a road map to perfect duplication

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONA ship without a path to navigate, will land no where.

My goal today is to give you a path to navigate successfully upon.

A path where there is no room for failure.

Are you ready to take this path? Is what you need to decide.

The next 30-40 minutes can change your life and give you a perspective that you might have not had before.

I would strongly recommend you take a pen and paper to scribble some notes along and any questions that you might have.

Please reserve all questions for the end of the session, where you will be given a chance to put them forth.

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.


Now it is true that you can do this business for free.

The question is, how long are you ready to wait to get success?

It’s just a matter of different goals and different speeds to achieve those goals.

As the saying goes, justice delayed is justice denied !

What we have here today for you is a “Fast Track Method” to get you to success.

So you decide, Are You Ready To -

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONThe very fact that all of you are Executive affiliates, itself proves that you are serious about this business.

What you might lack, is the idea of the right kind of mix that makes a person successful.

All those affiliate who think that they can do this business for FREE are welcome to try it out and you might succeed too, but we are not here today to discuss that.

What we are here to discuss is, “A proven and tested method that gets you to Success, Quickly & Surely”.

All you need to do is,


BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONSo, what is the meaning of DUPLICATION in our Business?

Duplication is the art of doing the things that successful people do, again and again and again.

So, what is it that you have to do to succeed in the SFI business?

You're right, Just do what your successful UPLINE’s have done so far.

And what is that?

1. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and stay one.

2. Sponsor as many affiliates

3. Teach the interested affiliates the same 3 steps.

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.


Leon McKee Erich Winnecke Giuseppe Francavilla

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.


Now what kind of Standing Order Is Recommended?

The best Standing Order I recommend to have is a special Standing Order for 125 TCredits

This order gives you 1,500 VP (VersaPoints)

Commission Volume (CV): $19.43/$17.66 SODirect Commission (DC): $8.74/$7.95 SOTC Executive Pool (EP): $7.77/$7.06 SOCo-Sponsor Comm (CSC) $2.91/$2.65 SO

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONWhat does this mean in commissions to you?

One SO leads to a $ 7.95 in commissions to you.

5 such SO’s brings in $ 39.75 while you have spent only $ 36.25

Which is a direct profit of $ 3.50 and your business comes to you for FREE.

Why 125 Tcredits?

It is available at a discount in comparison to other products.

125TCredits also easily qualifies you as EA automatically and puts Team Leader position within easy reach.

TCredits give you various possibilities such as buying the products you wish, bidding for auctions, playing games etc.

Basically you could do anything with TCredits that money can.

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

EA level comes with the following benefits:

It helps you to be a role model for others to follow.

It puts in you, a winning habit.

It qualifies you for direct commissions.

It qualifies you to receive CSA's every month for FREE, if you retain EA.

Allows you the facility to re-assign affiliates to your productive downlines.

Puts Bronze Team Leader position within easy reach.

Helps in "DUPLICATION" which is one of the keys to success.

Keeps you motivated to do more by the simple method of, "Earn while you Learn".

Helps motivate your team to do more and walk that extra mile.

You receive recognition and more attention from your uplines.

Therefore, you see, retaining EA should be the first step towards attaining your goals and moving to the next level, your immediate target.


BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONNow we all understand, we are into Network Marketing or Affiliate Marketing as it is called and we also know that affiliates are important for our business, as they are our market for growth.

Unless you sponsor affiliates, you cannot run this business successfully – Clean And Simple.

Therefore, if you do not have a way or the resources to get the affiliates you need for this business SFI provides you a way for that as well.

“Affiliate Sign Ups” at Our Team Co-op which you will find at –

Recommended Purchase -

Special PSA Offer 25 + 25 FREE (Look for item number: 462757)


BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONNow the advantages of this item are as follows:

50 PSA’s guaranteed every month

489 VP (VersaPoints)

Commission Volume (CV): $6.53/$6.53 SODirect Commission (DC): $2.94/$2.94 SOTC Executive Pool (EP): $2.61/$2.61 SOCo-Sponsor Comm (CSC) $0.98/$0.98 SO

Why this product?

Value for money.

Sign ups are Guaranteed.

Sign ups are world wide and targeted.

Get your sign ups or your money back in total.

Get your sign ups normally within 24 – 48 hours after receiving order.(Please note we cannot control the Tripleclicks processing time, so please be patient)

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONNow how will this mix help us grow our SFI business?

Imagine you have purchased Standing Orders as follows:

125 TCredits (1500) VP + Affiliate Sign Ups (489) VP = 1989 Versa Points.

Now since we are talking about Duplication, consider that you have found your serious 5 affiliates and accordingly see what your income could be as your network grows.

For illustration purposes we shall only consider the 125 TCredits(1500) VP and the potential income you could earn with duplicating this.

What we are looking for is a “Residual Income”.

Residual Income is an income that will come to you again and again and again for the work you have done ONCE, just like a “Royalty Income” an artist or a book writer gets when his copies are sold.

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONBelow is an Illustration of the SFI “Residual Income” calculation:

Our calculation is based on the assumption that 1 VP ~ 0.0005 $.

Now, the income that we have considered here is only the Matching VP income that you get when you are team leader and this is besides the actual Direct Commission (DC) that you get when a product is purchased.

On top of this of course, there will be the extra income consequently generated by all the different stream included in the SFI Compensation Plan like: ECA Royalties, Direct Sales, SFIPPA (Pay Per Action) and SFI contests.

Month EA2 Total EAs Total VP Monthly Income

1st 5 5 7500 $3,752nd 25 30 45000 $22,503rd 125 155 232500 $116,254th 625 780 1170000 $585,005th 3125 3905 5857500 $2.928,756th 15625 19530 29295000 $14.647,50

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.


History tells us that most sales happen after 7-8 follow-ups have been done and same will be the case with your inactive affiliates at first instance.

Some may see the light fast while others are slow starters while there are also others that will never start at all.

For all those slow starters this step taken by you could prove instrumental and can do remarkable things for your business.

Hence I recommend a follow-up/lead management system called “All In One Profit(AIOP)” which has got some excellent follow up tools.

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONNext Step – Follow Up (Continued)

AIOP offers the following to help you build your SFI business:

Premium web hosting with 500 MB space (You will have to get your own domain from domain provider such as godaddy.com)

Unlimited Campaign Manager

Squeeze page builder which you desperately need

Down line Builder


URL Tracker

Banner advertising unlimited

Text advertising, Unlimited

Opportunity to make Unlimited income

Well designed C-panel

Auto responder and good Customer service

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONNext Step – Follow Up (Continued)

All of these premium features come to you at only $10 per month plus maintenance fee of $1.50 = $11.50

Look for the training video and text when you join the program.

This is available at Tripleclicks –

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.


Now we all know, we do not live in a perfect world and we also know that not all affiliates we approach or get into the business will be active.

We also should know that not all affiliates who join the business who are active initially will remain active forever.

Our aim is to find those serious ones, that are teachable and ready to follow the path successful people have laid before us.

We are looking for those individuals that are ready to do what it takes to succeed, come what may.

We are looking for those individuals who can develop a businessman's mind set and who can understand the power of this business.

So what if some say “No”, there’s always another person waiting, just say “Next”.

We are into a relationship business, build the trust and you will see magic happen !

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

A ROAD MAP TO PERFECT DUPLICATIONSo what is the message we get from all of this?

The SFI business opportunity is much bigger than you think it is.

All you need to have is a Commitment towards your “DREAM”.

Just as you are committed towards your “JOB” which we define as “JUST OVER BROKE”, you should not shy away from being committed towards your “DREAM”.

You shouldn’t be letting others steal your “DREAM” or letting others decide what you should get for your labor.

“YOU” need to take charge of your “LIFE” and your “DREAMS”.


So stop Procrastinating and get into action today.

Don’t hesitate to, AIM HIGH, DREAM BIG !

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.

Questions & Answers (Q & A)Please Speak Out Your Mind

SFI Team Leader

BEWARE ! ! !, this is for SERIOUS affiliates only and the

strategies mentioned herein are tested and proven.

No guarantees can be given on individual success, as

that depends purely on individual performance.


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