a2 media paolo nutini

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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Album CoverAlbum CoverThis is the album cover for Paolo Nutini’s song New Shoes.

As you can see, there is no view of his lower body which is odd because by the title of the album, you would expect to see some form of footwear in the shot to reinforce the fact that it is related to the song.

Also the picture of him doesn’t relate to the nature of the mood and beat of the song. The song is very upbeat however in this picture you can see that he is feeling sad or lonely and the fact that it is in black and white reinforces that look. You could argue that it is because he hasn’t got his new shoes yet.

Technical AspectsTechnical AspectsAs you can see, this picture shows a use of CGI to make you think it is going to be an animated video. The use of the long shot from low to high also tells you that the camera is probably going to zoom into the bedroom window.

You can now see that it is real life and not animated. The use of the words to say who the artist is gives you the idea that there is going to be a story told and the narrative relates to the video a lot. Medium-long shot and high to low angle focuses on artist.

I noticed that the house at the beginning of the song is very similar to the one which is in the Simpson’s TV show, it has very similar colours and a similar shaped house with the same sorts of graphics. They may have used it as an idea.

Technical AspectsTechnical AspectsAs you can see by this mid shot you can see straight away that the artist is performing the song and it is telling everyone a real narrative to it. You can see him holding his old shoes and that he is looking at them gives you the idea that he is about to throw them away and go a and buy a new pair, you can also tell that something is going to happen because you here the beat of the music go up in tempo slightly and you can sense that something is going to happen about him getting his new shoes.

You can see here that he is holding his old pair of shoes and that he is soon to be getting rid of them and wanting to start a fresh life.

He looks tired and has messy hair which reinforces the fact that he would have old shoes.

Technical AspectsTechnical AspectsYou can see that he looks refreshed compared to how he was before because he has his new shoes on and it means nothing can make him feel dull. It follows narrative as well as he is constantly relating back to the new shoes which is the same as the title of the song, the camera tracks back to give you constant mid-close up of him.

He is shows to the camera that he is ‘short on money’ and he is proving the point that he doesn’t care because he has his new shoes on and he doesn’t care about anything else at the time because he is so happy with them. Mid-close up of him showing that he has no money in his pockets.

Technical aspectsTechnical aspectsYou can see him as he wakes up and the illustration of ‘I’m seeing stars as I’m rubbing my eyes’ is very clear to the audience as you see a close up of him rubbing his eyes whilst singing the lyrics. However this time he starts his day happier and more jolly.

Once again the audience can see that that he's is happy and the lights are reinforcing the fact that he is in an upbeat mood and the illustration of this with the same techniques that Goodwin uses backs this up as evidence.


This song is of a mixture between blues and pop. It is a very upbeat song and the audience member feels happy and revitalised when they hear it. It also follows a strong narrative.


You can see that Paolo Nutini is in almost every shot to show that he is performing the song at that he is the one who is telling the audience the story.

IllustrationHe says ‘topped it off with a pair of old shoes’ you can see him showing the audience the old shoes from two angles, from behind and over his shoulder then using the mirror to create the effect.

DisjunctureYou can see here that there are people dancing around in his kitchen however it has no relation to the lyrics at this point, he is still singing about his new shoes and how they make him feel happy and refreshed.



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