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The European MediterraneanOil & Gas Exploration & Production Summit

The European MediterraneanOil & Gas Exploration &Production Summit

2 0 1 5

Annually Supported by

Previous Participating & Supporting Organizations Include

Enabling Global Oil & Gas Operators to finance projects and make the Right Strategic Entry & PartneringDecisions in the Development of Mediterranean-Based Ventures& Assets


Sponsored by

7th - 9th October 2015 | Grand Hotel Excelsior | Valletta | MALTA

For further details telephone: +357 99810833 | or email: Info@EuromedOffshore.com

EuroMed E&P 2015 Agenda - Pre-Conference Forum Day, Wednesday 7th OctoberGrand Hotel Excelsior | Valletta | Malta

1 2 : 3 0 Registration & Exhibition Area Opening | Level 7 | Main Ballroom | Registration Hosted by Medserv

1 3 : 3 0

1 3 : 4 5

1 4 : 1 5

1 4 : 4 5

Chairman’s Opening AddressAnthony Diacono, Chairman, Medserv

Exploring Malta New AttributesGeorge M. Mangion, Senior Partner, PKF Malta

CAPEX Reductions, Future Price Support, Potential Boost for theMediterranean Offshore Sector?

Fay Chen, Director, Petrologica

Session Closing DiscussionOffshore Oil and Gas Project Risk in The Mediterranean | Managing Political & Financial Risks

The dynamics of the gas market are in constant flux posing significant risks for the viability of offshore E&P projects.With recent activities and projects initiated in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Adriatic and Egypt are governmentsbeing premature in looking to engage in uncovering and exploiting reserves now and what are the recentdevelopments in the region that will shape the future of the industry. This session will address:

With recent activities and discoveries scattered in the region - where is/are the Mediterranean's E&P and gasprocessing hubs likely to emerge?

How is the position and prospects of Israel and Cyprus affected vis a vis low prices and new finds in Egypt andthe Adriatic?

Will Croatia's likely dominance in the Adriatic extend to the wider Mediterranean? Can Egypt realistically fulfil its full potential given new findings and political instability? What are the likely transportation options and markets for newly commercialised discoveries? Will the Mediterranean's evolving 'energy hubs' be competing or complementing one another?Panellists: Anthony Diacono, Chairman, Medserv, George Mangion, Senior Partner, PKF Malta, Fay Chen, Director,

Petrologica, József Tatai; Director of E&P Portfolio Development, INA Industrija Nafte, Reha Aykul Muratoglu, Head of TransitPetroleum Pipelines Department, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (Turkey)


1 5 : 1 5 Networking Coffee Break in the Exhibition Lounge | Hosted by Palumbo Malta Shipyard

1 5 : 4 5

1 6 : 1 5

Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) and Its Use forPredicting LNG Facilities Performance

Fabien Treillaud, Manager West Mediterranean and Africa Regions, DNV GL

Business and Investment Opportunities in The Mediterranean Natural Gas IndustryMaher Chebbo, General Manager, Energy & Natural Resources Europe Middle East and Africa, SAP

Private Round Table Discussion Sessions – Informal private discussion and Networking GroupsRound table session is restricted to 10 participants therefore pre-registration is highly advised (by email or at the EuroMed registration desk)1 6 : 4 5


1 8 : 0 0

Round Table 1

Political Risk & LegalChallenges AffectingProjects in the East


Round Table 2

How Governments ShouldAssess the Suitability of

Bidding Operators

Round Table 3

Engaging Institutional InvestorsRaising Private Capital for E&P


Round Table 4

Mapping out the Local Oil & GasIndustry & Effectively EstablishingSubsidiaries and Offices in Malta

1 9 : 3 0 Summit Welcome Dinner | Admirals Restaurant | All EuroMed Delegates Welcome to AttendHosted by Palumbo Malta Shipyard

For further details telephone: +357 99810833 | or email: Info@EuromedOffshore.com

EuroMed E&P 2015 Summarised Agenda - Main Conference Day 1, Thursday 8th OctoberGrand Hotel Excelsior | Valletta | Malta

0 8 : 0 0 Registration & Exhibition Area Opening | Level 7 | Main Ballroom | Registration Hosted by Medserv

0 8 : 5 0 Chairman’s Opening Address & Welcome Address - Anthony Diacono, Chairman, Medserv

0 9 : 0 0

0 9 : 2 5

0 9 : 5 0

1 0 : 1 5

Petroleum Exploration Opportunities Offshore MaltaDr. Albert Caruana, Director General Continental Shelf Department, Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure,

Republic of Malta

The European Gas LandscapeDr. Michael Hilmer, V.P Supply & Origination, E.ON

Turkey a Nation in Focus - Security of Natural Gas Supply in South East EuropeReha Aykul Muratoglu, Head of Transit Petroleum Pipelines Department,

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, (Turkey)

Mediterranean Exploration and Production Developments and Future Prospects Egyptian discovery and impacts: How much will it transform the energy landscape of the Mediterranean region? Hydrocarbon monetisation, expectations & challenges for E&P in the Adriatic and Eastern Mediterranean & North Africa Maximising the potential return on investment of the hydrocarbon resource portfolio given volatile and depressed oil and

gas pricesPanellists: Dr. Albert Caruana, Director General Continental Shelf Department, Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure, Republic

of Malta, Dr. Michael Hilmer, V.P Supply & Origination, E.ON, Reha Aykul Muratoglu, Head of Transit Petroleum PipelinesDepartment, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (Turkey), Sabina Skrtic, Assistant Minister for Energy and Mining,Republic of Croatia, Lilit Cota, Director of Exploration Sector, INA E&P, Peter Shiner, Country Manager, Italy/ Exploration

Manager, Italy & Mediterranean, Petroceltic Italia, Tim Crome, VP Subsea Mediterranean, Technip

1 0 : 3 5 Networking Coffee Break in the Exhibition Area | Hosted by Palumbo Malta Shipyard

1 1 : 0 0

1 1 : 2 5

1 1 : 5 0

1 2 : 1 5

1 2 . 3 5

--- Session 1 ---The Business Case for Monitoring and Analysing Engineering and Geological Data in Real-

Time During the Well Construction The challenge of collecting and integrating good quality data from both surface and subsurface so as to measure

and benchmark well and rig performance What are the steps required to progress from data monitoring to real-time engineering? How do you prevent unplanned events in the well construction life cycle?

Nick Baker, Executive Vice-President, Sales & Business Development, Petrolink International

A New Model for Energy Industry CollaborationJason Hendry, Business Manager Mediterranean

& Sarah Forbes, ICT Manager Offshore Group, Peterson

--- Session 2 ---INA’s Experience in the Mediterranean Area

Overview of the Croatian vertically integrated oil company Croatia onshore & offshore, Company’s core assets INA's track records in the Mediterranean Building MENA focused portfolio as important part of the growth strategy

József Tatai; Director of E&P Portfolio Development, INA Industrija Nafte d.d.

Adriatic Oil and Gas E&P Licensing Rounds (Croatia in Focus) What are the changes to fast track route to legal framework What were the Changes to the Petroleum Law that Governs all Oil and Gas E&P Activities The Formation of the Croatian Hydrocarbons Agency, to Support and Monitor Petroleum Activities

Sabina Skrtic, Assistant Minister for Energy and Mining, Republic of Croatia

Offshore Projects: Lowering CAPEX & Operating Costs Whilst ReducingExecution Time & Risks

Conceptual and early phase engineering for the achievement of significant cost reductions Investment in Research and Development and in enhanced manufacturing capabilities The development of a modern fleet of offshore construction vessels, their capabilities

Tim Crome, VP Subsea Mediterranean, Technip PleaseTurn Page

For further details telephone: +357 99810833 | or email: Info@EuromedOffshore.com

1 3 . 0 0

Balkan and Adriatic Offshore Exploration Potential & Development Overview of current and future offshore oil & gas exploration activities in the Adriatic and Croatian bidding processes Assessment of the main challenges: servicing exploration activities and attracting the necessary investments Developing infrastructure & economies of scale to serve E&P activities between Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Croatia Minimising environmental impact and ensuring proper safeguards to protect the tourism industry Regional geopolitical challenges and co-operation potentials in the Adriatic and the wider MediterraneanPanellists: Dr. Albert Caruana, Director General Continental Shelf Department, Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure, Republic

of Malta, Dr. Michael Hilmer, V.P Supply & Origination, E.ON, Reha Aykul Muratoglu, Head of Transit Petroleum PipelinesDepartment, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, (Turkey), Sabina Skrtic, Assistant Minister for Energy and Mining,Republic of Croatia, Lilit Cota, Director of Exploration Sector, INA E&P, Peter Shiner, Country Manager, Italy/ Exploration

Manager, Italy & Mediterranean, Petroceltic Italia, Tim Crome, VP Subsea Mediterranean, Technip

1 3 : 2 0 Networking Lunch in the in the Admirals Restaurant | Hosted by Palumbo Malta Shipyard

1 4 : 0 0

1 4 : 3 0

1 5 : 0 0

Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in the Mediterranean OSRA International Awareness of Risks Understanding the necessity to be prepared

Adrien Bonici, Chairman, OSRA International

Can HSE Governance be Harmonized Across the East-MedRicardo Khoury, Vice-president and Head of Environmental Division, ELARD

Strategic Thinking on Mediterranean Offshore E&P Sustainable Development with Care forSafety and Global Environmental Problems

Ivan Ivanov, Head of Safety and Environmental Engineering Laboratory (SE&EL), Technical University of Sofia

1 5 : 3 0 Networking Coffee Break in the Exhibition Area | Hosted by Palumbo Malta Shipyard

1 6 : 0 0

1 6 : 3 0

1 7 : 0 0

The Future of Offshore Operations With Low Oil Prices Increasing focus on cost reduction after oil price drop Changing regulations, such like CAA CAP1145 Increasing activity offshore due to ageing assets Significant part of OPEX is of offshore logistics

Jacob Jan Stuyt, Business Development, Ampelmann Operations B.V.

How to Make the Best of Technical and Non-Technical Data to Better Plan and Execute WellOperations

The planning phase encompasses engineering data and associated risks, all combined with time and cost estimates ina probabilistic model, in order to provide more accurate estimates and adequate contingencies levels.

The monitoring phase addresses physical progress together with time and budget consumption, in an Earned ValueManagement approach, in order to anticipate final costs and well delivery date.

The post well analysis combines standard daily reporting from the rig with mudlog data records, in order to deliver detailed and objective performance analyses. These analyses can be performed on the single well or on group

of wells, aiming at providing the best level of information for future wells planning.Giulia Giada Giudici, Senior Consultant, Kwantis

Recommended Practices for Development and Operations of LNG Bunkering Facilities and theneed for LNG Quantity & Quality Measurement

Internationally accepted guidelines and recommendations for the development and safe operation of bunkering facilities Proving the reliability and safety of offshore LNG transfer systems

Tobias Rosenbaum, Regional Manager for Europe & North Africa for Oil & Gas, DNV GL

1 7 : 3 0 Private Round Table Discussion Sessions – Informal private discussion and Networking GroupsRound table session is restricted to 10 participants therefore pre-registration is highly advised (by email or at the EuroMed registration desk)

Round Table 1

EasternMediterranean GasE&P Developments

Round Table 2

Adriatic & BalticE&P Developments

Round Table 3

New Methods and Technologiesfor Deep & Ultra Deep E&P


1 8 : 3 0 End of Day 1 (Main Conference)

Round Table 4HSE Best Practices, Logistics, Pipeline

Construction and Market Development forOil and Gas Services in the Mediterranean

(Hosted by Tiger Offshore Rentals)

For further details telephone: +357 99810833 | or email: Info@EuromedOffshore.com

EuroMed E&P 2015 Summarised Agenda - Main Conference Day 2, Friday 9th OctoberLevel 5 | De Medici | Grand Hotel Excelsior | Valletta | Malta

0 8 : 3 0 Morning Coffee & Exhibition Area Opening | Level 5 | De Medici

0 9 : 0 00 9 : 1 5

0 9 : 4 5

1 0 : 1 5

Chairman’s Opening AddressThe Mediterranean Energy Future to 2040

Sohbet Karbuz, Director of Hydrocarbons, Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie

Exploring in New Times: Petroceltic's Projects in the Adriatic & Eastern MediterraneanPeter Shiner, Country Manager, Italy/ Exploration Manager, Italy & Mediterranean, Petroceltic Italia S.r.l.

The Caspian Region in Focus, Strategic Pipeline Routes for the Eurasian RegionGulmira Rzayeva, Energy Analyst and Advisor, Centre for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan

1 0 : 4 5 Networking Coffee Break in the Exhibition Area | Hosted by Palumbo Malta Shipyard

1 1 : 1 5

1 1 : 4 5

1 2 : 1 5

1 2 : 4 5

Turkey Energy Corridor - The Role Turkey Will Play Towards Regional and Europe's EnergySecurity

Erol User, President & CEO, User Corporation

Natural Gas Market Development & Integrated in the CEE Region Ensuring safe Ensuring safe operations of the transmission system as part of the European gas

network Building the position of the company as an integrator of the gas market in the Baltic & CEE regions Development of gas infrastructure to enable increased consumption of natural gas as an environmentally-friendly fuel

Piotr Kus, Director Gas Transmission Operator, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

The Impact of Globalization on Gas Price FormationRodrigo Pinto Scholtbach, Senior Gas Market Analyst, International Energy Agency (IEA)

Summit Closing Panel DiscussionThe Mediterranean Oil & Gas Sector - Evolution of the Industry over the Next 5-10 Years

What Nations and established and interested market players need to do to profitably escalate the rateof development in the region

Effectively managing price, financial and geopolitical risks – quantifying the threats

1 3 : 1 5 End of Summit & Farewell Lunch in the Admirals Restaurant| Hosted by Palumbo Malta Shipyard |

Capture all the information shared during the summit to keep as a permanentreference and as a tool to assist your colleagues when you return to the office

Purchase the EuroMed 2015 Summit data and audio for 200 Euro at the registration Desk

Formulating the right economic incentive structures between regional governments and the privatesector

For further details telephone: +357 99810833 | or email: Info@EuroMedOffshore.com (Note: * indicates invited speaker)

SUMMIT VENUE & LOCATIONThe Grand Hotel Excelsior | VallettaAmong the finest five star hotels in Malta, the Grand Hotel

Excelsior is is two minutes away from Valletta, Malta’scapital and a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Venue Contact DetailsTel: +356 21250520

Email: info@excelsior.com.mtAddress: Great Siege Road, Floriana, Malta,

FRN1810.Web: www.excelsior.com.mt

EuroMed Offshore 2015 Will Be Held in Malta for the First Time Due to its Close Proximity to Evolving Adriatic,Balkan, Eastern European and North African Offshore Exploration and Production ActivitiesAs the most centrally located Island within the Mediterranean Malta has direct and convenient connecting flights from allmajor and upcoming offshore E&P regions in the Mediterranean, Europe and the greater EMEA region. Becomingestablished as the location of choice for offshore oil and gas service companies and regional upstream E&P industrygatherings the capital city of Malta - Valletta is the ideal location of choice to host the 2015 European MediterraneanOffshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Summit.

The Grand Hotel Excelsior | The EuroMed 2015 Venue is a 5-star Hotel in Malta, and is two minutes away fromValletta, Malta’s capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Valletta can be described as a living experience ofBaroque architecture, dotted with quaint cafes, and over 25 churches, a testament to the centuries-old grained Catholicfaith of the Maltese nation. Sixteenth century fortifications embrace the Grand Hotel Excelsior and its olive gardensmaking it the only 5 star hotel in Malta nestled within historic architecture. This is a unique opportunity to re-live Malta’srich history whilst enjoying magnificent views of Marsamxett Harbour & Fort Manoel.

The fort was built by the Knights of Malta between 1723 and 1755, under the patronage of Portuguese Grand MasterManoel de Vilhena. In 2010, it underwent major restoration work to repair the ravages of time and damage sustainedduring the Second World War. The Grand Hotel Excelsior’s prime location allows for easy access to all tourist locationsaround the Maltese Islands. The main bus terminus provides services to all towns and villages and is only a few minutesaway from the hotel. For the more discerning traveller the Grand Hotel Excelsior offers its own private tours with ourexecutive cars. Complimentary transfers to the city centre of Valletta are offered on a daily service at 10.00 hours and18.00 hours.

The Grand Hotel Excelsior offers elegant and luxurious suites and a portfolio of deluxe rooms enjoying magnificent seaviews which only Malta can offer. Free Wi-Fi internet is also available in the hotel lobby, public areas and guest rooms.

Accompanying Partner Tours of Ancient and Historical Sites within Malta and the Island of GozoFascinating tours covering Malta and the island of Gozo will be made available (at extra cost) for all three days of thesummit for accompanying partners of delegates registered at EuroMed 2015. Details of the various tours will bereleased and made available to delegates in the weeks preceding the summit in October.

Capture all the information shared during the summit, including the parallelstreamed sessions that you were unable to attend to keep as a permanent reference andas a tool to assist your colleagues when you get back to the office. Purchase the EuroMed

2015 DVD ROM while reserving your attendance and save 200 Euro.

www.EuroMedOffshore.com | For attendance enquiries please email info@euromedoffshore.com | or call: + 357 99 810 833

1. Delegate DetailsMr / Mrs / Dr / Last Name………………….…...............

First Name………………………………………..………

Job Title…………………………………………..……....


Head of Department …….………………………………..

Registration Contact…………………………………………..….…….



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Country ………………….…………………………..…...

EMAIL (Required)……………… …………………..…..


VAT No. (EU Companies)……………………………

2. Registration Options(Please tick your choice in the appropriate price box below)

Package Being Reserved Booked by31st July

Booked by31st August

Booked by18th September

Final PriceAfter 18th


GOLD PackageFull 3-day Summit, including theMain Conference (8-9 October) +Licensing/Tech Forums (7 Oct).i.e Full Summit 7-9th October

€ 1395 € 1595 € 1795 €1995

SILVER Package2-day Main Conference only(8th - 9th October) € 1195 € 1395 € 1595 €1795

Licensing/Financing /TechnologyForums (7th October only)

€ 595 € 695 € 795 € 895

Presentation Data (Optional)€ 200 for attendees €400 for non-attendees

All prices are subject to a €45 processing charge (for credit cards) & VAT as applicable

Group discounts : 2 - 3 delegates 10%, 4+ delegates 20% (only for simultaneous bookings)

Booking Terms and ConditionsConfirmation of your registration will be sent to you as soon as your complete application form is received by email. Payments for the conference must be received by the cutoff dates for discount offers to apply. This booking form constitutes a legally binding contract.

3. Booking Code:If you have been provided a booking code please quote here……………………………………………………

4. Method of Payment(Please tick your choice in the appropriate price box below)

DIRECT BANK TRANSFERAn invoice will be prepared and dispatched according to the details specified above uponreceipt of the completed and scanned registration form by email. Please note that group

bookings will be invoiced together.


CREDIT CARD (Credit Card Payments carry an additional €45 processing charge)

Visa MasterCard American Express Other...................................................

.Card No. ……………………………………………………………..........................

.Expiry. Date ....................... .Security Code ... ... ...

Card Holders Signature………………………………………………….. Date..............................

5. Cancellation, Substitution &Postponement PolicyPaying delegates may be substituted at any time at no cost. EPG SUMMIT Ltdwill not provide refunds for cancellations. For cancellations received more than14 days prior to the event a 100% credit refund to be used at another EPGSummit event. For cancellations received in writing less that 14 days prior to theevent a 50% credit refund will be issued to be used at a future EPG SUMMITevent. This credit will be valid for 16 months from the date of issue. In the eventthat EPG Summit postpones an event, delegate payments will be creditedtowards the rescheduled event. If the delegate is unable to attend therescheduled event then they will receive a 100% credit refund valid for 15months from the date of issue for another EPG Summit event. No refunds willbe made available for cancellations or postponements. EPG Summit ltd is notresponsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration,cancellation, or postponement of an event. EPG Summit will not be liable if thisevent is altered, rescheduled, postponed or cancelled due to unforeseencircumstances that render the conference inadvisable, illegal, impractical, orimpossible. In this regard such events include: Act of God; governmentalrestrictions or regulations; war or act of war; terrorism; disaster; civil disorder orsuspension or restriction of transportation. Please note that speakers and topicsare confirmed at time of publishing, however circumstances may lead tosubstitutions or cancellations of speakers and/or topics. As such EPG Summithas the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers or topics as required.Any changes to the conference programme will be made on the summit website.

6. Data ProtectionIssues of personal data protection are a very high priority to EPG Summit. Allinformation and contact details that we receive are used only for the purpose ofkeeping you informed of forthcoming conferences, seminars, exhibitions,publications or providing electronic information which might be of interest toyou. Such data is never used by other companies or organizations or for anyother purpose. If you DO NOT wish to receive information from our company,either by post or by electronic means please tick the box here:

7. Incorrect MailingIf you are receiving multiple mailings, would like to alter or remove your detailsfrom our database, please email this form to us with your amended details oninfo@euromedoffshore.com. Such amendments may take time so we apologisein advance for any inconvenience.

Delegate Booking Form for the 2015 EuroMed Offshore E&P Summit

Please Complete and Scan the Completed Registration Form & Email to:


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