aarushi - hospital management system

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Hospital Management System (HMS)

1. Overview

Hospital Management System (HMS)

The application is meant for reducing the Paper work and save lot of time to the hospitals in maintaining and track complete information of their patients records like registrations, emergency contact details, medical reports, doctor appointments, test reports, visits, follow up patients, bed allocations, medical history, treatments, bed and ward allotments, admission and discharge of in-patients and medical purchases in hospital.

This application also maintains information of employees like nurses, doctors, management and house-keeping staff. It contains Professional, Contact, Educational, Experience, Bank, Leaves, CTC, and Family, personal, certifications, specializations, achievements and availability information of every individual employee very easily and accurately.

To maintain stock, purchases, orders, sales-return, purchase-return, medical test reports and also facilitate medical billing for a medical general stores and billing for laboratories. Using this application you can generate Monthly and Yearly based reports of Individual employee, doctor appointments, patient visits, stock and transactions of medical general stores and laboratories.

Improves the interaction between the patients and doctors. Because it can track the complete patient medical history and it will help in maintaining and scheduling of doctor’s appointments and availabilities which will help to the patients to book an appointment to the doctor and to know the availability of doctor in specific days.

The application is also responsible for providing the security measures depending on the employee role. That means the ‘Admin’ can only modify the sensitive data which is present in the database, the other user have the permission to see the data and to apply for the modification of the data.

The other advantage of this application is, the in time and out time of every employee of hospital is maintaining through biometric system. So that the system will automatically note the in time and out time of every employee without using any special drivers, which will help the system to maintain the attendance of employee in hourly basis and it is easy to provide accurate information of every employee.

1.1 Different modules in the application are:

o Hospital managemento Pharmacyo Diagnosiso My Serviceso Human Resource Management(HRM)o Attendance and Leave Management(ALM)o Reports

Hospital Management System (HMS)

Workflow in Admin Role

Login Screen:

Enter valid User name and Password which is provided to you by the ‘Admin’. Then click Login Button. If you forgot your password, you can recollect your password by clicking ‘Forgot Password’ link

below the Login button. Then you will get a mail with your password, If you don’t have a mail the you can recollect password from your ‘Admin’.

Fig (1) Login Page

Home Page:

After success full Login, Home page will displayed. In the Home page you can see a Menu on the Left side where you can navigate through

Dashboard, Administration,Manage Users,Patient, Central Store, Pathology, Radiology, Services, Payroll, Account and Reports and Pharmacy tabs in the application.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

Fig (2) Dashboard

The Dashboard page has some Widgets which will show top 5 transaction on corresponding activities.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1. Administration Tab: Using administration tab we can edit, add and view details of Ambulance, Ward, Room, Bed,

Department, Doctor, Doctor Slots, Nurse Details, Nurse Notes and Departments related information.

Fig (3) Administration Menu

Hospital Management System (HMS)

List of Menu Items in Administration Tab:

1.1.Ambulance: To add new Ambulance details click on Add New Button in the Ambulance tab.

Fig (4) Ambulance Details

Fig (5) Add new Ambulance

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To view existing Ambulance details click on Ambulance in the Administration tab.

Fig (6) View existing Ambulance Details

To Edit the Ambulance details click on Edit in the Ambulance Details Page. To Delete the Ambulance details click on Delete.

Fig (7) Delete Existing Ambulance

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1.1.Ward: To view existing Ward details click on Ward in the Administration tab.

Fig (8) View existing Ward Details (Ward Details Page)

To add new Ward details click on Add New in the Ward Details Page.

Fig (9) Add New Ward Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To Edit the Ward details click on Edit in the Ward Details Page. To Delete the Ward details click on Delete.

Fig (10) Delete Existing Ward Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1.2.Room: To view existing Room details click on Room in the Administration tab.

Fig (11) View existing Room Details (Room Details Page)

Here you can search Room by ‘Room Name’ or ‘Ward Name’. To search room by ‘Room Name’ Select ‘Room Name’ in the dropdown and enter the room

name in textbox then Rooms with that name in all wards will appear. To search room by ‘Ward Name’ Select ‘Ward Name’ in the dropdown and enter the ward

name in textbox then the rooms in that ward will appear.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To add new Room details click on Add New button in the Room Details Page.

Fig (12) Add New Room Details

First you have to select the Ward Name in which the New Room is exists and then enter Room Name, Room Type and room code.

If you want, you can also enter any comments about the new room, after that click save button. Then the room details will saved to ward.

To Edit the Room details click on Edit in the Room Details Page. To Delete the Room details click on Delete.

Fig (13) Delete Existing Room Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1.3.Bed: To view existing Bed details click on Bed in the Administration page.

Fig (14) View existing Bed Details (Bed Details Page)

Here you can search Bed by ‘Bed Name’ or ‘Room Name’ or ‘Ward Name’. To search Bed by ‘Bed Name’ Select ‘Bed Name’ in the dropdown and enter the Bed name in

textbox then beds with that name in all Rooms and wards will appear in List. To search bed by ‘Room Name’ Select ‘Room Name’ in the dropdown and enter the room

name in textbox then beds in that Room name of all wards will appear in list. To search bed by ‘Ward Name’ Select ‘Ward Name’ in the dropdown and enter the ward

name in textbox then the beds in that ward of all rooms will appear in list.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To add new Bed details click on Add New button in the Bed Details Page.

Fig (15) Add New Bed Details

First you have to select the Ward Name and Bed Name in which the New Bed is exists and then Room Type will automatically appear according to the room that you have selected

Then enter Name, Code and Cost per Day and Comments for the new bed and then click save button. Then the bed details will be saved to respective room.

To Edit the Bed details click on Edit in the Bed Details Page.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To Delete the Bed details click on Delete.

Fig (16) Edit Bed Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1.4.Department: To view existing Department details click on Department in the Administration tab.

Fig (17) View Existing Department Details (Department Details Page)

To add new Department details click on Add New button in the Department Details Page.

Fig(18) Add New Department Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To Edit the Department details click on Edit in the Department Details Page. To Delete the Department details click on Delete.

Fig (19) Delete Existing Department Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1.5.Employee: Here you can add new employee or edit details on existing employee like Employee Info,

Education, Experience, Family, Address, Pay Settings, Pay Slip, Salary Info and Login details on employee.

You can add an employee with any designation and you can provide any role to the employee in the login details page.

To view existing Employee details click on Employee in the Administration tab.

Fig (20) View Existing Employee Details (Employee Details Page)

Here you can search Employee by Employee Name or Department Name or Designation or Mobile Number

To search Employees by ‘Employee Name’ Select ‘Employee Name’ in the dropdown and enter the Employee Name in textbox then Employees with that name in all Departments will appear in List.

To search Employees by ‘Department Name’ Select ‘Department Name’ in the dropdown and enter the Department name in textbox then Employees with that name in specific department will appear in list.

To search Employee by ‘Designation’ Select ‘Designation’ in the dropdown and enter the Designation in textbox then the Employees with that Designation from all Departments will appear in list.

To search Employee by ‘Mobile No’ Select ‘Mobile No’ in the dropdown and enter the Mobile Number in textbox then the Employees with that Mobile Numbers will appear in list

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To add new Employee details click on Add New button in the Employee Details Page.

Fig (21) Add New Employee Details

To Edit the Employee details click on respective Edit button in the Employee Details Page, then a popup is displayed for Employee information pages

It contains Employee Information like Employee Info, Education, Experience, Family, Address, Pay Settings, Pay Slip, Salary Info and Login details.

On the top of the popup it contains the Employee Name and Employee ID of employee, whose details is going to be modified.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1. Employee Info:It contains the basic information of employee which is provided on creation of employee.

Fig (22) Edit Employee Info.

2. Employee Education Details: It contains Employee education and Qualification details. Previously add education details are shown at the bottom of the page as list.

Fig (23) Edit Employee Education Details.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

3. Employee Experience Details: It contains the Employee previous experience and company related information.

Fig (24) Employee Experience Details

4. Employee Family Related Information: It contains the employee family, Nominee and Emergency contact related information.

Fig (25) Employee Family Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5. Employee Address: It contains Employee’s Current and Permanent Address related information.

Fig (26) Employee Address Details

6. Employee Pay Settings: It contains Employee Pay account and other account details and bank details.

Fig (27) Employee Pay Setting Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

7. Employee Salary Details: It contains Employee Salary setting of a period of time according to this information the pay

slip is generated initially. Here you have to set Basic, HRA, PF, TDS and other information for a period of time which is

set by from date and to date. So that the Admin will provide all the details based on this information.

Fig (28) Employee Salary Information

Hospital Management System (HMS)

8. Employee Pay Slip: The Pay slip is generated based on the Salary Setting made in Salary Details page. Here you can select one of the account displayed in the dropdown to which the salary is

going to be credited.

Fig (29) Employee Pay Slip Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9. Employee login Details: It contains the login and role related information of employee. Here you can change the Role and security question and answer for the employee. Every will have Username and password, User Name cannot be changed. You can change

password in change password page in the profile.

Fig (30) Employee Login Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1.6.Doctor & Slots: To view existing Doctor Details and adjust doctor slots click on Doctor & Slots in the

Administration tab.

Fig (31) View Existing Doctor Details (Doctor & Slots Page)

You cannot add a new doctor here, if you want to add new doctor you have to add an employee with designation as doctor in Add New employee page from Employee Details Page then the employee details will be listed in Doctor & Slots page as a Doctor then you can provide slots for that doctor.

To Edit the Doctor details click on Edit in the Doctor Details Page. The Edit is similar to the Edit in Employee page (For more details please refer the description

provided for the Edit option in Employee page).

Hospital Management System (HMS)

Doctor Slots:

If you want to add a slot (Timings) to a doctor please click ‘Slots’ button on the doctor page. Here we can provide available timings of doctors to the patient and to the administration staff. Here we can provide doctor timings in four types

1. Daily2. Weakly3. Monthly4. Once in Month

1. Daily It means the doctor will be available on every day. In this you have to mention the available timings of doctor for all days.

2. Weakly It means the doctor will be available only on specific week day only (like available only

on Sunday and Monday or any other weeks like that). In this you have to select the specific

Fig (32) Doctor Slots

First select department of doctor for who you are going to give slots (Availability) of doctor. Then a list of doctors will be displayed in the Doctor’s dropdown list, select doctor from that list. Then select the Slot Type.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

1.7.Nurse: To view existing Nurse Details click on Nurse Details & Notes in the Administration tab.

Fig (32) View Existing Nurse Details (Nurse Details & Notes Page)

You cannot add a new nurse here, if you want to add new nurse you have to add an employee with designation as nurse in Add New employee page from Employee Details Page then the employee details will be listed in Nurse Details & Notes Page as a Nurse.

To Edit the Doctor details click on Edit in the Nurse Details Page. The Edit is similar to the Edit in Employee page (For more details please refer the description

provided for the Edit option in Employee page).

Hospital Management System (HMS)

2. Manage Users Tab In this tab you can add new user or role, edit and view existing users and roles. You can also Reset and View Passwords of existing users.

List of Menu Items in User Tab:

2.1. New User To add new User details click on the Add New button in User Details Page.

Fig (26) Add New User Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

2.2.User Details: To view existing user details click on the User Details on Manage Users tab.

Fig(27) View existing User Details To Edit the User details click on Edit in the User Details Page. To Delete the User details click on Delete.

Fig (28) Edit user details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

2.3. Roles:2.4.Role Details Tab:

To view existing Roles details click on the Role Details on Manage users tab.

Fig (29) View existing the Role Details

2.5. Reset Password Tab: To Reset the password of any existing user click the Reset Password on Manage Users tab

Fig(31) Reset Password

Hospital Management System (HMS)

Select the user Id and click “Reset” button to reset the password. It will generate new password to the selected user.

2.6. View Password Tab: To view existing password click on the View Password in the Manage Users Tab

Fig(32) View Password

Select the user Id and click on “View” button to view existing password.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

3. Patient In the patient Tab we have new patient and existing Patient details.

List of menu items in Patient tabs:

3.1. New Patient Tab Here you can add a new patient details. To add new patient details click on the AddNew on Patient Details Page.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

Fig(33)Add New Patient details

3.2.Patient Details Tab To view existing Patient details click on the Patient Details on patient tab.

Fig(34) View Existing the Patient Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

Here you can enter patient visit details You can a book doctor appointment for Outpatients You can book a room or a bed for Inpatients You can view, edit or delete an existing patient details Here you can search for a patient using Patient Name or Patient Mobile Number.

3.3.Search For patient Enter the name or mobile number.

3.4.Edit Patient details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To Edit the Patient details click on Edit in the Patient Details Page.

Fig(35) Edit Patient details

3.5.Delete patient details To Delete the Patient details click on Delete link of respective patient in the Patient Details


Fig (36) Delete the patient details

Click OK on the alert to conform deletion.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

3.6.View Patient Details To view the Patient details click on the View link of respective patient in the Patient Details


Fig (37) View Patient Details

3.7.Book Doctor appointment To booking a Doctor appointment click on the Book link of respective patient in the Patient

Details Page. Select doctor’s department and then select doctor Name, then doctor available days are

highlighted on calendar.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

Fig (38) Doctor Slot Booking-1

Select one of the highlighted day in calendar. Then the doctor available timings are displayed below the calendar.

Then select one of the available timing and click on save button.

3.8.Patient Visit Details Visit is only for Outpatients. To enter the visit details of the Patient (how booked the doctor appointment) click on the Visit

in the Patient Details Page. Then the latest appointment details will be loaded in to fields. You can add consultant fee and comments in respective fields and click on save.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

Fig (39) Patient Visit

3.9.Patient Admission Details Admission is only for Inpatients. To admit a patient clicks on Admission link of respective patient. Enter the date, time, amount, Comments and click on save button to admit inpatient.

Fig (40) Admission details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

4. Inpatient Here you can see list of all Inpatients. Here you can also modify or view the Inpatient admission details like doctor appointment

schedule, consult In charge, Consult Visit Entries, daily drug requisition, daily progress, discharge intimation, doctor related enquires, attainder, test suggested, operation details, treatment required, nurse note, test bill, medicine bill, discharge summary etc.

To view the admission details click on Eye Icon in the table and click on details link of respective admission entry.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To provide Admission Inpatient Details are1. Appointment Schedule2. Consult In charge3. Consult Visit Entries4. Daily Drug Requisition5. Daily Progress 6. Discharge intimation7. Doctor Related Enquires8. Attainders9. Test Suggested10. Operation Details11. Treatment Required12. Nurse Note13. Test Bill14. Medicine Bill15. Discharge summery

4.1.Appointment Schedule IT contains doctor details and when the doctor going to visit the patient next.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

4.2.Consult In chargeIt contains the details of doctor how suggest the patient to admit in hospital.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

4.3.Consult visit EntriesIt contains the details of previously visited doctor details to the patient and when did he visited last time.

4.4.Daily Drug RequisitionIt contains when to give the medicines to the patient.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

4.5.Daily ProgressIt contains the daily progress of the patient.

4.6.Discharge IntimationIt contains the estimated time and date of discharge.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

4.7.Doctor Related Enquires

4.8 Attainder

Hospital Management System (HMS)

4.9 Test Suggested

4.10 Operation Details

Hospital Management System (HMS)

4.11 Treatment Required

4.12 Nurse Note

Hospital Management System (HMS)

4.13 Test Bill

4.14 Discharge Summery

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5.0 Pharmacy

In Pharmacy module, we have mainly 4 tabs they are Pharmacy Master, Pharmacy Sales, Pharmacy Alerts and Pharmacy Reports.

5.1 Pharmacy Master

5.1.1 Add Company

To add new Company click on Add New in the Company Details Page.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5.1.2 View Company Details

To view existing Company details click on the Company on Pharmacy Master Tab.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5.1.3 Delete Company Details

5.2 Medicine Type

5.2.1 Add Medicine Type

Enter the Medicine type in the Textbox of Medicine Type Page and then click on save button, the medicine type added to the existing grid view.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5.2.2 Delete Medicine Type

To Delete the Existing Medicine details click on Delete link of respective Medicine Type in the Medicine Type page.

5.3 Medicine

5.3.1 Add Medicine

To add new Medicine clicks on Add New in the Medicine Details Page.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5.3.2 View Medicine Details

To view existing Medicine details clicks on the Medicines on Pharmacy Master Tab.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5.3.3 Search For Medicines

Here we are searching either Medicine Name or Company Name

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5.3.4 Edit Medicine details To Edit the Medicine details clicks on Edit in the Medicine Details Page.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

5.3.5 Delete Medicine Details

5.4 Orders

6.0 Pharmacy Sales

7.0 Pharmacy Alerts

7.1 Expired Medicines Within 60 Days

Here we can see the list of Expire Medicines below 60 Days.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

7.2 Expired Medicines Within 180 Days

7.3 Expired Medicines

7.4 Stock below 20

Hospital Management System (HMS)

7.5 Stock below 60

7.6 Stock below 100

8.0 Pharmacy Reports

Here you can see all the Reports regarding Daily Sales, Monthly Sales, Sales Return, Stock Return, Patient Invoice, Medicine Stock Reports .

Here export to pdf button is there, so we can also download and print all the reports.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

8.1 Daily Sales Report

8.2 Monthly Sales Report

8.2.1 Monthly Sales Report By Date

Hospital Management System (HMS)

8.2.2 Monthly Sales Report By Month

8.3 Sales Return Report

8.3.1 Sales Return Report By Date

Hospital Management System (HMS)

8.3.2 Sales Return Report By Month

8.4 Stock Return Report

8.4.1 Stock Return Report by Date

Hospital Management System (HMS)

8.4.2 Stock Return Report By Month

8.5 Patient Invoice Report

8.5.1 Patient Invoice Report by Date

Hospital Management System (HMS)

8.5.2 Patient Invoice Report by Patient Name

8.6 Medicine Stock Report

8.6.1 Medicine Stock Report by Date

Hospital Management System (HMS)

8.6.2 Medicine Stock Report by Month

9.0 Outpatient:

Here you can see list of all Outpatients. Here you can also modify or view the Outpatient admission details like Family History, Health

History, Personal History, Symptoms, Complaints, Prescription, Advice, Diagnosis Suggested, Test Suggested, Investigation, Treatment, Next Visit, Attachments, Test Bill, Diagnosis Bill, Total Bill etc.

Hospital Management System (HMS)

To view the admission details clicks on Eye Icon in the table and click on details link of respective admission entry.

To provide Admission Outpatient Details are

9.1 Family History

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9.2 Health History

9.3 Personal History

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9.4 Symptoms

9.5 Complaints

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9.6 prescriptions

9.7 Patient Advice

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9.8 Diagnosis Suggested

9.9 Test Suggested

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9.10 Investigation

9.11 Treatment Required

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9.12 Next Visit

9.13 Patient Attachments

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9.14 Test Bill

9.15 Diagnosis Bill

Hospital Management System (HMS)

9.16 Total Bill

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