a to z guide to studying at uni

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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of study


Sometimes studying can feel like climbing Mount Everest in thongs.

We know it can be hard, so here is an A–Z guide of study tips to help you climb that mountain and reach your goals!

A is for

ASSIGNMENTSAt the start of the semester, prioritise your assignments in a list and hang it somewhere that you can’t miss. You’ll be a pro at juggling study and completing your assignments in no time!

B is for

BREAK TIMEDuring study, reward yourself with a hard-earned break. If you find yourself losing focus or getting frustrated, try getting a drink or snack to perk you up. You could also try stretching or even taking a nap (just be sure to set an alarm so you wake up!)

C is for

COLOUR-CODINGNot only does using different colours jazz up your study notes, if you assign particular meaning to a colour, you’ll be able to recall information more efficiently.

However you do it (highlighting, underlining or changing the text colour on your computer), make sure you know what the colours represent e.g. Red = important and Blue = keep for later.

D is for

DEADLINESThe due date is not the DO date!

Always know when your assignments or tasks are due. Write down due dates multiple times, in multiple places, IN BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS so you won’t miss them!

Plan your time. Try not to procrastinate and if you need it, ask for help.

E is for

EXERCISELet’s get physical! Even if all you do is 30 minutes of random physical activities, it still counts.

If you don’t have time to do exercise, why not incorporate physical activity into some everyday tasks?

For example, you could try parking further away from where you’re going or using the stairs instead of the elevator. All of these small efforts count: you can even exercise while sitting at your desk for some exercise!

F is for


If you feel like social media is distracting you from your studies, why not try an anti-distraction tool such as ‘StayFocused’, a free add-on for Google Chrome users. It is customisable, so you can select the sites and content you want it to restrict you from.

G is for

GOALSStudy goals are tasks you want to achieve while you study (for example, reading a certain chapter in a textbook).

Make sure your goals are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

This way, you can better manage your time between studying, assignments and your personal life.

H is for

HEALTHY SNACKSHaving a snack on-hand while you study can be a reward for all your hard work, but snacks are also necessary to help maintain concentration.

While it’s ok to have a few sugary treats stashed away, fruits, veges, nuts, yoghurt and even dark chocolate are much healthier options.

Plus, dark chocolate contains cacao, which is full of antioxidants and great for boosting brain power! #winning

I is for

INDEPENDENCEWhen you start studying at university, you become responsible for your own education. This includes:

• Studying in your own time• Completing assignments before the

due dates• Communicating with lecturers and

tutors as needed• Enrolling in classes• Ensuring your social life doesn’t

interfere with study.

You may also become independent from your friends, as you may not all go to the same uni. It’s up to you to be social and open to meeting new people. Try joining social and sporting groups to make new friends!

J is for

JOURNAL Whether you use a journal, diary, planner or sticky notes, write down what you will have to study for each class and when you need to have it done. Prioritise which task needs to be done first and you will be prepared. #Winning!

K is for

KEY WORDSKey words are king when it comes to study.

Usually, you look for key words when you’re trying to answer a question. Look at what the question is asking you, then scan the text for key words. It’s a great way to sift through large amounts of text for the most important messages and ideas.

L is for

LEARNING, YOUR WAYEveryone has different learning styles, and often we combine more than one way of learning to suit our own needs.

If you’re a visual learner, consider finding related videos, use diagrams or re-write your notes. If you learn best by listening, record yourself reading your notes and if you’re a kinaesthetic learner, look for ways you can physically practice a concept.

Once you know what your learning style is, you can stick with it.

M is for

MEMORISATION TECHNIQUES • Use flashcards (test yourself or have

someone else test you)• Repeat information over and over

(by writing or speaking it) until you remember it

• Make a story out of the information you need to remember

• Make a song and sing it to recall the information (but don’t sing it out loud during your exam)

• Create acronyms with the first letter of each word you need to remember

Check out 10 apps that can help you study on the go.

N is for

NOTE TAKING When you take notes, it’s important that you have some kind of organisational system (other than writing them on your hand). File your notes somewhere you can find them easily. Did someone say new stationery?

For more information, visit The Learning Centre.

O is for

OPTIMISMYou can do this!

Having a positive outlook will help keep you motivated and reduce your stress.

Why not try leaving yourself some positive notes around the house, so you can remind yourself how amazing you are?

If that’s not your thing, you could always try repeating positive phrases to yourself such as ‘I can do it!’ Because guess what? You CAN do it! #webelieveinyou

P is for

PROOFREADWhether you are writing an email, blog post or assignment, you should always proofread your work.

Poor spelling and grammatical errors look unprofessional and if these are in your assignment, you could lose marks.

If you’re not that great at proofreading, have someone you trust go over your work with you.

Q is for

QUIETTry and find a study space quiet enough to concentrate on your work without distractions. Alternatively, you can use headphones or earplugs to block out any unwanted noise. To find music that is easy to tune out to and that gets you in the zone, try checking out study playlists on USQ Social Hub.

R is for

REFERENCINGWe all know that referencing is important because it gives credit where credit is due. But what type of referencing should you be using?

To find out, head to What is referencing?

S is for

SOCIALISING Uni is an awesome opportunity to find friends and network with your future colleagues. Get involved in campus life (and if you study online, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and meet new people).

Study + Friends• Join or make a study group• Join a club at university• Join online groups or discussions

Study + Work• Become a Student Ambassador• Become a Meet-Up Peer-Mentor for

a subject you have already done• Mentor a student• Apply for internships relevant to

your course• Get paid to take notes in class (bonus!)

T is for

TREAT YOURSELFFrom the small milestones to big ones, treat yourself to a yummy treat or a night out – you deserve it! It’s important you reward yourself for a job well done, no matter how big or small.

U is for

US!Uni staff are here to help you with all of your questions regarding things like assignments, deadlines and course content.

Even if your question is not uni-related, our friendly Student Services staff can help you with things like accommodation, career development and even your physical and mental health.

Visit Student Services for more info!

V is for

VICTORY DANCE!You can dance if you want to… but victory dancing is only a victory when you’ve achieved your goals.

Any other dancing is probably procrastination. Unless dancing helps you to study #thengoforit!

W is for

WIKIPEDIAWikipedia can be useful when you want to learn about something quickly but never use Wikipedia as a reference in your assignments.

If you want to find out more about credible sources, check out Library Referencing.

X is for

XEROPHYTE‘A xerophilious plant, such as a cactus’ – Collins English Dictionary.

When answering a question in your assignments, be like a cactus and get to the point! #punintended

Y is for

YES!Say yes to new opportunities, events and meeting new people! The more you say yes to your university experience, the more you will get out of it!

Z is for

‘ZZZ’Make sure that you’re getting enough quality sleep each night, so that you can focus properly when you study… and when you’ve finished studying, you can reward yourself with a hard-earned nap (or two)!


Hopefully these tips will help you on your way to becoming a study ninja! But if you have any tips we haven’t suggested, let us know in

the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you!

#studyninja #yougotthis


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