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Post on 23-Feb-2018






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rjunnaemrnts.AcaDEalT'T)T"MT-.siC -8 15-Bpeetlag Ufa. _-_w,v.ACAPKUY OV DE8ION- 10 a. m. to 10 p. m..ExniDi

tlon of PertmltaAMflRK'AN TllKATRl---*:tB- Fauet.BUOl' TIIEATK_.-S:1.\.Kat« Klp- .,._.,.__.Iroaiway THBMTBE.BflB The Hlgl»~ay_«B.CABIKO-a-A I>an«ar...i» Maifl. ,.__.-.OAL.Y'8 TllKATRE--B:U-Merehant of ^««iee._ll>_\ Mlslli; Wae Worka Urand conc-ert ana ("ine-

mat<.raphZMPIRE THEATRE a:20-ThellarP ... ,(eiFTH AVBNl-l TIU-_iTBE- *:10_A Bimaaa) CH r


GARPEN TBBATBB.8:18.Tba Cr.rlailan.OARRK'K THEATRF- -S.ia.-.-atherlne.OKiv-p npRA HOt'SB.B.I/o»t In siheria. __._._AHl.r»I OMBBA HOF8B-S:18-The Tree af Knowl-

¦aaaEb fqvare t-maTma ..« naiai Torar

i-vT-WVl-CX THBATBB 4.Im Wetaarn Boeaa'l.VV.L,,'J vVsI'tJ, j,,. rn -^ontlBUOoa Perforrnanee.ffiwiSStM THE_TH_-»:l»-Tk. Head of th.

PWaally. , _ . ,,,.

LTTTTM THEATRtO-B -Tre'.awny of the Wl»KSla^aWAMI THBATRK BiBO- on and Off.Ia_lv^«_a_5g^r_xa--.PA5T1R'B.18 to 1. c. m..Vaudevi.ie.KAM T JA.'K S TBEATKE 2 B \ n.i<.erll.eWALl-ArK-R THEAT111! I :!¦.¦ I-vKmnllon and Oatatea.

~~3n&fi io qLhaagiiBtaumU%.Iinnrn

grj-T r:::J »Ba_r.:::::::| jgp"^ s ; fiL2S*__:.| fj.**~.

_ a..,'.. ].. 4 Mlaeellimeeua .« *-JJfca. A Scatr ri. 8 4 4l Xaw Vul.llca.lon. .... B J. l..i..10 1 O ...-an Btnaari. s

DMlldeM KftUrM ...8 0 PrtOU-l. _..j..j_..»" \piri^i KMIM 1" 1 '.«,".* a, Orrana.W «

I> m Blta Wanlad 1" « ''¦"'rfA'1." ,.ifl 1 8

l-S^V.-:::!! |£_r- :S SjkS .-" - :'i ..aS3_sr.-._ «*-,.* l,-s,ir- 8.1*1 II * I__»__._._....-.

"" "kTRlDAY, DE1'EMBE R 16. 1888.*

7/7 AV .YM1.S T///S M0RX1X0.

00_fOIU£88 -Both brnnehea ln aeaalon.Benat'e Th" Urgenl Deflcleney MI for the aup-port of the Army and Mary untll July 1. 1W**sB-a. paaaed Hoaae: The Paaaloa Apprt>¦rtatlon blll *vaw paaaed nnd eonaMaraUoa ot

the laternatlonal Bank blll waa begun.PORBION -The Bpaalah (iov.mn.ent has

aurreed to pay the January eaapoa on theCubanjjTi.t ¦ M Milller, foraaer Vlce-Pn sident ofBwtuerland. has beea elected Prealdent pf tbaftwlae Confederatlon. Tha ateatmahlp At-lantle waa towed Into Haltfax by the Elton.a-tth h.r tall-end ahafl broken, havlng beeaadrlft ln h atorm fi ten days before she was

ptrked up Herr Bebel, the Bodallat leader.eraated a tumul' tn the Relchatafl by his crlti-elsma of th.- Kmi-.-r. r\- hpeet-hes. _-_---. Kxlra-diti.m papera arere laaued la Laondon ln the caaeof Joha Rennen, the fugltlve Phfladelphla tallor.

,\ sit" fnr th..- propoaed Lafayetta atatuehaa beea aeleeted in a aquare ln the Laouvre<;arden ..t Parla Th.- entlr. Btock of th.Ferro-Carrll L'rbam at Havana, has beea aoMto an Amerleaa ayndlrate at 92.DOMB8TIC The Atlanta Peaee Jubllee was

hiaaghl lo an en.l by a banqaet al ahlchmany dlatlngulahed mea Bpoke, Inelttdlng therrvs'hlent. who alao dlacuBaed the duty of theNation in an addreaa al Ihe Audltorlum In th.aftarnoon The War Department's order«-stai.:ishInp a milltary government for ..>ut...vas made pu ill MaJor-GeneraJ John HBrooke teatlfled '.' re the War Departmenl In-veatlgatlng Commlaalon regardlng condltlona atCamp Thomaa The crulaer Brooklynaail. >.l fr .rn Hampton Roada for Havana.The Natlonal Civil Berrlca Reform League be¬gan its aonual meetlng ln Baltlmore, and ('ar!Behura dellvered the prealdent'a annual ad-dresa. Btate Controller James A. Rohertals not a candldate for Buperlntendent of PubllcWorka and a uld not accept tha ofaeaCITY.Btocka irere atroog and actlva

Kz-8enator C'alvin S. Brlee died at his home inthls city The Rapld Transit Commlaalondeelded to hav. .. blll prepared for Introductlonat Alban) glrlng II thi pourer lo arrangafor the nstru tlon of Ihe underground road.e a meetlng of Ihe County Commlttee washeld; a mnvi m< nl .- atarted to bc. ure amend-n.ents ti. th. new Prlmary Electlon law and tothe general ball<>t law. m___ 8eth Low went toOyater Itay to vtaM the Oovernor-elect.-:AddreBB.B were made by ChaacellOf Henry M.MacCraeken, Joaeph H. C'hoate, Chauncey M.Depew and others at the annual dlnner af thealumnl of New-Torb I'nlversity. :...: The ac-ceptanre by the Rev. Dr. Dona!.! Page llaehajr.<>f Newark, of th" rall to the Colleglata churchwas ann,,uii<-.'d The t.ikln« ,,f teatlmonyat the aeeond trlal of w. a B Moore on chargeeof robbery and aasault waa <'. aed In xhv c..urt-of Oeneral B< aalonaTHK WEATHER.Indlcatlona for to-day:

Falr and warmer. Th" ti-mp.-rature yeaterday:JUgbeflt, .'..". degreesi loweat, I'l average, 80,

8FAJX A\D HER BURDEN.Ppnin. it ls announcil. av 111 jmy the .Inim.'iry

daapaiM oa ber Cabaa debt. The acara is to i.<-crt-'lit^l aij< 1 to l,o most baarMj w.-l.-ointsi._'li;it lt the .l.'lit Aviii.ii the Bpaalab GoTernmentetrovc lo _<'t rld of by saiUllintr It upon altherCaba or the rjaitcd Btatea Whca tt wns linniiyevi.'.eiit that it c-.,ul,l not tlius l.- <llsposo<i oftben> wen- raporU thnt Bpala woold repiidlatelt alaafcthgr. Wa AM n.,t er<'<iit thcaa at thetlme. and shall not do ko uuless they ara abao-]ntely proved to bt true as we .lo ix.t beUerethey will l>o. On t.ie eontrary, tve are glad toBtfard tha prranhetl pajmaat of the Janoaryaoapoag aa an otliclal ackuowledgnient of¦pala't fui: reapoaatMUty for tho debt and an*arnest of her luteutlou to dlsoharRo lt wiilunitdifaleation or dlscount Repudlatiou is notConipatlble wlth Sjianlsh honor.

Ther© la no disputlDg that the burden of in-dehtedness lald upon Bpala ls a heavy one.There are, however, two thlngs to be noted4?one»'rniniT lt. One ls that lt was all acqalredby herself voluntarlly for her own aappoaad.jeneflt. It was not lmposed upon by her by aTuthleass conqueror, as one of 11,0(80,000.000 wasnmposed upon PnUMB hy Oeniiany in 1ST1.Therefore she has only hei-elf to blan.e for Ir.The other is that nt the utmost h.r debt is notajnprecotlented ln slze nor s<> laiajg as to pre-glude all bope of her belnfr. ablo to deal with it.lt» toact a mount is not at this arritlBg aacer-talnable. We BBppoaa, however, that, lncludini;ber Cuban an.l rhilipplne dehts, and not de.luetSng the 990^000.000 tiie imted Btatea propoaea toj»ay her, lt Aoea aot exr-.s-.l 11378,000,000 Thatln an enorinui's tBBi, Reckoalag tbe populatlon©f Spain rn 18,000,000 a low eatlmate, Blr.ce it¦was more Ihao 17^00,000eterea years ago thatia an IBdehtedneaa of nliout ,<io4 g li.-ad. ourown debt >n l*..-..". w.-.s n.-tually nuieb hirger, be-Jng 19^880,000,000; but owlng to <.ur larger popa-Satlou it w:m |)!..i)<.nluii.-n.-ly amaller, amonnt-lngto about rthi ¦ head Bal io.,k al the debt ofJTranee to-day! It ls no BM8 tkan !?<',,_r»o,iHa»,.BH»,or thr«H> nn.l a lliird ttflaea as lart,'.. n^ thal ofBpalu, nnd. deaptta li>-r ininh lurper popalatlO.,St is also proportionat.'ly nnicb lafger than8pa1n"s debt, BBMBanttBg te BO h'HB than Jldli ahead--more than .Vi per eent larK.-r than tln-Bpanlsh debt. Yet Tranee ls not eomplalnlnuaf enfor.t-,1 .br.nkrni.tey. Khe ls, on the con-

*t&ry, one of the rk-heet and most prosperousHfltlons ln Ihr- world.

True, Fraaet oace eaaaded or some of hergrtatosn.en sonnd. d tb'> snrn.. note of despalrthat hus beea aoaaded in behalf <>f spain. Balthe note of bope BBd of ambitloii was doniinam©ver lt. .Fnles Favre de.-lnred tl.nt rrnssla"eoldly and Bysr.-iiiatl.ally j»ursu»'s her task of

."BDnlhllaflnaT »«. PiaBCB has now no illusions

.*left. For her it ls now a (ju.-stlon of exisl.n.-e "

Tbat is as muri. ns the most peaah-latk span-lard has s.ild in the present erlsls. Hut PaTKgdded: "Frauce needed, perhapB, to pass thPOOgb'"a aupremc trlal she will lsnue from It trans

*_gured." The prophecy was splendldly ful-Blled Will not boido authorltatlve BpaahJIajtatesroau make lha aame prophecy in behalf of

Spain to-day and lead his countrymen to a ful-Blment of lt? Bpnnlarda and Frenchmen are ofthe aame raee. They huve the same genlal eli-

mate, fertile aoll, rich natural n-sourc-es and eom

mandiDg nituatiou toward the eoatmerce af theWorld. What Frnuee has don<\ that Spain an

4o, lf tbe wlll. Spain haR not l>e«n eraahed as

JFranee wa» ''ruxhod. She has not to Ix-nr th«-hBgdaea Frauce has borne. lf ske will only d»

velop one half tho enorgy nnd thrlft nnd prmtl-ml laaiiiaiaa ainac tkal daaracteriaB l^aaea, Bha,too. nin.v issue from her supremo trlal trnns

flgurod nnd iriumphnnt.

THE PRE8IDEVT IX ATLAXTA.The Presidoiit's llrst formnl sj.ch ln AtlanU

mi WedBeaday won Ibe bearta of bla hearera aadhas prodneed a profound Impioaalon througboultho Sonthern Stntos. If lt ls not so eOthorlastlcally Bcctalmed la tlMi Nonh. lha raaaoa is nolthat tha gentlmanta be expressed are leaa agrecable to Northern leellnp. but niilnr thal theybm Boara fnmiiinr. Tha Pn-sirtvm haa cootrlb-utod so lnrpely to the ohliterntlon of seetioiialanimositioB by hlfl Instant and ronilniiod em-

ployment of tho peeullar opporninitles whlchtha wmr providod that his iwonoaution coDcern

inp the grarea of tho Confederate dead realljfurnishod little or no cnuse for siirprise; but

gtBOB thO ptJOllll of thO Sollth were not whollyptwporocl f«>r stioh an btowbI of reapocl and fn

lorual gyRipafhj are espeeiaily rwjolce ,1,at u

graa made. Assiirodly it was not in any 1111-

worthj Bonae b bad ror popalar applaaae. Thepresid.-nt niay naturally hnvo heOB ntOTOd aadpladdcnod bf tho f'-rvi-nt demonstration wliiHi

Mlowed hla deelaratlon thal the tlme has come

-whon wa should Bharo arlth you in tne care otthe prnvos of the Ckjiife-Bsrate Boldlera"; but in-

BBBTOCh M BCttOtfll speak lotider Ihan words I

there is not the falnteal goggeetlon of Inalncetity Iin the sptveh whlch is dUBBUld so BtgBlflCBPt t

It was g tribute Rt to l>e paid bocaaae lt was \

thr expresalon of ronvletlona und pnrposes 8

whlch Ihe Prosldont's ofllelal condnet has un- n

mtatakably exoniplitlorl. '

lOdeed, lt was that whlch pare his Dttoraaee &

its impressivo force, thouph at the m.-meiit his I

bearera aeem to have been Bearcoljr congclotta of \

ali.. fiut. They woul 1 nadily have dotOCted dmore adroltness ln tak'.r.p ndvnntaco of elretitn o

stanees, nnd thelr BBthafaetloa would DOl hnvo ,

long survivod tbeoecaalon wblcb evoked it. As

>t ls, lt may reaaonablj be expected thal tbe r

Tresident's words will p<> far to solidify and 1

perpeiuate tbe sentiinents wliicb have Iwon in- i

spired and the relations whlch have been estab- li

Itshed by the ereotg of the last elgiil montba. b

"We will not aaj thal the Nonh was more eagerthan the South to wipe out old esiranpomontscompletely and forever, ami to make thla a

oo-apact Unloa of hvnrts ns arell ns of Btatea,bul are cannol be mlataken In aaaertlng that theNortb will not coctaent to be Becond In promot-Ing :iint consuramatlon.


PREDWT10X8 AVD APPOTXTMEXT8.CoSMertilog Goteraor itooseveit's appolnt-

nicota b now jireibctiidi is in order ercry dajr.An Colonel RooacTell aaya, Ibey are nli piiossev

Perhapa one is as good ns anotber, and theyare all barmleaa, and Indoed may even b.> rv '..

garded as poaltlvely beneflclal. Whal tbcy bc- J1eompllah, beyond revealtng Ihe poraonal profer-pnce of the propbeta, is to sbow .lualTely ]

tbal Cotonel Rooaevolt has b. en perfeci maater '¦

of tbe Bltnatlon and Btlll remalns bo, ln aplteofIhe anxiety of this intorest or that Interaal toseeurv mofteaees on the ehlcf oficeg under blandmlnlstration. At various tlmea ln the last '

t«w wn-ks poiitliinns bare annooneed wnii ihe i

ntrooBt eonfldence Ibal it bad been all "fixed '

npaM and declared tbal the Bupcrlntendcnl of <

Public Worka waa na good as appoluted. Bul '

it ls g sipnitieant fn.-t thal tbry bare alwayab.eii under ihe neeessity of repentlng Ibe aaaur

ance tbe nexi day and other daya thcrcaftcrrjnlte as mncb aitb tbe appeantnce of convlnc bIng iiiein-elvis tbal they were rigbl as of glrlugibe public a plece "f Intcrestlng nea**. Thesum of all theae poaltlve annonncementa is thalColonel Hooaevell stlll otTera them b problem ntwhich they keep gneaaing according to th<-ir ii

j.r.ilileetions. whil<- be hlmself prepareB to do B

the appolntuif. I r'

That is Just what ihe people expected when a

th..y elected Colonel RooaereM Oorernor. They n

bellered thal ln maklng an appolntmeni ln- hwould asiv who tbe appllcanl was and how be pwas fltted for the work to bo done, nnd boI wIhj tiwaated blm to hnvo the place. Hla method ofdeallag with tbe hupertntendeiicy of PublicWorka has aol dlaappotnted tbem, for they se<>

him. In spite of ost"iitaiious recommendatlonannd BBanmptiona, still pnranlng lii- own way.refnglng t<> be hnrried by any predlctlona Intocommlttlng himaelf, opea t<« every Boggeatlonand wetghlng every BnggeatioB <>n ita merita,antagontBlng nobody, favoriag ii" faction, con-

anltlng party leadera of every abadc of i plnlon, "

nnd foiiowinc his own hooeal Judgmeni at tbe p

end wlthoul fcar or favor. it is of little uae to 'l

try to rnah such a man. Preeaure doea aolwork on blm. He doea not feel under obligaliims to save gnj'body'a repntatlon for propnecyor Influence, When all is ggJd nnd done, wheneveiy wiie lias been puiled nnd every nlllina-tnm dellvered, be is still tbe appolntlng powerfree nnd nnpledgedLWho his linal cboice for Supi rintendent of

Pnbllo Worka will be we <io not attempt topuess. Whoerer he is, there is reason to be-Uera that he wlll be cnoaen ratber than ao-

ceptedi and, so cboaen, he ran bardly fall totneasure up to Colonel RooseTelt'a own stand-ard of public duty and Introduoe into the canalBdmlnlgtratloa tha new sjiirit m> abaolutelyneeded there if the next two yeara of Bepubll-can rule nre not to rosult ln dbsBBter, a splrltWhlch Can never eouie froin the eondnet of the

Department wltb eren ona eye of the Bnperin- d

teadeat fbted oa polltlcal feacea. Polltlcalf.diees nre an exeellent thlng ln thelr way, butthe game man cannot bnlld them and carry ontha canal Impforementg wltb Joatlce to botbun-dertaklnga. Colonel Rooaerelt may tin.l tbe manto reform the ennal admlnlsiratlon in Ihe ranksof the "orpanization" or among peraong of other ''

afniiations. Tha Important thlng is tbat Colonel '

Uoosevelt llnds hlm nnd gnbjectfl hlm to tbotegl ¦

of fitness and becomeg aatlaned that ba is theiniiu for the place becauae of his own qoalltlea,and not becauae of his afflllatlona. ColonelIkooaeTetl is eTrdently applylngjnat thnt proceuto tha candidatea recommended to blm by various autborltlea, and tbat ls why there ls su mucha^teaalng tokeep conrage np.

THE OAB TAXK DI8A8TBR.I^lttle propress seems to have been made in

nseertalninp tbe eause of the pas lank dlsaster,but the neeessity for an explanatloii of thal r«'-

mnrknble oecurrenee l« not growlng less UTgentIt wlll be only falr to assume. until BOOM e\idtaaCa appears to the -onirary, thal tbe COm«

paay, tha nmtractora nnd tha maolcipal aothoii-l;e« ure etpially nnxious lo detennine in whalBuvaoer siieh fatal eiementa of weakneaa en-tertd into the work of COIaftructlon, The slzeof tha tank was extraonlinaiy, pml il ls aaldunexampled, but otln rwlse tlnre appeara t.i

lmve iH'i'ii nothlng novel iu theondertaklBg. 11did not lUTOlve ihe (.mployuieut of new prlnclples or methods, but exeept In respe.t to mapnltnde was entlrely fnmiliar nnd ram_oon_nace.There Is then-fore Beernlnply BO K8_BOn Wbyfvery enhuliitlon should not have been madewlth perfeet BSaBB and BCCBmcy, and why themen reaponsible for the Job BSaOtdd not have poo-Bessed from the ontset ahootato BiKrwIedge ofwhat tbe rvHiilt of their opajratloaa iroald be.

Cleaiiy they dld not know what they were do

Inp. They must have made gocae Bhocklog mbvlake at some jKilut, for which they will have to

pgy n heavy peunlty. The tank ls sald to have

cost .«.".i>(),mK), and the total loaa is certaia i«> bemneh lnrper Ihan that. How lt shall be dbrtrlbuti-d doea not partleulfirly coiieeni the ptjbllc,BBBt the publh' ls -BBSjpky loneern-d ln knowinu

who, If anybody, Is criinlually rgtyoa_8lhlg for a

lNnster whfch wreoght Biioh destrurtlon of hu-

nnii llfe. At the present monient everylnidylOBBOCted with the afTair seema to l»e too mueh

latonlahed evea to haaard n Ki.ess as to the


We have sai.l that the men who dld the work

.vidently did not know what tbey were dotBg.I'resumablv thev snpposed thnt every requltdtelf semrity had be.n snpplle.l. BBl the qnes-lOfl must* arlse. and musl iilllninti'l.v bo nn-

iwered, irbether tbey wer- tnkinK Bioreot b-ss

¦omole rhanees. It ls Indlsputiibl.- that .-hnn.-es

lot Infrequently an- tnk-t,. Soinotiines good.ortnne may j.reveiit discovery of the fBCtrftea lt is revealed in mlaor toBrmltlea a de-'ectlve dae, f«>r example. Oace ln a arhlle..ines a Btartltag revelatloa of .¦nreles-moss <>r

:r,.ss fraii.l. We an- nuiklng no aeetisntlons

Igalnet aajrbodj in cnrieetion wlth thla strnape

ind buneataMe oroiirrenee. Hut tlie fnet stnn.ls

,ut plainly that a atractata of familiar patteraiii.l. 1,-nly collapaed und.T a Bllghter strnin tbaot was expected to aitbatand in.ieiiniteiy. Thereihoald be bo oaaeceaaarj delajr, nnd no fallare>f resolutlon. in problag thla present mystery tn

be boltoin and ptJttlBg the blaine where it


XO PVBLIC EXPERIMRXTB.The Brooklyn Healtb Departaieol snys lt has

vorked up enses BgBlnat sev.-ral of the worst

ilM.'k-smoke offendera and arin aak for thelr ln-lictm.-nt, nnd will keep OB with tbe p»«l work

vlth nll posslble energy. That is a pratlfylnj;mnouncemeiit, *hkb lt ls pl.-nsnnt to hlaz.on

ibroad for tha eneoaragement «.f those clttaeaarbo have begna t<> thlnk tbey are to t»e abaa-

loned to tbe tender merclea of tbe amoke Senda.t is to be boped the Health Honniwin peree-¦ere rjnaparlBglf, and that all rltlzens who ean

i,, s. will gtve it nll poaalblfi aid m Bappreaalng,11,. ,.f the rooal abomlaable aad toexcuaablelUlaancea kn.-wn lo eivilized mnn.

We iniM confeaa, however. that one atnte-

nent made bv DT. Black strik.-s us wlth soin,-

hlng akla to dUmay. if it really expretaea the

.Ind «»f blmaelf and his aaaoclatea there is llttle

.,,.. forrellef arhlle they are in aothorlty. Hegya: "Wbal caa you do when large eonceroa

have beea ezpeadlag his.' Bama «( money in

pnttlng in Bmoke-conanmera wbleb bare pr..v.-draiinr.-sv Tbey bare doae everytblag t«» rom-

i,u wltb tb-- law, but bare beea naable t.. do

4.,,'- No; tbey bare not. 'ihe law doea not

rder them t.. experlmenl wlth Bmoke-coaaum-rs whi.h will not i-onsiin..-. lt doea ©rder them

.i,,,, tendlag oni black trnoke. Tbey bare,,t ",i,,no ererytblog to comply with tbe law."1,,-r,. |* o.ther tblng whleh they bare nol

one, wblcb tbey coald do to-day, and whi.h

roold Inatantly effeet fall rompllance with the:w Thal is. they eoold st,,|i bnrnlng s,.rt poal

bdeonld refrala from ualag it aatll Bomeabao-it,-lv i-i't.'ctiv" Bmoke-eonaamer Ib tavoated..,..,' |t what they -ouid do. Thal is wbat Ihe

i','.'.,!,!, it, anl eotild .-.nd ahould eorapel them.1,.Buppoae :i mnB siifT-viti-.' from Bmallpoi were

,, about th.- str.vis r.f l'.rooklyn nnd were to

,v he waa trylag nll poaalble thlaga to onre

im. and that tho rmbllc must s.ff,-r th.-dantrer

t contagloa until be was suc-.-ssful ln findlng a

..,1(.,iv. WouM It. Black pladdly aak "Wbat;m w- doT* If a "..-in were t<» pul up a bn of

,..!,.n b.oi^.-s w Ithla tb,. firo llmlta .'md aay he

.aa upcndlng blg sun.s of money in trylag to

iake the v..1 ftreproof, woaM he be nackmiedhave doae "everythlag t,» comply wlth the

,w"V lf a man were to tOTB mnd doga looae

tbe sti-.-ot- .-.nd aay be waa trylag his beal t«,

,:.!..¦ thelr Wte tonocaona, would i.i-* excaae be.¦.-..i.t.'.i as BBtlafacton '¦

We reckon aot An.l we reckoo thnt ln send-

li .mi bln.k Biaoke those eoneerns in BrooklynK viol itlnir. the blW, nnd It does not mntter n

,w of pins whetber ihey ara experlmeatiBgItb aaioke^oaatnaera or not. They are free io

take ..ll tbe eaperlmenta they pleaae, bal theyRre ii,. rlghl to make them ta poblle, nt ihe ex-

,nse <.f tbe pabll.mfori aad la rlolatloa of

i.- law._^^^¦BH..-BBB..BB^^a^^BBW^^^M

lf Llttle <\mcr|ran« ha.i not stoorl tn the way

f the acquUltlon of st. Thomaa. a Dalted Ptate*

hlp would aot now be taraed away from Ita


Th,. brewer In general cordlally recogalaeflhe prlnclple that now that the war is over the

,aI. ^ on beer ahould be aboltebed. Tbe jodg-..., 0f the communlty al lanro la that tha lm-

Bt ahould remaln, and that tho brewer ahouldbaorb blmaelf it. tha functlon of productngetterand parer beer. Al Itaheat It ta not unl-

eraally regarded us condudve to in.iividuni or

ocial wellbelag; al its woral It bt a aoatoaaDd Btupefylng potloa whereof in JuaUee its

roducer ahould i>- Ita Bole eoBaomer. The tax

i hard. no doubt but tbe beat thlnn be .-nn doi to Bcrew hla fortltude to the polnt of paylng it

nd taklng II out of his customera.?

llexleo nn.l Auatrla ara to have full-fledgedimbaaaadora at Waahlngtoa. Whlle their ptam-co wlll be brlghteBed, there ls no reaaon whyhe blrda ahoald not be tbe same, aheddlag a

iew luatre la the dlphnnatlc avlary of wblcb,,th ar.- already oraameota.


Beveral hundred AraerlcaB newspapera more

r leaa are engaged i" btylng down lines for theovernment of the Pbllipplnea and if arladomoaa n,,t appear in eucb a multltude of eoaa-

eilora th. oldeu deelaratlon arlll fnii of fui-

lment. As too many c,.-,ks Bometlmea apofl the

roth, >t maj be fortunate thal the Oovernmenl¦iii have the Bnal atlrrlng of tha kettle to wblcbUCh a generoiiB variety of edltorlal Ingredlentare contrlbuted. Th. re is nowbera a aerlooaoubl thnt tbe lalanda arlll be w.-n governed, aot

hat our efforta wlll tnk.- th..- dlrectloa of in-

iructlng the Inhabltanta there how th^-y mayeat rule themaelvea it is nol to be doae In b

.iv. Ifeanttma wa can, no doubt, keep peaeemong them, promote thelr Induatry and guldeb. rn toward elvlllaed wajra A bow blatory andarc^r open hefor. thf-m under our attsptceairlght ns thelr Orlenl dawna, an.l not t.> balouded by th<- mlaglvlnga of a haadfal of our

ompatrlota who don't tblnk so.,-e-

lt wlll be well tO WBlt Untll the full t, xt oftirr BebePa apeech oomea t<> band before di«-usf«lnK fhe proprlety f.f .nlilnK blm to order fort. On the faca of it. u aeema unci mmonlyhardt n. m.-ml'.-r <<t th>- Relcbatag ls n..t to be nl-

owed to erlUctee the Bmperot*a Bpeeehea Bothen it must be remembered thnt tt.is> pnrtlcularnemher ls n..t Ineapable ..f aaylng puriinmen-ary thltiRB In nn unparllamentary way.


Mr AgoncUlo aaya the portlon of lha Bpanlah..merlcan peace treaty wblcb cedea the PhlUp-ilnea to thla country is HlegaL WThy? Decaaaa.ia aaya, "tha Bpanlarda loat thelr bov. relgnty'over tha lalanda il"'i tha Amertcana cannot'dlspoae of the archtpelago wlthout consultlngthe PlUpiaoa" Tea; tha Bpanlarda .ili loaeb'-ir Boverelgnty. Bat to whom? Not t.. theFlllplnOB, eertalnly; for Wbea our fleet w-nt:hith«T inst May the Inaurrectlon was prac-ieally at an eml, and Ita leadeta were in exlle.m,i Bpaalsh Boverelgnty %sa» practlcally undls-puted, Pitv,- in ao.m law remota dtatrlcta ltft'as the .runs ,.f Den.y'a fleet that mieb- Spainoae her s.,\ ,-r.-iK.ity, anl It was to th.- Onvern-ment whteb Daway rapraaaatad that she hart it.


Tha turbuient and gggreaelve eb.m i- about tohunt the gaatla and r.-tlrinK oyster >,ut ,,f lhaaatera of laaaalca Bay. The thepherdt >.f theaelompatttory Mvalvaa nnd in the .um a graaterjiroflt and a more aecara annual erop, Ther^ wllltie teura f'.r th<- depaittag oyster. but eeonoml.-;u\ns enforce Ita extruslon. and lt wlll probably

flnd Bomewhere In nelsrhborlna; watera a refuge

whlch tho aKirresslve clam wlll not be pormlttedto Invade.


The thlrtleth blrthdny of "The LoulsvlllcCourlcr-JournaP wn.s relehrnted a few dayaago, and the event InvlteB sreneral c.ins;ratula-llen. That paper has battled cnntlmially nnd

vnllantly for Its Idoals, moat of them good ones,

durlng Its three dooades ln whlch so much hls-

tory mnmentous to our Natlon nnd tlme has

been wrougrht. and has well nssdst-d in Its fabrl-

cntlon. It has earned the acelamations whlch

greet Its annlversary, and a new feather Is set In

Mr. Henry Watlerson's rap. where there waa

no lnck of such before.


flnperlntendent K. R Andrews of tha ChlratroPhr.ol Board wrltea thua to a frlend apropo* of

the repod that he bad reslgned: "Ho not hnve a

funernl sermnn until there la a corpee. The news-

Baoera have aaaa t.>.. prevloaa i nm still at the

head ..f th- Chlcago poblle sehools, aad hopo to bas.. f..r :t long tlme to come. It's a gr.-at tmd

glorluus work:"

Cbarles Kdwnrd Uresler. of Detroft, who has

Ju«t dled. Waa for many yeara ;i Unlted Strife* oon-

buI in vaneaoela, nnd had lnrire baartaeaa in'er.sts

ln thnt conntrv. Throu«h hta son. A. I.. Bresler,who la a Beneral ln the army of Venetuela, newlelded for a time mu.-h Influeace in veneauelaaaffalrs.Tho laat numher of "The Harvard UraluiiLs'

M.iii.izin.-" snys. that l)r. W. I.. Ruoaell, of Barre,Maaa., who was frraduated from Harvard ln IMand la 1he ol.leat llvltiK Harvard gTBdUate, h:id histirothfr. Jamea Russell. ..f Lowelt, as a Riift 00his nlnety-nlnth Mrihdav, October B\ Jamea, irup. me Is nlnafjr-ette vmpi old. .-ind th^ two oldboye, it is atated, "played whlat and croqurt.cllmbed apple treea, Rlllng thelr pocketa wlth thefiuit, waal in swlmmlng, t>>ok a trnmp of aboulfour mllea nftrr the cows, pieklmr ten quarta ofhlackberrtes on the way, wenl t" a corn-roaat Intba evealng, followed hy an old-faahloned Bhake-down in ih.- kltcben, and BBOther round of whlatlater »n."

Oaorga K. BalIHa, of Kanaaa Clty, haa had a

rurious rareer. Me Is a natlve nf Spaln, a gTBduata..f the LTnlveretty of Heldelberg, and served thlsconntrv as a Boldler In the Mexlenn War. the ClvllWar, Hti.l ln Ihe campatun agalnal the Modocs In|gn He hati t.n a mechanlc, a phyatctan, a pianotuaer, a teaeher of modern lansriiasre-'. and a pr. >-

feeeor of Oerman and chemlatry In tha ITnlveraltyof Kanaaa itnt he is now ln Btraltened dreum-Btancea, and dependa wholly ><n M penalon of >S;' i

m..nth.i»r i> K Pearaona, of Chlcago, who hn« glven so

mneh money :o collegea, dlaclalms anycredll for dolng .<>. "I do nol p..--..-«* a benerolenlman." he aaya. "I have labored nearly elghtyyeara t'» m.-.k. money have made lt, and honestly,too, The itatement may aeem very strange to youwhen aay thal do not poae as n benevolenl man.l have no benevolence In me.nol a pnrtlele l amthi moal economlcal, eloae-flsted man you ever put...(.nr eyea on. v.u ran see lt ln my faee lt lsthere do nol think ever foollehly sp*?nt J:'u lnmy llfe,


\ medlcal frlend," aaya "London Truth,M "eallimy attentlon lo an artlcla thal appeared In TIhUrltl h Ifedscal Journal' on the defeottve medlcalarrangements durlng the Boudan campalgn. Manyi.f tba altegattonfl Ihere made iby an eye-wttneaa)are of ao Bertoua a eharacter thal they deraandfurther notIce, fer tha only coachiatoa from themls that the nsedlcal st.-irf and tba hoapltalarrangements were titterly Inadequata for the de-nuutda made upon them. Had the casualtlea atAtbara and Omdurman been mora Boraeroaa thaconaequences must have been ahocklng. Even aalt was, a, raat amouat of unneceaaary aafferlngaerma t.. have been rauaed o> tbe wounded and

dylag nfter thoaa battlea." Fet tha Americancrltlca of tha eoadoet of tho spanish war havebeen ralllng attentlon to tha Bngllsh syatem as

taultleaa.A Hopeleea Caae Pond Mother Three years nc.>

I gave blm 8 chaln, and he's worn II out; twoyears ago I gave hlm a dlamond stn.l. nnd he lostlt, and laal year l aot hlm a watch, nnd h.- brokelt. Now, what can I glve tbat i.oy that wlll last?Jeweller why not try dlamond earrtnga?Pond M.-.thcr-He couldn'l keep them. Repawned

mine four years ago! (JeweHera' Vreekly,A retnrne.l mlner from ttie Klondlke says that ln

the attter pnrt of October flour was Belllng al IMper hundredwelght: cornmeal, 2."> cents per pound;bacon, from V to SO c-nta p> r pound; beana, IScents per pound; re. X cen a ['¦ r pound; baklngpoarder, fi p»r pound; eaaned butter, 14M perpound. miik. ll per ptnt can; U ifateak, 71 cents to

}1 per pound; B80CNBB m<a'. t'.t r.-nrs p> r pound;supar. ^.i rents p. r pound; potatoee, 10 cents perpound; graea applea H ccnta each; watermelona,ts> each; eranberry nnd custard ides, n each.There are only two mllrh r.,ws ln Dawson. and nl-though feed la hlgh, hay neinp. 8800 per ten, theowner is .-. Inlng rnon> y.

Mlaa Brown Whul foah'a i.i^" Jackaon puttln'onBlrh olra?Mlss JohaalBg Haln'l yo' done heerd dal her

'laahuna waa .1. .¦. u.l..l frum dem Plllypeens whulM,ir« Dewey done captured?.(Phlladelphla NorthAm.ri tn

At the Parla Rzpoaltlon in lfco n novel exhlbllartll be made of falconry, Inatalled in ih< hlatortcaldepnrtm.ru of tba aectlon devoted to huntlng.There wlll be Bhown all tha Implementa us...i lnthe ancleat aport, auch aa glovea, h.la, i.aits.unlforms, etc. There aill alao ba noted plctureaof huntlng wlth falcona, auch ns Darnet's, ln theOrlfoaa Ifuaeum, repreaenttng Anna of Auatrla,Burrounded by h.r Court aronsen, all wlth falconann thelr arrtate. Tbera artll ba portraltg of notedfakoners, preaervsd Ib tha collectlona of prom¬lnent famlllea and tapeetrlee on huntlng BubjectaMarlon, f.mr yeara old, la a cunnlng little kfount

Vernon kiri wbi attenda the kfetbodlal Sunday-^ :;,.. Nol long aliice the golden teal of tnawrek rhanced to i»' the verse rr..:n Matthew eom-menclng, "l..t your 11>-:!11 s.. ablne." B/hen Bundayrame tne little mald trotted off to Bunday-achoolwith her older brothers and Mr-r.-rs. and wh.-n th.-teaeher aaked ber for tha "golden teat" shepromptly alld from her aeat and ronvulsed the claaahv repeatlng, gravcly, "Keep your gaa burnla'.".ttruth.A yarn eoai.s frum rhe Fir Weat BbOUl 8 slut

mschlna beartag the aaaouacement. "Put a oaar<ter ln tbe siot and get " surprise " Bometbnea atenderfaol who tbiaka h^ aranta a. surprtae dropala a guarter. Ha i;.'ts tha aurprlaa all right, fortbe mechanlam polnta b loaded revolver al hlm anddlsplaya thla notIce: "Drop In all your money andyour aratch, or PII nplode ln thlrty aeconds."

llarry Hay. .d.l rnan, Im in a horrlhle flx.Pred- iVhat'a up?Harrr.I've gone and ^or engaged to two Kirls.

How tbe dlckena am 1 K<>in^ to set oul of tt?I'r.d Oh that'a eaaj enough. .Tust contrlve to

r. r Me in together, so tbal thej can i oriifeir.> notesPlttaburg ihronlele.a i'.iri-' itk lournallat, Alexander Hepp, havtng

Botlced thal Ihe pera ma who auffer fr..m «nur an.!rheumatlsm dellghl In dlaeuaalng th< ir maladlea,has oome to lha eonclualon Ihal ihis Idloayncraaymiarbt aupply ibe Idea for a maaaslne. He ha^ now

glven praetleal effeel to his notton, aad the Brainumber of tha "Ravue dea Rheumatlaanta" hasaiipi-.ir.il. The objecl of thla ortglnal publlcatlon,ns s.-l forth ln its m..:t.>. Is "to nmtis.., nnd, Ifneed h.'. eure," thoae to wh..m it la addreaaad.Belabaaaar tbe Becond "Bul tldnk of your

health!" urced the pbyaldan. "Read tha hand-wrltltiK >.ii th.- wall!"The merchant prtace burted his face aad wept..|...nK aao," h* exclalmed, bltterly, "I made lt

nn InvTolaole rule ..f bualneaa nol t.. read nny-tliinK uniess it wns trpewrltten or prtnted!"And husin.ns la buatneaa- (Detrott Journal.wh< ii i dramatlc company played "The Uttla

Mh.lsi.r" the other daj al Klrrlemutr (Tbruma),Bcotland, where Barrta Uved, and where ihe acena..f the pUy ls lald. many of rhe old llilmhltantsatayed away, regardlng tba playhouae as ati in-rentlon >.( the devU, partlcularly tbe Aui<l UrbtaOnly*three >.f them, ao far a. couM be gathered,arere preaenl An Ani.i Ltchl > Ider wte. aru there,Int.-r. l.-w. (1 aft»-r Ibe BbOW, eaprfBBtd (MsRust Wlthwhat he called tbe "rwleegloaa aspeeta" «,r tbe play,"A carteature, -ir." aald be; "a krr..ss earteature."And he wu* parth ular'v -iroriK ln his denUttClal loiiaof the "in'.ns" ..f tbe Aulil Uchl eldefa Aa rortba ieoti k of t'u- p. rtOf-aera, tba people ..f Thmaaacnjovid it laaaaeaaety, aad arhen Baeeky Hobartr.-n.ark-d "Sal. lai," there w.re rOBTa of lauirriter.thoogb th*- CTpeeaeloB is uakaown la EfirrtemuliThe recetpts were tbe larajeat ater taken at a j. i

fbraaaaea kn tne kawa, ami tha farmern from thegiana dreve ten. twelve and gfteea BBllea ln theraln t» Httenrt.

Why She Bocrowed.- They h id bBBB WBtChblg thepr.tty Kiri "Bhe BeeaM to ba n-ry dlaconaoiate,"BUggeated '.n<-."Bbe Is." r. plled the other.'W hy-*""i >h, Jiirk offerad to i,t n hox of randy analnst

a ktas wlth her dl aOSBMthlag or ..il,n and ahelook hlm un.""Ana !oat7""No; aha wc#-s"-iC__ceg_ I'ost


_¦ i i

MR. BISI'HAM'S BBCITAL.At ih" nrst of Havl.l WsphanVa aona. recltalB,ffered to the local gabllo yeaterday afternoon In

tendelaaohn Hall, that admtrad sinn-'-r Bueeeasfniiydvontured an Interestln*; experlment. With the

felp of Arthnr Whttlng at the platioforto he de-

Oted th" maj-.r part of 1.1s rer-ltnl to a p.-rforrnan -

n lUQLiBBliig <>f all the BO-calM "MtUlerUeder"ompoaad by Behubart Th- titie may t-- aald to

,. oaa with » douMe Btamlflcanea Tha som<s are

..t only "Maileiileder" beeaoae they t.-n the story

f "l>ie achohe UOIIerln" ("Th. Pretty Mald of the

4111".i enmhersome titie In BBgltBh), hut also be-

aaae the poeine wera written by wiiheim Miiiier.he 'lerman poal who flrst wreathed the lair.lf.r..imi a nama that haa heen kept graaa eaatInea t.y the aecempllehaaeBta af his aoa, Profaaaor,lnx Milll.r. of OxfonL Half a doscn of theae

onars In Bchubert'a settln* are well known to the

on.-ert-n. mis of N'.w-Vork aad all the other een-

rex of mnslenl cnlture. The resf of the cycle are

amlllar to the lovera of the OeTBMB Ued the

rorM over, thaagh, Uke n hnndr.d other sonjcs hyhe Hame composer, they are umially kept for thedlfleatkMI an.l flelaetatlCn of tha slnsrer ln his own

partmeat Perbapa they are most aajoyahla when

;,|.i wlthln this intlmate relatlonahlp, for thera i*l.ll.-.-ite h.-auty ln the muslc whirh. llke (he alm-

¦ie loveBaaaa of the poetry. la ai.t le ranlab when

eoughl into th.- eoavantloaal auaoaphare af Iheonerrt-nx.m. Bal they yl'-M up thaflr charm t«> al!

rhO sinir an-I llsf.-n Bflght, and Mr. Hlsphnm'aivitiK treatmenl of them creatad an affectloaatettttude on the part of his audleace whirh won

.. rfect appredatlon f«.r th- eampoattloaa anri

lelghtened the admiratlon In whlch th" FlnByr i«

lekL It was a beart-wannlBg aiuht f«.r Bchubertevotaea to behoM Bcorea of people folloarlng a sonpr.

aeltal wlth tha musla la thelr handa, and Mr. Blap-intn may add r,> th. nat.rlal gataa whlch the af-alr brought h.m th" coaaclouaneBa thnt be haa cx-

ended the underatandlng and lov f'.r blm who

raa at once the father and tha perfeetor of tha

rt-Bong ln Qerman. Thera was one drawback tn

he complete aueceaa of the Intereatlng experlment.,.' neceaalty Mr. Blapham aang the soriKs In theeralon for low volce, an.l aeveral of the aongai.rr.-r graatly by tha tranapoattlon rflpedally thaarly onea in th'- cycle, whlch have the deecrlptlvegure in tha Bccompanunent wlth arhich Bchuberteelgned to aaggeal the purlina of the brook wlu.-r.

laya so tlgnlficanl a part tn the tender imie trag-,iy. Mr Whltlng Btrove to obvlate the defecl hyranapoalng s,,iu.> paaaagea an octare hlgber, buthla araa nol alwaya feaslble, u I aoraa charmlBgffecta arere loat; t.ut there remalned enough tontbrall tde fancy and deUgbl tha ear of the iisten-r. and M.-. Blapham waa ma le to feel thal hisignifled and lovely undertaklng had be. ti com-

letely au. ceaafulMi Blapham araa fortunate In the co-operatlon

f Mr. IrVhitlng, who nol obIj provMed hla sonas

Ith a Bympathetlc accompantment, but alao varted:i>- afternoon'a pleaaurea by playlng four dalntylanoforte pteeea of his own eompoaltlon, Beforeh.m came tb. four Berloua aonga by Brahma artth.hieh that maater ended ln-; en itlve career an lfi .i spirit of prophecy an In contemplatlon of his

roachlng phyalcal dtaaolutlon Mr. Blapham -a.is

he iirst to i.rin« theae noble cantlclea (.. the a-

¦ntion of the New-York puhlle, an.l his eaaltediterpretatlon of them h.is noi yet been eejaalled.

?THK BOSTON BYMPHONf ORCHB8TRA.The evenlng concert of the Boaton Bymphonyirchestra, glven laat nlght In Carnegle Hall, agalnnder the dlrectlon of Mr Knelael, brought for-rard Tachalkowaky'a Plfth Symphonj In B mlnornd Beethoven'a Ylolin Concerto, played by Mr.Viiiy Burmester, as its moal Impartant Itama.'here were alao two aymphontc poama of Blendermi ln ansequentlal aubatance, Batnt-BaKna'a rep-aaentatlon <,f Omphale'a Bplnnlng Wheel and thetrugglea of Hereulea ln the bonda of femlnlneeductlveneBa aad Ltaat'a rambllng llluatratkma> Lamartlne'a poetle medltatlon on the riclaaitude*f llfe, --las Preludea." Tha aympbony gave by farhe greateat pleaaure to the admlrera of tha or-heatra, aad of tbe talented eoaductor pro tem-ore, f..r lt waa altogether a aplendldly brllllanterformance. 1' haa had here Interpretatlona of

|< -. nore bafbarlc power, bul ll haa acarcely badmor;> baautlful one ,>r one in whlch the larsrcr

utllnea of tha eompoeer'a InaplratloB have beeniore eomprehenslvety aad eloqueatly latd out. anl-» flner nn.l stibtl.-r elements more eoncluslvely,| f,.rtli. Mr. Knelsel cOnducted It wlth an ubso-ite knowledge of ov<ry .letail of the tcore, arhich.as mlnutely mlrrored in the ptaytng of the or-

heatra. Every theme, every atraln of the com*lex polyphooy, waa preaented ln eaactly the riehi

ghl nn.l rtirhr proportlOB, and the in, esaant mo.lifl-Btlon of tempo th.it broughl tbeae thlnga out lau. relatlon t tha whola waa managed with tn-

Mnparable skili. Not only ln aheer Bensuouamai beauty, but la all the manifol.l effecta ofhraalng, eontraat nn.l aplendld dramatle cllmax.was a performaaee to be charlahed nr-.i fre-

uently r.-currerl to In the m.-mory. I! was nobl"nii its aapectfl aad ohrloualy the outcome of <

rofound and noble mualeal Impulae.Mr wiiiv Burmeater araa agaln th.. boIo aerform-r. and waa agaln a aora dlaappotntment ta thoae¦ho ha.i espected dlacloaurea of hla power com-leaaurate wlth the reputatlon that had preeededim to this country. He attempted the blgheatisk that can be ael before a vloHnlal when bendertook to play Beethoven'a concerto. bat htslulpmenl In tona and tha hlgher mualeal qualttleaf ,i great arttat are not auch as t.< put lilrn on

rms of intlmacy wlth thla work. He played aa heM on Wedneeday, wlth b clear, aweet, but rerymall, tone, and a neat Btyle, and, Indeed, wlth a.rtaln amount of eleganee; but to the raualcal im-,rr of the work. partlcularly of the bIow raove-

wntB, he ehowed blmaelf n atranger, it wlll not >1o

play Beethoven'a eoneefto thua Mr Burmeatertally perauaded to com.. agaln to the front

t tha platform, aad thla tlme he had I.nedladoen, or had had It taught him, f,>i- he played ©nIb recall a plece worthy t<> b. eonaorted wiih tha

to, movement from one of Bach'a soio

mataa; bul tius. too, he dld In the mlnlature styl"nd wlth th.- mlBlature ttme thal he had prevloualylaplayed, and not alwaya In pur,- intonatlon




Berne, Bwltaerland. Dec. 15. The Federal Aa-embly has elected M MOUer, who «as Vlce-

|i nt for 1v'.'^. to be Prealdent of th" Swiss

onfederatlon. M. Hauaer, of Zurli h, wu elect-l vice Prealdent. They ar- both Badleala. ILItlller is n resldent of Berne,

A'-c.r.iinir to the preaenl conatltutlon of Bwltaer-ind adoptea May 9, UM, Ihe auareme leglalaturend aecuttve authorlty of thal confederatlon are

ited In a Parllament of two chambera. a Btataouiiell nnd a Natlonal Councll Theae two repr.-ntatlve bodlea when ln lolnl aeaalnn form ..

.deral laaembl) By ll the chlef executlve au-

mrlty la .leputed to .. Federal Councll, conalat-ipj of Beven membera, who are elected for three

The Prealdanl of the Confederatlon and :h-'I,." Prealdenl .f the Fedeial Councll are the flratlagtatratea of thi Confederatlon. The] are llke-lad ,.],., ted h\ the Natlonal and Bt. te counclla,ttlng joli.Tiv aa the Pederal ABaerably. Thrtrnn of offlee la one ralendar year, and they are nota.elisrtble for the aame offlee nntii after the >-x-

Iratlon of another year The Vlce-Preald.nt.owever ni iy be and uaually la elected to *uc<-.|ie nutgolng Preald. nl Bugwie Buffy i" now

realdenl .f the Confederatlon, whll. Dr MUll.r,.,,, haa juai been elected Prealdent for irt.9. isHa year \ Ice-PrealdenlThe PreBldenl recelvea a aalary of $8,708 a >>ar.he Vlce-Prealdenl nn.l the oth-r membera of theederal Councll recelve I..400 each Non. of them,.- permltted .¦. hold an) other offl.r engag.any bualneaa or profeaalon durlna thelr terma

r offlee. The memberfl of the Councll acl alao aallnlatera or chlefa of the Beven admlnlatratlvapbi imentfl of th« Oovernment,


,t BYMPBOXT BT MR. BBELLRT.Bl Laaula, i>.-.- IB Harry Roara Bbelley'a Byaa-nonj No t, Ib ¦ BBlaor, waa played for Ihe tirstraa to-alght by tha Bt i^nns Cboral s>mphonyreheatra, m .ler th. dlrectlon »f Alfred Krnat, alroncerl ..f the Phllharmonlc Boclety,


COXQBB88MA7i WALKER IX TOWX.CoBgraaaaaaB J. H. w.iiker. ,,f Ifaaaaehaaatra,i.ilrman of tbe Houae 'ommttt.-e oa HanklnK aadi.i-i.-i.. \. was in thls Hy lasi .vnln.; ui .1 slaylngtba Klfth Avenue Hotel Ita BBld he was wtllliiafri-k his reputatlon on the prattlctlon that no

ii.-r il banklng law or draatle Bnanelal meaaure.iiil.I I..- p..sie,l b) .'oriKr.sa wlihln .iKht y.'.iis

8EXATOR PLATT AND MR. BLIBB.Congreeeman 'jm'kk. who came t«> this ity fromraablBgton last avaalng, bbM thal the laforauUteant ComeUaa N mis-.. gaeratary ef tha lataftor,as t.,miii to r,!lre fr.>in the .'atilnet had hieli Aimpl. :.. aurprtae to Banator Platt lt waa aot to

. x,... t< .1. Mr ivoi'-rn aald, lhal nn BaatMH aaaa.¦ui., i..< Miected f.r M. Bllaa'a place. aa It waaitural tu Uave a \\ it -rn man aa Beeretary of tba


COLLBOIATI CHURC-tNothtne: now rrmaln* but Ihe formal lndoraem»nt

i,y the Claaala of New-Vork kstfara the it«v r>r.Donald gag* Maekay. af tba BTOTth RetorBMS].liurrh of Newark. beeomes one of the aejajatafa>f the coiieginte Reforaaed Cbareh of thla ity andtaJcaa B_b8_ataf_al eaaraja of the aaagrregatloa wor-

.hlpplng .a the coakagtate Cbswob, P_fth>ave andKorty-slxth-St. As was exehislvely BSMOBacal l.irhe Trlhune of DaOBBBbaff 9. B unanlmous rajiahlch waa ratttad hy the . onsistory of the rhureh.aaa aataajiaal to i>r Ma. k*y. askina- him to tak*.he Uev. I>r Kdwarl H 000*8 asslBnment at the'olleifiate ChOTCb. The M88ga8tt08l hy Dr » oe oftbe paatorata af the eharch v. m the reault of a

;>urely amleal.le arranarem-nt betareea hlmself andihe i.'onslstorv. Aa aenlor mlnlst< r of the i'ol>rtata Reformed Partak he is sttber a traataa or

llrector <<f h «r.at many salSMathmal and pniian-tbrople Inatltuttona, and haa alao to coneern h,m-lalf wltb the adminlFtr.ition ot four ehurohea andiBB ehapela ln the parlsh. He found that tr.. _aja>len of thls work, w;th t!,e addlttOBBl cnre of theas-atorate of th<- Ooltegtata Churca, was beyaai his...wers, nnd he was thertfore r*ll«vfd hy tba ''.._.datory of the latter.a m«"-tin>,' of th- Ae'ins; Conatatory of the ro;:e_i-

ite Caareh was held laal evenln* ln the ronsiatory-room of Ihe ehur-h, In iVeal POCty StgrktB-Bt Theommlttee, conalattng of Etdera Cbartaa H v.

-urr, Laclus ii. Beera, J"v.n I RaaahiB aad wili-im U Hmwer, whl-h. as sutted ln The Trlhur.a,aaa appointed to inform Dr. Mackaf Ibat tba Cot*agiata I'hurer. was atwp ITS to tender to bUB a ea||ro Ixvumn one of the mlnlsters of the chur.-h, pre-«ented Ita report. Th.- report BtBdad thst the mm.

nlttee ha 1 vlsited I >r. Mackay st hla home ln New-irk. nnd hud aeaaalatad him att* the dscssloa r,theC.nslstory. T>r M U kay, nfter deilberatlor.. had

ilgnlfled his Brtlllagagaa to aecept the aalLAfter the meet:n_ ot thls. the Hullne or A<-tlng..- itOtT, a BBMKlag of 'he Dreat Oonslsr-ry was

ivened. This body eoaatata of all taaaa aboaamormerly been membera of the Raltng C« kttory,ind la appealed to only in an advkBory eapa ity.t unantmouaty approved the eaii h. |uentlyhe KnllnK Conatatory tOOk the fermal aetlOB nernf

ary to arrange f.-r a meetlng of th- Claaala ofv. v.-Vork A commlttee, conalattng of tba sami

'our elders who formed the commlttee *! ... '.

»n Dr. Mackay, was appointed to preaent 1 e_uo the Claaalaand aft< r the ratifli atton by thal tody,, place ti.. form * Dr Mae-

c.iy. a speclaJ meetlng of ibe Claa h ls

ilmllar ln its powera t.» the Preabytery of therian Cburcb, wlll ba sd for Dceem*

r _>:.l>r. Mackay has made a wida reputatlon as a

ireacber Blnoa i..- baa occupaed tha pulpll «>f ihe

S'orth Reformed Church, .n Newark, and no kaaban ah iren ealla have been axtaaded to blm wlthtahe last few montha. Among them were .-rr-rarom Important churchea In Boaton Phl'hlcago and Brooklyn, of whlch be aaa de-.Hned. He la thlrty-ala yeara old, and wa- edu-,,t.d for th- mlnlatry In Kdlnburgh. Bcotland Ha

...ame the paator of a L'oagjregatlooal chun h in

hat clty, and came :.' ti.is eountry on a ..¦-.; m

.:k...l ¦,. ,,, ago Whlle rtalting frlenda .a

;t Ubana VI iie pn aehed f-r a :. iw 8rongregatlonal church there He made bu

trona Impreaalon that II waa dedded to call himo ti,.. paatorate ot the rhurch, whu h happened toall V.....I1I ..t ih.- tlme. H- remained thenhree years. Durlna that tlme he l. am< Rreatly.,,..,.;,.,( t«. the teneta ol the American Reformed.huich. and llve yeara ago he sccepted a call toi... pHBtorate of ihe Ni rth Reformed h m h lnfpwark whi. h poeltlon he haa retalned until theireaent tlme ln aplte of the numeroua off. r- madeo hlm to take charge of more Impor.i.;.,,«t apring the late Dr. John Hall who waa arreat admlrer of I>r. Maekav, off-red him Ihepo-Itlon of aaalatani raator of the Flfth Avenue Prea..ytertan Church. offerlng to dlylde ti,- pl- ral

alary wlth him. Si. the nulptt Of ih- I- Ifthivenue Preabyterian I'huren has been racani a

Srae number -f tba meraberia of the church have

,rged tbat a call be . xt.;l..|.-l t.. Ur Ma. k..yDr Mekiv ls a member "f the It...rd or ror-

Ign MUalona of the Reformed Church ln Amerl ^

i, is marr.-d Charlea Btewart Phllllpa. "»te«l'.,-; of tS conalstory of the Lotlegtate Church.¦'.ll ln Bpeaklng nf Dr Mackay to b Trlbune re-orter laal evenlng: "He la a moat powfrfol

i;,,.. man of blgh Bodal qualltlea.omblned wirji spirimai Kift« and Kr.at peraonajnlgnetlam. u> wlll begln his dutlea ln tbe pae-irate of the Colleglate Church early neat year.nr Mackay waaaeeB at his hoane m Newarki»t niKht by a Trlhune reporter. and aald: Not

avlng recelved the formal call yet, i »m not pre-arrd to announee my de.islm. 'ihe matt-r has,v earnest conaWerntlon, and lt ls probable. Inihw of the urgent reaaona which haysj.been glven.Hat I Bhall dedde to a.m the call when it haa..., formally preeented In that event I shsll

... my work In Newark arlth :he preaent year.fh the moBi profound boitow al nreBkina nia-lons wlth a cnureh and people when- klndncaan« been without srint No mlnlater has had aiore Ideally happy paatorate ihan t m tha r>ortn.hureh Only the greal poaalbilUlea ln tha Near-'ork fl-ld anl tn a htStOTle church COUl.l JUStlfyiy leavtng Newark."

Tr.i.vr int. ABBOTT to ftay.


pi VM' iT.t CHUBtCH

A meeIln^. of the young m-ii of Plymouth rhurch,irooklyn >.. - held laat nlghl for the purpoaa of

howlng the Intenee loyalty of the youag mm to

»r. Abbott an-l thelr wuh to do everythtag poaalbleb Induce him t remaln paator of the church.¦heaa reaolutlona were adopted:K.soiv-d That the youna men of Plymouthhurch have learned wlth ihe deepest regrel of 8»*lgnatlon of Dr Abbott and of the Impendlng

tl. n of his mlnlatry.Renolved That, In common wph the membera er

>,.. church and we ahow our ap-thi -!..!.. s of nr Abbott to Plym^

nth «'hurch. allke as teacber and as paator, whichr- -> greal thal v- can onlj eontemnlate th.elrsssatlon with the deepeat Borrow and tba keeaeatense of ui raonal loaaResolveo That, whlle we feel aaaured that theiator's di lalon haa I.n reached only after tbe

mature dellberatlon, with full kv.v.' Igi ofs BlgnlUcance, and \wrh unaelftah and consclen.ous purpose to do that whlch is wta and right,,. v. . hope ttiat a way may be found by whlchie termlnat'.on <>f !ns mlnlatry may be avettad arrde may stlll remaln In Plymouth bulpttResolved That commlttee of flve be appointed

ommunlcate to l'r Abbott the aapreaalon ofur affeetlon and regard and of our earneal hope,nd f> toki auch ai tlon ln conference wlth thi Ad-isory Commlttee of the cbareh bb aaatl aeeaiecesaary t<> carry theae reaolutlona Into eflResolved, That ln cam II be flnally determlnedh it Dr Abbott'a realgnatlon he aeeepted, rhe..upk m-n of the church. as thelr Irlhute to hlm.ledare themselves to do thelr part ln the .-arrylnarn of the work ot thla churrcn whlch he has ln-plrodLThe ehatrman of the meetlng, Henry awnajeffnow, appointed the foltowlng commlttei Roberl'an Ideratlne, Darwtn J Ifeaerole H W B H a*-r.i. Dr. E. !¦: C tdj ind T. R Ti mph Dr Cadyaemad t.> thlnk that s..methina practlcal Bkonlde done ln attemptlng to persuade Dr. Abbott ro

econslder bls declalon He thought that anotherkstetant paator ahould be Becured, and belleved:i:,f 14.000 eneid t» rataed for thal ; irpoae befora

M was the oplnlon of most <>f the youngeople thal ll would be uaeleea to Ihlnk of

i-., in hnvlng Dr, Abbott conaonl t<> remaln.rn- proteata thal the rcsolutlona atiggested n fhl

- conetrued aa «o1iik ov-r rhe heada .<f the .\d-laory L'oenmttte* arere ehown t<> be groundleaa[anj trtbutea were pald to Dr. Abbott'a peraonaUy and aMIIty to pr. s. nt tha Ooepel Ib b iivir.g.ay ta juiir.K m-n.

- e-\oll 8 of IHE 8TAQE.

.Tewa eaaaea fr aa Phlladelpbia .>f tbe di ith ot"r.'nk Uoran, aald to h.i\.- been tba atdaal nc»no

klnatreL Ho waa born In Ireland In IStt. ttebagaai Btaae career In Phlladelpbia, and he bad htaOKue ln CallfornU, as nearly all negro mlnatrelaofote bad He waa one .f ih- foundera of th- He-evoleni and Protectlve Order of K'.ks. He i. nea

wlfe, who was marrled to hlm leaa than a var

Loula <i Wemyaa, who id been known t.> Ncw-\.rk theataa-goera fer many yeara ta i d.s.rkoep-r ited "ti Tueaday He a ia doorkeeper al dif-renl tlmea at the Id Boweo Theatre, tha oldtroadwa) the New Park. new the Herald Bquara;:.. liadlaon Bquara Thi itra aad tVallaalra

Mi-s KatS I'liM.m has kSBBed the l'.irk Theatia,

Rl .k!yn. fr.an Hyde 1 H. hman. and on DB08BB--r ¦.'.'. wlll take puaaeaatoa Bhe wlll revlei "Tha

wo Orphana." and thla ptay wlll be auceeeded bjrii-s Clara atorrla, i" h revtval of "Mlaa MuUea.IIbs Daxton wlll conduct Ibe theatre t* « impu:mrleed houae, wlth weekly obangee of bilt.

loEE BPACE loR IHE IXITED iTATEE,Parla, Dee tk rtufaaanr Banjaaaln Tt w.H-stwirl.nlted Htatei B_aatalant I'ommtasUMier-l'.eneral to... Parla B_apea4tsoa .»f ttaa, win atart ta-aaatiasjir the tialted stat.s by *..*<. of BJeuthamptaa. inie eourw of an interview to iag he aald he hadoen offlelaliy Informcd that 4>W s.juare feet oftdlttoaal graaad BBMbBB had been arantct to tha

nlted Btatea aa an annex for foreetrlea. Thls.. r-ased Hpproprlatlon, ln hta oplnlon. wlll enable... init.ii states Cuaamaaatnaara h» t.> «rr_>nf*ielr l.ull IIiiks BB t«> commind .4 total Of .>)«"".¦uare feel th<.n<rh even thls artll Bot nearly rneeiit demanda whleh already amount to rWfmluare feel Pro'eaaor Woodward wlll take to thenlted States coinnlete piana of slxteon out of tb*i-wi__n di-aiiaaBBBa

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