a study to illustrate the trend of settlement pattern and

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International Journal of Sustainable Development Research 2018; 4(1): 1-7


doi: 10.11648/j.ijsdr.20180401.11

ISSN: 2575-1824 (Print); ISSN: 2575-1832 (Online)

A Study to Illustrate the Trend of Settlement Pattern and Changes of Housing Condition of Bhetupara, Mohanpur, Rajshahi

Aftabun Nahar*, Imzamam Ul Khan Shuvo, Asif Alam, Abdul Wakil

Department of Urban & Regional Planning, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rashahi, Bangladesh

Email address:

*Corresponding author

To cite this article: Aftabun Nahar, Imzamam Ul Khan Shuvo, Asif Alam Abdul Wakil. A Study to Illustrate the Trend of Settlement Pattern and Changes of

Housing Condition of Bhetupara, Mohanpur, Rajshahi. International Journal of Sustainable Development Research.

Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsdr.20180401.11

Received: March 25, 2018; Accepted: April DD, 2018; Published: May 24, 2018

Abstract: Traditionally, rural settlements were associated with agriculture. In modern times other types of rural communities

have been developed. And the Settlement pattern is also changed with time. The study is based on rural housing pattern,

because housing is a basic need for mankind. The study area is a village named Bhetupara which is located at Mohanpur

upazila in Rajshahi district. The objective of the study is to know about their housing condition and show the trends of changes

in settlement pattern. Housing condition represents basically the condition of basic facilities in the village such as sanitation,

drinking water facilities and electricity connection. In this paper, he condition is shown trend line analysis and by chart. In the

analysis three years data is used to illustrate the trend and compare the present condition in terms of previous condition. The

2001 and 2011 data is collected from Community Series of Rajshahi, and 2017’s data is collected from questionnaire survey

and field survey. The sample size of household survey was 50 among 171 households and the method used for data sample

selection is random sampling method. The study is based on both quantitative and qualitative data. Finally, some

recommendation is given to improve the condition of rural settlement.

Keywords: Settlement Pattern, Housing Condition, Questionnaire Survey, Trend Analysis

1. Introduction

Traditional rural dwellings are usually small, insanitary

and suffer from the absence of many of the basic amenities of

daily life [7]. The evaluation and indication of these factors

behind the condition helps to identify the lacking of these

plan in the rural places. In Bangladesh about 80% of people

live in rural settlements, and 86% of dwelling units are

located in rural areas [1]. The present facility in respect to

housing and physical infrastructures are very inadequate in

rural regions of Bangladesh. Traditionally, rural housing has

been taken care by the rural villager’s themselves. For

showing the present housing settlement pattern, trend of

changing settlement pattern and finding some other rural

housing aspect a field survey is taken on a village of

Mohonpur, Rajshahi. The village is in Maugacchi union and

the name of the village is Bhetupara. There are around 171

household in this village. And number of population of this

village is nearly 648 [9]. Among them 327 people are male

and 321 people are female [9].

The main objectives of this study is to identify the rural

settlement pattern and changes in structure type of housing to

illustrate the changing pattern of houses to find a trend

between present and past condition. To fulfill the purpose of

this study, questionnaire survey and field survey is

conducted. Many relevant studies have been conducted to

identify the housing conditions and settlement pattern by

using Geographic information system (GIS) and remote

sensing perspective. The study focuses on not only the trend

of settlement pattern but also the trend of basic utility

facilities that will help to know the influencing factor of these

changes. It also shows a relationship between housing

structure type and income of people. With the help of local

expert and the participation of rural people, the survey run

2 Aftabun Nahar et al.: A Study to Illustrate the Trend of Settlement Pattern and Changes of

Housing Condition of Bhetupara, Mohanpur, Rajshahi

very smoothly. From this survey various type of data

regarding rural housing was collected. As for example data

regarding their settlement pattern, changes of settlement

pattern, type of structure, facilities of housing, their opinion

etc. This data will help them who will interested for the

further rural development plan in Bhetupara village.

2. Methodology

The principal objective of this study is to show the changes

pattern of housing structure and settlement pattern as stated

in introduction. For notifying the actual scenario,

questionnaire survey and field survey are conducted. The

present study includes changes in basic facilities of housing

such as sanitation, drinking water facilities and electricity

connection. For this study, literatures are reviewed for two

times. First one is for choosing the topic and second one is to

know about types of human settlement pattern. The study

takes overview some reports to analyze the objectives. These

help to understand how can get the result. In this study both

quantitative and qualitative approach has been used for the

survey. Random and cluster sampling approach have been

adopted to select respondents for quantitative survey.

Bhetupara has been divided into several groups of houses and

one respondent has been selected randomly from the groups.

The data was collected from primary and secondary sources.

Respondents were requested to give us answer of the

questionnaires for existing condition and the previous data

which needed to fulfill the objectives is collected from BBS

(Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics). Then the data are being

analyzed. And finally some recommendation are given.

3. Literature Review

The history of civilization shows that over centuries man

developed through trial and error a fine tradition of region

and culture-specific architecture which still persists in the

rural habitats in different parts of the world [12].

Rural Housing:

Housing is a basic human need and as such provision of

adequate housing for all citizens is almost universally

recognized by government around the globe as one of their

fundamental responsibilities. And yet housing remains a

serious problem in most of the developing countries, and

even in many developed countries. In the case of developing

countries particularly, the gap between the demand and

supply of adequate housing is continually increasing. This

gap has been of alarming proportion in Bangladesh. The

reasons for such gaps are several, including the existing

social structure rapid population growth, persisting poverty,

and recurring natural hazards, but, also an unclear perception

about the role of housing [3].

Human Settlement Pattern:

This book is about Human Settlement. They have

discussed about population composition, total population,

rural-urban population; population growth, etc. In this lesson,

their focus is on human settlements. Therefore, discussion

will revolve around the concept of settlements meaning and

nature, evolution and classification of rural and urban

settlements [2].

Rural Housing Material:

In Their book M. Hasan, M. S. Ullah and C. D. Gomes

analyze the rural housing in Bangladesh is described. They

focused on housing typology, construction technology.

Though there is much similarity than difference in

geographic condition, there are some variations in the

housing characteristics. Majority of the houses is temporary

in nature. The houses that are commonly found in

Bangladesh are described here. And also the characteristics

of housing materials in rural area of Bangladesh is described.

Mainly there are some types of material used on rural area

[1]. They are:

a) Bamboo Walled Houses

b) Mud Walled Houses

c) Timber House

d) Timber and Brick Built Houses

e) Corrugated Iron (CI)/ Tin Sheet Houses

f) Thatch/ Straw Walled House

A study is conducted by Ferdous et.al in Dhaminkaur and

KhordKaur villages of Baghmara Upazila, Rajshahi with the

help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools i.e. key

informants’ interview, transect walk and direct observation

throughout the study area. Geographic Information System

(GIS) has been applied to see the decadal change in

settlement pattern in the year between 2003- 2016. According

to the study, a significant change has noticed in the housing

settlement pattern in the last 13 years. Influential factors

behind the housing condition and reason for changing

condition have been identified. Main reason for changing

conditions are: increase in income and migration rate,

variation in income source, and Reduction of joint family. It

revealed that the housing condition in the study area is

Moderate [11].

4. Study Area A study area is geography for which data is analyzed in a

reporter map. Business decision offers two ways to define

study areas: Site based study area & Geographical unit based

study area. This study is not related to business decision. The

purpose is to observe housing utility condition & find out a

trend of hosing pattern in rural context. So, a village is

chosen for this study.

The study area is located at Mohanpur upazila in Rajshahi

(figure 1). The name of the village is “Bhetu para” in

Bakshimail union. It is 35 kilometers away from main town

of Rajshahi and 8 kilometers from Mohanpur. It is mainly an

agricultural based village. There are 171 households in

Bhetupara according to BBS. This study considers only

Bhetupara village as the study area. All the respondents are

from Bhetupara & village. The main crop of this area is betel


International Journal of Sustainable Development Research 2018; 4(1): 1-7 3

Source: LGED Map, 2017 [10].

Figure 1. Study area map.

5. Data Analysis and Results

The Trend Analysis module allows to plot aggregated

response data over time. This is especially valuable, if

anyone are conducting a long running survey and would like

to measure differences in perception and responses over time

[6]. In this study there is used 3 years data. 2001 and 2011’s

data is collected from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)

and 2017’s data is collected from field survey 2017. The

analytical result is described below.

5.1. Settlement Pattern

A settlement pattern refers to the shape of the settlement.

The shapes of early settlements were influenced by the

surrounding landscape. They were also shaped by other

factors such as who owned the land and whether the land was

good for building on or not [5]. Mainly there are three types

of settlement pattern and they are shown in table 1.

Table 1. Types of settlement pattern.

Compact Semi-compact Helmeted

a) Linear pattern a) Checker board

b) Rectangular pattern b) Elongated

c) Square pattern c) Fan shaped

d) Circular pattern

e) Radial pattern

Source: Online, 2017.

The trend of the settlement pattern of the study area are

described below:

Source: Google Map, 2003

Figure 2. Settlement pattern change in 2003

Source: Google Map, 2011.

Figure 3. Settlement pattern change in 2011.

4 Aftabun Nahar et al.: A Study to Illustrate the Trend of Settlement Pattern and Changes of

Housing Condition of Bhetupara, Mohanpur, Rajshahi

Here the figure 2 & 3 shows the changing pattern of

settlement in terms of different time. At fast in 2003 the

settlement type was compact and circular. Because the

population was less. But after time passes population

increases as a result number of houses also increases. That’s

why in 2011 the in the map it can be seen that the settlement

started spreading.

Source: Google Map, 2017.

Figure 4. Settlement pattern change in 2017.

And now in 2017 it is noticed that the settlement pattern

turned into fan-shaped which is a part of semi-compact

settlement pattern (figure 4). That’s why it can be said that

the settlement pattern in becoming semi-compact. The

reasons of changes in pattern are.

a) Peoples like to build their houses near to community


b) Building houses alongside the road,

c) Increase in number of nuclear family,

d) Betterment of economic condition,

e) Absence of proper planning etc.

5.2. Housing Structure Type

According to house building material house can be

categorized as: a) Katcha; b) Semi-pucca; c) Pucca; d) Jhupri.

In this study for housing structure type portion 2011 and

2017 data is used. The majority of the respondent engaged

into agricultural activity and their income level is also very

low. That’s the reason for increasing the number of kutcha

houses in 2011. And now almost every household has

working members and their income level is also increasing.

That’s why the number of semi-pucca houses has the larger

number. Below the chart showing the trend of housing

structure type (figure: 5).

Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), 2011 & field survey, 2017

Figure 5. Trend line of changes in housing structure.

Here in this figure 4, it is seen that the number of kutcha

structure is greater in 2011. And the percentage was 80.7%.

And semi-pucca (17%) was in the second position. Pucca

house was rarely seen. And there are some jhupri (1.8%)

also. In 2017 the percentage of kutcha house decrease to

33.33% with the increase of the percentage of semi-pucca

(40%) and pucca house (26.67%). Because the income level

of people are consistently increasing. It can be easily seen

that in 2011 the kutcha house is greater but now in 2017 it

decreases. The pucca and semi-pucca house is greater in


5.3. Sanitation

In Bhetupara the condition of sanitation facility is not bad

at all. Because they are concern about the consequence of

bad sanitation. The trend of the study is describe below

(shown in figure 6):

It can be seen that the sanitation condition of Bhetu para

village in 2001 was not bad because the sanitary (Non-water

sealed) water facility is greater (80.5) there [8]. Non sanitary

is only 30.1%. According to the 2011 data it can be seen that

International Journal of Sustainable Development Research 2018; 4(1): 1-7 5

the sanitary (Non-water sealed) toilet facilities percentage

decreases to 46.2% from 80.5%. And non-sanitary toilet

facility increases from 30.1 to 45.6%. The reason behind the

percentage decrease in sanitary (Non water-sealed) water

facility is the number of new built house increase but with

the increases number of house sanitary (Non water-sealed)

toilet facility does not increase but the non-sanitary toilet

facility increase. This is the reason for increasing the number

of non-sanitary toilet facility. And now in 2017 it can be seen

that the percentage of sanitary (Non water-sealed) increases

again. And there are also some sanitary (water-sealed) toilet

facility are found.

Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), 2001 & 2011 & field survey, 2017.

Figure 6. Sanitation condition changing pattern (Trend Line).

This trend line shows the changing pattern of sanitation

facility according to some time zone. After seeing this trend

line anyone can clear about the condition of the sanitation

facility of Bhetu para.

5.4. Drinking Water Source

Drinking water is a major utility facility of an area. In

Bhetu para village there is no such problem of getting pure

drinking water according to the opinion of the respondents.

Here in this chart the trend line of drinking water source is

shown figure 7. Here it can be seen that the percentage of

tube-well decreases after time passes with the increases of

the new drinking water source.

Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), 2001 & 2011 & field survey, 2017.

Figure 7. Drinking water source changing pattern (%).

6 Aftabun Nahar et al.: A Study to Illustrate the Trend of Settlement Pattern and Changes of

Housing Condition of Bhetupara, Mohanpur, Rajshahi

According to this chart of 2001 it can be easily seen that

the only and one drinking source is tube-well. And every

household got this facility which is near from house. They do

not have any problem regarding this topic. In 2011, it can be

easily seen that other than tube-well there is tap drinking

water source is available and some other facilities also

available. Here other means irrigation water. And now in

2017 it is seen that there is a new type of water source is

available there. Which is tarapam (30%). Because of this new

water source the percentage of tube-well decreases.

5.5. Electricity Connection

Life comes to near standstill after sunset for the great

majority of Bangladeshis living in the countryside. Only

about 40% of rural households have access of grid electricity,

and even these consumers suffer frequent and prolonged

power cuts due to lack of supply [4].

Electricity connection is the major utility facility in any

area. Without it everything will stop working. Because

everything is dependent on electricity facilities.

This chart shows the electricity condition of Bhetupara in

three different times (figure 8). At first in 2001 from the chart

it can be seen that there is no electricity facilities available in

Bhetu para village according to Bangladesh Bureau of

Statistics 2001. But after time passes the electricity

connection became available in the village. And in 2011 the

percentage was 80.7%. And now almost every house got

electricity facility.

Figure 8. Electricity Connection (%).

Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), 2001 & 2011 & field survey,


5.6. Relationship Between Housing Structure Types and

Income of the Respondent

This study make an analysis between income of the

respondents and housing structure types of the respondents

and tries to find a relationship among the two variables

shown in table 2.

Table 2. Relationship between housing structure types & income of the respondents.


Income of the respondent Housing Structure type

Income of the respondent

Pearson Correlation 1 .779**

Sig. (2-tailed)


N 25 25

Housing Structure type

Pearson Correlation .779** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 25 25

Source: Field survey, 2017

After doing the correlation it is seen that the income of the

respondent and housing structure type is positively and

highly correlate with each other.

6. Recommendation

a) Improving Housing Facilities:

The condition of housing is not good in Bhetupara. There

should have to improve some facilities like good access road,

supply drinking water, and water sealed sanitation.

b) Employment generation:

It is noticed that maximum respondent of Bhetupara are

farmer. Nowadays the improvement of new technology, there

are many type of crop invented which have greater

production than past but because of using many pesticides

and fertilizer the fertility of land is decreasing day by day. As

a result many farmer are not getting the profit. Many people

migrate to the city form the village for work facilities. So,

there need many source of non–agriculture based

employment opportunity. In respect to the women all are

housewife but they can do many things like handicraft

activity. They need proper training and some economical


c) Infrastructural development:

For communication and transportation of goods and

people, a good transportation system is needed. In Bhetu para

the access road are kutcha, as a result there occurs

disturbance in communication. So, there needed development

of road and other infrastructure like community clinic,

educational institution and information center.

d) Educational facilities:

In Bhetupara there is no primary school available. So, it is

needed to build up a primary school there. And parents are

need to be aware of sending their children to the school.

e) Research on betel leaf:

In Bhetupara maximum people are cultivate betel leaf and

International Journal of Sustainable Development Research 2018; 4(1): 1-7 7

it is the only means of livelihood for some people. They

claimed that because of proper knowledge, they cannot

produce the maximum amount and sometimes they faced

many problem in term of production, so, it is needed to

research on betel leaf and provide them every information.

7. Conclusion

Housing not only means a mere form of shelter but also it

includes all those qualities of comfort, convenience and

environmental amenities essential for social and emotional

well-being of families. So, housing must be taken as first

concern. In Bhetupara, housing structure and facility are not

so good. Because maximum peoples do not have money to

develop there structure. Most of the structure are semi-pucca.

Which is built by brick wall and tin shed. In terms of utility

facilities the electricity connection, drinking water supply are

good but the condition of access road is very bad because

most of the portion of road is kutcha (mud road). In rainy

season they face many difficulties in movement of people

and goods. But, Bhetupara has potentialities to improve and

there are many scope for development such as land, natural

resources, man power, near from Rajshahi etc. So, generation

& variation of employment may help to develop their



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