a series on evidences acts 17:3. why the need for evidence? some downplay the need for studying...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Why The Need For Evidence?  Neither does God require that we totally understand everything  It is reasonable to believe in God, Bible, and Jesus without fully understanding all the specifics.1 Tim 6:16 Heb 11:7-8  God does have His “secret things” Deut 29:29 The Nature Of Evidence


A Series On Evidences Acts 17:3 Why The Need For Evidence? Some downplay the need for studying evidences Claim it shows a lack of faith God never requires blind faith 1 Jn 4:1 1 Thess 5:21 The Nature Of Evidence Why The Need For Evidence? Neither does God require that we totally understand everything It is reasonable to believe in God, Bible, and Jesus without fully understanding all the specifics.1 Tim 6:16 Heb 11:7-8 God does have His secret things Deut 29:29 The Nature Of Evidence Why The Need For Evidence? The answer lies in the middle God presents evidence God expects us to believe using our reasoning abilities Notice how such a process works The Nature Of Evidence FACT (Evidence) REASON Weighs The Evidence JUDGMENT BELIEFUNBELIEF Acceptance (Belief) Is Dependent Upon 5 Factors: 1. The WEIGHT of the evidence 2. The CLARITY with which the evidence is presented 3. The HONESTY (integrity) of the examiner Acceptance (Belief) Is Dependent Upon 5 Factors: FACT (Evidence) REASON Weighs The Evidence JUDGMENT BELIEFUNBELIEF 4. The LOGICAL ABILITY of the examiner to evaluate the evidence 5. The BIAS (prejudice) of the examiner Different Kinds Of Evidence For the purposes of our study, there are 2 The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence The critics claim When we cannot, they suppose they have won the debate Give scientific proof that God exists the Bible is true. The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence Defined, science is The systematic knowledge derived from observation and experiment carried on in order to determine the principles underlying what is being studied. The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence Key components = testing & observation Begin with hypotheses (possible answers) Those that fail during testing are eliminated one by one At the end, one has a theory The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence Several things fall outside this realm Ones birth cant be tested scientifically The birthing process can be tested Your personal birth was a 1-time event (not repeatable in lab conditions) The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence Several things fall outside this realm Where you were yesterday cant be tested scientifically Time cant be brought back, observed For this reason, creation cannot be tested The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence God, the Bible, Jesus dont fall under this category of evidence Science is valid, beneficial Yet, this realm has limitations The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence The limitations of science 1. The 5 physical senses 2. The present (it cannot deal with history) The 5 sense are limited to the present Science cant test the historic validity of important past events The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence The limitations of science 3. It tells us how something worksit cannot tell us why It cannot tell us purpose The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence The limitations of science 4. It is non-moral It is not equipped to deal with morality It is incapable of making value judgments on moral criteria The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence The limitations of science 5. It cant deal with the unique It deals w/ timeless, universal, repeatable One-time events (miracles) are outside the realm of science The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Scientific Evidence Science is valid in medical breakthroughs and discoveries (pasteurization) Science is not judge & jury of God, His word, and faith-based concepts Science cant answer all questions The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Historic Evidence A category equal in weight to science The kind of evidence used in courts of law Provides relevant data (eyewitnesses, written documents, archaeological finds, etc.) The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Historic Evidence Such must be considered & weighed before drawing conclusions Do we know historical events occurred? Yesthey pass the test of historical research The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Historic Evidence The Bible can be subjected to and pass the same test It has eyewitness testimony One the most reliable forms of evidence Criminals convicted on such evidence The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Historic Evidence Scripture elevates eyewitness testimony Deut 19:15 Matt 18:16 Scripture is confirmed by eyewitness testimony Lk 1:1-4 things most surely believed know the certainty of such things The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Historic Evidence Jesus presented alive by many infallible truths Acts 1:3 Scripture affirms over & over the events recorded were verified through eyewitness testimony 1 Cor 15:3-8 The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Historic Evidence Those who dismiss God & His Word without examination are guilty of foolish bias A judge would rebuke a jury who did so in a criminal trial The Nature Of Evidence Different Kinds Of Evidence Historic Evidence The questiondid the events in Scripture occur as historical events? The only way to know is to examine them Not by science, but through history With other documents, archeology The Nature Of Evidence Benefits of Knowing, Using Evidence If a lawyer knew of evidence that could exonerate his client but didnt use it, he would be as ineffective as a lawyer who didnt know about the evidence at all. Are new trials sometimes granted when discovered the lawyer didnt use evidence that existed? The Nature Of Evidence Benefits of Knowing, Using Evidence Evidence is either compelling or lacking This is where God expects us to use the reasoning abilities He has given us He expects us to accept that which is most believable He has given sufficient evidence to accept what is believable The Nature Of Evidence Benefits of Knowing, Using Evidence John said he wrote what he personally witnessed that you may believe, and believing, you may have life in His name Jn 20:31 Belief - Salvation Jn 3:16 8:24 Belief - faithful service for God Jas 2:14-26 The Nature Of Evidence Benefits of Knowing, Using Evidence Were not interested in winning a debate Were interested in securing our own salvation & converting lost souls This requires knowing how to recognize & use God-given evidence The Nature Of Evidence Conclusion Many attacks made against God, His Word Christians must be prepared for them We must know something about evidences & apologetics 1 Pet 3:15 When properly used, the Scriptures can destroy critics arguments 2 Cor. 10:3-5 The Nature Of Evidence Conclusion Not enough to say something is true without giving some validity Mk 16:20 Eyewitnesses give credibility We need to defend God, His truth! The Nature Of Evidence Acts 17:3 Lesson 2 Existence Of God Scales Of Justice What is a prima facie case? Litat first face (first impression, glance) Something apparent or legally sufficient If adequate evidence is available to establish the presumption of a fact, such a presumption becomes fact unless it can be refuted by other facts The Universal Argument A/k/a The General Argument In every age of human history, man has had a religious instinct Whether crude or sophisticated, man has believed in something to which he has ascribed a superior quality The Existence Of God The Universal Argument Man not only believes, he also engages in worship & lifestyles he hopes will please the accepted superior being Atheism is the only societal exception We yearn for God Psa 42:1 Acts 17:27 The Existence Of God The Cosmological Argument A/k/a The Cause & Effect Argument (The Argument From First Cause) For every effect, theres an associate cause All that exists cant be proven that it originated from chance or luck The Existence Of God 321 Odds: 1 in 10 321 Odds: 1 in 100 321 Odds: 1 in 1,000 Odds: 1 in 10,000,000,000 The Cosmological Argument What caused the cosmos (world)? There are only 3 possibilities The world is eternalhas always existed Even unbelieving scientists date the earths age They dont believe this possibility The Existence Of God The Cosmological Argument What caused the cosmos (world)? There are only 3 possibilities The world is not eternalit created itself No one believes this Not physically possible The Existence Of God The Cosmological Argument What caused the cosmos (world)? There are only 3 possibilities The world is not eternalit was created by a superior force The only option that is left This is where the debate occurs The Existence Of God The Cosmological Argument What caused the cosmos (world)? We believe God is this Creative Force Every effect has an adequate cause Heb 3:4 Acts 17:24 God is responsible for all that exists Job 38:4-38 The Existence Of God The Teleological Argument A/k/a The Intelligent Design Argument From the Greek word teleo Jn 19:30 (an accomplished end finished) Because there is a purposed design, there must be a principled Designer Facts exist that support an intelligent Designer vs. chance, blind luck The Existence Of God The Teleological Argument A/k/a The Intelligent Design Argument Facts supporting this argument The planet itself The animal life The human life The Existence Of God Evidence from Design The Human Body The function and complexity of cells in the human body. The body is composed of over 250 different kinds of cells totaling about 100 trillion cells in a typical adult. Each system of the human body has its own amazing design. The respiratory, cardio-vascular, nervous, digestive, lymphatic, endocrine, muscular/skeletal, urinary and reproductive systems of the body could not have developed by chance Evidence from Design Consider the brain & central nervous system o Composed of over 10 trillion different cells. o These cells send electrical impulses at a rate of 273 miles per hour o Nerve cells in the body send 2,000 impulses to the brain every second. o These impulses come from 130,000 light receptors in the eye, 100,000 hearing receptors in the ears, 3,000 taste buds, and over 500,000 touch spots o The brain produces more than 50 drugs, ranging from painkillers (like endorphin) to antidepressant drugs (like serotonin). o The brain allows you to remember words, smells, pictures, and colors. o It has been estimated that it would require 500 sets of encyclopedias to hold the information found in the brain. Form Follows Function The images to the left are faces and upper teeth of bats that eat insects (top), fruit (bottom) and a combination of fruit and insects (middle). The image below is a vampire bat. Evidence from Design Plant and Animal Biology Animal Instincts and Migration Patterns Monarch butterflies are born in the northern United States, and then migrate up to 3000 miles to spend the winter in Mexico. What is amazing about this migration is that butterflies never meet their parents, but they are able to fly to the same place in Mexico where their parents or grandparents wintered a year earlier. Monarch butterflies have been known to fly more than 375 miles over water non-stop in 16 hours. Their trip takes them eight to ten weeks. Monarch Migration Patterns Symbiotic Relationships: Cape Buffalo & Oxpecker Bird Clownfish & Anemones An anemone provides slow swimming clownfish with protection. Clownfish bring food to the anemone. The Teleological Argument A/k/a The Intelligent Design Argument Such complexity in the cosmos, the animal kingdom, and with the human body loudly declares a purpose It also loudly declares One is the Designer Psa 19:1 139:14 The Existence Of God The Morality Argument One of the most compelling arguments the atheist must answer Men differ in morality Proven by attempts to re-define Despite this, all agree that some code of conduct of basic morality exists The Existence Of God The Morality Argument A basic code of moral conduct A sense of ought Everyone demands fairness, fair treatment The presence of morality demands a moral Force behind itman is given his moral compass Rom 2:14-15 The Existence Of God What If There Is No God? Remove God and there are logical consequences we are faced with No explanation for life No purpose for living No standard by which to live No eternity for which to live The Existence Of God What If There Is No God? If God does exist, then there is an explanation for life Gen 1:1, a purpose for living Eccl 12:13 a standard by which to live Jn 12:48 an eternity for which to live 1 Cor 15:53-58 The Existence Of God Scales Of Justice What is a prima facie case? Litat first face (first impression, glance) Something apparent or legally sufficient If adequate evidence is available to establish the presumption of a fact, such a presumption becomes fact unless it can be refuted by other facts Conclusion Gods existence is one of the most important questions one will ever ask Isa 45:6-7, 9, 11-12, 18 We cannot put God into a test tube to prove the validity of His existence The Existence Of God Conclusion Which is more reasonable to believe? either God exists or He does not The evidence saying He does is abundant Acts 14:17 Rom 1:19-20 Only a fool says otherwise Rom 1:28, 22 Psa 14:1 The Existence Of God Acts 17:3 Lesson 3 Identity Of Jesus Was He Invented? Some contend Jesus has been made up At least the majority of what He said & did has been fabricated If true, the gospel writers have pulled off the biggest scam in history The Jesus Seminar The Identity Of Jesus Founded in 1985 Comprised of 150 Fellows (Biblical scholars or authors who are noted in the field of religion) They vote using colored beads, deciding in their collective view of the historicity of Jesus (what He saidwhat He did) They meet twice a year Their questdistinguish the historical Jesus and the Christ of faith (Biblical Jesus) Original Conclusions Of the approx various statements attributed to Jesus in the 4 gospels only about 270 (18%) were likely to be genuine (actually uttered by Jesus) Their questdistinguish the historical Jesus and the Christ of faith (Biblical Jesus) Original Conclusions Of the approx. 176 various deeds attributed to Jesus, only 10 (5.7%) were deemed to be authentic They concluded the Gospel of John to be inauthentic Was He Invented? Accepting / Rejecting Jesus should be based solely on the evidence Mainly, the 4 inspired gospel accounts Additionally, extra-biblical information Flavius Josephus (37 95 A.D.) Pliny the Younger (61 113 A.D.) Cornelius Tacitus (56 117 A.D.) The Identity Of Jesus What Did Others Say About Him? Men of His day Matt 16:14 Peter Matt 16:16 2 Pet 1:16-18 John Jn 1:1, 14 1 Jn 1:1 Paul Phil 2:5 Col 2:9 Writer of Hebrews Heb 1:3 The Identity Of Jesus What Did He Say About Himself? He claimed equality with God Jn 5:17-18 Theirs was such a relationship that He said man should honor Him as he honors the Father v. 23 He claimed to be sinless Jn 8:46 He condemned self-righteousness Lk 18:9-14 The Identity Of Jesus What Did He Say About Himself? He claimed to be eternal Jn 8:58 He claimed to forgive sins Mk 2:5, 8-12 He claimed to be the only way for man to gain salvation Jn 14:6 The Identity Of Jesus What Did He Say About Himself? He claimed to fulfill all Messianic prophecies Lk 24:44 Of the approximate 800 prophecies in the O.T., 393 are Messianic What are the odds that 1 man fulfilled them all? Illustration: 1 man fulfilling only 8 The Identity Of Jesus What Did He Say About Himself? He claimed to fulfill all Messianic prophecies Lk 24:44 Peter Stoner (famous mathematician & a believer) calculated for 1 man to fulfill just 8 prophecies would have the odds of 1 in (100,000,000,000,000,000) [100 quadrillion] The Identity Of Jesus Area = 268,000 sq. miles ,000,000,000,000,000 (100 quadrillion) Area = 268,000 sq. miles ,000,000,000,000,000 (100 quadrillion) Area = 268,000 sq. miles It would cover the surface area of Texas 2 feet deep !! The chances of finding the marked silver dollar is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 The odds of finding that 1 silver dollar in Texas The odds if 1 man fulfilled only 8 of the 393 Messianic prophecies How much greater the odds if Jesus fulfilled all Messianic prophecies? What He claimed about Himself Lk 24:44 What Do You Say About Him? I am Neutral - IMPOSSIBLE We cannot escape Himwe must decide There are only 3 possible conclusions. The Identity Of Jesus What Do You Say About Him? 1. He is a LIAR If He willingly deceived men into believing something He is not, He is a fraud If He was not who He claimed to be, He would be wicked to the core, treading upon mans most intimate needs of the human spirit The Identity Of Jesus What Do You Say About Him? 1. He is a LIAR If fraudulent, He took desperate people who needed Gods mercy upon their pitiful souls and used it to gain popularity If so, not even the Book of Mormon or Koran are correct (even if not the Christ, still not a good man) The Identity Of Jesus What Do You Say About Him? 2. He is a LUNATIC He would be deranged Would He be that deluded & crazy to successfully deceive centuries of people? Would such a one die for this lie? Would family allow such a death? Jn 19:25 The Identity Of Jesus What Do You Say About Him? 3. He is LORD The only plausible conclusion to make No one ever taught like He did Matt 7:28-29 Jn 7:40-46 No one ever did what He did (miracles, resurrection, etc.) The Identity Of Jesus Conclusion The real issue not whether Jesus lived (The historical Jesus) Is He who the Bible says He isdid He live the life described in the Bible? (The Christ of faith) The Identity Of Jesus Conclusion If He is the Son of God & you follow Him You will have to give yourself up Matt 16:24 But you will be saved you will have eternal life Jn 10:10 your soul will have rest Matt 11:29 The Identity Of Jesus Conclusion If He is Gods Son & you dont follow you will die in your sins Jn 8:24 you will face Him in judgment 2 Cor 5:10 you will face His fiery wrath unprepared 2 Thess 1:7-9 The Identity Of Jesus Conclusion Each of us must decide who He is Neutrality is not an option Matt 12:30 Rev 3:15-16 The Identity Of Jesus Acts 17:3 Lesson 4 The Bibles Reliability The Bibles Continuity One must consider its continuous flow of thought How continual is it throughout? Compare to other written works written by only 1 author The Bible isnt like any other book! Reliability Of The Bible Biblical Characteristics (Factors That Work Against A Continuous Flow Of Thought) Time Over 1,500 years 40 different authors Biblical Characteristics (Factors That Work Against A Continuous Flow Of Thought) Time Place Diverse places (wilderness, palace, prison, on the road) Biblical Characteristics (Factors That Work Against A Continuous Flow Of Thought) Time Place Human perspective All walks of life (royalty, peasant, fishermen, doctor, tax collector) Biblical Characteristics (Factors That Work Against A Continuous Flow Of Thought) Time Place Human perspective Language 3 languages (Hebrew, some Aramaic, Koine Greek) Biblical Characteristics (Factors That Work Against A Continuous Flow Of Thought) Time Place Human perspective Language Types of writing Law (criminal, civil, ethical, sanitary, moral) History Poetry Prophecy The Bibles Continuity Despite all this divergencethe Bible does not contain 1 hiccup of inconsistency It seamlessly follows its 1 continuous flow of thought from start to finish Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics Namely, well focus on 3 1.Inspiration 2.Infallibility 3.Inerrancy Characteristics that stand and fall together Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics 1. INSPIRATION Its source or origin 2 Pet 1:20-21 The Bible is God-breatheda product of verbal plenary inspiration -- Verbal (words) 1 Cor 2: Plenary (wholly; extending to all parts) 2 Tim 3:16 Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics 1. INSPIRATION Other ideas of inspiration -- Partial (which parts?) -- Natural (like an author or painter) -- Mechanical dictation (writer was only a glorified stenographer) Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics 1. INSPIRATION Other ideas of inspiration -- Thought (only thought conveyed writer chose own words) Doesnt take into account when the writer was unsure about what he wrote 1 Pet 1:10-11 Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics 2. INFALLIBLE Incapable of error by deception God cannot lie Heb 6:18 If so, then His God-breathed words must be of the same nature (not knowingly deceptive, injurious to man) Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics 3. INERRANT Cannot be proven false; no mistakes Written works of men contain errors (knowingly, unknowingly) Detracts from a written works reliability (an issue of credible trust) Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics The Bible claims inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy in numerous ways The Old Testament Thus says the Lord 400 times Ex 4:22 5:1 Gods word in mans mouth Jer 1:9 Fulfillment of prophecy Isa 44:7, 28 Reliability Of The Bible Fulfillment Of Prophecy True prophecy must meet certain criteria Must be beyond mans power to foresee Prediction must precede the event itself Prediction must apply to the event Unambiguous language (specific) Prediction has unmistakable fulfillment The Bibles Characteristics The Bible claims inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy in numerous ways The New Testament The 1 st Christians 1 Thess 2:13 What the apostles wrote 2 Pet 3:16 1 Cor 14:37 Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics The Bible claims inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy in numerous ways The New Testament Curses pronounced upon any who would change their writings Rev 22:18-19 Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics The Bible claims inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy in numerous ways Jesus View Of Scripture The O.T. was authoritative Matt 4:1-11 The O.T. was factual Matt 19:4-5 Jn 3:14 His own words were authoritative Matt 5: :35 Jn 12:48 Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Characteristics The Bible claims inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy in numerous ways Jesus View Of Scripture What His apostles would later write would be truth Jn 14:26 16:13 Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Unique Doctrine If the Bible is inspired, we can rely on it for all matters of which it speaks If the Bible is truth, it wont be wrong If the Bible is from God, it is our only source for faith & authority Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Unique Doctrine If the Bible is inspired, it is relevant to all areas of mans life Heb 4:12 It is not an ancient dead relic of an unenlightened past It is the living testimony of a powerful God who has a future planned for man Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Unique Doctrine The Bibles grand themethe redemption of man from his sin Rom 3:23 Gods eternal purpose to redeem man is taught from cover to cover Gen 3 Rev 22 What the Bible teaches about salvation is clearly unique Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Unique Doctrine The Bibles unique teaching on salvation Sin is always revealed to be rebellion against God Jer 10:23 1 Jn 3:4 Salvation is always a choice never forced or coerced Matt 11:28-29 Josh 24:15 Man must repentGod will forgive Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Unique Doctrine The Bibles unique teaching on salvation God has always required obedient faith From beginning to end, there is an altar, a sacrifice, and a priest Mans redemption always dependent upon a sacrifice acceptable to God Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Unique Doctrine What other book could be so unique to point out mans failures and at the same time point the way to his salvation? The Bible has not been shown to be erroneousit stands just like it said it would 1 Pet 1:22-25 Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Surety Can we be sure our modern-day Bible is right, real, and true? Just how reliable is our copy of the Bible? This is the subject of Textual Criticism (field of study re: autographs, manuscripts, & versions) Original documents written by Bible writers Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Surety Can we be sure our modern-day Bible is right, real, and true? Just how reliable is our copy of the Bible? This is the subject of Textual Criticism (field of study re: autographs, manuscripts, & versions) Copies of original documents written in same language as the original Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Surety Can we be sure our modern-day Bible is right, real, and true? Just how reliable is our copy of the Bible? This is the subject of Textual Criticism (field of study re: autographs, manuscripts, & versions) Translations of original documents into other languages The Bibles Surety Biblical autographs no longer exist An argument made against relying on the Bible What about other written works? (E.g. Shakespeares Romeo & Juliet) Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Surety A simplistic illustration of the process of Textual Criticism can help us have confidence in our modern-day Bible Reliability Of The Bible Sam Jack Fred Bill Joe Sam Fred Bill Jack Joe Sam How reliable is his copy? Fred Bill Jack Joe The Bibles Surety Thousands of manuscripts (early versions of the Scripture) are available for the type of comparative analysis just illustrated N.T. 5,000+ manuscripts and 10,000+ documents of versions Abundant proof of the Bibles surety! Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Surety In addition to this internal documentation, there are historical secular writings Men who lived at the same time of the apostles or shortly thereafterthey quote cite N.T. passages (Clement of Rome, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus) Reliability Of The Bible The Bibles Surety The Scripture declares Gods word will never pass away Matt 24:35 1 Pet 1:22-25 God had a hand in bringing His word down through the ages in such a condition that the Bible we have today can be trusted as reliable Reliability Of The Bible Conclusion The Bible continues to be the worlds greatest enduring book Most recent parts are 2,000 years old Oldest parts are 3,500 years old Untold thousands of other books have been lost due to neglect, indifference Reliability Of The Bible Conclusion If the Bible is not Gods word, a believers faith is a hoax If the Bible is Gods word, billions of souls will be lost forever in hell because they rejected the Bibles main character Jesus Christ Reliability Of The Bible Conclusion If the Bible is not true, there is no absolute right & wrongweve been left here to grope around in frustrating darkness If the Bible is true Rom 3:4 The Bible = the standard Jas 1:21 You can rely on the Bible !! Reliability Of The Bible Acts 17:3 Lesson 5 Good & Evil Co-Existing Some Introductory Observations First, need to define suffering & evil Someone gets a deadly disease and dies? Terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001? Does evil have to be catastrophic or just something I dont like? The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Introductory Observations For God to remove all evil or suffering would not be good Some pain is goodbodily sensations keep us away from that which would be harmful We also learn from the suffering of others Jer 3:6-11 The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Introductory Observations We will not be able to provide all the answers to this dilemma Acts 12:1-4, 7- 10, 19 Provide some Biblical perspective to the topic The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 1. Some suffering is punitive Evil actions bring evil consequences Divinely warned Ex 9:13-17 A system of right & wrong demands a penalty (suffering) for disobeying Eze 18:4 Rom 1:27 The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 1. Some suffering is punitive The suffering that comes upon a man as a result of sin does not condemn an unloving God Instead, it justifies a fair God in His Divine justice The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 2. Some suffering is for testing Not all suffering is related to sin (Jobs contentions to his friends) Some suffering is not because weve done wrong, but because we can do better Jas 1:2-4 Rom 5:3-5 1 Pet 1:6-7 The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 2. Some suffering is for testing If life is going along great then all of a sudden one suffers is it truly pointless? NO does it manifest an uncaring God who is letting you suffer? NO The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 2. Some suffering is for testing If life is going along great then all of a sudden one suffers could God be testing you to make you better? POSSIBLY The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 3. Some suffering is meant to glorify God Rather than indicating Gods impotence, some suffering actually showcases His omnipotence Jn 9:2-3 Ex 15:1-2 19:4 Unbelievers have a hard time comprehending this concept (is God vain, egotistical?) The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 3. Some suffering is meant to glorify God Gods display of power in our times of suffering are not only meant to instruct They also are intended to attract us to Him and His delivering power (He is the only One who can solve our problems) The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 4. Evil will have a day of reckoning Atheists assume evil exists without any consequences Even they demand justice when someone violates a standard of fairness How much more so does a holy God demand justice? The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 4. Evil will have a day of reckoning All will have to appear before God in judgment 2 Cor 5:10 All will receive judgment based upon what we have done Jn 5:28-29 The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Some Biblical Perspectives 4. Evil will have a day of reckoning Rather than cast doubt on God because evil exists, mankind should focus on the fixed destiny of evil Satan, his angels Matt 25:41 If we dont want that THEN, we should listen to God NOW The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Suffering Draws Us Closer To God The sufferings of Job & Paul show how the one who loves & follows God can get closer to Him Job Cor 12:7 Job gained his insight by enduring all he went through with patience Paul was reminded all need humility The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Suffering Draws Us Closer To God When we suffer, we dont need answers What do we need? We need God !! This is where the atheist makes his mistake (and sometimes us, too) When Job finally saw this, he stopped asking his questions Job 42:2-6 The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Suffering Draws Us Closer To God When we suffer, we dont need answers What do we need? We need God !! When Paul finally learned the purpose for his thorn he rejoiced in it 2 Cor 12:9-10 The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Conclusion Even after such a lesson, not all questions are answered While God was on the earth, He did not remove all suffering His purpose was to manifest God, redeem man from his sin The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil Conclusion This all-powerful & all-beneficent God asks us to trust Him during those times of earthly suffering He hopes to help us avoid the worst kind of sufferingeternal separation from Him The Co-Existence Of Good & Evil

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