a tool for visualization the topology of three-dimensional vector … · 2016. 2. 26. · a simple...

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We describe a software system, TOPO, that numericallyanalyzes and graphically displays topological aspects of athree dimensional vector field, v, to produce a single, rela-tively simple picture that characterizes v. The topology of vthat we consider consists of its critical points (where

), their invariant manifolds, and the integral curvesconnecting these invariant manifolds. Many of the interest-ing features of v are associated with its critical points. Thefield in the neighborhood of each critical point is approxi-mated by the Taylor expansion. The coefficients of the firstnon-zero term of the Taylor expansion around a criticalpoint are the 3x3 matrix . Critical points are classifiedby examining ’s eigenvalues. The eigenvectors ofspan the invariant manifolds of the linearized field around acritical point. Curves integrated from initial points on theeigenvectors a small distance from a critical point connectwith other critical points (or the boundary) to complete thetopology. In addition, one class of critical surfaces impor-tant in computational fluid dynamics is analyzed.

TOPO is implemented as a module in the FAST [1] visu-alization environment. FAST is general purpose visualiza-tion software with modules for isosurface generation,particle tracing, etc. TOPO operates on curvilinear, struc-tured grids, including large multi-zone grids. We have usedTOPO to visualize a number of computational fluid dynam-ics (CFD) data sets. The results agree well with other topol-ogy software and hand generated topologies. TOPO hasproved useful in finding surface topology, flow attachmentand separation points, vortex cores, scalar field local ex-trema, and generally interesting regions of v. We believethere may be other interesting applications yet to be discov-ered. This paper, along with the references, contains most ofthe information needed for a scientific programmer to codea topology module in another environment.

Intr oduction

Three dimensional vector fields are difficult to visualize.One simple technique chooses a set of points in the fieldand draws arrows indicating the magnitude and direction ofv at each point. Unfortunately, this usually results in a dis-play that is either cluttered or limited to a small subset ofthe data. If the points are chosen from some simple shapelike a plane, the ends of the vectors can be connected toform a deformation surface -- but again only a subset of

v 0=

∇v∇v ∇v

data is visualized. One can calculate the vector magnitudeand use scalar visualization techniques but directional in-formation is lost. Interactive control of initial positions forintegral curves (particle traces) [2] and surfaces [3] may beused to explore v, but choosing appropriate initial positionsis hardly straightforward.

A simple picture completely characterizing v is the ideal.Studying such a picture should give one a clear and com-plete understanding of the important characteristics of v.Vector field topology visualization can go a long way in thisdirection; our software takes one small step.

Informally, vector field topology consists of the keypoints, curves and surfaces that, taken together, characterizeall integral manifolds in v. Integral manifolds include parti-cle traces, streamlines, integral curves, stream surfaces andintegral surfaces. With certain exceptions, all integral mani-folds must begin and end at zeros in v -- or at field bound-aries. The zeros in v form points, curves, surfaces andvolumes -- critical manifolds. Thus, if one finds the criticalmanifolds in v and can characterize v in the neighborhoodof these manifolds, one can generate almost any integralmanifold in v by choosing initial conditions according tothe characterization.

Previous Work

The connections between differential equations and thetopology of vector fields were initially developed byPoincare, who laid down the foundations of the qualitativetheory of differential equations in 1875 [4]. Andronov es-sentially completed the theory in two dimensions during themiddle of the twentieth century [5,6]. The theory in threedimensions is still not complete [7]. More contemporary tu-torial references which discuss differential equations, vec-tor spaces and dynamical systems include [8,9,10]. Sincethe introduction of computers, a plethora of complex phe-nomena that require at least three dimensions to exist (e.g.,chaotic flows and strange attractors) have become muchmore widely known. Many of them were, however, knownto Poincare. For a historical survey, see [11].

One of the first applications of the qualitative theory ofdifferential equations to three dimensional fluid flows wasby Lighthill [12]. Perry and Fairlie [13] extended the ap-proach to a more general class of flows. This initial workhas been enhanced by that of many others, notably[14,15,16,17].

Automatic computation of fluid flow topology from ex-

A Tool for Visualizing the Topologyof Three-Dimensional Vector FieldsA. Globus, Computer Sciences Corporation1

C. Levit, NASA Ames Research CenterT. Lasinski, NASA Ames Research Center

1. Work supported under NA2-12961.

perimentally generated data has been investigated [18]. Thetopology of numerically simulated flowfields has been in-vestigated using automatic techniques by Shirayama andKuwahara [19] and by Helman and Hesselink[20,21,22,23].

Helman and Hesselink have reported on two dimension-al topology software using a critical point classificationscheme similar to ours. A third dimension is used to repre-sent time for unsteady 2D flows. They create surfaces con-necting the important integral curves at different time steps.They also find attachment and separation surfaces in threedimensional flows. Their two dimensional results on thehemisphere cylinder surface flow topology agree very wellwith ours. Recently, their work has been extended to find3D critical points [22].


TOPO analyzes data generated by computational fluiddynamics (CFD) codes. These data are expressed on curvi-linear, structured grids in PLOT3D format [26]. Trilinearinterpolation is used to find field values between gridpoints. The curvilinear coordinate system is often referredto as “computational space” in this paper. The curvilinearcoordinates of a point are while its physi-cal coordinates are xi = (x,y,z). The two coordinate systemsare related by the transformation:

This coordinate system is usually implemented as a threedimensional array of (x,y,z) positions. The i,j,k indexes intothis array are equivalent to the integer part of the

coordinates. We use computational space forcalculations since they simplify many operations; e.g., dif-ferencing.

is defined as:

where, in this case, (x,y,z) are the lagrangian coordinates ofan element “moving” with the vector field and t is time invelocity fields and an arbitrary parameter in oth-ers. may be converted to computational space

using the chain rule. Considering only thefirst component:

or using matrix vector notation to include all components,

ξi ξ η ζ, ,( )=

ξi ξi xi( )= xi xi ξi( )= (1)

ξ η ζ, ,( )

v u v w, ,( )=

vi td

dxi= (2)

v x y z, ,( )v ξ η ζ, ,( )

u ξ η ζ, ,( )td







dz+ += =

v J 1− v= (3), Ji j ξi∂∂xi=

whereJ is the Jacobian matrix of the coordinate transfor-mation. J and J-1 are used to convert between physicalspace and computational space.

Critical points exist where the components of v all si-multaneously vanish. They are identically located in bothphysical and computational space since zero length vectorsremain invariant under nonsingular local linear transforma-tions such asJ andJ-1.

The Matrix : The Taylor series expansion of v about apoint x(0) is:

we assume v sufficiently smooth and differentiable for theTaylor expansion to exist. Subscripts indicate components.At a critical point, the first term of the expansion vanishes(by definition). Considering only the second term, eachequation has three terms, one for each coordinate direction.The coefficients of these equations are the 3x3 matrix.

Around a critical point, the eigenvalues and eigenvectorsof this matrix determine the local behavior v. Positiveeigenvalues indicate that v is directed away from the criticalpoint (a repelling eigendirection) and negative values theopposite (an attracting eigendirection). A complex conju-gant pair of eigenvalues indicate that v spirals in or out, de-pending on the sign of the real part of the eigenvalues. Thusthe linear approximation of v near a critical point is charac-terized by the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of. Theeigenvalues of v may be used to classify the type of a criti-cal point and the eigenvectors may be used to find its in-variant manifolds.

As shown in reference [37] the matrix is related by asimilarity transformation to its computational space equiva-lent . Thus the eigenvalues of both matrixes are thesame, and eigenvectors are related by the same similaritytransformation.

Critical Point Classification: Critical points may be classi-fied as nodes, foci (2D only), or saddles on the basis of theeigenvalues of [11]. Nodes and foci may be furtherclassified as attracting or repelling (See Figures 1 and 2).Positive eigenvalues indicate a repelling node, negative val-ues an attracting node.

Two dimensional saddles have one positive and one neg-ative eigenvalue. Near a saddle, v approaches the criticalpoint along negative eigendirections and recedes along pos-itive eigendirections. In three dimensions, two eigendirec-tions have the same sign and span a plane. The thirdeigendirection spans a line. Thus, v approaches (for exam-ple) a 3D saddle along a plane and recedes (in this example)


vi vi0( ) xj xj

0( )−( )xj∂

∂vi O ∆xk∆xl( )+ += (4)


∇v( ) i j xj∂∂vi= (5)





from the saddle along a line.Foci only appear in two dimensions. Around foci, v spi-

rals towards or away from the focus. The eigenvalues are acomplex conjugant pair with a positive real part indicating arepellor and a negative real part indicating an attractor. Themagnitude of the imaginary part indicates the strength ofthe spiraling motion. In three dimensions, the plane of asaddle may be a two dimensional focus. Such a 3D saddlewill have one real and two complex eigenvalues.

The following diagrams of critical point types are afterAbraham [11].


Our software draws the topology of v as a set of criticalpoints and associated integral curves. The user selectswhich critical points are to be displayed based on theirtypes. Integral curves are chosen by selecting the eigendi-rections to integrate along for each type of critical point.

Critical points are visualized using glyphs consisting ofthree lines crossing at the location of the critical point (seeFigure 3). The lines are colored to distinguish the attractingand repelling eigenvectors (associated with negative and








Figure 1: Classification of two dimensional critical points.

Type Portrait Eigenvalues









Figure 2: Classification of three dimensional critical points.

Type Portrait Eigenvalues

positive eigenvalues respectively). Arrowheads may beadded to the lines to further clarify their direction. Linesrepresenting vectors with complex eigenvalues are connect-ed to form a rectangle in the invariant (spiraling) plane.Line length may be scaled by the eigenvalue’s real part.One may request quantitative information on selected criti-cal points, such as their location, eigenvalues, eigenvectorsand the components of . Most visualization parametersare user controlled. See the reference [37] for defaults.

Integral curves are visualized by a set of connected linesegments. Separate color controls for outgoing and incom-ing integral curves are provided. Optionally, arrowheadsshowing the direction of v along an integral curve may beadded. These arrowheads may be animated to appear toflow along the curves.


TOPO is implemented as a module in the FAST CFD vi-sualization environment [2]. The software transforms v tocomputational space, locates candidate grid cells that maycontain critical points, finds critical points within these can-didate cells, classifies each critical point using the eigenval-ues of , integrates curves along the eigendirections of

, and displays critical points and integral curves com-bined with other FAST generated visual elements. Most pa-rameters of topology generation are under user control. Wehave chosen defaults for these parameters that work wellwith the CFD data sets we have examined. These defaultsmay be found in reference [37].

Transformation of v to Computational Space: The vectorfield is converted to computational space. This transforma-tion is accomplished by differencingx with respect to togenerateJ at each grid node, invertingJ, and transformingv using the resulting matrix. All of the following calcula-tions are accomplished in computational space.

Finding Candidate Grid Cells: A critical point can onlyoccur in a cell where the values of all three components of vpass through zero (see Figure 4). For monotonic interpola-tion schemes (e.g. trilinear interpolation), this may be deter-mined by a simple heuristic. For each component weexamine the value at each cell vertex. If both negative andpositive values exist, that component must change sign (andhence pass through zero) somewhere within the cell. This isa necessary, but not sufficient condition for a critical pointto exist within the cell. It is not sufficient because the sur-faces within a cell where the component-wise zero cross-


Node Glyph Saddle Glyph Spiral-Saddle Glyph

Figure 3: Critical point glyphs.



ings exist might not intersect.

Finding Critical Points within Candidate Cells: Theproblem of finding critical point positions inside candidatecells is equivalent to solving a system of simultaneous non-linear equations.

The candidate cell is recursively bisected and each of theresulting eight sub-cells subjected to the candidate test. If,after a fixed number of bisections a subcell passes the can-didate test, the location is more precisely estimated usingNewton’s method. The final point is allowed to lie within asmall distance outside of the subcell. The convergence cri-teria for the Newton iterations is determined by multiplyingthe average magnitude of the cell’s vectors by a small fac-tor. This can sometimes cause the criteria to be too small, sothere is also an absolute lower bound on the criteria.

The user may choose to use only the bisection method.In this case a critical point is assumed to lie at the center ofany subcell passing the candidate test after the last bisectionhas been accomplished.

Critical point locations are shown in figure 5.

Classifying Critical Points: Once a critical point is locat-ed, it must be classified by examining . is calculatedusing finite differences to find the gradient at the cell’s ver-tices. at the critical point is then found by trilinear in-terpolation. This is algebraically equivalent to interpolatingstencil values in neighboring cells and then differencing.The eigenvalues of are found (using standard methods)and the critical point is classified based on their locations inthe complex plane (see Figure 1, 2, 3, and 6).

Integrating Curves: Integral curves may be computedfrom initial positions very close to critical points along theeigendirections of (see Figure 7). These curves are inte-grated forward or backward depending on the sign of theeigenvalue.

When an integral curve crosses a computational spaceboundary, the rest of computational space must be checkedto see if the curve re-enters. For example, the grid may beperiodic, or may overlap another grid in a multiple-zone

∇v ∇v




Figure 4: Candidate grid cells (Data: Hung and Buning). Figure 5: Critical point positions.

Figure 6: Critical point glyphs. Figure 7: Integral curves started near critical points.

dataset. The check is accomplished by an octree search [24]using bounding boxes to prune the search tree followed by atetrahedral containment test [25]. A bisection method is ap-plied to remaining potential grid cell locations before finalrejection or acceptance of a new computational space posi-tion for continuing the integration. The computationalspace coordinate of grid re-entry is set to the center of theenclosing subcell.

Displaying Topology: Critical point and integral curve lo-cations are converted from computational space to physicalspace for display purposes. The mapping is accomplishedusing trilinear interpolation of the physical space coordi-nates at the vertices of grid cells.

Numerical Methods

Care must be taken when evaluating the eigensystems ofmatrices that are defective or nearly so [28]. Numerical am-biguities that arise when at or near a multiple root are han-dled in an ad-hoc manner. Results of subtraction are set tozero if the absolute value of the result is less than a smallfraction of the absolute value of any operand.

In most places where the software tests a value for zerothere is a relative fuzz factor. Values with an absolute valueless than the relative fuzz factor are assumed to equal zero.Default fuzz factors may be found in reference [37].

Integration is performed in computational space using afourth order Runga-Kutta method with adaptive step sizeerror control [29]. We found this to be necessary since themagnitude and direction of the vector field can vary dramat-ically near critical points. The initial step size, maximumnumber of steps, maximum stepsize, minimum and maxi-mum step length, and the adaptation criteria in each dimen-sion parameterize the integration.

Dif ferencing is accomplished using a three point stencilwhere possible. Where one of the values is unavailable duegrid boundaries or invalid grid points, a two point, one sid-ed difference is used.

Cell bisection is accomplished by interpolating the val-ues at the midpoint of each cell edge, face, and at the cellcenter, forming eight sub-cells. This procedure is per-formed recursively.

Special Cases

Degenerate Critical Points:The discussion thus far hasfocused on “generic” or “hyperbolic” critical points. Excep-tional cases can arise in several situations. Non-hyperboliccritical points occur when the real part of any eigenvalue isequal to zero. Other exceptional cases occur when defectivematrices are encountered and hence eigenvectors coincide.These degenerate cases, though unstable, do occur in flowswith imposed constraints such as symmetry or incompress-ibility . Currently, all degenerate critical points are placed in

a single class and no further analysis is attempted.

Critical Curves, Surfaces and Volumes: With the notableexception of no-slip boundaries in CFD velocity fields,TOPO makes a minimal effort to detect, analyze, and dis-play curves, surfaces or volumes wherev vanishes. No at-tempt is made to find critical curves or surfaces unless theyfall on grid cell boundaries. If two adjacent grid points havezero length vectors, we assume a critical line between them.For the most part, TOPO simply draws a line between suchpoints. Critical surfaces on cell boundaries can be detectedby examining these lines. Critical volumes can be similarlyfound. The cells containing such critical lines are not con-sidered candidates and are not searched for critical points.

If a critical curve or surface exists within a grid cell, thenmultiple critical points may be found. TOPO limits the totalnumber of critical points found in a single grid cell to abouteight. A warning message is printed if this limit is exceed-ed.

No-slip Boundaries: In many CFD computations, no-slipboundary conditions are imposed on the velocity field. Onthese boundaries, v is zero. Our software analyzes this im-portant class of degenerate critical surface by examining theskin friction field. This is the two dimensional field formedby taking the limit of v at the no-slip surface. This is ap-proximated by the value of v one grid line away from thesurface. The critical points in the skin friction field arefound and analyzed as follows: Since at criticalpoints in this field, the second derivative term in the Taylorexpansion of v is examined. This third rank tensor is identi-cally zero in the two dimensions corresponding to the localon-surface coordinates. Thus, its non-trivial terms can beexpressed as a 3x3 matrix, and the same eigenvalue analy-sis may be applied. This will be elaborated upon in a futurepaper.

To allow for comparison with topologies derived fromwind tunnel oil flow experiments, integral curves startingalong eigenvectors that lie on a no-slip surface are integrat-ed in the skin friction field (i.e., the limit ofv as the surfaceis approached) and constrained to stay on a no-slip surface.

Grid Singularities: Special case code has been included tohandle common coordinate system singularities. A problemoccurs in candidate grid cell selection when a grid cell edgeis collapsed; i.e., if two or more adjacent grid points haveidentical locations in physical space. If the candidate test isapplied using the computational space vectors, false posi-tives can result. Subsequently, a critical point that does notreally exist may be found. This problem can be circumvent-ed by detecting the case where two grid points are identical-ly located in physical space and arbitrarily choosing one ofthe computation space vectors to be the vector at both gridpoints. The candidate test will then work properly.

∇v 0=


We have used TOPO and other FAST modules to inves-tigate the properties of many CFD solutions.These solu-tions include flow about a blunt fin [30], a NASA spaceshuttle orbiter [31], a shuttle engine liquid oxygen post[32], a shuttle launch configuration [33], a hemisphere cyl-inder [34], and others.

By carefully choosing the critical points to display andthe eigendirections to integrate, one may create specific vi-sualizations. Useful visualizations include vehicle surfacetopology, vortex cores, scalar field extrema, interesting re-gions of v, and places where CFD flow solvers have notperformed well.

Surface Flow Topology: By integrating curves in the twodimensional skin friction field along the eigendirections ofsaddles, one may visualize surface flow topology [12,21].These curves connect skin friction field critical points andallow the user to deduce the rest of the surface skin frictionfield’s dynamics qualitatively, since integral curves may notintersect, except at critical points. Furthermore, by examin-ing the off-surface eigenvectors, one may determine if theflow is attaching or separating.

TOPO has been partially validated by comparing surfaceflow topology results on a hemisphere cylinder with Hel-man’s [21] computed results and hand generated results in[34]. Note the close correspondence between Helman’s re-sults (Plate 1a) and ours (Plate 1b). In reference [21] Hel-man’s results are shown to compare well with Ying’s handgenerated results [34].

Vortex Cores:By one definition, a vortex core is the inte-gral curve within a vortex that has minimum curvature [35].If there is a critical point on a vortex core, then that pointmust be a spiral-saddle [36]. The eigenvector belonging tothe only real eigenvalue of the spiral-saddle corresponds,locally, to an integral curve entering or leaving the criticalpoint. This particular curve does not spiral at all and istherefore on the vortex core. By continuing to integrate thiscurve, the entire vortex core may be visualized.

A shuttle main engine liquid oxygen post data set is usedto illustrate TOPO’s vortex core capability (see Plate 2a).The core location closely corresponds to the vortex coresfound using interactive particle tracers (see Plate 2b).

Scalar Field Extrema: After taking the gradient derivativeof a scalar field one may visualize the topology of the re-sulting vector field. The nodes of this field will be at scalarfield local minima and maxima. Other aspects of gradientderivative fields should shed light on the structure of thecorresponding scalar fields as well. We have not yet ana-lyzed these.

Inter esting Regions of v:Interesting regions of v tend tocontain critical points. For example, flow reversal (recircu-lation) frequently involves the simultaneous existence of

several critical points. One may therefore use critical pointlocations as a guide for the interactive specification of ini-tial positions for particle traces and stream surfaces. For ex-ample, a cluster of critical points is found near the leesurface of the hemisphere cylinder. These critical points areclosely associated with the separation bubble (see Plate 3).

Where a Flow Solution is Inadequate:The existence ofpure attractors or pure repellors in a steady or incompress-ible flow solution may well indicate some problem, such asan incompletely converged solution. Such a situation can-not exist in a physically realistic flowfield since it violatesconservation of mass expressed by the continuity equation

. Similarly, the existence of saddle-node pairsthat disappear under a small perturbation may indicate“wiggles” in the topology, akin to the nonphysical wigglesfound around shocks when inadequate differencingschemes are employed.

Large Data Sets:Since the topology of v must only be cal-culated once, topological visualization is an excellent tech-nique for examining large data sets where slow responserenders interactive techniques ineffective. Plate 4 are thevortex cores of a shuttle launch configuration. This is a900,000 node, nine grid data set.


Vector fields may be visualized using the new TOPOmodule in FAST. A single, relatively simple picture cap-tures many key features of v. We have used this software tovisualize CFD solutions. To our knowledge, the software isunique in displaying off surface eigenvectors of skin fric-tion critical points, integrating vortex cores from spiral-sad-dles, and in the combination of topology visualization witha general purpose visualization system (FAST). We believethat topology visualization may be useful well beyond thegrounds we have explored.


We thank P. Buning for numerous informative discussionsregarding this work.


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v∇• 0=

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[21] J. L. Helman and L. Hesselink, “Surface Representa-tion of Two- and Three-Dimensional Fluid Flow Topolo-gy,” Proc. Visualization ‘90, San Francisco, IEEEComputer Society Press. (1990).[22] J. L. Helman and L. Hesselink, “Analysis and Repre-sentation of Complex Structures in Separated Flows,” SPIEConf on Extracting Meaning From Complex Data, SanJose, (1991).[23] J.L. Helman and L. Hesselink, “Representation andDisplay of Vector Field Topology in Fluid Flow Data Sets,”IEEE Computer, pp. 27-36, Aug. 1989. Also appears inVi-sualization in Scientific Computing, G. M. Fielson & B.Shriver, eds. Companion videotape available from IEEEComputer Society Press.[24] A. Globus, “Octree Optimization,” SPIE paper 1459-01,SPIE Conf on Extracting Meaning From Complex Data,San Jose (1991).[25] Mike Yamasaki, NASA Ames Research Center, per-sonal communication.[26] P. P. Walatka, P. G. Buning, PLOT3D User’s Manual,NASA Technical Memorandum 101067, NASA Ames Re-search Center.[27] J.A. Benek, P.G. Buning, J.L. Steger, “A 3-D ChimeraGrid Embedding Technique,”AIAA 7th Computational Flu-id Dynamics Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio (1985), AIAA-85-1523.[28] R.A. Walker, “Computing the Jordan Form for Controlof Dynamic Systems,” Guidance and Control Laboratory,Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford Uni-versity (1981).[29] W.H. Press, et al.,Numerical Recipes in C: The Art ofScientific Computing,Cambridge University Press, Cam-bridge (1988).[30] C.H. Hung, P.G. Buning, “Simulation of Blunt-Fin-In-duced Shock-Wave and Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interac-tion,” J. Fluid Mech. (1985), Col. 154, pp. 163-185.[31] Y.M. Rizk, S. Ben-Shmuel, “Computation of the Vis-cous Flow Around the Shuttle Orbiter at Low SupersonicSpeeds,”AIAA 23rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Jan. 14-17, (1985) Reno, Nevada, AIAA-85-0168.[32] S. Rogers, D. Kwak, an U. Kaul, “A Numerical Studyof Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Around Multi-ple Posts,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro-nautics, paper AIAA-86-0353.[33] P.G. Buning, I.T. Chiu, S. Obayashi, Y.M. Rizk, andJ.L. Steger, “Numerical Simulation of the Integrated SpaceShuttle Vehicle in Ascent,” Proc. AIAA Atmospheric FlightMechanics Conference, American Institute of Aeronauticsand Astronautics, Minneapolis (1988).[34] S. Ying, L.Schiff and J.L. Steger “A Numerical Studyof Three-Dimensional Separated Flow Past a HemisphereCylinder” Proc. AIAA 19th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dy-namics and Lasers Conference.[35] L.A. Yates and G.T. Chapman, “Streamlines, VorticityLines, and Vortices,” American Institute of Aeronautics andAstronautics, paper AIAA-91-0731.[36] A.E. Perry and H. Hornung, “Some Aspects of Three-Dimensional Separation, Part II: Vortex Skeletons,”Z.Flugwiss, Weltraumforsch. 8, Heft 3, pp. 155-160 (1984).[37] A. Globus, C. Levit, T. Lasinski, “A Tool for Visualiz-ing the Topology of Three-Dimensional Vector Fields,” Re-port RNR-91-017, Applied Research Branch, MS T045-1,NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, 94035.

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