a simple and efficient solution of the …as/slides/ubc_feb09.pdfsolution of the identifiability...

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String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

A Simple and Efficient Solution of theIdentifiability Problem

for Hidden Markov Models and Quantum Random Walks

Alexander Schönhuth

Pacific Institute for the Mathematical SciencesSchool of Computing Science

Simon Fraser University

February 2009

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Guideline1 Introduction

Identifiability ProblemHidden Markov Processes (HMPs)Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

2 String FunctionsStochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

3 Solution of the Identifiability ProblemComputational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Identifiability ProblemHidden Markov Processes (HMPs)Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

Identifiability Problem

Situation :Φ : P → S

where P is a set of parameterizations and S is the corresponding set ofstochastic processes.


A stochastic process Φ(P) as induced by the parameterization P is said to beidentifiable iff

Φ−1(Φ(P)) = {P} (1)

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Identifiability ProblemHidden Markov Processes (HMPs)Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

Hidden Markov Processes (HMPs)


a b c a b c

1 2




0.25 0.25 0.30.45





Initial probabilities π = (0.8, 0.2)T

Transition probabilities

M = (mij := P(i → j))i,j=1,2



0.3 0.70.5 0.5


Emission probabilities,e.g. e1b = 0.5, e2c = 0.45.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Identifiability ProblemHidden Markov Processes (HMPs)Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

Hidden Markov Processes (HMPs)


a b c a b c

1 2




0.25 0.25 0.30.45





Initial probabilities π = (0.8, 0.2)T

Transition probabilities

M = (mij := P(i → j))i,j=1,2



0.3 0.70.5 0.5


Emission probabilities,e.g. e1b = 0.5, e2c = 0.45.

Random source (Xt ) with values in Σ = {a, b, c}:

e.g.: PX (X1 = a,X2 = b) = π1e1a(a11e1b + a12e2b) + π2e2a(a21e1b + a22e2b)

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Identifiability ProblemHidden Markov Processes (HMPs)Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

A QRW Q = (G,U, ψ0) consists of

a directed graph G = (V ,E),

a unitary operator U : C|E| → C|E| and

a wave function ψ0 ∈ C|E|

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Identifiability ProblemHidden Markov Processes (HMPs)Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

A QRW Q = (G,U, ψ0) consists of

a directed graph G = (V ,E),

a unitary operator U : C|E| → C|E| and

a wave function ψ0 ∈ C|E|

Classical random source associated with QRW Q = (G,U, ψo):

Sequences of symbols v0...vtvt+1... from V

Underlying sequences of states ψo ...ψtψt+1... from C|E|

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Identifiability ProblemHidden Markov Processes (HMPs)Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

A QRW Q = (G,U, ψ0) consists of

a directed graph G = (V ,E),

a unitary operator U : C|E| → C|E| and

a wave function ψ0 ∈ C|E|

Classical random source associated with QRW Q = (G,U, ψo):

Sequences of symbols v0...vtvt+1... from V

Underlying sequences of states ψo ...ψtψt+1... from C|E|


Generate symbol vt ∈ V with probability∑

e∈E,e=(vt ,u)|(Uψt)e |2.

ψt+1 = (1/∑

e∈E,e=(vt ,x)|(Uψ)e |2) ·

e∈E,e=(v,u)(Uψ)e ∈ C|E|

Return to first step.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Identifiability ProblemHidden Markov Processes (HMPs)Quantum Random Walks (QRWs)

Identifiability Problem

Identifiability Problem

Given the parameterizations of two HMPsM1,M2 or two QRWs Q1,Q2,decide whether the associated random processes p1, p2 are equivalent.

Input : Two parameterizations of two HMPsM1,M2 or two QRWs Q1,Q2.

Output: Yes, if p1 = p2, no else.

Solution for HMPs: Ito, Amari and Kobayashi, IEEE Tr. Inf. Th., 1992.Algorithm is exponential in the number of hidden states.

No solution for QRWs known!

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

String Functions

Let Σ∗ := ∪t≥0Σt be the set of all strings of finite length over an

alphabet Σ.

Treat random processes (Xt) with values in Σ as string functionspX : Σ∗ → R by

pX (v = v0v1...vt ) := P(X0 = vo,X1 = v1, ...,Xt = vt ).

By standard arguments:

(Xt) = (Yt) ⇔ ∀v ∈ Σ∗ : pX (v) = pY (v).

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Dimension of String FunctionsThe Hankel Matrix

Let wv = w1...wmv1...vn ∈ Σm+n

be the concatenation of twostrings w = w1...wm ∈ Σs, v =v1...vn ∈ Σt .

Consider the (infinite-dimensional)Hankel matrix

Pp := [p(wv)]v,w∈Σ∗ ∈ RΣ∗×Σ∗ ∼= R


for a string function p : Σ∗ → R.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Dimension of String FunctionsThe Hankel Matrix

Let wv = w1...wmv1...vn ∈ Σm+n

be the concatenation of twostrings w = w1...wm ∈ Σs, v =v1...vn ∈ Σt .

Consider the (infinite-dimensional)Hankel matrix

Pp := [p(wv)]v,w∈Σ∗ ∈ RΣ∗×Σ∗ ∼= R


for a string function p : Σ∗ → R.

Example : Let Σ = {0, 1}.

Pp =

p(�) p(0) p(1) . . .

p(0) p(00) p(10) . . .

p(1) p(01) p(11) . . .

p(00) p(000) p(100) . . .

p(01) p(001) p(101) . . ....


. . .

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Dimension of String FunctionsThe Hankel Matrix

Let wv = w1...wmv1...vn ∈ Σm+n

be the concatenation of twostrings w = w1...wm ∈ Σs, v =v1...vn ∈ Σt .

Consider the (infinite-dimensional)Hankel matrix

Pp := [p(wv)]v,w∈Σ∗ ∈ RΣ∗×Σ∗ ∼= R


for a string function p : Σ∗ → R.

Example : Let Σ = {0, 1}.

Pp =

p(�) p(0) p(1) . . .

p(0) p(00) p(10) . . .

p(1) p(01) p(11) . . .

p(00) p(000) p(100) . . .

p(01) p(001) p(101) . . ....


. . .

We define the dimension of p to be

dim p := rk Pp ∈ N ∪ {∞}.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Observable Operators

Let pv resp. pw be the row resp. column vector of Pp referring tostrings v resp. w.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Observable Operators

Let pv resp. pw be the row resp. column vector of Pp referring tostrings v resp. w.


The linear operators

ρv , τw : RΣ∗

−→ RΣ∗

p 7→ pv , pw

for v ,w ∈ Σ∗ are called observable operators.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Observable Operators

Let pv resp. pw be the row resp. column vector of Pp referring tostrings v resp. w.


The linear operators

ρv , τw : RΣ∗

−→ RΣ∗

p 7→ pv , pw

for v ,w ∈ Σ∗ are called observable operators.

Observation : Let v1, ..., vt ,w1, ...,ws ∈ Σ be single letters. Then itholds that

ρv1...vt = ρv1 ◦ ... ◦ ρvt

and, in the reverse order on the letters,

τw1...ws = τws ◦ ... ◦ τw1 .

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Dimension of Hidden Markov Processes and QuantumRandom Walks


Let p : Σ∗ → R be associated with a hidden Markov process on d hiddenstates resp. a quantum random walk on a graph with |E | edges. Then thereare string functions

gi : Σ∗ → R, i = 1, ..., N

where N = d resp. N = |E |2, such that

span{pw |w ∈ Σ∗} ⊂ span{gi | i = 1, ...,N}.

and computation of gi(v = v1...vk ) is efficient.

Corollary: The lemma straightforwardly implies

dim p ≤ N.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Finite-dimensional Processes

Theorem (AS, Jaeger, 2007)

Let p : Σ∗ → R. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

(i)dim p = rk Pp ≤ d .

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Finite-dimensional Processes

Theorem (AS, Jaeger, 2007)

Let p : Σ∗ → R. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

(i)dim p = rk Pp ≤ d .

(ii) There exist vectors x , y ∈ Rd as well as matrices Ta ∈ R

d×d for all a ∈ Σsuch that

∀v ∈ Σ∗ : p(v = v1...vn) = 〈y |Tvn ...Tv1 |x〉.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Finite-dimensional Processes

Theorem (AS, Jaeger, 2007)

Let p : Σ∗ → R. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

(i)dim p = rk Pp ≤ d .

(ii) There exist vectors x , y ∈ Rd as well as matrices Ta ∈ R

d×d for all a ∈ Σsuch that

∀v ∈ Σ∗ : p(v = v1...vn) = 〈y |Tvn ...Tv1 |x〉.


An ensemble ((Ta)a∈Σ, x , y) is called a minimal representation of p.

Idea: Given two stochastic processes p1, p2, compare their minimalrepresentations.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Computation of Minimal Representations

1 Determine words v1, ..., vd and w1, ...,wd such that for

V := [p(wjvi )]1≤i,j≤d : rk V = dim p.

2 Definex = (x1, ..., xd )

T := (p(v1), ..., p(vd ))T

andy = (y1, ..., yd )

T := (V T )−1(p(v1), ...,p(vd ))T

3 For each a ∈ Σ, compute matrices

Wa := [p(wj avi)]1≤i,j≤d ∈ Rd×d .

4 A minimal representation of p is then given by

((WaV−1)a∈Σ, x, y).

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Stochastic Processes as String FunctionsHankel Matrices and Dimension of String FunctionsObservable OperatorsDimension of HMPs and QRWsMinimal Representations

Identification of Finite-Dimensional ProcessesGeneric Algorithm

1: Determine matrices V1,V2 of maximal rank for p1, p2.2: If rk V1 6= rk V2 (⇔ dim p1 6= dim p2) then output ’NOT IDENTICAL’ .3: if d = rk V1 = rk V2 then4: Compute V3 := [p2(wj vi)]1≤i,j≤d , where vi ,wj are from V1.5: If V1 6= V3, output ’NOT IDENTICAL’ .6: Compute matrices W1a,W2a for all a ∈ Σ and vectors x1, x2, y1, y2, all

referring to the strings of V1.7: If W1a = W2a for all a and x1 = x2, y1 = y2 then output ’IDENTICAL’ .8: Else, output ’NOT IDENTICAL’ .9: end if

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Computational Bottleneck

Computational bottleneck of the identifiability problem: determinationof bases for the row and the column space of Pp.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Hidden Markov Processes and Quantum RandomWalks

Situation (Σ = {0, 1}):

g1(�) . . . gN(�) p(�) p(0) p(1) . . .

g1(0) . . . gN(0) p(0) p(00) p(10) . . .

g1(1) . . . gN(1) p(1) p(01) p(11) . . .

g1(00) . . . gN(00) p(00) p(000) p(100) . . .

g1(01) . . . gN(01) p(01) p(001) p(101) . . .




. . .

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Hidden Markov Processes and Quantum RandomWalks

Situation (Σ = {0, 1}):

g1(�) . . . gN(�) p(�) p0(�) p1(�) . . .

g1(0) . . . gN(0) p(0) p0(0) p1(0) . . .

g1(1) . . . gN(1) p(1) p0(1) p1(1) . . .

g1(00) . . . gN(00) p(00) p0(00) p1(00) . . .

g1(01) . . . gN(01) p(01) p0(01) p1(01) . . .




. . .

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Hidden Markov Processes and Quantum RandomWalks

Situation (Σ = {0, 1}):

g1(�) . . . gN(�) p(�) p0(�) p1(�) . . .

g1(0) . . . gN(0) p(0) p0(0) p1(0) . . .

g1(1) . . . gN(1) p(1) p0(1) p1(1) . . .

g1(00) . . . gN(00) p(00) p0(00) p1(00) . . .

g1(01) . . . gN(01) p(01) p0(01) p1(01) . . .




. . .

where for all w ∈ Σ∗:

pw ∈ span{gi , i = 1, ...,N}.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Key Insight


Let p : Σ∗ → R such that for all w ∈ Σ∗

pw ∈ span{gi , i = 1, ...,N}

for suitable gi : Σ∗ → R, i = 1, ...,N (hence dim p ≤ N). Then it holds that


g1(v0) · · · gN(v0))

∈ span

g1(v1) · · · gN(v1)...

. . ....

g1(vm) · · · gN(vm)


∀u ∈ Σ∗ : puv0 ∈ span



Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Key InsightProof : Choose β1, ..., βm and α1, ..., αN such that

(g1(v0), ..., gN(v0)) =m∑


βj(g1(vj), ..., gN(vj))

pw =



αigi .

⋄Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Key InsightProof : Choose β1, ..., βm and α1, ..., αN such that

(g1(v0), ..., gN(v0)) =m∑


βj(g1(vj), ..., gN(vj))

pw =



αigi .

It follows, for arbitrary w ∈ Σ∗,

pv0(w) = p(wv0) = pw(v0) =






αigi(vj) =



βj pw(vj) =



βj pvj (w)

meaning that pv0 =∑m

j=1 βj pvj .

⋄Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Key InsightProof : Choose β1, ..., βm and α1, ..., αN such that

(g1(v0), ..., gN(v0)) =m∑


βj(g1(vj), ..., gN(vj))

pw =



αigi .

It follows, for arbitrary w ∈ Σ∗,

pv0(w) = p(wv0) = pw(v0) =






αigi(vj) =



βj pw(vj) =



βj pvj (w)

meaning that pv0 =∑m

j=1 βj pvj . Applying ρu yields

puv0 = ρu(pv0) =m∑


βjρu(pvj ) =m∑


βjpuvj .

⋄Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Solution of the Identifiability Problem


Let p : Σ∗ → R such that for all w ∈ Σ∗

pw ∈ span{gi , i = 1, ...,N}

for suitable gi : Σ∗ → R, i = 1, ...,N.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Solution of the Identifiability Problem


Let p : Σ∗ → R such that for all w ∈ Σ∗

pw ∈ span{gi , i = 1, ...,N}

for suitable gi : Σ∗ → R, i = 1, ...,N.

Then one can determine strings

vi ,wj , i , j = 1, ..., dim p

such thatrk ([p(wjvi)]1≤i,j≤dim p) = dim p

in time linear in N.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm


Collect strings v into Arow such that thepv , v ∈ Arow span the row space.1: h(v) := (g1(v), ..., gN(v)) ∈ R


2: Arow ← {�}Brow ← {h(�)}Crow ← Σ.

3: while Crow 6= ∅ do4: Choose v ∈ Crow .5: if h(v) is linearly independent of

Brow then6: Arow ← Arow ∪ {v}

Brow ← Brow ∪ {h(v)}Crow ← Crow ∪ {av | a ∈ Σ}

7: end if8: end while

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm


Collect strings v into Arow such that thepv , v ∈ Arow span the row space.1: h(v) := (g1(v), ..., gN(v)) ∈ R


2: Arow ← {�}Brow ← {h(�)}Crow ← Σ.

3: while Crow 6= ∅ do4: Choose v ∈ Crow .5: if h(v) is linearly independent of

Brow then6: Arow ← Arow ∪ {v}

Brow ← Brow ∪ {h(v)}Crow ← Crow ∪ {av | a ∈ Σ}

7: end if8: end while

Collect strings w into Acol such that thepw ,w ∈ Acol span the column space.1: q(w) := (p(wv), v ∈ Arow ) ∈ R

|Arow |.2: Acol ← {�}

Bcol ← {q(�)}Ccol ← Σ

3: while Ccol 6= ∅ do4: Choose w ∈ Ccol .5: if q(w) is linearly independent of

Bcol then6: Acol ← Acol ∪ {w}

Bcol ← Bcol ∪ {q(w)}Ccol ← Ccol ∪ {wa | a ∈ Σ}

7: end if8: end while

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm


Identifiability problem for hidden Markov processes and quantumrandom walks presented.

Solution efficient in the parameterizations.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm


Identifiability problem for hidden Markov processes and quantumrandom walks presented.

Solution efficient in the parameterizations.

Core idea also applicable to efficiently test HMMs and QRWs forergodicity:


Let M := [∑

a Wa]V−1. A finite-dimensional process p is ergodic iff

dim Eig(M;1) = 1.

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem


String FunctionsSolution of the Identifiability Problem

Computational BottleneckKey InsightAlgorithm

Thanks for the attention!

Alexander Schönhuth Identifiability Problem

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