a slice of chai - bialik only edition

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Sept. 2014Issue No. 1

Building Jewish Leaders since 1914

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Brittany WittCommunications and Marketing Coordinator at JPPS-Bialik(514) 731-3841 ext: 233 or brittany.w@jppsbialik.ca

Inside This Issue

e The JFK 5th Annual G!EE High School Showdowne Bialik Theatre Fall Productione Visit from Rachel Fraenkele New and exciting Bialik science and technology projects And much, much more!!!

SO, what are you looking for? Bialik News: p. 3-9Arts: p. 10-13Sports: p. 14Awards/Accomplishments: p. 15Next Issue Sneak Peek: p. 16

Table of Contents

Copyright 2014-2015 Les Écoles juives populaires et les Écoles Peretz inc.

Chai Lifeline Crohn’s & Colitis Canada

Dr. Shimshon Hamerman, Ph.D

2 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

Incoming Principal of Bialik High School, Mr. Avi Satov

Rubin the Rooster sends his holiday greetings!

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Honourable Mention

3 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

The 2014 Secondary IV & V Shabbaton

YCC As part of the Judaic Studies Program, Secondary IV & V students participated in an annual Bialik High School tradition: Weekend Shabbatons held outside of school.

This year’s events were held at the Y Country Camp.

Students were involved in team-building activities, informal educational activities and meaningful Shabbat programs.

It is said to be the most memorable weekend for Secondary IV and V students, their teachers and support staff.

A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik 4 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

L’école Bialik Se Souviennent

Les élèves de Bialik se sont joints à d’autres étudiants au Cénotaphe et au Centre Commémoratif du Parc de Hampstead lors de la cérémonie annuelle du Jour du Souvenir . Les étudiants se sont souvenus de ceux qui se sont battus pour la liberté et ont honoré leur mémoire. De plus ils ont remercié les Vétérans et ceux qui continuent à être vigilants. Les élèves de Bialik dans la chorale yiddish de Bialik a chanté deux chansons.

Plus tard, certains étudiants ont participé à une période de questions-réponses avec les soldats. Pour vi-sionner la cérémonie et les présentations de Bialik, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous : https://vimeo.com/111490999

Formée il y a 25ans, la chorale yiddish de Bialik est unique et très sollicitée. Sous la direction de Mme Lorna Smith, professeure de yiddish et récipiendaire du prix Nachum Wilchevsky, la chorale a vécu des moments mémorables.

Le dimanche 9 novembre, à l’occasion de la cérémonie commémorative du souvenir de Kristallnacht “la Nuit de cristal”, organisée par le Centre Commémoratif de l’Holocauste de Montréal, la chorale yiddish de Bialik a admirablement chanté et a offert une performance de première classe.


5 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-BialikLes étudiants du secondaire v se sont rendus à l’académie hebraique pour écouter la mère de

feu Naftali Frankeal Z’l raconter l’histoire de sa perte tragique, de son courage et de sa foi

C’était le12 juin que le monde a appris la terrible nouvelle de l’enlèvement de trois jeunes garçons israéliens. Pendant 18 jours, les Forces de l’Armée israélienne et d’autres agences ont cherché Naftali Fraenkel(16 ans, de Nof Ayalon),Gilad Shaer (16 ans, deTalmon) et Eyal Yifrah (18 ans, de Elad).

La nouvelle de l’enlèvement s’est rapidement propagée et en quelques heures les photos et messages ont in-ondé le cyberespace par le biais des media sociaux tels que Facebook, Twitter et Instagram. On y voyait des gens de tous horizons brandissant des affiches avec le message « Retournez nos enfants ». Malheureusement, le 30 juin, les corps des trois jeunes disparus furent découverts dans un champ au nord-ouest de Hébron.

Les élèves du secondaire V des écoles secondaires Bialik, Herzliah et de l’Académie Hébraïque ont eu le privilège d’écouter Mme Rachel Fraenkel, maman de feu Naftali Fraenkel Z’L partager son histoire. Ses mots étaient à la fois touchants et révélateurs.

Avant cette session privée, la plupart, sinon tous les élèves, n’avaient entendu que ce que les media avaient dépeint. Cependant, grâce à la manière dont Mme Fraenkel a raconté son histoire, les étudiants ont eu vraiment l’occasion de vivre et comprendre ce qui c’était passé, il y a six mois. Quoi de plus puissants et émouvants que les mots d’une mère qui a le courage de parler devant un grand public de l’enlèvement et de la mort tragique de son enfant?

« Il rentrait d’une excursion, donc au moins, nous savons à quoi ressemblaient ses dernières 24 heures »a déclaré Mme Fraenkel.

Elle a fait part de façon détaillée des efforts de recherches qui se sont étalés sur 18 jours :« La motivation de retrouver les 3 jeunes adolescents était incroyable. Je sais que les agents de Shabak(Agence israélienne de sécurité) et les services de renseignement de l’armée israélienne ont travaillé sans relâche, jour et nuit. Je n’avais jamais vu un tel déploiement de soldats dans la région de Hébron depuis la Guerre des Six Jours. »

Bien que sa voix était voilée de tristesse, on y décelait aussi une énorme force positive.« Les familles des soldats qui étaient à la recherche de nos enfants leur disaient : » S’il vous plait, ne retournez pas à la maison sans nos garçons.., Ramenez-les d’abord! »

Or, jamais auparavant on n’avait entendu, en Israël, une mère dire à son enfant soldat de ne pas retourner à la maison. A la fin, ils ont ramené nos garçons à la maison …, malheureusement pas dans l’état qu’on espérait…mais grâce à Dieu ils les ont tout de même ramenés.

Lorsqu’on lui a demandé comment elle pouvait continuer à sourire et à raconter son histoire, Mme Fraenkel a répondu: «Certains portent un masque. Ma famille et moi avons choisi de ne pas en porter un. Lorsque nous ressentons l’envie de pleurer nous pleurons et lorsque nous ressentons l’envie d’exprimer notre gratitude pour ce que nous avons, nous le faisons. Il y a un dicton qui dit: »une personne peut avoir peur, mais elle ne doit pas devenir sa peur. »

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Can you print in 3D? We can!

Bialik’s IB Programme Coordinator and Science teacher, Ms. Andrea Mendell, had her Secondary I & II classes design on the 3D printer. Below are some of their prints.

Bialik’s Secondary I students went to the Cosmodrome, where they enjoyed a unique educational adventure learning about space travel.

Bialik Science & Technology

Bialik ventures to the Cosmodome

7 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

Bialik Redonne à la Communauté Le lundi 17 novembre, les étudiants de Bialik ont été invités à faire don d’une pièce de 2$ et de porter quelque chose de mauve en guise d’appui à la Journée mondiale de la prématurité ainsi qu’au fond »Tiny Miracles » de l’Hôpital général juif. L’Hôpital général juif joue un rôle primordial pour sauver chaque année, la vie de plus de 700 bébés prématurés dans leur unité néonatale de soins intensifs.

Les Auxiliaires de HGJ sont déterminées à acheter tout équipement nécessaire à la survie de leurs plus jeunes et plus vulnérables patients. Tous les dons recueillis ont été versés à ce fond afin de contribuer à l’achat d’un incubateur Girafe pour l’unité néonatale de soins intensifs.

Ci–dessous: la photo de Maria Ballard et de quelques étudiants pendant la Journée mondiale de la prématuritéBialik a levé 600$ pour le fonds des Auxiliaires de HGJ. BRAVO!

Journée mondiale de la prématurité

Les étudiants de Bialik ont fièrement remis un chèque de 1300.00$ à la Fondation du cancer du sein du Québec. Pendant tout le mois d’octobre, mois de la sensibilisation au cancer du sein, les étudiants ont levé des fonds pour cette importante cause. Ils ont vendus des T-shirts conçus par l’un de leurs camarades, Joshua Itzkovitz.

Mme Sophie Barrette, représentante de la Fondation s’est exclamé : « Quelle merveilleuse idée! Nous sommes honorés de recevoir ce don. »

Mme Samantha Druzin, animatrice de la vie étudiante à Bialik a ajouté: « Toute cette levée de fonds a été initiée et réalisée par les étudiants. »

Photo #1: Gauche-Droite:Ms. Samantha Neuman, Max Kadanoff, Joshua Itzkovtiz, Ms. Samantha Druzin, Mrs. Sophie Barrette (Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation Representative), Andrew Titleman

Photo #2: Gauche-Droite:(En arrière): Jonah Saks, Issie Steinberg, Raffi Katz-Zeitlin, Matthew Copleovitch, Ms. Samantha Druzin(Au centre): Jared Boidman, Sean Herscovitch, Max Laxer, Noah Zlotnik, Jacob Nyveen, Dylan Stermer, Joshua Itzkovtiz, Madison Albert(En Avant): Jonathan Monsonego, Ms. Samantha Neuman, Andrew Titleman, Max Kadanoff and Ally Steinberg

Mois de la sensibilisation au cancer du sein

A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik 8 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik


Now in it’s fourth year, Bialik’s PEACE Club (Promoting Education About Child Exploitationorganized a winter coat drive that was very successful! In excess of 60 coats were delivered to Dans La Rue.


Bialik’s Green Committee has raised over $500 for various school-based projects to support environmental awareness.

Bialik Gives Back

On Thursday, December 4th, 2014, the members of Bialik’s JMID (Jewish Muslim Interfaith Dialogue) Committee visited with students from École Le Savoir, a private Muslim school in Pierrefonds. The JMID program is a sponsored by the “Avriel Butovsky Endowment Fund for Middle East Issues.” Avriel Butovsky was a member of Bialik’s first graduating class in 1976. He was a Middle East scholar who believed that Jews and Muslims must confront their differences by building bonds of understanding and mutual respect. The goals of the dialogue between Bialik and École Le Savoir are to expose the students to various religious and cultural practices, as well as address the misconceptions and stereotypes related to Jewish-Muslim relations.

9 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

Le programme de sensibilisation de BialikLe programme de sensibilisation de Bialik est un programme innovateur dont nous sommes très fiers!Au fil des années, les étudiants de Bialik ont rencontré différentes personnes souffrant de sclérose en plaques, de paralysie cérébrales, de troubles d’apprentissage, de maladie mentale, d’autisme, d’épilep-sie, du syndrome de Tourette ainsi que des personnes amputées , malentendantes ou aveugles. Ainsi les élèves de Bialik ont eu la chance de rencontrer des gens inspirants.

Le programme 2014-2015, dirigé par Mme Essie Vineberg a une fois de plus permis aux étudiants de rencontrer de tels individus et d’aborder divers sujets. Voici deux exemples de ce superbe programme:

Kelly Goodman, ancienne élève de Bialik(1994) et mère de Jayden Rolls s’est entretenue avec les étudiants et leur a expliqué comment sa famille a fait face à la maladie de Jayden et comment la communauté de JPPS les a aidés à passer à travers une période très difficile # jumpsforjayden.

Les étudiants du secondaire I et II ont appris à jouer au basketball en fauteuil roulant. Ils ont pu ainsi faire l’expéri-ence de ce que c’est de se déplacer en fauteuil roulant tout en jouant an basket. Ils ont compris que jouer au basket en fauteuil roulant était bien plus difficile que de jouer sur pieds.

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Bialik took part in this year’s Girl’s Night Out on Sunday, November 16th at the Jewish Public Library. The students helped celebrate the 10th anniversary blowout with authors Gayle Forman (If I Stay), e.lockhart (We Were Liars), and Bialik graduate Sarah Mlynowski ’94 (Bras & Broomsticks, Frogs & French Kisses, Whatever After, and many more...)

Andrea Collins from Virgin Radio 96 was also in attendance, and everyone had a blast!

Bialik Reads

11 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

Bialik High School - 6500 Kildare Road, Côte Saint-Luc

Monday, October 27th, 7PM

Helen & Sam Steinberg AuditoriumBialik High School - 6500 Kildare Road, Côte Saint-Luc

$10 per ticket


Designed by: Derek Newman


All proceeds go to the Music Program and Music Studio, initiated in memory of Josh Roskies '77

- Silent Auction

Each October, Bialik students, staff and alumni get together to put on an electric music show that has everyone jumping out of their seats. Truly one of the most popular events at the school, the ticket proceeds go right back to the music program. It is completely organized by students, under the supervision of some dedicated and talented staff.

Watch the video of the evening right here: https://vimeo.com/113739532

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Proud to support JPPS-Bialik &

Their Annual Bands on the Run Event

A big thank you to all of our sponsors!

Bialik Has Talent!

A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik 12 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

The Bialik High School Glee Club claims first place at the 5th Annual Just for Kids G!EE High School Showdown. All the proceeds generated from this event go straight towards the Otolaryngology and Urology Departments at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

When the Bialik High School Glee Club walked on the stage, they felt like winners. They did not know if they would win the competition, but they felt great about raising just under $3500.00 for such a meaningful cause, surpassing their fundraising goal after months of hard work and dedication. For the second time in five years, the Bialik High School Glee Club came in first place at the Just For Kids G!EE High School Showdown held November 16th at Loyola High School. Eleven local high schools participated in the competition: LaurenHill Academy, Lester B. Pearson, Trafalgar (second place), Selwyn House, ECS, John Rennie High School (third place), Vincent Massey Collegiate, Bialik High School, Royal West Academy, Kuper Academy and Royal Vale. Virgin Radio Montreal’s very own Tony Stark and Total Entertainment’s Corey Wolofsky hosted the event. Some of the generous sponsors were Michael Kors, Moroccanoil, Ardene, Bench, Virgin Radio, Avanti Le Spa, Little Burgundy, Via Rail, Cinemas Guzzo, Cake Boss, Suite 203 Communications, Bijouterie Santorini, Costco and many more. The judges were Sandra Rinaldi, Evenko’s Public Relations Director, Connie Rotella, Owner and Artistic Director of Danse 123 and Mac Thornhill, well-known music producer, songwriter and singer. The “Just For Kids” Foundation was created in 1987 by a small group of parents who saw the need to raise funds to purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment for the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Since their inception, they are proud to have purchased over $10 million in equipment. The JFK 2014-15 campaign, A GROWING PROMISE, is cen-tered on being able to fulfill the MCH’s most urgent equipment needs. This year’s goal is to raise $500,000 to benefit the Otolaryngology (ENT) and Urology Departments.

Sandra D’Alesio Lanno, President of the JFK Foundation, stated, “Dedication to our G!EE High School Showdown allows the JFK Foundation to continue to fulfill our mission; ensuring that the patients at the Montreal Children’s Hos-pital are treated using the most up-to-date equipment possible.” This year, the total money raised from the 5th Annual G!EE High School Showdown was $115,000.00, with $30,000.00 coming directly from the participating students. The winning song that the Bialik High School Glee Club chose to perform was “Somebody To Love,” the version taken from the hit television show, GLEE. Ms. Samantha Druzin, the Bialik High School Student Life Animator, a Bialik grad-uate herself, could not have been more proud of her team: “My goal was to provide our students with an opportunity to be involved in something amazing which they will be able to carry with them for the rest of their lives. Bialik has been involved in the JFK Glee High School Showdown for five years in a row. Each year has been a rewarding and memorable experience. Although several of our students are gradu-ating this year, I am certain that they will come back to visit the school and continue to be involved, much like Saman-tha Leibgott (Assistant Coach) and Brandon Schwartz (Musical Director). Bialik graduates who were also part of the 2011 winning Glee team. Our students love their school and love giving back to the community.”

The Bialik High School Glee team was featured on Global TV: http://globalnews.ca/video/1675768/gee-high-school-showdown Video Compilation of the event: https://vimeo.com/112035921

13 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

Bialik is known across the city for its outstanding theatre company. Producing two major shows per year, Bialik Theatre, under the professional expertise of Anisa Cameron, performs to rave reviews and sold-out audiences year after year.

This Fall, Bialik presented “Legendary”. The story weaves together Robin Hood, The Sword in the Stone, The Once and Future King, as well as the tale of King Solomon the Wise and the Queen of Sheba!

Audiences joined Merlin and Morgana as they embarked on their quest for wisdom, adventure and to discover their destiny. From Camelot to the wonderous Court of King Solomon the Wise, “Legendary” was an action-packed, comedic adventure that delighted all.

Bialik Theatre’s Performance of

For a full list of the “Legendary” cast and crew,

please refer to the Bialik website:


To see the promo for the show, see link below: https://vimeo.com/113103883

A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik 14 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

Fall-Winter Sports SummarySoccer

The Juvenile Boys soccer team finished their season 4-1-2. They played against Westwood High School in the first round of the GMAA D3 playoffs, losing by a score of 4-1. The Juvenile Girls soccer team battled through injuries to key players to finish their season with a record of 1-7-0, with the sole win of the season coming in their final game against Westmount High School.

GolfThe golf team won the GMAA championship this year, finishing in a tie with John Rennie H.S. Raphael Even-Hen won the boys’ individual championship, a significant accomplish-ment. With all but one member of the championship team returning next year, the team’s future remains strong.

Juvenile Boys FootballThe Juvenile Boys Football team finished their regular season 2-4. They entered the playoffs as the #3 seed, and were able to upset Beurling Academy on the road to make the GMAA D3 Championship game. Although they ended up losing 27-13 to a strong Lakeside team, the boys had a very successful season and will return with almost all of their players next season.

Bantam Boys HockeyThe Bulldogs currently sit in 4th place in the Bantam Boys D3 league. Their record is 3-4-1. With one game remaining before the winter/exam break, the team looks to improve their record to .500 and hopefully continue their quest to qualify for the playoffs.

BasketballThe Juvenile Boys D1 team is currently in 3rd place in their division, with a record of 2-3. De-spite missing key players at various points in the season, the boys have played well against strong divisional opponents.

The Juvenile Girls D1 team is off to a good start, with a record of 2-1. They play their final game before the break on against a strong John Rennie team at Bialik High School.

The Midget Boys D1 team currently sits at 3-2, winning several close games against their di-visional opponents. With a strong mix of Grade 8 and 9 players, the team looks to improve upon their record in the second half of the season.

The Midget Boys D3 team is currently in second place, with a record of 3-1.

The Midget Girls D1 team, coached by Mr. Trager and Mr. Satov, has a record of 1-3 in a com-petitive division.

The Bantam Girls team is 2-2 in the QAIS league, with wins over Sacred Heart School andVSM.

The Bantam Boys team is currently tied for 1st place in GMAA D2, with a record of 7-0.

SwimmingThe swimming team held their first practices in early December. They will have four meets in January and early February, held at the CDN Aquatics Center.

The Bialik Bulldogs


15 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik


Cet automne, Benji Bercovitch (sec V) a reçu, à l’YM-YWHA, le prix Jean Béliveau pour se mériter le titre d’athlète de l’année. L’année précédente Chloe Gordon (sec V) a été la récipiendaire de ce prix.

Nous sommes fiers de nos élèves qui se distinguent pour eux-mêmes et qui représentent aussi notre école de façon si positive!


Le Prix Jean Beliveau pour L’athlete de L’année

A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik 16 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

FÉLICITATIONS Bialik! Sneak PeekBialik• JMID (Jewish-Muslim Interfaith Dialogue) met with a new Muslim school, École Le Savoir in Pierrefonds. The

first meeting took place in early December, and more projects are on the way!

• New and exciting ways of connecting alumni

• Fashion Show (Sunday, February 15th at 6:30 pm and Monday, February 16th at 6:30 pm and 9:00 pm)

• Semaine de la Culture Sepharade du 16 au 20 février 2015

• JPPS-Bialik Gala (Sunday, March 15th)

• Coffee House (Sunday, March 22nd)

• Spring Theatre Presentation (Tuesday to Thursday, March 24th to 26th)

We can promise that 2015 is going to be an amazing year!

Watch for our next Bialik newsletter, coming out March 2015

Sept. 2014Issue No. 1

Building Jewish Leaders since 1914

Toutes les nouvelles que vous souhaitiez savoir!


17 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik 18 A Slice of Chai From JPPS-Bialik

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