a to z... part of my life

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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is a part of my life


From Rodrigo Alvarado Martínez

A to Z


In this book are a big part of my story with a very special person I met at the vocational, there are moments of love, laughter, games, tears, surprises ... It's just a booklet that means a first anniversary with the girl most spectacular that eh met in my life and taught me that true love if it exist.

Barcelona Football Club and the city, it is one of the great dreams that I have to go see my favorite team play in Spain in a match of the UEFA


C My Classmates… 3IM10, 4IM10, 5IM10, 6IM10 together for four semesters with whom I shared a different experience with each of them, sometimes laughter, anger, as a team, individually as will be unforgettable.

C Clothing ... Because it's my favorite

and most other addiction because it makes you look and think your own personality and I think is a fundamental part of my being.

D Dancing ... it is one of my favorite hobbies, which I develop myself both as my personality, I come from a family apart dancer and I really like to dance around

My family... Because it is the most valuable thing in life I have with my girlfriend is my engine to move forward on this difficult path of it because in each of them inside a friend to see who I can confess my folly, problems etc. and they are the perfect confidants and advisors to continue my hard road to glory.


The February 17, 2012 began to be part of my life, ah been one of the best things that happened to me, a great friend, confidant, counselor someone who makes me smile any time, my boyfriend, more than that, my happiness ... ESTEFANY AIDEE JUAREZ FUENTES <3 I LOVE YOU <3

“My grandmother ... Mainly for giving

life to my mother, because without

them I would not be living here on

earth, for that I owe her everything

from the love, care and attention

that I have had for the last 18 years

and it is a very special person in my



H Horses ... They are the animals that fascinate me and I started to like it because since I rode one felt so special connectivity with these animals so sweet and noble "I remember every Sunday to visit my grandmother at her house, at the end of the visit back home riding in the forest 30 minutes Nativitas"

M Wrestling is a sport also makes me mad and also as much as I love football, the masks are a very precious object for the

fighter is his alter ego but wrestling and my favorite fighters is Mistico (Sin Cara) and

Rey Mysterio

P Photos ... because they are photogenic, I love taking pictures of unforgettable and unique moments I because I am a person pretty much self-esteem.

The music, in particular Reggaeton... I do not consider "Chaka" but it's one of my favorite soothing, it's my favorite genre and what I see in it is the song the tone but not the letter but is considered as sex genres "That I do not matter to her spent much time from my room to the places where I travel "


S Soccer ... because it is my favorite sport since I enjoy the little boy, I'm excited, I passionate both heard it, listen to it, just comment one of my loves of my life and I'll ahaha the best team in the world CRUZ AZUL¡¡¡¡


USA ... because it is my second home, NEVER EXCHANGE TO MY MEXICO, MEXICO BECAUSE AS NO TWO but I like so way of living, squares, streets, avenues etc. apart I like because I have an identification card which I'm already a resident and I have opportunities to study and work in this country


They are my favorite singers along with them make my life more peaceful, relaxing I listen to your music and aside have been with them on two spectacular concerts here in Mexico City has been a dream come true


Than YOU!

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