a school for qatar airways staff · growth mindset in the classroom - children’s work displaying...

Post on 29-Jun-2020






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A school for Qatar Airways Staff

Oryx International School aims to be five star school and aims to be the best.

Our vision is to ensure that students leave Oryx International School enabled, confident and ready to face the challenges that their next stage of life will bring. They will have developed effective behavioursthat will enable them to thrive and succeed as global citizens of the 21st century.

How mindsets affect motivation and learning.

“In many cases, students with less raw potential, but with greater stamina, perseverance and capacity for hard work are more likely to succeed than those who are talented but have little capacity to set ambitious goals for themselves”

PISA in Focus, March 2014

Carol Dweck’s Theory of Mindset• Discusses the impact that mindset has upon achievement and success.

• Allows her to distinguish two perspectives that people hold about their abilities (with approximately 15% undecided).

• Differentiates Fixed or Growth.

• Acknowledges that people can have different mindsets towards different aspects of their lives, e.g. a fixed mindset towards their ability to do maths, but a growth mindset towards their ability to paint or draw.

• Recognises that even with a growth mindset, not everyone can be Einstein but they can get better, they can better themselves and become better at developing the behavious necessary to face challenges.

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElVUqv0v1EE

Time to reflect.

What mindset did you have or do you have in these situations?

• What was your initial reaction to your exam results?• How do you normally respond when you do badly? What do you think?

What do you do?• How do you normally respond when you do well? What do you think?

What do you do?• What do you do when things are hard? E.g Getting lost in Doha? What

do you do? How do you feel? What do you think?

So what is Growth Mindset? A way of thinking.• https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=QedXXbX5G4-


Lots of institutions have used this approach and have been successful.

How Growth Mindset works and why it matters.


Growth Mindset in the Classroom

- Children’s work displaying use of growth mindset traits.- Verbal feedback and written feedback utilising

growth mindset language.- A growth mindset teaching approach,

believing in the student(s) in front of you and modifying the teaching methods.

- Wall display with motivational quotes.

Power of Yet

Vocabulary in the classroom

Key points

• Vocabulary change+ Students language + Teachers verbal feedback+ Marking (WWW/EBI)

• Growth mindset wall display

• Pre/Post assessments.+ Measuring progress -> praise the journey from a to b.

• Growth mindset of the week (as a part of the wall display?)• Provide consistent challenge in a variety of ways.• Praise effort and challenging themselves. Having a go.

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