airport tax 25.9 28.7 +10.7%

TOTaL TURNOvER 105.0 115.0 +9.6%

2012 REvIEW (provisional figures)

Strong business growth

For the second year running, business at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport is enjoying rapid growth: the momentum in traffic linked to the opening of regional bases and the development of non-aviation services has increased the company’s turnover to €115 M in 2012, up by nearly 10% compared with the previous financial year.

Apart from the growth in traffic, the non-aviation business has benefited from the first full year that Proxipark P2, the second multi-storey car park, has been in operation.

Rise in operating income

The growth in business has greatly contributed to the increase in operating income.Furthermore, the airport operator has continued to work on purchasing and productivity for improving operating costs.Therefore, the Gross Operating Profit (eBITDA) of €36.5 M shows a 12% increase compared with the previous financial year, and the operating income of €8.5 M shows an increase of around 33%.

Aviation activities

Non-aviation activities (car parks, real estate and shops)

Airport taxes

25 % 35 %

40 %

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(in €M)

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A levelling-off in traffic growth

With forecasts of low growth for air transport in europe, traffic growth at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport should be fairly limited in 2013. Schedule adjustments are expected next summer, in particular because of the Air France base.In this context, 2013 traffic should only be slightly above the 7.5 million passengers recorded in 2012.After a year of relative stability, passenger traffic should resume a growth rate of more than 2% per year over the 2014-2017 period.

Moderate business growth

Strongly linked to the growth in traffic, growth in non-aviation business should be moderate in 2013, especially since no new infrastructure will be put into service over the year; on the whole, company turnover should show a slight increase over 2013.With this net slowdown in business growth, the 2013 operating income should be close to the level reached in 2012.

New airport capacity: 8.5 million passengers

To accompany the sharp increase in traffic as a result of the opening of the Air France and easyJet bases, the Hall D satellite has had 5 extra boarding gates since April, 4 of which are fitted with gangways. The renovation in Hall D raises the airport’s passenger capacity to 8.5 million passengers.

Altogether, investment expenditure in 2012 represents about €21 M.

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easyJet opened on 25 March… The easyJet base created 6 new routes on the sche-dule (see p. 12) extended for the majority of the winter schedule. These added to the 11 routes it already has at the airport. The establishment of the base was preceded, on January 16, by the choice of a handling agent at the Toulouse platform, Menzies, with 80 employees.

… and Air France on 1st AprilAt the launch of its base, Air France opened 14 new routes bound for europe and the Mediterranean region (see p. 12). These routes added to the 12 already in operation at Toulouse. The majority of the routes opened for the summer period were kept for the winter.

Completion of Hall DIn anticipation of the expansion in traffic associated with the opening of the bases, the airport finished fitting out Hall D, built in 2010. This terminal, which is just for international flights, extended the airport’s capacity within a very short space of time. Work was finished at the beginning of 2012. It included an exten-sion to the departure lounge, 4 extra gangways and 5 gates for boarding on foot.

Redesigned organisation of the hallsWith the arrival of the bases, the airport had to modify the set-up of the airlines and their assistants in the terminal. It was a question of optimising the passen-ger flow distribution, by taking advantage of a special feature at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport: an open boarding area which lets passengers go through security checks in their chosen hall and get to their boarding gate.

Serving air trafficIIn April, the arrival of the Air France and easyJet regional bases at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport led to numerous new routes being opened, which meant that airport operations had to be reorganised at the same time.

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D K E Y E v E N T S

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a. New equipment for passengers’ peace of mind and comfort

Getting to the boarding area more quickly and calmly At the beginning of 2012, waiting times at security checkpoints were displayed on screens in the terminal, at the Proxipark P1 pedestrian exits, in the shuttles to the car parks furthest away (ecoparks P5/P6), as well as in front of the central entrance to Hall B (Tisséo Shuttle), opposite the express Park, to allow travellers to choose the quickest transit area.Another adjustment designed to smooth passenger flow in the boarding area: the number of security checkpoints in Hall D was gradually increased from 8 to 12 (mid-2013). Among these new checkpoints, two are dedicated priority lanes from now on. They allow «frequent flyers» with Air France and British Airways to reach the boarding area more quickly and relax in the La Croix du Sud lounge using the Premium Pass service.Finally, a new security checkpoint for bulky luggage (pushchairs, skis, etc.) was installed in Hall C and adds to those in Halls A, B and D.

The new La Croix du Sud loungeSince autumn, travellers have been welcomed to a brand-new La Croix du Sud lounge. Bigger, more comfortable and more suitable for passengers’ new habits, this lounge can already accommodate up to 75 people (instead of 45 previously) on the same level as the shops in Hall C.eventually it will be laid out over two floors and will offer seating for up to 100 people. Open every day from 5.40am to 9.00pm and accessible via the loyalty programme run by certain airlines or on an individual basis, the La Croix du Sud Lounge provides all the services necessary for brightening up waiting time: refreshments, national and international press, television channels (French and english), free WiFi connection, office equipments and iPad area. The lounge is named after the plane which belonged

to the famous airmail pilot Jean Mermoz. A bronze bust sculpted by the artist Rosette Chatriot recalls his past as well as two frescos by the artist Sophie Binder.

A connected airport with new ICTTo respond to the new habits of passengers who have a smartphone or laptop, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport has tested services using new technology, including NFC (Near Field Communication), technology that gives access to a multitude of practical services thanks to a short-range wireless connection. In the near future, NFC will allow passengers to simplify their passage through the airport, by passing their mobile phone over a scanner.Another initiative, very much appreciated by passen-gers: in July, the airport offered free unlimited Wi-Fi access in the terminal.

Serving passengersII

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D K E Y E v E N T S

b. Personalised attention for all types of passengers

All smiles Toulouse-Blagnac Airport has organised three «have fun!» campaigns (Animations sourires) for the mass exodus in the summer holidays and the end of the year holidays. On the programme: activities for children and older ones, a reading corner, flash mobs, musical interludes, wooden toys, drawing and make-up workshops, all of which provide pleasant entertain-ment for passengers making their way through the airport.

Art at the airportBrightening up waiting areas, surprising passengers by offering them the chance to start their journey with a work of art… That’s the airport’s idea in creating the ArtLounge, a cultural area in the boarding area in Hall D, stemming from a partnership agreement signed with Toulouse’s Contemporary Art Museum, les Abattoirs. In May, ArtGallery, a new exhibition area was unveiled on the Departures and Arrivals levels. While wandering through the halls of the terminal, passengers and their companions can take their time looking at contemporary works of art.

New working areas, food outlets and shops To allow passengers – particularly business customers – to make the most of their waiting time, working areas were set up in the public area in Hall C as well as the boarding area in Halls B and D in the spring.

In the boarding satellite in Hall D, passengers can also take advantage of two new food outlets run by elior Blagnac and a new shop – L’express –, selling the most popular products (perfumes, cosmetics, spirits, tobacco and confectionery). It is run by The Nuance Group.

A family area in Hall CSince the end of December, Hall C (Departures level, public area) has made available a new waiting area just for families. The Aire Junior (Junior Area) has several fun zones or simple soft play areas, split up according to the age of their users. There is a TV area for the over-3s, which shows car-toons, a play structure offering 3-12 year-olds the chance to let off steam before taking the plane and a touch-screen wall with 5 tablets where 8-15 year-olds can play video games. The Junior Area also has an assembly point for children travelling alone (UM). In 2013, the airport is also planning to roll out identical waiting areas in the boarding area.

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c. Providing a new quality of service

New passenger surveysMeasuring and improving passenger satisfaction is vital for Toulouse-Blagnac Airport. As such, in 2012 the operator called in a well-known external surveying organisation, BVA, as part of a purchasing grouping of 14 French airports. It reflects the wish of the UAF (French Airport Union) to set up a national barometer regarding passenger satisfaction.Another initiative: measuring passenger satisfaction on arrival, once a year (in addition to the passenger survey on departure). The 2012 surveys show that, on the whole, passengers are satisfied with over 94% of the services at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport on departure and arrival.

Detailed analysis of the results does, however, highlight areas for improvement:• Information on prices and payment methods at car parks;• The departure lounges, including the surroundings, the clarity of the public announcement systems, the availability of seats and in particular the possibility of working;• The number and variety of shops;• The route through the terminal to get to the luggage carousels;• The delivery of luggage to arrivals, including the signage on the carousel and the display of delivery times.Action was being taken at the end of 2012 in all of these areas and will be continued during 2013.

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D K E Y E v E N T S

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d. Improving airport access

Res@P3: to reserve your parking space on the Internet

Since the end of March, the airport has provided passengers with a new car park allowing them to reserve their parking space from home on the web-site www.toulouse.aeroport.fr.The Rés@P3 (400 spaces) saves time for motorists wishing to leave their cars for a minimum of five days, and guarantees them peace of mind by reserving a space remotely in Proxipark P3, near the terminal.

Overhaul of the Express parking areaAt the beginning of September, the express parking area for short-stay parking offered new services to improve the movement of traffic and make traffic flow more smoothly at peak times. This reorganisation, designed to reduce traffic jams which used to form regularly at peak traffic times, provides increased comfort with rebuilt roads, wider lanes and extra

payment points. At the end of 2012, an initial review proved the relevance of this new system: over 80% of users adopted this new principle of use and, up until now, the Drop-off car park has never been swamped. The system of reading registration plates, which speeds up the departure of vehicles, also seems to be highly appreciated by motorists for its efficiency.

The express Parking service is now divided into two separate car parks:• a Drop-off car park with 60 spaces for dropping off and picking up passengers. This car park, which is just for very short stays, is an effective solution for motorists who wish to make the most of their time by stopping right outside the terminal. The Drop-off car park has 2 entrances and 3 exits and provides free parking for the first 10 minutes.• A P0 car park completely refurbished with 307 spaces for parking and accompanying passengers into the terminal, for up to 3 hours. It has 3 entrances and 3 exits; parking is free for the first 15 minutes.

These two car parks are equipped with car number-plate detectors, which allow the barriers to open automatically for motorists who have been parked for less than 10 minutes (in the Drop-off car park) or less than 15 minutes (in the P0 car park), or who have already paid for their parking at a payment point.

D K E Y E v E N T S

t o u l o u s e - b l a g n a c a i r p o r t | 2 0 1 2 r e v i e w & f u t u r e p l a n s

2 0 1 2 r e v i e w21

t o u l o u s e - b l a g n a c a i r p o r t | 2 0 1 2 r e v i e w & f u t u r e p l a n s

E T H E E N v I R O N M E N T

Night flights: night-time period protectedOver the course of 2012, the arrival of the Air France and easyJet bases generated a 10% increase in night flights (10.00pm - 6.00am), including a 15.5% rise in flights between 10.00pm and 12.00am. In this time slot, the vast majority of flights (nearly 75%) took place between 10.00pm and 11.00pm. As regards the night-time period (12.00am - 6.00am), traffic fell by 1.4%. The statistical indicators which show this reduction in flights in 2013 were presented to the Night-time Observatory, under the auspices of the Prefecture. They confirm that Toulouse-Blagnac Airport fulfilled its commitment by reducing operations during the night-time period.It should also be noted that 2013 Toulouse-Blagnac Airport traffic has reached a lower level than the traffic projections taken into account in 2007 for drawing up the NeP (Noise exposure Plan), despite the arrival of the Air France and easyJet bases, an event that was not included in the calculations for the NeP.Furthermore, the positive effects can be seen – and measured – from the actions carried out on continuous descent trajectories, which enable the flying height to be increased over towns and villages located further than 15 km from the airport runways. Finally, let’s remember the 2011 decree regulating nocturnal activity and its restrictions to force airlines to use the least noisy aircraft on nocturnal flights. These restrictions will be made even stricter in April 2013.

Waste water treatment: the increasingly efficient STFToulouse-Blagnac Airport and the Adour Garonne Water Agency have made a major development in the Stormwater Treatment Facility (STF): treating de-icing fluid (glycol) directly within the facility, built in 2009 in the framework of a partnership with Lyonnaise des eaux, part of the Suez Group. Although the STF continues to use physico-chemical treatment to process waste water in the summer; in the winter, it turns into a biological station. This new process uses bacteria which feed on the organic pollution.

Bicycle stands in front of the terminalIn September, two bicycle parking areas were set up under the Departures overpass, on the level of Halls C

(36 spaces) and D (20 spaces). Meant in particular for airport employees and residents going to the terminal, these covered spaces provide a suitable environment for an environmentally-friendly way to move around the airport.

F u t u r e P L A n s

t o u l o u s e - b l a g n a c a i r p o r t | 2 0 1 2 r e v i e w & f u t u r e p l a n s

t o u l o u s e - b l a g n a c a i r p o r t | 2 0 1 2 r e v i e w & f u t u r e p l a n s

F u t u r e P L A n s

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a P a S S E N G E R S E R v I C E

Airport Helpers are on their way!In 2013, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport will deploy on the airport platform what is described as «good practice» by the French Airport Union (U.A.F.): Airport Helpers. First seen at Lyon Airport in 2006, then taken up by Munich Airport in 2011 and Paris Airport in 2012, it stems from the desire to «become a welcoming airport for passengers, through a spirit of service shared between the staff of the platform’s partners.» Since the beginning of the year, volunteers from the platform’s companies, who work closely with passengers and can therefore give them information or guide them, have been made aware of this approach. These Airport Helpers can be identified by their special badges.

In 2013, FNAC will arrive at the airport! Life at the airport also revolves around its shops, which provide many services to passengers coming to catch their flight. And in 2013, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport will breathe new life into the shops located in the terminal. Prestigious brand names are expected, beginning with FNAC, whose shop situated in the public area in Hall B will offer a wide choice of mobile technology accessories, music and videos, as well as a ticket office. A Casino Shop grocery is also expected, in the public area of Hall B, which will

also see the Relay, Donjon and Art espace brands refit their outlets.In this same area, accessible to both passengers and the general public, Beauty Unlimited- L’Occitane will become Aelia Beauté, with a wider range of perfume and cosmetics, particularly the arrival of products by Yves Rocher. Under the Douceurs & Petits Bonbons trade name, a kiosk will sell sweets and fine confectionery to both young and old; for its part, the combined Ducs de Gascogne-Stade Toulousain stores will from now on be called Stade Toulousain-Découvrir le Sud-Ouest and will offer a broader range of regional products.In the checking-in area in Hall C, Safebag will provide passengers with a packaging and weighing service for their luggage. There will be plenty happening

in the departure lounge too! Three new shops will set up here: a fashion and accessories boutique, Aelia Mode, Jeff de Bruges chocolates (Hall C), and Swatch (Hall D). Finally, the Relay-Ducs de Gascogne shop will refit its outlet. With the gradual arrival of these names, the Toulouse-Blagnac Airport shops will get a breath of fresh air in 2013!

Improving the welcome1

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a P a S S E N G E R S E R v I C E

Toulouse-Blagnac Airport will revamp its website, in response to the new habits of Internet-users and to promote the services the airport is offering to its passengers. Three areas will be created in this new website: for passengers, the Toulouse-Blagnac Airport company and professionals; the focus will be on the one for passengers.

Furthermore, the website will provide a version for smartphones. A first step towards a future application, to provide an efficient mobile service for everyone with a phone, be it for Android, IOS, BlackBerry or Windows Phone.

Launch: April 2013.

Technology developments, to smooth passengers’ journeys 2


A new website. In the spring

For business travellers and families...

New services will be launched in 2013 for business passengers, in order to optimise the time they are in the terminal. They will be able to reserve their parking space in the Proxipark P1 on-line, on the ground floor and adjacent to the terminal entrances. This product will be very flexible; users will be able to change their reservations up to 6 hours beforehand. Furthermore, new working areas are

going to be set up in the airport, in the public areas and in the departure lounges. For families, new areas will be provided in the departure lounges to make the wait more entertaining and active for children and their parents.Also in 2013, a security checkpoint just for families and suitable to receive children will make this formality less wearisome for youngsters.

more customised services

t o u l o u s e - b l a g n a c a i r p o r t | 2 0 1 2 r e v i e w & f u t u r e p l a n s

f u t u r e p l a n s25

t o u l o u s e - b l a g n a c a i r p o r t | 2 0 1 2 r e v i e w & f u t u r e p l a n s

b I N F R a S T R U C T U R E

Runway 1 completely resurfaced

This is the airport’s historic runway, built in 1939 (lengthened in 1948 then again in 1963) to accommodate civil aviation traffic which up until then had landed on the Francazal runway. 3,000 metres long, this runway – the closest to the air terminal

– will be renovated during the summer of 2013, as well as all the runway lights on it. This is a sizeable project, which will require closure of the runway for over two months.Cost of the work: 14 million euros.

Toulouse-Blagnac Airport has been identified as one of four intermodal hubs in the Toulouse metropolitan area by the Urban Transport Plan (PDU). In conjunction with the local authorities, the airport has forged partnerships with Tisséo, SMTC and the General Council of Haute-Garonne to develop public transport connecting the airport to metropolitan Toulouse.

In 2013, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport will accentuate its position of multimodal hub with the expansion of Tisséo bus routes and the tram, work on which should start in the first quarter of 2013; at the same time, the airport will continue to promote environmentally friendly modes of transport, especially cycling.

For its own business, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport will integrate around fifteen electric cars into its fleet, which will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions on the platform.

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C T H E a I R P O R T, a N I N T E R M O D a L H U b

Tram, bus, bicycle…


An action plan for sustainable developmentToulouse-Blagnac Airport has instigated numerous actions over the last few years in three areas of sustainable development: the economy, social issues and the environment. To help structure these initiatives which have been or will be started, the airport operator is working on drawing up an action plan, which will make its approach clearer for the general public.

An energy efficiency plan for buildings up to 2020The new regulations from the two Grenelle environment Forums impose on State buildings, which includes Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, a 40% reduction in energy consumption and 50% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2020.

In this framework, the airport operator has launched an energy diagnosis of its buildings, structured around specific areas: lighting, heating, domestic hot water, air conditioning and ventilation. This analysis has helped to confirm that previously launched initiatives are heading in the right direction, before undertaking new improvement activities.

t o u l o u s e - b l a g n a c a i r p o r t | 2 0 1 2 r e v i e w & f u t u r e p l a n s


Marc DupeyronTel. +33 (0)5 61 42 44 42m.dupeyron@toulouse.aeroport.frwww.toulouse.aeroport.fr/fr/aeroport/espace-presse

BP 90103 | 31703 BLAGNAC CeDeX

TeL. 0825 380 000 (€0.15/MIN INCLUDING VAT, FRANCe ONLY) | FAX 05614 24520


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