a study of medieval

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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A Study of Medieval Literature and Culture / Creating a Medieval Power

Point Poster

Twelfth Grade Literature

…and so it begins.(Part I – Background and Explanation)

Links to Literature: *The Canterbury Tales

*Sir Gawain and the Green Knight*Le Morte De Arthur

Medieval topics/customs within our readings:Castles, knights, festivals, jousting, social classes,

religion, food, transportation, and much more.

Part I Continues – instructions for students

A. Assignment sheet – This will be given to each student and displayed on the projection screen as we discuss it.

B. Teacher-created Wiki site of available online resources for creating this project. This is accessible to all students at http://mygreatresources.pbwiki.com

C. Assessment rubric – This will be given to each student and displayed on the projection screen as we discuss it. This may be used as a self-assessment tool.

D. A sample of this assignment can be seen on the following slide.

Questions??? Answers!!!

Medieval/Middle Ages Electronic Poster – power point assignment

Each student will complete one power point slide based on a topic from the English Middle Ages as discussed in class during this unit of literary studies. *An example will be shown and discussed in class. A total of three class periods will be allotted for completion of the research, composition of power point slides, and presentations.Slide must contain images and text relative to chosen topic as well as hyperlinks to websites used. You should name your slide using the following format (your first initial_your last name) Therefore, a slide that Sally Brown creates would be titled S_Brown.Completed slides must be submitted to the student work folder labeled Exley and your class period, so if you are a First period student, your work will be saved to a folder that is labeled Exley1st.Presentations of slides will occur in class on _insert due date . Each student will be responsible for a 3-5 minute presentation of his or her completed slide. As you prepare your slide, type your name and any presentation notes in the “Notes” section below the slide. Print this, and use it as your presentation notes. At the end of your presentation, you will turn this sheet in, so it is very important to include your name on it. Presentation order will be random, so be prepared.To assist you in your search for electronic sources, you are welcome to use any of the websites on Mrs. Exley’s list of medieval sources. Visit her Wiki at: http://mygreatresources.pbwiki.com

Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Assessment/Comments

Project is limited to one

PPT slide, which contains

both images andt ext. (10 pts.)

Topic has been teacher-

approved, and all images and

text are relative to chosen topic.

(20 pts.)

Slide includes hyperlinks to all

websites. (10 pts.)

Student followed

directions:-named file as

directed-submitted file

to correct folder-included all

information on a single

PPTslide-printed PPT “Notes” for presentation


Middle Ages Power Point Poster Evaluation Rubric(Possible Points = 100)

Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Assessment/Comments

Student presented PPT slide in a 3-5

minute presentation

with clarity and knowledge of

his or her topic using “Notes” page (20 pts.)

Overall project and

presentation appearance/per

formance (20 pts.)

Total Points = _________/100

Power Point Evaluation Rubric continued…

Langston Hughes:Harlem Renaissance Poet

(1902-1967)LangstonHughes, known for his lyric poetry, often wrote insightful commentaries about African-American culture and race relations in the United States. In this 1941 poem he makes a case for the vindication of educator Booker T. Washington (1856-1915), the former slave and founder of Tuskegee Institute (1881) and the National Negro Business League (1900) who was harshly criticized by many people for emphasizing vocational education as the prerequisite for the political empowerment of black people. In his poem, Hughesstresses the fact that Washington wanted to train the head, the heart, and the hand. He explains the educator's strategy with the statement,

"Sometimes he hadcompromise in his talk--for a man must crawlbefore he can walkand in Alabama in '85a joker was luckyto be alive.

Langston Hughes's first published poem, "The

Negro Speaks of Rivers," appeared in the June 1921 issue of the NAACP magazine, The Crisis. Since that time it has been set to music repeatedly by African American composers seeking a worthy poem for an extended art song. The best known of these settings is this one by Chicago composer Margaret Bonds, published in 1942 by the Handy Brothers Music Company.

All information and images on this page have been used with permission from the Library of Congress website at http://www.loc.gov/

Note: This is an example of an electronic poster that was completed based on a topic of study for an American literature class.

Part 2 – The Product

Remember the following:A.Your electronic poster must contain text and imagesB. You must use reliable and appropriate electronic sources (for assistance ask your teacher or media specialist)C. Your finished product will be completed on a single power point slideD. Use the available assignment Wiki resourcesE. Check your work using the assessment rubricF. Presentations will occur in random order

Part 3 – The Presentation

Guidelines:A.Three to five minutes in lengthB.Random orderC. Speak clearly using notes from power point programD.. Teacher’s assessment will generate from the rubric used for self-assessment

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