a tabernacle view of thanksgiving, praise,

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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A Tabernacle View of Thanksgiving,

Praise, and Worship

Joseph Clark

The Outer Courts = Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude for

what someone has done for you.

Brazen Altar- points us to the sacrifice made

by Jesus on the cross.

Brazen Laver- a picture of reflection. It was

used by the Priests to be able to identify their

impurities and then wash them away.

After thanking him for the cross we should

then thank him for how he has changed our

lives for the better by first showing us what is

dirty and then providing for us what we need

to clean it.

Inner Court = Praise

Praise is not about what God has done, but it is

able who God is.

Table of Shew Bread = the word of God. It is

only through spending time in the word that

God will begin to show himself to you.

Menorah = understanding. As you read the

Bible the light of God begins to shine new

understanding on things that caused confusion


Altar of Incense = prayer.

As you approach God with Thanksgiving for

what he has done, then begin to read his word

by the light of HIS understanding your prayers

turn into praise for who God is.

Holy of Holies = Worship

In the Holy of Holies we find items that point

to the very nature of who God is.

The Ark of the Covenant


The Ten Commandments

Aaron’s rod that budded

Manna = God’s ability to provide for the ones

he loves.

Ten Commandments = God’s desire to teach

his children the right things to do and how to

treat others.

Aaron’s rod that budded = God wants his

children to be set apart.

As we look at these qualities of God illustrated

by the things found in the Holy of Holies we

can start to understand true worship.

Worship is not done with just words. True

worship takes action.

When you really worship someone you try to

become as much like that person as you can.

When we see a small boy trying to do

everything he sees his father do we say “That

boy worships his father,” likewise we should

try to do everything we see our heavenly father


That is true worship

As we thank him for what he has done and praise him for who he is, we a line ourselves to act the way he would act. This is seen through our love for others. Looking at the items in the Holy of Holies reveals to us what love is really about. It is putting others first. As we live our lives this way we are worshiping God because we are trying to be just like him.

Mathew 22

37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Shining God’s Lightwww.josephclarkblog.com

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