topicsa visit to the water park. there is a new water park in the town. we go there on the first day...

Post on 22-Jul-2020






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Rhyming Words

Creative writing


Alphabetical order

Use of capital letter and full stop

Forms of Verbs (past)

Forms of verbs

Singular Plural

Articles a, an & the


Proper noun


Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Rhyming Words

Rhyming words are two or more words that have the same or similar ending sound. Some

examples of rhyming words are: goat, boat, moat, and float.








Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Creative writing

Creative writing is an expression of writing that expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative


Write few interesting things you did in your summer Vacation.

The best thing I did in my vacation-




A summer memory is




This year I am looking forward to




Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Comprehension


Do you like apples? Apples can be red, yellow or green. Each color

tastes different. They are fruits. You can make apples into treats.

Apples grow on trees. They finish growing in the fall. Then you

can pick them to eat. When you pick an apple, you twist it and

then pull it off the tree.

There are five parts of apple. The outside is the skin. The inside is the flesh. There are

seeds inside of the apple. The stem is on top. Some apples have leaves by the stem.

What else do you know about apples?


1. When do apples finish Growing?


2. What is this passage about?


3. How many parts does an apples have?


Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Alphabetical order.

Alphabetical order is a way to sort (organize) a list. It helps a reader to find a name or a title

in the list.

Rewrite each word list in alphabetical order.

1. Cat, apple, boat

2. Fish, elephant, drum


3. Goat, inkpot, hen


4. Nose, lemon , mango


5. Yolk, x-ray, zero


Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Use of capital letter and full stop.

We use capital letters to mark the beginning of a sentence and we use full stops to mark

the end of a sentence: ... We also use capital letters at the beginning of proper nouns.

Rewrite the sentence using capital letter and full stop.

1. bob has a pet dog


2. the dog is big and brown


3. the dog is spot


4. spot ran to the cat


5. spot likes the cat


Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning and write

the answers to check your understanding.

Read the comprehension carefully and write the answers.

A visit to the water park. There is a new water park in the

town. We go there on the first day of summer. It has a pool

and water slides. There are sprinklers too.

The slides were scary at beginning. After the first ride. We loved the water slides.

The sprinklers are usually cool on the hot days. One of the pool makes its own waves.

All the kids try to surf the wave. It is really fun.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is new in town?

2. What is scary at first?



3. What is cool on the hot day?


Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Forms of Verbs (past)

Past tense verbs refer to actions or events in the past. They can be regular verbs that

simply end with a "d" or an "ed" or they can be irregular and change their spelling to show

the past tense.

Choose the past form of verb to fill in each blank below.

1. He ________________ to store after school.

(go, went)

2. Ali ____________________his homework by nine o’ clock.

(Completed, complete)

3. Hannah ________________her ice-cream to me.

(give, gave )

4. Tom ___________________fish on Thursday.

(ate, eat)

5. Mother ___________________my brother a cake for his birthday.

(get, got)

6. Aslam ___________________the quiz competition.

(win, won)

7. The cat ________________the mouse.

(chase, chased)

Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Forms of verbs

Match the present form of verbs with their correct past forms. Remember the spelling rules

while making the matches.

Present form of verbs Past form of verb





















Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Singular Plural

Singular noun names one person, place, thing, or idea, while a plural noun names more

than one person, place, thing, or idea. Most singular nouns need an “s” at the end to

become plural.

Q. Fill in the blanks with singular and plural nouns.

1. Mr. Abid has a _________________in his garden.

(tree, trees)

2. My friend has a ________________ named Lassy.

( dogs, dog)

2. I have read six _________________ in summer.

( books , book)

4. She has a ________________.

( pen , pens)

5. Ahmad bought a ____________________for his birthday.

( cake, cakes)

6. Maria has a __________________ in his hand.

(pencil, pencils)

Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Comprehension

Q: Read the following story and answer the questions below.

Jack is a seven year old boy who loves adventures.

He likes to climb trees and find interesting bugs in

his backyard. He also likes to play with his dog, Daisy.

Daisy is two years old. Jack and Daisy are best friends.

Answer the following questions.

Q1: How old is Jack?



Q2: What does jack likes to do in his backyard?



Q3: How old is Daisy?



Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Articles a, an & the

Articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific

“an” comes before words that starts with vowels e.g. an apple, an orange or an umbrella


“a” comes before words that start with consonants e.g. a horse, a candy or a book etc.

“the” comes before the words which are specific and it limits the meaning of a noun to one

particular thing e.g. Please give me the red hammer; the blue one is too small. .

Q: Fill in the blanks with articles a, an and the

1. There is _________________apple on the desk.

2. I have __________________egg for breakfast every Sunday.

3. Ahmad has _______________ red pen.

4. She has ___________________big bag.

5. He lives in _________________small house.

6. There is ___________bird on _______________tree.

7. Grandma planed a picnic at __________________park nearby.

8. Yesterday, my dad give me ____________________umbrella.

9. Can you give me ___________________minute to clean up?

10. This evening, we are going to watch ___________________movie.

Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Nouns

Nouns are words used for people, animals and things.

Nouns are of two types----Common Noun and Proper Noun.

Common nouns are words used for general peoples, place, animal and thing.

Q: Underline common noun in each sentence below.

1. I love my dog.

2. My mother is in the kitchen.

3. This bed is made of wood.

4. I love to spend my time with my friends.

5. Please come visit my house soon.

6. We are going to Disney land.

7. John has to go school tomorrow.

8. I live in the big city.

9. I hope you had a great time.

10. We saw one alligator in the pound.

Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Proper noun

Proper nouns are particular names used for people, places, animals and things.

Name of months, days, books, cars, cartoons, countries, mountains, etc. are all proper

nouns like Ahmad, Lahore, Mazen School etc.

Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.

Q: Write down the following proper nouns.

1. Your name


2. Name of your school


3. Name of your country


4. Name of your city


5. Your favorite month of the year


Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Conjunctions

Conjunctions are joining words. They help to connect words or sentences; e.g. and,

some & or are examples of conjunction.

Q: Underline the conjunction and, but and or.

Ahmad and Ali are my classmates

I know the answer but I can’t tell you.

Can you stay here, and wait for him.

Would you like an apple or do you prefer banana.

He took me to the shop and bought a new dress.

Mom said we must wash the dishes and clean the room.

This house is made of brick and stones.

This store is big but crowded.

Jack and Jane both can play the piano.

This sofa is small but comfortable.

Date: ________________________ Day: ______________________

Topic: Comprehension.

Read the passage carefully and write the answers.

At the Zoo First I saw the white bear, then I saw the black one; After that, I saw the camel with a hump upon his back; Later, I saw a grey wolf, with mutton in his maw; Then I saw a wombat waddle in the straw; Then I saw the elephant waving his trunk; Then I saw the monkeys’ mercy, how unpleasantly. They smelt!

Q: Which animal was white? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Which animal had a hump on his back? What animal was in the straw? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Which animal was waving his trunk? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

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