a study guide 1

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  • 8/9/2019 A Study Guide 1


    A Study Guide

    The Trinity, Paganism and PhilosophyPreface

    Just a couple of quick facts and questions before getting into the paperitself. I have made an observation about you of which I am acutely aware, but

    I believe you dont realize it. You show much more Loyalty and Devotion to yourchurch than the Scriptures themselves. I say that because (1) you have no regard for the Torah (that is the Law, the Tanakn [OT]), (2) I have shown you how your churchs Doctrine is not based on the Scriptures yet you choose Doctrine overScripture every time, (3) I have shown you irrefutable Scriptural proof that there is only One God in the New Testament (see John 17:3) and in the Tanakn (OT)(see Isaiah 42:10), but you have disregarded the Scriptures in favor of church Doctrine. You Love Doctrine more than you Love and Respect Gods Holy Word.

    The Torah did not die with the Death and Resurrection of Christ. Christdid not come to Fulfill the Law (Torah), but is Coming to Fulfill the Law (Torah). In the Gospel of Matthew Christ says 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 5:18 For

    verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

    The Law to which both Christ and I are referring to is not the Jewish Dietary Laws, it is all the Law, Teachings and Instructions to be found in the Tanakn (OT). The Bible says Christ taught daily, what did He Teach? You got it, the Tanakn! The Scriptures for Christ and all men was the Tanakn (OT).

    The New Testament wasnt Canonized until either 681 or 781 (sorry I cant remember which). Any reference to the Scriptures, like we find in Acts 17:11Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day tosee if what Paul said was true, refers to the Tanakn (OT). Acts 17:11 says theBereans searched the Scriptures daily (the Tanakn that is) to see if Pauls Gos

    pel was True or not! They researched the Gospel in the Tanakn! So anyone who Teaches that the Tanakn was Fulfilled or Superseded by the New Testament either has never read the New Testament, is a Blatant Liar or is promoting the Doctrineof Demons and Unclean Spirits. The fact that this is the Doctrine of most everychurch today bodes ill for the church.

    So you see Christ Himself used the Torah, Christ Himself said the Torahwould not pass away until heaven and earth pass away. For the first 700 to 800years of Christendom the Torah (Tanakn) was the only Scriptures available. I dont know why Im arguing the point for Common Sense should tell you that withoutthe Torah there is no way you can know what Sin is and what isnt Sinful. Without Torah you are living with a Philosophy known as Humanism or Existentialism which is what our Godless schools are teaching our children. So who do you follo

    w, the Scriptures (God

    s own Words) or church Doctrine?A moment aside. You told me you couldnt tell me how Christ could be Begotten and yet be Eternal and a co-equal god with Yahweh and the Holy Ghost. Then you told me that Christ Emptied Himself of His Godhood so that He could be aman on earth. Where does it say that? Being such an important Principle it should be easy to Remember or Find. But you cant remember where it says that, canyou?

    Ill tell you why you cant remember where it says that. You cant remember because you just heard it. You were Taught it by the church as a part of its Doctrine. You were Taught it, but the Scriptures dont say that anywhere!I searched in more than 12 different Bible Translations it didnt occur in any of them. I searched the Greek Manuscripts using a Greek English Parallel Bible,but it isnt in the Greek either. Whoever Taught you this (it just couldnt be

    the church could it) has never read the Scriptures, is a Blatant Liar or is teaching the Doctrine of Demons and Unclean Spirits.

    You admitted that Christ was and is a man (see 1st Timothy 2:5). In adm

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    itting that you Destroyed the concept of a Holy Trinity because you admitted that 1 of the 3 gods was a man leaving only 2 gods. And since a Trinity requires 3gods by definition and you have only 2 gods and a man, there can be no Trinity.Yet in Loving church Doctrine more than anything else, even Common Sense, you

    cling to the Trinity Doctrine even though you yourself Destroyed it!

    Another thing which I find to be troublesome is how you can have a Perso

    nal Relationship with a god with no name? A Personal Relationship carries withit a certain connotative Intimacy. And Intimacy carries with it a certain amount of Knowledge about each other, and this Knowledge makes the Assumption that each party knows the others Name. Yet you told me the godhead has no name! I find this issue more than a little troubling because Christ Himself encourages anintimate personal relationship as seen in John 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.I find this issue to be very puzzling. Very puzzling indeed.

    I will lightly touch on the Begotten issue because I devote a much morein depth analysis later in this document. The Gospel of John begins with a Poem. The first 18 verses are a Poem which becomes self-evident in the Greek. ThePoem opens with In the Beginning which Alludes to the Genesis In the Beginning,

    and if In the Beginning is an Allusion then there must be a more imminent and immediate meaning to it. I am not going to bore you with a discussion of all theGrammar and Linguistics and cut right to the point.

    The Allusion to Genesis is not an Allusion of Creation but of the Dawning of a New Age. A New Age had come about from the Age of Formlessness devoid ofLight and Life to a New Age of Light and Life. The immediate meaning of In theBeginning is the Death of the Old Covenant and the Beginning of the New Covenant, the Beginning of the Gospel.

    Now that John 1:1 18 has been resolved all the references to Christ being the Creator (see John 1:3) and Firstborn of Creation (see Colossians 1:15 and Hebrews 1:6) begins to make a great of sense. The resolution goes a long wayin terms of resolving certain contradictions, like why does the Bible say Yahwehand in opposition it also says Christ is the Creator; however, it kills the sin

    gle most supportive statement for the Deification of Christ and an obtuse reference to the existence of a Trinity.

    With the dawning of the New Age we all have the opportunity to become Sons of God through Christ. Adopted Sons but Sons nevertheless. Christ was Begotten through Mary and is an actual Son of God. Even your Precious Trinity Creedsays Christ was not made but Begotten; however, what they failed to do was mention that He was Begotten at the dawning of the New Age. And keeping in mind thereferences to Him being the firstborn of Creation, this seems to be the PerfectResolution to the questions of when and how Christ was Begotten. And assuming this is the True and Correct Resolution, it follows that Christ is not Eternal nor is He a co-equal of God nor is He a god; and thereby, Destroying the notion ofa Trinity.

    What bothers me most is the Latter Day church Leaders and the Clergy ingeneral, they Know the Scriptures much better than me, and they Know Greek muchbetter than me and so they had to know these things. I mean that if I could figure these things out, why didnt they let people know? As this paper progressesyoull come to see that the church is the Great Harlot on the back of the Dragon and is giving out the Mark of the Beast, the spirit of antichrist.

    Im almost done with this Preface. If you have been diligent and lookedup the References I gave you, and read them in Context to see whether I speak the Truth or not, you should be accepting the Tanakn (OT) as the Words of the Living God. If you still are not accepting of the Tanakn (OT) then let me know andI will focus on that singular issue for you, and if you could write me a shortessay replete with Scriptural References, defending and explaining your positionI would be eternally Grateful.

    Read Deuteronomy Chapter 13. It is short and gets right to the point.It is a test to see if the God you worship is the True God or a False god. Thetest is simple. Is the name of the God you follow Yahweh, Jehovah, I AM or EL.

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    If the God or Godhead you follow is called by one of those names then He is theTrue God; however, if the God or Godhead you follow isnt called by any of those name then he is a false god.

    I happen to know that the godhead of the Trinity has no name! Since heis not called by any of the listed names he must be a false god! To worship a false god is to commit Idolatry. By following the Doctrine of the Trinity you are accepting the Mark of the antichrist! Im extremely serious. I touch on this

    subject within the body of this discussion, and I plan on writing an intense indepth analysis of that statement in the very near future.

    Now Id like you to open your Bible and find the Book of Isaiah (the Book of Isaiah is one of my favorites) and turn to Chapter 43 verses 10 and 11: 43:10You are my witnesses, says Yahweh, and my servant whom I have chosen; that youmay know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. 43:11 I, even I, am Yahweh; and besides me there is no savior.

    43:10 is problematic in a major way for those seeking to hold to the False Doctrine of a Trinity. I dont feel it needs any explanation, and its meaning is self-evident. There was no god before Yahweh and there shall be none after Him.

    43:11 presents us with a seemingly unsolvable problem. It is only solvable if you are willing to drop the anti-sematic bigotry taught by, propagated byand endorsed by the church, and viewing the passage through a Hebraic perspective.

    The Bible was written by Hebrews, in a Hebrew nation, from within a Hebraic culture and for Hebraic people. The Bible can only be correctly interpretedby Reading and Studying it through a Hebraic perspective. To the typical Christian the dilemma presented by Isaiah 43:11 is only solvable if Christ was both aman and a god which eventually leads one to the idea of a Trinity. However, toa Jew there is no problem between Isaiah 43:11 and the Messiah for the Messiahis a Shaliach of Yahweh.

    I know, I know, you want to know what a Shaliach is, right? If the Early Church hadnt been such anti-sematic bigots, even Martin Luther and John Calvi

    n of the Protestant Reformation were highly bigoted. Martin Luther even wrote abook The Jews and their Lies. If this uncalled for hatred hadnt happened you would know what a Shaliach was. I go over what a Shaliach is and the idea of Agency later in this document.

    And if you were wondering I am not alone in these beliefs. There is a sect known as the Monotheistic Messianics which hold the same beliefs and points-of-view that I do. I may not be mainstream and seem pretty far out there, butIm not alone.

    This document may appear to be a Grilling of your beliefs, but in Truth it is not. I am not looking to Convert anyone or to Proselytize anyone. My Philosophyor Doctrine is constantly in a state of flux, that is to say Evolving as I discover new Truths. As I Hear or Read a new thing I Search the Scriptures to see if it is True or False. And like the early Christians I study or Search the Tanakn (OT) in the main and Reference the New Testament as needed or required.As you know I dont Trust the New Testament as the Inspired Word of God due to the amount of Corruption and massive amount of Redaction it has been exposed to.

    As Scribes would copy copies of copies of copies of copies they would either Clarify or Support certain Sections or Passages to Enhance their Idea or their Masters Interpretation of the Truth or Doctrine, and conversely they would Diminishthose Sections or Passages by changing the wording or completely Removing thoseSections or Passages which they felt were Wrong or Contrary to their or their Masters Doctrine. This Process is known as Redaction.I used to play a game called Telegraph. In the game several kids would sit in a

    circle, and the leader would whisper a word, phrase or sentence in his neighbors ear who would repeat, in a whisper, what they were told. And so it went untilit came to the last person who would repeat what they were told out loud. The

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    message would inevitably be changed or morphed into something totally differentfrom how it began bringing howls of delight from the players. In making the copy of copies of copies the same thing would happen. The Scribe would misread thecopy from which he was copying or his pen would slip adding another stroke andchanging the whole meaning of the word or any number of other mistakes would happen. These changes are called Corruption.The New Testament is so full of Redaction and Corruption that it is impossible t

    o reconstruct the original Document. There are traces of Gnosticism, of Greco-Roman Philosophies (especially of Plato and Stoicism), and finally a good deal ofPaganism.It occurs to me that you may still harbor some thoughts or ideas about the existence of a Holy Trinity. I have a couple of rather simple questions I want you to think about long and hard; keeping them in the back of your mind while you examine the body of this document, If there is a Trinity why didnt Christ Teach or Mention it? Why didnt any of the Apostles write or teach it? If the Trinitarian Creed is right then it follows that all the people they, meaning both Christ and the Apostles, supposedly Saved were actually being Doomed to Hell! If the 3 are Co-Equal why does Jesus say for the Father is greater than I in John 14:28?

    If Jesus said to his disciples If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yoursalso (John 15:20) why is the Trinity not a part of the early Church and not even heard of until over 400 years had passed? I can only remember a few preceptsof their, the Apostles, Doctrine: (1) That there is only One True God ( John 17:3 has Christ saying that they might know You the only true God), (2) That Jesus was and still is a man in whom YHWH dwells fully, (3) That Christ was born of a woman not a Virgin, (4) That Jesus was born under the Law and not by an Actof GOD, (5) Baptize only in the name of Christ and not in the names of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost as spoken of in the Gospel of Matthew (the phraseis a late addition, not present in the Gospel of Mark which is the Source for said incident).Colossians 1:19 reads For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him. Please note how the word God is expressed in the singular pronoun his. An

    d concerning Christ the Apostle Paul writes in 1st Timothy 2:5 For there is oneGod and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Please note how God is spoken of by the adjective one and the singular Greek word Theos isused to denote GOD and Jesus is spoken of in the present tense by the use of theverb is.How long can you ignore the simple Truth found in 1st Timothy 2:5? How long doyou think GOD will wait? Just saying I havent Studied it or I dont understandit, just doesnt get it anymore. Ill tell you your Problem with it: It destroys your Precious Trinity by stating that there is only One GOD, Yahweh, and thatChrist is not a Co-Equal god but just a Man.Or how do you resolve Ephesians 4:5-6 One lord, one faith, one baptism, One Godand Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." I growtired of repeating myself so here are a few Biblical References which Support the notion that YHWH is the One and Only GOD: Job 31:15; Zechariah 14:9; Malachi 2:10; Matthew 19:17, 23:9; Mark 2:7, 10:18, 12:29,32; Luke 18:19; John 8:41; Romans 3:30; 1 Corinthians 8:4,6; Galatians 3:20; Ephesians 4:6; 1 Timothy 2:5; James 2:19, 4:12 Exodus 8:10, 9:14, Deuteronomy 4:35-39, 7:9, 32:12-40; 1 Samuel 2:2; 2 Samuel 7:22, 22:32; 1 Kings 8:23,39,60, 18:17-39; 2 Kings 5:15, 19:15-19; 1Chronicles 16:25-26; 2 Chronicles 6:14, 13:9; Nehemiah 9:6; Job 9:8; Psalms 18:31, 62:2,5-6, 71:16,19, 72:18, 73,25, 83:18, 86:8-10, 89:6-11, 90:1-2, 96:4-5, 118:27; 136:4, 148:13; Isaiah 37:16-20, 40:18-25, 41:4, 43:10-13, 44:6-8,24, 45:5-7,14,18,21-22, 46:9; Jeremiah 3:11, 5:7, 10:6-16, 16:20; Hosea 13:4; Joel 2:27;Mark 12:32; John 13:16, 14:28, 17:3; Acts 19:26; Romans 16:27; 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, 10:20; Galatians 4:8; 1 Timothy 1:17, 2:5, 6:15-16; 1 John 5:20; Jude 25; Revelation 15:4 Deuteronomy 32:6; 2 Samuel 7:8-14; 1 Chronicles 17:11-14, 29:10: P

    salms 2:7, 89:26-29; Isaiah 42:1, 61:1-2, 63:16, 64:8; Jeremiah 3:4,19, 31:9; Malachi 1:6, 2:10; Matthew 11:25, 24:36; Mark 10:18, 13:32; Luke 10:21, 18:19; John 1:18, 5:43-44, 6:27,45, 8:41-42,54, 14:28, 17:1-3, 20:17; Acts 7:55-56; Romans

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    1:7, 15:6; 1 Corinthians 1:3, 8:6, 11:3, 15:24; 2 Corinthians 1:2-3, 11:31; Galatians 1:1-5; Ephesians 1:2-3,17, 4:5-6, 5:20, 6:23; Philippians 1:2, 2:11, 4:20; Colossians 1:2-3, 3:17; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3, 3:11,13; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2,2:16: 1 Timothy 1:2; 2 Timothy 1:2; Titus 1:4; Philemon 3: Hebrews 12:7; James1:27, 3:9; 1 Peter 1:2-3; 2 Peter 1:17; 2 John 3,9; Jude 1: Revelation 1:6. These are but a few of the References in Support of there being only One GOD. Howmany References are there which Directly Support a Trinity? None? OK, Ill ma

    ke it simpler, how many times does the word Trinity occur in the Bible? What?None again? For a Doctrine or Dogma to be True it MUST have at least a few Supporting Biblical References to be called a Biblically Based Doctrine or Dogma, right? So it follows that since there are NO Supporting Scriptures then it cannotbe a Doctrine born of GOD or the Bible, but is instead wholly a Doctrine of Man.How can Jesus be a Co-Equal god with YHWH and the Holy Ghost if hes sitting ona lesser Throne on the Right-Hand side of YHWH? Why is YHWH the only God to beseated on the Great Throne? Why isnt the Great Throne used by the Godhead? Why is god the Son going to execute Judgment according to the Will of Yahweh and not the Godhead? What Role or Function does the Godhead fulfill on Judgment Day?Since Jesus said only the Father knows the Date and Time of Judgment Day, how

    is it that the Godhead doesnt know too? If the Trinitarian Creed was from GODwhy is there NO Biblical Support for these questions? Why is it that the Trinity Doctrine wasnt even thought of until the Church said it was OK to adopt PaganIdeas and Doctrine?The Church had a Problem. A very Big Problem. Only GOD could Forgive Sins, andyet Jesus said he could too. The Bible says GOD is the Savior, the Redeemer, and yet Jesus said he could. It was a Philosophical Problem where ones Faith isbased upon Reason. Jesus would somehow have to be a god and a man; whereas, Logic, Reason, Language and Grammar dictated that Jesus could be a god or a man but not both because of the way each State is Defined.And the Pagans had faced this same problem years upon years ago and resolved itby using the concept of a Triad. The Pagans merely replaced the Mutually Exclusive or with the common conjunction and and made the Appeal to its being a Myste

    ry due to the inability of a Finite Mind trying to grasp the Infinite Nature ofGod.However, what the Bishops missed was that Jesus had to be GOD, and not just a god, and a man because a god cant die. So they Adopted the Pagan concept of a Triad instead of the Truth. The Truth being that GOD, Yahweh, had Manifested Himself three different ways to mankind. Jesus was YHWHs Shaliach.He Manifested Himself as GOD. He dwelt/Manifested Himself in Jesus Fully so that He and Jesus became One. And He Manifested Himself as the Holy Ghost. ThreeManifestations of the same Singular God. This is as close to a Trinity as I dare go. I believe that herein lies the Truth about GOD, Jesus and the Holy Ghostand is supported in its entirety by Scripture.Now let us move on to another sensitive subject, Mary the Mother of Jesus. There are four different opinions on Mary and the conception of Christ, none of which is supported by Scripture. The first opinion says that Mary was a Virgin andshe was Overpowered by the Holy Spirit and conceived Christ; the second opinion says she was raped by a Roman Soldier whose name was Panthera. The followingdialog typifies the Rape stories."In 4 BCE Sepphoris, a major city one hour

    s walk from Nazareth, took part in arebellion against Roman rule. A Roman Army was sent to punish Sepphiors. "Everybody knew what happened when an invading army was making war on a civilian population. Women who had not fled or could not be safely hidden, especially the young ones, could expect to be Raped.

    "According to both Matthew and Luke, Jesus was born around the end of the reignof Herod the Great, who died in the same year Sepphoris was destroyed. This puts

    a Roman army on a punitive campaign in the Nazareth area during the range of years for the birth of Jesus. "All we can say is that it squares with what we know about Roman military history and the available evidence about the approximate

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    year of Jesus birth.

    On the one hand, we cannot know whether Mary was raped nor whether Jesus was born nine months after Sepphoris was razed. On the other hand, historians cannot responsibly ignore that a Roman army bent on rape and pillage was in just the right place at just about the right time.Regardless of the actual facts of Jesus

    birth, thirty years later people who kn

    ew or could guess his age and knew he was from Nazareth, might well have put twoand two together and wonder whether he was a child of Roman rape. It

    s a certainty that there were such children about the same age as Jesus in the villages near Sepphoris. Some of them probably grew up with him in Nazareth."And the third opinion which is contained in the following paragraph.Celsus, a late second-century Greek philosopher and polemical writer against Christianity, claimed that Jesus was an illegitimate child of a certain Roman soldier named Panthera, and that Mary had been turned out by her husband because shewas convicted of unfaithfulness (Origen, Contra Celsum 1:28-32). These claims are related to the references in the Talmud to the figure of Ben-Pandera as Jesussupposed father. According to the early third-century Acts of Pilate, a apocryphal Christian work, the elders of the Jews stated to Pilate during the trial of

    Jesus that he had been conceived through fornication.The fourth opinion is that Joseph was the father.The first opinion well examine claims Scriptural Support from Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23 and Luke 1:27 35. Isaiah 7:14 says Therefore the Lord himself willgive you a sign: behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall callhis name Immanuel.

    The word virgin comes from the Greek word parthenos, but the original Book of Isaiah was written in Hebrew which uses the word almah which translates young woman. Now the question comes. Who has the Right Translation of it; the original Hebrew Author or the much later Greek Scribe? Furthermore, in the HebrewImmanuel is a name Shall call his name Immanuel.This is NOT a Prophecy about the coming Messiah. It is a near term Prophecy addressed to King Ahaz of Judah about two Northern Kings (the King of Israel [the 1

    0 tribes] and the King of Syria) coming to lay siege to Jerusalem. But not to worry because GOD is going to thwart their plans and protect Jerusalem. GOD thentells King Ahaz to ask for a sign of His Divine Intervention to which Ahaz replies I will not tempt the Lord. Which brings us to 7:14:THE JEWISH TRANSLATIONS ARE CONSISTENT IN CORRECTLY RENDERING THE TERM (HA


    Now that youve read Isaiah 7:14 in Context you can see how Artificial and Forced the supposed connection to the Birth of the Messiah is. If the Church had notPolluted itself with Paganism, Greco-Roman Philosophy and many other False Doct

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    rines and Dogmas, and simply followed the Teachings of Christ and the Apostlesthen we wouldnt have to deal with this Virgin Birth Lie, and the impact itll have on the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. I know of no Scriptures which requiresthe Messiah being born of a Virgin.The impact on the Gospels is minimal; however, the impact it has on most Churches Doctrine and Dogma is nothing short of catastrophic. The Trinity and Virgin Birth are Cornerstones of almost every Churchs Founding Principles. Destroy the

    concept of a Trinity and Virgin Birth and almost every Christian Church on Earth would crumble like a house made of cards.But why? Shouldnt they be firmly held up by the Teachings of Christ and the Apostles? Shouldnt the Cornerstones of their Foundations be fully Supported by the Scriptures? Instead they put all their eggs into Scripturally Unsupported ideologies like the Trinity and Virgin Birth.How many times does the word Trinity appear in the OT? What was that? I thought I heard you say Zero. So it must have come about with the Dawning of a NewAge and Covenant, how many times did Christ teach about the Trinity or any ideology even faintly resembling a Trinity? Whats that? None? Again?Lets try a different approach. How many times does the phrase God the Fatherappear in the Scriptures? Whats that you say? A great many? Did Jesus teach

    us about God the Father? Again a great many. I think were on to somethinghere. And the Apostles, did they teach us about God the Father? Yes, many times.Lets continue with this method. How many times does the phrase God the Son appear in the Scriptures? Ut oh. Were back to none again. How many times doesthe phrase God the Holy Ghost or God the Holy Spirit appear in the Scriptures? None, again?How do we solve our little problem? What problem? Well Scripture tells us thatGod is the only one who can be the Savior, the Redeemer, but Christ and the Apostles said Christ could Forgive Sins and thereby become the Savior, the Redeemer; therefore, Christ must be a God. Hmm that cant be because a God cant die,and Jesus died; therefore Christ must be a man. Now do you see our little problem?

    Some of the Pagans weve allowed in brought their Triad with them and say thereis God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost all of one Substance, Co-Eternal and Co-Equal and together they make God. But we still have our little problem. Eureka! I have a solution well Adopt the Pagan Triad and say that Christ emptied himself of his Godhood and became a man! So Jesus can be a God anda Man. Note: I have Searched several Bibles (over 12) for the word Emptied occurring with Christ. It does not appear in any Bible!Well make it Church Doctrine and tell the people that their Salvation depends upon this Doctrine and if they begin to question it well just tell them Its aMystery due to a Finite Mind trying to Understand the Nature of an Infinite Triune God. If they continue to protest, deny, read or translate Scripture and find out that the Scriptures dont support our Trinity then well have an even bigger problem. So well just kill anyone who so much as questions the Doctrine andpretty soon all the naysayers will be dead and everyone will agree that the Doctrine of the Trinity is True and Good.So the Church set about Killing anyone who even hinted that they didnt agree and anyone bold enough to translate the Greek or Latin and read the Scriptures forthemselves. The Killing Spree lasted for years and in the end well over FiftyMillion thats over 50,000,000 men, women and children were Burned or Mutilatedto death. All that death over a False Doctrine. All that death over an ideology that wasnt even thought of until the Church was over 500 years old. All thatDeath over some Pagan ideology and some Greco-Roman Philosophy that neither Christ nor the Apostles had ever hinted at or made Reference to. All that Death tohide a Lie.

    BE-AWARE (If this isnt Satans work then I Evolved from a monkey) the Messiahs name is Yeshua which Translates to Joshua, and the name jesus is the name of one of the Roman gods worshipped in Rome. This is no Joke. I am extremely serio

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    us about this. You have been Praying to and Worshipping a Pagan Roman god! AndId bet dollars to dimes that your Pastor Knew! Witness the following:

    Furthermore, as mentioned previously, there is a LOT of powerful and convincingevidence that shows the Greek name for Messiah, Iesous, may be derived from thename of a pagan deity! YES, "JESUS" IS A WORD WHICH MAY DERIVE FROM THE NAME FOR A PAGAN GREEK GOD! IT MAY GIVE HONOR TO A PAGAN DEITY! The aforementioned bo

    ok, Come Our of Her My People, by C. J. Koster, provides a LOT of evidence of this as well as many other proofs of Christianity

    s pagan foundations. Of course,few Christians dare investigate these things for fear of what they may discover. Their fears are well founded since they WILL find ample facts proving Constantinian Christianity to be a counterfeit, Babylonian based. A religion that mayrepresent part of Satan

    s plan to usurp God and establish himself as the recipient of mankind

    s worship.Hellooo? Why are preachers intentionally discarding and censoring the true namefor Messiah and using a false name that honors a pagan god in its place?Let me ask that again. Why are Christian leaders intentionally discarding and censoring the true name for Messiah, (Yeshua) and using a false name instead (Jesus). Worse still, the false name "Jesus" is a name for which very strong eviden

    ce exists showing it may honor a pagan god?I told you that there were Problems in the Bible especially the New Testament, and Ive been telling you that Churches have big time Problems especially with Doctrine and Dogma. This Name thing is just one more example. The Churches of today Value Tradition more than Truth. The Church Leaders all the way down to thePastor level, with Willful Intent and Malice LIE.I dont know if it affects our Salvation or not, but I do know that we have beenworshipping an ancient Roman god. We Confessed and said we Believe that an ancient Roman god was the only Begotten Son of God and we asked a Pagan god to Forgive us! We gave Praise and Glory to a Pagan god! We were even Baptized in theName of a Pagan god!

    Another Lie they perpetrate is about the Rite of getting Baptized. Baptized, like Anti-Christ is an untranslated Greek word that means to be fully immerse

    d in water (Ill address the Anti-Christ and the Spirit of the Anti-Christ later). I also know for certain that this name thing displeases both God and Yeshua.Why is the Clergy LYING to us? Is it a part of Satans Plan to garner more Worshippers than Yahweh and Yeshua to be Worshipped as god and to attain the Throneon Judgment Day? I still believe that everything, all the Good and all the Evil, comes from Yahweh; however, I am beginning to believe that there is a Satan,and we must Battle him daily in the Spirit.They have LIED to us about the Messiahs Name. They have LIED to us about Baptism. They have LIED to us about the Anti-Christ. They have LIED to us about theSpirit of the Anti-Christ. They have LIED to us about the Trinity. Where andwhen do the Lies stop?I know when and how the Lies started. They began when Constantine called 318 Bishops together in Nicaea. Constantine presided over the Council. Constantine was High Priest for a Pagan Religion and was very well acquainted with Triune gods and knew most of citizens were well acquainted with Triads. And since Christianity was going to be the Official Religion of Rome, it too needed a Trinity.The Bishops also had the Pagans to deal with. When the Pagans joined the Church, the Church allowed them to bring their Rites, Doctrine and Practices with them. Some of them brought a Trinity Doctrines. So the multiple gods issue had already been resolved, and all that was left was Defining Yahweh and Yeshua (the Holy Ghost wasnt added for about another 400 hundred years). The issue was whether Yahweh and Yeshua were made of the same Substance Co-Equal, Co-Eternal, All-Seeing and All-Knowing or if Yeshua was Created.Now there were only 318 Bishops invited out of the Hundreds of Bishops in the Church. And out of that 318 Bishops 308 of them were from the Western Empire and

    believed that Yahweh and Yeshua were of One Substance. The other 10 were from the Eastern Empire and believed Yeshua to be a Created Being. Can you guess who had the most votes?

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    Constantine got exactly what he wanted; a Christian Church that was united and looked exactly like the Pagan Babylonian Sun-god Mystery Church. This is Where and How the Lies began.There was no New Testament and wouldnt be for another 500 years. There were, however, a few copies of Pauls Letters floating about and an odd Gospel (not anything like ours) or two. Sometimes one of these copies (both Letters and Gospels) fell into the hands of someone Rich enough or Influential enough to hire a

    Scribe to make some copies of the copies, but make a few Editorial Changes tomake the document look as if it supported his Doctrine. This process is known as Redaction.What we call the New Testament went through 500 years of Redaction. In fact there was so much Redaction and Corruption that it is impossible to filter it out to view the original document. That is one of the reasons I dont trust the NewTestament. I cant tell what is Gods Inspired Words and what is Mans Pollution!When Reading or Researching in the New Testament and you run across the word Scriptures have you ever wondered about What Scriptures? I think the New Testament wasnt Canonized until late in the 7th Century and the Apostles were long dead by then. So what were these Scriptures? The Early Church used Them for at le

    ast 5 Centuries. You got it! Its the Old Testament.I know that you spend as much time as is possible Studying the New Testament andonly going into the Old Testament only when a Reference takes you there. I dont know why but I suspect that it has something to do about Christs saying I didnt come to Destroy the Law but to Fulfill it.If you were to Study that Verse in Context youd come to see that Yeshua says Mt. 5:18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallestletter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Lawuntil everything is accomplished. Mt. 5:19 Anyone who breaks one of the leastof these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least inthe kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will becalled great in the kingdom of heaven. In other words He says until the Heavens and Earth pass away the Tanakn (Old Testament) will be Valid.

    Is it not puzzling how so many Christians rarely study the very "Bible" Yeshua and his followers studied? Is it not strange that the sacred writ considered asthe ultimate source of wisdom and understanding by Yeshua and his followers is today being preached as "abolished", "changed", or only of "historical" significance? Is it not odd how many preachers claim to be "New Testament believers" byunabashedly promoting the concept that the Old Testament is superseded by the New Testament or of only limited application today? Isn

    t it strange how, even though the New Testament leaves no doubt that the Hebrew Scriptures are what Yeshua and his disciples considered Scripture, almost no time is invested by most Christians (OR PREACHERS) to study those Hebrew Scriptures? Indeed, a TRUE New Testament Christian - if he/she follows the teachings of the authors of the New Testament - MUST accept the Tanakh (Old Testament) as authoritative Scripture to beused for an understanding of truth; otherwise, he/she is in direct conflict with the New Testament writers they claim to follow!My son, it is Scripturally obvious that many Christian Teachers are not following the clear instructions of Yeshua

    s followers because these "theologians" are often declaring as dead or virtually useless the very "Bible" the apostles considered alive and of infinite worth! The very "Bible" used and preached from by our Messiah and his followers has been discarded from the church or relegatedto "lesser" importance!Just as an example lets look at 2 Timothy 3:14 17:But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast knownthe holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and

    is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto allgood works.

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    So if the Tanakn (OT) is to be considered a valuable part of the Holy Scriptures, why is the Church trying to discourage its use and/or abolish it? Why is theChurch trying to Destroy 2/3 of our access to Gods Sacred Word and leave us with a Document which we know for certain has been Redacted several times and probably has a good deal of Corruption?This is beginning to look like a Grand Conspiracy by the Church in some Hollywood movie. Could this really be a Grand Conspiracy by Satan? Is he that Real?

    The Bible says at the end of this age that even the very elect shall be deceived. Look at yourself, even you are ensnared in this Trap! You have basically discarded the Tanakn (OT) and there is a strong Bond between yourself and the Trinity.I hope that you are beginning to open your mind to the Truth. I hope this NameChange thing is resolved, and you are adjusting to His real name Yeshua (Ya Shoo Ah) or Translated into English Joshua. If you need more Proof I can supply you with one of the Source Documents I used and go lookup as many as you needto Believe. Now onto the Trinity thing, again.You have Closed your Mind, hardened your Heart and Stiffened your neck, you haveeyes but are Blind (Spiritually speaking) to the Truth as GOD defines it, and not a LIE as from your Church.

    First of all you Confessed to me that Yeshua is a man based upon 1 Timothy 2:5.In agreeing that Joshua is a man you have effectively and appropriately Destroyed the Trinity Doctrine because you have Eliminated one of the 3 gods you Worshipped leaving only 2 gods, and a Trinity cannot exist with only 2 gods. To GODsGreater Glory and the Grace of our Lord Yeshua, I give Thanks and Praise that your Eyes have been Opened. And I Thank You for taking that Giant Leap of Faithwhich had to be very difficult for you as you had to Spiritually battle the Demon which had control of your Mind and probably getting Strength and Support fromSatan himself! For you are one of the Elect and made for a powerful ally for Satan.Logically you Destroyed the Trinity Lie when you confessed that Joshua was a manwhile He was in our Midst because that left only 2 gods, and 2 gods cannot makea Triune Godhead. Satan and his instrument the Church had Blinded you from see

    ing this simple Truth. I knew you were well on the way down the Narrow Path when you came to realize the Notion that Joshua had emptied Himself was just another Church Lie propagated by Satan, a demon or an unclean Spirits Teaching.I think that by now you can take in, assimilate, appreciate and Understand John17:3."And this is life eternal, that they might know You the only true God, and Yeshua Christ whom You have sent."Because of John 17:3 and a great many more just like it, the Holy Spirit becomesGODs Spirit Working through Joshua in the world as opposed to the Notion thatit has been Personified into a god.In John 17:3 there 3 significant items that indicate that the Notion of a Trinity is False and that Monotheism is True. The first Clause is Significant in thatit Supports Monotheism is that they might know You the only true God and Yeshua Christ whom You have sent.The first item is Yeshuas declaration that supports the Notion of Monotheism inthat it says You the only true God. The word only Denotes that the Object, God, is Singular.The second significant item occurs with the pronoun you. Greek has 2 forms of the pronoun you. The first form points to a Single Person, the second form is Plural. In this case the first form is used and points to there being a Singular or Specific God.The third significant item is the conjunction and which Associates two separatebut Related ideas or things together. The two separate but related ideas are You the only true God and Yeshua Christ whom You have sent are the two Separate ideas, and the Related words are the singular you.

    I apologize for the incomplete Analysis, but I wanted to get to the main idea being expressed by Yeshua, and be able to present my Analysis in the most Understandable manner possible because I know that not everyone has been trained in the

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    use of Grammar and Linguistics. It is my fervent hope that your Heart has beensoftened enough and your Mind Open enough to escape Satans snare which is Delivered through his Instrument, the Church. And having said that it is my Prayer that you are able to see or receive the Truth as I have presented it.It is my belief that the Apostles and writers of the New Testament foresaw the Church becoming an Instrument of Satan, and I think that I can substantiate thatPremise through Biblical and Empirical Evidence which Ill cover in another Disc

    ussion or possibly later in this Document.I am going to assume that you have escaped the Traps and Snares set by Satan through his instrument, the Church. I have documented some of its many Lies and False Doctrines. I found the number of Lies and False Doctrines to be Shocking and left me Dumfounded and Speechless. That Satan is the Prince of this World both Spiritually and Materially was more than appalling. I was Horrified and morethan a little Afraid that Satan is using the Actual Christian Church to accomplish his will.The Church is a Real Entity both Materially and Spiritually. That Satan could use the Church as one of his instruments leaves me very Dismayed, but the numberof LIES and False Doctrines convinces me that they, the Church, is one of the Spirits of Anti-Christ.

    The Church is supposed to be the Body of Christ! How did Satan get so much Control? There are only a few Churches which dont use the Trinitarian Creed in their Doctrine, but many of those fit the definition of Gnostic or Neo-Gnostic in Practice. And that means that Satan has control of all but a few of the Churcheswhich are Non-Trinitarian Churches but are innocently unaware of the Messiahsname and who or what jesus really is, and most of them are a part of the JewishMessianic movement.There is a clear definition of the "antichrist" that Christianity seems to miss,but it is easily Defined from the New Testament. The word "Antichrist" is a Greek word that has never been Translated which makes me wonder what is the Churchtrying to hide. Leaving it untranslated just adds to the Confusion and wild Speculation over its meaning.Most Christians assume that Antichrist is a word that has been Translated from

    Greek which leads to all the Confusion and Wild Speculation. Using these factsand Feigning with a Definition of its, the Church that is, own. This Strategyhas helped the Church and Satan keep the True Translated Meaning of Antichrista Secret for 2,000 years!The Church has Lied to you again! They have Lied to Cover-Up another False Doctrine and to add Insult to Injury they have with Forethought, Intent and Malice Deceitfully led people down a path that takes them to the Book of Revelations andhave managed to make most people think that Revelations is the only place in the Bible that deals with the Antichrist!Do you still have Faith in your Church? Do you still believe that your Church is above all this Negativity, Wickedness and Evil? Do you think all this Lambasting is directed at the Catholic Church alone? No, my son it is directed at my Church, your Church and every Church on the face of the Earth that calls itself Christian save for a small Remnant.Do you think the people under the Old Covent who broke their Promise and went whoring after idols, Pagan gods and Polytheistic Religions are any different fromthose people under the New Covent? That they are somehow different and somehowIncapable of making the same Exact mistakes?Do you believe Joshua to be a Liar? No? OK. Do you believe that the Holy Ghost is a Liar? No? OK. Do you believe that the Holy Ghost to be weak or slow? No? OK. Do you believe that KNOWN History to be a Lie, and by KNOWN History I mean Manuscripts, Church Records, Christian Historians, Secular Historians to bea Lie? No? OK.So why did it take 400 500 years for those 318 Bishops at The Council of Nicaea just happened to come up with the idea that God is a Dualistic Entity? Becaus

    e it took that long to figure it out. And why do I keep Calling Him a DualisticGod?Dualistic because the Council of Nicaea said that The Father and Yeshua were mad

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    e of the same substance, and that the both of Them together make 1 Godhead. They said that the Messiah was Begotten not Created. They went on to say that bothwere co-equal, co-eternal, all-Seeing and all-knowing. Dualistic because the Holy Ghost wont be added until the 7th or 8th Century at which time the Trinitywas recognized. So it took them 781 years to realize God was a Triune God. Allthe Bishops Agreed that you MUST acknowledge your Belief in the Holy Trinity tobe Saved. I wonder, what happened to those Saved before 681 especially the one

    s Saved by Yeshua?Answers are Required for these questions and the answer must not be nonsense, must not Appeal to its being a Mystery (because Ill not allow you to call our Lord a Liar and the Holy Ghost impotent [see John 16:13]), must not Appeal to, thehuman mind isnt capable of Understanding, must be Biblically Supported by notless than 2 Passages from the New Testament and retain their Context, must be Biblically Supported by not less than 2 Passages from the Tanakn (OT) and retain their Context. With that being said lets begin.I always get confused every time we get to this point. If they are co-eternal How can Yeshua be Begotten because Begotten infers a Beginning, and if Yeshua wasBegotten and has a beginning then it follows that Yeshua cannot be co-eternal!Furthermore where was the Godhead before Yeshua was Begotten? Was He Yahweh un

    til the others arrived? Was He in Existence before the others arrived or was Hecreated when the others arrived? Did God Create a Godhead Greater than Himself?Just a couple more simple questions and well get back to the Antichrist. Whatdoes Begotten mean? What is the difference between Begotten and Created? If Begotten refers to Mary, where was Yeshua before Mary? Why was Yahweh the onlyGod in the Tanakn (OT)? In the Tanakn (OT) it says only God (Yahweh?) can forgive Sins, How could Yeshua forgive Sins? How did the Holy Ghost come into Being?How do you resolve John 15:26 When the Counsellor comes, whom I will send to

    you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me? If you are Successful in explaining the Origins of the Holy Ghost why doesnt It have a name? How do you resolve Genesis 1:1 with John 1:1 (Hint: New Age vs New World)? How do you resolve the FACT that everything wa

    s Created by Elohim (a non-direct way of addressing Yahweh, EL or I AM) Yahweh,I AM or EL without even hinting that a Godhead or anyone else was involved? Regarding the Trinity, how do you resolve the many issues associated with John 15:12 which says I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his masters business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you: if Joshua told them everythingthat was important for them to know, why is there no mention of the Trinity which is important to know so that they could Worship correctly? Why didnt Yeshuagive the Holy Ghost a name instead of a title? In Isaiah 9:6 it says And he will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, how do you resolve Joshua carrying all these titles (Hint: He is the Jewish Agent or Shaliach)? How do you resolve the acrostic YAHWEH written on the plaque hanging over Yeshuas head, written by Pilate who refused to change the wording when asked by the Jews (The High Priest among them)? How do you resolve Yeshuas statements about returning to His Father in John 14 and John 20:17 where Hesays ,,, returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God (Father means God and God means Father as indicated by the joining of the two infinitives by a comma instead of a conjunction used to join two different ideas)?Just a few more questions and my Understanding of your Trinity will or should becomplete. I have quoted John 7:1 3 below. How is it that YHWH not the Godhead who grants Authority over all people? How is it that Eternal life is to knowYHWH and not the Godhead? How is it that the Godhead has absolutely No Part orResponsibly or Role to Play in this incredibly important event? Moreover how is it that I cannot find even one verse in the entire Bible where YHWH doesnt have complete Command and Control?

    After Jesus said this, he looked towards heaven and prayed: Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have g

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    iven him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God,and Yeshua Christ, whom you have sent.If we are serious about our salvation, which depends on us knowing the only trueGod and Yeshua Christ (John 17:3), then we must be serious about studying GodsWord and understanding the Truth, and in all Truth I have thoroughly, and you know how thorough I am, searched the Entire Bible and cannot find one Chapter, one Section, one Passage or even one Word which Explicitly or Implicitly points to

    a Godhead or a God other than YHWH!It occurs to me that I am chasing nonsense. It occurs to me that The Trinity isa Trap or Snare set by Satan using his favorite Instrument, the Church and itsstill intact Latter Day Creeds, to Capture the Souls of the Unwary but otherwise Good Christian people. These otherwise Good Christian people Worship a PaganRoman god, Pray in the name of this Roman god, Sing to this Roman god, Worship many False gods (The godhead, the father, the son, the holy ghost and jesus), Tithe to False gods, get Baptized in the names of False gods and perform all sortsof Religious Ceremonies, Rituals and Events to and for these False gods.The Church with all of its Tradition Based Creeds penned by Satan himself, and The Capturing of Unwary Souls through False Creeds, Doctrine, Dogma and Teachings being lead to Hell instead of Eternal Life have forgotten the Apostle Pauls

    Warning and Instructions to Search the Scriptures (the Tanakn [OT] for Paul) daily to see whether the things they, and you, Heard or were Taught, are True or Not. All these Lost Souls Victims of Satans Traps and Snares put me in Remembrance of two of our Lord and Masters Teachings:"Enter in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in there: Because narrow is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and there are few who find it."(Matthew 7:13-14)"For many are called, but few are chosen." (Matthew 22:14)Many are those who follow those False Creeds, gods, Doctrines and Churches and few are those who Teach:There is One God and one mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Yeshua.I have no idea where all that came from. But back on page 27 near the top every

    time Id press the Shift key and start to press the S key to type Satan my screen would go wacko and start printing all kinds of random characters and lock my machine up in that state! All I could do was hit the Reset Button. It was very odd.Below, I have extracted a portion of the 1 John commentary that will assist in revealing to you the Scriptural identity of the antichrist!1 John 4:2,3 (KJV)Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Yeshua Messiah is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Yeshua Messiah is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it inthe world.I have known Trinitarians to intentionally twist these verses into the following:"...every spirit that confesseth that God is come in the flesh as Yeshua Messiahis of God; and every spirit that confesseth not that God is come in the flesh as Yeshua Messiah is not of God..." THAT IS NOT WHAT IT SAYS, despite the wishesof those who believe and teach that the Trinity is True and that Yeshua is God.In point of fact, it doesn

    t even Imply that such an idea is True; yet many Church leaders teach that it does!The wine of the Trinity intoxication is so strong, that many seem to sincerely see this verse as Supporting the Trinity! An error that finds it

    s way into theminds of most Trinitarians is the idea that "Son of God" means "God the Son".NOWHERE in Scripture is "God the Son" found! "God the Son" is the invention ofthe Beast using later church Creeds.

    Although Trinitarians expend a lot of Energy and Effort to confuse the issue bycreating various "antichrist" scenarios, in Truth, these passages come very close to condemning Trinitarians that teach a "God in the flesh" Messiah! If they a

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    re read with the fog of the Trinity deception removed, they DO destroy the Notion that Yeshua was anything more than a 100 percent human being! Additionally, we see in these verses reference to a "spirit". I will comment later on this "spirit" of antichrist.The Greek term rendered "flesh" is sarx {sarx}, and the corresponding Hebrew word is basar { baw-sawr

    }. Both words mean pure flesh and blood, that is to say fully human, verses the Man-God the church creeds attempt to define. There is no

    thing in the Greek or the Hebrew that implies anything more than 100 percent human flesh and blood!Furthermore, as stated earlier in this document, there is a Greek word that is left untranslated. There is a word that the translators intentionally with forethought and malice decided NOT to translate. And I believe it is because theyFear that the literal meaning will expose their Lies!Traditional Christian doctrine has built an entire mini theology and sensational, end-time teaching around this Greek word that they transferred into the English vocabulary. The Greek word is antichristos, rendered in its untranslated formin English as, antichrist.Note: "spirit of antichrist" = erroneous doctrine. The antichrist is primarilythe representative of a set of false teachings, not simply some future possible

    world religious/political figure! Those accepting the error promoted by the "spirit of error" or "spirit of antichrist" are unintentional victims of the spiritof antichrist.In the case of 1 John 4:2,3, antichrist is actually a combination of 2 Greek words, anti and christos. The literal meaning(s) of antichrist is:1. adversary of Messiah2. usurper of Messiah3. instead of Messiah4. opposite to Messiah (or in opposition to Messiah)5. in place of Messiah (a replacement or counterfeit Messiah)It is useful at this time to note a couple of verses from earlier in John

    s epistle. Also note how, to further the end-time deception, antichrist is often capitalized as Antichrist; moreover, it is a blatantly false assumption which forces

    you into believing the False Teaching that traditional Christianity wants you to believe.1 John 2:18,19 (NKJV)Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichristis coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is thelast hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had beenof us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might bemade manifest, that none of them were of us.Traditional Christianity seems to have erased these passages from the New Testament. Why do Traditional Christian leaders focus almost exclusively on the concept of some future, superman "antichrist" when these passages make it abundantlyclear that the "antichrist" was present even during the time John wrote his epistle? In point of fact, it clearly states that many antichrists were present! How could the Author have been any clearer?It is important to grasp the meaning of the word translators conveniently choseto not translate. The term "antichrist", as proven above, literally means "adversary of" the Messiah, "in place of" the Messiah, "instead of" the Messiah, or "usurper of" the Messiah. It can also mean a "replacement" Messiah. Furthermore, John makes perfectly clear that MANY antichrists had gone out FROM THEM (earlybelievers) teaching False Doctrine regarding the Messiah, Yeshua. These "antichrists," or usurpers of the true Messiah, were promoting Doctrines that presented a Messiah that was in place of or instead of the TRUE Messiah. They were teaching a "replacement" Messiah. John was a Hebrew; therefore, it is probable thatthe "us" John refers to in 1 John 2:19 is probably his Christian brothers who followed Yeshua as defined from their Hebraic context.

    The true Hebraic context of Messiah with which John and his brethren were familiar had the following two central characteristics:1. He was the anointed one, the sent one, the fully empowered human Ag

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    ent of the Almighty Creator. He was not God in the flesh. I discuss the crucial issue of what it means to be the Agent or Shaliach of God in a minute and howthis factors into proving Messiah is not God. When one understands the Hebraicmeaning of Shaliach (shah lee OCK) all the mystery regarding Messiah

    s relationship with God is removed and the Truth is easy see. It is for this reason thatyou will never hear this issue discussed my your Pastor.2. He was indisputably and firmly PRO-torah (pro-law). The true Messiah wa

    s a devoted keeper and promoter of God

    s eternal instructions.Therefore, any Messiah (Christ) which possessed characteristics different than those listed above was usurping the Messiah and replacing the true Messiah.Because Christianity started out as a Sect of Judaism you MUST view the Bible, the Messiah (Yeshua) and YHWH from a Hebraic Perspective. Yeshua, the Apostles and the Early Church Leaders were all Jews. They Talked, Walked, Thought (from aUniquely Jewish perspective), Saw and Interpreted Events as only a Jew could.After the death of the Apostles, Christianity began taking in Pagans and Adopting Pagan Beliefs which were not compatible with their Jewish Roots. By the year300 AD Christianity had thoroughly divested itself from all traces of its JewishRoots and become thoroughly Paganized. They had lost the ability to View, Interpret and Understand things, including the Scriptures, from the Hebraic Perspect

    ive.Among the things they lost was the Extremely Critical Concept of the Jewish Shaliach or Agency. One of the Shaliachs applications regards the misunderstandingof how Yeshua, who is NOT God, was able to do things that only God should be able to do, like forgiving sins. Many people jump to the wrong conclusion that such powerful acts prove Yeshua is God in the Flesh. The question occurs that states:"Well, if Messiah is not God how come he was able to forgive sins? Only God canforgive sins."That question symbolizes a vast ignorance that persists in the minds of those affected by traditional Christian bias, an ignorance born in the standard Christian failure to grasp Hebraic principles.Since the entire Bible is written from a Hebraic perspective failure to interpre

    t it from its Hebraic Context means there will be misunderstandings of Scriptureand Events. There is simply no way to correctly interpret Scripture and Eventsunless Hebraic concepts are applied. The same faulty thinking by those who assume Yeshua is God because he could forgive sins applies to issues such as how hewas able to heal, resurrect, or in general perform Miracles.It is my Belief that Yeshua was a Shaliach, an EMISSARY of God, but he was NOT God. Obviously if you use common sense, you must admit that the Emissary of another is NOT the one who commissioned him as an Agent. The Emissary, and the onewho commissioned him as an agent, are separate and distinct Entities. The definition of Emissary requires this to be the case. When Yeshua says he was sent, it proves he is NOT God.Shaliach (sha-LEE-ock) means Agent or Emissary. It is a Torah-legal term for aperson empowered by someone else to act in his stead. Yeshua was empowered by Yahweh to act in His stead. The shaliach first appears in the Torah in the personof Eliezer, whom Abraham commissioned to find a wife for his son, Isaac. Rebecca was selected and betrothed as a wife for Isaac by Eliezer, and she was legallyIsaac

    s wife without her actual husband having ever set eyes on her or having exchanged a single word with her. In the words of the Talmud, "A person

    s shaliach is as he himself."Consider this in light of Yeshua saying, "I and the Father are one." As God

    s shaliach, Yeshua was acting in behalf of God; thus, God

    s emissary or representative was as God, since he was fully empowered to legally act as God

    s chosen agent. However, just as Eliezer was NOT Abraham, Yeshua is NOT God. This is what Yeshua meant when he said such things as:John 8:28, 42, 50 (NASB)

    Yeshua therefore said, "When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know thatI am He, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as theFather taught Me."

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    Yeshua said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love Me; for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me.""But I do not seek My glory; there is One who seeks and judgesThere exists a model (the "slave") for one who has abnegated his will, personality and very identity to that of his "master."Yeshua was also God

    s slave in the sense that he submitted his will to God; howe

    ver, he did not submit his identity or personality. Recall prior to Yeshua

    s death him praying to his God and Father, "not my will, but thine, be done." (Matt.26:39, Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42). We should submit our will to the same God Yeshua did, which is NOT the God promoted by Trinitarians and all others that promote a Messiah man-God.There also exists the model of the employee, who assumes the obligation to perform a certain task for someone else, but whose personality and identity remain separate and distinct from the personality and identity of his employer. The shaliach is unique in that they retain a great degree of autonomy in carrying out their mission, yet at the same time becomes a virtual extension of the person whocommissioned him.Likewise, as God

    s unique emissary (shaliach), Yeshua became a virtual extension

    of God. Again, this is what he meant when he said that he was one with God. It is also what he prayed for when he prayed that his followers would likewise beone with the Father just as he is:John 17:11; 21; 22 (KJV)And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, thatthey may be one, as we are. ... That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believethat thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them;that they may be one, even as we are one.The shaliach does not abnegate his intellect, will, desires, feelings, talents or personal style to that of the one whom he represents; rather, he enlists themin the fulfillment of his mission. Yeshua DID submit his will to God, and Hebra

    ic thought clearly teaches we ARE to submit our will to God; however, Yeshua maintained his desires, feelings, talents, and personal style. The result of thisin not a lesser bond between the two, but the contrary: God, the meshaleiach, is acting through the whole of the shaliach not only through the Shaliachs physical actions, but also through the Shaliachs personality, which has become an extension of the meshaleiach

    s personality.God, as the Meshaleiach, was acting through the whole of Yeshua. He was utilizing the gifts and personality Yeshua the Messiah possessed.Additional information useful for understanding a shaliach is found in The Jewish Encyclopedia, page 232. It describes the "Jewish Law of Agency."The Law of Agency deals with the status of a person (known as the agent) actingby direction of another (the principal), and thereby legally binding the principal in his connection with a third person. The person who binds a principal in this manner is his agent, known in Jewish law as sheluach or sheliach (one that issent): the relation of the former to the latter is known as agency (shelichut).The general principle is enunciated thus: A man

    s agent is like himself .Yeshua, as the agent of YHVH, is FULLY empowered to LEGALLY and FULLY representYHVH. As the agent (shaliach) of God, Yeshua is "like," or the "likeness" and "image" of God; however, just as the agent (the one sent) is not the principal (who sent him), Yeshua is NOT God!Appointment.1. Under the Jewish law an agent may be appointed without the formality of writing, that is, by spoken words; and witnesses are not needed to give effect to these words, except to prove, in case of dispute, that authority had been given, and the extent of such authority. The standard authorities draw this conclusion fr

    om the remark in Kiddushin, 65b, that witnesses are needed only to meet denials....

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    An agent may appoint a subagentThe apostles, and WE who continue to spread the "good news" of Yeshua

    s rule andthe Kingdom of God, are subagents sent by Yeshua!It should also be noted that a shaliach has his emissary status revoked either by failure (such as Israel) or death. Yeshua did NOT fail and HE LIVES!! Therefore, he is STILL the shaliach of YHVH.So, there you have it. Yeshua is the shaliach (emissary) of God, but he is NOT G

    od. Since he is the FULLY empowered agent of God, he has the power to forgive sins, heal, resurrect, etc. But his power does NOT prove him to be God. All itproves is that he is FULLY empowered by YHWH God!Each true follower of Messiah is to go forth as a shaliach of THE shaliach. Forfurther evidence proving Yeshua to the shaliach (one sent) of God. After reading Yeshua

    s words it should be obvious that Yeshua is the shaliach, sent one, agent of the Almighty God. A revelation came to me as I presented the quotes fromthe gospel of John. Christianity and counterfeit Messianism present John

    s gospel as their primary alleged "proof" of Messiah

    s deity. However, they misrepresent the truth (as usual), because what John actually presents is the evidence proving Yeshua to be the shaliach of God, but NOT as God! I am now convinced that the primary purpose of John

    s gospel was to prove Yeshua to be the "sent one,"

    the shaliach (agent) of God. Indeed! John implicitly states that as being hisprimary purpose for writing his gospel when he quotes Yeshua summarizing his purpose and the way to eternal life:John 17:3 KJV3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.Please ponder intently Yeshua as the shaliach of YHVH. THE key to understandingYeshua

    s mission and position lies in an understanding of shaliach.I have tried to set you Free from the Traps and Snares set by Satan and the Beast through the sheer weight of Evidence. But you Chose to remain in the Bonds that Bind you. You were Blind to the Truth and Chose to follow the Beast, the antichrist. I have shown and told you of at least 3,000 passages in support of Monotheism and Weighted that Evidence against the 1 or 2 passages in the New Testam

    ent which could maybe, might, could possibly, if Ripped out of Context and Allegorized to the upmost levels of imagination, support the Idea of a Trinity.I have shown you how the Church has Lied and is still is Lying about many things, events, Doctrine and Dogma, and how both Yeshua and the Apostles said these False Teachings are the antichrist. Again you Chose to follow the Beast. I evenChallenged you to show me where it says Christ Emptied Himself of His Godhood in point of fact you were Told that particular Lie and Told what Book, Chapter and Verse where it could be found. But you failed to Heed the Apostle Pauls Admonition to Study the Scriptures (and the Scriptures were the Tanakn (OT)) to seeif the things told to you were True or not.I have shown you where Yeshua speaks about the many, the few and Eternal Life inthe Kingdom in Matthew 22:14 "For many are called, but few are chosen, and Matthew 7:13, 14 "Enter in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in there: Because narrow is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and there are fewwho find it". About how the many are the individual Church Members who Worshipmany gods and follow the antichrist or False Doctrine which replaces the True Messiah with an Usurper. But you remained entangled in Satans Snares and Choseto follow him instead of the One Living God.I have tried using Irrefutable Logic to Enlighten you, to show you the way to the Narrow Gate. The Logic was Pure and Simple Unblemished by Fallacies; unlike your False Doctrines which are riddled with Fallacies. And again you Chose theantichrist over the Messiah.I have utilized the Socratic Method of Reductio Ad Absurdum which showed the Tenets of your False Doctrine to be Absurd. But for the Nth time you have Chosen t

    o Reject the Masters Call.Now I am appealing to your Common Sense. In addition to appealing to your Common Sense I have taken you back through time. I have turned back the Pages of tim

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    e to an Era before Constantine reeked Havoc on our Beloved Church for PoliticalExpediency and Power. Back to a time before the Philosopher Wannabe Church Leaders took the Pagans in and Adopted their Idolatry and Evil Practices making ourBeloved Church an Adulterous Whore in the Eyes of God and our Lord Yeshua Christ. Back even further to a time before their Anti-Semitism caused them to Divorcethemselves from their Judaic Roots.Back on Page 24 I asked: How do you resolve Genesis 1:1 with John 1:1 (Hint: Ne

    w Age vs New World)? You must realize through your Study and Research thatJohn 1:1 18 is a poem, and that Poems are given to Allusion. The Phrase inthe beginning is Alluding to two Entirely different Events and Things, and yetthey have a Significant Relationship.The first part of the Allusion refers to Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 as being two Entirely different Divine Acts which are two Entirely different Acts of Creation.The Allusion to Genesis 1:1 is about the Creation of, and the beginning of,

    a New Universe and World. The beginning in John 1:1 is the Ending of one Ageand the Creation of a New Age.The term Word also has a Duplicity of Meaning. The term Word is translatedfrom the Greek term Logos which is generally translated as Thought or Idea; moreover, the term Word also Alludes to Yeshua. So we have In the beginning of th

    e New Age was the Thought or idea of Yeshua, and the Thought or Idea of Yeshua was with God, and the Thought or Idea of Yeshua was the Shaliach of God.NOTE. I believe the original Document used a Lower Case W in the Word becauseboth life and light are as important as the term Word yet both are Lower Case,and both life and light have Duplicity of meaning in that they are defining bothWho and What Yeshua is.For the sake of argument I am going to assume that Saint John was the Author ofsaid Gospel. John was a Jew and his seeing Yeshua as the Shaliach of God cameto him as easily as the assumption that water is wet; however, the Redactor didnot read nor Understand the Gospel from a Hebraic perspective, and saw the perfect opportunity to make John 1:1 support the notion that Yeshua was God by making the W in word Upper Case as are all the names of God.The Redactors failing was leaving the second clause intact because if Yeshua wa

    s with God then Common Sense tells us that if you are with somebody then you cannot be the somebody nor can you be a part of the somebody and the term with Explicitly Implies a separateness. Furthermore, the Redactor seems to be woefully unaware that 1st John 1:1 Explicitly Defines beginning as the Start of the Gospels, as the Dawning of a New Age. There is some Evidence that 1st John was circulated with the Gospel of John. The first six Verses of 1st John, that is 1st John 1:1 6, are a Recapitulation of the Preface (or Opening Poem) of John 1:1 -18.What follows below is an excerpt from another Point of View in which I find manyPoints that I can accept; however, the Author lacks a Hebraic Perspective whichleads him into much Misunderstandings. Having said all that, here is another analysis:1. The preface to the Gospel of John is poetry (John 1:1-18). This may be stating the obvious, but it is important to remember this when interpreting the verse.2. The "In the beginning..." of John is obviously related in some way to the "in the beginning" of Genesis 1:1, but comparison with the same "beginning" in1 John 1:1 (a letter which may have accompanied Johns Gospel) shows that the "beginning" which John is talking about, concerns not the beginning of the earth,but the beginning of the Gospel witnessed by the apostles (compare the use of the same Greek word beginning in Mark 1:1, Luke 1:2, John 6:64, 8:25, 15:27, 16:4, 1st John 1:1, 2:7,13,24, 3:11, 2nd John 5,6). Rather than being the "in thebeginning" of Genesis 1:1, John is making a comparison between the Genesis "beginning", and the more important new "beginning" found in his own Gospel. It alsois worth noting here that the word "Beginning" is a title of Christ (Colossians

    1:18, Revelation 3:14, 21:6, 22:13).3. "...was the Word": Johns "word" is obviously closely related in some way to Christ, but the "word" is not simply another name for Jesus. If John had me

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    ant to write in the beginning was Jesus Christ then he would have done so. Also it is often overlooked that the "word" is only one key word here; the Life (vs.4), and the Light (vs.7-9), are also parts of what John is saying. None ofthese words, Word, Life, Light are simple substitutions for the name of Jesus of Nazareth.4. "...and the Word was with God": Even without any knowledge of the original Bible languages it is clear that what follows cannot be the simple statement

    "Jesus = God" that people want to read, because if the Word is simply Jesus he cannot physically be "with God" (on the right hand of God perhaps?) and yet "be God" at the same time.5. "...and the Word was God": This is not the only possible translation ofthis phrase. Alternative renderings have included "and what God was, the Word was", "the Word was divine" and so on. But if we remember what Christ himself saidabout the meaning of the word "gods" in John 10:34-35 (mentioned earlier) thenthis does not have to be the Trinitarian statement that many think.6. "He..": The choice of "he" rather than "it" is the work of the English Bible translators, not John. The pronoun here is no different from the usual wordfor it used for word when it occurs in other contexts. The same is true ofthe capital W of "the Word" - this is not in the original text. It is odd that

    the translators give "he" and a capital letter to "Word", but do not always doso for "life" and "light" - again this is not a distinction made by John.7. ".. was in the beginning with God": This is a repeat of Johns earlier "with God" statement, but in different words. Johns repeated emphasis here thatthe Word is something that is present with God, but distinct from God, is oftenoverlooked. John is choosing words carefully here to make clear that the word isnot identical to God. Most importantly John repeats in 1:2 the important time factor; When was the word with God? - "in the beginning" - the Mark 1:1 beginningnot Genesis 1:1.8. "All things were made by him...": This is a major key to the context. Bycomparing this with the rest of Johns writings we can see that by "all things"John is not primarily concerned with the plants and animals of Genesis. What John is concerned with here, and throughout his writings, is the "new creation" fo

    und in the New Testament - which is very different from the old creation of Genesis. Similar language is used by Paul in Colossians 1:16 and Ephesians 3:9, butin both cases comparison with Pauls context (compare Colossians 1:15-18, 3:9-10and Ephesians 2:10, 3:10, 4:24) shows that the creation which Paul is referringto was made by means of Christ. This new creation is the creation of new men and women who are born again, and has nothing to do with the old creation of Adamand Eve who were born of the dust (compare 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15, James 1:18, Revelation 3:14).According to the Trinitarian Doctrine, Point of View, Ideology John 1:13 offersa Direct Statement of Yeshuas Eternal Godhood (and his Unique position as a Man-God), and offers Biblical Support for the Trinitarian Creed. I, in turn, haveoffered an Analysis in Context, from a Hebraic World View, as a Poetic Prefaceto the Gospel with all the intended Allusions and Duplicity of Meanings of certain Terms, and have offered up a second Analysis not from a Hebraic Perspective that puts things back into their Proper Context and an alternative Analysis of the Poem.It is my firm Belief that my and the alternative analysis have successfully Explained Away, Countered, Debunked, Destroyed by using Common Sense the Lie being imposed upon Church Members by Trinitarians and the Beast.I am going to be Brutally Honest, Blunt and Frank with you. By now you should have already realized that the Tanakn (OT) was the only Holy Scripture for nearly700 years after the Death of the Messiah. The Messiah Used, Read and Taught from the Tanakn (OT) daily and said the Heavens and Earth will pass away before one jot or tittle of the Torah (Law) is aberated. The Apostles, Disciples and Early Church Missionaries Preached Salvation from the Tanakn and things they had se

    en or heard of from someone who had seen them. The Tanakn (OT), contrary to what a great many Churches and Pastors Preach and Teach, was and still is the Definitive Word of God.

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    The Early Church and Apostles exhorted Christians to Study the Scriptures (Tanakn) to see if the things they had Heard or were Taught were True or False. To say if something is True or False you should have at least 2 witnesses or 2 different Passages (in Context) or Sections of Scripture (at least one of which shouldbe from the Tanakn) that support your position, what you have Heard or what youhave been Taught.To begin you must forget all the things you Believe to be True or False, forget

    all the things youve been Taught is True or False, all the things youve been Told is True or False. You MUST do these things to remove any Preconceived Notions or Bias. And in as much as it is possible try to see what you read throughJewish Eyes because what you are reading was written by a Jew for a Jew from aJewish perspective. If you feel that you are unable to do that, I have an Extremely good Reference Book written about the Tanakn, from a Jewish perspective, byan unbiased Jewish person who is recognized worldwide as an outstanding Biblical (both OT and NT) Scholar which may suffice on its own or at least give you a very good starting point.We will begin with the Idea of The Trinity because you can no longer Plead Innocence or Deceit since you have Seen and Heard the Truth and accepted it by confessing that Yeshua is a Man and thereby destroying the Doctrine of a Trinity. Id

    hate to be you on Judgment Day when the LORD asks you Why after Seeing, Hearing and Confessing the Truth did you retain the Mark of the Beast and Follow afterone of her harlots? Why did you continue to go Whoring after Idols and Falsegods?Once you have a few of these Studies under your belt, you will find that it becomes easier and easier. I chose the Trinity because I fear for your Salvation due to the afore mentioned Conditions and because the Idea or Teachings of a Trinity is easy to Study and renders a definitive True or False decision without a lot of work. And the Lord (Yeshua) made the Study of God of Supreme Importance when He said: And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God,and Yeshua Chirst whom You have sent.Are you ready? Lets begin. First of all Forget whatever it is that youve been told about the Tanakn (OT). It was not Fulfilled with the Death and Resurre

    ction of the Messiah. It did not Pass Away with the Ending of the Old Age and Beginning of the New Age. The Tanakn (OT) did not become Obsolete with the Ending of the Old Covenant or Superseded by the New Testament and start of the New Covenant. Forget whatever it was that you were told or taught that has kept you from Studying the Tanakn (OT) because its just another Lie propagated by the Beast through the Church to cover up their False Doctrine and Lies.Do remember that the Messiah Himself Read, Studied and Taught from the Tanakn everyday. And that Yeshua the Only Begotten Son of YHWH said the Heavens and Earth shall pass away before any part of the Tanakn was invalidated. Also keep in mind that the Tanakn was the Only Holy Scripture anyone had for the first 700 years. Do remember that within the Tanakn lies Truth, Wisdom and Understanding allof which the Beast and the Church wants to hide from people who could expose their False Doctrine and Lies.Lets begin our Search for the Truth about the Doctrine of a Trinity. We wontneed to consult a Concordance to find out where the instructions are for determining if a god is True or False, and if the god(s) are False what to do about its follower(s). The Test to see if a god(s) is True or False can be found in the13th Chapter of Deuteronomy, but well have to perform the Test and determine the Outcome before a Second Witness can be named.You realize that we are doing precisely what the Beast and the Church were trying to stop dont you? We are going to use the same Scriptures that our Beloved Messiah used and the Only Scriptures that the Church Recognized as being Valid and Used for the first 700 years of its Existence. Doesnt it make you wonder how the Church could call the Tanakn the Only Valid Scriptures and the Letters andManuscripts being circulated, which later became the New Testament, as Invalid

    for use as Holy Scriptures or the Inspired Word of God? How could the Tanakn beValid enough to have the Trinitarian Creed and many other Creeds, Doctrines, Dogma and Edicts from the Pope developed from it and then some 700 years later be

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    Declared Invalid since the Death of and Resurrection of Yeshua? If True it follows that the Trinitarian Creed and all the other Creeds, Doctrine, Dogma and Church Edicts are also Invalid, doesnt it? I find it all to be more than a littledisconcerting!I hope I dont have to Justify the Tanakn (OT) as the Inspired Word of God. Whydo I keep calling it the Tanakn instead of its name, The Old Testament? I doit for 2 reasons. One out of respect to the Jewish people who find the term Old

    Testament insulting. And two because the term Old carries the connotation of something no longer used and replaced by something New. Yes the Tanakn is Ancient of Days, but Gods Word never grows Old nor can they ever be replaced. Godsword is Eternal, and the idea that it is no longer good for Study because all things in it have been Fulfilled and that since the Old Covenant has been Replacedby the New Covenant, the New Testament has become the New Authority on Gods Word, is a Lie propagated by the Beast and her Master, Satan.Having said that, lets Study Chapter 13 of Deuteronomy. First of all it is short and gets right to the point without allowing any Grey Areas to cloud the issue. The issue being how to recognize a False god from The True God when a Dreamer, Prophet or anyone else says Come let us go and Worship God.The Test is very simple and entirely Black and White. Is his god the same God y

    ou and all your forefathers have always Worshipped? If the answer is No then you are Commanded to kill him. If its a whole city you are Commanded to kill allthe people including women and babies; furthermore, you are to gather all the plunder and bring it to the town square and burn it. So the test we have to perform is to see if the New Christian God is the same God that God that brought Israel out of Bondage in Egypt.Lets think this through because the answer to that question will have ProfoundConsequences, not so much for me, but with dire consequences for you if the answer is False. Let us begin with the easiest and simplest of questions, is his Name Yahweh, I AM or EL? DO NOT WALK AWAY OR CLOSE THIS DOCUMENT!The Trinitarian Doctrine holds that Yahweh is God the Father who is 1 of 3 Personages that make up an Unnamed Godhead! The Trinity FAILS the Test! The answerto the question is a resounding No!

    I chose Gods name because Gods name is Eternal. You told me that the reason the Trinity took so long to develop was that it took that long for the Church Leaders to realize that God was a Triune God. They could change the name of Yeshuabecause they had possession of all the Manuscripts which called him Yeshua andhad all the Manuscripts not in their possession BURNED, but the Tanakn was heldand maintained by the Jews. They could not change Gods name!Maybe Im jumping the gun. Lets apply the same Test to both Yeshua and jesus.Both names Fail! Yeshua is NOT a god! Im not even go through the motions forthe Holy Spirit because if has no Name!I am absolutely certain that the Church Leaders right down to the Pastor Level have both Read and Contemplated Chapter 13 of Deuteronomy. But in my 56 years oflife I have never heard Chapter 13 of Deuteronomy Preached about, used as a Reference, Taught or Used in any manner at a Church Service, Sunday School, Bible Study or Church Sponsored Event and I wonder why that is.It occurs to me that Chapter 13 of the Book of Deuteronomy is Highly Relevant intodays time of New Religions, New Churches, New Splinter Groups, New Denominations, New Sects and New Cults. It is of Supreme Importance for Potential New Members of said groups to be able to determine if they will be Worshipping the Only True

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